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Giao an Unit 6

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Nội dung

- Asks students to read the letter individually and choose best answer A, B, C or Dto complete each of the sentences.. - Tells Ss to share their answers with a friend.[r]




Date of preparing: 05/11/2006 Date of teaching: 09/11/2006


- Language content:

+ To introduce the students some new words relating to some famous places

- Language function:

+ To talk about outdoor activities or activities in an excursion: planning for a trip, preparation, entertainment activities

- Educational aims:

+ By the end of the lesson, students talk about school outdoor activities

1 Language:

a.Vocabulary: cave, excursion, a piece of news, come to an end, have some days offthe shape of the lotus, picturesque, wonder of the world, permission, persuade

b.Structures: The present progressive and be going to 2 Skills: Intergrated skill

3 Education factor :

+ Students students will be able to get information about some famous places in Viet Nam


1 Method: Communicative approach

2 Techniques: Explaination, Repetition, using pictures, group work, pairwork, multiple choice, gap-filling

3 Materials needed: textbook, pictures of Thien Mu Pagoda, Ha Long Bay, The One-Pillar Pagoda, and Da Lat

4 Students preparation: Prepare some pictures and information about them


1 Stabilization: (3mn) - Greeting

- Checking about absence Checking up the previous knowledge: (7mn)

- Asks Students to tell about the usage of “used to” and give an example

- Students answer.

Teaching steps and time

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The lesson content I Presentation of

the new materials * Lead-in


* Pre-reading


- Asks Ss to work in groups and make a list of famous places in Viet Nam

(The group with the longest list will be winner.)

- Gathers ideas and has Ss give some information about them

- Asks the students to work in pairs: match the photos with the information in the book, then tell each other which of the places you would like to visit and give reasons

- Calls some students to answers in front of the class - Gives feedback and corrects - Teaches some new words

+ cave (n) +

- Work in groups

- Answer

- Work in pairs


1 New words

+ cave (n): hang động + excursion (n) chơi + a piece of news: vài tin + come to an end: kết thúc + have some days off : nghỉ vài ngày

+ permission (n):sự cho phép + persuade (v): thuyết phục

* The Progressive: S+be+V-ing

2 Reading the passage:

* Task 1: Multiple choice:

1C 2D 3A

* Task 2: Answer the questions:

1. They are going on a trip when they have some days off after the first term.


* While-reading

( 10mn)

* Post-reading




III Homework


excursion (n)

+ a piece of news + come to an end + have some days off

+ permission + persuade

- Explains the meaning of the words

- Read the words

- Introduces Ss the present progessive and be going to - Sets the scene: You are going to read the letter from Lan to her friend, Minh about her recent fantastic excursion to a cave near HaNoi You read the letter and the tasks followed

*Task 1:

- Asks students to read the letter individually and choose best answer A, B, C or Dto complete each of the sentences

- Tells Ss to share their answers with a friend - Calls some students to present and explain their answers in front of the class - Correct mistakes

* Task 2:

- Has students to work in pairs and answer the questions

-Walks around the class and offers helps if necessary, then call on some pairs to act out the activities in front of the class

- Asks the students to fill in the summary of the letter with a suitable words - Helps Ss this exercise, then has them compare their answers with a partner - Calls some students to answer

- Comments and gives correct answers

- Retells the content of the text

- Asks them to write

homework in their notebooks


+ Number is Thien Mu Pagoda.(d)

+ Number is Halong Bay. (b)

+ Number is One-Pillar Pagoda.(a)

+ Number is Da Lat city. (c)

- Listen and take note - Listen and repeat - Listen

- Read the letter and task

- Share the answers - Present and explain - Listen

- Work in pairs - Answer

- Work individually

- Do and compare the answers

- Answer - Listen - Listen

- Write in the notebooks

because they want to understand their Geography lesson better and many of them have never been inside a cave.

3 It’s only over 20 km.

4. they are going to make a two – day trip and have a night campfire They are bringing their own food and sharing buses with some other classes to make the trip cheap.

