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Nội dung

A). What about going fish? B). What about go fishing? C). What about to go fishing? D). I often get up early in the morning. I used to get up early in the morning. I am used to get u[r]


C It’s months before I last saw him D It’s months after I last saw him

A future B mature C picture D nature They don't allow here A parking B us parking C park D to park

You used to throw waste paper away ? A did you B wouldn't you C didn't you D hadn't you 5 Mary told me she would rather to stay at home and watch TV than go out

A B C D We natural resources or they will run out someday in the future

A had better to economize B had to economize better C had to better economize D had better economize A enough B cough D rough D though He busy now; he a letter

A is, write B is being, is writing C is, wrote D is, is writing

That old man tried to stop because of his bad cough A smoked B smokes C smoke D smoking 10 I'd like him more English lessons

A start taking B starting to take C to start taking D start to take 11 I can’t meet you at four I………

A will work B am working C will be working D have been working 12 When the boss…………., the meeting………

A arrived, has been beginning B arrived, has begun C was arriving, had begun D arrived, had begun 13 Janet, her father is our teacher, is very good at mathematics

A B C D 14 I wish I had studied English when I was young

A I regret when I was young, I hadn’t studied English B I regret I didn’t study English when I was young C I regret not to study English when I was young D I regret not to studying English when I was young 15 We ……….here for six months A have been living B are living C were living D live 16 A money B annual C metal D design

17 If you need any help, you can ask Tom He is very…………

A helped B helpless C helpful D helping 18 It is …………to regard any language as the possession

A reasoned B unreasonable C reasonable D reasonably 19 Women are used …………their own money

A for earning B to earning C earning D to earn

20 Nothing could………… him A satisfying B satisfaction C satisfied D satisfy 21 Ken is the fastest runner

A No one can run fast as Ken B No one can run faster as Ken C No one can run faster than Ken D No one can run fastest as Ken

Đọc kỹ khoá chọn phương án (ứng với A B,C,D) cho câu từ 22 đến 26:

A laser is a device that produces a very special kind of light Lasers are expensive tools Charles Townes, who is one of the inventors of the laser and won a Nobel prize, said, “Laser is going to touch on a very great number of areas The laser will almost everything; but it is expensive That is the only limitation.” For example, a typical surgical laser costs from 30,000 $ to 50,000 $ It is about a thousand times more than a good conventional scalpel To be honest, for many operations a scalpel may be better than a laser But if you have a certain kind of cancer, a laser can what a scalpel cannot A laser will kill the diseased cells and leave the healthy ones unharmed The beam can cut with a precision that no scalpel can

22 A laser produces…………

A a special light B tools C a device D invention 23 What is the limitation of the laser?

A It produces a very special king of light B It cannot be used in operations C It is expensive D It cannot be used in cancer treatment 24 Which sentence is not true?


A The laser will almost everything B Charles Townes won a Nobel prize

C Charles Townes is one of the inventors of the laser D The laser cannot be used in cancer treatment 25 For many operations………

A a laser is cheaper than a scalpel B a laser does harm to cell

C a scalpel may be better than a laser D a scalpel may be more precise than a laser 26 In caner treatment………

A a scalpel is the only tool that can be used B a laser will destroy healthy cells

C a laser will kill the diseased cells and leave the healthy ones unharmed D a scalpel can nothing

27 The newspaper is a common means of …………

A communicating B communicate C communicated D communication 28 Not only the students but also the teacher are very worried about the final exam results

A B C D 29 She was …………right when she said the man was guilty

A reasonably B reasonable C reasoning D reasoned 30 Would you please switch the radio on?

A Would you mind switch the radio on? B Would you mind to switch the radio on? C Would you mind switched the radio on? D Would you mind switching the radio on?

31 A mineral B prevention C alternative D exception

32 Some students are starting to learn another language and they find it ……… A enjoyable B enjoyed C enjoyment D enjoy

33 Mary’s ………….has kept her away from school for a week A sad B illness C sadly D ill 34 This knife is ………It doesn’t cut at all A used B useful C useless D uselessness 35 Tim ……….his hair while I……….up the kitchen

A was washing, was cleaning B was washing, cleaned C washed , cleaned D washed, was cleaned 36 Can you work………… ? A independently B independence C independent D dependable 37 This is a beautiful garden!

A How a beautiful garden ! B what a beautiful garden! C What a garden beautiful! D What a beautiful garden is! 38 Despite most people consider the tomato a vegetable, botanists classify it as a fruit A B C D 39 I regret you that we cannot approve your application

A to inform B informing C inform D informed

40 I am used to in a hot climate

A living B to living C lived D to live

Chọn từ thích hợp ( ứng với A B, C, D) để điền vào chổ trống khoá sau, từ câu 41 đến câu 50: The word “Sandwich” is a …….(41)……word It is an English word The word is also used in many other…(42) … Mr Sandwich,….(43)… lived in England in the 18th century, liked……(44)……cards He often played all day and night One time, he had been playing for 24 hours without….(45)… He did not leave the card table even to eat His servant….(46)….him some food It was bread and meat He did not want to stop ….(47)….so he put the meat ….(48)… two of the pieces of bread In this way he was….(49)….to continue playing From the …(50)… of this man, we have the word “Sandwich” today

Caâu 41: A private B property C lovely D common

Caâu 42: A languages B talks C speeches D discussion

Caâu 43: A that B which C who D whom

Caâu 44: A played B plays C play D playing

Caâu 45: A stops B stopping C stop D to stop

Caâu 46: A chose B brought C connected D contacted

Caâu 47: A eating B ate C eat D to eat

Caâu 48: A between B above C in D under

Caâu 49: A unable B capable C enable D able



TEST 2 1) Learning English is not easy

A) It is not easy to learn English B) It is easy learning English C) It is not difficult to learn English D) It is easy to learning English 2) Peter failed the final exam If he ………… harder, he………

A) had worked / would have succeeded B) has worked / will succeed C) had worked / would succeed D) worked / succeed

3) English is not the……….property of the U K

A) main B) chief C) private D) personal

4) You have to study hard to your classmates

A) feel like B) catch sight of C) keep pace with D) get in touch with 5) my friends are young

A) Much of B) Most of C) A little of D) A great deal of 6) They are sending him abroad on business

A) He is going to be sent abroad on business B) He is being sent abroad on business C) He is sent abroad on business D) He is sending himself abroad on business Đọc kỹ khoá sau chọn phương án ( ứng vói A B, C, D) cho câu từ đến 16:

Sue(7)…… reading and often borrows books(8)……the local library(9)………is near her house She goes to(10) …………library to change her books every evening The library is open until pm

The library is (11)……….to everybody in the town No one has to pay to (12)………books But(13)……readers keep books for too long, they have to pay a fine Sue's children have been encouraged to read books (14)…… they were very young They are keen members of the Children Section of the library They often change their books(15)………… Saturday morning Their grandmother, who is (16)……… old to read well, borrows books with large print They all love reading

A) will love B) is loving C) loves D) has loved

A) since B) for C) in D) from

A) which B) when C) what D) where

10 A) an B) the C) a D) no article

11 A) freedom B) freely C) free D) freeing

12 A) take B) lend C) borrow D) bind

13 A) whether B) if C) or D) so

14 A) while B) during C) for D) since

15 A) in B) on C) as D) at

16 A) so B) too C) such D) very

17) A) mountain B) certain C) behind D) shopping 18) The word" brunch" is combined from

A) bread and lunch B) breakfast and lunch C) bread and brunch D) breakfast and much 19) Do you know ………?

A) where he lives B) where did he live C) where does he live D) where he live 20) In my school, there are many………ping-pong payers

A) hands on left B) left-handed C) hands left D) left-hand 21) The teacher told his students………

A) to stop laughing B) to stop laugh C) stop to laugh D) stopping to laugh 22) I think he as well as his friends good

A) is B) are C) to be D) being

23) Ten thousand dollars a large sum of money A) were B) is C) being D) are

Đọc kỹ khoá sau chọn phương án ( ứng vói A B, C, D) cho câu từ 24 đến28:

English is my mother tongue Besides, I can speak French and Spanish I studied the two languages when I was at high school Now, I am still learning Spanish at the university As for me, mastering a foreign language is not easy After studying a foreign language, practice is very necessary and useful Traveling to the country where the target language is spoken is very helpful, but if you cannot speak the language well enough, you will certainly have trouble I also frequently go to the movies, watch television, listen to the radio in the language I am trying to learn Reading is another good way to learn Books are good, but I personally think newspapers and magazines are better However, getting some knowledge of the language is the most important thing Grammar and vocabulary should be mastered first


A) B) C) D)

25) The writer has learnt Spanish ………

A) in Spain B) at high school C) at university D) B and C are correct 26) Traveling may cause trouble if………

A) you can speak the language bad enough B) you can speak the language well enough C) you can communicate in the target language D) you cannot speak the language well enough 27) The followings are some useful ways to practise your target language except:

A) reading books in the language B) reading newspapers and magazines in your mother tongue C) listening to the radio and watching T V in the language D) seeing films in the language 28) According to the writer, what should be mastered first?

A) reading skill B) vocabulary C) vocabulary and grammar D) writing skill 29).It lost me 15 minutes to the exercise


30) The of the moon for the earth causes the tides

A) attract B) attraction C) attractive D) attracted

31) He is very successful his job

A) at B) in C) for D) from

32) We find it to prevent erosion of land

A) necessary B) unnecessarily C) necessarily D) unnecessary 33) He has lived here since he ……….here

A) came B) has came C) comes D) come

34) Rex Hotel is a best place for us

A) to stay B) staying C) stays D) stay

35) Faraday's father was not rich enough to sending him to school A B C D 36) Computers are used in schools and universities

A) wide B) widen C) width D) widely

37) A………driver is a danger to the public

A) carelessly B) careless C) carefully D) careful

38) My sister and I not study at the same school That is the reason for why my father bought two bicycles A B C D

39) The place we spent our holiday was really beautiful

A) who B) where C) what D) which

40) Peter didn't go to the club……… he was ill

A) because B) despite C) because of D) although

41) A) cell B) come C) cook D) camp

42) Mr Brown, is only 34 years old, is the director of this company

A) whom B) that C) who D) which

43) We……….early We it every day

A) are used to getting B) are used to get C) used to getting D) are used to get 44) A) stopped B) crowded C) needed D) wanted

45) The picture which is on the wall was painting by our friend A B C D

46) I remember you somewhere before, but I am sorry I forgot your name

A) to meet B) meet C) met D) meeting

47) The result was quite different what I expected

A) with B) as C) from D) on

48) The film is so good that I have seen it many times

A) The film is such a good that I have seen it many times B) The film is such good that I have seen it many times C) It is such a good film that I have seen it many times D) It is so a good film that I have seen it many times 49) Does the grass need ?

A) to cut B) be cut C) cutting D) cut

50) The noise of the traffic prevented me from to sleep




1 a access b American c possession d property

2 a sentences b houses c topics d oranges

3 a looked b united c missed d stopped

4 a primitive b particular c continuous d connected

5 a amount b metal c dependence d opinion

II.TENSES: Choose the best word or phrase:

When I _6 _ at the station, Mary for me She _8 _ a blue dress and _ very pretty as soon as she 10 _ me, she 11 _ and _12 something, but I couldn’t hear what she said because everybody _13 _ such a noise

a arrive b arrived c was arriving d had arrived

a was waiting b waited c had waited d is waiting

a wore b wears c was wearing d will wear

a looks b is looking c had looked d looked

10 a sees b saw c had seen d have seen

11 a had waved b has waved c waves d waved

12 a shouted b had shouted c was shouting d would shout

13 a had made b has made c was making d made

III.VOCABULARY, STRUCTURE, EXPRESSION: Choose the best word or phrase:

14 I’ve been using this machine _ twelve years a in b for c since d from 15 The man opinion I respect most is my father a who b whom c whose d which

16 The door was heavy that the child couldn’t push it open a so b too c such d enough 17 If we busy, we could have gone to the meeting a weren’t b hadn’t been c wouldn’t have been d are 18 _his old age, he worked very hard a Although b Because of c In spite of d Though 19 We always remember the beautiful Sunday morning _ we met each other

a when b why c where d that

20 He quickly became accustomed the local food a of b for c with d to

21 The child is very quick arithmetic a at b from c about d in

22 We have to delay this course because there are _ students a many b few c much d most 23 It’s not to learn a foreign language in a week

a expectantly b expecting c expected d expectant

24 The climate here is hot but _ a tolerable b tolerated c tolerant d tolerably 25 I’m sorry I cannot remember _ you last week a meet b meeting c to meet d met 26 It’s no use advising him He never allows anybody _ advice

a giving b gave c give d to give

27 To prepare for the job you should have of English and French

a reason b employment c knowledge d tendency

28 How _ students in this school remember the former principal? a long b many c much d far 29.My father as well as his friends _ in the living room now a is b are c was d were 30 Susan had her brother _ her homework

a to b c done d doing

IV Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order to make the sentence correct: 31 Faraday’s father was not rich enough to sending him to school


32 Unless you work harder, you will be sack because of your laziness A B C D


34 My father John, that went to the same school as me, has just written a best_ selling novel A B C D


35 Peter was said being the cleverest in his class when he was at school A B C D

V TRANSFORMATION: Choose the best answer 36 I don’t find it difficult to get up early in the morning

a I used to get up early in the morning b I hate getting up early in the morning

c I’m used to getting up early in the morning d It’s difficult for me to get up early in the morning 37 “When did you leave school?” the interviewer asked me

a The interviewer told me to leave school b The interviewer asked me when I had left school c The interviewer said that he had left school d The interviewer asked why I had left school 38 It’s more dangerous to ride a motorbike than to drive a car

a Riding a motorbike is more dangerous than driving a car b Driving a car is more dangerous than riding a motorbike

c Riding a motorbike is as dangerous as driving a car d Driving a car is the most dangerous 39 I wasn’t invited to the party last Sunday

a I wish I were invited to the party last Sunday b I wish I had been invited to the party last Sunday c I wish I could go to the party last Sunday d I wish they invited me to the party last Sunday 40 They were serving lunch when we arrived

a Lunch is being served when we arrived b Lunch would be served when we arrived c Lunch was being served when we arrived d Lunch was served when we arrived VI READING:

Nowadays we have many conveniences in our society which have been brought about through science and technology However, these same advancements in science and technology have caused some dangerous problems These problems will not go away easily because people not want to give up the convenience of a modern life-style The most critical problems are pollution

Machinery, domestic devices and means of transport make human life more comfortable, but they have dangerous emissions

The problems created by pollution are growing daily Because people not want to change their life style, we must invent a way to neutralize the pollutants we are putting into our environment People need to be educated to stop damaging the earth Furthermore, governments must take action to prevent individuals and companies from harming the environment action to prevent individuals and companies from harming the environment

41 Science and technology have brought _

a not only conveniences but also pollution b not only conveniences but also clean air c only problems d only life-styles

42 We cannot solve the problems pollution because _ a everybody is ready to cooperate with the government b everybody is interested in science and technology c everybody does not know anything about pollution

d everybody does not want to give up the conveniences of a modern life-style 43 Machinery, domestic devices and means of transport

a make our life more comfortable b cause pollution c supply us with clean air d a and b are correct 44 The problems created by pollution _

a can be solved in some day b can be easily solved c are growing every dayd are unknown 45 Government must take action to

a prevent everybody from harming the environment b prevent companies from producing machinery

c pay attention to education d damage the earth

VII Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable words or phrase


46 a when b what c where d that

47 a teach b to teach c taught d teaching

48 a because of b because c though d if

49 a after b soon c above d before

50 a many b much c few d some

FULL NAME:……… TEST 4 She wishes her brother _ his music so loud

A not to play B isn't playing C wouldn't play D hasn't played

2 Faraday's accomplishments seem more wonderful when we realize that he had very education A a few B few C a little D little

3 A plough B rough C tough D enough

4. Peter will have the house……….tomorrow A painting B paint C to paint D painted 5. He likes travel,

A and so does she B or neither does she C but she does, too D therefore she doesn't, either 6. Sarah congratulated _ passing my driving test A me B for C me on D me for 7 She's finished the course, ? A isn't she B doesn't she C hasn't she D didn't she 8.He was _ who wanted to continue working on the project

A among the few peoples B among the few C among of the few D among few Would you please open the windows?

A Would you mind to open the windows? B Would you mind opening the windows? C Would you mind open the windows? D Would you mind opened the windows? 10. The flat looks and comfortable

A nicely/ extreme B nice/ extreme C nice/ extremely D nicely/ extremely 11 A obstacle B transition C guidance D tolerate

12. We haven't seen each other for a long time We have _ with each other A been friendly B kept pace C lost touch D made friend 13 On arrival home, I that she just a few minutes before

A found/ left B found/ had left C found/ have left D have found/left 14. I let my friend my car when he came to visit me

A to borrow B borrow C borrowing D borrowed 15 They didn't seem to take any notice about what the teacher said


16 My father ……….10 cigarettes a day last year, but he gives up smoking now

A is used to smoking B used to smoking C was used for smoking D used to smoke 17 Many people think that the advantages of living in a city _ the disadvantages

A outgrow B outrun C outweight D outnumber

18 Staying in a hotel costs _ renting a room in a dormitory for a week

A twice than B twice as many as C as much as twice D twice as much as 19. Nobody knows………

A he has gone where B where has gone he C where has he gone D where he has gone 20 Only one pair of jeans…………clean A have been B are C were D is

21 I had trouble traveling in Australia I wasn't on the left

A used to drive B used to driving C use to driving D use to drive 22 _ my advice, you wouldn't have had to sit in the same class again

A You had followed B Unless you followed C If you followed D Had you followed 23 Neither Jane nor her parents _this film before A see B sees C has seen D have seen 24 The garden is too small to play football in

A The garden is small enough to play football in B The garden isn't big enough to play football in

C The garden is so small that they can play football in D That is such a big garden that they can play football in 25. It's impossible to cross the road because of the traffic

A The traffic makes people be impossible to cross the road B The traffic makes everyone impossible to cross the road

C The traffic makes it be impossible to cross the road D The traffic makes it impossible to cross the road 26 The boy was too fat to run far


27. A sadness B actor C untrue D teacher 28. A invite B find C it D time

7 29.The tea wasn't sweet enough for Betty to drink

A Betty didn't like to drink the sweet tea B Betty couldn't drink the tea, she likes more sugar

C There wasn't enough tea, and Betty had nothing to drink D Betty drank some of the tea but not enough 30 It took her two hours to write the letter

A It took two hours for her to write the letter B The letter was taken two hours for her to write C She took two hours to write the letter D She wrote the letter in two hours

31. He refused to tell us the reason for why he didn't come to the class meeting last week


32.A walking B reading C beginning D singing 33. A tendency B encounter C step D address

34. English is understood more widely than any _ languages A the other B another C other D others 35 You won’t get success _you try harder A if B or C unless D when

Chọn từ thích hợp ( ứng với A B, C, D) để điền vào chổ trống khoá sau, từ câu 36 đến câu 45: Air pollution is a (36) _ of ill- health in human beings In a lot of countries _(37) laws limiting the amount of smoke which factories can produce.(38) _ there isn’t enough information on the effects(39) _smoke in the atmosphere, doctors have proved that air pollution (40) _ lung diseases

The gases from the exhausts of car have also (41) _ air pollution in most cities The lead in petrol produces a poisonous gas(42) _ often collects in busy streets surrounded by high buildings Children who live in areas where there is (43) _lead in the atmosphere cannot think (44) _ other children and are clumsy when they use their hands

There are(45) _ long –term effects of pollution If the gases in the atmosphere continue to increase, the earth’s climate may become warmer A lot of the ice near the Poles may melt and may cause serious floods

36 A cause B damage C make D reason 37 A there have B there is C have D there are 38 A however B although C despite D but

39 A on B in C of D by

40 A makes B creates C carries D causes 41 A increased B reduced C risen D who 42 A it B which C what D who 43 A many B little C a lot of D few

44 A quickly as B more quickly as C as quickly as D much quickly than 45 A another B otherC others D the other

Đọc kỹ khoá chọn phương án (ứng với A B,C,D) cho câu từ 46 đến 50: The search for alternative sources of energy has led in various directions Many communities are burning garbage and other biological waste products to produce electricity Converting waste products to gases or oil is also an efficient way to dispose of waste

Experimental work is being done to derive synthetic fuels from coal, oil shale, and coal tars But to date, that process has proven expensive Other experiments are under way to harness power with giant windmills Geothermal power, heat from the earth, is also being tested

Some experts expect utility companies to revive hydroelectric power derived from streams and rivers Fifty years ago hydroelectric power provided one third of the electricity used in the United state, but today it supplies only percent The oceans are another potential source of energy Scientist are studying ways to convert the energy of ocean currents, tides, and waves to electricity Experiments are also underway to make use of temperature differences in ocean water to produce energy

46 Fifty years ago one third of the electricity in the United States was provided by _ _ A water B wind C oil D waste products

47 In the second paragraph the phrase “ synthetic fuels” could best be replaced by which of the following? A Fast burning fuels B Artificially made fuels C Low burning fuels D Biological fuels 48 Which of the following is Not mentioned in the passage as an alternative source of energy?

