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- Ss do the task at home. Homework: - Revise today’s lesson.. Grammar: REPORTED SPEECH WITH INFINITIVE.. I. Objectives:At the end of the lesson, students will be able to how to use r[r]


Date of planning: 12/8/2010 Period 1: Grammar : Gerund

I.Aims : Help ss to review the use of gerund

II.Objectives : By the end of the lesson ,ss will be able to :

remind the use of gerund and apply to some exercises III Material :Hand out ,books

IV.Procedures :

T s and Ss activities’ ’ Content

- T supplies Ss with the cases

in which gerund are used (This is printed in handouts delivered to Ss before hand.)

Grammar : A present :

I verb -ing :

form : Present : verb -ing

Perfect :having + past participle

Negative : not verb - ing examples :

1.As a noun ( subject or object ) Swimming is a good form of exercise

2.After a preposition or verb + preposition Helen is excited about studying a broad

3 After certain verbs:

Admit , dislike , mention ,recall , enjoy , mind , fancy ,miss ,resent , postpone , resist ,delay ,discuss ,practice , finish , avoid ,like ,love ,mind ,involve , suggest ,risk ………

Eg: He avoided answering my questions 4.After verb or expressions with to :

Be /get accustomed to /be /get used to/ in addition to Look forget to /object to /take to ………

Eg: The children is not used to getting up early 5.After certain expressions :

As well as it is no good /use Be in favor of

Can't stand / help it is worth

Feel like there is no chance of Have difficult in there is no point in How about what is the point of…? What is the use of … Structures :

A, prefer + verb (bare ) rather than + verb (bare ) B prefer + verb ing + to + verb ing

C catch / find /leave + obj + verb ing D be busy + verb ing

E spend /waste + expression of money or time

G advise /allow /encourage /permit /require /}+verb ing Permit /tell /ask /…… }+ Obj + to verb

Infinitive or ing form with different meaning

1 Try : + ing : make an experiment I tried eating this food try + to verb : make an effort I tried to persuade her to


3 remember /forget /regret +verb_ ing : we refer something that has already happened

4 remember /forget /regret +to verb : we remember /forget / regret st before doing it

Eg: I remember visiting Paris in 1990 Don't forget to go to the supermarket Stop +v ing :the action was stopped and not repeated

6 stop + to verb : the action was interrupted ,but probably continued afterwards

Eg: The teacher stops talking to write

I was writing a letter but I stopped to answer the phone Choose the sentence closest in meaning to the given one :

1.Even though the telephone rang ,he went on playing his violin a) He continued to play the violin despite the fact that the

telephone was ringing

b) He played the violin until the telephone rang

c) He did not continue to play the violin after the telephone rang


a) Jane does not remember whether she put a stamp on the letter or not

b) She put a stamp on the letter but she does not remember doing it

c) Jane did not put a stamp on the letter because she did not remember to so

Sue regrets selling her car

a) Sue decided not to sell her car because it would be a mistake b) Sue may not sell her car

c) Sue sold her car but now thinks it was a mistake

4.We stopped to buy a bottle of wine before visiting the Jonesons a) We bought a bottle of wine on our way to the Jonesons b) We no longer buy a bottle of wine before visiting the


c) We did not buy a bottle of wine before visiting the Jonesons Charlie could not sleep last night ,so he tried listening to music but it did not help

a) Charlie made an effort to listen to music but he could not b) Charlie thought listening to music might help but he was


c) Charlie listened to music and felt asleep Choose the best answer :

1.Maria is going to stop …….dinner ,so she may be late a eating b to eat c eat d for eating

I asked him …….,but he went anyway

a not to go b to not go c does not go d he does not go we are 18 ,so we …………vote

a too old to b young enough to c old enough to d old enough for I bought this new soft ware ……….English

a for learning b to learn c learn d learned 5.Are you ready ? it's time ……

a for going b to go c going d go feed back and give correct answer

Wrapping up :

Summarize the content of lesson


Date of planning: 16/8/2010 Period 2: INFINITIVES

I.Aims : Help ss to review the use of to infinitive.

II.Objectives : By the end of the lesson ,ss will be able to :

remind the use of to infinitive and apply to some exercises III Material :Hand out ,books

IV.Procedures :

T s and Ss activities’ ’ Content

- T supplies Ss with the cases

in which infinitives are used (This is printed in handouts delivered to Ss before hand.)

Grammar : II.To verb :

Negative form :not + to verb The full infinitive is used : as a subject of the sentence

2.To express the purpose :

Eg: She went to the post office to collect her parcel 3.After certain verbs :(as the object )

Eg :she wants to go to the post office effort ,decide ,hesitate , plan ,remind Agree, demand ,hope ,prepare, seem , Appear ,learn, swear ,present , tent, refuse Ask ,beg ,want ……… Eg: My friend invited me to joy them 4.After the object of certain verbs :

Advice ,expect ,beg ,hire ,invite, forbid ,tell , Urge, cause ,allow , forbid …………

After verbs followed by a question word (who , what ,which ,where ,how ,but not why )


Eg: you remember what to buy ?

Could you show me how to use your computer ? After certain adjectives :

Afraid ,careful ,lucky , surprised , amazed , pleased ,sad , upset , glad ,

Shocked , willing , happy , sorry ,ready , anxious ,ready ,determined………

Eg: You have to be careful not to say anything insulting 7.After the following of the structures :

a) it + be + adj + (of /for + adj ) + to verb Eg: it is very kind of her to call

b) too + adj / adv + for +O +to verb Eg: this shirt is too large for me to wear c) enough + noun } + for + Obj + to verb

adj /adv+ enough

Eg: this shirt is large enough for me to wear III Bare infinitive :

The bare infinitive is used : 1.After most modal verbs :

Eg: you should get up earlier in the morning After : would rather ,would sooner ,had better

Eg : Jane would rather go to Salonica by plane

3.After the verbs : hear ,let , listen to ,make ,notice ,observe ,see ,watch ,…

Eg : She heard him come in He was made to some extra work

4.In the following structures:

Why …….? /why not …… ?( for suggestions and advice ) Eg : Why not have another drink ?

B Exercises :

1.Complete using the ing form or the infinitive of the verb in the brackets :

a) It was Mr Kent who suggested Mary 's ………( study ) abroad b) You don't expect me …(believe ) that you actually meet Mai ,do

you ?

c) The board of the directors discuss the project ,then went on … (discuss ) another topic

d) Why continue …….(work ) there if you don't like your job ? e) He regrets ….(not go ) to see his grandparents in Paris f) It' s worth …….(shop )at the Stacey's as if it is cheap g) My doctor does not permit me ….( eat ) red meat

h) He would rather …… (spend )the holidays ….(ski ) than …… (sunbathe ) on a beach somewhere

i) Anyone can ……….(get ) used to (live) a life of luxury j) If you ever decide …… (sell )your car ,let me … (know ) k) I would like you …….(water ) the plants for me at the weekend l) I clearly remember ……….(set ) my alarm clock before go to

bed lat night

Feed back and give correct answer Summarize the content of lesson Comments:


Date of planning: 19/8/2010 Period 3:

Grammar : Verb - inf and verb-ing

I Aims : Help ss to review the use of verb - inf and gerund II Objectives : By the end of the lesson ,ss will be able to :

remind the use of verb - inf ,verb-ing and apply to some exercises III Material :hand out ,books

IV.Procedures :

T s and Ss activities’ ’ Content

- T supplies Ss with the


I Complete the sentences with the gerund or the infinitive of the verbs in brackets:

1 We plan ( take)……… our holidays abroad this year I prefer (drive)……… to (be)……… driven

3 Would you mind (lend) ……… $5? I need (buy) a pen


4 At first I enjoyed (listen) ……….to him but after a while I got tired of (hear)……… the same story again and again Come over here! I’d like you (see) ……….this

6 I suggest (telephone) ……… the hospital before (ask) the police (look) for him ……… ………

7 Don’t pretend (be)……… what you aren’t

8 Annie denied (throw) ……….the brick through the window We are planning (visit)……… several historical sites in Moscow

10 For some strange reasons, I keep (think)……… today is Saturday


Complete each of the following sentences with to-inf and/or inf without to:

1 I’ve decided (buy)…… a new apartment

2 What time you expect (arrive) …… in Chicago? That T-shirt makes you (look) …… younger Let me (post) …… that letter for you

5 It’s important for students (do) ……their homework I promise you your order will (send) …… today She went to the post office (buy) …… some stamps He isn’t tall enough (reach) …… the top sheft We listened (sing) …… a song

10 I heard her (shout) …… at the children 11 It’s too cold for us (go) …… swimming today

12 It takes hours (fly) …… from Los Angerles to Honolulu 13 I saw her (across) …… the road

14 They have a lot of homework (do) …… 15 John is easy (please) ……

16 I’m sorry ( have troubled) ……you

17 It’s late I think we had better (go) …… home 18 We can (leave) …… soon

19 Don’t let the children (annoy) …… you 20 We want (stay) …… home tonight

21 My father allowed me (use) ………… the camera

22 People use their money (buy) …… and (sell) …… things 23 She asked us (sit)… down and went (make) … some coffee 24 Tim is too young (join) ………… the army

25 The movie was very sad It made me (cry) ………… 26 Would you like (come) ………… to dinner on Friday? 27 It took us three hours (get) ………… here


Date of planning: 26/8/2010 Period 4: CLOZE TEXT & READING PASSAGE

I Aim: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to - read for specific information,

- understand the text and express their ideas about past experiences II.Language knowledge:

1.Grammar: past simple

2.Vocabulary: new words in the cloze text and in the passage III Material :hand out ,books

IV.Procedures :

T s and Ss activities’ ’ Content

- T delivers the handouts - Ss read the text and fill in the blanks by choosing the best answers from A, B, C or D

- T calls on some Ss to read their answers, and checks them then

1 Cloze text:

I Choose the word or phrase A, B, C or D that best fits the blanks in the follwing passage:

During the (1) ………… years, many young people can at times be difficult to talk to They often seem to dislike being questioned They may seem (2) …………to talk about their work at school This is a normal (3) of this age Though it can be very hard for parents to understand, …………

it’s part of becoming (4) …………of teenagers trying to be adult while they are still growing up.Young people are usually unwilling to talk if they believe that questions are trying to (5) ………… up on them

Parents should dod their (6) ………… to talk to their son and daughter about school, work and future plans but should not (7) ………… them to talk if they don’t want to Parents should also watch for danger signs Some people in trying to be adult may (8) ………… with sex, drug, alcohol or smoking Parents need to watch for many signs of (9) ………… behavior which may be connected with these and help if (10) ………… A early B teenage C childhood D recent A unworried B unrestrained C unexpected D unwilling A development B appearance C circumstance D achievement A free B confident C dependent D independent

5 A catch B check C keep D make

6 A well B good C better D best

7 A push B allow C put D expect

8 A experiment B approach C experience D attach A unacceptable B unusual C normal D exemplary 10.A proper B appropriate C important D necessary

 Answer key: B

2 D A D B D A C B 10 D - Ss read the passage and

the task II Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answers:2 Reading text:

Last year I went to Nepal for three months to work in a hospital I think it’s important to see as much of a country as you can, but it’s difficult to travel around Nepal The hospital let me have a few days’ holiday, so I decided to go into the jungle and I asked a Nepalese guide, Kamal Rai, to go with me

We started preparing for the trip at six in the mornining, and left the camp with two elephants carrying our equipment It was hot but Kamal made me wear shoes and trousers to protect me from snakes In the jungle, there was a lot of wildlife, but w were trying to find big cats, especially tigers We climbed onto the elephants’ backs to get better view, but it’s unusual to find tigers in the afternoon because they sleep in the heat of the day

Then, in the distance, we saw a tiger, and Kamal told me to be very quiet We crept nearer and found a dead deer, still bleeding This was the tiger’s lunch! Suddenly, I started to feel very frightened


- T asks Ss to read the answers and corrects them as well

Kamal’s leg between its teeth, but I managed to pull Kamal away One of our elephants ran at the tiger and made it go back into the grass, so we quickly escaped to let the tiger eat its lunch That night it was impossible to sleep!

1 The writer went to Nepal …………

A for holiday B for treatment C for business D on tour When having a few days off, he decided to go into ………… A the remote village B the mountains

C the seaside D the tropical forest

3 It’s difficult to find tigers in the afternoon because ………… A they usually sleep at this day time

B it’s so hot at this time

C the elephants’ back was not high enough to get view D the tigers hardly hunt in the heat of the day

4 The writer started to feel frightened when ………… A he saw a tiger B he saw the tiger’s lunch C he scrept nearer D he found a deer bleeding The tiger …………

A was like a flash of light B saw them a second before they saw it C jumped out very fast D jumped out of the grass at about metres Which of the followings is not true according to the passage?

