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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POSTGRADUATE STUDIES VƯƠNG THU HẰNG FOREIGNIZATION AND DOMESTICATION OF CULTURE-SPECIFIC ITEMS IN TWO VIETNAMESE TRANSLATIONS OF THE ENGLISH NOVEL “THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS” (Ngoại lai hóa địa hóa yếu tố đặc thù văn hóa hai dịch Anh-Việt “Gió qua rặng liễu” “Gió đùa liễu”) M.A MAJOR PROGRAMME THESIS Field: English Linguistics Code: 8220201.01 HÀ NỘI - 2020 VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POSTGRADUATE STUDIES VƯƠNG THU HẰNG FOREIGNIZATION AND DOMESTICATION OF CULTURE-SPECIFIC ITEMS IN TWO VIETNAMESE TRANSLATIONS OF THE ENGLISH NOVEL “THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS” (Ngoại lai hóa địa hóa yếu tố đặc thù văn hóa hai dịch Anh-Việt “Gió qua rặng liễu” “Gió đùa liễu”) M.A MAJOR PROGRAMME THESIS Field: English Linguistics Code: 8220201.01 Supervisor: Assoc Prof Dr Lê Hùng Tiến HÀ NỘI - 2020 DECLARATION I hereby state that the major programme thesis entitled “Foreignization and Domestication of Culture-specific Items in Two Vietnamese Translations of the English Novel “The Wind in the Willows”” has been conducted and submitted in partial of fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Master of Arts at the Faculty of Postgraduate Studies, University of Languages and International Studies, Vietnam National University, Hanoi I confirm that this submission is my own work and has not been submitted for any other degree, and all the references to other works mentioned in the paper have been cited properly, to the best of my knowledge and belief Vương Thu Hằng Hà Nội, June 2020 i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS In the first place, I would like to express my sincere thanks for the Translation and Interpreting Division, Faculty of English Language Teacher Education, University of Languages and International Studies, VNU Hanoi for providing me with an advantageous environment to gain useful knowledge and access materials about translation studies Next, I feel profoundly grateful to my supervisor, Assoc Prof Dr Lê Hùng Tiến, for his enthusiastic support and encouragement that helped me surmount difficulties Without his valuable contributive advice, this study could not have been completed Besides, my heartfelt thanks are given to my classmates from class QH2016D1 for standing by my side and urging me on throughout the research period I genuinely appreciate their support and constant encouragement Also, I am much obliged to other fellow friends of mine Thanks to their positive suggestions and encouragement, I could possibly gain great inspirations Their provision of rare and precious reference materials was real help to me Ultimately, I am deeply indebted to my husband and my whole family for their wholehearted support Thanks to them, I could maintain high motivation and study in favorable conditions ii ABSTRACT This research investigates the translation strategies and procedures applied to treat culture-specific items appearing in “The wind in the willows” by Kenneth Grahame in its Vietnamese translations “Gió qua rặng liễu” by Nguyên Tâm (2006) and “Gió đùa liễu” by Nguyễn Thị Cẩm Linh (2017) To fulfil this aim, the mixed method is adopted in this study The qualitative method and quantitative calculations are used to process 171 culture-specific items identified from the 12 chapters of the source text and their translations in the target texts Based on the taxonomy of culture-specific items synthesized from different works, especially Espindola (2005) and the taxonomy of domesticating and foreignizing procedures following Aixelá (2016), the study compares and contrasts the culture-specific items in the source text with those in the target texts and between the target texts themselves and describes the phenomenon of translation practices with culture-specific items As a result, among 14 types of culture-specific items, food and drink, toponyms and ecology are the largest groups Next, foreignization is more prevailing than domestication to treat 171 culture-specific items in