A Synthetic fuels B Burning fuels C geothermal power D Electricity

49 According to the author, the impracticability of using coal, oil shale and coal tars as source of energy is due to…… A the lack of technology B the scarcity of sources

C their being money consuming D their being time consuming 50 What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A Alternative energy will come from a variety of sources



1 A free …………is guaranteed to every citizen a education b educating c educational d educated They don’t know the reason ………

a when he was absent yesterday b what he was absent yesterday

c where he was absent yesterday d why he was absent yesterday

3 Can you suggest a time …………it will be convenient to meet ? a which b whom c that d when Do you feel…………when taking a test? a nerve b nervous c nerveless d nervy

5 They would ………… slowly a healing b healed c to heal d heal In order to getting a good job, you must study harder

a b c d

Chọn từ thích hợp(ứng với A B, C, D) để điền vào chỗ trống đoạn văn sau, từ câu đến 16:

Why does English (7)……… an international language while Chinese is used by more than ………(8) of the world? There are some ………(9) causes

In the nineteenth century, Great British became ……… (10) after the industrial revolution The English Empire ……… (11) many other countries and made them as their colonies English was ………(12) used there Gradually, those countries spoke English as their native language or second language

After the World War II, the United States, one of the speaking English ……… (13), become the most powerful and so then more people speak English

English grammar is rather easy and simple compared ………… (14) other languages However, English learners, even the native speakers, sometimes have troubles with English ………… (15) That can be overcome A lot of ……… (16) methods are available to help them

Câu 7.a be b become c get d have

Câu 8.a fifth-one b first- fifth c one- fifth d one –five

Câu 9.a main b mean c uneasy d unreasonable

Câu 10.a power b powerless c powerful d powerfully

Câu 11.a hit b took c kept d conquered

Câu 12.a rarely b officially c friendly d hardly Câu 13.a states b distances c countries d cities

Câu 14.a with b from c in d on

Câu 15.a dictation b written c spoken d spelling Caâu 16.a teaching b cooking c writing d doing

17 His work suffered because of his total ………in sport a absorption b absorbent c absorb d absortive

18 “John began playing the piano 10 years ago.” Means………

a John played the piano 10 years ago b John has played the piano for 10 years c John used to play the piano 10 years ago d John had played the piano for 10 years

19 a laser b scalpel c surgery d associate 20 “The film is so interesting that we can see it twice”

a It is such interesting film that we can see it twice b It is such a interesting film that we can see it twice c It is such an interesting film that we can see it twice d It is so an interesting film that we can see it twice 21 A ……… is going to remove his appendix a surgery b nurse c scientist d surgeon 22 Each of you ………a share in the work a having b have c going to have d has 23 a alcohol b comment c chemical d proceed

24 I hurried so as to I wouldn’t be late a b c d

25 a welcome b peptic c together d tissue 26 “Tom didn’t work because he was ill”

a If Tom had worked, he wouldn’t have been ill b If Tom had worked, he would have been ill c If Tom hadn’t been ill, he wouldn’t have worked d If Tom hadn’t been ill, he would have worked 27 a looked b stopped c missed d invited

28 I haven’t seen letters to her for a long time In fact, we have lost touch ……… each other a with b at c about d for

29 a nature b creature c mature d departure 30 He ran as fart as he could, but he was not able to ………… his brother

a keep space with b make fun of c make use of d put a stop to


32 I am not used to living ……… my own a in b on c by d at

9 33 I am accustomed to work on the computer

a b c d 34 When he came ………

a I watched TV b I have been watching TV c I am watching TV d I was watching TV 35 A UFO is an ………

a unidentified fund organisation b unidentified flying object c unfit fund oragnisation d unfit flying object

36 Don’t use ……… to teach your children a scalpels b ulcers c whip-lashes d beams

37 Her children are very quick…………computer games a with b about c at d to 38 “ I will be back tomorrow” said Mary

a Mary said She will be back tomorrow b Mary said she would be back tomorrow c Mary said she would have been back tomorrow d all are incorrect

39 Nobody was injured in the accident, ……….?

a wasn’t it b was there c were they d was he

Đọc kỹ đoạn văn trả lời câu hỏi (bằng cách chọn phương án đúng, ứng với A B, C, D) từ câu 40 đến 44:

Tropical forests have supplied us with many sorts of plants for food, medicine and industry They could probably supply man much more They also reduce floods and droughts, keep water clean, and slow down the Greenhouse Effect However, the tropical forests are being destroyed to make room for things like farms and fields Besides that, forest fires are the most terrible destruction About 20 million hectares are lost every year _ an area that is twice larger than the size of Austria The World Wildlife Fund is working to protect and save the forests that are in danger; to plant new trees for fuel wood and to slow down the Greenhouse Effect It encourages governments to think about the forests and their importance when giving international aid

Caâu 40 What can forests make less?

a food and medicine b flood and industry c medicine and industry d floods and droughts Caâu 41 What people destroy forests for?

a to build house b to catch animals c to make room for farms and fields d to cut trees for wood Caâu 42 How many million hectares of forests are lost every years?

a 20 b 40 c 100 d 200

Caâu 43 The World Wildlife Fund is working

a to protect and save animals b to protect and save the forests c to keep water d to cut trees

Caâu 44 The World Wildlife Fund encourages governments

a to think about the forests b to think about the new trees c to think about the fuel wood d to think about the world wildlife

45 a sun b fun c unlucky d June

46 ‘They will build a new hospital in our town.” means……… a A new hospital will be built in our town b Our town will build a new hospital c A new hospital is built in our town d Our town will be built a new hospital 47 Before you light - a cigarette, remember to ask for permission

a up b down c on d off

48 Tell me the countries ………….the traffic moves on the left hand side

a in which b in whom c in where d in that 49 He used to working hard when he was young, but he is old now

a b c d 50 I would study hard ……… a If I am you b If I were you


1 a breathe b breath c sea d seat a ladder b teacher c matter d material

3 a stage b age c passage d page

4 a economy b accompany c presentation d successfully a romantic b popular c financial d reduction


6 Many people believe that natural resources will never be………

a used out b used up c used off d used away

7 Most of the rivers flowing through big cities are ……… … with chemical waste from factory a flooded b eroded c mixed d polluted

8 Stress and tiredness often lead to lack of ………

a concentrate b concentrationc concentrated d concentrates People in Vietnam use English as a………

a first language b second language c common language d foreign language 10 Pupils and students enrich their minds ……… knowledge they get from class

a without b for c with d from

11 Farmers get rid ……… weeds by spraying a off b of c out d away 12 I regret ………….you that we cannot approve your application

a inform b to inform c informed d informing

13 I remember ……… you about this three times a tell b to tell c telling d told 14 People say that playing football is the most interesting

a The most important thing is the most interesting b It was said that playing football is the most interesting c It is said that playing football was the most interesting d Playing football is said to be the most interesting 15 Iwould have helped you if ………

a you ask b there was your askingc you had asked me d you asked me 16 Coal and iron are………

a metals b minerals c gasoline d marines 17.Nga can speak English ……….than I

a faster b more fastly c as fast d the fastest 18 I will not ……… your behaving in this way

a tolerance b tolerant c tolerablyd tolerate

19 There’s……… coffee in the jar It is not enough for everyone

a a lot of b little c few d a few

20 Pink is the ……… of red and white

a addition b cooperation c contribution d combination 21 NO is the formula of ………

a nitrate b nitric acid c nitric oxide d nitrogen 22.His son is ………his job

a important to b successful in c kind to d rich in 23.He showed me ……… the computer

a what to operate b how to operate c operating d how operating 24 I as well as my brother ……… to our hometown for ten years

a does not return b not return c has not returned d have not returned 25 Roald Amundsen was the first explorer ……….the South Pole

a who reach b that reaching c for reaching d to reach 26 Either you or I ………John up when he ……….tomorrow a have picked / will arrive b am going to pick / arrives

c are going to pick / arrives d picked/ arrived 27 The police ………for the thieves for several days

a is looking b that are looking c they have looked d have been looking 28 You can not well two jobs ………the same time a in b at c on d for 29 ……… you buy this computer for? - To study English

a What b When c Why d Which 30 I have a wonderful life I have nothing to be ……….about


What is conservation? Conservation is the (31)……….use of our natural resources You know that plants are valuable natural resources Coal, oil and metal ores are (32)……….of other natural resources Natural resources are the material (33)……….in or on the earth are (34)……….for man Then why should we use our natural resources (35)………?

We mine millions of tons of coal every year We use millions of barrels of oil, we cut down thousands acres of (36)……… But the earth produces only a (37) ……… amount of these natural resources Coal and oil were formed thousands of years ago, and the supply is gradually (38)……… That is why we must (39) ……… our natural resources as carefully and wisely as we can We must make them (40)

……….as long as possible


31 a difficult b hard c wise d foolish

32 a examples b samples c modals d types

33 a find b finding c found d founded

34 a useless b useful c harmful d harmless

35 a care b careful c careless d carefully

36 a places b forests c areas d regions

37 a limited b unlimited c given d large

38 a running in b running out c running of d running down

39 a spend b save c use d keep

40 a last b to last c lasting d lasted

Đọc kỹ khoá chọn phương án (ứng với A B,C,D) cho câu từ 41 đến 45:

All men should study We study to widen our knowledge and develop our intelligence Education plays an important role in our life First of all, we have to learn how to observe accurately, to think truthfully, to speak correctly and to write clearly Education gives us knowledge of things around us and it preserves the national noble traditions and customs from generation to generation Education makes a person more perfect An educated man is both talented and virtuous In every country, the government always considers education as the most important policy

Some of us sometimes think that we “have finished” our education when we leave school or graduate from a university Actually, real education should never finish

41 We study to………

a widen our knowledge b make things easier c develop our intelligent d a and c

42 Education ………

a plays an important role in our life b has a role in a play c can play role d helps us play role 43 We learn how………

a to observe accurately, to think truthfully, to speak correctly and to write clearly b to play a role in life

c to widen our knowledge d to be talented

44 An education man is ………

a talented b virtuous c perfectly d a and b 45 When will education finish?

a Whenever ones leaves school b When one gets old c Education will never finish d At the end of the school-year

46 You have to finished writing the report yourself a b c d

47 Never before has so many people paid attention to pollution a b c d

48 At last they found the woman and her cat which were badly injured by the fire a b c d

49 Everyone that saw “Titanic” says that it was good a b c d


1 A ear B clear C near D learn

2 A rose B whose C close D chosen

3 A establish B community C favourite D encourage

4 A mature B nature C culture D measure

5 The house………we bought last year is very beautiful A which B when C where D who Ten dollars ………enough for him to buy a new watch

A have been B is C are D were

7 While I ……… along the street, I ……… Tom yesterday morning

A walked/ saw B walked/ was seeing

C was walking/ was seeing D was walking/ saw I still can’t believe it My expensive bicycle ……… last night

A was stolen B was stealing C stolen D stole

9 Thank you for ………me to the party A keeping B telling C calling D inviting 10 Something was wrong with the machine, ………?

A was it B wasn’t it C were they D weren’t they 12

11 The house, ……… Shakespeare was born, is now opened to the village

A whom B which C where D who

12 If I were you, I ……… him as my nephew

A will treat B would treat C am treating D would have treated 13 We carried out a few ……… to find out how good the drug was

A experiments B projects C experiences D proofs

14 I don’t know the reason ………… they were late last night A when B where C why D which 15 Are you aware ………the regulations concerning the use of gun? A for B about C in D of 16 Tom is not used to ……… up early He is late for school very often

A get B got C getting D having got

17 My mother makes me ……… harder

A study B to study C studying D studied

18 Computers are ……… used in schools and universities A widely B wide C width D widen 19 The doctor advised me …………a few days in bed A spend B to spend C spent D spending 20 It ……… us 25 minutes to walk to school every day A wastes B takes C costs D spends 21 ……… the rain, they went to school on time yesterday

A Despite B Althoguh C Because D Because of 22 He usually spends his own money ……… a new house

A buying B to buy C to have bought D to buying 23 He is the young man with great ………

A expecting B expectant C expectantly D expectation 24 I think your car needs ……… A washed B to wash C washing D wash 25 I’ve lost my keys Can you help me look ……… them?

A after B for C at D in

26 When I came there, ………

A she was reading books B she has been reading books C she is reading books D she read books

27 I ……… my homework before I ……… to bed last night A finished/ had gone B had finished/ went

C finished/ went D had finished/ had gone 28 One of the lastest growing cities are Mexico City


29 Would you mind give me a hand? I have a lot of things to A B C D 30 The teacher said that Peter had made much mistakes in his essay A B C D

31 When we are away from home, my daughter is look after by her grandfather A B C D


A It’s years since I stayed in a hotel C I haven’t stayed in a hotel years ago B It’s years since I stay in a hotel D It’s years when I stayed in a hotel 34 “How long have you been waiting here?” the girl asked me

A The girl asked me how long I had been waiting here B The girl asked me how long had I been waiting here C The girl asked me how long I had been waiting there D The girl asked me how long had I been waiting there

35 He doesn’t buy this new car because he doesn’t have enough money A If he had enough money, he can buy this new car

B If he has enough money, he could buy this new car C If he had enough money, he could buy this new car D If he had had enough money, he could buy this new car

Chọn từ thích hợp (ứng với A B, C, D) để điền vào chỗ trống đoạn văn sau:

Almost every American …………(36)………… a watch, and there is a clock in nearly every room in an American home “Be…………(37)…………time.”, “Don’t …………(38)………… ” “Time is money.” “Time waits ………… (39)………… no one” All of these familiar sayings reflect the American …………(40)…………with promptness and efficiency Students and employees …………(41)………… their teachers and bosses


…………(42)…………they arrive late This desire to get the most out of every minute often …………(43)………… behaviour, making Americans …………(44)…………when they have to wait The pressure to make every moment count sometimes makes it ………(45)………for Americans to relax and nothing

36 A puts B takes C wears D sets

37 A on B out C away D at

38 A use B waste C keep D save

39 A of B.on C with D for

40 A obsess B obsession C obsessive D obsessing 41 A displease B please C make fun D cheer

42 A on B whether C when D why

43 A holds B makes C creates D affects

44 A pleased B happy C impatient D patient

45 A difficult B differ C difficulty D differcultlies

If you invite an American friend to join you to have dinner in a restaurant, phone the restaurant first to find out if you need a reservation to avoid a long wait for a table To make a reservation, just give your name, the numbers of people in your group, and the time you plan to arrive When you invite someone to dinner, you should be prepared to pay the bill and reach for it when it arrives However, if your companion insists on paying his or her share, not get into argument about it Some people prefer to pay their own way so that they not feel indebted and those feelings should be respected In most American restaurants, the waiter or the waitress’ tip is not added to the bill If the service was adequate, it is customary to leave a tip equal to about 15% of the bill In expensive restaurants, leave a bit more


46 When you invite an American friend to have a dinner in a restaurant, ……… A a reservation is not necessary B you should make a reservation

C there are always many tables available for you D you always have to wait for a long time 47 To make a reservation, you ………

A just give your name, the time you arrive and how many persons there are in your group B have to give your address, the time you arrive and how many persons there are in your group C just give your name, the time you arrive and your address

D just give your name the time you arrive and your telephone number 48 When you invite someone to dinner, you ………

A let him pay himself B give the bill to him

C should prepare to pay the bill D share the bill with him 49 If your companion insists on paying his share, ………

A not agree B it will be impolite

C you should let him pay as he expected D you should get into argument with him 50 In most American restaurants, ………

A the tip is added to the bill B the tip is about 15% of the bill


1) What's the matter…………you? A) of B) with C) for D) on 2) We can not find a place………… A) to live B) lived C) living D) live 3) Don't bother me while I ………

A) had been working B) am working C) was working D) will working 4) Up to now, it ……….how the fire started

A) had not been known B) will not be known C) was not known D) has not been known 5) Preserving natural………… is of great importance A) resources B) reviews C) reports D) resorts 6) Venice,………….was built on water, is a city in Italy A) that B) who C) which D) where 7) These students know nothing about their future careers They are ………for employment

A) ill-treated B) ill-prepared C) ill-behaved D) ill-affected 8) Put out your cigarette, please Do you ………… the " No smoking" sign?

A) take after B) take care of C) take notice of D) take note of 9) Poverty prevented him …………with his studies

A) continue B) to continue C) from continuing D) with continuing 10) We need……… how many boxes of paper he ordered

A) knowing B) know C) to be known D) to know 11) I have not yet received the letter………you are talking

A) about which B) that C) which D) about that 14

12) How …………you can run? -3 miles per hour A) fast B) much C) far D) often

13) The singer is so………that every body admirers her A) famous B) faming C) famously D) fame 14) His knowledge of physics……….wide A) were B) are C) is D) have been

15) …………John nor his friends are going with us A) Together with B) Neither C) Along with D) Either 16) When the event will be held depends………….the weather A) in B) on C) into D) at 17) She succeeded ………her final examination A) along B) in C) into D) for 18) This book is ………that one

A) more interesting B) more interesting as C) more interesting than D) interesting than 19) The fact that he passed the exam was………… His friends were very………

A) surprised / surprising B) surprising / surprised C) surprised / surprised D) surprise / surprise 20) Mark Twain,………The Adventure of Tom Sawyer, was from Missouri

A) that wrote B) that writing C) who wrote D) who to write 21) Heavy traffic prevented ………on time

A) him from coming B) he came C) him come D) him to come 22) She lives in Ho Chi Minh City,………

A) the biggest city in Vietnam B) is the biggest city in Vietnam C) in which is the biggest city in Vietnam D) that is the biggest city in Vietnam

23) Do you mind………… quiet? A) be B) being C) been D) to be 24) ………this tree home?

A) How carried you B) How did you carry C) How did you carried D) How you carried 25) -My father has worked for a………company for ten years

A) contructor B) constructive C) construction D) construct 26) Six years ago we started writing to each other

A) We have been writing to each other for six years B) we used to write to each other for six years C) We have been writing to each other since six years D) we are used to write to each other for six years 27) Some one has just cleaned the floor

A) The floor has been just cleaned B) The floor has just been cleaned C) The floor is said to be cleaned D) The floor have just been cleaned 28) Would you please close the window?

A) Would you mind to close the window? B) Would you mind closing the window? C) Would you mind close the window? D) The window is being closed?

29) It took her two hours to write the letter

A) It took two hours for her to write the letter B) The letter was taken two hours for her to write C) She took two hours to write the letter D) She wrote the letter in two hours

30) Because of the cold weather, the crops are late


A) It takes us 30 minutes we wrote the report B) It took us 30 minutes to write the report C) It took us 30 minutes write the report D) It took us 30 minutes writing the report 23) The teacher said to her, " Don't write your lessons in red ink."

A) The teacher told that her don't write her lessons in red ink B) The teacher said her not write her lessons in red ink C) The teacher said that she didn't write her lessons in red ink D) The teacher told her not to write her lessons in red ink 33) Your brother is too young to see the horror film

A).Your brother is very young that he can't see the horror film B).Your brother is not old enough to see the horror film C).Your brother is so young to see the horror film

D).Your brother is old enough for him to see the horror film 34) We have been cooking for the party for four hours

A) Cooking for the party will be done in four hours B).We didn't start cooking for the party until four C).We started cooking for the party four hours ago D).We have four cooks for the party

35) He didn't send her flowers last Sunday

A) She wishes he had sent her flowers last Sunday B) She wishes he sends her flowers last Sunday C) She wishes he sent her flowers last Sunday D) She wishes him sending her flowers last Sunday 36) I haven't stayed in a hotel for years

A) It's years when I stayed in a hotel B) I haven't stayed in a hotel years ago C) It's years since I stayed in a hotel D) It's years since I stay in a hotel

15 37) She said to him," Are you English?"

A) She asked him to be English B) She asked him if was he English C) She asked him if you were English D) She asked him if he was English 38) Shall we go fishing?

A) What about going fish? B) What about go fishing? C) What about to go fishing? D) What about going fishing? 39) I often get up early in the morning

A) I used to get up early in the morning B) I am used to get up early in the morning C) I am used getting up early in the morning D) I am used to getting up early in the morning


In spite of my father is old, he gets up early and morning exercise.



The most you learn, the more knowledge you get.



It is very difficult for us to preventing forest fires during the drought.



Many of the birds in this park lives here throughout the year.



Despite she was in her middle age, she looked very graceful and charming.


45) It was so a difficult mathematic puzzle that we could not it


46) _ Let's go out for a drink _ I suggest staying at home and watch television.



The last time my father played tennis were in 1999.



1) She is famous………….her watercolor paintings A) for B) from C) with D) at

2) Would you visit Spain next summer, if you……enough money? A) have B) had C) will have D) have had 3) Mrs Wright ………for a walk every morning before her death A) used to go B) has gone C) had gone D) goes 4) Tom …………the room with me when we were in London

A) was used for sharing B) used to sharing C) was used to share D) used to share 5) You have to study harder to ………your classmates

A) put an end to B) keep up with C) take care of D) keep out of

6) She did not tell me the……… why she left A) reasonable B) reason C) unreasonable D) reasonably 7) Ben is a ………engineer than Pat

A) most experienced B) as experienced C) more experienced D) so experienced 8) Mary……… her treatment almost two years ago A) had B) has C) had had D) has had 9) John has ever worked there, ………he? A) didn't B) hasn't C) doesn't D) isn't 10) Is she a friend of………? A) you're B) you C) your D) yours 11) He seemed so surprised……….my result A) at B) for C) with D) in

12) I speak so slowly…………you can understand me thoroughly A) in order to B) because C) such as D) that 13) That is the house ………….I used to stay A) that B) where C) which D) in that

14) I remember……… him say that he would come but he is absent now

A) hear B) heard C) to hear D) hearing

15) Charles Chaplin made many of the funniest and……….popular films of his time A) more B) the most C) the more D) most

16) He showed me ……….the computer A) what to operate B) how to operate C) operating D) how operating 17) Put the raincoat on It……… A) is raining B) has rained C) had rained D) will be raining


18) Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin and………the Nobel Prize in 1945

A) receives B) received C) had received D) would receive 19) The number of the students in this class……… 30 A) has B) is C) have D) are 20) When Carol called last night, I ………… TV

A) will be watching B) have been watching C) am watching D) was watching

21) High school students are made………a lot of homework A) doing B) to C) done D) 23) Mr Pike,…………., is very nice

A) be our English teacher B) that is our English teacher C) to be our English teacher D) our English teacher 23) Look! Someone………… A) will be coming B) was coming C) has been coming D) is coming 24) ………do you buy this computer for? - To study English A) What B) When C) Why D) Which 25) Five years in prison………….a very long time A) were B) are C) is D) have been

26) They often have very……….information on the subject, but this does not matter They have strong belief

A) many B) little C) some D) few

27) A telephone by Alexander Graham Bell

A) was inventing B) invented C) that was invented D) was invented 28) Nobody knows………

A) he has gone where B) where has gone he C) where has he gone D) where he has gone 29) Only one pair of jeans……… clean A) have been B) are C) were D) is

30).After to invent dynamite, Alfred Nobel became rich, but when he saw its universally destructive power, he was A B C

very sorry about his invention D

31).The picture which is on the wall was painting by our friend A B C D

32).Advertisers use many methods to get us buy their products A B C D

33) He had smoked so a lot of cigarettes that he died of cancer A B C D


35) C ould you please type this letter for me ? - I am sorry I could not read your handwriting A B C D

36) Why don't you have someone sending this letter for me? A B C D

37).They can speak English and use a computer so as to they can easily get a good job A B C D

38) It is driving on the left what causes visitors to England the most trouble A B C D

39) Never before has so many people paid attention to pollution A B C D

40) It is necessary for we to learn a foreign language nowadays A B C D

41) Today a computerized system is used for control the telephone network A B C D 42).You have to finished writing the report yourself


43) Most of the people whose like films are only interested in the leading actor or actress when they enjoy a film A B C D

44).They are building a new bridge here

A) A new bridge is building here B) A new bridge is built here C) A new bridge here is built D) A new bridge is being built here 45) She didn't know you were ill, so she didn't visit you

A) If she had knew you were ill, she would have visit you B) If she knew you were ill, she would visit you C) If she had known you were ill, she would have visited you D) If she knew you are ill, she would visit you 46).Would you please open the windows?