5. Lan an anxious about her parents’s permission They may not want to let her stay the night away from home.

* Summary:

1 is going to go on some caves want to see

4 have learnt their trip

6 only problem to persuade them her classmates

* Homework:

+ Do all exercises in the notebook

+ Learn by hear the summary.


Self – evaluation: Should give sts to prepare pictures and present Spend too much time in leading




- Language content:

+ To help students express agreements and disagreements to an idea and give opinions

- Language function:

+ To talk about a boat trip abroad

- Educational aims:

+ To help the students know to choose the suitable seat on a boat trip

1 Language:

a.Vocabulary: sundeck, get sunburnt, travel sickness


2 Skills: Intergrated stills

3 Education factor :

+ By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to talk about the seat plan on a boat trip on Lake Michigan in Chicago


1 Method: Communicative approach

2 Techniques: Explaination, Repetition, pairwork, giving opions

3 Materials needed: textbook, chalk, board

4 Students preparation: Prepare the lesson at home


1 Stabilization: (3mn) - Greeting

- Checking about absence Checking up the previous knowledge: (7mn)

+ Asks students some questions about Lan’s excursion When are Lan and her classmates going on a trip? How far Thay Pagoda from their school?

3 What is Lan anxious about? + Suggested answers:

1 When they have some days off after the first term It’s over 20 kilometres

3 She is anxious about her parents’ permission

3 The new lesson:

Teaching steps and time

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The lesson content I Presentation of

the new materials * Warm-up


- Gives a crossword with across words and one down word

- Divides the class into two groups

- Gives information of the words in the across and then find out a key word 1.Your father’s brother ( UNCLE)

2 Means of transport on

- Work in groups and find the words

* A key word:


1 U N C L E

2 S H I P

3 R I V E R

4 E X C U R S I O N

5 F A R M E R

6 N G U Y E N D U


* Pre-practice


* Cotrolled-practice


water (SHIP)

3 Where we often go fishing? (RIVER)

4 A short journey usually for pleasure


5 A person who works on a farm (FARMER) The name of our school (NGUYEN DU) 7.He sees a dentist because he has a ……… (TOOTHACHE)

- Leads the students to the new lesson “Tim’s class is going on a boat trip on Lake Michigan in Chicago Raed the information about some of the participants to know their problem and their wishes”.

- Teaches some new words

+ sundesk + get sunburnt + travel sickness + refreshments + occupied

- Has Ss make sentences with the words above

* Task 1

- Has Ss read the

information about some of the participants in task

* Task 2:

- Asks Ss to work in groups: Read the seat plan carefully and decide the best seat for each person, using the information in task - Further explains the seat plan

- Suggests some useful structures:

+ I don’t think so. + To be suitable for + Why / Why not? + What you think? + What’s your idea? + Had better

- Tells Ss to conduct the conversation like the example in the book - Walks around the class

- Listen

- Listen and take note

- Make sentences - Read the information in task

- Work in groups and conduct the

conversation - Listen to teacher’s instruction

- Present the

conversation in front of


B SPEAKING * New words:

+ sundesk (n): boong taøu + get sunburnt (v): rám nắng + travel sickness (n): say tàu

+ refreshments (n): phòng ăn tàu + occupied (adj): có người sử dụng

* Task 2: + The conversation:

A: I think Mary should sit in section B. B: Yes Put hre in the seat 19 What you think, C?

C: I think that’s not a good idea beause wants to sit near her.

D: So put her in seat 20 What about Sam?

A: Put him in seat What’s your idea? B: I think it’s suitable for him because he wants a good view


* Homework:

+ Do the exercises in the notebook + Prepare the meaning of the words in Listening


* Fre-practice




III Homework


and gives help if necessary, then select some groups to present the conversation in front of the class

- Comments and gives suggested answers

* Task 3:

- Tells Ss to work in pairs and discuss

Which seat you think the most suitable for you? Why? Use information in Task as suggestion

- Calls some pairs to talk about their seat

preference and give some reason in front of the class

- Comments and makes necessary corrections - Revises the words and the useful structures using in a conversation - Asks Ss to write homework in their notebook

the class

- Listen

- Work in pairs

- Present

- Listen and correct themselves

- Listen - Take note

Self-evaluation:well done !