both of the translations Intratextual gloss and linguistic (non-cultural) translation are the most dominant foreignizing procedures, and deletion and absolute universalization are the most dominant domesticating procedures The procedures used to treat each type of culture-specific items are also identified Most of food and drink items are foreignized through linguistic (non-cultural) translation and intratextual gloss Toponyms are frequently foreignized through repetition and extratextual gloss Ecological items are mainly foreignized through linguistic (non-cultural) translation iii TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ii ABSTRACT iii TABLE OF CONTENTS iv LIST OF TABLES, FIGURES, AND ABBREVIATIONS vi CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Statement of the problem and rationale for the study 1.2 Aims and objectives of the study 1.3 Scope of the study 1.4 Organization CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Culture-specific items 2.1.1 Definition of culture-specific items 2.1.2 Categorization of culture-specific items Klingberg (1986) Newmark (1988) 11 Stempleski and Tomalin (1993) 14 Aixelá (1996) 15 Davies (2003) 16 Other theoretical frameworks of CSIs in the 21st century 17 Taxonomy of culture-specific items adopted in this research 19 2.2 Domestication and foreignization 21 2.2.1 Concepts of domestication and foreignization 21 2.2.2 Local procedures of domestication and foreignization of CSIs 23 Vinay and Darbelnet (1958) 23 Aixelá (1996) 25 iv Hervey and Higgins (1992) 29 Bastin (in Baker, 1998) 32 Laviosa and Braithwaite (1998) 33 Harvey (2000) 36 CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 40 3.1 Research method 40 3.2 Research corpus 41 3.3 Procedure of data collection 42 3.4 Procedure of data analysis 44 CHAPTER 4: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 47 Answer to research question 1: To what extent are the culture-specific items domesticated and foreignized in the two Vietnamese translations “Gió qua rặng liễu” by Nguyên Tâm and “Gió đùa liễu” by Nguyễn Thị Cẩm Linh? 48 Answer to research question 2: Which domestication and foreignization-oriented procedures are the most dominant as the treatment of all the culture-specific items in general and for each type of culture-specific items in particular? 61 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUSION 77 5.1 Recapitulation 77 5.2 Implications 80 5.3 Limitations 83 5.4 Suggestions for further research 84 REFERENCES 86 APPENDIX I APPENDIX XVII v LIST OF TABLES, FIGURES, AND ABBREVIATIONS List of abbreviations CSIs: Culture-specific items SC: Source culture SL: Source language ST: Source text TC: Target culture TL: Target language TT: Target text TT1: “Gió qua rặng liễu” translated by Nguyên Tâm (2006) TT2: “Gió đùa liễu” translated by Nguyễn Thị Cẩm Linh (2017) List of tables Page Table 1.1: Taxonomy of culture-specific items by Aixelá (1996) 15 Table 1.2: Taxonomies of culture-specific items in the 21st century 18 Table 1.3: Taxonomy of culture-specific items synthesized in this research 20 Table 4.1: Frequency and percentage of the overall strategies of domestication and foreignization applied in “Gió qua rặng liễu” and “Gió đùa liễu” 55 Table 4.2: Frequency of domestication and foreignization for each type of CSIs 58 Table 4.3: Frequency of domestication and foreignization-oriented procedures 62 Table 4.4: Frequency of foreignization and domestication-oriented procedures for each type of CSIs vi 66 List of figures Page Figure 1.1: Newmark’s taxonomy of culture-specific items (1988) 12 Figure 1.2: Taxonomy of culture-specific items by Stempleski and Tomalin (1993) 15 Figure 1.3: Taxonomy of culture-specific items by Davies (2003) 17 Figure 2.1: Aixelá’s taxonomy of domestication and foreignizationoriented procedures (1996) 26 Figure 2.2: Hervey and Higgins’s taxonomy of foreignization and domestication procedures (1992) 30 Figure 2.3: Taxonomy of domestication and foreignization-oriented procedures adopted in this research based on the framework by Aixelá (1996) 38 Figure 4.1: Percentage of the types of culture-specific items