A).Would you mind to open the windows? B).Would you mind opening the windows? C) Would you mind open the windows? D).Would you mind opened the windows?

17 47).They are determined to study English

A) There is a determination studying English B) There is a determination to study English C) There is a determination study English D) There is a determination studied English 48) I will tell some one to clean the floor

A) I will have the floor cleaned B) I will have some one to clean the floor C) I will have the floor clean D) I will have the floor to be cleaned 49) She said to Tom" Open the box, please."

A) She said that Tom opened the box B) She said Tom to open the box C) She told Tom open the box D) She asked Tom to open the box 50) There is a determination to study English

A).They are determined to study English B).They decide to study English C).They are trying to study English D).They don't want to study English 51) "How long have you been waiting here?" the girl asked me

A).The girl asked me how long had I been waiting there B).The girl asked me how long had I been waiting here C).The girl asked me how long I had been waiting there D).The girl asked me how long I had been waiting here 52) I have never seen such beautiful pictures before

A).This is the first time I see beautiful pictures B).These pictures are the most beautiful I have never seen C).These pictures are the most beautiful I have ever seen D).This is the first time I have seen beautiful pictures 53) Tom spent two hours repairing his car

A) It took Tom two hours repaired his car B) It took Tom two hours to repair his car C) It took Tom two hours repair his car D) It took Tom two hours repairing his car 54) He couldn't afford to buy that car

A).The car was too expensive for him to buy it B).The car was too expensive for him not to buy it C).The car was too expensive that he couldn't buy it D).The car was so expensive that he couldn't buy it 55) I have never eaten this food before

A) I have never eaten such a good food before B) It's the most tasty food I have ever eaten C).The food is so good that I have never eaten before D) It's the first time I have eaten this food 56) It's a pity that you didn't tell us about this


1) I would rather doing any job than be out of work A B C D

2) It always takes me an hour doing housework everyday A B C D

3).She left the house in a hurry without to say goodbye to us A B C D 4).He stopped working because he was very tired to continue A B C D

5).He was waiting nervous in the waiting room for the interview A B C D

6).He showed a desire entering the University of Medicine A B C D

7).The workers went on strikes because of they thought their wages were low A B C D 8) Parents who children well in school usually consider themselves fortunate A B C D 9).They have told me some information most of whom is very useful A B C D 10) The laser can used to treat cancer by destroying diseased cells A B C D

11).To reduce pollution, we have to stop to use many things that make our lives comfortable A B C D 12) He gave me the reason why his mistakes but I did not believe him


18 13) It always takes me an hour doing homework everyday A B C D

14).You are advised not to jogging because your serious heart disease A B C D

15).The well from where we get water is nearly empty because of drought A B C D

16).The woman………next door is often willing to help us whenever we are in difficulty

A) lived B) lives C) to live D) living

17) I want to know …….money you collected A) how many B) how far C) how often D) how much 18) She is interested………… animals A) in B) out of C) off D) for 19) A number of students in this class………good at English A) is not B) are not C) has been not D) was not 20) They were willing to help one another They were very………

A) help B) helpless C) helping D) helpful 21) The more we work, ………we earn

A) the much money B) the most money C) the many money D) the more money

22) A postman needs………calm under pressure A) remaining B) remain C) to remain D) remained 23) He went on……… for two hours A) spoken B) speak C) speaking D) to speak 34) Peter will have the house……….tomorrow A) painting B) paint C) to paint D) painted 35) Mary not only works hard……….gets on well with her workmates

A) but also B) together with C) nor D) or 36) I met him three weeks………… A) ago B) along C) among D) around 37) The teacher recommended……… the book but I not have enough money………… it

A) to buy / buy B) buying / to buy C) bought / buying D) buy / buying 38) We have to start early………we will be late for school

A) although B) so that C) that D) or 39) The boy……… at the desk is Mary's new boy friend

A) standing B) to stand C) stand D) stood 40) John's father as well as his brothers………here yesterday


A) on B) of C) in D) from 42) Mr Pike,……… , has just come back from London

A) to be our new boss B) that is our new boss C) which is our new boss D) our new boss 43) We were not ……… at the fact that John failed the examination because he was very lazy

A) surprised B) surprise C) surprising D) surprisingly

44) I would rather you ……… me the money I lent you A) to pay B) paid C) paying D) pay 45) Paper ………….from wood pulp A) produced B) has produced C) is produced D) produces 46) I didn't intend to stay here

A) I had no intention of staying here B) I didn't have intention of staying here C) I had no intention to stay here D) I didn't intend staying here

47) He often walks home when it doesn't rain

A) He is used to walk home when it doesn't rain B) He is used to walking home when it rains C) He used to walk home when it doesn't rain D) He is used to walking home when it doesn't rain 48) My parents aren't accustomed to living in a big city

A) My parents aren't used to living in a big city B) My parents were used to living in a big city C) My parents are used to living in a big city D) My parents didn't use to live in a big city 49) I often get up early in the morning

A) I used to get up early in the morning B) I am used to get up early in the morning C) I am used to getting up early in the morning D) I used to getting up early in the morning 50) They know little what to expect

A) They don't have many knowledge of what to expect B) Their knowledge has little about what to expect C) They have little knowledge of what to expect D) They have little knowledge about what to expect 51) They are sending him abroad on business

A) He is sent abroad on business B) He is being sent abroad on business C) He is sending himself abroad on business D) He is going to be sent abroad on business 52) He came back to the place He was born there

A) He came back to the place which he was born B) He came back to the place in that he was born C) He came back to the place there he was born D) He came back to the place where he was born

19 53) He retired last year because he was ill

A) He retired last year because his illness was being B) Last year he retired because his illness C) He retired last year because his illness was D) He retire last year because of his illness 54) The tea is too hot for her to drink

A) The tea is so hot for her to drink B) The tea is cool enough she can drink it C) The tea is not cool enough for her to drink D) The tea is not enough cool for her to drink 55) My brother and I went to that school

A) I went to that school and so did my brother B) I went to that school and so my brother did C) I went to that school and so my brother did, too D) I went to that school and my brother, too 56) Young people tend to live in a big city

A) Young people have a tendency to live in a big city B) Young people like big cities

C) Young people don't want to live in big city D) Young people are living in a big city 57) She is learning English because she wants to get a better job

A) She is learning English so as she gets a better job B) She is learning English so that she gets a better job

C) She is learning English so that she will be able to get a better job D) She is learning English in order she can get a better job

58) "Can I borrow your pen, Sam" said Mary

A) Mary asked Sam she could borrow his pen B) Mary asked Sam if she can borrow his pen C) Mary asked Sam she can borrow his pen D) Mary asked Sam if she could borrow his pen 59) Mary asked him, " Have you read this book?"

A) Mary asked him to read that book B) Mary asked him if he had read that book C) Mary asked him had he read that book D) Mary asked him if had he read that book 60) Shall we go for a picnic this weekend?


1) Years have passed since we………school together

A) have started B) start C) was started D) started 2) I don't know where she has gone

A) have no idea B) make a decision C) have some awareness of D) have some knowledge of 3) My father ……….10 cigarettes a day last year, but he gives up smoking now

A) is used to smoking B) used to smoking C) was used for smoking D) used to smoke 4) Although he tried three times, he did not………… in his oral test

A) succeed B) take care C) gain D) require 5) He is trying to stop smoking A) give off B) give up C) give in D) give away 6) They are………… they used to be

A) more careful than B) careful more than C) more than careful D) as careful than 7) ………… tired, I stopped working and went to bed

A) To feel B) Felt C) Feel d) Feeling

8) The tea was………

A) too hot to drink B) very hot to drink C) too hot to drink it D) too hot for drinking 9) I would not have got lost if I………the map

A) have studied B) studied C) would study D) had studied

10) John sometimes loses his temper……… A) easily B) ease C) easy D) easier 11) Today, there are many people……….English

A) to speaking B) that speaking C) speak D) speaking 12) Saudi Arabia has a great deal of petroleum

A) many B) several C) a lot D) too much

13) Many people think boys are more………than girls

A) creativity B) creative C) creation D) create 14) If I had remembered their address, I……….them a card

A) would have sent B) will send C) would send D) will have send 15) Twenty people applied ………… the job

A) away B) in C) into D) for 16) Did you …………used to driving on the left-hand side of the street?

A) get B) take C) D) made

20 17) Mathematics…………the base of other sciences

A) is said to be B) is saying to be C) said to be D) is said being 18) We walked out of the room silently, ………disturb the sleeping baby

A) to B) so as not to C) in order to D) as not to

19) She is proud ……….a film star A) to be B) being C) is D) be 20) Jack has just been sacked, he surely needs………… job

A) other B) another C) the other D) others

21) He was us

A) such kind helping B) too kind to help C) such kind to help D) kind enough to help 22) Either the twins or their friend in class A) were B) are C) have been D) is 23) "Can I borrow your pen, Same" said Mary

A) Mary asked Sam she could borrow his pen B) Mary asked Sam if she can borrow his pen C) Mary asked Sam she can borrow his pen D) Mary asked Sam if she could borrow his pen 24) Mary asked him, " Have you read this book?"

A) Mary asked him to read that book B) Mary asked him if he had read that book C) Mary asked him had he read that book D) Mary asked him if had he read that book 25) Shall we go for a picnic this weekend?

A) Do you consider go for a picnic this weekend? B) Do you consider going for a picnic this weekend? C) Do you consider went for a picnic this weekend? D) Do you consider to go for a picnic this weekend? 26) He walked there in fifteen minutes

A) It took him fifteen minutes to walk there B) It took fifteen minutes to walk there C) It took that he walked there in fifteen minutes D) It took him fifteen minutes walking there 27) He walks to school in half an hour


28) The picnic was cancelled because it rained

A) If it hadn't rained, the picnic wouldn't have been cancelled B) If it didn't rain, the picnic wouldn't be cancelled

C) If it hadn't rained, the picnic wouldn't be cancelled D) If it didn't rain, the picnic wouldn't have been cancelled 29) Shall we go for a swim?

A) What about go for a swim? B) What about to go for a swim? C) What about going for a swim? D) What about we go for a swim? 30) The garden is too small to play football in

A) The garden is such small that they can't play foot ball in B) The garden is small enough to play football in

C) The garden isn't big enough to play football in D) The garden is so small not to play football in 31) Mary isn't old enough to get married

A) Mary is too young to get married B) Mary isn't as old as to get married

C) Mary is so young for she to get married D) Mary isn't too young for her to get married 32) People tend to get up early in the summer

A) People have a tendency to get up early in the summer B) People have a tendency getting up early in the summer C) There is a tendency get up early in the summer D) There is a tendency getting up early in the summer 33) The bag was too heavy for him to carry

A) The bag was so heavy that he couldn't carry B) It was such a heavy bag for him to carry C) The bag wasn't enough light for him to carry D) It was such a heavy bag that he couldn't carry it 34) My sister hasn't rung for hours

A) My sister hasn't rung since hours B) It's for hours since my sister last rang C) It's hours since my sister last rang D) It was hours since my sister last rang 35) She said to us "Don't be late."

A) She told us not to be late B) She told not to be late C) She can't come there late D) She didn't want us be late 36).In spite of she knew it was dangerous, the girl wanted to ride the horse

A B C D 37).Neither the apple nor the plums was ripe enough for us to eat A B C D

21 38) A) My father does not want to retire because he like his work A B C D

39).Neither his friends nor his teacher are satisfied with his result when he was at school A B C D

40).Any longer we go to work by bus because we have just bought a new car A B C D

41).Michael Faraday, that got little schooling, was one of the greatest scientists of all time A B C D

42) A) After going shopping, we had a few money left A B C D

43).People whose smoke cigarettes are exhaling 10 times more toxic air than cars A B C D 44).We go to school enriching our mind with knowledge


45) In order that to buy his new car, he had to borrow his friend some money A B C D 46).The bicycle must repaired before it can be ridden again


47).These students can't go out because they have a lot of homework doing A B C D


TEST 11 1) She said to us "Don't be late."

A) She told us not to be late B) She told not to be late C) She can't come there late D) She didn't want us be late 2) We stayed in that hotel despite the noise

A) Because of the noise, we stayed in the hotel B) We stayed in the noisy hotel and we liked it C) Although the hotel was noisy, we stayed there D) Despite the hotel is noisy, we stayed there 3) This lecture bores me to tears

A) This lecture is very interesting B) This lecture touches my heart C) I didn't like this lecture at all D) I am very bored with this lecture 4) I suggest going for a swim

A) Why didn't we go swimming? B) Why aren't we go swimming? C) Why we don't go for a swim? D) Why don't we go for a swim? 5) The story is short enough for her to read

A) The story is too short for her to read B) It is such a short story for her to read C) It is such a short story that she can read it D) It is such a short story that she can read 6) The car was so rusty that it couldn't be repaired

A) The car needs repairing B) The car was too rusty to be repaired C) It was late for the car to be repaired D) The car was very rusty to repair 7) This song is simple enough for us to sing

A) It is such a simple song that we can sing B) This song is so simple that we can sing C) This song is so simple that we can sing it D) This song is so simple for us to sing 8) I haven't seen that woman here before

A) It is the first time since I have seen that woman here B) It is the first time since I saw that woman here C) It is time to see that woman here D) It is the first time I have seen that woman here 9) I don't find it difficult to get up early

A) I used to getting up early B) I am used to get up early C) I used to get up early D) I am used to getting up early

10) Shall we go for a swim?

A) What about going for a swim? B) What about going for swimming? C) Shall we to go for a swim? D) What about to go for a swim? 11) There is a tendency to study in a foreign country

A) They tend studying in a foreign country B) They tend to study in a foreign country C) They are tending study in a foreign country D) They have tend to study in a foreign country 12) I stopped working there because I was tired of to the same work day after day

A B C D 22

13).We would love to have an opportunity of meet you again A B C D

14) Because a former British colony, Australia has close culture and historical links with the UK A B C D

15) My friends and I would like thanking you for your hospitability We all enjoyed ourselves very much A B C D

16).It is very difficult for human beings fighting pollution A B C D

17).He drank so many wine that he could not find his way home A B C D 18).The more money you earn, the best your life is


19).The main reason for the decline of sharks are the demand for shark fins A B C D

20).How many long did you stay in Vietnam during your last summer holiday? A B C D

21).Although the bad traffic, I managed to arrive at the meeting on time A B C D


23).Factories have to treat their wastes so as to they are less harmful to people A B C D

24).He has a great deal of books most of which are on science and technology A B C D

25).There are much kinds of books in my school library, but readers cannot borrow and have to read at the A B C D reading tables

26).From the top of the hill, Mary could see many farmers whose were working in the fields A B C D 27) Not only Peter but also his friends football

A) like B) are liking C) does not like D) likes 28) If we waited for him, we on time

A) would not have been B) had not been C) will not be D) would not be 29) Peter failed the final exam If he harder, he

A) had worked / would succeed B) has work / will succeed

C) worked / succeed D) had worked / would have succeeded 30) The first computers, were developed around 1945, were so large that they required special rooms

A) that B) whom C) which D) why

31) He stopped to have lunch A) drove B) drive C) driving D) driven 32) You used to live in London, ? A) would you B) aren't you C) don't you D) didn't you 33) She is not at school A) any more B) no longer C) no more D) more longer 34) I have known her last year A) from B) at C) for D) since 35) I couldn't make a good choice because of many advertisements

A) so being many advertisements B) because there were many advertisements C) because so many advertisements D) because such many advertisements 36) He likes beer and fried chicken .is the reason he is too fat

A) Who / where B) Whose / whom C) That / why D) Which / when 37) City life is always country life

A) many more expensive than B) more expensive as C) more expensive than D) more much expensive as 38) Only when you are ill, you appreciate good

A) health B) healthy C) healthily D) healthful 39) When you finish the report, would you mind me your computer?

A) writing / lending B) to write / lend C) write / lent D) writing / to lend 40) Are you expected to learn the lesson heart? A) from B) by C) through D) in 41) If I my exam, my parents would be very happy

A) passed B) have passed C) will pass D) pass 42) The teacher asked me absent from class the previous day

A) why I had been B) was why I C) why have I been D) why was I 23

43) No longer any pleasure to this job

A) I have B) I have C) I have D) I have 44) Since the end of 20th century, English the most widely used language in the world

A) becomes B) has become C) became D) had become 45) I can't help sorry for her She seems ………such a nice girl

A) to feel / to be B) to feel / being C) feeling / to be D) feeling / being 46) Are you aware the risks involved? A) through B) away C) with D) of 47) John has spent time and money collecting coins

A) a few B) many C) a great deal of D) a large number of 48) Is this an office building?-No, it is a villa

A) possession B) private C) belongings D) property 49) People no longer smoke they used to



1) The teacher advised him harder A) study B) studies C) to study D) studying 2) Approximately 350 million people speak English their mother tongue

A) in B) like C) as D) for

3) Her suggestions were We could not approve of them

A) reasonable B) reasonably C) reason D) unreasonable 4) My sister and I have preferences That is the reason why I never go shopping with her

A) similar B) same C) accustomed D) conflicting 5) you start saving money now, you won't be able to buy a computer next school year

A) Moreover B) Unless C) Whether D) Besides 6) Please show me the man

A) about that they are talking B) that they are talking

C) about who they are talking D) whom they are talking about

6) I am fed daily housework A) out of B) onto C) up with D) into 7) Economics me as much as literature does

A) have interested B) does not interest C) interest D) not interest 8) Language is not necessarily the property of those who use it

A) common B) personal C) public D) private

9) They found it impossible their problems A) to solve B) solving C) solved D) solve 10) each of you ready for the test? A) Are B) Have C) Is D) Do 11) They had a big party They during last night

A) are singing B) will be singing C) have been singing D).were singing

12) I wish that you here yesterday A) have been B) were C) had been D) are 13) We will send these letters to him when we in London

A) will arrive B) arrive C) had arrived D) arriving 14) Venice is a city of Italy which on water many years ago

A) had built B) built C) is built D) was built 15) The workers got up early they would not be late for work

A) in order to B) although C) in order that D) because

16) Would you mind quiet? A) been B) be C) to be D) being 17) I stopped for them because the wages were so low

A) work B) worked C) working D) to work

18) He had got the accident because he was careless

A) despite he was careless B) due to he was careless C) because of his carelessness D) although his carelessness 19) Before the steamboat arrived, the day was glory with

A) unexpected B) expect C) expectation D) expected 20) There are several countries the traffic moves on the left-hand side

A) which B) in where C) where D) in that 21) Peter from Paris He there three weeks ago with his friends

A) had just returned / flew B) is just returning / was flying C) has just returned / flew D) will just return / flies

24 22) It was dime light that he could not read the letter

A) a such B) so much C) such a D) so

23) Walt Disney was born Chicago December 5th, 1901

A) for / in B) in / on C) from / about D) at / in

24) The pupils are not permitted out during class A) going B) to go C) go D) went 25) The first computers, were developed around 1945, were so large that they required special rooms

A) which B) why C) that D) whom

26) They don't allow at gas stations A) smoking B) smoke C) smoked D) to smoke 27) Mr Nguyen received letters and greeting cards from his students on Teacher's Day


A) the most weaker B) as more weak C) more weak D) weaker 29) He is asking his friends about the accident as if he a policeman

A) be B) is C) were D) was

30) From the top of the hill, Mary could see many farmers whose were working in the fields A B C D 31) Because of they had collaborated well together, they were successful in their project A B C D

32) The advantage of laser treatment are that it leaves healthy cells unharmed A B C D

33) I am busy preparing for my final exam, so I regret telling you that I can't go to your party tonight A B C D

34) These trees need to water They look withered because of the lack of water A B C D

35) In my opinion, a most beautiful place in Vietnam is Da Lat A B C D

36) A great deal of communities are burning garbage and other biological waste products to produce electricity A B C D

37) If he had arrived late, we would begin without him A B C D

38) My best friend which I saw every day, always has something new to tell me A B C D

39) Isaac Newton was one of the greatest English scientists who theory of gravity is well-known all over A B C D

the world

40) Because English is too wide spoken, it has been considered as a global language A B C D

41) Many people have stopped to smoke because they are afraid that it may be bad for their health A B C D

42) We must to work to keep our environment clean A B C D

43) The problems of pollution are too difficult for us solving A B C D 44) It took him two hours to his homework

A) It took him two hours doing his homework B) To his homework takes him two hours C) He spent two hours to doing his homework D) He spent two hours doing his homework 45) Mary said to Peter, " Please don't put your leg on my bag."

A) Mary asked Peter not put his leg no her bag B) Mary asked Peter not to put his leg on her bag C) Mary asked Peter not to put your leg on her bag D) Mary asked Peter not to put your leg on my bag 46) The students know little about Vietnamese literature

A) The students have few knowledge of Vietnamese literature B) The students have little knowledge of Vietnamese literature C) The students don't have many knowledge of Vietnamese literature D) The students don't know about many Vietnamese literature 47) I lost my key, so I had to wait in the snow

A) If I hadn't lose my key, I wouldn't have to wait in the snow B) If I hadn't lost my key, I wouldn't have had to wait in the snow C) If I didn't lose my key, I wouldn't have had to wait in the snow D) If I didn't lose my key, I wouldn't have to wait in the snow

25 48) I prefer going out for a meal to staying at home

A) Staying at home is more boring than going out for a meal B) Going out for a meal is very interesting C) I'd rather go out for a meal than stay at home D) I'd like to go out for a meal

49) She said to us "Don't be late again"

A) She told us not to be late again B) She told us to be not late again C) She told to us not to be late again D) She said to us not to be late again 50) There was no explanation of her plan

A) She explain her plan B) Her plan was explained


TEST 13 1) This is the best music I have ever heard

A) I've never heard better music than this B) I've never heard such a good music as this C) This is the first time I have this good music D) I've never heard so good music as this 2) They tend to live in a big city

A) They are tendency to live in a big city B) They have a tendency living in a big city C) They have a tendency to live in a big city D) They have a tendency live in a big city 3) She was so busy that she couldn't answer the phone

A) She was very busy that she couldn't answer the phone B) She was too busy not to answer the phone C) She was too busy to answer the phone D) She was very busy so that she couldn't answer the phone 4) She usually spends one hour driving to work everyday

A) It usually takes her one hour to drive to work every day B) She usually works one hour every day C) She doesn’t usually drive to work D) It usually takes her one hour to drive to work on her car every day 5) Shall we go to the cinema tonight?