A Tigers are members of the cats family

B The writer was made to wear shoes and trousers to protect him from the heat of the day

C Kamal narrowly escaped being killed

D It was such a terrible experience that the writer couldn’t sleep that night

 Answer key: C

2 D A B C B - T sets homework

- Ss the task at home 3.Homework:- Revise today’s lesson. - Do all the exercises again *Comments:

……… ……… ………


I Choose the word or phrase A, B, C or D that best fits the blanks in the follwing passage:

During the (1) ………… years, many young people can at times be difficult to talk to They often seem to dislike being questioned They may seem (2) …………to talk about their work at school This is a normal (3) ………… of this age Though it can be very hard for parents to understand, it’s part of becoming (4) …………of teenagers trying to be adult while they are still growing up.Young people are usually unwilling to talk if they believe that questions are trying to (5) ………… up on them

Parents should dod their (6) ………… to talk to their son and daughter about school, work and future plans but should not (7) ………… them to talk if they don’t want to Parents should also watch for danger signs Some people in trying to be adult may (8) ………… with sex, drug, alcohol or smoking Parents need to watch for many signs of (9) ………… behavior which may be connected with these and help if (10) …………

1 A early B teenage C childhood D recent

2 A unworried B unrestrained C unexpected D unwilling A development B appearance C circumstance D achievement

4 A free B confident C dependent D independent

5 A catch B check C keep D make

6 A well B good C better D best

7 A push B allow C put D expect

8 A experiment B approach C experience D attach

9 A unacceptable B unusual C normal D exemplary

10.A proper B appropriate C important D necessary


Last year I went to Nepal for three months to work in a hospital I think it’s important to see as much of a country as you can, but it’s difficult to travel around Nepal The hospital let me have a few days’ holiday, so I decided to go into the jungle and I asked a Nepalese guide, Kamal Rai, to go with me

We started preparing for the trip at six in the mornining, and left the camp with two elephants carrying our equipment It was hot but Kamal made me wear shoes and trousers to protect me from snakes In the jungle, there was a lot of wildlife, but w were trying to find big cats, especially tigers We climbed onto the elephants’ backs to get better view, but it’s unusual to find tigers in the afternoon because they sleep in the heat of the day

Then, in the distance, we saw a tiger, and Kamal told me to be very quiet We crept nearer and found a dead deer, still bleeding This was the tiger’s lunch! Suddenly, I started to feel very frightened

We heard the tiger a second before we saw it It jumped out like a flash of lightning, five hundred kilos plus and four metres long I looked into its eyes and face, and saw right down the animal’s throat It grabbed Kamal’s leg between its teeth, but I managed to pull Kamal away One of our elephants ran at the tiger and made it go back into the grass, so we quickly escaped to let the tiger eat its lunch That night it was impossible to sleep!

2 The writer went to Nepal …………

A for holiday B for treatment C for businessD on tour When having a few days off, he decided to go into …………

A the remote village B the mountains C the seaside D the tropical forest It’s difficult to find tigers in the afternoon because …………

A they usually sleep at this day time B it’s so hot at this time

C the elephants’ back was not high enough to get view D the tigers hardly hunt in the heat of the day

4 The writer started to feel frightened when …………

A he saw a tiger B he saw the tiger’s lunch C he scrept nearer D he found a deer bleeding The tiger …………

A was like a flash of light B saw them a second before they saw it

C jumped out very fast D jumped out of the grass at about metres Which of the followings is not true according to the passage?

A Tigers are members of the cats family

B The writer was made to wear shoes and trousers to protect him from the heat of the day C Kamal narrowly escaped being killed

D It was such a terrible experience that the writer couldn’t sleep that night

Date of planning: 6/9/2010 Period 5: GERUND & PRESENT PARTICIPLE

I Aim: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to know the differences between gerund and present participle, and use them properly

II.Language knowledge:

1.Grammar: gerund and present participle 2.Vocabulary: words appear in the exercises III.Techniques:

IV.Teaching aids: handouts V.Procedure:

T s and Ss activities’ ’ Content

- T asks Ss to give some examples using gerund - Then Ss are required to looked at the examples to draw out the usage of gerund

1.Presentation: A Gerund:

a Form: gerund = V-ing

b Usage: The gerund often acts like a verb and a noun at the same time It can be used:

- as the subject of a sentence

Eg: Playing tennis is not expensive in England - as complement of a verb

Eg: What I have to now is writing a letter to her - as an object of a preposition

Eg: She’s afraid of living alone

- after certain verbs such as enjoy, miss, finish, avoid, etc Eg: I enjoy listening to jazz

- T asks Ss to give some examples present participle T may helps Ss to give some more

- Then Ss are required to looked at the examples to draw out the usage of present participle

B Present participle:

a Form: Present participle = V-ing

b Usage: The present participle indicates action, more like a verb or an adjective It can be used:

- as a verb in the continuous tense form Eg: She’s cooking dinner.

- as an adjective

Eg: It’s an interesting story - to replace a relative clause


Eg: Entering the room, I saw him

- after some verbs like catch, find, leave, etc + someone Eg: I caught him climbing the fence

Don’t leave her waiting outside in the rain

- after some verbs such as waste, spend, go, be busy, ect Eg: You waste too much time copying the Lessonagain It’s very hot today Let’s go swimming

- after some verbs of perception such as see, hear, watch, smell, feel, observe, notice, etc

Eg: I heard him coming into the hall

- Ss work in pairs to the exercise

- T calls on some Ss to read their answers, and correct their answers if necessary


Put the verbs in brackets into the correct verb form (gerund, present participle, infinitive):

1 We will go (camp) ………… in BaDen mountain this summer vacation

2 That’s such an (amuse) ……… story that I can’t put it down (take) ……… the umbrella with him, he went out in the heavy


4 I have to work hard these days I am always busy (do) ……… my home work

5 Would you like to go (fish) ……… with me on Saturday afternoon?

6 It was one of my most (embarrass) ……… experiences in my life That he passed the exam is very (surprise) ………

8 The woman (wear) ……… a red dress is my neighbor We spend most of my time (read) ……… science book

10 The film is very (bore) ………… So I kept on sleeping in the rex 11 I didn’t like (work) ………… so I suggested (spend) ………… the

day in the garden

12 I’d rather (go) ………… for a swim then (play) ………… tennis 13 We’d better (study) ………… hard

14 Why you keep (look) ………… back? Are you afraid of (be) followed?


15 ( write) ………… gives him a lot of pleasure 16 Does your sister mind (cook) ………… everyday?

17 Have you ever considered (go) …………to live in another country? 18 He tried to avoid (answer) ………… my questions

19 When I’m tired, I enjoy (watch) ………… TV It’s relaxing 20 The movie was very sad It made me (cry) …………

21 I’ll the shopping when I’ve finished (clean) ………… the apartment

22 Paula has given up (try) ………… to lose weight 23 When I was a child, I hated (go) ………… to bed early 24 Would you like (come) ………… to dinner on Friday? 25 He left the hotel without (pay) ………… his bill 26 Are you looking forward to (see) ………… Ann again?

27 After (find) ………… a hotel, we looked for someplace to have dinner

28 It took us three hours (get) ………… here

29 I’d rather (go) ………… (shop) ………… than anything else 30 My close friend is fond of (sew) …………

31 I was very tired I tried (keep) ………… my eyes open, but I couldn’t

32 She told me (lock) ………… the door

33 My father allowed me (use) ………… the camera

34 It was a nice day, so we decided (go) ………… for a picnic

35 They jog every morning (lose) ………… weight and (have) a good health


36 She is busy (feed) ………… the baby all the time 37 Would you mind my (smoke) ………… here?

38 He doesn’t let anyone (talk) ………… in the working time

39 Most people prefer (spend) ………… money to (earn) ………… it 40.Susan wants (go) ………… to Hanoi next week

- T sets homework

- Ss the task at home 3 Homework:- Revise today’s lesson. - Do all the exercises again Comments:


……… ………

Date of planning: 12/9/2010 Period 6: PASSIVE GERUND & TO-INFINITIVE

I Aim: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to use passive gerund and infinitive appropriately. II.Language knowledge:

1.Grammar: gerund & to-infinitive, passive gerund & to- infinitive 2.Vocabulary: words appear in the exercises


IV.Teaching aids: handouts V.Procedure:

T s and Ss activities’ ’ Content

- T asks Ss to tell some cases that gerund is used

- Then T gives Ss two

examples, and asks Ss to draw out the form and the usage of passive gerund

1.Presentation: A Passive gerund: Example:

- I don’t enjoy being laughed at by other people - Instead of being accused, he was set free a Form: BEING + PP

b Usage: Pasive gerund can come in the same pattern as the active forms, for example after some verbs (risk, stop, ect) or some prepositions (of, at, in, etc.)

- T asks Ss to tell some cases that to-infinitive is used - Then T gives Ss some

examples, and asks Ss to draw out the form and the usage of passive to-infinitive

B Passive to-infinitive: Example:

- She ought to be told about it

- I didn’t expect to be invited to his party a Form: TO BE + PP

b Usage: Pasive to-infinitive can come in the same pattern as the active forms, for example after some verbs (expect, hope, want, ect) or some adjectives (happy, delighted, glad, easy, etc.)

- Ss work in pairs to the exercise

- T calls on some Ss to read their answers, and correct their answers if necessary


Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form: It is easy (fool) ………… by his lies

2 Martha doesn’t like to have her picture taken She avoids (photograph) ………

3 I appreciate (invite) ………… to your home Let’s not risk (catch) ……… In a traffic jam

5 The government tried to stop the book (publish) ………… (search) ……… by customs officers is unpleasant There’s a lot of work (do)………

8 The new students hope (include) … in many of the school’s social activities

9 When the police first questioned him, he denied (involve) in the robbery


10 I remember (take) ……… to the zoo when I was a child 11 We managed to climbed over the wall without (see) …… 12 Isabel expected (admit) ……… to the university, but she wasn’t 13 The tin opener seems (design) … for left-handed people 14 Many reliable methods of storing information tended (forget)

When the computers arrived …………

15 She resented (ask) ………to make tea for everyone at the meeting

16 Let’s leave early We can’t risk (hold up) …………in heavy traffic during rush hour


6 Being searched to be done / to to be included being involved 10 being taken 11 being seen 12 to be admitted 13 to be designed 14 to be forgotten 15 being asked 16 being held up - T sets homework

- Ss the task at home 3 Homework:- Revise today’s lesson. - Do all the exercises again Comments:

……… ……… ……… ………


Date of planning: 18/9/2010 Period 7: EXERCISES

I Aim: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to use gerund & to-infinitive, passive gerund and infinitive appropriately

II.Language knowledge:

1.Grammar: gerund & to-infinitive, passive gerund & to- infinitive 2.Vocabulary: words appear in the exercises


IV.Teaching aids: handouts V.Procedure:

T s and Ss activities’ ’ Content

- Ss work in pairs to the exercise

- T calls on some Ss to read their answers, and correct their answers if necessary

I Complete the sentences with the gerund or the infinitive of the verbs in brackets:

1 We plan ( take)……… our holidays abroad this year I prefer (drive)……… to (be)……… driven

3 Would you mind (lend) ……… $5? I need (buy) ………… a pen At first I enjoyed (listen) ……….to him but after a while I got tired of (hear)……… the same story again and again Come over here! I’d like you (see) ……….this


the police (look) for him ……… ………

7 Don’t pretend (be)……… what you aren’t

8 Annie denied (throw) ……….the brick through the window We are planning (visit)……… several historical sites in Moscow 10 For some strange reasons, I keep (think)………… today is Saturday II

Complete each of the following sentences with to-inf and/or inf without to:

31 I’ve decided (buy)…… a new apartment

32 What time you expect (arrive) …… in Chicago? 33 That T-shirt makes you (look) …… younger 34 Let me (post) …… that letter for you

35 It’s important for students (do) ……their homework 36 I promise you your order will (send) …… today 37 She went to the post office (buy) …… some stamps 38 He isn’t tall enough (reach) …… the top sheft 39 We listened (sing) …… a song

40 I heard her (shout) …… at the children 41 It’s too cold for us (go) …… swimming today

42 It takes hours (fly) …… from Los Angerles to Honolulu 43 I saw her (across) …… the road

44 They have a lot of homework (do) …… 45 John is easy (please) ……

46 I’m sorry ( have troubled) ……you

47 It’s late I think we had better (go) …… home 48 We can (leave) …… soon

49 Don’t let the children (annoy) …… you 50 We want (stay) …… home tonight

51 My father allowed me (use) ………… the camera

52 People use their money (buy) …… and (sell) …… things 53 She asked us (sit)… down and went (make) … some coffee 54 Tim is too young (join) ………… the army

55 The movie was very sad It made me (cry) ………… 56 Would you like (come) ………… to dinner on Friday? 57 It took us three hours (get) ………… here

58 I’d rather (go) …… (shop) …… than anything else 59 I wonder if you’d be kind enough (help) ………… me 60 The robbers forced the manager (open) ………… the safe - T sets homework

- Ss the task at home

3 Homework:

- Revise today’s lesson - Do all the exercises again Comments:


Date of planning: 10/10/2010 Period :8


riting a letter of invitation.

I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write an informal letter of invitation

II Materials: Textbook, handout IV Procedure:

T s and Ss’ ’

activities Content

Group work & whole class

Individual & whole class

Individual, pairs work & whole class

1.Warm up

Give ss aletter and ask them read the contend of the letter ,ask ss what kind of letter it is

Dear Lam !