collected from “The wind in the willows” 49 Figure 4.2: Percentage of foreignization and domestication-oriented procedures used to treat the CSIs 63 Figure 4.3: Percentage of foreignization and domestication-oriented procedures applied to treat toponyms 67 Figure 4.4: Percentage of foreignization and domestication-oriented procedures applied to treat CSIs about food and drink 71 Figure 4.5: Percentage of foreignization and domestication-oriented procedures applied to treat ecological CSIs vii 73 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION This chapter makes the statement of the research problem and gives the rationale of the study Besides, it presents the aims and objectives of the study, its significance and its organization 1.1 Statement of the problem and rationale for the study In the present era of globalization and integration, translation has become increasingly significant in various areas in countries across the world because it is necessary for people to overcome the language barrier in order to successfully communicate with one another Translation has been defined over the past decades Among the earliest definitions, the one proposed by Hartman and Stock (1972 - Cited in Tiến & Bắc, 2008) said that translation was the substitution of a source language unit with an equivalent target language unit Then, Larson (Cited in Tiến & Bắc, 2008) defined translation as a procedure of three major steps of examining SL factors, grasping their meaning then and reconstructing it with TL units appropriate for the target culture It could be seen that Larson’s definition shows more interest in the naturalness of translation In other words, Larson’s approach seems more TL-oriented Besides, Munday (2001) considered translation as either “the general subject field, the product (the text that has been translated) or the process (the act of producing the translation, otherwise known as translating)” (pp 4-5) Generally, there have been various definitions of translation, and each emphasizes different issues in translation Among them, there have been discussions about whether translation should be SL-oriented or TL-oriented The task of translation has never been easy due to many factors including complicated cultural and linguistic factors among which are culture-specific items Concerning cultural translation, culture-specific items are embedded with very special connotation; therefore, the successful translation of one “cultural word” has never been an easy task To deal with culture-specific words or phrases, there are two basic strategies proposed by Venuti (1995) Controversy surrounding domestication and APPENDIX Culture-specific items in “The wind in the willows” and their translation in “Gió đùa liễu” Type of CSIs ST Adriatic Alassio Barbary (corsair) Bordeaux Channel Toponyms (21) Constatinople Cornwall "Gió đùa liễu" by Nguyễn Thị Cẩm Linh Strategy TT2 Procedure F D Adriatic - Biển Adriatic thuộc Địa Repetition Trung Hải, nằm Extratextual gloss Italia bán đảo Balkan Alassio Repetition Barbary Repetition Bordeauz Repetition Intratextual gloss - Limited universalization eo biển Manche Constantinople thành phố tráng lệ có lịch sử lâu đời, đổi tên Istanbul thủ đô nước Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ Cornwall Corsica đảo Corsia Devon Devon Grand Canal Levant Lisbon Kênh Đào Lớn miền Cận Đông - Các nước bên bờ Địa Trung Hải, từ Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ tới Ai Cập bến Lisbon - Lisbon, Oporto thuộc Bồ Đào XVII Repetition Extratextual gloss Repetition Repetition Intratextual gloss Repetition Linguistic (noncultural) translation 2 1 Intratextual gloss - Extratextual gloss Repetition Intratextual gloss Type of CSIs Brands (2) "Gió đùa liễu" by Nguyễn Thị Cẩm Linh ST Strategy TT2 Procedure F D Nha; Bordeaux thuộc - Extratextual Pháp; Cornwall gloss Devon hai vùng nằm tây nam nước Anh Eo biển Manche nằm Pháp Anh Marseilles Marseilles Repetition Linguistic (noncultural) Mediterranean Địa Trung Hải translation Oporto Oporto Repetition Oxford Oxford Repetition Palermo - Palermo, Sardina đảo Sicily Repetition thuộc Italia Đảo Palermo