A) How about tonight we shall go to the cinema? B) How about to go to the cinema tonight? C) How about go to the cinema tonight? D) How about going to the cinema tonight? 6) I didn't intend to stay here

A) I had no intention to stay here B) I didn't have intention to stay here C) I have no intention of staying here D) I didn't intend staying here 7) Mary didn't wear the raincoat, so she got a cold

A) If Mary had worn the raincoat, she wouldn't have got the cold B) If Mary has worn the raincoat, she won't have got the cold C) If Mary wear the raincoat, she couldn't get a cold

D) If Mary had worn the raincoat, She would have got the cold 8) We usually help Tom His family is poor

A) We usually help Tom, whom family is poor B) We usually help Tom, whose family is poor C) We usually help Tom, of whom family is poor D) We usually help Tom, who's family is poor 9) Why don't we go for a walk?

A) I suggest going out for a walk B) We don't have to go out for a walk C) I suggest to go out for a walk D) We haven't gone for a walk 10) Although Ken took a taxi, he arrived late

A) Despite of taking a taxi, Ken arrived late B) In spite taking a taxi, Ken arrived late C) Though taking a taxi, Ken arrived late D) In spite of taking a taxi, Ken arrived late 11) The windows at the front of the house need to repaired


12).Would you mind give me a hand, I have a lot of things to do? A B C D

13).Like walking, jogging can be any time, anywhere and involves only one person A B C D

14).It is the most excited film I have ever seen A B C D

15).Not have a car, I often find it difficult to move around A B C D

16) Uncle Ho's desire was that our country might other countries in the world

A) take grand for B) make use of C) be fed up with D) keep pace with 17) Mary is one of best students that got the scholarship

A) the B) a C) no article D) an

26 18) Either you or I responsible for the trouble

A) being B) are C) were D) am

19) I don't have enough time If I more time, I to see you

A) had / would come B) have / will C) have had / will have come D) had had / would have come 20) The teacher told his students

A) stopping to laugh B) to stop laughing C) stop to laugh D) to stop laugh 21) Two tons of coal required


22) He has ever spent time studying English

A) a large number of B) many C) a great deal of D) so many 23) In poor area, natural is low on the list of priorities

A) conserve B) conservation C) conserving D) conservational 24) Is your hat similar mine?

A) in B) with C) for D) to

25) What is your ? - I am a interpreter

A) occupation B) popularity C) aim D) nationality 26) Oliver used to go fishing,

A) so I did B) so did me C) I did so D) so did I 27) Would you mind slowly?

A) speaking B) to speak C) spoken D) speak 28) Thank you for letting me your dog for a walk

A) to take B) taken C) taking D) take

29) He is more ………than I think

A) toleration B) tolerantly C) tolerate D) tolerant 30) It is no use to him about your problem because he is never willing us

A) talk / helping B) talking / to help C) talking / helps D) to talk / help 31) They are keen earning money

A) on B) of C) out D) away

32) it was raining heavily, they did not cancel the match

A) Because B) Since C) Although D) In spite of 33) His parents could not help angry when he admitted the exam

A) got / failed B) getting / failing C) get / to fail D) to get / to fail 34) This is the house I spent my childhood

A) in which B) in what C) in where D) in that 35) Many of these plants are

A) good for eating B) good with eating C) good at eating D) good to eat 36) By the time we got to the station, Susan for us more than two hours

A) has waited B) would be waiting C) are waiting D) had been waiting 37) She asked me

A) what was my mane B) what my mane is C) what is your name D) what my mane was 28) Remember the door before out

A) to lock / going B) lock / to go C) locking / going D) locking / go 39) she heard the doorbell ring, she didn't answer it

A) As if B) Even though C) Because D) However 40) She is so busy She always seems to be a hurry

A) through B) at C) in D) on

41) Pay close attention the traffic lights

A) on B) with C) to D) about

42) I am sorry to keep you

A) waited B) to wait C) wait D) waiting

43) Can you tell me the difference films and plays?

A) for B) between C) from D) of

44) John does not like classical music, and

A) not I B) so I don't C) neither I D) I don't, too 45) Nobody can prevent us from

A) loving and being loved B) loving and loved C) love and to be loved D) to love and being loved 46) My father used to have tea after breakfast, and

A) I did so B) so did I C) so did me D) so I did 27

47) We go to school our knowledge

A) enrich B) to enrich C) rich D) richness 28) I can't sleep because of the noise I wish they so much noise

A) would not have been making B) had not been making C) were not making D) are not making 49) The letter, as well as the postcards, on the table


TEST 15 1) The book writing by my uncle has just been published


2) Everything would have been all right if you did not make such a mistake A B C D 3) What would you have if you were in my position?


4) Vitamin D helps us not only build strong teeth and bones, but also absorbing Calcium A B C D

5) She was too beautiful that I could not stop looking at her A B C D 6).We admired his way of things very much

A B C D 7) Mary was very in 1960

A) fame B) famously C) famousness D) famous 8) I regret you that I can't go to your party tonight

A) telling B) tell C) to tell D) told

9) Tom stops smokes

A) Tom smoke any longer B) Any longer Tom smokes C) No longer does Tom smoke D) Tom does not smoke no longer 10) If I had known it would rain, I my umbrella

A) would take B) going to take C) will take D) would have taken 11) We find it to watch an international football match

A) exciting B) excite C) excited D) excitedly 12) Working hours depend the type of job you have

A) in B) on C) of D) from

13) You had better harder or you will be sacked

A) to work B) work C) working D) worked

14) I a novel during last night

A) was reading B) were reading C) have been reading D) am reading 15) I have not hear from Mary for a long time I have her since we left high school

A) kept touch with B) got away from C) lost touch with D) taken grand for 16) Look! The boy at the desk is Mary's boyfriend

A) stands B) stood C) standing D) stand 17) We are from Vietnam Vietnamese is our mother tongue

A) second language B) foreign language C) first language D) official 18) The right-hand rule was in those countries by Napoleon Bonapart

A) given room for B) take for granted C) put in force D) lost track of 19) We are trying to save the animals are in danger of extinction

A) which B) who C) those D) whom

20) These students can't go out because they have a lot of homework

A) to B) done C) doing D)

21) I wish they such mistakes again

A) are not making B) were not making C) would not make D) would not be making 22) He was dismissed because of his laziness

A) offered B) sacked C) employed D) appointed 23) John as a journalist since he from university in 2000

A) is working / graduate B) worked / graduated

C) had worked / will be graduate D) has been working / graduated 24) They a visit to London last summer

A) got B) made C) did D) paid

28 25) That car is expensive

A) surprising B) surprised C) surprise D) surprisingly 26) It's very kind you to help me


27) I'm busy for my exam

A) prepared B) prepare C) to prepare D) preparing 28) He does not save as much money as he last year

A) did B) does C) uses D) did used

29) Most teenagers are ill-prepared for

A) employer B) employment C) employee D) unemployed 30) Ask her to leave

A) when does she plan B) when she plans C) when did she plan D) when does she plans 31) difficulty they encountered, they managed to overcome

A) Whenever B) However C) Wherever D) Whatever 32) We should spend our money and time

A) useless B) usefully C) use D) useful

33) I bought some greeting cards which I can ………to my friends on Christmas

A) to send B) sent C) send D) sending

34) If he taller, he able to join the police

A) was / would B) is / will C) were will be D) were / would be 35) Not only his friends but also Tom soccer

A) likes B) like C) is liking D) does like 36) She has not written to me we met last time

A) before B) since C) ago D) meanwhile

37) The police for the thieves at the moment

A) have been looking B) will be looking C) are looking D) is looking 38) Either you or I responsible for the trouble A) were B) am C) are D) being 39) Despite the storm, the climbers decided to go on

A) Although there was a storm B) Due to it storm C) In spite of it was storm D) Because it is stormed 40) Put the raincoat on It

A) had rained B) will be raining C) is raining D) has rained 41) Since motion pictures , we have had a new kind of entertainment

A) were invented B) have been invented C) will have been invented D) had been invented 42) Susan felt sick because she ate four cream cakes

A) If Susan hadn’t eaten four cream cakes, she wouldn’t have felt sick B) If Susan hadn’t eaten four cream cakes, she wouldn’t feel sick

C) If Susan ate four cream cakes, she would feel sick D) Susan eats four cream cakes, so she feels sick 43) My friend can’t speak English, so he can’t apply for a job

A) If my friend can speak English, he can apply for a job B) If my friend couldn’t speak English, he could apply for a job C) If my friend couldn’t speak English, he couldn’t apply for a job D) If my friend could speak English, he could apply for a job 44) The shirt isn’t large enough for him to wear

A) It is such a small shirt for him to wear B) The shirt is so small that he can’t wear C) The shirt is so small for him to wear D) The shirt is too small for him to wear 45) I’m sorry that she isn’t with us now

A) I wish she were with us now B) I wish her to be wish now

C) I am sorry for not being here now D) I wish that she wasn’t with us now 46) Somebody repaired her bicycle last week

A) She had her bicycle repaired last week B) She had her bicycle repair last week C) She had to repaired her bicycle last week D) She had her bicycle to repair last week 47) This office is too small for four people

A) This office is so small to have four people B) This office isn’t big enough for four people C) This office is very small for four people D) This office isn’t enough big for four people 48) He was very tired but she kept on working


29 TEST 15 1) There a lot of furniture in our uncle's house

A) is being B) were C) are D) is

2) His parents allowed swimming A) going B) go C) went D) to go 3) Mr Jones sometimes on time for work

A) does not get up B) won't get up C) had not got up D) is not going to get up 4) He stopped working because he was too tired

A) because of his tiredness B) although his tiredness C) for tired D) since being tired 5) His friends were very at the fact that he passed the exam

A) surprise B) surprising C) surprisingly D) surprised 6) In the park, there are many benches for people to sit

A) on that people can sit B) for sitting C) that people to sit D) where people can sit 7) Stratford-upon-Avon is the town William Shakespeare was born and died

A) which B) when C) that D) where

8) Mary asked Tom he had ever been to Paris before

A) if B) as if C) since D) unless

9) His success made him become

A) famous B) fame C) famousness D) famously 10) Nonsmokers have become more about smoking in public places

A) exciting B) thrilling C) approval D) militant 11) We find it to housework A) bored B) bores C) bore D) boring 12) I'll never forget the day I started school

A) which B) at which C) that D) when

13) You are a bit I think you should more exercises and go on a diet

A) overnight B) overweight C) overdone D) overcome 14) The World II in 1939 and in 1945

A) had begun / has ended B) has begun / ended C) begins / ends D) began / ended 15) She loves to play volleyball

A) is afraid of playing B) is keen on playing

C) is fed up with playing D) is getting bored with playing 16) The climber his friends and got missing

A) took account of B) paid attention to C) put a stop to D) lost track of 17) No longer here

A) John works B) does John work C) so John works D) John does work 18) We find it to housework

A) bore B) bores C) bored D) boring

19) Sorry! I have not the " No smoking" sign

A) got acquainted with B) put an end to C) taken notice of D) made up for 20) The club members became when the chairman entered

A) quietly B) quietist C) quiet D) quietness 21) Tell me

A) where have you bought that book B) did you buy that book where C) where you bought that book D) where did you buy that book 22) The result was different what I expected

A) away B) from C) for D) as

23) Neither you nor I wrong

A) am B) has been C) are D) were

24) This record shop be a book shop years ago

A) used to B) used for C) use D) used

25) If he worked harder, he

A) will not have been sacked B) will not be sacked C) would not be sacked D) had not been sacked

26) a) Port b) Sword c) Word d) Short

27) my friends live in London a) Most b) A great deal of c) A few d) Most of 28) Can you drive more ? a) slow b) slowly c) than slowly d) slowly than


a) stole b) would be stolen c) were stolen d) was stolen 30) Four - fifths of the world's computers uses programs English

a) on b) about c) at d) in


31) a) continent b) involve c) nation d) reason 32) "Daisy had a careful look at the pictures on the wall." means

a) Daisy took a care look at the pictures on the wall b) Daisy is carefully looking at the pictures on the wall c) Daisy looked careful at the pictures on the wall d) Daisy looked at the pictures on the wall carefully 34) The guest of honour, along with his wife and children, sitting at the first table when we had a party yesterday a) was b) were c) are d) is

35) You have to pay attention to the teacher's

a) explain b) explained c) explanation d) explaining 36) Most children are ill-prepared employment? a) at b) to c) from d) for

37) In terms of speakers, English is easily by Chinese

a) outdone b) outnumbered c) outgrown d) outplayed 38) I haven't seen her for three weeks

A) It is three weeks since I last saw her B) She was seen for three weeks

C) I haven't seen her since three weeks D) It is three weeks before I last saw her 39) I often get up early

A) I am used to get up early B) I like to get up early C) I am used to getting up early D) I can get up early 40) I last heard that song ten years ago

A) It is ten years when I have heard that song B) It have been ten years when I have heard that song C) It is ten years since I last heard that song D) It was ten years since I have heard that song 41) Mary didn't work hard enough, so he failed her exams

A) If Mary didn't work hard enough, she would fail her exams

B) If Mary had worked hard enough, she wouldn't have failed her exams C) Unless Mary worked hard enough, she would fail her exams

D) If Mary work hard enough, she wouldn't fail her exams 42) They made her hand over her passport

A) She was made hand over her passport B) She was handed over to make her passport C) She was made to hand over her passport D) She was handed over for her passport to make 43) Jane suggested going on a walking holiday

A) Jane suggested they gone on a walking holiday B) Jane wanted to go on a walking holiday alone C) "How about going on a walking holiday?" said Jane D) Jane didn't want to go on a walking holiday

44) Tam said," I can't speak English."

A) Tam said I couldn't speak English B) Tam said he can't speak English

C) Tam told he couldn't speak English D) Tam said that he couldn't speak English 45) They last visited me five years ago

A) They have known me for five years B) They haven't been visited me for a long time C) They haven't visited me for a long time D) They haven't visited me for five years 46 Sam with his brothers are good students, so their parents are very happy

a b c d

47 Before he retired last month, Mr Jones is working for Institute of Agricultural Science a b c d

48 She takes vitamins to felt healthier a b c d

49 His knowledge of foreign languages shall help him in finding a good job a b c d

50 The methods of teaching English had always been improve because there are

a b c




A language B private C property D Australia A America B unreasonableC number D themselves A necessarily B communication C automatic D university

4 A banks B windows C friends D doors

5 A knocked B missed C jumped D rained

31 Farmers can prevent erosion……… yearly rotation of crops

A against B by C without D from

7 She is ……… of music

A interested B keen C fond D excited

8 Wild life preserves are areas where animals are protected………their natural environment

A within B from C by D against

9 She burst……… tears when she heard the news

A to B into C out D on

10 I’m reading a book………Iris Murdoch

A of B from C was written by D by 11 A lot of money………… spent……….advertising every year

A is / in B are / in C is / on D are / on 12 The ………of food for hungry people is very important

A prevention B provision C production D erosion 13 Smoke from factories and car exhaust fumes are………

A harmed B unharmed C harmful D harmless

14 The heavy-………atmosphere in some industrial regions is called “smog” A pollute B pollution C pollutant D polluted 15 Skilled workers are……… admitted

A preferred B preferential C preference D preferentially 16 A UFO is an………

A unidentified fund organization B unfit fund organization C unidentified flying object D unfit flying object

17 John and Lam have different……… That is why they often have different ways of living A teachers B families C cultures D associates

18 A free………is guaranteed to every citizen

A aducating B education C educational D educated 19 A……….of books are missing from the library

A little B number C lots D great deal

20 Roger………a bath when the telephone………

A had / rang B was having / rang C had / was ringing D had had / rang 21 when he……… , I ……… four phone calls

A arrived / made B arrived / was / making C arrived / had made D was arriving / made 22 when she ………….next week, I……… to her

A arrives / will write B will arrive / will write C arrives / will being writing D will arrive / will be writing 23 ……… the same mistake is unforgivable

A To making B Making C Being made D Make 24 Tom………a lot of coffee when he was a student

A drinks B used to drink C used to drinking D is used to drinking 25 She left the room without……… a word

A saying B being said C being saying D having said 26 My friend Peter,………works in the city, earns much more than I

A whose B that C who D B&C are correct

27 Martin is someone with………I usually agree

A him B that C who D whom

28 Had I seen the film last night, I………you about it


29 If only I ……….here but I wasn’t

A was B were C had been D am

30 We passed shops……… windows were decorated for Christmas

A the B whose C which D their

31 Scientists believe that there are many galaxies

A It was believed that there are many galaxies B It is believed that there are many galaxies C They are believed that there are many galaxies D Scientists are believed there are many galaxies

32 They are determined to study English

A There is a determination studying English B There is a determination to study English C There is a determination study English D There is a determination studied English 33 I don’t know his telephone number, so I don’t give it to you

32 A If I knew his telephone number, I would give it to you B If I knew his telephone number, I wouldn’t give it to you C If I knew his telephone number, I would give it to you D If I knew his telephone number, I would have given it to you 34 This exercise was too difficult for us to

A This exercise was so difficult that we can’t B This exercise was so difficult that we couldn’t it C This exercise is so difficult that I can’t it D This exercise was so difficult that we couldn’t

35 John rarely goes to church on Sundays

A Rarely goes John to church on Sundays.

B Rarely does John goes to church on Sundays.

C Rarely John goes to church on Sundays.

D Rarely does John go to church on Sundays.

36 The doctor said that he will use the laser beam to make my birthmark disappear A B C D 37 Would you mind give me a hand, I have a lot of things to do?

A B C D 38 He was too tired that he could not continue his work A B C D

39 Peter has been writes the composition for hours and he has not finished yet A B C D

40. Faraday’s father was not rich enough to sending him to school A B C D

The fight (41)…… pollution of our (42)……… is as important (43)……….the preservation of natural resources Conservation is also (44)……… with the land reclamation by(45)…………deserts or draining swamps

41.A) among B) against C) without D) with

42 A) circumstances B) resources C) atmosphere D) environment

43 A) as B) like C) such D) than

44 A) related B) involved C) combined D) concerned 45 A) watering B) irrigation C) streaming D) irrigating

All of us know that we have to work hard to earn a living ourselves and to support our family However, we work not only for material life but also for many things that are beyond gaining money We are working to affirm our ability on a certain field We feel self- reliant, self- confident, and proud because we are financially independent

Anyone who works is regarded as a useful member of society We are working that means we are contributing useful goods and services to our country

Working helps us train our kills and talents We always try our best to a good job The better we work, the more we earn and that motivate us to work harder Without working, a man’s life will be empty, purposeless and meaningless and it is easy for a lazy jobless man to wrongs

46 We have to work hard

A because we are force to B to make our material life better C to make ourselves purposeless D to make ourselves better 47 When working, we feel _

A self- reliant B proud C self- confident D all of them 48 The more we work,………

A the duller we feel B the less we earn C the more we contribute to society D the less we are paid 49 What motivates us to work harder?

A good job B good pay C good way D good skills 50 Without working, one’s life is



A entertain B knowledge C contempt D delicate

2 A houses B kites C watches D dishes

3 A worry B sorry C reply D daily

4 A quite B guilty C mice D guide

5 A needed B worked C wanted D planted

6 Americans……… to be informal in get together

A avoid B pretend C tend D enjoy

7 Everything is available………….the operation

A for B from C of D on

8 Some students are starting to learn another language and they find it………

A enjoyed B enjoy C enjoyable D enjoyment

9 We can’t hear without………

A eardrum B earmark C eardrop D earring

10 The price of oil and petrol is………… because of the war in Iraq

A going after B going ahead C going on D going up

11 When we boil water, it………

A melts B disappears C vaporises D freezes

12 Laser can kill cancer……… and leave healthy neighbors unharmed

A blood B pulps C cells D cents

13 She was………….right when she said the man was guilty

A reasoned B reasoning C reasonable D reasonably

14 This knife is ……… It doesn’t cut at all

A uselessness B useless C useful D used

15 ¾ is pronounced………

A three four B three quarters C three and four D quarters three

16 He ……… for twenty years before he retired last year

A had been teaching B has taught C was teaching

D has been teaching

17 He said that everything ……… all right

A is

B would be

C will be

D can be

18 Each of you ………a share in the work

A have

B having

C has

D going to have

19 How may times……… them so far?

A have you seen

B did you see

C were you seeing D had you seen

20 Don’t use your ……… to teach your children.

A scalpels

B ulcers

C whip-lashes

D beams

21 His report needs………

A to rewrite

B rewrite

C rewriting

D rewritten

22 Please send us a postcard as soon as you ……….in London

A will arrive

B is going to arrive C arrive

D arrived

23 A communicate

B inherit

C knowledge

D adventure

24 A mitten

B settle

C whistle

D earflaps

25 A forget

B remember

C finish

D begin

26 Women are used……… their own money

A to earning B for earning C to earn D earning

27 By the time the ambulance approached, the man………


28 We……… for going home when it began to rain

A has prepared B are preparing C will be preparing D were preparing 29 She is the most intelligent girl………I’ve ever met


A whose B who C which D that

30 I haven’t seen him for years

A It’s months since I last saw him B It’s months when I last saw him C It’s months before I last saw him D It’s months after I last saw him 31 Tim……….his hair while I ……….up the kitchen

A washed-was cleaned B was washing-was cleaning

C was washing-cleaned D washed-cleaned

32 he was the first man………… left the burning house

A when B that C which D who

33 Tom said everything……… ready when the match…………

A will be/ starts B would be/ started C is/ started D will be/ started 34 We are looking forward to………her again

A seeing B to see C seen D saw

35 It …………to go swimming

A was such cold for us B was so cold for us not

C was too cold for us D was for us too cold

Every ten minutes, one kind of animal, plant or insect dies…36… forever If nothing is done about it, one million species that are alive today will have become…37…in 20 years now The seas are in …38…They are being filled with poison: industrial and nuclear waste and chemical …39…We should something immediately or nothing will be able to live in the sea Many hectares of forests are being…40…every day

36 A up B out C of D from

37 A poor B important C death D extinct

38 A danger B endangered C dangerous D dangerously

39 A fertile B fertilize C fertilizers D fertilization

40 A saved B grown C destroyed D crushed

41 Janet, her father is our teacher, is very good at mathematics A B C D

42 There is something wrong with my computer It may need to repair A B C D

43 Mary told me she would rather to stay at home and watch TV than go out A B C D

44 Not only the students but also the teacher are very worried about the final results


45 If I had spoken more confident at the interview, they would have offered me the job A B C D

Drought is a condition that results when the average rainfall for a fertile area drops far below the normal amount for a long period of time In areas that are not irrigated, the lack of rain causes farm crops to wither and die Higher than normal temperatures usually accompany periods of droughts They add to the crop damage Forest fires start easily during droughts The soil of a drought area becomes dry and crumbles The rich topsoil is often blown away by the hot, dry wind Streams, ponds and wells often dry up during a drought, and animals suffer a drought may even die because of the lack of water

46 The lack of rain causes………

A farm crops to wither and die B soil to be fertile C a good harvest D irrigation 47 The soil of a drought area………

A becomes dry and crumbles B becomes more fertile C blows away and is never back D is easy to plough 48 A drought causes………


A normal B low C high D comfortable TEST 19

I Chia thì, chọn A,B,C,D:

A It was a beautiful morning The sun ……(1.shine) About 1,000 people ……(2.stand) in front of the

Palace At 10:00, the guards ……(3.open) the gates and the President’s car …… (4.drive) out.