I'm going to the Morden Dance this Saturday Would you like to join me ? This performance starts at 8.00p.m

at the central theatre Please let me know if you can join me With love ,


Expected answer :an invitation letter

Now ,to day you have to write an invitation letter to invite your friend to take part a party at your house on christmas day


Pre -writing

* Preparing Ss to write Activity1

- T sets the scene: you are going to write a friend letter to invite your classmate to a party that you hold

- T gets Ss to work out the content of their letters by answering the question in the - T calls on some Ss to answer the questions and elicits more ideas from the class T writes them on the board.Eg:

+ Occasions for giving the party: Christmas day + Dressing codes:

- Formal: dresses , high- heel shoes for women, suits & ties for men - Informal: anything can do: jeans , T- shirt, skirts…

+ Presents to give: anything can as flowers, books, CDs, hats etc

while - writing Activity

- T gets Ss to the task individually & then compare their answer with a peer - T calls on Ss to give the answers & write them on the board

- T helps Ss to revise the format of a personal / informal letter by analyzing the letter that they have just completed for Task T might also want to get Ss to analyze the letter further by asking questions about its organization and language


Individual & pair work

Whole class


-T gets to read Task and work out the questions Ss should note down the answers in their notebooks In the mean time, T goes around to check & offer help

- Then T gets Ss to write their letters in 10 minutes , based on the outlines they have produced

- Next,T asks Ss toget in pairs, exchange their letters & correct each other -T goes around to offer help

- T chooses one letter & read it to the class Then T correct the mistakes & gives final comments afterwards T should draw Ss’ attention to the format of the letter, the organization of ideas & language use


- T summaries main point of the lesson & prepare next lesson

Date of planning: 19/10/2010 Period :9




I Objectives: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to describe information from the data given in the table

II.Language knowledge: 1.Grammar: past simple

2.Vocabulary: words and phrases often used to describe information III.Techniques:

IV.Teaching aids: handouts V.Procedure:

T s and Ss activities’ ’ Content

- T provides Ss with some useul language

- Ss take notes


* Vocabulary: (see the appendix in the handout below)

* Useful language:

(see the appendix in the handout below)

- Ss use the information given to write a description of the population growth rate in the Sunshine country

- After Ss finish their writings, T calls on some Ss to write their writings on the board, and T corrects then


* Exercise: Write a passage to describe the population growth rate in the Sunshine country in the table below:


1991 1996 2001 2006

Lowlands 6.5% 5% 3.5% 2%

Midlands 7% 4% 2.5% 2.8%

Highlands 6.7% 6.9% 5.2% 3.7%

* Students writings:’

……… - T sets homework

- Ss the task at home 3 Homework:- Revise today’s lesson. - Do all the exercises again

APPENDIX: Useful language:

- The table shows / describes……

- As can be seen from the data in the table, ………

- There was a (adj) ….(n)… in the number of ….(illiterate people) in (London) from … to sharp rise between…and slight fall

- The … (literacy rate)… in … (London) (verb)… (adv)… from … ….to

rose sharply between …… and…… reduced slightly

* Some connectors and conjunctions: - similarly t¬ng tù

- but (nhng)

- however (tuy nhiên) - in contrast (trái lại ,) = on the contrary - while (trong khi) = whereas



I Objectives:At the end of the lesson, students will be able to how to use reported speech with infinitive properly

II.Language knowledge:

1.Grammar: reported speech with infinitive 2.Vocabulary: words appear in the exercises III.Techniques:

IV.Teaching aids: handouts V.Procedure:

T s and Ss activities’ ’ Content

- T gives Ss some examples of direct speech, then helps them to change them into indirect speech, using infinitives

- Ss are required to looked at the examples to draw out the form - T also supplies Ss with some more reported verbs

1.Presentation: * Form:

We use to-infinitive in reported speech (commands, requests, invitations, advise) as follows

a S + V + to-infinitive

Verbs: agree, offer, promise, refuse, threaten, ect

Eg: - Direct: “I’m not going to walk all that way”, said Gary > Indirect: Gary refused to walk all that way

a S + V + O + to-infinitive

Verbs: advise,ask, beg, command, encourage, forbid, invite,order, recommend, remind, request, tell, urge, warn, ect

Eg: - Direct: “Would you like to stay at our house”, Mark said to us

> Indirect: Mark invited us to stay at his house Some more examples:

1 “Get out of the room”, she said > She told me to get out of the room “Could you carry some bags, Mike?” >She asked Mike to carry some bags “Would you like to have dinner with us?” > They invited me to have diner with them

4 “ Please send me to a warm climate”, he asked/begged > He asked/ begged us to send him to a warm climate “Don’t swim out too far, boys”, I said

> I warned the boys not to swim out too far “You had better hurr, Bill!”, she said > She advised Bill to hurry.

- Ss work in pairs to the exercise

- T calls on some Ss to read their answers, and makes corrections

Practice: (period 1) * Exercises:

1 The teacher said to us, “Write your lessons carefully” > ……… ……… (tell) Mary said to Paul, “Please don’t put your hat on my bag” > ……… …… ……… (tell) “Please don’t drink any more”, said his wife

> ……… ……… (beg) “Can you the washing up?”, I offered

> ……… ……… (offer) “I won’t forget the shopping”, she promised

> ……… ……… (promise) “Would you like to come to my party?”, he invited her

> ……… (invite)

7 “I phone the police” she threatened

> ……… ……… ( threaten) “You should stop smoking”, the doctor advised him

> ……… ……… …… (advise) “Wait outside”, I told her

> ……… (tell)

10 “Could you please ring back in half an hour?”, said the secretary

> ……… (ask)

11 “Would you mind movingbyour case?”, said the other passenger > ……… ……… (ask) 12 “Remember to book the table”, said Ann

> ……… ……… (remind) 13 “Get into the right lane”, said the driving instructor

> ……… (tell / warn) 14 “Avoid Marble Arch”, said the policeman

> ……… ……… (warn) 15 “Why don’t you take some medicine”, he advised me


16 “Why don’t you open the bank account?”, said Jack

> ……… ……… ………… (advise) 17 “Would you like to have lunch with me today?”, said Tom > ……… ……… ……… (invite) 18 “Don’t forget that we have to drive home”, said his wife > ………… ……… ……… (remind)

19 “Do go to the dentist, Tom, before your toothache gets any worse”, I said > ……… ……… (urge)

20 “Shall I go and get a candle?”, said Ann when the light went out suddenly > ………… ……… (offer)

21 “I’ll buy you a bunch of bananas”, said Mary

> ……… …… ………… (promise) 22 “I can lend you some money”, Sue said to us

> ……… ……… ……… (offer) 23 “Try again”, said Ann’s friends encouragingly

> ……… ……… … …… ……… (encourage) 24 “Go on, apply for the job”, said Jack

> ……… ……… (urge / encourage) 25 “Will you be quiet!”, he said

> ……… ……… ……… (order / tell)

26 Tom asked me, “Could you book me a room in a hotel for tonight?” > ……… ……… (want) 27 He told the boys, “Go away”

> ……… ……… (tell) 28 “Would you sho me your passport, please?”, he said

> ……… ……… (ask) 29 “Please, please don’t take any risks”, said his wife

> ……… (beg)

30 “Forget all about this young man”, said her parents; “don’t see him again or answer his letter’s”

> ……… ……… (order, tell)


I Choose the best correct answer:

1) Someone told us sit on the stairs.

A don tB not C not to D to not 2) Don t forget to ring me“ ’ ”

A I advised David to ring me B I reminded David to ring me C I offered to be rung D You promised to ring me 3) The doctor advised him and to take up some sport.

A stop smoke B stop smoking C to stop smoking D to stop to smoke

4) I have told him never to buy some potatoes on the way home.

A come B comes C came D to come

5) Professional people expect when it is necessary to cancel an appointment

A you to call them B that you would call them

C you calling them D that you are calling them 6) me to phone them before I go out.

A Remind B Remember C Mention D Make 7) The conductor asked in the bus.

A them to please not to smoke B that they should not smoke C them not to smoke D them not to smoke 8) He told us to wait him at the bus stop


previous day

II Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting. 1) David asked me telling him the time.


2) I warned them not climb the mountain in such bad weather. A B C D

3)They voluntarily spent their vacations to teach illiterate people to read & write. A B C D 4) The policeman ordered the suspect to not remove his hands from the car. A B C D 5) The teacher told us to keep quietly during the lesson.

A B C D III Write the following sentences in Reported Speech. 1) You had better go to the doctor “ ”

He urged me 2) You ve got to lend me some money!“ ’ ”

He begged me 3) Give me your homework “ ”

The teacher told us 4) Please, don t smoke in my car.“ ’ ”

He asked us 5) I ll buy you an ice-cream.“ ’ ”

My Dad promised 6) Would you like to have a drink with me?“ ”

He invited me 7) You should give up smoking.“ ”

The doctor advised me 8) Don t shoot.“ ’ ”

The General ordered us IV WRITING

Arrange these words or groups of words in the correct order. 1) Jerry/ that/ to lend/ asked/ days/ before/ two/ pen/ John/ him

2) to return/ John/ to/ next/ it/ day/ promised/ her/ the

3) I/ Saturday/ Pam/ on/ to/ the/ invited/ cinema/ to go

4) letter/ Diana/ Sue/ the/ for/ reminded/ to post/ her

5) formal/ everyone/ school/ education/ after/ leave/ Not/ should/ a/ they/ follow

- T sets homework - Ss the task at home

3 Homework:

- Revise today’s lesson - Do all the exercises again Comments:


……… ………

Date of planning: 8/11/2010 Period :12 WRITING A LETTER OF REPLY

I Objectives:At the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a letter of reply properly. II.Language knowledge:

1.Grammar: present simple

2.Vocabulary: useful words and expressions for Ss’ writing III.Techniques:

IV.Teaching aids: handouts V.Procedure:

T s and Ss activities’ ’ Content

- T delivers handouts and Ss work in pairs to the task - Ss match parts of the letter with their headings


Match parts of the letter with their headings: * Headings:

1 Opening

2 Confirming the letter you have receive Providing necessary information Closing

* Parts of a letter of reply:

a Here are some details about the competition The number of participants is limited – just about 50 The competition his held on 3th December 2010, at 08, Pham Ngoc Thach street, district 1, Ho

Chi Minh city It starts at 6:30 pm Contestants should be present one hour before the competition for registration

For more information, please contact me on the phone number: 08 8398702, or e-mail: englishclub@yahoo.com

b Best wishes Nguyen Son Secretary b Dear Tan Binh,

c Thank you for your letter and welcome to our English speaking competition

- Ss use the information given


- After Ss finish their writings, T calls on some Ss to write their writings on the board, and T corrects then

competition.Write a letter to respond to John, using the details below: - number of participants: 35

- venue: 153, Hoang Le Kha street, Tay Ninh - date: 22th December 2010

- arrival time: 6:00 AM ; starting time: 7:00 AM - phone number: 066 818268

- e-mail: tayninhmarathon@yahoo.com.vn * Students writings:’

……… - T sets homework

- Ss the task at home

3 Homework:

- Revise today’s lesson - Do all the exercises again Comments:

……… ……… ……… ………

Date of teaching:

Period: Lesson: Grammar


-I Aim: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to use the tenses past simple, past perfect and past progressive properly

II.Language knowledge: 1.Grammar: tenses:

a past simple, b past perfect, c past progressive

2.Vocabulary: words appear in the exercises III.Techniques:

IV.Teaching aids: handouts V.Procedure:

T s and Ss activities’ ’ Content

- T asks Ss to give the forms and usage of the past simple, past perfect and past


1.Presentation: A Past simple:

a Form: S + V2 / V-ed

b Usage: talking about an action or an event in the past. - Ss tell T the forms and usage

of the past simple, past perfect and past progressive

B Past perfect:

a Form: S + had + PP

b Usage: talking about something which happened before the past time we were talking about

C Past progressive:

a Form: S + was/ were + V-ing

b Usage: talking about something which was in progress at a past time

- Ss work in pairs to the exercise

- T calls on some Ss to read their answers, and correct their answers if necessary


Put the verbs in brackets into the past simple, past perfect and past progressive:

1 He said he (join) …… the army in 1985

2 Bill (have) …….breskfast when I stopped at this house When I went back to the shop, they (sell) …… the book I


4 Hoe many countries they (visit) … by March last year When he (come) …… home, I (talk) …… to my mother

on the phone


7 It (rain) …… heavily when I (sleep) …… yesterday afternoon

8 While Mrs Smith (plant) …… flowers in the garden, Mr Smith (change) …… the oil in his car

9 When we (arrive) …… at the airport, they (wait) …… for us there

10 He (do) …… a lot of jobs before he (work) …… in this company

11 Yesterday while I (look) …… at my computer screen, I (start) …… feel a little dizzy, so I (take) … a break

12 Susan (send) …… a letter to her university after she (receive) …… her scholarship check

13 Tom (meet) …… Mary in 1986 and they have been good friends since then

14 After they (visit) …… Paris, they (go) …… to Manchester

15 George (work) …… at the university 45 years before he (retire) ……

16 After Tom (wash) …… his clothes, he (begin) …… to study

17 When John and I (got) …… to the theatre, the movie (start) ……

18 Before I could say anything, they (admit) …… their mistakes

19 I (hit) …… my thumb while I (use) …… the hammer Ouch! That (hurt) ……

20 While I (read) …… books in the living room last night, I (hear) …… a strange noise in the kitchen I (go) …… to the kitchen, (turn) …… on the lights I (hold) …… my break and (listen) …… carefully I (realise) that a mouse (chew) …… on something under the cupboard

- T sets homework

- Ss the task at home 1 Homework:- Revise today’s lesson. - Do all the exercises again Comments:

……… ……… ……… ……… ………

Date of teaching:

Period: Lesson: Reading


-I Aim: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to

- read for specific information,

- understand the text and express their ideas about past experiences II.Language knowledge:

1.Grammar: past simple

2.Vocabulary: new words in the cloze text and in the passage III.Techniques:

IV.Teaching aids: handouts V.Procedure:


- T delivers the handouts - Ss read the text and fill in the blanks by choosing the best answers from A, B, C or D - T calls on some Ss to read their answers, and checks them then

1.Cloze text:  Answer key: C

2 D B A C D B A C 10 B - Ss read the passage and

the task

- T asks Ss to read the answers and corrects them as well

2 Reading text:  Answer key: D

2 A B C A - T sets homework

- Ss the task at home 3.Homework:- Revise today’s lesson. - Do all the exercises again *Comments:

……… ……… ……… ………


I Choose the word or phrase A, B, C or D that best fits the blanks in the follwing passage:

If you are invited to someone’s house for dinner in the United States, you should (1) ………… a gift, such as a bunch of flowers or a box of chocolate If you give your host a (2) ………… gift, he/she may often it in front of you Opening the gift in front of the gift-giver is considered (3) ………… It shows that the host is excited about receiving the gift and wants to show his/her (4) …………to you immediately (5) …………the host doesn’t like it, he/she will tell ‘a (6) ………… lie”and say how much they like the gift to prevent the guest from feeling bad If your host asks you to arrive at a particular time, you should not arrive (7) ………… on time or earlier than the (8) time, because it is considered to be potentially inconvenient and (9) rude, as the host may not be

………… …………

(10) …………

1 A take B give C bring D make

2 A unwanted B valuable C unpacked D wrapped

3 A rude B polite C impolite D funny

4 A appreciation B admiration C respect D enjoyment

5 A Since B Only if C Even if D Whether

6 A great B obvious C deliberate D white

7 A gradually B exactly C perfectly D recently

8 A expected B permitted C waited D wasted

9 A consequently B never C therefore D however

10.Awilling B ready C welcome D waiting

II Read the passage carefully, then choose the correct answers:

Going to parties can be fun and enjoyable If you are invited to a party, call your host up early to inform him/her of whether you are going If you want to bring someone who has not been invited along with you, you should ask for permission first Remember to dress appropriately for the party You will stick out like a sore thumb if you are dressed formally whereas everyone else is in T-shirt and jeans If you are not sure what to wear, ask your host

During the party you may perhaps like to help your host by offering to serve drinks or wash the dishes Your host would certainly appreciate these efforts If you happen to be in a party you not know anyone, not try to monopolize the host attention This is inconsiderate since your host has many people to attend to and cannot spend all his/her time with you Instead, learn to mingle with others at the party You could try breaking the ice by introducing yourself to someone who is friendly-looking

Before you leave the party, remember to thank your host first If you have the time, you could even offer to help your host to clean up the place

1 If you are invited to a party, you should …………

A take someone with you B ask for your parents’ permission first C bring a small gift D call to confirm your arrival

2 According to the passage, if you are dressed differently from everybody at the party, ………… A you will make people notice you B people may attach to you

C you will feel uncomfortable D you shouldn’t pay attention to your clothes What should you if you are in a party?