Extratextual gloss Corsia (hay Corse) thuộc Pháp Repetition Sicily đảo Sicily Intratextual gloss Sardinia Sardina Repetition Linguistic (noncultural) Red Lion Hotel quán trọ Sư Tử Đỏ translation Venice - Venice: thành phố giàu truyền thống văn hóa Italia, tiếng Repetition phố Venice Extratextual gloss ngập nước, muốn lại phải dùng thuyền gondola có hai đầu cong vút Intratextual gloss Buggin's hãng Buggins - Repetition XVIII Type of CSIs ST Old Burton Garibaldi Gothic Anthroponyms, racial groups and titles (9) gypsies Samuel ma'am Mary missus Victoria sir ballad jig dance-music Forms of entertainment, instruments, artistic references (11) Dominoes feeble jig Gavotte guitar Harvest Home mandoline pan-pipes "Gió đùa liễu" by Nguyễn Thị Cẩm Linh Strategy TT2 Procedure F D Intratextual gloss bia Old Burton - Repetition Garibaldi - Garibaldi Repetition (1807-1881) danh Extratextual gloss nhân người Ý Orthographic gơ-tích adaptation Intratextual gloss - Limited dân di-gan 1 universalization Samuel Repetition chị Naturalization Deletion Absolute vợ universalization Victoria Repetition anh Naturalization Deletion Deletion Linguistic (noncultural) nhạc vũ hội translation Orthographic Bộ đô-mi-nô adaptation Intratextual gloss Repetition Một điệu jig ngắn Intratextual gloss Deletion Deletion hoan ca vụ mùa Intratextual gloss bội thu Deletion Deletion Footnote: loại 1 Extratextual gloss nhạc cụ làm từ XIX Type of CSIs Means of transportation (8) Measuring system and currencies (16) "Gió đùa liễu" by Nguyễn Thị Cẩm Linh ST Strategy TT2 Procedure F D ống sậy (pan-pipes), trơng giống bè nên cịn gọi sáo bè, xin dịch sáo cho dễ hiểu chơi ki - Một trò chơi, Intratextual gloss người chơi cố làm đổ - Orthographic nhiều ki skittle adaptation tốt cách Extratextual gloss lăn bóng vào chúng caique Deletion caravan nhà lưu động Intratextual gloss coach-and-four xe tứ mã Intratextual gloss galley Deletion Cái nhà xe lưu động Gypsy caravan Intratextual gloss kiểu du mục pony-chaise xe ngựa nhỏ Intratextual gloss swaying Intratextual gloss thuyền gondola gondolas - Repetition Wager-boat Một loại thuyền Intratextual gloss yard Deletion Linguistic (noncultural) acre mẫu đất translation dozen chục Naturalization forty winks chợp mắt chốc Naturalization golden đồng tiền vàng Intratextual gloss sovereign Absolute inches Một khoảng universalization Absolute acreage miền đất universalization XX Type of CSIs ST league by league mile pound pounds shillings Sixpence three-andsixpence Twopence golden guines Bacon bubble-andsqueak captain's biscuits Food and drink (27) champagne ham cordials sandwidges "Gió đùa liễu" by Nguyễn Thị Cẩm Linh Strategy TT2 Procedure F D Absolute nẻo đường universalization Linguistic (noncultural) dặm đường translation cân Naturalization Linguistic (noncultural) đồng bảng translation shilling Repetition Linguistic (noncultural) sáu xu translation ba đồng sáu Hai xu Thịt muối xơng khói thịt rán bánh quy rượu champagne Đùi lợn loại rượu thuốc Xăng uých XXI Naturalization Linguistic (noncultural) translation Deletion Intratextual gloss Deletion + Autonomous creation Orthographic adaptation Intratextual gloss Repetition Intratextual gloss Absolute universalization Deletion + Autonomous creation Orthographic adaptation 1 1 2 2 Type of CSIs ST brown ale French rolls German sausage Ginger beer guava jelly buttered toast lobster salad macaroni pudding mustard nightcap oatmeat porridge "Gió đùa liễu" by Nguyễn Thị Cẩm Linh Strategy TT2 Procedure F D Absolute bia universalization Linguistic (nonbánh cuộn kiểu Pháp cultural) translation Orthographic khúc xúc xích kiểu adaptation Đức Intratextual gloss Linguistic (noncultural) Bia gừng translation Linguistic (noncultural) thạch ổi translation Linguistic (nonbánh mì phết bơ cultural) nướng tranlation Orthographic adaptation Linguistic (nonxa-lát tôm hùm cultural) translation Orthographic adaptation bánh pút-đinh Linguistic (non3 mì ống cultural) translation Intratextual gloss Orthographic mù tạt adaptation tuần bia nóng cuối Intratextual gloss Linguistic (noncultural) cháo yến mạch translation XXII Type of CSIs Costume and clothes (14) "Gió đùa