B Last year ……(5.not,be) a good year for Pete and Sonia Pete ……(6.have) a car accident and ……

(7.spend) a month in hospital The children ……(8.not pass) their exams.


A shine

B shined

C was shiningD shines


A stand

B was standing

C were standing

D stood


A opened

B open

C were opening

D opens


A drive

B.was driven

C driven

D were driven


A was

B wasn’t

C is

D is n’t


A has

B have

C had

D was having


A spend

B spends

C spent

D has spent


A didn’t pass B don’t pass

C aren’t pass D weren’t pass

II Chọn đáp án đúng:


There is a house Shakespeare was born.

A which

B where

C that

D what


What you often the evening?

A on

B at

C in

D of


It’s the English pronunciation causes us a lot of difficulties.

A that

B who

C what

D where


The car was expensive that I didn’t buy it.

A too

B so

C such

D very


Nam is in being a Mathematics teacher.

A interest

B interesting C interested

D interests


I haven’t seen my brother months.

A during

B since

C for

D in


The scientist discovered a new planet has won the Nobel prize.

A whose

B what

C who



Gases from factories are extremely _.

A harm

B harmful

C harmless

D to harm


We decided to interview only six _ for the job.

A apply

B applied

C applicant

D applicants


The water is You can’t drink it.

A pollute

B polluted

C polluting

D pollution


John drives very He’s never had any accidents.

A careful

B carefully

C careless

D carelessly


In Britain, the people who are out of work get benefit.

A employ

B employed

C employment

D unemployment


We all enjoy English.

A learn

B learned

C learning

D to learn


These keys in the hall.

A found

B.was found

C find

D.were found


Rex Carter, land I bought, is a farmer.



You won’t pass the exams you study hard.

A if

B unless

C but

D and


The boy isn’t old to understand the problems

A enough

B too

C so

D very


Mai can’t get the job she doesn’t speak English well.

A so

B because

C but

D and


If I were you, I buy that hat.


B will

C wouldn’t

D didn’t


Darwin, whose theory of is very famous, is an English biologist.

A relativity

B gravitation C evolution

D electricity

III Phát âm:


A rice

B fine

C nice

D give


A rich

B bright

C night

D twice


A want

B fall

C small

D bag


A goes

B does

C watches

D lives

IV Dấu nhấn chính:


A attractive

B fluently

C interesting D marvellous


A become

B begin

C between

D subject


A biscuit

B sugar

C July

D August


A television

B conversation

C exhibition

D intelligence

V Đọc đoạn văn, chọn câu/ý nhất:

My first visit to the cinema was a very unhappy one I was taken there by some friends when

I was only seven years old At first there were bright lights and music and I felt quite happy When

the lights went out, I felt afraid Then I saw a train on the screen The train was coming towards me.

I shouted out in fear and got down under my seat When my friends saw me, they started to laugh I

felt ashamed and sat back in my seat I was very glad when the show ended.


The writer was taken to the cinema by .

A my friends B his friends

C his mother D his brothers


The writer went to the cinema at the age of .



C 27

D 37


How did the writer feel at first?

A He felt happy.

B He felt unhappy.

C He felt afraid.

D He felt frightened.


What did he when a train was coming towards him?

A He shouted in fear

B.He got down under his seat

C He ran out.

D Both A and B.



I Cho dạng động từ ngoặc đơn cách chọn A, B, C D:

A Ha …… (1.come) back a moment ago and …… (2.turn) the television on very loudly My son

…… (3.sleep) then, so I …… (4.tell) her to turn it off.

B I am 18 years old and I …… (5.come) from England I am now in Hanoi I …… (6.study)

Vietnamese at a language centre every night I …… (7.come) to Hanoi last month so I …… (8.be) there for two


1 A come

B came

C coming

D have come

2 A turn

B turns

C turned

D was turning

3 A.was sleeping

B slept

C sleeps

D is sleeping

4 A tell

B tells

C have told

D told

5 A come

B came

C had come

D have come


6 A studied

B study

C is studying D have studied

7 A come

B came

C had come

D have come

8 A am

B was

C had been

D have been

II Xác định từ/ cụm từ có gạch dưới, cần phải sửa, để trở thành câu xác:

9.The English articles and phrasal verbs puzzle I most.



10 Mordern English evolved from three language which are German , French and Latin




11 Oxford has been ruined by the motor industrial.


12 The South of England can be character as more suburban, flatter and wealthier




than the North.

13.The parks in London play an importance part in helping to form the city’s





III Chọn đáp án nhất:

14 I don’t watch TV ………… I have nothing to do.

A if


C as

D unless

15 That is the school ………… my father works.

A which

B in which


D that

16 They are very successful ………… their work.

A in

B on

C at

D for

17 The old man ………… shirt is blue is Mai’ uncle.



C that


18 Our children are fond of ………… picture books.


19 Tom is a faster runner ………… David and John.

A more

B that

C than

D as

20 If he ………… some, he wouldn’t be poor.

A save

B saved

C saves

D had saved

21 She is always making excuses ………… being late.

A of

B from

C for

D on

22 We were very surprised ………… his saying at the party last night

A at


C in

D of

23 - Please give me some paper for writing.

- What?

- Give me some ………….

A paper writing

B.writing paper

C.write paper D paper write

24 I can’t go out because I am busy.

A If I am free, I will go out.

B If I were not busy, I will go out.

C If I were not busy, I would go out D If I’m not busy, I will go out.

25 He is the person I’ve ever met.

A tallest

B the tallest

C tall

D taller

26 A trip which takes place every month is a ………….

A trip month

B month trip

C monhtly trip

D a monhtly trip

27 English, which is spoken by nearly a billion people, is an effective ………… of international


A medium

B form



28 This is the house ………… Uncle Ho used to live.


B that

C where

D who


29 He drives carelessly He is a ………… driver.

A bad

B badly


D the worst

30 It’s ordinary people ………… can something to prevent diseases.

A who

B whom

C whose

D that

31 Life on the earth would be affected if wild plants and animals ………….


B vanishing

C vanished

D vanishes

32 Are you afraid ………… swimming in the sea?

A in

B on

C at

D of

33 The date of the meeting ………… again


A.will change B.won’t change

C will be changed

D would change

34 There will be a shortage of water unless it rains.

A If it rains , there will be a shortage of water.

B If it doesn’t rain , there will be a shortage of water.

C If it rains , there won’t be a shortage of water.

D If it doesn’t rain , there won’t be a shortage of water.

35 They want to return ………… their country next Saturday.

A to

B from

C on

D of

36 English is spoken all ………… the world.

A to

B on

C over

D of

37 A ………… is a store which sells books.

A bookstore

B a bookstore C bookstores D the bookstore

38 Regard is from Paris He is ………….

A British

B French

C American

D Italian

39 Mrs Kent is fed up ………… doing the same thing every day.

A for

B of

C with

D by

40 English has undergone the ………… of borrowings.

A assimilation

B assimilate

C assimilable D assimilative

41 American was discovered ………… Columbus.

A in

B with

C at

D by


44 A ordinary

B assimilate

C contaminate

D biologist

45 A repair

B begin

C report


46 A instruction B invention

C journalist

D departure

V Đọc đoạn văn sau,chọn câu trả lời/ý nhất:

In the United States of America, the national language is also English Four hundred years

ago some English people sailed to North America to live there and they brought the native to this

new country Now the USA people speak American English Most of the words are the same in

American and British English, but American people say some English words not like people in


47 The ………… sailed to North America.

A American people

B English people

C American people and English people

D French people

48 They brought ………… to their new country.

A food

B clothes

C language

D cars

49 Which language people in the U.S.A speak now?

A English

B British English

C American English D both B and C

50 Are most of the words the same in British English and American English?



I Cho dạng thích hợp động từ dấu ngoặc đơn cách chọn A, B, C D tương ứng:

1 While Tom (play) ……… tennis, Ann (take) ……… a shower yesterday.

A played/ took

B was playing/ took C

played/ was taking

D was playing/ was taking

2 It (rain) ……… now It (begin) ……… to rain two hours ago.

A rained/ began

B is raining/ began

C rains/ began

D is raining/ is beginning

3 When he (work) ……… in the garden, the phone (ring) ……… last Tuesday.

A was working/ rang

B worked/ rang

C works/ rings

D was woring/ was ringing

4 When I (come) ……… into the office, my boss (wait) ……… for me yesterday


A came/ waited

B came/ was waiting C came/ waits

D was coming/ waited

5 Binh (live) ……… in Ha Noi, but his sister, Lan (live) ……… in Thai Nguyen.

A lives/ lived

B is living/ lives

C live/ lives

D lives/ lives

6 If she ……… much money, she would buy a new house.

A has

B had

C has had

D haves

7 This is the most interesting novel I ………

A read

B have ever read

C am reading

D was reading

8 At this time yesterday I (practise) ……… my music lesson.

A read

B was reading

C have read

D am reading


Chọn từ có gạch phát âm khác với từ lại:

9 A suggested

B needed

C wanted

D designed

10 A Chinese

B African

C American

D English

11 A weather

B theory

C whether

D brother

12 A sound

B sad

C same

D pleasure


Chọn từ mà dấu nhấn khác với từ cịn lại:

13 A countryside

B inventor

C several

D benefit

14 A language

B provide

C future

D sickness

15 A pollution

B visitor

C probably

D politics

16 A gravitation

B experiment

C assassinate

D biology


Chọn từ/ cụm từ thích hợp ứng với A, B, C D để hoàn thành câu sau:

17 We didn’t go out because it was raining ……….

A heavy

B heavily

C more heavy

D more heavily

18 The boy succeeded in ……… the full length of the pool.

A to swim

B swim

C swimming

D swam

19 I’d like ……… a job where I can use my writing skills.

A have

B to have

C having

D had

20 Paul, ……… mother is French, speaks both French and English fluently.





21 People get tired ……… doing the same thing every day.

A from

B of

C off

D with

22 New houses ……… in that place.


25 A ……… is a person who does the gardening work.

A teacher

B builder

C gardener

D worker

26 Unless it ………, we will go out for a walk.

A rain

B rains

C doesn’t rain

D rained


27 He is from Beijing, he speaks ……….

A Japanese

B Vietnamese

C Chinese

D English

28 Please name the French Emperor ……… final battle was in Waterloo.

A that

B who

C whom

D whose

29 Isaac Newton was born ……… December 25



A on

B in

C at

D of

21 Which is ……… an airplane or a car?

A fast

B faster

C the fastest

D as fast as

22 This is the woman ……… children are very intelligent.

A who

B whom

C that

D whose

23 If he ……… the exam, he will go to Ho Chi Minh city.

A pass

B passes

C passed

D is passing

24 The school ……… we studied two years ago is very nice.

A where

B which

C that

D what

25 It is the company ……… is very rich.

A where

B which

C that

D what

26 He is fed up ……… watching the same programme on TV every day.

A of

B about

C with

D from

27 My children always their homework ……… the evening.

A in

B at

C on

D after

28 This is the house ……… I was born.

A where

B which

C that

D what

29 Mr Minh, ……… studies English very well, is my brother.

A which

B that

C who

D whom

30 There are regional ……… in England.

A differ

B difference

C different

D differences

31 ……… we hurry, we’ll miss the train.

A If

B When


D As

32 Save some money ……… you won’t be able to buy the house.

A or B if C unless

D when


Mercury is the smallest member ……… the sun family.

A in B on C of D at

34 I’ve lost my keys Can you help me to look ……… them?

A at B for C after

D over

35 France has been a republic ………1871.

A in B on C for D since

36 He is ……… to lift this weight.

A not enough strong

B strong not enough C enough strong

D not strong enough

37 The long walk is ……… They are ……… of it.

A tired/ tiring

B tiring/ tired

C tiring/ tiring

D tired/ tired

38 She is ready to help She is ………

A helpful

B helped

C helping

D help


40 It takes me fifteen minutes ……… newspapers every day.

A read

B to read

C reading

D reads


Chọn từ thích hợp ứng với A B, C, D để đền vào chỗ trống:

Brighton is fifty miles from London It is much smaller …(31)… London but the air is a lot cleaner and

better There are not many factories …(32)… Brighton, so it is very difficult to find a job there In

summer, …(33)…town is full of tourists They stay in the hotels and there they can get food …(34)… is

cheaper than in many seaside towns in Britain

41 A as

B than

C then

D like


42 A on

B at

C in

D by

43 A the

B a

C an

D many

44 A it

B which

C with

D they


Đọc đoạn văn sau, chọ câu trả lời/ ý nhất:

Child labour-the employment of children in in dustry, often gainst their will-has been a problem for

many years Over a hundred years ago, the English novelist Charles Dickens shocked many of his readers

when he discribed the conditions under which young children worked in British factories In many part of

the world, the conditions Charles Dickens discribed continue almost unchanged today The only difference

is that nowadays employment of children is cnfined to small industries and family businesses, such as

hotels, restaurants and particularly farms, rather than to large factories.

Girls are more often the victims of child labour practices than boys Many of them are foced to start

work when they are ten years old Although the work they are given to is often light, it often involves

serious risks to the health In one recent case, children as young as six years of age were found to be

working in Asian factories and the children were working from eight to fourteen hours a day in

overcrowded and unhealthy working conditions Sometimes a whole family group is employed, with the

payment going to a parent or older relative The children, therefore, receive nothing or very little for their

long hours of work Moreover, they are prevented from attending school and can not ejoy the most valuable

time of life-childhood.

45 What has been a problem for many years?

A child labour

B childhood

C industry

D labour

46 How did Charles Dickens shocked many of his readers?

A Charles Dickens wrote many novels.

B Charles Dickens shocked many of his readers when he discribed the conditions under which young

children worked in British factories.

C Charles Dickens built many houses for poor children.

D Charles Dickens worked very hard.

47 The girls are more often the victims of child labour practices than boys, aren’t they?

A No, they aren’t.

B No, they don’t

C Yes, they are.

D Yes , they do.

48 What are considered to be small industries and family businesses?

A Hotels

B Retaurants

C Farms

D all of them are correct

49 To whom will the payment go if the whole family group is employed?

A The payment will go to a parent or older relative.

B The payment will go to all the persons who work.

C.The payment will go to the employer.

D.The payment will go to the government.

50 Can children attend schools?



I Cho dạng thích hợp động từ ngoặc cách chọn A, B, C D.

A Annette Peterson is a short story writer She ……… (1 write)several books of short stories, and

she ………(2 win)several rewards for her books A few years ago, she……… (3 receive) the

prize for the most promosing author of the year At the moment, she ………(4 write) a detective story.

B Linh lives in Hanoi but her brother Minh ……… (5 live) in Thainguyen He……… (6 arrive)

yesterday to visit her She ……… (7 love) her brother and happy to be with him Tomorrow

she……… (8 take) him to some interesting places in Hanoi.

1 A write

B writes

C wrote

D has written

2 A has won

B won

C win


3 A receive

B receives

C received

D has received

4 A writes

B write

C is writing

D was writing

5 A live

B lives

C is living

D lived

6 A arrive

B arrives

C arrived

D has arrived

7 A loves

B love

C loved

D is loved

8 A take

B takes

C will take

D would take

II Chọn đáp án nhất.

9 Mr.Pham Van Dong, ………died on April 29


2000, was one of the great leaders of Vietnam.

A who

B whom

C whose

D which

10 Shioko is fromTokyo She speaks ……….

A Chinese

B.Vietnamese C Japanese

D English

11 It is the written English, which is not systematically phonetic ……… causes difficulties to


A it

B what

C that

D which

12 Isaac Newton was an English physicist whose theory of ……… is famous throughout the world.





13 My sister is fed up with ……… the housework every day.

A to do

B do

C did

D doing

14 Life on the earth ……… if bacteria stopped working.

A will be destroyed

B won’t be destroyed

C would be destroyed

D wouldn’t be desrtoyed

15 People say that there are some regional ……… between the North and the South of Vietnam.

A differ

B different

C difference

D differences

16 You look more ……… in your new dress.

A beauty

B beautiful

C beautifully D more beautiful

17 Susan is from England She is used to ……… on the left.

A to drive

B drive

C drove

D driving

18 Jane is overweight ……… she eats too much chocolate.

A and

B so

C because

D because of

19 His father often punishes him for his ……….

A lazy

B laziness

C be lazy

D to be lazy

20 That factory is producing more and more pollution.


B More and more pollution is being produced by that factory.

C More and more pollution are produced by that factory.

D More and more pollution is produced by that factory.

21 Ihave never ……… any experience of living in th country.

A had

B wished

C done

D made

22 You will become ill ……… you stop working so hard.

A if

B unless

C when

D until

23 John swims very well and ……… does his brother.

A also

B even

C so

D too

24 I wouldn’t that if I ……… you.

A am

B were

C have ben

D had been

25 There ……… no rain here since the last month.


B.had been


D.has been

26 Write it again more carefully ……… he won’t be able to read it.

A unless

B or

C if

D when

27 He studies philosophy He is a ……….

A physicist

B philosopher C politician

D pilot

28 Marconi was born ……… Bologna ……… Northern Italy.

A on/in

B at/on

C in/on

D in/in

29 The journey takes place every week It is a ……… journey.

A week

B weekly

C day

D daily

30 If gravity is zero everything ……….

A will float

B won’t float C would float D wouldn’t float

31 Marie Curie was a French physicist ……… discovered radium

A whom

B whose

C who

D which

32 Kennedy, the American president, was ……… in 1963.

A assassinated

B was assassinated

C assassinatesD assassinating


33 A cup which is used to contain tea is a ……….

A cuptea

B teacup

C teacups

D cupteas

34 It’s not easy to look ……… a job ……… my age.

A for/at

B at/at

C for/for

D at/for

35 Amertica is a country of high youth ……….

A employ

B employment

C unemployment

D employed

36 My wife is interested in cooking our ……… food.

A tradition

B traditions

C traditional

D traditionalism

37 I’m terrified ……… having nothing to do.

A on

B in

C at

D of

38 When did he give……… smoking? -Two months ago

A of

B off

C up

D in

39 These are the periodicals ……… are printed in English.

A whose

B whom

C who

D which

40 “Vodka” and “Sputnik” are English words which were borrowed ……… Russian.

A of

B in

C for

D from

III Chọn từ để hoàn thành đoạn văn sau.

Zamenhof invented a new language called “Esperanto” to improve unedrstanding between

people ……… (41) different countries He showed Esperanto……… (42) his friends to find out

what they thought about it Later ……… (43) the same year, he went to study……… (44) a

university in Moscow He wanted to improve Esperanto Zamenhof’s friends then worked very hard

to spread the new language They tried to persuade schools all ……… (45) the world to teach it.

However, only a few people today speak Esperanto because more and more people use English

……… (46) a foreign language.


45 A over

B on

C in

D from

46 A as

B like

C if

D for

IV Đọc đoạn văn, chọn câu / ý nhất


Jack London was the famous American novelist and short story writer He was born in Sanfrancisco in

1876 He quit school at fourteen to become a sailor He was a self-taught student He finished his high school

and college education during six months He led an adventurous but poor life His view point was in favour of

the poor and socialism He read a lot of books of Karl Marx He was influenced by Marxist Party theory and the

October Revolution In 1895, he joined the Socialist Labour Party but in the last years of his life, he moved

away from the working class and in 1916 he left the party In 1916 he committed suicide because of despair

dream He used an overdose of morphine and drowned himself in the sea He was an adventurous novelist, a

Socialist reformer and a prominent socialist who often signed under the line “Yours for the revolution, Jack


46 Why did he commit suicide?

A Because he used to have a dream B Because of socialism.

C Because he left the party D Because of despair of life and disillusion with American dream.

47 He had a/an ……… life.

A rich and quiet

B adventurous and poor

C rich and adventurous

D poor and quiet

48 Jack London quit school in ……….

A 1916

B 1890

C 1876

D 1895

49 He was in favour of ……….

A capitalism

B the rich and the poor

C self teaching

D the poor and socialism



I Cho dạng thích hợp động từ dấu ngoặc đơn cách chọn A, B, C D.

Last night I (1.have) dinner at a restaurant when Harry (2.come) in Harry (3.use) to

work in a lawyer’s office years ago, but now he (4.work) at a bank He (5.get) a good salary,

but he always (6.borrow) money from his friends and never (7.pay) it back Since I knew him

he (8.not,borrow) any money from me.


A have

B had

C is having

D was having


A was coming

B has come

C came

D comes


A used

B uses

C use

D to use


A was working

B is working

C work

D worked


A get

B gets

C got

D is getting


A borrows

B borrow

C has borrowed

D borrowed


A payed

B pay

C pays

D was paying


A does not borrow

B did not borrow

C had not borrowed D has not borrowed

II Chọn đáp án nhất.


………… car are you driving?- Mr Orson’s.






My brother’s present is different …………mine.

A with

B from

C for

D into


They live in the house ………… they bought last year.

A who

B whom

C which

D where


Jane is going to have a long holiday ………… Hanoi in July.

A on

B in

C at

D into


The girl ………… you met yesterday is a famous pop singer.

A whose

B whom

C which

D what


We don’t go to school ………… Sundays.

A in

B at

C of

D on


The film was ………… boring that I couldn’t see it through.

A such

B very

C too

D so


David comes from Paris but he is good ………… English.

