table using Microsoft Excel.. table using Microsoft Excel.[r]
(1)Order Management Order Management
Using MS-Excel Using MS-Excel
Teacher: Tran Thi Song Minh
Teacher: Tran Thi Song Minh
Student: Nguyen Nguyet Minh CQ532515–
Student: Nguyen Nguyet Minh CQ532515–
Class: POHE B K53–
(2)Table of Content
Table of Content
1 The ProblemThe Problem
2 The SolutionThe Solution
3 ChartChart
(3)1 The Problem
1 The Problem
If I order up to 500 units of a product, I pay $3.00 per If I order up to 500 units of a product, I pay $3.00 per
unit unit
If I order from 501 through 1200 units, I pay $2.70 per If I order from 501 through 1200 units, I pay $2.70 per
unit unit
If I order from 1201 through 2000 units, I pay $2.30 per If I order from 1201 through 2000 units, I pay $2.30 per
unit unit
(4)2 The Solution
2 The Solution
In order to write a formula that
In order to write a formula that
expresses the purchase cost as
expresses the purchase cost as
a function of the number of
a function of the number of
units purchased, you have to
units purchased, you have to
follow these steps
(5)2.1 Create a table
2.1 Create a table
Firstly, you should creat a Firstly, you should creat a
table using Microsoft Excel
table using Microsoft Excel
with those columns include:
with those columns include:
Order Quantity (OQ)Order Quantity (OQ)
OQ RangeOQ Range
Per Unit Cost (UC)Per Unit Cost (UC)
(OQ) OQ RangeOQ Range per Unit Cost per Unit Cost (UC)(UC) CostCost
example :
(7)2.2 Insert the data
2.2 Insert the data
To write the formula, you have to create a table To write the formula, you have to create a table
first and then insert data to each column Then you
first and then insert data to each column Then you
will have to use function order IF with the OQ Range
will have to use function order IF with the OQ Range
column You can write the order for the OQ Range
column You can write the order for the OQ Range
For example :
For example :
=If(A3 500, “Less than 500”,if(A3 1200, “Less than =If(A3 500, “Less than 500”,if(A3 1200, “Less than << <<
1200”,if(A3 2000, “Less than 2000”, “Greater or <
1200”,if(A3 2000, “Less than 2000”, “Greater or <
Equal 2000”))) A3 is the name of the cell in the OQ
Equal 2000”))) A3 is the name of the cell in the OQ
Then Enter The first cell of the OQ Range column Then Enter The first cell of the OQ Range column
will be filled with one of these phares : Less than
will be filled with one of these phares : Less than
500; Less than 1200; Less than 2000; Greater of
500; Less than 1200; Less than 2000; Greater of
Equal 2000 The results depend on the number in the
Equal 2000 The results depend on the number in the
cell of the OQ column
(8)2.3 Write the function
2.3 Write the function
With the per Unit Cost (UC) column, you also With the per Unit Cost (UC) column, you also
have to use the function order IF, using the
have to use the function order IF, using the
=if(If(A3 500,3,if(A3 1200,2.7,if(A3 2000,2.3,2)< < <
=if(If(A3 500,3,if(A3 1200,2.7,if(A3 2000,2.3,2)< < <
(A3 is the name of the cell in OQ column)
(A3 is the name of the cell in OQ column)
Then Enter The first cell of the per Unit Then Enter The first cell of the per Unit
Cost column will be filled with one of
Cost column will be filled with one of
(9) The last column can be calculated by The last column can be calculated by
using this function order
using this function order
With A3 is the first column of OQ With A3 is the first column of OQ
C3 is the first column of per Unit Cost
C3 is the first column of per Unit Cost
A3 and C3 can be replaced by other A3 and C3 can be replaced by other cells of the two columns
cells of the two columns
(OQ) OQ RangeOQ Range per Unit Cost per Unit Cost (UC)(UC) CostCost
450 Less than 500Less than 500 33 13501350
900 Less than 1200Less than 1200 2.72.7 24302430
1450 Less than 2000Less than 2000 2.32.3 33353335 Greater or Equal
(11)3 Chart
3 Chart
You should also create a chart You should also create a chart
to see the dependent of the per
to see the dependent of the per
Unit Cost on the Order Quantity.
(13)4 Conclusion
4 Conclusion
be carefull not to mark wrong be carefull not to mark wrong
Choose the suitable chartChoose the suitable chart