liễu" by Nguyễn Thị Cẩm Linh ST Strategy TT2 Procedure F D pasty đồ nhắm Naturalization pâté de foie gras Repetition pâté de foie - Pâté de foie gras Intratextual gloss gras (tiếng Pháp): pa- - Extratextual tê gan béo ngậy gloss Deletion Pickled Linguistic (nonDưa chuột muối 1 gherkins salad cultural) translation Limited Plum-cake Món bánh nho khơ universalization Linguistic (nonPotted lobsters, Tơm hùm cá mịi cultural) sardines đóng hộp translation Salad Deletion Orthographic adaptation Soda-water Nước xô-đa Linguistic (non2 cultural) translation Limited trifle bánh kem universalization vintage thứ rượu nho lâu năm Intratextual gloss bonnet mũ rộng vành Intratextual gloss breeches Deletion Absolute universalization Carpet slippers Dép lê vải 1 Intratextual gloss casquet and Absolute corselet of áo giáp universalization steel Absolute dressing-gown quần áo ngủ universalization gaiters bảo vệ ống chân Intratextual gloss Goloshes Đôi giày cao su Intratextual gloss XXIII Type of CSIs ST jacket Jerkin knitted jersey pot-hats shawl Smoking suit waistcoat alder aspen Ecology (20) beechmast birch bulrush canary Comfrey "Gió đùa liễu" by Nguyễn Thị Cẩm Linh Strategy TT2 Procedure F D Absolute áo khoác universalization Absolute Lớp áo universalization Absolute áo len universalization Deletion Autonomous mũ len creation Absolute khăn choàng universalization Absolute Cái áo khoác universalization Limited áo gi lê universalization Limited phong universalization dương rung Dương rung: Linguistic (nonloài thuộc họ cultural) dương (cây cao translation thẳng, thon), Extratextual gloss đặc biệt dễ lao xao, lay động trước gió Deletion Limited dương universalization Linguistic (noncultural) cỏ nến translation Linguistic (noncultural) chim bạch yến translation Hoa búp - Một loại Linguistic (non2 cỏ mọc châu Âu cultural) XXIV Type of CSIs ST crab-apple cuckoo Dabchicks dock Dog-rose Loosestrife gorse Prize Hackney "Gió đùa liễu" by Nguyễn Thị Cẩm Linh Strategy TT2 Procedure F D châu Á, có thân translation hình kim, hoa Extratextual gloss chùm màu tím, trắng, hoongf xanh da trời Các nhà dược thảo học xưa lấy rễ cỏ nghiền nhỏ, điều chế thành thuốc đắp chỗ gãy xương thành xi-rô chữa ho đau lưng Linguistic (noncultural) táo dại translation chim cu Naturalization Linguistic (noncultural) Chim lặn translation Linguistic (noncultural) chút chít translation Linguistic (noncultural) Hoa tầm xuân translation Trân châu - Một loại Linguistic (noncây mọc vùng đầm cultural) lầy, nhọn, hoa translation thành cụm màu Extratextual gloss tía Linguistic (noncultural) kim tước translation (ngựa) giật giải Repetition Hackey Intratextual gloss XXV Type of CSIs ST robin rowan stoats valerian willow-wren Scholastic references (1) "Gió đùa liễu" by Nguyễn Thị Cẩm Linh Strategy TT2 Procedure F D chim cổ đỏ Intratextual gloss Linguistic (nontrái lương trà cultural) translation Linguistic (noncultural) chồn éc-min translation hoa nữ lang - Nữ Linguistic (nonlang: loài thảo cultural) mộc, hoa màu hồng translation trắng Extratextual gloss Linguistic (noncultural) chim hồng tước translation hero of a Sunday-school prize antimacassar Buildings and home furnishings (14) boudoir bridle-paths cabin Deletion lớp dầu thơm Dầu thơm (tiếng Anh: macassar): loại dầu kích thích tóc mọc nhanh, đồng thời thơm pha trộn dầu ô-liu mùi hương hải ly Macassar địa danh nơi loại dầu chế phòng ngủ đường cho xe ngựa ca-bin XXVI Deletion Autonomous creation Extratextual gloss Absolute universalization Intratextual gloss Orthographic adaptation 1 1 Type of CSIs ST Door-scraper French window high-backed settles horn lantern Inn lodging public-house Second-class waiting-room sofa Tudor window Fictional characters, mythological, religious, Ark "Gió đùa liễu" by Nguyễn Thị Cẩm Linh Strategy TT2 Procedure F D Cái gạt tuyết Thanh gạt tuyết: Một kim loại ngắn gắn hai cọc, Intratextual gloss đặt trước cửa vào; - Extratextual trước vào nhà, gloss người ta gạt chân vào để chùi tuyết đế giày Absolute cửa sổ lớn universalization ghế tủ lưng dựa cao Ghế tủ: ghế dài Intratextual gloss gỗ cho hai người nhiều hơn, có - Extratextual lưng dựa cao tay gloss