A on

B in

C at

D of


Everyone wants to live a long and ………… life.

A long

B healthy

C harmful

D hard


Jong speaks English very ………….

A bad

B badly

C worse

D the worst


Which is the ………… bridge in Vietnam?

A long

B longer

C the longest D longest


They want to escape from the ………… and bustle of the town.

A noise

B noisy

C the noise

D the noisy



It is very necessary for us ………… this examination.

A to pass

B pass

C passing

D passed


They enjoy ………… table tennis.

A play

B toplay

C playing

D played


If Jane ………… not too short, she would apply for the job.

A is

B were

C be

D are


A new road will ………… near our village.

A open

B be open

C be opened

D opened


My father gave up ………… two years ago.


A to smoke

B smokes

C smoke

D smoking


Her grandmother is ………… weak to sit up.

A very

B too

C so

D such


Is she afraid ………… swimming in the sea?

A in

B for

C of

D off


Newton, whose theory of ………… is very well-known, is an English scientist.

A electricity

B evolution

C gravitation D relativity


Unless we can find new sources of energy, our life ………….

A will destroy

B will be destroyed

C won’t be destroyed

D is destroyed


A paper which is published everyday is a ………….

A day paper

B paper day

C daily paper

D paper daily


There are a lot of regional ………… in England.

A differ

B different

C difference

D differences


A boy who studies at school is a ………….

A school boy B boy school C a school boy

D a boy school


Elvis Presley was born ………… January 8


, 1935.

A in

B on

C at

D with


The man ………… came to visit my father yesterday is my uncle.

A what

B who

C whom

D which


They are very excited ………… their coming holiday A with

B in

C about D on


Smoking is ………… to your health A harmed B harmful

C harmless

D unharmed

III Đọc đoạn văn sau, chọn câu trả lời/ ý nhất:

Once you have reached London, you can go about in taxis, buses, or by under ground I

myseft prefer the underground as it is rapid, easy and cheap There are so many cars and buses in

London that one can not drive along the road quickly and without many stops The underground is

therefore usually quicker than taxis or buses If you don’t know London very well, it is very

difficult the bus you want You can take a taxi, but is much more expensive than the underground or

a bus On the underground you can find good maps which tell you the names of the stations and

show you how to get to them, so that it is easy to find your way.


We can go about London ………….

A in taxis

B in buses

C by underground

D all of them


Why does the writer prefer the underground ?-Because ………….

A it’s rapid

B it’s cheap

C it’s easy

D all of them


We can not drive along the road quickly because ………….

A there are many cars and buses

B there aren’t any cars and buses

B there are some cars and buses

D we can’t see any cars and buses


Which is more expensive, going by taxi or by bus ?

A Going by bus is.


C Taxi is.

D Bus is.

IV Phát âm.


A miss


B wash


C fix


D design



A wea



B fa






D bro




A sea













A sh



B w



C sp



D p



V Dấu nhấn chính.


A treatment

B pronounce C foreign

D pleasant


A national

B flexible

C effective

D borrowing


A experiment B gravitation C phylosophy D discovery


A carry

B invent

C discuss

D appoint



I Chọn từ mà phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác với từ lại:

1 A twin

B piano

C pill

D drive

2 A afraid

B camping

C program

D happen

3 A much

B summer

C but

D used

II Chọn từ có trọng âm nhấn vào âm tiết khác với từ lại:

4 A uncle

B machine

C rubber

D butter

5 A coffee

B farmer

C paper

D begin

6 A already

B museum

C cinema

D imported

III Chọn từ cụm từ (ứng với A B, C, D) để hoàn thành câu sau:


She looks very …………when hearing the news.

A suprise

B suprised

C suprising

D suprisingly


They ………… fishing if the weather were nice.

A will go

B won’t go

C would go

D went


She is too old ………… such hard work.

A to do

B do

C doing

D did

10 Preserving our natural resources is a great ………….

A important

B importance

C the importance

D unimportant

11 They were born in Paris, and they have lived there for ten years They speak ………… vey well.

A English

B Spanish

C Russian

D French

12 We are not used to ………… in a cold climate region.

A live

B living

C lived

D to live

13 Mary is ………… sick to go to school.

A very

B so

C too

D such

14 Each of the students ………… ready for the oral test

A is

B are

C be

D have been


This newspaper is published every month It’s a ………… newspaper.

A daily

B weekly

C monthly

D yearly

16 Isaac Newton died in 1727 ………… the age of eighty-five.

A with

B in

C at

D on

17 I haven’t had any news of John ………… 2003.

A in

B before

C on

D since

18 Her daughter is ………… of collecting coins.

A fond

B amused

C interested

D bored

19 The house is ………… small for us to live in.

A very

B too

C such

D so


22 If I knew her phone number, ………… call her.

A I will

B I would

C I won’t

D I wouldn’t

23 It’s ………… a heavy suitcase that he can’t carry it.

A such

B too

C so

D very

24 ………… you afraid of swimming in the sea?

A Do

B Did

C Have

D Are

25 That film is very ………….

A interest

B interested

C interesting

D interests


26 He started ………… to school in 1990.

A go

B going

C to go

D went

27 60% of the world’s radio station broadcast ………… English.

A by

B in

C at

D on

28 It’s the written English ………… causes me a lot of difficulties.

A which

B that

C what

D whose

29 Mai will leave Ho Chi Minh ………… Hanoi ………… at nine.

A to/ at

B for/ at

C in/ at

D in/ on

30 ………… did your parents go last week? - They went to Baclieu.





31 I like spending my free time ………… reading books.

A on

B for

C in

D of

32 Last month I spent three days ………… in Can Tho city.

A to work

B worked

C working

D to working

33 People speak English all ………… the world.

A in

B on

C over

D at

34 This is Mai, ………… I met at the station yesterday.

A which

B that

C who

D whom

35 The children used to ………… football in this field.

A play

B played

C to play

D playing

IV Xác định từ cụm từ gạch dưới, cần phải sửa, để câu trở thành xác:



Tet is a Vietnamese festival which take place in late January or early February.



37 Some pupil are interested in mathematics while other students prefer English.


38 How many time does it take you to come to school?


39 Mr An didn’t go to the cinema last night, did Mr An?


V Chọn câu (ứng với A B, C, D) thích hợp với câu sau:

40 Jane has already bought these new houses.

A These new houses already have been bought by Jane.

B These new houses has already been bought by Jane.

C These new houses have already been bought by Jane.

D These new houses had already been bought by Jane

41 This is the village I was born there.


42 I can’t go out because I am busy.

A If I am free, I will go out

B If I were not busy, I will go out.

C If I were not busy, I would go out

D If I’m not busy, I will go out.

43 Be more careful or you’ll fall.

A You’ll fall unless you be more careful.

B You’ll fall unless you are more careful.

C You’ll fall unless you are not more careful.

D You won’t fall if you are not more careful.

44 He drives better than I do.

A I don’t drive so good as he does.

B I don’t drive so well as he does.

C I don’t drive so badly as he does.

D I don’t drive as good than he does.


VI Chọn từ thích hợp (ứng với A B, C, D) để điền vào chỗ trống đoạn văn sau:

In the world today, there are 5,000 to 6,000 living languages, …(45)… which English is by far

the most …(46)… used As a…(47)…, it ranks second only to Chinese, which is little used outside


Approximately 350 million people …(48)… English as their first language About the same …(49)

… use it as a second language It is the English language …(50)… is used as the language of aviation,

international sport and pop music

45 A at

B of

C in

D with

46 A wide

B wider

C widely

D the widest

47 A foreign language B second language

C first language

D mother tongue

48 A write

B learn

C speak

D study

49 A number

B numbers

C a number

D numbering



I Chọn từ mà phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác với từ lại:

1 A mountain

B about

C cough

D amount

2 A provide

B beautiful

C consider

D singer

3 A stops

B wants

C ships

D writes


Chọn từ có trọng âm nhấn vào âm tiết khác với từ lại:

4 A service

B credit

C station

D conception

5 A figure

B community

C cooperation

D curricula

6 A difficult

B mention

C identify

D money


Chọn từ cụm từ (ứng với A B, C, D) để hoàn thành câu sau:


English is spoken in many countries all ……… the world.

A in

B over

C at

D from

8 That problem is not easy enough for her ……….

A solved

B solving

C to solve

D solves


Working for 12 hours a day ……… her very tired.

A makes

B made

C make

D making


How ……… sugar you need?

A much

B many

C some

D any

11 Learning English is ……… for young people to get a good job.

A difficult

B hard

C necessary

D unnecessary

12 He usually spends money ……… his new car.

A in

B at

C on

D from

13 Each of us ……… a book report next week.

A shall have

B will have

C has

D had

14 The shirt in the window was ……… expensive for me to buy.

A enough

B too

C to

D such


English is the language of international ……….

A communicate

B comunication

C comunicative

D comunicatively

16 Are you interested ……… learning English?

A of

B on

C in

D for

17 I am so happy to hear from Mary because I haven’t seen her ……… last year.

A for

B on

C since

D A and B are correct


18 He retired at the ……… of 60.

A age

B old

C older

D elder


A such hard that

B such hardly that

C so hardly that

D so hard that

20 He is used to ……… early in the morning.

A get up

B gets up

C got up

D gettingg up

21 Dr Fleming, ……… discovered penicillin, was awarded the Nobel Prize.

A who

B whom

C that

D which

22 He is such ……… interesting man that every body likes him.

A a

B an

C the

D no article

23 Thank you for ……… me to the party

A keeping

B telling

C calling

D inviting

24 If I ……… richer, I would help these people.

A am

B was

C weren’t

D were

25 ……… you don’t like coffee, I will bring you some milk.

A Whether

B Or

C If

D Unless

26 This is the village ……… my parents were born.

A which

B that

C what

D where

27 As she ……… a letter last night, the lights suddenly ……… out.

A was writing/ went

B wrote/ went

C was writing/ was going

D writes/ went

28 The price of oil and petro is ……… because of the war in Iraq.

A going on

B going up

C going after

D going ahead

29 How ……… since we ……… school?

A are you/ left

B will you be/ had left

C have you been/ had left

D have you been / left

30 If it ……… so late, we could have a drink.

A is not

B was not

C were not

D not be

36 ……… it rains, I will go out for shopping with you.

A If

B Or

C Unless

D Because

37 He is ……… of all the students here.

A tall

B taller

C the tallest

D as tall

38 Who ……… when I came?

A were you talking to

B are you talking to

C you were talking to D you are talking to

39 We kept on ……… when we heard his funny story.

A laugh

B laughed

C laughing

D to laugh

40 I am fed ……… doing the same thing every day.

A out of

B forward to

C on to

D up with

41 Unless the weather is nice, ……….

A I’ll go camping with my friends.

B I would go camping with my friends.

C I’ll not go camping with my friends.

D I can’t go camping with my friends.

42 Children enjoy ……… in the rain.

A walk

B to walk

B walked

D walking

43 It was such a difficult question that I couldn’t answer it quickly.

A The question was too difficult for me to answer it.

B The question is too difficult for me to answer.

C The question was too difficult for me to answer.

D The question was too difficult for me to answer it.


44 If it doesn’t snow, ……….


45 They will change the date of the meeting again.

A The date of the meeting will be changed by them again.

B The date will be changed of the meeting by them again.

C The date of the meeting will be changed again.

D The date of the meeting will change by them again.


Xác định từ cụm từ gạch dưới, cần phải sửa, để câu trở thành xác:


My father often drinks tea on the early morning.



46 The play was such boring that we left before the end.




Chọn câu (ứng với A B, C, D) thích hợp với câu sau:

47 He is too young, so he can’t get married.

A If he weren’t young, he will get married.

B If he weren’t young, he won’t get married.

C If he weren’t young, he will get married.

D If he weren’t young, he would get married.

48 Go quickly or you’ll be late for the meeting.

A You’ll be late for the meeting unless you go quickly.

B You’ll be late for the meeting if you go quickly.

C You won’t be late for the meeting unless you don’t go quickly.

D A and C are correct.

VI Đọc kỹ đoạn văn chọn ý câu trả lời (bằng cách chọn phương án đúng,

ứng với A

B, C, D)


Tomorrow I am going to fly to Vietnam with my Australian husband My family moved to

Australia 25 years ago when I was only years old I went back to Vietnam with my mother 10 years

ago and we stayed there only a fortnight I am very excited about the trip tomorrow We are going to

spend a few months visiting our relatives as well as my friends and traveling around If we still have

time and money, we will visit some other South East Asian countries like Thailand and Singapore I

used to go to these countries on business but this time will be different because it is our holiday.

49 With whom is the writer going to return to Vietnam?

A her relatives

B her mother

C her husband

D her sister

50 Her family moved to Australia when she was ………

A 5

B 20

C 25

D 30

51 How old is the writer?

A 5

B 20

C 25

D 30

52 How long are they going to stay in Vietnam?

A one month

B several months

C ten weeks

D five weeks

53 For what purpose did she use to go Thailand and Singapore?



I Chọn từ mà phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác với từ lại:

1 A looks

B sends

C gathers

D seems

2 A difference

B spend

C member

D empty

3 A provide

B beautiful

C consider

D singer

II Chọn từ có trọng âm nhấn vào âm tiết khác với từ lại:

4 A thousand

B resource

C difficult

D regional

5 A people

B society

C remember

D example

6 A potato

B every

C factory



III Chọn từ cụm từ (ứng với A B, C, D) để hoàn thành câu sau:


There are many ways of ………… free time in Australia.

A to spend

B spending

C spend

D spent

8 Mark Twain was also a very ………… lecturer.

A succeed

B success

C successful

D successfully

9 When he was a boy, he had ………… very hard.

A work

B to work

C working

D worked

10 Shakespeare was an English writer ………… books are very famous.


B whom

C whose

D that

11 They will visit Ho Chi Minh city ………… Sunday morning.

A in

B on

C at

D of

12 We will meet her at the cinema ………… we last met.

A when

B that

C where

D which

13 They have lived here ………… last year.

A from

B for

C during

D since

14 Listen! Someone ………… at the door.

A knocks

B knocked

C is knocking

D was knocking


When I was a child, I ………… swim in that river.

A use to

B used to

C am used to

D was used to

16 We are ………… in the new story.

A interest

B interesting

C interested

D interests

17 She is the most beautiful girl that I ………….

A have never seen

B saw

C have ever seen

D see

18 Jane is going to have a long holiday ………… Hanoi in July.

A in

B on

C at

D into

19 John was reading when I ………… him.

A see

B saw

C have seen

D had seen


22 She is afraid ………… going out at night.

A in

B on

C at

D of

23 “He studies better than I” means …………

A I study better than he.

B I don not study better than he.

C I don not study as good as he.

D I don not study as well as he.

24 They are studying English.

A English is studied.

B English is being studied.

C English was studied

D English was being studied.


25 We have decided to interview only the best six ………… for the job.

A scientists

B applicants

C biologists

D musicians

26 People spent a lot of money on advertising every year A lot of money ………….

A is being spent on advertising every year


are being spent on advertising every year

C is being spent every year on advertising

D is spent on advertising every year

27 This is the teacher ………… taught me physics last year.

A who

B whose

C which

D whom

28 She is ………… of listen to her mother’s advice.

A amused

B fed up

C tired

D bored

29 J ane was ………… because she ate too much chocolate.

A weight

B weightless

C overweight

D weigh

30 Smoking can cause ………… diseases.

A danger

B dangerous

C dangerously

D a danger

IV Xác định từ cụm từ gạch dưới, cần phải sửa, để câu trở thành xác:


Nowadays, women don’t spend much time the housework.


32 It is John who is my sister’s lover now.



33 They are very interested in walk along the seaside at night.




34 He can play football so well as my brother.


35 English is very important for everybody to study.


V Chọn từ thích hợp (ứng với A B, C, D) để điền vào chỗ trống đoạn văn sau:

No writer in American …(36)… is more famous or more loved than Samuel Longhorn Clemens.

Born in Missouri in 1835, he …(37)…on the banks of the Mississippi River and later …(38)… the …

(39)…of “Mark Twain” The …(40)… environment …(41)… the two novels which made him famous:

“Tom Sawyer” and “Huckleberry Finn” Another book, “ Life on the Mississippi”, told of his adventure

on the river boats of that period

36 A technique

B education

C music

D literature

37 A grow up

B grew up

C grown up


being grown up

38 A got

B took

C adopted

D had

39 A surname

B pen name

C last name


middle name

40 A river

B city

C mountain

D sea

41 A encouraged

B made

C inspired

D formed


42 I would write Mary a letter if ………….

A I have her address

B I had her address

C I had had her address


I will have her address

43 Thirty seven plays ………….

A were wrote by Shakespeare a long time ago

B were written a long time ago by Shakespeare


are written by Shakespeare a long time ago

D were written by Shakespeare a long time ago

44 The girls are fond of special jazz shows ………….

A which take place every year in America


whose take place every year in America

C who take place every year in America


where take place every year in America


45 Unless somebody brings him to hospital ………….

A he will die

B he won’t die

C he died


he weren’t died

46 She will pass the exam easily unless ………….

A she studies hard

B she studied hard

C she doesn’t study hard

D she tries her best

VII Đọc kỹ đoạn văn chọn ý câu trả lời (bằng cách chọn phương án đúng,

ứng với A

B, C, D)


The great English play writer and poet William Shakespeare was born on April 23,1564 in the

small town of Stratford-upon-Avon, about seventy five miles from London He was the son of a

tradesman He went to Stratford Grammar School when he was a boy At twenty one he left Stratford

for London where he joined a theatrical company and worked as an actor and a play writer In the late

90s the Globe Theatre was built on the bank of the Thames Shakespeare became one of its owners It

was the Globe that most of Shakespeare’s plays were staged at that time In 1613 he left London and

returned to his native town of Stratford-upon-Avon Three years later, on April 23, 1616, he died and

was buried there.

47 Where was Shakespeare born?

A in a big town of London

B in a small town of London

C in a big town of Stratford-upon-Avon

D in a small town of Stratford-upon-Avon

48 He joined a theatrical company when he was ………… years old.

A 20

B 21

C 21

D 22

49 He returned to his native town in ………….

A 1770

B 1616

C 1613

D 1615

50 He was buried in ………….

A London

B the Thames



1 A lecture B letter C better D even

2 A poor B food C zoo D school

3 A bought B though C thought D brought

4 A reduce B nuclear C improve D fifteen

5 A remedy B happiness C continue D physical

6 A developing B generation C industrial D psychiatrist They always spend their money ……… repairing his car

A in B of C for D on

8 Our crops are always protected ……… the bad weather

A from B in C at D with

9 One hundred years ……… a very long period of time

A are B was C is D has been

10 Our car has broken down Call a ………, please

A driver B mechenic C teacher D cleaner

11 We enjoy ……… that film

A see B to see C seeing D seen

12 This is Mr Pike ……… car was stolen this morning

A who B whom C whose D which

13 My mother is ill so I would like to have a day off to ……… her

A take care of B look after C pay attention to D A and B 14 ……… it rains, I’ll go swimming

A If B Why C So D Unless

15 If someone knocks ……… the door ……… night, don’t open it

A at/ at B on/ at C up/ in D at/ on

16 I ……… my uncle’s home many times when I ……… a child

A visited/ is B visits/ was C visited/ was D visited/ were 17 He is a ……… driver He never has any accidents in the street

A bad B careless C dangerous D careful

18 Your personality is important ……… the success of your work

A for B in C to D on

19 ……… you were free, you could help me

A if B although C ins pite of D because

20 Go more quickly ……… you’ll be late for school

A if B and C unless D but

21 He was ……… than I was

A as intelligent B as not intelligent C more intelligent D intelligent 22 How can you go to school every day? – I usually go to school ……… car

A in B with C at D by

23 I am not intelligent, ………?

A am I B are I C aren’t I D am not I

24 Do you know the woman ………was hurt in the accident?

A which B whom C who D whose


A to meet B meeting C meet D met 26 He made many mistakes in his ………

A write B to write C wrote D writing

27 Smoking is very harmful ……… your health

A with B for C to D about

28 The film is very ………, so I am very ……… in watching it A interesting/ interested B interested/ interested

C interesting/ interesting D interesting/ interests

29 They succeeded ……escaping A with B by C in D with 30 I spent three months ……… English

A studying B study C studying D to study

31 He ……… when he was twenty

A began to work B began working C began worked D A and B 32 My uncle, ………you saw yesterday, is a lawyer

A whose B whom C that D which

33 I am ……… I can’t keep my eyes open

A so tired that B such a tired C too tired D very tired that 34 She hates ……… milk for breakfast

A to drink B drink C drinking D drank

35 It ……… me half an hour to get to the supermarket yesterday

A take B takes C took D spent

36 They can work ……… my students

A as well as B so well as C as better than D as good as 37.It is difficult for all Vietnamese people learn a foreign language


38 This is the house where I rebuilt yesterday because it is very old A B C D

39 Nobody invited me to the wedding party, didn’t they? A B C D

40 Do you mind to help me with these difficult problems? A B C D

41 She invites me to her small party yesterday, but I couldn’t go there because I was very busy A B C D

42 Please don’t make so much noise

A Would you mind making so much noise? B Would you mind not to making so much noise? C Would you mind not making so much noise? D Would you mind not to make so much noise? 43 She can’t write to me because she doesn’t have time

A If she had time, she could write to me B If she had time, she would write to me C If she has time, she could write to me D If she had time, she can write to me 44 I think learning English is difficult

A I think it is not difficult to learn English B I think it is difficult to learn English C I think it is difficult learning English D I think it is difficult to learning English

Rivers are one of the most …(45)… resources Most of big cities in the world are on large rivers and almost every country has at least one river that …(46)… an important part of the lives of its people

Besides transportation, rivers provide people with food and water To get water for crops, a …(47)… is built across a river People can use water not only to irrigate …(48)… to make electricity

However, several rivers are …(49)… when industries develop It is necessary to keep rivers clean if people want to get benefits of the natural resources

45 A nature B natural C nation D naturally

46 A plays B chooses C makes D demands

47 A pool B pond C well D dam

48 A or B nor C but also D either

49 A pollute B polluted C pollution D polluting


A Because he didn’t like learning B Because his family was poor C Because his family wasn’t poor D Because he worked in a bookshop

56 52 When did he work in a bookshop?

A in 1805 B in 1905 C in 1705 D in 1971

53 Michael Faraday was also interested in ………

A English B electricity C machine D science


1 A hang

B American

C man

D hand

2 A lend

B cent

C women

D tent










5 A thousand

B resource

C difficult

D regional

6 A people

B society

C remember

D example


After two years of learning, Mary can speak French ……….