C Try to break the ice up D Just make friends with friendly-looking people The phrase “break the ice” means …………

A make friends B attract people’s attention

C make people feel more relaxed D establish a relationship Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?

A You shouldn’t bring someone who hasn’t been invited along with you to a party B You should help your host with the wash-up or clean-up

C You should be very clearly different from everyone at the party D.You shouldn’t leave without showing your gratitude to your host

Date of teaching:

Period: Lesson: Listening


-I Aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to fill in the blank with the missing information. II.Language knowledge:

1.Grammar: past simple

2.Vocabulary: new words that appear in the passage III.Techniques:

IV.Teaching aids: handouts V.Procedure:

T s and Ss activities’ ’ Content


- T delivers the handouts - Ss read the passage carefully - T plays the cassette player - Ss listen and fill in the missing information in the blanks

- T calls on some Ss to read their answers, and checks them then


One afternoon I went upstairs to have a bath As I was getting into the bath, the telephone rang in the hall I was expecting an (1)………call, so I ran downstairs.There was (2) …………., so didn’t get dressed again However while I was standing in the (3) ………… with nothing on, I heard voices outside the front door It was my teenage (4) ………… and her (5) ………… , but I couldn’t get back upstairs in time I put down the phone, ran into the (6) ………… and hid behind the curtains Unfortunately, the (7) ………… was cleaning the living room windows When I suddenly appeared, the poor man (8) ………… his ladder (9) ………… , when my daughter and her friends herad the noise, they ran outside When I looked out of the window, they (10) ………… the window cleaner So I went upstairs and put on a dressing gown Luckily the window cleaner (11) …… , but it was all very (12) … ……

 Answer key: important at home hall daughter friends living room window cleaner fell off

9 Fortunately 10.were helping 11.wasn’t hurt 12.embarrassing - T sets homework

- Ss the task at home


- Revise today’s lesson *Comments:

……… ……… ……… TAPESCRIPT:


Date of teaching:

Period: + 9 Lesson: Grammar


-I Aim: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to how to use reported speech with infinitive properly. II.Language knowledge:

1.Grammar: reported speech with infinitive 2.Vocabulary: words appear in the exercises III.Techniques:

IV.Teaching aids: handouts V.Procedure:

T s and Ss activities’ ’ Content

- T gives Ss some examples of direct speech, then helps them to change them into indirect speech, using infinitives - Ss are required to looked at the examples to draw out the form

- T also supplies Ss with some more reported verbs

1.Presentation: * Form:

We use to-infinitive in reported speech (commands, requests, invitations, advise) as follows

a S + V + to-infinitive

Verbs: agree, offer, promise, refuse, threaten, ect

Eg: - Direct: “I’m not going to walk all that way”, said Gary > Indirect: Gary refused to walk all that way

d S + V + O + to-infinitive

Verbs: advise,ask, beg, command, encourage, forbid,


said to us

> Indirect: Mark invited us to stay at his house Some more examples:

6 “Get out of the room”, she said > She told me to get out of the room “Could you carry some bags, Mike?” >She asked Mike to carry some bags “Would you like to have dinner with us?” > They invited me to have diner with them

9 “ Please send me to a warm climate”, he asked/begged > He asked/ begged us to send him to a warm climate 10 “Don’t swim out too far, boys”, I said

> I warned the boys not to swim out too far “You had better hurr, Bill!”, she said > She advised Bill to hurry.

- Ss work in pairs to the exercise

- T calls on some Ss to read their answers, and makes corrections

Practice: * Exercises:

19 The teacher said to us, “Write your lessons carefully” > ……… ……… (tell) 20 Mary said to Paul, “Please don’t put your hat on my bag” > ……… …… ……… (tell) 21 “Please don’t drink any more”, said his wife

> ……… ……… (beg) 22 “Can you the washing up?”, I offered

> ……… ……… (offer) 23 “I won’t forget the shopping”, she promised

> ……… ……… (promise) 24 “Would you like to come to my party?”, he invited her

> ……… (invite)

25 “I phone the police” she threatened

> ……… ………

( threaten)

26 “You should stop smoking”, the doctor advised him > ……… ……… …… (advise)

27 “Wait outside”, I told her

> ……… (tell)

28 “Could you please ring back in half an hour?”, said the secretary

> ……… (ask)

29 “Would you mind movingbyour case?”, said the other passenger

> ……… ………


30 “Remember to book the table”, said Ann

> ……… ……… (remind) 31 “Get into the right lane”, said the driving instructor

> ……… (tell / warn) 32 “Avoid Marble Arch”, said the policeman

> ……… ……… (warn) 33 “Why don’t you take some medicine”, he advised me

> ……… ………

( advise)

34 “Why don’t you open the bank account?”, said Jack

> ……… ……… ………… (advise) 35 “Would you like to have lunch with me today?”, said Tom > ……… ……… ……… (invite) 36 “Don’t forget that we have to drive home”, said his wife > ………… ……… ……… (remind) 19 “Do go to the dentist, Tom, before your toothache gets any worse”, I said

> ……… ……… (urge) 20 “Shall I go and get a candle?”, said Ann when the light went out suddenly

> ………… ……… (offer) 21 “I’ll buy you a bunch of bananas”, said Mary

> ……… …… ………… (promise) 22 “I can lend you some money”, Sue said to us

> ……… ……… ……… (offer) 23 “Try again”, said Ann’s friends encouragingly


> ……… ……… (urge / encourage) 25 “Will you be quiet!”, he said

> ……… ……… ……… (order / tell) 26 Tom asked me, “Could you book me a room in a hotel for tonight?”

> ……… ……… (want) 27 He told the boys, “Go away”

> ……… ………


28 “Would you sho me your passport, please?”, he said

> ……… ………


29 “Please, please don’t take any risks”, said his wife

> ……… (beg)

30 “Forget all about this young man”, said her parents; “don’t see him again or answer his letter’s”

> ……… ……… (order, tell) - T sets homework

- Ss the task at home 3 Homework:- Revise today’s lesson. - Do all the exercises again Comments:

……… ……… ……… ……… ………

Date of teaching:


-I Aim: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to describe information from the data given in the table. II.Language knowledge:

1.Grammar: past simple

2.Vocabulary: words and phrases often used to describe information III.Techniques:

IV.Teaching aids: handouts V.Procedure:

T s and Ss activities’ ’ Content

- T provides Ss with some useul language

- Ss take notes


* Vocabulary: (see the appendix in the handout below)

* Useful language:

(see the appendix in the handout below)

- Ss use the information given to write a description of the population growth rate in the Sunshine country


* Exercise: Write a passage to describe the population growth rate in the Sunshine country in the table below: THE POPULATION GROWTH RATES IN THE SUNSHINE



- After Ss finish their writings, T calls on some Ss to write their writings on the board, and T corrects then

Lowlands 6.5% 5% 3.5% 2%

Midlands 7% 4% 2.5% 2.8%

Highlands 6.7% 6.9% 5.2% 3.7%

* Students writings:’

……… - T sets homework

- Ss the task at home 3 Homework:- Revise today’s lesson. - Do all the exercises again


……… ……… ……… ……… ………



2 Useful language:

- The table shows / describes……

- As can be seen from the data in the table, ………

- There was a (adj) ….(n)… in the number of ….(illiterate people) in (London) from … to sharp rise between…and slight fall

- The … (literacy rate)… in … (London) (verb)… (adv)… from … ….to

rose sharply between …… and…… reduced slightly

* Some connectors and conjunctions: - similarly (tương tự vậy)

- but (nhưng)

- however (tuy nhiên)

- in contrast (trái lại, ngược lại) = on the contrary

- while (trong khi) = whereas

Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbs

1 tăng: - rise

= increase - rise - rose (quá khứ)= increase - increased = go up - went up

- cosiderable (nhiều, đáng kể) - sharp (nhanh chóng)

- dramatic (nhanh chóng, ngoạn mục)

- steady (đều đặn) - gradual (dần dần) - slight (không đáng kể)

- cosiderably - sharply - dramatically - steadily - gradually - slightly giảm:

- decrease = drop = fall

- decrease - decreased (qkhứ)


Date of teaching:

Period: 11 Lesson: Grammar


-I Aim: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to how to use reported speech with gerund properly. II.Language knowledge:

1.Grammar: reported speech with gerund 2.Vocabulary: words appear in the exercises III.Techniques:

IV.Teaching aids: handouts V.Procedure:

T s and Ss activities’ ’ Content

- T gives Ss some examples of direct speech, then helps them to change them into indirect speech, using infinitives - Ss are required to looked at the examples to draw out the form

- T also supplies Ss with some more reported verbs


* Form: We use gerund in reported speech as follows. 1 S + V + gerund

- Verbs: admit, deny, recommend, regret, suggest, ect - Eg: Direct: She said to me, “I broke the vase of flowers” > Indirect: She admitted breaking the vase of flowers 2 S + V + preposition + gerund.

- Verbs: apologize (to sb) for, dream o.f, insist on., object to., ect

- Eg: Direct: She said to me, “I’m sorry I broke the vase of flowers.”

> Indirect: She apologized (to me) for breaking the vase of flowers

3 S + V + O + preposition + gerund.

- Verbs: accuse… … of, blame… … for, congratulate… …. on, prevent from, thank…….for, warn against, ect

- Eg: Direct: Mary told Peter, “It was your fault You didn’t tell me the truth”

> Indirect: Mary blamed Peter for not telling her the truth

- Ss work in pairs to the exercise

- T calls on some Ss to read their answers, and makes corrections


* Exercises: Turn the following sentences into reported speech: “You took the money,” he said

> ………(accuse) “I stole his bicycle,” he said to the police

> ………(admit) He said to the police, “I didn’t steal the bike” > ……… ……… (deny) He said, “I’m sorry I’m late”

> ………(apologize) “I’ll drive you to the airport I insist,” John said to Linda > …… ……… (insist) “I’m happy to hear that you have passed the final exam

Congratulations!,” Jim said to me

> ………(congratulate) “It was nice of you to invite me to dinner Thank you,” Miss

White said to George

> ………(thank) “Don’t play with the matches,” I said to Jack > ……… … (warn … against)

9 “I must have made a mistake in the calculations,” said Mr Forest

> ………(admit) 10 “I’ll pay for the meal,” Sarah insisted

>……… ……… (insist)

11 Neil told us, “Perhaps we can go to Paris for the weekend.” >………(suggest)


said to her parents

> ………(apologize)

13 “I hear you won the championship Congratulations!,” Said Dane

> ……… ……… (congratulate)

14 “We should take the jumper back to the shop,” Jack said to us

> ………(recommend + O + to-inf) > ………( recommend + gerund) 15 “It’s not true! I have never been arrested by the police,”

Larry said

> ………(deny)

16 “I always want to be a rich man,” said David

> ………(dream)

17 The manager told the visitors, “Don’t stay at the hotel near the airport.”

> ………(warn…against…) > ………(warn …… to-inf) 18 “Let’s eat out tonight,” said Tom

> ………(suggest) - T sets homework

- Ss the task at home

3 Homework:

- Revise today’s lesson - Do all the exercises again Comments:

……… ……… ……… ……… ………

Date of teaching:

Period: 12 Lesson: Writing Lesson12 WRITING A LETTER OF REPLY

-I Aim: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a letter of reply properly.

II.Language knowledge: 1.Grammar: present simple

2.Vocabulary: useful words and expressions for Ss’ writing III.Techniques:

IV.Teaching aids: handouts V.Procedure:

T s and Ss activities’ ’ Content

- T delivers handouts and Ss work in pairs to the task - Ss match parts of the letter with their headings


Match parts of the letter with their headings: * Headings:

1 Opening

2 Confirming the letter you have receive Providing necessary information Closing

* Parts of a letter of reply:

a Here are some details about the competition The number of participants is limited – just about 50 The competition his held on 3th December 2007, at 08, Pham Ngoc Thach

street, district 1, Ho Chi Minh city It starts at 6:30 pm Contestants should be present one hour before the competition for registration

For more information, please contact me on the phone number: 08 8398702, or e-mail: englishclub@yahoo.com b Best wishes

Nguyen Son Secretary e Dear Tan Binh,


speaking cmpetition

- Ss use the information given to write a letter of reply

- After Ss finish their writings, T calls on some Ss to write their writings on the board, and T corrects then


* Exercise: Imagine you are a secretary of Tay Ninh marathon race competition.Write a letter to respond to John, using the details below:

- number of participants: 35

- venue: 153, Hoang Le Kha street, Tay Ninh - date: 22th December 2007

- arrival time: 6:00 AM ; starting time: 7:00 AM - phone number: 066 818268

- e-mail: tayninhmarathon@yahoo.com.vn * Students writings:’


- T sets homework - Ss the task at home

3 Homework:

- Revise today’s lesson - Do all the exercises again Comments:

……… ……… ……… ……… ………

Date of teaching:

Period: 13 Lesson: Grammar


-I Aim: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to use the conditional sentences type 1, and properly. II.Language knowledge:

1.Grammar: conditional sentences type 1, and 2.Vocabulary: words appear in the exercises III.Techniques:

IV.Teaching aids: handouts V.Procedure:


- T asks Ss to tell him the form of types of conditional sentences

- Some other Ss go to the board to write them down

- T also reminds Ss of the form and usage of unless.