tựa, chỗ ngồi thường mặt tủ Absolute đèn lồng universalization Quán trọ Naturalization chỗ khách Intratextual gloss quán rượu Naturalization Linguistic (noncultural) Phòng chờ hạng hai translation Orthographic adaptation ghế xô-pha Intratextual gloss Cái cửa sổ kiểu Repetition Tudor Intratextual gloss tàu Nô-ê - Câu Intratextual gloss chuyện tàu - Extratextual Nô-ê (Noah) xuất xứ gloss từ Kinh Thánh Chúa XXVII Type of CSIs ST literary references, beliefs, values, customs, traditions, habits (15) carol-singing casual evensong Goodman Joseph Fate "Gió đùa liễu" by Nguyễn Thị Cẩm Linh Strategy TT2 Procedure F D Trời giận lồi người độc ác nên tạo trận Đại Hồng Thủy nhấn chìm mặt đất Chỉ riêng Nơ-ê Chúa Trời báo trước, đóng tàu lớn, đưa gia đình lồi vật lên, lồi đôi Sau nước rút, vật trở với tự nhiên, sinh sôi, tạo giới tốt đẹp thánh ca Intratextual gloss Số Phận đặt Lord of the Lone Trail Ông Vua Độc Đạo Masquerade Ngày hội hóa trang Dãy Núi Mặt Trăng theo truyền thuyết, nằm châu Phi, cội nguồn dịng sơng Nile Ở đây, tác giả dùng hình ảnh Dãy Núi Mặt Trăng ẩn dụ, ý nói Mountains of the Moon XXVIII Deletion Deletion Deletion Autonomous creation Deletion Autonomous creation Intratextual gloss Linguistic (noncultural) translation Extratextual gloss 2 Type of CSIs ST Nowell Nymph picnic Return of Ulysses Sigurd Supper the Friend and Helper "Gió đùa liễu" by Nguyễn Thị Cẩm Linh Strategy TT2 Procedure F D Chuột Sông chưa xa vùng đồng cỏ này, giới đến hết Deletion Nàng tiên rừng Intratextual gloss Absolute cắm trại universalization chàng Ulysses trở - Tác giả lấy tích thần thoại Hy Lạp La Mã Người anh hùng Ulysses tham gia chiến tranh Repetition thành Troy, lập Intratextual gloss khơng chiến cơng, - Extratextual phải trôi gloss mười năm trời biển, trải qua bao sóng gió, có ngày quê hương Sigurd Repetition Bữa ăn khuya Intratextual gloss Người Thổi Sáo - Ở tác giả miêu tả thần Pan thần thoại Hy Lạp, vị thần Limited nửa thân universalization 1 người, đầu có sừng, Extratextual gloss hai chân chân dê Theo thần thoại, Pan thần Thiên Nhiên, Đồng Nội, giỏi ca hát, bí ẩn, XXIX Type of CSIs ST Legal system, local institutions, military, historical, political references, organizations (4) halberd men-at-arm Royal Humane Society thumbscrewroom Oddsbodikins! Others (9) salon chauffeur "Gió đùa liễu" by Nguyễn Thị Cẩm Linh Strategy TT2 Procedure F D thường làm người bất ngờ đến mức hoảng sợ Thần mang bên loại nhạc cụ làm từ ống sậy (panpipes), trơng giống hình bè nên cịn gọi sáo bè, xin dịch sáo cho dễ hiểu trường miêu - Một Deletion loại vũ khí cổ, trơng Autonomous giống thương, creation thịnh hành châu Âu Extratextual gloss vào kỷ XV-XVI Linguistic (nonkị binh cultural) translation Deletion buồng nhục hình Này lão cai ngục salon - Tiếng Pháp nguyên bản, nghĩa phòng dành riêng cho hội họp bạn bè, nói chuyện thân mật bác tài xế XXX Limited universalization Deletion Autonomous creation Repetition Extratextual gloss Naturalization 2 Type of CSIs ST Dulce Domum en pension farewell embrace "Gió đùa liễu" by Nguyễn Thị Cẩm Linh Strategy TT2 Procedure F D Absolute Về nhà universalization Khách en pension tiếng Pháp Repetition nguyên bản: trọ Intratextual gloss nhà người - Extratextual xứ, tham gia gloss vào sinh hoạt gia đình Linguistic (noncultural) ơm tạm biệt translation Ooorayoo-rayoo-ray-ooray' Hoan hô! Hoan hô! Naturalization table d'hôte table d'hôte - tiếng Pháp nguyên bản: bàn tiệc lớn, thường ăn trời Repetition Extratextual gloss Touching of forelocks Deletion XXXI ... VIETNAMESE TRANSLATIONS OF THE ENGLISH NOVEL “THE WIND IN THE WILLOWS” (Ngoại lai hóa địa hóa yếu tố đặc thù văn hóa hai dịch Anh- Việt “Gió qua rặng liễu” “Gió đùa liễu”) M.A MAJOR PROGRAMME THESIS... Phạm Thị Quỳnh Anh (2015) both carried out studies on them despite their different approaches Hải (2015) laid more emphasis on CSIs together with idioms and colloquialisms Meanwhile, Anh (2015) concentrated... dominance of foreignization through the English-Vietnamese translation In 2014, Dương Thị Ngọc Anh researched on the domestication and foreignization in the English-Vietnamese translation of

Ngày đăng: 20/05/2021, 14:13