A fluently

B pretty

C strictly

D automatic


Working for 12 hours a day ……… her very tired.

A makes

B made

C make

D making


Learning English is ……… for young people to get a good job.

A difficult

B hard

C necessary

D unnecessary


She had worked ……… she made herself ill.

A such hard that

B such hardly that

C so hardly that

D so hard that

11 Do you know the horse ……… has just won the race?

A what

B where

C which

D who

12 Dr fleming, ……… discovered penicillin, was awarded the Nobel Prize.

A who

B whom

C that

D which

13 Up to now we have not been successful ……….

A at eleminating pollution

B at pollution eleminating

C in eleminating pollution

D eleminating pollution

14 Coal, oil, and forests are the most important ……… resources.

A industrial

B agricultural

C natural

D national


A combine harvester is very ………, it can cut and thresh rice at the same time.

A use

B useless

C useful

D usefulness

16 He is such ……… interesting man that every body likes him.

A a

B an

C the

D no article

17 My friend, ………, is very hopeful about her future.

A whose father is a millionaire

B of a millionaire’s daughter

C her father whose is a millionaire

D a millionaire is whose father

18 If I were you, I ……… him as my nephew.

A will treat

B would treat

C will have treated

D am treating

19 Is your cat afraid ……… me?

A at

B of

C in

D on

20 If I ……… enough money, I’ll travel around the world.

A have

B am having

C will have

D had

21 Where’s the girl ……… sells tickets?

A when B where C whom D who


A when B why C where D which 23 Some gases are harmful ……… human

A at B on C for D to

24 His book is different ……… mine

A about B on C at D from

25 If anyone ……… the food, he will be lucky

A would eat B will eat C had eaten D eats

26 He is ……… to lift this weight

A not enough strong B not strong enough C strong not enough D enough strong 27 I am ……… I can’t keep my eyes open

A so tired that B such a tired C too tired D very tired that 28 I finally finished ……… at p.m and served dinner

A cooking B being cooked C to cook D to be cooked 29 I can’t believe that my expensive bicycle ……… last night

A was stolen B was stealing C stolen D stole 30 Newton ……… back to Cambridge in 1667

A travelled B approached C came D stayed

31 Is this address to ……… you want to send this passage?

A where B that C which D whom

32 No trees can grow on that soil It is ………

A tree B treeful C treeless D treeing

33 I spent three months ……… English

A studying B study C studying D to study

34.Important football matches often take place in weekends and we like watching them very much A B C D

35 Helping these students overcome difficulties in their studying are our important duty A B C D

36 These are the women who children are very intelligent A B C D

37 The house is not enough cheap for my uncle to buy A B C D

38 It is the pronunciation in English which causes us a lot of difficulties A B C D

39 This is the house We bought it last year

A This is the house where we bought last year C This is the house which bought last year B This is the house that we bought it last year D This is the house that we bought last year 40 Don’t open the door

A Would you mind opening the door? B Would you mind to open the door? C Would you mind not to open the door? D Would you mind not opening the door? 41 No one can speak English so well as I

A I can speak English the best B I can speak English better C I can’t speak English the best D I can speak English the worst

Micheal has just graduated from a Technical College As many other eduacated students, he is looking for a job He likes to work at a place …(42)… he can meet many interesting people and has a chance to travel He got driving licence three years …(43)…, he can drive a van and a truck, too At school, he did mostly technical subjects Technical drawing and mathematics …(44)… his best subjects He is very …(45)… in transport of all kinds – motorcycles, cars, planes … He loves engines and can all his own car repairs He had a job interview yesterday The interviewer promised to offer him a position of a car …(46)…

42 A that B where C whom D which

43 A ago B before C since D during

44 A are B had been C were D would

45 A interest B interested C interests D interesting

46 A sale B sold C sell D saleman

All men should study We study to widen our knowledge and develop our intelligence Eduacation plays an important role in in our life First of all, we have to learn how to observe accurately, to think truthfully, to speak correctly and to write clearly Eduacation gives us knowledge of things around us and it preserves the


A widen our knowledge B develop our intelligence

C make things easier D both A and B are correct 48 We learn how …………

A to play a role in life

B to observe accurately, to think truthfully, to speak correctly and to write clearly C to widen our knowledge

D to be talented

49 What does eduacation give us?

A many chances to travel around the world B studying many languages C knowledge of things around us D none are correct

50 When will eduacation finish?

A whenever ones leave school B when ones get old

C eduacation will never finish D at the end of the school– year


1 A seaside B reason C ready D beaten

2 A six B lesson C person D music

3 A answer B word C sweep D sweet

4 A attractive B expensive C scientist D employment

5 A because B always C unless D beside

6 A communicate B fortunately C consolidate D industrial Football seems to be ………… game in England

A the most popular B most popular C more popular D very popular As soon as the game begins, people start ………… and ………… for one side or the other

A shouting/ cheer B to shout/ cheer C shouting/ cheering D shout/cheer I ………….here for more than 10 years

A have taught B taught C teach D is teaching

10 “Tom and Jerry” is the best cartoon ………… we have ever seen

A that B when C what D who

11 I enjoy jumping ………… aeroplane through the air with my eyes open

A out B on C off D from

12 The funny story is amusing to them

A They are being amused by the funny story C They are amused on the funny story B They are being amusing by the funny story D They are amused by the funny story 13 Each of the students …ready for the oral test A is B are C be D have been 14 It is the English ………… is used in aviation, international sports and pop music

A what B which C that D it

15 Her daughter is ………… of collecting coins

A fond B amused C interested D bored

16 You must leave now ………… you will be late

A unless B if C because D or

17 The questions were ………… difficult that we couldn’t answer all of them

A such B too C so D very

18 What does your mother often ……… the afternoon?

A on B in C at D about

19 As I ……… my homework, he came yesterday afternoon

A did B were doing C am doing D was doing

20 The man ……… came here yesterday is very generous

A who B who C which D where

21.This room is ……… than mine

A more narrow B narrower C as narrow D narrowest

22.One thing about Londonwhich every visitor admires is the large number of ………

A theaters B gardens C parks D cinemas

23.Why are these two schools different ……… each other?


24 Mai and Tuan moved to this city last year So far, they ……… in this city with their friends

A.are living B have lived C.live D lived

25 People in France speak ………

A Chinese B English C Japanese D French

26.Hurry up or you’ll be late ……… school

A from B for C in D at

27.He always wears clothes ……… are too small for him

A why B what C which D where

28 At this time yesterday, everyone ……… in the room

A is dancing B was dancing C dances D danced

29 Lam Truong is very successful ………… his career

A with B on C in D about

30 If he…… you, he could try his best

A is B were C was D isn’t

31 It’s the English phrasal verbs ……… puzzle me most

A which B that C it D they

32 She loves ……… kangaroos and koalas in wild forests

A watched B watch C watching D watches

33 The lady ……… hair is blonde is Mr Brown’s sister

A who B that C which D whose

34.My father often drinks tea on the early morning A B C D

35 The play was such boring that we left before the end A B C D

36 I feel comfortably when I take a rest How about you? A B C D

37 They are very interested in walking along the seaside in night A B C D

38 People in the North works much harder than people in the South A B C D

39 They will change the date of the meeting again A The date of the meeting will be changed again B The date of the meeting will be change again C The date of the meeting will change again

D The date of the meeting will be changed by them again 40 This is the woman Her daughter is very virtuous

A This is the woman who daughter is very virtuous B This is the woman whose daughter is very virtuous C This is the woman whom daughter is very virtuous D This is the woman which daughter is very virtuous 41 The children liked to walk in the rain

A The children enjoyed to walk in the rain B The children enjoy walking in the rain C The children enjoyed walking in the rain D The children like to walk in the rain

The great English play writer and poet William Shakespeare was born …(42)…April 23,1564 in the small town of Stratford-upon-Avon, about seventy five miles …(43)…London He was the son of a tradesman He went to Stratford Grammar School when he was a boy At twenty one he left Stratford for London where he joined a theatrical company and worked as an actor and a play writer In the late 90s the Globe Theatre was …(44)…on the bank of the Thames Shakespeare became one of its …(45)… It was the Globe that most of Shakespeare’s plays were staged at that time In 1613 he left London and returned to his native town of Stratford-upon-Avon Three years later, on April 23, 1616, he died and was buried there

42 A at B on C in D from

43 A at B on C in D from

44 A built B building C build D to build

45 A writers B professors C owners D managers

Mark Twain was the pen name of Samuel Longhorn Clemens who was one of the greatest American writers Born in Missouri in 1835, he grew up on the banks of the Mississippi River


subjects and this also made him famous and increased the sale of his books

“Tom Sawyer” and “Huckleberry Finn” are considered Twain’s best works which provide his readers with an excellent picture of his era His last book was written in 1909, one year before his death He was then 74 years

46 Mark Twain was born in ………

A 1870 B 1909 C 1853 D 1835

47 Samuel Longhorn Clemens was Mark Twain’s…………

A pen name B real name C full name D name

48 Mark Twain had loved Olivia Langdon’s ……… before he met her

A name B books C life D picture

49 His last book was written when he was ……… years old

A 73 B 74 C 75 D 76

50 When did he die?

A in 1908 B in 1909 C in 1910 D in 1911



Isaac Newton died in 1727 the age of eighty-five.

A with

B in

C at

D on


I haven’t had any news of John 2003.

A in

B before

C on

D since


Her daughter is of collecting coins.

A fond

B amused

C interested

D bored


The house is small for us to live in.

A very

B too

C such

D so


All of us were at her success.

A surpriseB surprised

C surprising

D surprisingly


He was the greatest of the time.


B scientist

C scientific

D scientifically


Radium was by Marie Curie.

A discover

B discoverer

C discovered

D discovery


We should stop our environment.

A pollute

B polluting

C polluted

D pollution


I don’t think that film is _.

A bore

B boring

C bored

D boringly


Children enjoy in the rain.

A to walk

B walk

C walking

D walked


The livingroom _ now.

A is painting

B is painted

C is beeing paint

D is beeing painted


He drives _ carefully than his brother does.

A the

B as

C more

D much


It’s not easy _ Chinese.

A to learn

B learning

C learned

D learn


The questions were _ difficult thatwe couldn’t answer all of them

A such

B too

C so

D very


If I knew her phone number, call her.

A I will

B I would

C I won’t

D I wouldn’t


It’s _ a heavy suitcase that he can’t carry it.

A such

B too

C so

D very

II Daáu nhaán:



A because B always

C unless

D beside


A communicate B fortunately

C consolidate D industrial


A daughter

B doctor

C lesson

D surprise

III Phát âm khaùc:


A h






C b



D st




A w



B w



C c



D w




A m



B b



C sh



D g

















A t



B d



C b



D f



40 A r



B s



C des



D hab




1 A want

B watch

C catch

D wash

2 A center

B car

C cat

D coffee

3 A sea

B heat

C great

D seat

4 A homework

B center

C popular

D career

5 A attractive

B expensive

C scientist

D employment

6 A daughter

B doctor

C lesson

D surprise


Isaac Newton died in 1727 ……… the age of eighty-five.

A with

B in

C at

D on


I haven’t had any news of John ………2003.

A in

B before

C on

D since


Her daughter is ……… of collecting coins.

A fond

B amused

C interested

D bored


The house is ……… small for us to live in.

A very

B too

C such

D so

11 How


good pupils are there in your class?

A much

B more

C many

D most

12 It’s the English phrasal verbs ……… puzzle me most.

A which

B that

C it

D they

13 Radium was ……… by Marie Curie.

A discover

B discoverer

C discovered

D discovery

14 The questions were ……… difficult that we couldn’t answer all of them

A such

B too

C so

D very


If I knew her phone number, ……… call her

A I will

B I would

C I won’t

D I wouldn’t

16 She loves ……… kangaroos and koalas in wild forests.

A watched

B watch

C watching

D watches

17 He drives taxi He is a taxi ……….

A driving

B drives

C driver

D drive

18 Save some money……… you won’t be able to buy the house.

A or

B if

C unless

D when

19 A ……… is a meeting which is held every week.

A week meet

B week meeting

C weekly meeting

D weekly

20 “Tom and Jerry” is the best cartoon ……… we have ever seen.


22 He has just been successful ……… his job.

A at

B in

C about

D for

23 Important matches often take place ……… weekends.

A at

B for

C from

D in

24 As I ……… a letter last night, the lights suddenly ……… out.

A was writing/ went

B write /was going

C wrote/ was going

D wrote/ went

25 Now I ……… a teacher of English in Binh Phu high school.

A am being

B am

C have been

D was

26 She is ……… student in her class.

A a better

B the best

C as good as

D a best

27 It’s ……… bad weather that we can’t go camping.

A so a

B such a

C a very

D such

28 The lady ……… hair is blonde is Mr Brown’s sister.

A who

B that

C which

D whose

29 Mrs Kent is fed up ……… watching the same programme every night.

A for

B of

C with

D by

30 He usually does his homework ……… the afternoon.

A at

B for

C from

D in


My father often drinks tea on the early morning.



32 The play was such boring that we left before the end.


33 He is tired with doing the same thing every day How about you?




34 They are very interested in walk along the seaside at night.



35 That is the village when he was born and grew up.


36 This is the village I was born there.

A This is the village where I was born.

B This is the village where I was born there.

C This is the village which I was born there.

D This is the village which I was born.

37 Nguyen Du wrote Kieu’s story.

A Kieu’s story was being written by Nguyen Du.

B Kieu’s story was written by Nguyen Du.

C Kieu’s story is written by Nguyen Du.

D Kieu’s story were written by Nguyen Du.

38 I can’t go out because I am busy.

A If I am free, I will go out

B If I were not busy, I will go out.

C If I were not busy, I would go out

D If I’m not busy, I will go out.

39 Be more careful or you’ll fall.

A You’ll fall unless you be more careful.

B You’ll fall unless you are more careful.

C You’ll fall unless you are not more careful.

D You won’t fall if you are not more careful

40 The last time I saw him was 10 years ago.

A It’s 10 years since I didn’t see him.

B I have seen him for 10 years.

C I last saw him for10 years.

D I haven’t seen him for 10 years.

41 He drives better than I do.

A I don’t drive so good as he does.

B I don’t drive so well as he does.

C I don’t drive so badly as he does.

D I don’t drive as good than he does.

Zamenhof invented a new language called “Esperanto” to improve unedrstanding between people (42)

different countries He showed Esperanto (43) his friends to find out what they thought about it Later

(44) the same year, he went to study at a university in Moscow He wanted to improve Esperanto


42 A of

B at

C off

D from

43 A on

B in

C for

D to

44 A on

B at

C in

D of

45 A over

B on

C in

D from

46 A as

B like

C if

D for

Many people from rural areas are leaving behind their traditional ways of life and moving to the city

They believe that well-paying jobs are plentious in the city At home on the farm, life is always a struggle with

nature.Typhoons, floods or droughts can easily destroy a harvest and leave the farmer with little or no money

until the following year Farmers often look for other work when they need money for their family.

The increase in population, however, has led to overcrowding in many cities This puts a train on schools

and hospitals as well as water and electricity supplies Increased pollution is another unpleasant result.

47 According to the passage, many people

A move to the rural areas

B move to the cities

C move to their home towns

D move to their farm

48 They believe that well-paying jobs are in the city.

A beautiful

B wonderful

C plentiful

D careful

49 Farmers have to struggle with _

A typhoons

B floods

C droughts

D nature

50 What farmers often when they need


Rob Fellow (1 come)……… from England He (2 come)

………to Paris six months ago to learn French He (3 start)

……… learning French at school in London when he was eleven, so he (4

learn) ……… it for nearly ten years He (5 just take)

……… an exam If he passes, he(6 move) ……… into

the next class He (7 be) ………happy today because tomorrow his parents (8

come) ……… to stay with him for a few days.

She has lived here ( since / for / in / on) nearly ten years.

It’s the English language (it / which / that / and) is used as an international language.

Her birthday is (in / on / at) September 9



I am fond (up / in /with / of) jumping from an aeroplane.

(How much / How many / What / Which) living languages are there in the world?

They are fed up (from / with / on / over) doing the same thing every day.

The girl (whose / who / what / which) you met yesterday is a famous pop singer.

They live in the house (who / whom / which / where) they bought last year.

1.She sings more (beauty)……… than her sister.

2.There are many regional (different) ……… in England.

3.English tends towards (simple) ………, Which is its (strong)

4.English has (consider) ………borrowings.

5.The pronunciation causes me a lot of (difficult) ……….

She is fed up with (do) ) ……… the same thing every day.

Write your answer more (care) ) ……… or you won’t get good marks.

He is tired of (stay) ………at home all day He just want to feel (use)


Read the following passage and the exercises below:

Garbage is a serious problem in the United States Every year, Americans produce 108

billion pounds of garbage (about 140 billion kilos)! A lot of the garbage goes into landfills But

many landfills not have enough rooms for all the garbage.

One answer to the garbage problem is recycling Half of all the garbage in the United

States can be recycled and used again Recycling helps the landfill problem and saves enough

energy ,too When people recycle newspapers, they save trees When they recycle glass, plastic,

or cans, they save oil and electricity Recycling is good for everyone.




B Make questions with these sets of words then answer them:

2 What / be / answer / garbage / problem?


3 What / people / save / when / recycle / glass and plastic


V Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it means exactly the same as the

sentence printed before it:

1 I saw her on television last night


2 He does his homework in an hour.

It takes………

3 The epidemic kills a lot of people

It is………

4 No one in the class is taller than Mary.

Mary is………

5 Finding a good job is not easy for us.

It is………

6 Tom Speaks French worse than Peter.

Peter doesn’t………

7 Rita always types very carefully.

Rita is ………

8 He can’t go camping because he is ill

If ………


I Give the correct tense of the verbs in brackets


Linh lives in Hanoi but her brother Minh (1 live) ………in Thai Nguyen He

(2 arrive) ………yesterday to visit her She (3 love) ……… her

brother and is happy to be with him Tomorrow she (4 take) ……… him to some

interesting places in Hanoi.

Yesterday when I (5 get) ……… up, it (6 snow) ………

heavily The weather (7 be) ……… very cold, so I (8 decide)

……… to have breakfast at home.


Complete each of the following sentences by choosing the best option:

1 He began working here (in / for / since / on) September.

The journey is (short / shorter / shortest) than I thought.

They are the children (whose / who / whom / they) won the match yesterday.

4 It isn’t easy to start looking (at / into / for / in) a job at his age.

5 She was born (in / on / at) May 12



6 He works as (hard / harder / hardest) as his brothers.

7 In England people drive (in / on / at / of) the left side (in / on / at / of) the road.

8 We would go camping (although / but / if / unless) the weather were fine.


Give the correct form of the words in brackets

She is fed up with (do) ………the same thing every day.

2 Who is that old man with white hair? Is he a (science) ………?


5 His speech was so (bore) ……… that most of the audience fell asleep.

6 Laura is busy writing the (year) ……… report at the moment.

7 Can you see the (different) ……… between these two pictures?

8 Car racing is a very (danger) ……… sport.


IV Read the following passage and the exercises below:

The word is getting smaller and smaller You can fly around the world in less than 50 hours.

The newest planes go 600 miles an hour, and we are now developing planes that are even faster

But it is used to take a lot longer to go around the world Magellan’s men were the first to make the trip It

took them more than two years They went by ship.

Magellan was from Portugal, but he sailed for the King of Spain On September 20, 1519, he left

Spain with five ships and 240 men He was killed in the Philippines Islands More than two years later, on

December 21, 1521, one of five ships with only 31 men returned to Spain.

Magellan’s voyage proved that men should sailed around the world.

A Answer the questions:

1 How long can you fly around the world?


2 How long did it take Magellan’s men to go around the world?


B Make questions with these sets of words then answer them:

3 Where / be / Magellan from?



4 Where / he / kill?



5 What / his voyage / prove?



V Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible

in meaning to the original sentence :

My father can’t cook as well as my mother.

My mother………

Speaking English fluently is not easy.

It is………

His funny story amused us


They haven’t drunk beer for three years.

They give up………

My grandfather is so weak that he can’t even sit up.

My grandfather is too………

Jane is too short, she can’t apply for the job

If Jane………

Whose watch is this?

Who does………?

You can get to that resort in half an hour by bus.