- Ss take notes

1.Presentation: * Form:


1 Present simple:S + V/ V-s/es S + will/ can + Vinf Past simple: S + V-ed/ V2

(be >were )

S + would/ could + Vinf Past Perfect: S + had + PP S + would/ could + have +PPNote : Unless = If … not …: trừ phi, không Eg: If I don’t have money, I won’t buy a car. > Unless I have money, I won’t buy a car

- Ss work in pairs to the exercise

- T calls on some Ss to read their answers, and makes corrections

Practice: * Exercises:

Type 1: Supply the correct forms of the verbs:

1 If it (be) fine tomorrow, we (go ) for a picnic If I (have) time tonight, I (finish) the novel

I’m reading

3 If you (finish) work early, you (come) for a drink with us

4 If it (rain) ……… next weekend, we (not, be able to) plant the vegetables

5 If she (have) too much to do, she (ask) someone for help

Type 2: Supply the correct forms of the missing verbs: If she (be) here now, she (give) us some


2 If he (fail) in his present job, he (think) about another career

3 If we (run) our own business, we (be) more independent

4 If John (go) to his home town, he (visit) his mother

5 If Susan (borrow) your book, she (return) it Type 3: Supply the correct forms of the missing verbs: If I (manage) to repair my car earlier, I

(drive) you to London

2 If I (know) last week that she was ill, I (visit) her

3 She (not, hear) ……… the news if she (not, turn on) the radio this morning


4 We (be) ………… at the airport for hours if we (not, know) that the flight was delayed


5 I (make) a bad mistake if I (not, read) the instructions

* Mixed types:

a- Give the correct form of the verb in brackets: They would be hurt if I (not, go) to see them If you got more exercise, you (feel) better Unless he sells more, he (not, get) much


4 If I lend you $10, when you (repay) me? What would you if the lift (get) stuck between

two floors?

6 If you slept under a mosquito net you (not, be) bitten so often

7 I shouldn’t have believed it if I (not, see) it with my own eyes

8 The hens (not, get) into the house if you had shut the door



2 My brother didn’t leave the car keys, so I couldn’t pick him up at the station

3 Unless you water these flowers every day, they will die We didn’t go because it rained

9 We don’t visit you very often because you live so far away 10 He lost his job because he was late every day

11 That book is so expensive, I’m not going to buy it 12 I don’t have a degree, so I can’t get a job easily - T sets homework

- Ss the task at home 3 Homework:- Revise today’s lesson. - Do all the exercises again Comments:

……… ……… ……… ……… ………

Date of teaching:


-I Aim: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to describe information from the data given in the chart. II.Language knowledge:

1.Grammar: present simple

2.Vocabulary: words and phrases often used to describe information III.Techniques:

IV.Teaching aids: handouts V.Procedure:

T s and Ss activities’ ’ Content

- T provides Ss with some useul language

1.Presentation: * Notes:


- Ss take notes - How is the population distributed, evenly or unevenly? - Which areas have an outstanding percentage?

* Useful language: (see the appendix in the handout below)

- Ss use the information given to write a passage describing the the distribution of the population in Tan Chau district

- After Ss finish their writings, T calls on some Ss to write their writings on the board, and T corrects then


* Exercise: Write a passage to describe the distribution of the population in Tan Chau district:

* Students writings:’

……… - T sets homework

- Ss the task at home

3 Homework:

- Revise today’s lesson - Do all the exercises again Comments:

……… ……… ……… ……… ………

APPENDIX: * Useful language:

- The chart shows /describes the distribution of the world population in ………(2005)…………

- As can be seen from the data in the chart, the world population is distributed unevenly from region to region

- …(Asia)… ranks first because it has the largest percentage with … (40% )… last smallest

- ………(Europe)…… accounts for ………(30)……… percent of the world population comprises

- The chart also shows that ………

- ………(America)……… follows with …… (28)………… percent

- (Africa’s population)…… is half as much as the population of the world nearly half of

more than half of

double of ………… (Europe’s)……… nearly double of

more than double of

- In sum, the distribution of the population is not equal in different parts of the world due to the population growth rates Governments should exercise / implement / carry out population policies to regulate the distribution of the world population

Tan Ha

Tan Hiep % Tan Chau Township 10 % 26 %

Dong Rum 11%


Date of teaching:

Period: 15 Lesson: Grammar


-I Aim: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to how to use the conditional sentences in reported speech properly

II.Language knowledge:

1.Grammar: the conditional sentences in reported speech 2.Vocabulary: words appear in the exercises


IV.Teaching aids: handouts V.Procedure:

T s and Ss activities’ ’ Content

- T gives Ss some examples of conditional in direct speech, then helps them to change them into indirect speech, using infinitives

- Ss are required to looked at the examples to draw out the form

- T also supplies Ss with some more reported verbs

1.Presentation: * Examples:

a Direct: “If I have more money, I will buy that house,” she said

> Indirect: She said (that) if she had more money, she would buy that house

b Direct: She said “If I had more money, I would buy that house,”

> Indirect: She said (that) if she had more money, she would buy that house

c Direct: She said “If I had had more money, I would have bought that house,”

> Indirect: She said (that) if she had had more money, she would have bought that house

* Form:

* Examples:

a Direct: “If I have more money, I will buy that house,” she said

> Indirect: She said (that) if she had more money, she would buy that house

b Direct: She said “If I had more money, I would buy that house,”

> Indirect: She said (that) if she had more money, she would buy that house

c Direct: She said “If I had had more money, I would have bought that house,”




1 If claus


S + V/ V-s/es S + V-ed/ V2

Main claus


S + will/ can+ V-inf S + would /could+ V-inf

2 If claus


S + V-ed/ V2 S + V-ed/ V2

Main claus


S + would/ could + V-inf S + would/ coulD + V-inf

3 If claus


S + had + P.P S + had + P.P

Main claus


S + would /could + have


> Indirect: She said (that) if she had had more money, she would have bought that house

- Ss work in pairs to the exercise

- T calls on some Ss to read their answers, and makes corrections then

Practice: * Exercise:

Turn the following sentences into reported speech: Tom said to me, ”If I have spare time, I will go fishing with you”


2 The teacher told us, “If it rains tomorrow, we can go for a picnic.”


3 “Unless you study harder, you will fail the exam”, said his parents


4 “If she goes to the party, she will have a lot of fun.”, said Peter


5 “If you need help, I will be willing to help you with the difficult exercises”, my sister said


6 Lida said, “ I would have come to the party if I hadn’t been so busy last week.”


7 Tom told me, “If I were you, I would look for another job.”


8 My friend said to me, “ What would you if someone gave you a million pounds?”

> My friend asked me what


9 The gardener said, “ If I didn’t water these plants yesterday, they could die.”


10 The doctor said to the patient, “ You won’t feel better unless you takes these medicine.”


- T sets homework - Ss the task at home

3 Homework:

- Revise today’s lesson - Do all the exercises again Comments:

……… ……… ……… ……… ………

Date of teaching:

Period: 16 Lesson: Pronunciation Lesson16 PRONUNCIATION


-Date of teaching:

Period: 17 Lesson: Listening Lesson17 LISTENING

-I Aim: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen to the talk to get some specific information. II.Language knowledge:

1.Grammar: past simple and present perfect

2.Vocabulary: new vocabulary items in the listening text III.Techniques:

IV.Teaching aids: handouts V.Procedure:

T s and Ss activities’ ’ Content

- T plays the cassette

- Ss listen to the tlak and fill in the blanks

1 Exercise: Listen to the talk and fill in the blanks: WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY

When he left school, Maximilian also started work on the family (1)………… But he soon became (2) ………… Country life wasn’t for him And so at the age of 18 he left the (3) ………… He’s only been back three times since then He went ot Buenos Aires and there he got a job on (4) ………… that was sailing to the USA On the ship, he met a rich American (5) ………… He liked Maximilian and offered him a job Maximilian (6) ………… quickly and in the next ten years he made a lot of money on Wall Street He became a millionaire when he was only (7) ………… Since then he has been part of the international jet set He’s had three wives When he was 30 he married a (8) ………… model, but she died two years later in (9) ………… His second and third marriages both ended in divorce For the last ten years he has lived alone in his luxury villa in the Bahamas His (10) has not been happy Two years ago his son went to …………

(11) ………… One of his two daughters has becone a drug addict He’s been on television several times and the (12) have followed his life closely For the whole of his …………

life he has loved to (13) ………… He’s visited almost every country in the world.”Yes, I’ve made a lot of (14) ………… I’ve been everywhere and I’ve done everything But has it made me happy? Not really Now look at my brother, Emilo For seventy years his life (15) ………… at all But he’s happy Yes Emilio is a happy man.”

- Afer Ss finish their listening, T asks some Ss to read their answers

2 Answer key: farm


5 businessman learnt

7 twenty five beautiful a car crash 10 family life 11 prison 12 newspapers 13 travel 14 money

15 hasn’t changed - T sets homework

- Ss the task at home 3 Homework:- Revise today’s lesson. Comments:

……… ……… ……… ……… ………

Tapescript: ( from Lifeline Pre-intermediate, 7.5 page 63) WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY

When he left school, Maximilian also started work on the family farm But he soon became bored Country life wasn’t for him And so at the age of 18 he left the village He’s only been back three times since then He went ot Buenos Aires and there he got a job on a ship that was sailing to the USA On the ship, he met a rich American businessman He liked Maximilian and offered him a job Maximilian learnt quickly and in the next ten years he made a lot of money on Wall Street He became a millionaire when he was only 25 Since then he has been part of the international jet set He’s had three wives When he was 30 he married a beautiful model, but she died two years later in a car crash His second and third marriages both ended in divorce For the last ten years he has lived alone in his luxury villa in the Bahamas His family life has not been happy Two years ago his son went to prison One of his two daughters has becone a drug addict He’s been on television several times and the newspapers have followed his life closely For the whole of his life he has loved to travel He’s visited almost every country in the world.”Yes, I’ve made a lot of money I’ve been everywhere and I’ve done everything But has it made me happy? Not really Now look at my brother, Emilo For seventy years his life hasn’t changed at all But he’s happy Yes Emilio is a happy man.”

Date of teaching:

Period: 18 Lesson: Writing Lesson18 WRITING: DESCRIBE A CELEBRATION

-I Aim: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a passage describing a certain celebration in Vietnam

II.Language knowledge: 1.Grammar:

2.Vocabulary: words related to celebrations III.Techniques:

IV.Teaching aids: handouts V.Procedure:

T s and Ss activities’ ’ Content

- Ss are required to work in pairs to answer the questions - Then Ss read aloud their answers

- T makes correction

1 Presetatuion : DESCRIBING A CELEBRATION * Think of a popular celebration in Vietnam and answer the following questions:

What celebration is it? When is it celebrated?

What are the celebration’s main purposes ?

What people usually during the celebration? What you think about the celebration? Do you like it? Why?

- Ss use the answers to the questions above to make a description of a celebration

2 Practice:


- Ss write a passage about Tet in Vietnam

- Then Ss write down their writings on the board

- T corrects Ss’ mistakes then

(Ss’s writings)


* Exercise 2: Write a description of Tet in Vietnam. (Ss’s writings)


- T sets homework

- Ss the task at home 3 Homework:- Revise today’s lesson. Comments:

……… ……… ………

Date of teaching:

Period: 19 Lesson: Grammar


-I Aim: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to how to use defining and non-defining relative clauses properly

II.Language knowledge:

1.Grammar: defining and non-defining relative clauses 2.Vocabulary: words appear in the exercises


IV.Teaching aids: handouts V.Procedure:

T s and Ss activities’ ’ Content

- T reminds Ss of the relative pronouns that they have studied

- Ss tell the class relative pronouns

1.Presentation: a Relative pronouns:

- T gives Ss some examples of defining relative clauses

- Ss thell the class the usage of defining relative clauses

b Relative clauses:

b.1-Defining relative clauses: (Mệnh đề quan hệ xác định) - Được dùng để l m rõ thêm ý nghà ĩa cho danh từ đại từ

đứng phía trước Khơng có dấu phẩy (,) danh từ v mệnh đề quan hệ Nếu ta lượt bỏ mệnh đề quan hệ câu khơng cịn rõ ý nghĩa

Eg: The man who told me this refused to give me his name defining relative clause

- Thường theo sau: the / a / an + noun, danh từ số nhiều khơng có the, v nhà ững đại từ all, none, anyone, someone, …v those. Eg: + The book is about the girl who lives in the forest defining

relative clause

+ I met someone who said he knew you

defining relative clause * L u ý :

- Thông thường mệnh đề quan hệ xác định, that thay cho đại từ quan hệ cột (1) v (2)

Eg: + This is the picture which / that I bought at the gallery - Sau đại từ bất định all, someone, on one, everyone,…

those, sau dạng so sánh It s the first / It s the most, ’ ’ Subject

(1) Object(2) Possessive(3) For

person whothat who / whom that whose For


which which whose / of which


It s the + so sánh nhất… người ta thường dùng that đại từ quan hệ

Eg: + All the apples that fall are eaten by the pigs + It is the most interesting film that I have ever seen