- Language content:

+ To introduce the students some new words and information about a picnic

- Language function:

+ Listening to a short talk about a picnic

- Educational aims:

+ By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to improve their listening skill through Ordering, Gap-filling, and Answering questions exercises

1 Language:

a.Vocabulary: glorious, destination, tour, delicious, spacious, left-overs, sleep soundly

b.Structures: The present progressive and Be going to

2 Skills: Intergrated stills

3 Education factor :

+ To help Ss know how to plan for an excursion


1 Method: Communicative approach

2 Techniques: Explaination, Repetition, group work, pairwork, gap-filling, ordering pictures, comprehension questions


4 Students preparation: Prepare the lesson at home


1 Stabilization: (3mn) - Greeting

- Checking about absence

2 The new lesson:

Teaching steps and time

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The lesson content I.Presentation of

the new materials * Warm-up






- Has Ss play a game ” Find someone who” - Prepares a two column table with Yes/No questions and Name - Let Ss go around the class and ask others with the information in the table If the answer Yes, write his/her name in (The winner is the first one who completes the Name colunm.)

-Asks the students to work in pairs and answer the questions in the book - Calls some students to answer

- Intruduces some

important vocabulary in the listening

+ glorious + delicious + spacious + destination + left-overs + Botanic Gadern + assemble + sleep soundly

- Reads the words and has Ss repeat

- Checks vocabulary by making sentences which contain the new words randomly then read the sentences alound - Leads to the new lesson”You are going to listen to a short talk by a student about his picnic with his classmates You listen to the tape and the tasks followed.”

*Task 1:

- Asks Ss work in pairs and guess the ordering of the

- Listen and like

the teacher’s


Do you… Name

like to go for a picnic? go with your friends? go to the beach? go to the mountain? bring food?

- Work in pairs

- Answer

- Listen and take note

- Listen and repeat and pay attention to the stress syllable

- Listen and write down the words they hear in order 1,2,3,4,…

- Listen

- Work in pairs to guess and


+ Vocabulary:

+ glorious (adj): beautiful, shining

+ delicious (adj)

ex: This cake looks delicious

+ spacious (adj): large, have a lot of space

+ destination (n)

Ex: This week we’re going for a picnic.Our destination is The Queen Beach

+ left-overs (n): the rest food

+ Botanic Gadern (n): vườn Bách Thảo

+ assemble (v): gather

+ sleep soundly (v):

Ex: They worked hard all day Now they sleep soundly

* Task 1:Numbering the pictures.

1.a 2.e 3.b 4.c 5.f 6.d

* Task 2: Gap-filling.

1 most was just a few to pay a visit at the school gate a short tour playing some more

* Task 3: Answering the questions.

1 The weather was very nice Yes, it was

3 The garden was beautiful They slept soundly because it was so peaceful and quiet in the garden

* Homework:




pictures, then calls them to tell their answers

- Has Ss listen to the tape and number the pictures in the order they hear Let Ss share their answers each other.(Plays the tape more than two if necessary.) - Calls on some Ss to explain their answers in fromt of the class - Feedbacks and gives correct answers

* Task 2:

- Tells Ss to read the sentences carefully and guess the missing words - Asks Ss to listen to the tape again and fill in the blanks with exact words they hear.(play the tape twice)

- Has them compare their answers with a partner - Asks the students to give the answers

in front of the class - Comments and gives correct answers

* Task 3:

- Has students read the questions carefully, then listen to the tape again and answer

- Asks students to compare the answers with their friends

- Calls students to read their answers before the class

- Listens and corrects - Asks students to work in groups of eight and plan for the picnic this weekend

- Gives students

some suggestion.

Destination Means of transport How many people How long What


- Listen and share the answers

- Present

- Listen and check - Work individually

- Listen

- Compare the answers - Give the answer - Listen and check - Listen and answer the questions

- Share the answers - Read the answers




III Homework


activities Bring any food?