+ This is the nicest hotel that I have ever seen - That thường dùng nhiều văn nói - T gives Ss some examples of

non-defining relative clauses

- Ss thell the class the usage of non-defining relative clauses

b.2- Non-defining relative clauses: (Mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định)

- Được dùng sau danh từ xác định cụ thể Có dấu phẩy (,) danh từ v mà ệnh đề quan hệ Chúng ta lượt bỏ mệnh đề quan hệ m không ảnh hưởng đến ý nghĩa câu

Eg: Peter, who came here yesterday, is my cousin non-defining relative clause

* L u ýư : That không dùng mệnh đề quan hệ không xác định

- Ss work in pairs to the exercise

- T calls on some Ss to read their answers, and makes corrections then


* Exercise:Combine these sentences into one, using relative pronouns and relative clauses:

1 I met Mary She asked me to give you this > ……… He is the customer I lost his address > ……… She is the novelist Her book won first prize > ………

4 She was dancing with a student He had a slight limp > ………

5 I am looking after some children They are terribly spoilt > ………

6 The bed had no mattress I slept on this bed > ……… I was sitting in a chair It suddenly collapsed > ………

8 This is the story of a man His wife suddenly loses her memory > ………

9 I was waiting for a man He didn’t turn up > ………

10 The car crashed into a queue of people Four of them were killed

> ………

11 I saw several houses Most of them were quite unsuitable > ………

12 Tom was tired and wanted to stop He had been driving all day

> ………

13 Ann felt quite fresh She had slept in the back of the car >………

14 Paul wanted to take the mountain road His tyres were nearly new

> ……… 15 We lit a fire It soon dried out our clothes > ………

16 He paid me $5 for cleaning the windows Most of them hadn’t been cleaned for at least a year

> ………

17 Romeo and Juliet were lovers Their parents hated each other > ………

18 There wasn’t any directory in the telephone box I was phoning from this box

> ………

19 This is Mrs Jones Her son won the championship last year > ………


the box

> ……… - T sets homework

- Ss the task at home

3 Homework:

- Revise today’s lesson - Do all the exercises again Comments:

……… ……… ……… ……… ………

Date of teaching:18 / 01 / 2008

Period: 20 Lesson: Writing Lesson20 WRITING A LETTER OF SATISFACTION

-I Aim: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to write a letter to express their satisfaction and dissatisfaction

II.Language knowledge: 1.Grammar: simple present

2.Vocabulary: useful vocabulary for Ss’ writing III.Techniques:

IV.Teaching aids: handouts V.Procedure:

T s and Ss activities’ ’ Content

- T shows Ss a brief outline of a letter of satisfaction

- Ss study it carefully

1 Presetatuion :

* Making an outline of a letter of satisfaction:

Example :

Dear Sir,

I am writing a letter about




Generally I am satisfied with

















- Then Ss tell the class the main parts of a letter of satisfaction

A letter of satisfaction should consists of the following parts: - Greeting

- Reasons for writing

- Satisfaction or dissatisfaction - Evidence

- Your suggestions - Closing

- Ss read the requirement carefully and write their letters

- Ater that Ss write their writings on the board

- T makes corrections then

2 Practice: * Exercise :

Imagine you have been using the some services of Tay Ninh Hospital Write a letter to the director of the hospital to express your satisfaction or did satisfaction

The ideas below may be useful for you: - The attitude of the doctors and nurses - The quality of the equipment

- The security conditions

- Prices of services and medicine

(Ss’s writings)

……… - T sets homework

- Ss the task at home 3 Homework:- Write your letter again at home. Comments:

……… ……… ………

Date of teaching: ………

Period: Lesson: Grammar


-I Aim: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to how to use defining relative clauses with prepositions properly

II.Language knowledge: 1.Grammar: relative clauses

2.Vocabulary: words appear in the exercises III.Techniques:

IV.Teaching aids: handouts V.Procedure:

T s activitiesSs activities

- Give Ss some examples

- Call some sts to give the sentences 1.Presentation:


- Listen and write down in the note books


1 The man was very helpful I talked to him.

a The man whom / who I talked to was very helpful b The man that I talked to was very helpful

c The man  I talked to was very helpful d The man to whom I talked was very helpful 2 The chair is nearly collapsed The child is sitting in


a The chair which the child is sitting in is nearly collapsed

b The chair that the child is sitting in is nearly collapsed

c The chair  the child is sitting in is nearly collapsed

d The chair in which the child is sitting is nearly collapsed

* Notes:

- whom / who, which v that có thể sử dụng l tân ngà ữ giới từ mệnh đề quan hệ

- whom / who, which v àthat lượt bỏ câu ví dụ 1c v 2cà

- Trong cách dùng Tiếng Anh trang trọng, giới từ đặt đầu mệnh đề quan hệ (hay đại từ quan hệ) ví dụ 1d v 2d.à Giới từ ch ỉ đứ ng tr ướ c whom hoặc which m không đứng trước that hoặc who; đại từ whom, which lúc n y không th ể lượt bỏ

- Choose the best answer 1.d

2 d

2 Practice:

* Exercise:Combine these sentences into one, using relative

pronouns and relative clauses:

1 The movie was very interesting We went to it > The man is over there I told you about him > The woman pays me a fair salary I work for her > Alice likes the family She is living with them > The picture is beautiful Tom is looking at it > I enjoyed the music We listened to it after dinner > The person was very friendly I spoke to him > The motel was very clean We stayed at that


> The person never came Sally was waiting for

that person

> 10 I never found the book I was looking for it > 11 One of my subjects is Literture I have been

interested in Literature for a long time

> 12 The interviewer wanted to know the name of the

college I had graduated from this college > 13 Organic chemistry is a subject I am not familiar

with it

> 14 The chair is very hard I am sitting in this chair > - Call on some Ss to read their answers, and makes corrections then

- Ss work in pairs to the exercise 1/ The movie to which we went was interesting

2/ The man about whom I told you is over there

3/ the woman for whom I work pays me a fair salary

4/ Alice likes the family with which she is living

5/ The picture at which Tom is looing is beautiful

6/ I enjoyed the music to which we listened after dinner

7/ The person to whom I spoke was very friendly

8/ The motel at which we stayed was very clean

9) The person for whom Sally was waiting never came

10) I never found the book for which I was looking


3 Homework: - Revise today’s lesson

- ask sts to make sentences with relative clauses with preposition

- Ss the task at home - Do all the exercises again


……… ……… ……… ……… ………

Date of teaching: 25/1/2008

Period: 22 Lesson: Listening Lesson22 LISTENING

-I Aim: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen to the talk to get some specific information. II.Language knowledge:

1.Grammar: past simple and present perfect

2.Vocabulary: new vocabulary items in the listening text III.Techniques:

IV.Teaching aids: handouts V.Procedure:

T s and Ss activities’ ’ Content

- Ss listen to an English song Warm up:

(The song We are the world )“ ”

- T plays the cassette

- Ss listen to the tlak and complete the sentences

Exercise: Listen to the talk and complete the sentences: Without water, people and other living things……… If there were no plants, water would run off after … …… Water can be held on the land by ……… Dams are built across rivers to help ……… Water is stored in the reservoirs during wet seasons for use in ………

- Afer Ss finish their listening, T asks some Ss to read their answers

* Answer key: cannot live it rains

3 planting vegetation hold back the water dry seasons

- T sets homework - Ss the task at home

3 Homework:

- Revise today’s lesson Comments:

……… ……… ……… TAPESCRIPT:

Water is very necessary to people and other living things.Without water, people, animals and plants cannot live And if there were no plants, water would run off after it rains; and this would cause a lot of floods But nature gas many ways of conserving and controlling water Water can be held on the land by planting vegetation Forests and grass should be planted where there are no natural growths Dams built across rivers help hold back the water Reservoirs hehind the dams store water during wet seasons for use in dry seasons Dams help prevent floods by controlling the flow water

Date of teaching: 23/2/2008



-I Aim:At the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to describe information from the data given in the chart. II.Language knowledge:

1.Grammar: present simple

2.Vocabulary: words and phrases often used to describe information III.Techniques:

IV.Teaching aids: handouts V.Procedure:

T s and Ss activities’ ’ Content

- Ss study the chart and write a passage describing the unemployment in Sunshine country in 1999 and 2006

- After Ss finish their writings, T calls on some Ss to write their writings on the board, and T corrects then

* Exercise: Study the chart below carefully and write a passage to describe the number of unemployment in Sunshine country in 1999 and 2006

thousand people



34 30 30


20 18 16 12


1999 2006 year * Notes: : Lowland

: Highland : Midland * Students writings:’


- T sets homework - Ss the task at home

3 Homework: - Revise today’s lesson.


Date of teaching: ………

Period: Lesson: Grammar RELATIVE CLAUSES


-I Aim: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to use participles and to-infinitive to replace relative clauses

II.Language knowledge:

1.Grammar: Relative clauses replaced by participles and to-infinitive 2.Vocabulary: words and phrases in the exercises


IV.Teaching aids: handouts V.Procedure:

T s and Ss activities’ ’ Content

- T provides Ss with some examples

- Ss study carefully and draw out the rules then

1.Presentation: 1 Active: Examples:

- The man who stands at the door is my uncle

- The man who is / was standing at the door is my uncle - The man who stood at the door is my uncle

 The man standing at the door is my uncle

* Notes: We can use a present participle to replace a relative clause which has an active meaning

2 Passive: Examples:

- The woman who is / was given a flower looks / looked very happy

 The woman given a flower looks / looked very happy * Notes: We can use a past participle to replace a relative clause which has a passive meaning

3 Infinitive relative clause: (active / passive) Examples:

a Active:

- The first student who comes to class has to clean the board  The first student to come to class has to clean the board b Passive:

- The only room which was painted yesterday was Mary’s  The only room to be painted yesterday was Mary’s

* Notes: We can use an active or a passive to-infinitive after an ordinal number (first, second, ), next, after, last, only, and an indefinite pronoun (something, anything, …)

- Ss work in pairs to the exercise

- After Ss finish their exercise, T calls on some Ss to write their answers on the board, and T corrects then


* Exercise 1: Rewrite the following sentences using present participle, past participle or to-infinitive:

Maxicorp were the only company which replied my letter  ……… Do you the man who is talking to my father ?

 ……… Applications which were sent after 23rd will not be




 ……… 11 The equipment which belongs to the club is insured  ……… 12 George is the first person that we will interview

 ……… 13 Meetings which are held every month are called monthly


 ……… 14 The most excellent students who were rewarded the

scholarship would have a two-week holiday in Vung Tau  ……… 15 The trees which were planted last week are growing well  ………

11 The man who is talking to John is from Korea

 ……… 12 The ideas which are presented in that book are interesting  ………

13 Ann is the woman who is responsiple for preparing the budget

 ……… 14 English has an alphabet that consists of 26 letters  ………

15 The books that are on that shelf is mine

 ……… 16 The children who attend that school receive a good education

 ……… 17 The psychologists who study the nature of sleep have made important discoveries

 ……… 18 The sunlight which comes through the window wakes me up early every morning

 ……… 19 John quincy Adams, who was born on July 11th 1767, was

the sixth president of the United States

 ……… 20 These are the ancient houses which were built a long time ago

 ………

- Ss work in pairs to exercise

- After Ss finish their exercise, T calls on some Ss to write their answers on the board, and T corrects then

* Exercise 2: Rewrite the following sentences using an appositive:

We walked down Park Lane, which is the srteet alone Hyde Park

 We walked down Park Lane, the srteet alone Hyde Park

2. The statue of Eros stands high above Piccadilly Circus, which is the busiest crossroads in London

 ……… 3. We turned left into Regent Street , which is one of the best

shopping street

 ……… 4. We passed Marble Arch, which was once a gate into Hyde


 ……… 5. Tom, who is my classmate, comes from England

 ……… 1 Exercise3 :

Combine the sentences into one single sentence using relative clauses:

1 The taxi driver was friendly He took me to the airport  ……… I must thank the people I got a present from them

 ……… The town is small I grew up there

 ……… That is the drawer I keep the jewelry there

 ……… The woman pays me a fair salary I work for her


 ……… The traffic is very noisy It passes my flat

 ……… The local market sells excellent local produce It is a

two-minute walk from my flat

 ……… We went to Sandra’s party We enjoyed it very much  ……… 10 John is one of my closest friends I have known him for a

very long time

 ……… 11 The book is about a girl She runs away from home  ……… 12 A new stadium will be opened next month It can hold 90,000


 ……… 13 Alaska is the largest state in the United States My brother

lives there

 ……… 14 My wife and I are really enjoying the TV set We bought it

for ourselves last week

 ……… 15 Yesterday, Anna rescued a bird The cat had brought it into

the house


- T sets homework

- Ss the task at home 3 Homework:- Revise today’s lesson. - Do all the exercises again Comments:


Handouts - Practice: * Exercise 1: Rewrite the following sentences using present participle, past participle or to-infinitive:

Maxicorp were the only company which replied my letter  ……… Do you the man who is talking to my father ?

 ……… Applications which were sent after 23rd will not be


 ……… We have a lot of exercises which we hace to toninght  ……… Studies of her son are the most important thing that she cares about

 ……… 16 The equipment which belongs to the club is insured  ……… 17 George is the first person that we will interview

 ………

18 Meetings which are held every month are called monthly meetings  ………

19 The most excellent students who were rewarded the scholarship would have a two-week holiday in Vung Tau

 ……… 20 The trees which were planted last week are growing well  ………

11 The man who is talking to John is from Korea

 ……… 12 The ideas which are presented in that book are interesting  ………

13 Ann is the woman who is responsiple for preparing the budget  ………

14 English has an alphabet that consists of 26 letters  ………

15 The books that are on that shelf is mine

 ……… 16 The children who attend that school receive a good education  ………

17 The psychologists who study the nature of sleep have made important discoveries  ………

18 The sunlight which comes through the window wakes me up early every morning  ………

19 John quincy Adams, who was born on July 11th 1767, was the sixth president of the United


 ……… 20 These are the ancient houses which were built a long time ago  ………

* Exercise 2: Rewrite the following sentences using an appositive:

We walked down Park Lane, which is the srteet alone Hyde Park

 We walked down Park Lane, the srteet alone Hyde Park

6. The statue of Eros stands high above Piccadilly Circus, which is the busiest crossroads in London

 ………

7. We turned left into Regent Street , which is one of the best shopping street  ………

8. We passed Marble Arch, which was once a gate into Hyde Park  ……… 9. Tom, who is my classmate, comes from England


Combine the sentences into one single sentence using relative clauses: 16 The taxi driver was friendly He took me to the airport

 ……… 17 I must thank the people I got a present from them

 ……… 18 The town is small I grew up there

 ……… 19 That is the drawer I keep the jewelry there

 ……… 20 The woman pays me a fair salary I work for her

 ……… 21 My flat is in an old part of the city It was built in the 1920s  ……… 22 The traffic is very noisy It passes my flat

 ………

23 The local market sells excellent local produce It is a two-minute walk from my flat  ………

24 We went to Sandra’s party We enjoyed it very much  ………

25 John is one of my closest friends I have known him for a very long time  ………

26 The book is about a girl She runs away from home  ………

27 A new stadium will be opened next month It can hold 90,000 people  ………

28 Alaska is the largest state in the United States My brother lives there  ………

29 My wife and I are really enjoying the TV set We bought it for ourselves last week  ………

30 Yesterday, Anna rescued a bird The cat had brought it into the house


Date of teaching:


-I Aim: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to know how to leave out relative pronouns. II.Language knowledge:

1.Grammar: Relative clauses, relative clauses 2.Vocabulary: words and phrases in the exercises III.Techniques:

IV.Teaching aids: handouts V.Procedure:

T s and Ss activities’ ’ Content

- T provides Ss with some examples

- Ss study carefully and draw out the rules then

1.Presentation: Omission of relative pronouns

* Examples:

- The manager was away on holiday I wanted to see him  The manager (who / whom / that) I wanted to see was away

on holiday * Notes:

- We can leave out the pronoun when it stands for an object pronoun of defining relative clauses, and there is no preposition in front of it

- Clauses without relative pronouns are very common in informal English


- Ss work in pairs to the exercise

- After Ss finish their exercise, T calls on some Ss to write their answers on the board, and T corrects then

* Exercise 1 Combine the two sentences into one, using the relative clauses Leave out the relative pronouns if possible.

Example: Have you found the keys? You lost them  Have you found the keys (which / that) you lost I like the dress Trang is wearing it

 ……… 3. The fish was really delicious We had it for dinner  ……… 4. We stayed at a hotel Peter recommended it

 ……… 5. The film was interesting I watched it on TV last night  ……… 6. The flat was very old My family used to live in it  ……… 7. The birthday party was too noisy We went to it

 ……… 8. Who was that boy? You was with him this morning  ……… 9. I don’t like tie John is wearing it

 ……… 10.The train was full of passengers and goods We travelled on


 ……… 11.The church is 200 years old Our class visited it

 ……… - Ss exercise

- After Ss finish the exercise, T calls on some Ss read aloud their answers

- T corrects Ss’ answers then

* Exercise 2: Tick (Ö ) the sentences in which the relative pronouns can be omitted.

Example: Ö Is this the car that the police are looking for? _1 Everything that happened was my fault

_2 Is there anything that I can do?

_3 The window that was broken has now been repaired _4 Where are the eggs that were in the fridge?

_5 The play that we saw last week was boring

_6 The young man who I sat next to on the bus talked all the time

_7 Do you know the girl who Tom is talking to? _8 Linda works for a company that makes computers

_9 The book about the young girl who runs away from home _10 He is getting on well with Mary, who he met last month _11 That’s the company for which Lan is working

_12 The man who helped me to finish that work was my neighbour

- T sets homework - Ss the task at home

3 Homework:

- Revise today’s lesson - Do all the exercises again Comments:


Handouts for exercises

I/ Do, play or go? Choose the best verb to fill each sentence below Change the verb form where necessary:

1 He used to ………… jogging everyday when he was at college I love … a good game of chess from time to time

3 She gymnastics for over five years now

4 This summer we …… Windsurfing very day on our vacation He is quite an athlete He …… basketball, baseball and hockey, too My wife …… Horse riding twice a week

7 Why don’t we …… a set of tennis?

8 Some people think that ……… aerobics four times a week is the best possible way of keeping fit His idea of the perfect summer holiday is to rent a sailboat and …… the sailing between the islands 10 He …… Athletics for his local track club

II/ Solve the crossword below by filling in the blank in each sentence eith a suitable word from the box:

What are your hobbies?

Across down

2 We all love listening to …… Bob enjoys playing …… games I like playing basketball and …… I usaully go … in the summer

9 We can build …… on the beach during the summer

13 My brother likes playing the … (musical instrument)

14 Mary is always working in the garden She loves …………

16 My friend likes walking in the …… 17 Peter likes collecting ……… 18 I…… go shopping with my mum

1 My mother is into planting ………

3 She likes collecting sea ……at the seaside My grandpa enjoys playing … (board game) Watching TV is an … activity

10 I like collecting ………… 11 Bob likes surfing the …… 12 I always paly soccer on …… 15 I like maing a snowman in the …

* Exercise 1 Combine the two sentences into one, using the relative clauses Leave out the relative pronouns if possible.

Example: Have you found the keys? You lost them  Have you found the keys (which / that) you lost I like the dress Trang is wearing it

 ……… The fish was really delicious We had it for dinner

 ……… We stayed at a hotel Peter recommended it

……… The film was interesting I watched it on TV last night ……… The flat was very old My family used to live in it ……… The birthday party was too noisy We went to it

……… Who was that boy? You was with him this morning  ………

Stamps - coins - guitar - chess - flowers - computer - voleyball - gardening - music - swimming indoor winter Sunday park sometimes - sandcastles - internet


Date of teaching:

Period: Lesson: Grammar CLEFT SENTENCES

-I Aim: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to use cleft sentences properly.

II.Language knowledge: 1.Grammar: Cleft sentences

2.Vocabulary: words and phrases in the exercises III.Techniques:

IV.Teaching aids: handouts V.Procedure:

T s and Ss activities’ ’ Content

- T provides Ss with some examples

- Ss study carefully and draw out the rules then

1.Presentation: * Examples:

Freda phoned Jack last night (simple sentence, no emphasis) - It was Freda who phoned Jack last night. (emphasis on subject) - It was Jack who(m) Freda phoned last night (emphasis on object) - It was last night that Freda phoned Jack. (emphasis on adverb) 2 The boy hit the dog in the garden

- Emphasis on object:

It was the dog that the boy hit in the garden. (active)

It was the dog that was hit by the boy in the garden. (passive) * Notes:

We can use It was or It is ……that / who / whom to emphasize the words or phrases functioning as a subject , an object or an adverbial phrase

- Ss work in pairs to the exercise

- After Ss finish their exercise, T calls on some Ss to write their answers on the board, and T corrects then

* Exercise 1:

Rewrite the following sentences after a model, paying attention to the subject focus of the sentence:

Example: - The man gave her the book.

 It was the man who gave her the book. The neighbour told them about it

 ……… My friend came to see me late last night

 ……… That boy scored the goal for his team

 ……… The dog grabbed at the piece of meat and ran awy

 ……… The strong wind blew the roof off

 ………

- Ss exercise

- After Ss finish the exercise, T calls on some Ss read aloud their answers

- T corrects Ss’ answers then

* Exercise 2:

Rewrite the following sentences after a model, paying attention to the object focus of the sentence:

Example: - The boy hit the dog in the garden.

 It was the dog that the boy hit in the garden.

 It was the dog that was hit by the boy in the garden. The woman answered the man rudely

 ………  ……… The boy played ping pong the whole afternoon

 ………  ……… The girl gave the boy a special gift on his birthday

 ………  ……… The police arrested the man at the railway station

 ………  ……… He borrowed the money from Linda


- Ss exercise

- After Ss finish the exercise, T calls on some Ss read aloud their answers

- T corrects Ss’ answers then

* Exercise 3:

Rewrite the following sentences after a model, paying attention to the adverbial focus of the sentence:

Example: - The boy hit the dog in the garden.

 It was in the garden that the boy hitthe dog. He bought the book from that corner shop

 ……… He got married when he was 26

 ……… Thay were having a barbecue in the park

 ……… I met him on the way to school

 ……… They often had parties on weekends

 ……… - T sets homework

- Ss the task at home 3 Homework:- Revise today’s lesson. - Do all the exercises again Comments:

……… ……… ………

Date of teaching……….

Period: Lesson: Grammar PAIRED CONJUNTIONS


-I Aim: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to know use paired conjuntions: both …and, either …or, neither …nor, not only…but …also properly

II.Language knowledge:

1.Grammar: paired conjuntions: both …and, either …or, neither …nor, not only…but …also 2.Vocabulary: words and phrases in the exercises


IV.Teaching aids: handouts V.Procedure:

T s and Ss activities’ ’ Content

- T provides Ss with some examples

- Ss study carefully and draw out the rules then

1.Presentation: A Examples:

1 Both my mother and my sister are here Not only my mother but also my sister is here Not only my sister but also my parents are here Either my father or my mother comes here Neither my parents nor my sister is here Neither my sister nor my parents are here * Notes:

- Two subjects connected by both …and take a plural verb - When two subjects are connected by not only……but also, either …… or, neither ……nor, the subject that is closer to the verb determines whether the verb is singular or plural

B Examples:


(4) That book is either interesting nor accurate

* Notes: Notice the parallel structure in the examples The same grammatical form should follow each word of the pair

- In (1): both + noun + and + noun

- In (2): not only + verb + but also + verb - In (3): either + noun + or + noun

- In (4): neither + adj + nor + adj - Ss work in pairs to the


- After Ss finish their exercise, T calls on some Ss to write their answers on the board, and T corrects then

2 Exercises:

* Exercise 1: Supply is orarein the following: Both the teacher and the student ……… here Neither the teacher nor the student …………here Not only the teacher or the student ………….here

4 Not only the teacher but also the student ………here Either the students or the teacher …………planning to come Either the teacher or the students …………planning to come

- Ss work in pairs to the exercise

- After Ss finish their exercise, T calls on some Ss to write their answers on the board, and T corrects then

* Exercise 2: Combine the following into sentences that contain parallel structure Use appropriate paired conjunctions: both …and, not only…but also, either …or, neither …nor: He does not have a pen He does not have paper

 ……… 2. Ron enjoys horseback riding Bob enjoys horseback riding  ……… 3. Arthur is not in class today Ricardo is not in class today  ……… 4. Arhtur is absent Ricardo is absent

 ……… 5. We can fix dinner for them here, or we can take them to a


 ……… 6. She wants to buy a Ford, or she wants to buy a Toyota  ……… 7. We could fly or we could take the train

 ……… 8. The library does not have the book I need The bookstore

does not have the book I need

 ……… 9. Coal is an irreplaceable natural resource Oil is an

irreplaceable natural resource

 ……… 10.Her roommates not know where she she is Her brother

does not know where she she is

 ……… - T sets homework

- Ss the task at home 3 Homework:- Revise today’s lesson. - Do all the exercises again Comments:


Date of teaching:

Period: Lesson: Pronunciation PRONUNCIATION

-I Aim: At the end of the lesson, students will revise the pronunciation.

II.Language knowledge:

1.Grammar: 2.Vocabulary: words and phrases in the exercises III.Techniques:

IV.Teaching aids: handouts V.Procedure:

T s and Ss activities’ ’ Content

- Ss the exercise

- After Ss finish their exercise, T calls on some Ss to tell their answers

1 Exercise 1: Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from the others:

1 A sastify B abandon C discover D imagine A money B machine C many D mother A element B animal C success D elephant A attract B defeat C believe D happen A maintenance B pollutant

C vehicle D pesticide A alternative B geothermal C electrical D convenient A energy B pollution C advantage D reactor A.expensive B potential C infinite D enormous A available B convenient C renewable D geothermal 10.A endanger B prohibit C discourage D disappear

- Ss the exercise

- After Ss finish their exercise, T calls on some Ss to tell their answers

* Exercise 2: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others:

1 A cooked B laughed C stopped D climbed

2 A visited B handed C discarded D travelled

3 A fished B relaxed C hoped D banned

4 A planned B watched C walked D missed

5 A escaped B rested C booked D typed

6 A builds B plants C answers D animals

7 A replies B houses C buses D catches

8 A plays B paysC says D stays

9 A tapes B tables C cassettes D cases

10 A hooks B cattles C lamps D cliffs

- T sets homework

- Ss the task at home 3 Homework:- Revise today’s lesson. - Do all the exercises again Comments:

……… ………

Date of teaching: ……….