- Walks around the class and offers help, then selects some groups to present their plan - Tells students to know how to plan for a picnic - Asks students to write homework in the notebook

- Present

- Listen - Take note

Self – evaluation :Give more time in post listening




- Language content:

+ To provide the students the language used in a confirmation letter and how to write it

- Language function:

+ Writing a confirmation letter

- Educational aims:

+ To help the students use the language to write a confirmation letter follwing a suggested model and word cues

1 Language:

Can you go … with me …… ? I will pick you ……

Is the time convenient for you?

2 Skills: Intergrated stills

3 Education factor :

- + By the end of the lesson, the students will be able to write a confirmation letter responding to a request and an invitation


1 Method: Communicative approach

2 Techniques: Explaination, groupwork, pairwork, using model

3 Materials needed: textbook, chalk, board

4 Students preparation: Prepare the lesson at home


1 Stabilization: (3mn) - Greeting

- Checking about absence Checking up the previous knowledge: (7mn)

+ Asks students to say how to plan for a picnic

3 The new lesson:

Teaching steps and time

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The lesson content I Presentation of

the new materials * Warm-up


- Prepares a two-colunm table with the requests and the confirmation in the letter - Has students work in groups to place the expressions under the appropriate heading

- Work in groups

+ Can you go shopping with me?

+ I’m glad to hear that…… + I will pick you up… + Is the time convenient for you?



* The definition of request and confirmation letters.


* Pre-practice


* Cotrolled-practice


* Fre-practice




III Homework


- Calls students to answer - Leads to the lesson: “Today, we’re going to write a confirmation letter”

- Explains the definition of request and confirmation letters

* Task 1:

- Asks students to read the two letters and find the requests in Nga’s letter and the confirmation in Hoa’s - Calls students to tell their answers before the class - Comments

- Calls on two students to read the letters aloud - Gives further the format and strutures used in the letters

* Task 2:

- Asks students to read the situations carefully and find the requests in both of them - Tells students to choose one of these situations to write a confirmation letter

- Asks them to exchange their writing with a partner - Picks up some writing to check in front of the class - Gives suggested answers - Has students work in pairs to complete the letter (See supplement below)

- Has students retell some structures used in a confirmation letter - Asks students to write homework in the notebook

+ Certainly, I will help you… + Please let me know…

+ I’ll be waiting for



requests The confirma-tion

Listen and write in the notebook

- Work in pairs

- Give the answers - Write in the notebook

- Answer

1 Lan asks you to buy some fruits and bring them to her house.

2 Minh wants to borrow you a book about wildlife

- Work individually - Work in pairs - Exchange the writing

- Work in pairs - Answer - Listen

- Copy homework in the notebook

+ Can you go shopping with me?

+ I will pick you up… + Is the time convenient for you?

+ Please let me know…

+ Confirmation is the letter that responds to the request It confirms whether the help is provided or the information is available or not

- Some structures:

+ I’m glad to hear that …… + Certainly, I will help you…… + I’m free …

+ I will be waiting for you…

* Task 1:Finding requests and Confirmation.

Request:Can you go shopping with me to buy the things we need for the trip?

Confirmation:Certainly, I will help you to prepare everything you need for the trip.

* Task 2: Writing confirmation.

Dear Lan,

Firstly, I congratulate you on your birthday Certainly, I will help you to prepare everything you need for the party I will go to the market to buy fruits and bring them to your house on Sarturday.

Luckily, Saturday is a day off, so I’m free all day.