Period: Lesson: Reading


-I Aim: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to

- read for specific information,

- understand the reading text and fill in the blanks with the words given II.Language knowledge:


2.Vocabulary: new words in the cloze text and in the passage III.Techniques:


T s and Ss activities’ ’ Content - T delivers the handouts

- Ss read the text and fill in the blanks by choosing the best answers from A, B, C or D - T calls on some Ss to read their answers, and checks them then

1.Cloze text:


The Lake District is very popular for holidays all year round Roads leading into the area have been improved in (1) years Inside the area itself, however, many roads are ………

(2)……….and winding with steep hills and it may not be safe to drive (3)……….roads like this when they are (4) in ice For the mountain walker a word of warning – ………

every season visitors (5)……….lost or are injured and (6) to be rescued by the Mountain Rescue teams This ………

kind of problem can be (7)……… by following a few simple rules When exploring the mountains, wear warm clothing, sensible boots, take a map, compass and whistle and a small (8) of food Don’t go (9) alone and always tell

……… ………

someone where you (10)……… to go to

1 A recent B next C last D close A thin B slim C narrow D shallow A along B above C by D in A wrapped B covered C drowned D filled A have B be C make D get A must B should C need D ought A arranged B prevented C encouraged D organized A quantity B weight C length D limit A for B by C with D off 10.A look B seem C plan D know

 Answer key:

1.A, 2.C, 3.A, 4.B, 5.D, 6.C, 7.B, 8.A, 9.D, 10.C - Ss read the passage and

the task

- T asks Ss to read the answers and corrects them as well

2 Reading text:

Read the passage carefully and complete the statements about the text from to :

My favourite sport is swimming I learned to swim when I was five and I have been to the swimming pool at least twice a week ever since

You not need much special equipment if you want to learn to swim – only a pair of swimming trunks if you are a boy, or a swimming costume and a cap if you are a girl When you start you may like to use a ring or some water-wings Try to find a good teacher You must learn to keep your balance in the water and then your teacher will show how to move your arms and legs so that you move along smoothly and easily start making good progress

Most people learn the breaststroke first and then go on to backstroke and crawl After that, you can learn to dive Diving is probably what I like doing most when I go to the pool I am particularly interested in swimming faster than anyone else but I love trying to dive as gracefully as possible

Swimming is not an expensive sport and it is very good for all the muscles in your body I would recommend anyone at any age to take up swimming as a hobby

1 The writer says that ………

A he has been to the swimming pool twice since he was five B he went to the swimming pool twice a week when he was five C he has been to the swimming pool only twice since he was five D he went to the swimming pool twice when he was five

2 According to the writer, ……… A it costs a lot to learn to swim

B one must buy a lot of special equipment for swimming practice C one must use a water-wing for swimming practice

D special equipment doesn’t matter a lot when one learns to swim The writer advises us to ………

A learn to dive before practising swimming B learn to swim under a trainer’s guidance C start learning to swim since the age of six

D to keep your arms and legs from moving along in the water The writer likes to ………

A practise hard so as to become a fast swimmer B play around in the water only


D take part in swimming contest

5 The writer recommends us to ……… A learn to swim when we are young

B develop your muscles C go swimming twice a week D find a good swimming teacher

 Answer key : 1.A, 2.D, 3.B, 4.C, 5.D - T sets homework

- Ss the task at home 3 Homework: Revise today’s lesson.

*Comments: ……… ………


I Choose the word or phrase A, B, C or D that best fits the blanks in the follwing passage:


The Lake District is very popular for holidays all year round Roads leading into the area have been improved in (1)……….years Inside the area itself, however, many roads are (2)……….and winding with steep hills and it may not be safe to drive (3)……….roads like this when they are (4)……… in ice For the mountain walker a word of warning – every season visitors (5)……….lost or are injured and (6)……… to be rescued by the Mountain Rescue teams This kind of problem can be (7)……… by following a few simple rules When exploring the mountains, wear warm clothing, sensible boots, take a map, compass and whistle and a small (8)……….of food Don’t go (9)……….alone and always tell someone where you (10)

to go to ………

1 A recent B next C last D close

2 A thin B slim C narrow D shallow

3 A along B above C by D in

4 A wrapped B covered C drowned D filled

5 A have B be C make D get

6 A must B should C need D ought

7 A encouraged B prevented C arranged D organized

8 A quantity B weight C length D limit

9 A for B by C with D off

10.A look B seem C plan D know

II Read the passage carefully and complete the statements about the text from to :

My favourite sport is swimming I learned to swim when I was five and I have been to the swimming pool at least twice a week ever since

You not need much special equipment if you want to learn to swim – only a pair of swimming trunks if you are a boy, or a swimming costume and a cap if you are a girl When you start you may like to use a ring or some water-wings Try to find a good teacher You must learn to keep your balance in the water and then your teacher will show how to move your arms and legs so that you move along smoothly and easily start making good progress

Most people learn the breaststroke first and then go on to backstroke and crawl After that, you can learn to dive Diving is probably what I like doing most when I go to the pool I am particularly interested in swimming faster than anyone else but I love trying to dive as gracefully as possible

Swimming is not an expensive sport and it is very good for all the muscles in your body I would recommend anyone at any age to take up swimming as a hobby

1 The writer says that ………

A he has been to the swimming pool twice since he was five B he went to the swimming pool twice a week when he was five C he has been to the swimming pool only twice since he was five D he went to the swimming pool twice when he was five

2 According to the writer, ……… A it costs a lot to learn to swim

B one must buy a lot of special equipment for swimming practice C one must use a water-wing for swimming practice

D special equipment doesn’t matter a lot when one learns to swim The writer advises us to ………

A learn to dive before practising swimming B learn to swim under a trainer’s guidance C start learning to swim since the age of six

D to keep your arms and legs from moving along in the water The writer likes to ………

A practise hard so as to become a fast swimmer B play around in the water only

C practise diving as gracefully as possible D take part in swimming contest

5 The writer recommends us to ……… A learn to swim when we are young


Date of teaching:…….

Period: … Lesson: Reading


-I Aim: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to

- read for specific information,

- understand the reading text and fill in the blanks with the words given II.Language knowledge:


2.Vocabulary: new words in the cloze text and in the passage III.Techniques:

IV.Teaching aids: handouts V.Procedure:

T s and Ss activities’ ’ Content

- T delivers the handouts - Ss read the text and choose the best answers from A, B, C or D

- T calls on some Ss to tell their answers, and checks them then

1 Reading text:

Read the passage carefully and complete the statements about the text from to :


many for them to survice However, it isn’t enough simply to talk about the problem We must act now before it is too late to anything about it Join us now to save the earth This is too important to ignore

1 Since so many trees are cut down,……… A there is too little rice in Asia

B tigers are rare

C there are vast parts of wasteland D wild animals are quickly disappearing

2 Farmers in parts of Africa……… A kill so many tigers

B talk much about the problem C save the earth

D can’t plant enough to eat

3 Tigers in India are rare because……… A they don’t eat enough

B we ignore them

C many of them are killed D we act

4 According to the reading, we must……… A survive now

B act now to save the earth C cut down trees

D talk about the problem

5 Tigers are classified as……… A rice

B farmers C wild animals D trees

- Ss read the passage and the task

- T asks Ss to read the answers and corrects them as well

2 Reading text:

Read the passage carefully and complete the statements about the text from to :

Air pollution happens when wastes are poured into the atmostphere and the air becomes contaminated and unpleasant to breathe

There are many causes that lead to air pollution The most serious cause is the development of industry Smoke, chemicals, and wastes from factories which consist of sulphur and nitrogen oxides are dangerous for our health Burning coal and oil release other gases that are harmful to human

Vehicles, especially cars, help to make our material life more comfortable and convenient; however, they also account for air pollution in the cities

People all know that they are breathing polluted air but it is difficult for them to choose, fresh air or comfortable material life

1 The word contaminated means……… A fresh

B polluted C harmful D dangerous

2 According to the writer, ……… A only cars that cause air pollution

B only waste from factories that causes air pollution C only burning coal that causes air pollution

D there are many causes that lead to air pollution Which sentence is NOT true?

A We will stop using cars

B Cars help to make our material life comfortable C Polluted air is unpleasant to breathe

D Burning coal does harm to us

4 The most serious cause that leads to air pollution is………

A Vehicles B gas

C industrial development D household garbage Cars………


- T sets homework

- Ss the task at home 3 Homework: Revise today’s lesson.

*Comments: ……… ………

Date of teaching: 2 / /2008

Period: 32 Lesson: Listening


-I Aim: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen to a passage to fill in the blanks, and listen to small dialogues for general ideas

II.Language knowledge: 1.Grammar:

2.Vocabulary: new words in the text III.Techniques:

IV.Teaching aids: handouts V.Procedure:

T s and Ss activities’ ’ Content

- T delivers the handouts - Ss read through the text quickly

- Then T plays the tape

- Ss listen and fill in the blanks

- After listening to the text or times Ss tell their answers

1 Exercise 1: Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks:

In 1973 a 75-tonne space station called Skylab was launched by the USA Three crews of three (1) ……… were sent to Skyla, but at the end of (2) ………., it was abandoned Skylab stayed in space until 1979 Then it fell out of its (3) ……… and headed towards(4) A lot of the space station burnt up when it ………

entered the (5) ……… But not all of it was (6) Large pieces were scattered across in ………

the Indian Ocean Australia was hit by some fragments Fortunately (7) ……… was hurt A lot of the pieces were found by Australian(8) ……… The pieces were (9) ……… for very high (10)

……… Answer key:

1 astronauts 1974 orbit the Earth atmosphere destroyed nobody farmers sold 10 prices

- T delivers the handouts - T asks Ss to listen to small dialogues and match them to their correct headings

- Then Ss tell their answers

2 Exercise 2: Listen to these small dialogues and match them with their correct headings:

1 Dialogue a winning the prize Dialogue b having a baby

3 Dialogue c having an intervew Dialogue d getting married Dialogue e failing the driving test Dialogue f having an accident Dialogue g expecting a baby

8 Dialogue h attending a birthday party Dialogue i having split up

Answer key: d


8 b h - T sets homework

- Ss the task at home

3 Homework: Revise today’s lesson.

*Comments: ……… ……… TAPESCRIPT:

Exercise 1:

In 1973 a 75-tonne space station called Skylab was launched by the USA Three crews of three astronauts were sent to Skyla, but at the end of 1974, it was abandoned Skylab stayed in space until 1979 Then it fell out of its orbit and headed towards the Earth A lot of the space station burnt up when it entered the atmosphere But not all of it was destroyed Large pieces were scattered across in the Indian Ocean Australia was hit by some fragments Fortunately nobody was hurt A lot of the pieces were found by Australian farmers The pieces were sold for very high prices

(from Lifeline pre-intermediate, Unit 12.1)

Exercise 2: (from Lifeline pre-intermediate, Unit 12.2)

11 Dialogue 1:

A: Peter and I are getting married

B: Congratulations! When’s the happy day? Dialogue 2:

A: I’ve got an interview for a job today

B: Good luck! I’ll keep my fingers cross for you Dialogue 3:

A: John can play today It seems he’s had an accident B: Oh dear It’s nothing serious, I hope

4 Dialogue 4:

A: Did you know Tony and Rosie have split up? B: Oh, really? When did that happen?

5 Dialogue 5:

A: I won the gold medal in the race B: Well done I knew you could it Dialogue 6:

A: I’m expecting a baby

B: That’s wonderful news When’s it due ? Dialogue 7:

A: I’m afraid I failed my driving test

B: Oh, well, never mind Better luck next time! Dialogue 8:

A: Have you heard? Sue had her baby on Saturday B: Oh wonderful! Was it a boy or a girl?

9 Dialogue 9:

A: Happy birthday, mummy!

B: Thank you very much How sweet of you

Date of preparation: ………

Period: ……….


-I Aim: At the end of the lesson, students will be able to how to use defining relative clauses with prepositions properly

II.Language knowledge: 1.Grammar: relative clauses

2.Vocabulary: words appear in the exercises III.Techniques:


T s activitiesSs activities ’ - Give Ss some examples

- Call some sts to give the sentences 1.Presentation:


1 The man was very helpful I talked to him.

a The man whom / who I talked to was very helpful b The man that I talked to was very helpful

c The man  I talked to was very helpful d The man to whom I talked was very helpful 2 The chair is nearly collapsed The child is sitting in


a The chair which the child is sitting in is nearly collapsed

b The chair that the child is sitting in is nearly collapsed

c The chair  the child is sitting in is nearly collapsed

d The chair in which the child is sitting is nearly collapsed

* Notes:

- whom / who, which v that có thể sử dụng l tân ngà ữ giới từ mệnh đề quan hệ

- whom / who, which v àthat lượt bỏ câu ví dụ 1c v 2cà

- Trong cách dùng Tiếng Anh trang trọng, giới từ đặt đầu mệnh đề quan hệ (hay đại từ quan hệ) ví dụ 1d v 2d.à Giới từ ch ỉ đứ ng tr ướ c whom hoặc which m không đứng trước that hoặc who; đại từ whom, which lúc n y không th ể lượt bỏ

- Listen and write down in the note books

- Give some examples - Choose the best answer 1.d

2 d

2 Practice:

* Exercise:Combine these sentences into one, using relative

pronouns and relative clauses:

15 The movie was very interesting We went to it > 16 The man is over there I told you about him > 17 The woman pays me a fair salary I work for her > 18 Alice likes the family She is living with them > 19 The picture is beautiful Tom is looking at it > 20 I enjoyed the music We listened to it after dinner > 21 The person was very friendly I spoke to him > 22 The motel was very clean We stayed at that


> 23 The person never came Sally was waiting for

that person

> 24 I never found the book I was looking for it > 25 One of my subjects is Literture I have been

interested in Literature for a long time

> 26 The interviewer wanted to know the name of the

college I had graduated from this college > 27 Organic chemistry is a subject I am not familiar

- Ss work in pairs to the exercise 1/ The movie to which we went was interesting

2/ The man about whom I told you is over there

3/ the woman for whom I work pays me a fair salary

4/ Alice likes the family with which she is living

5/ The picture at which Tom is looing is beautiful

6/ I enjoyed the music to which we listened after dinner

7/ The person to whom I spoke was very friendly

8/ The motel at which we stayed was very clean

9) The person for whom Sally was waiting never came

10) I never found the book for which I was looking


with it

> 28 The chair is very hard I am sitting in this chair > - Call on some Ss to read their answers, and makes corrections then

3 Homework: - Revise today’s lesson

- ask sts to make sentences with relative clauses with preposition

- Ss the task at home - Do all the exercises again


Ngày đăng: 14/05/2021, 20:24


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