I will be at your house at 7:00p.m on Saturday. Love,


* Homework

Read the situation in task and write a confirmation letter in the notebook






- Language content:

+ To help the students distinguish the difference between two sounds / / and / / in words and sentences + To revise the students the present progressive (with a future meaning) and be going to

- Language function:

+ To help the students pronounce the sounds in English correctly + To help the students use the language in communication correctly

- Educational aims:

+ To help the students be aware of using language in sentences

1 Language:

a.Vocabulary: review the previous vocabulary

b.Structures: the present progressive (with a future meaning) and be going to

2 Skills: Integrated skills

3 Education factor:

+ By the end of the lesson, the students can use the grammatical structures appropriately


1 Method: Communicative approach

2 Techniques: Explaination, pairwork, completing sentences, multiple choice

3 Materials needed: textbook, chalk, board

4 Students preparation: Prepare the lesson at home


1 Stabilization: (3mn) - Greeting

- Checking about absence Checking up the previous knowledge: (5mn)

+ Asks students to present the structures of a confirmation letter

3 The new lesson:

Teaching steps and time

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities The lesson content I.Presentation of

the new materials * Warm-up





- Gives some pictures and has students name these pictures:

tiger telephone

church worker - Reads the words and introduces the two sounds / / , / /

- Name the pictures

tiger , telephone, church, worker

- Listen

- Listen and repeat - Listen and recognize



/ / / / teacher bird other term pagoda church about shirt

2 Grammar:

Be + V-ing: dùng để diễn tả một kế hoạch tương lai đã được xếp Thường dùng với các động từ see, go, come, meet, visit, leave, have (a party)

Ex:We’re visiting our grandparents this weekend


* Cotrolled-practice


* Fre-practice


* Lead-in

*Pre- Practice

*Controlled- practice

- Reads and asks the students to repeat - Helps the students the difference between two sounds

- Calls some students to read the words again - Corrects students’ pronunciation mistakes - Asks students to work in pairs and practice the sentences

- Has them to tell the words pronounced the two sounds / / , / /

- Calls some students to present

- Corrects mistakes -Asks them to close the book and listen to the teacher to tell the sounds of the words

- Gives remarks


- Gives some situations and has students choose the right answer

1.A: I hear Lan is in hospital now.

B: Really? I’m going to see her tomorrow./ I will see her tomorrow / I’m seeing tomorrow.

2.A: Let’s go to the cinema tonight.

B: Sorry, I’m helping my sister with her homework./ I’m going to help my sister with her homework. 3 Look! It’s windy and cloudy It is going to rain./ It will rain.

- Asks them to look at the examples and give remarks

- Leads to the content of the lesson

- Helps students distinguish the usage of Will, Be going to and Be+ V-ing

the difference between two sounds

- Read the words - Correct

- Work in pairs - Answer - Present - Listen

- Listen and answer (without books)

- Answer

+Suggested answers: Really?I will see her tomorrow.

2 Sorry, I’m helping my sister with her


3 It is going to rain.

- Answer - Listen

- Listen and take note

rõ ràng lúc nói.

Ex: I’m going to buy this fish

Will + V-inf: khác với hai cấu trúc trên, dùng để quyết định tức làm việc gì ngay lúc nói phỏng đốn tương lai thường dùng với cụm từ I think, I believe, I hope, I expect…

Ex: I think she will be here for several days

* Exercise 1: Choose the correct opion in brackets

1 are going to is getting married Are you going to am going to be is going to

* Exercise 2: Put the verbs in the present progressive or be going to

1 is going are having is going to catch are you putting isn’t going to give

* Exercise 3: Complete the exchanges, using the presenr progressive or be going to. 1.Are you going to watch it? I’m doing my homework we’re visiting our grandparents

3 is he going to with it he’s going to buy a new car It’s going to rain

5 I’m going to clean them




* Free-practice



III Homework


+ Exercise 1:

- Asks students to choose the correct option in bracket

- Has them compare the answers with a partner - Calls some students to answer in front of the class - Gives feedback

* Exercise 2:

- Has students put the verbs in brackets in the present progressive or be going to - Calls students to write the answers on the board - Gives the correct answers

* Exercise 3:

- Asks students to complete the exchanges, using the present progressive or be going to.

- Calls some pairs to present in front of the class - Has students make sentences with the structures they’ve learnt - Asks them to retell the language they’ve learnt - Asks them to write homework in the notebook

- Work individually and in pairs

- Answer

- Work individually

- Write the answers on the board

- Listen

-Do the exercise share the answers

- Present

- Make sentences in pairs

- Write in the notebook

Ngày đăng: 14/05/2021, 10:20



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