It only takes………




10 a amount b metal c dependence d opinion 67

II.TENSES: Choose the best word or phrase:

When I _6 _ at the station, Mary for me She _8 _ a blue dress and _ very pretty as soon as she 10 _ me, she 11 _ and _12 something, but I couldn’t hear what she said because everybody _13 _ such a noise

a arrive b arrived c was arriving d had arrived

a was waiting b waited c had waited d is waiting

a wore b wears c was wearing d will wear

a looks b is looking c had looked d looked

10 a sees b saw c had seen d have seen

11 a had waved b has waved c waves d waved

12 a shouted b had shouted c was shouting d would shout

13 a had made b has made c was making d made

III.VOCABULARY, STRUCTURE, EXPRESSION: Choose the best word or phrase:

14 I’ve been using this machine _ twelve years a in b for c since d from 15 The man opinion I respect most is my father a who b whom c whose d which

16 The door was heavy that the child couldn’t push it open a so b too c such d enough 17 If we busy, we could have gone to the meeting a weren’t b hadn’t been c wouldn’t have been d are 18 _his old age, he worked very hard a Although b Because of c In spite of d Though 19 We always remember the beautiful Sunday morning _ we met each other

a when b why c where d that

20 He quickly became accustomed the local food a of b for c with d to

21 The child is very quick arithmetic a at b from c about d in

22 We have to delay this course because there are _ students a many b few c much d most 23 It’s not to learn a foreign language in a week

a expectantly b expecting c expected d expectant

24 The climate here is hot but _ a tolerable b tolerated c tolerant d tolerably 25 I’m sorry I cannot remember _ you last week a meet b meeting c to meet d met 26 It’s no use advising him He never allows anybody _ advice

a giving b gave c give d to give

27 To prepare for the job you should have of English and French

a reason b employment c knowledge d tendency

28 How _ students in this school remember the former principal? a long b many c much d far 29.My father as well as his friends _ in the living room now a is b are c was d were 30 Susan had her brother _ her homework

a to b c done d doing

IV Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order to make the sentence correct: 31 Faraday’s father was not rich enough to sending him to school


32 Unless you work harder, you will be sack because of your laziness A B C D

33 The police is looking for the bank robbers who stole a large sum of money from the bank A B C D

34 My father John, that went to the same school as me, has just written a best_ selling novel A B C D

35 Peter was said being the cleverest in his class when he was at school A B C D


36 I don’t find it difficult to get up early in the morning

a I used to get up early in the morning b I hate getting up early in the morning

c I’m used to getting up early in the morning d It’s difficult for me to get up early in the morning 68

37 “When did you leave school?” the interviewer asked me

a The interviewer told me to leave school b The interviewer asked me when I had left school c The interviewer said that he had left school d The interviewer asked why I had left school 38 It’s more dangerous to ride a motorbike than to drive a car

a Riding a motorbike is more dangerous than driving a car b Driving a car is more dangerous than riding a motorbike

c Riding a motorbike is as dangerous as driving a car d Driving a car is the most dangerous 39 I wasn’t invited to the party last Sunday

a I wish I were invited to the party last Sunday b I wish I had been invited to the party last Sunday c I wish I could go to the party last Sunday d I wish they invited me to the party last Sunday 40 They were serving lunch when we arrived

a Lunch is being served when we arrived b Lunch would be served when we arrived c Lunch was being served when we arrived d Lunch was served when we arrived VI READING:

Nowadays we have many conveniences in our society which have been brought about through science and technology However, these same advancements in science and technology have caused some dangerous problems These problems will not go away easily because people not want to give up the convenience of a modern life-style The most critical problems are pollution

Machinery, domestic devices and means of transport make human life more comfortable, but they have dangerous emissions

The problems created by pollution are growing daily Because people not want to change their life style, we must invent a way to neutralize the pollutants we are putting into our environment People need to be educated to stop damaging the earth Furthermore, governments must take action to prevent individuals and companies from harming the environment action to prevent individuals and companies from harming the environment

43 Science and technology have brought _

a not only conveniences but also pollution b not only conveniences but also clean air c only problems d only life-styles

44 We cannot solve the problems pollution because _ a everybody is ready to cooperate with the government b everybody is interested in science and technology c everybody does not know anything about pollution

d everybody does not want to give up the conveniences of a modern life-style 43 Machinery, domestic devices and means of transport

a make our life more comfortable b cause pollution c supply us with clean air d a and b are correct 44 The problems created by pollution _

a can be solved in some day b can be easily solved c are growing every day d are unknown 45 Government must take action to

a prevent everybody from harming the environment b prevent companies from producing machinery

c pay attention to education d damage the earth

VII Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable words or phrase


49 a after b soon c above d before

50 a many b much c few d some


TEST 34 She wishes her brother _ his music so loud

A not to play B isn't playing C wouldn't play D hasn't played

2 Faraday's accomplishments seem more wonderful when we realize that he had very education A a few B few C a little D little

3 A plough B rough C tough D enough

4. Peter will have the house……….tomorrow A painting B paint C to paint D painted 5. He likes travel,

A and so does she B or neither does she C but she does, too D therefore she doesn't, either 6. Sarah congratulated _ passing my driving test A me B for C me on D me for 7 She's finished the course, ? A isn't she B doesn't she C hasn't she D didn't she 8.He was _ who wanted to continue working on the project

A among the few peoples B among the few C among of the few D among few Would you please open the windows?

A Would you mind to open the windows? B Would you mind opening the windows? C Would you mind open the windows? D Would you mind opened the windows? 10. The flat looks and comfortable

A nicely/ extreme B nice/ extreme C nice/ extremely D nicely/ extremely 11 A obstacle B transition C guidance D tolerate

12. We haven't seen each other for a long time We have _ with each other A been friendly B kept pace C lost touch D made friend 13 On arrival home, I that she just a few minutes before

A found/ left B found/ had left C found/ have left D have found/left 14. I let my friend my car when he came to visit me

A to borrow B borrow C borrowing D borrowed 15 They didn't seem to take any notice about what the teacher said


16 My father ……….10 cigarettes a day last year, but he gives up smoking now

A is used to smoking B used to smoking C was used for smoking D used to smoke 17 Many people think that the advantages of living in a city _ the disadvantages

A outgrow B outrun C outweight D outnumber

18 Staying in a hotel costs _ renting a room in a dormitory for a week

A twice than B twice as many as C as much as twice D twice as much as 19. Nobody knows………

A he has gone where B where has gone he C where has he gone D where he has gone 20 Only one pair of jeans…………clean A have been B are C were D is

21 I had trouble traveling in Australia I wasn't on the left

A used to drive B used to driving C use to driving D use to drive 22 _ my advice, you wouldn't have had to sit in the same class again

A You had followed B Unless you followed C If you followed D Had you followed 23 Neither Jane nor her parents _this film before A see B sees C has seen D have seen 24 The garden is too small to play football in

A The garden is small enough to play football in B The garden isn't big enough to play football in


25. It's impossible to cross the road because of the traffic A The traffic makes people be impossible to cross the road B The traffic makes everyone impossible to cross the road

C The traffic makes it be impossible to cross the road D The traffic makes it impossible to cross the road 26 The boy was too fat to run far

A The boy was very fat and couldn't run far B The boy's fatness didn't stop him running far C The boy had to run a lot because he was fat D The boy became ill because he was too fat 27. A sadness B actor C untrue D teacher

28. A invite B find C it D time 29.The tea wasn't sweet enough for Betty to drink

A Betty didn't like to drink the sweet tea B Betty couldn't drink the tea, she likes more sugar

C There wasn't enough tea, and Betty had nothing to drink D Betty drank some of the tea but not enough 30 It took her two hours to write the letter

A It took two hours for her to write the letter B The letter was taken two hours for her to write 70

C She took two hours to write the letter D She wrote the letter in two hours 31. He refused to tell us the reason for why he didn't come to the class meeting last week

A B C D 32.A walking B reading C beginning D singing

33. A tendency B encounter C step D address

34. English is understood more widely than any _ languages A the other B another C other D others 35 You won't get success _you try harder A if B or C unless D when

Chọn từ thích hợp ( ứng với A B, C, D) để điền vào chổ trống khoá sau, từ câu 36 đến câu 45: Air pollution is a (36) _ of ill- health in human beings In a lot of countries _(37) laws limiting the amount of smoke which factories can produce.(38) _ there isn't enough information on the effects(39) _smoke in the atmosphere, doctors have proved that air pollution (40) _ lung diseases

The gases from the exhausts of car have also (41) _ air pollution in most cities The lead in petrol produces a poisonous gas(42) _ often collects in busy streets surrounded by high buildings Children who live in areas where there is (43) _lead in the atmosphere cannot think (44) _ other children and are clumsy when they use their hands

There are(45) _ long –term effects of pollution If the gases in the atmosphere continue to increase, the earth's climate may become warmer A lot of the ice near the Poles may melt and may cause serious floods

36 A cause B damage C make D reason 37 A there have B there is C have D there are 38 A however B although C despite D but

39 A on B in C of D by

40 A makes B creates C carries D causes 41 A increased B reduced C risen D who 42 A it B which C what D who 43 A many B little C a lot of D few

44 A quickly as B more quickly as C as quickly as D much quickly than 45 A another B otherC others D the other

Đọc kỹ khoá chọn phương án (ứng với A B,C,D) cho câu từ 46 đến 50:

The search for alternative sources of energy has led in various directions Many communities are burning garbage and other biological waste products to produce electricity Converting waste products to gases or oil is also an efficient way to dispose of waste

Experimental work is being done to derive synthetic fuels from coal, oil shale, and coal tars But to date, that process has proven expensive Other experiments are under way to harness power with giant windmills Geothermal power, heat from the earth, is also being tested

Some experts expect utility companies to revive hydroelectric power derived from streams and rivers Fifty years ago hydroelectric power provided one third of the electricity used in the United state, but today it supplies only percent The oceans are another potential source of energy Scientist are studying ways to convert the energy of ocean currents, tides, and waves to electricity Experiments are also underway to make use of temperature differences in ocean water to produce energy

46 Fifty years ago one third of the electricity in the United States was provided by _ _ A water B wind C oil D waste products


C their being money consuming D their being time consuming 51 What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A Alternative energy will come from a variety of sources

B Synthetic fuels will be the principal source of alternative energy C All alternative production of energy will be derived from water D Hydroelectric power will be the main source of energy

71 TEST 35

I Give the correct tense of the verbs in brackets


Linh lives in Hanoi but her brother Minh (1 live) ………in Thai Nguyen He

(2 arrive) ………yesterday to visit her She (3 love) ……… her

brother and is happy to be with him Tomorrow she (4 take) ……… him to some

interesting places in Hanoi.

Yesterday when I (5 get) ……… up, it (6 snow) ………

heavily The weather (7 be) ……… very cold, so I (8 decide)

……… to have breakfast at home.


Complete each of the following sentences by choosing the best option:

9 He began working here (in / for / since / on) September.

The journey is (short / shorter / shortest) than I thought.

They are the children (whose / who / whom / they) won the match yesterday.

9 It isn’t easy to start looking (at / into / for / in) a job at his age.

10 She was born (in / on / at) May 12



11 He works as (hard / harder / hardest) as his brothers.

12 In England people drive (in / on / at / of) the left side (in / on / at / of) the road.

13 We would go camping (although / but / if / unless) the weather were fine.


Give the correct form of the words in brackets

She is fed up with (do) ………the same thing every day.

10 Who is that old man with white hair? Is he a (science) ………?

11 It seems that Mary has been working (success) ……… in her new job.

12 The South of England is (wealth) ……… than the North.

13 His speech was so (bore) ……… that most of the audience fell asleep.

14 Laura is busy writing the (year) ……… report at the moment.

15 Can you see the (different) ……… between these two pictures?

16 Car racing is a very (danger) ……… sport.

IV Read the following passage and the exercises below:

The word is getting smaller and smaller You can fly around the world in less than 50 hours.

The newest planes go 600 miles an hour, and we are now developing planes that are even faster

But it is used to take a lot longer to go around the world Magellan’s men were the first to make the trip It

took them more than two years They went by ship.

Magellan was from Portugal, but he sailed for the King of Spain On September 20, 1519, he left

Spain with five ships and 240 men He was killed in the Philippines Islands More than two years later, on

December 21, 1521, one of five ships with only 31 men returned to Spain.

Magellan’s voyage proved that men should sailed around the world.

A Answer the questions:

6 How long can you fly around the world?


7 How long did it take Magellan’s men to go around the world?


B Make questions with these sets of words then answer them:

8 Where / be / Magellan from?



9 Where / he / kill?



10 What / his voyage / prove?



V Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible

in meaning to the original sentence :


My father can’t cook as well as my mother.

My mother………

Speaking English fluently is not easy.

It is………

His funny story amused us


They haven’t drunk beer for three years.

They give up………

My grandfather is so weak that he can’t even sit up.

My grandfather is too………

Jane is too short, she can’t apply for the job

If Jane………

Whose watch is this?

Who does………?

You can get to that resort in half an hour by bus.

It only takes………


I Give the correct tense of the verbs in brackets


His name is Robert Jordan He (1.be)……… an engineer He (2.be)

……… an engineer for seven years He now (3.work)

……… in a factory in Sydney, Australia He (4 like)

……… playing baseball He (5.go) ……… to play

baseball twice a week at an amateur baseball club in the town Last month, he (6.go)

……… to Hawaii for two weeks He (7.stay) ………

in a hotel by the sea and (8.swim) ……… a lot.


Complete each of the following sentences by choosing the best option:

1 What would happen to our life if the forest did not (destroy / exist / take place / occur)?

2 Many species of rare animals have already become (appeared / dangerous / extinct/ /decayed)

3 She will be disappointed (but / because / unless / if) she gets the job.

4 That dog, (who / which / that / it) had been very quiet, suddenly started barking.

5 You must give (in / by / on /up) smoking if you don’t want to get lung cancer.

6 Why don’t you apply (for / with / of / in ) the job advertised in the paper today?

7 We have made great (result / effort / business / progress) in the past two years.

8 He types (more fast / most fast / much faster / more faster) than you do.


Give the correct form of the words in brackets :


5 An is very good at English I think he can these exercises (easy) ……….

6 This film isn’t as (interest) ………as the one we saw on TV last night.

7 Few people know the (important) ……… of saving the environment.

8 The traffic was so heavy that I had to move (slow) ……….

IV Read the following passage and the exercises below:

The most famous traveler in all of history was Marco Polo He was one of the first

Europeans to visit China and the Far Eat At the age of 17, he left Italy with his father and uncle.

It took them more than three years to cross the mountains and deserts of Asia In the year 1275,

they reached China and the palace of Kublai Khan, the great emperor He sent them on many


trips around his empire They stayed in this Asian country for almost twenty years They were

amazed at what they saw China was the country far more advanced than Italy or any other

country in Europe.

A Answer the questions:

1 Who was the emperor of China when Marco Polo reached the country?


2 Why were they amused at what they saw?


B Make questions with these sets of words then answer them:

3 When / leave / Italy?



4 In what year / reach / China?



How long / stay / China?



V Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in

meaning to the original sentence :

1 He has been collecting stamps for five years.

He started………

2 Reading books is very interesting.

It is………

3 I don’t think he is tall enough to join the police force.

I think he is too………

4 He spent two hours writing that letter.

It took………

5 We should invest more money in education.

More money………

6 Lan can’t apply for that job because she doesn’t speak English well.

If Lan………

7 Mrs Ken has to a lot of housework every day; and she hates it.

Mrs Ken is



8 He won’t be successful if he doesn’t try his best.




Give the correct tense of the verbs in brackets:

My uncle, who (live)……… in a town not far from here, is a

pharmacist He (be) ………born in this city and (spend)

……… all his childhood here He (start) ……… working in a

hospital in that town as soon as he (leave)……… university He (be)

……… a pharmacist for ten years But he still( enjoy)

………studying more and more in his field In fact, he never minds (spend)

……… his money on books on medicine.


II Complete each of the following sentences by choosing the best option:


Many wild animals are now in danger of ( death / disease / survival / extinction).


If doctor could discover the (success / reason / remedy / effect) for cancer, they could save millions of

people’s lives.


My father often goes to church (with / at / on / in) Sundays.


This shirt is (so / too / very / most) small for me to wear


We will (finish / kill / cancel/ /get rid of) lung cancer if we give up smoking.


The girl (who / which / whose / whom) photo was in the paper today lives in our street.


I ( don’t have / aren’t having / haven’t had / didn’t have) any difficulty so far.


More than half of the world’s periodicals are printed (in / of / by / with) English

III Give the correct forms of the words in brackets:

1 The little girl was smiling (happy)……… as she opened the present.

2 Are you interested in (learn)……… English?

3 The driver of the car was (bad) ……….injured in the accident.

4 Look! Your new dress makes you more (beauty)……….

5 Bob always drives (care)……… This is his third accident this year.

6 It’s very (danger)……… to drive on a wet road in the heavy rain.

7 I think water_skiing is a really (excite)……… sport.

8 Braille died young, and he never knew the importance of his (invent)………

IV Read the following passage and the exercises bellow:

A number of US presidents have been shot but only one British Prime Minister This was

Spencer Perceval who was shot in the lobby of the House of Common in 1812 His murderer was

John Bellingham, a bankrupt businessman Bellingham was angry with the government because it

had refused to help him when he had been arrested and put in prison while doing business in Russia.

Perceval died almost immediately and Bellingham was hanged within a week

A: Answer the questions:

1 How many British Prime Ministers have been shot?


2 Who was the murderer?


3 What was Bellingham doing when he was put in prison in Russia?


B: Make questions using the suggested words and answer them:

4 Where and when / Spencer Perceval / shot?



5 Why / Bellingham / / it?



6 How / Bellingham / die?


1 He couldn’t continue his research because he was very ill.

He was too………

2 You must write your application letter in English.


3 The village is not far from here, I was born there.

The village where………

4 We began attending this English class in July.

We have………


5 Stop smoking or you will die.

Unless ………

6 Speaking English fluently is not easy.

It is ………

7 Please get me that book on the top shelf.

Would you mind………

8 Jimmy is too young that he cannot start school.

If Jimmy………



Give the correct tense of the verbs in brackets:

A My brother, who is an engineer, (work) ………for a computer since 1998 He

(graduate) ……… from university in 1997, but he (not get) ……… a job then

While he (study) ……… at university, he managed to get some part_time jobs to

provide himself with his picket money He doesn’t have to a part_time job now, But he’s still

very busy because after work he (go) ……… to evening classes six days a week.

a _ ……… you ever (take)……… a driving test, Hung?

_ Yes, already.

_ When……… you (take)……… it?

_ I (take)……… it in 2000.

II Complete each of the following sentences by choosing the best option:

1 That question was ( such / much / so / too) difficult for a child to answer.

2 Your brother isn’t ( enough tall / too tall / so tall / tall enough) to join the police force.

3 She’s ( frightening / bored / frightened / boring) with applying for a job after having so many refusals.

4 She doesn’t look ( older / much old / so older / as old) as he really is

5 Approximately 400 million people speak English (for / with / by / as) their mother tongue.

6 St James’s Park has a beautiful lake on (it / which / that / where) live a great variety of wild ducks.

7 ( If / Because / Unless / However) you pay more attention to your work, you will probably get poor

marks in the final exam.

8 The climate in the North is quite different ( with / than / by / from) that in the South.

III Give the correct forms of the words in brackets:

1 Are you interested in (play)……… chess?

2 She’s fed up with queuing for her (employ) ……… benefit every Thursday.

3 Sue managed to get the job although there were more than 50 (apply) ……… for


4 Reading in poor light is (harm) ……… to your health.

5 Many areas in this city are (overcrowd) ………

6 Bill has been here for a year, but he still speaks Vietnamese (bad) ……….

7 She has written some books but they are not very (success) ………


Most people need seven to eight hours of sleep a night Some people need less than this, and

some people need more.

According to sleep expert Dr Robert Schachter, many people have difficulty sleeping, but they

do not know why Most people know it is important not to drink tea or coffee before they go to bed_

both beverages have caffeine Caffeine keeps people awake However, not everybody knows that

medicines, such cold tables, also have caffeine in them Stress can cause insomnia, too Busy people

with stressful jobs may not be able to sleep at night

Dr Schachter suggests, “You shouldn’t use your bedroom as a TV room or an exercise room

You should use it for sleeping only It’s a good idea to have a regular schedule Get up and go to

bed at the same time every day It’s also important not to eat before bedtime Eating may keep you



A: Answer the questions:

1 Why shouldn’t we drink tea or coffee before we go to bed?


2 What may happen to busy people with stressful jobs?


B: Make questions using the suggested words and answer them:

3 How many hours of sleep / need?



4 What / stress / cause?



V Finish each of the following sentences in each a way that it is as similar as possible in

meaning to the original sentence:

1 You can buy souvenirs at the airport.


2 The school is only a five minute walk from here, and my mother is teaching there.

The school where………

3 He wrote the letter in two hours.

It took………

4 Eating too much junk food is not good for your health.

It is………

5 The job was so boring that she had to gave it up.

It was such………

6 He can’t sleep because he has a lot of problems.

If he………

7 She is very old, so she can’t have any more children.

She is too………

8 Amanda last saw her elder sister five years ago.

Amanda hasn’t………



Give the correct tense of the verbs in brackets:


My friend, Andrew, (come) ………from England He (come)

……… here six months ago to study Vietnamese At first he (not

understand) ……… anything But now his Vietnamese (become)

………much better He (make) ……… a lot of

friends in this city so far.


II Complete each of the following sentences by choosing the best option:

1 He began working here (on / at / in / for) September.

2 An architect is a person (which / whose / who / he) designs buildings.

3 It is (such / so / very / too) a good film that I have seen it twice.

4 You won’t pass the exam (because / if / unless / so) you stop working so lazily.

5 It is the English language (who / which / that / it) is used as the language of most of the computers in the


6 My sister has worked for that company (when / since / so / if) she graduated from the university.


7 ( Pollution / Atmosphere / Earthquake / Gravity) is the force of the earth to attract everything to its


8 Surfing is one way (of / at / on / to) spending free time in Australia.

III Give the correct forms of the words in brackets:

1 He usually spends hours on the river without (catch) ……… anything.

2 There are some (region) ……… differences in England

3 This exercise is (easy) ……… than the one we did yesterday.

4 Frank always tells the truth He always speaks (honest) ……….

5 Many people have become (wealth) ………thanks to the great progress in our


6 Each park in London has its own (attract) ……….

7 It’s very (use) ……… to know a foreign language.

8 The pronunciation of English words causes a lot of (difficult) ……… to learners.

IV Read the following passage and the exercises bellow:

Young people leave their parent’s homes at different ages in different parts of the world In

the United States , a lot of college students not live at home Many choose to go to college in

different cities away from their parents At college , they live in university housing After college,

they prefer to live in their own homes They often live alone, but some people rent apartments with

others These people are roommates By the age of 22, few young people in the United States live

with their parents.

Families stay together longer in Asian countries and cities In Hong Kong, for example,

nearly all university students live with their parents Rents in the city are very expensive, and few

students have the money to pay for their own apartments.

Very few young people live alone or become roommates in a shared apartment Many

young people in Hong Kong continue to live with their parents after they marry.

A: Answer the questions:

1 Do young people leave home at the same age in different parts of the world?


What way of living many young people in Hong Kong choose after their marriage?


B: Make questions using the suggested words and answer them:

2 a lot of college students / United States / at home?



3 How many of young people / United States / with their parents / by the age of 22?



4 Why / most university students / Hong Kong / with their parents?


V Finish each of the following sentences in each a way that it is as similar as possible in

meaning to the original sentence:

1 Nobody has used this road for years.

This road………

2 She spends two hours a week taking care of the garden.

It takes………

3 I last met him when I was a student.

I haven’t………

4 Peter speaks French more fluently than Tom does.

Tom doesn’t………

5 The restaurant is so dirty that no one wants to eat there.

It is such………


6 I’m afraid your son is too young to hear our conversation.

I’m afraid your son


7 Mary is overweight because she eats a lot of chocolates.

If Mary………

8 Speaking English fluently is difficult.

It is not ………


English Test 7


Give the correct tense of the verbs in brackets:

Maria has been to many countries in the world She first (go) ……… …

abroad in 1985 when she was a pupil She (see) ……… … with her own eyes

Moscow, London, Paris and many big cities She (be) ……… … in Moscow in

1986 After that she (visit) ……… … London and Paris When she was in London,

She (see) ……… … many beauty sports: The Big Ben Clock Tower, The Houses of

Parliament and so on Unfortunately, while she (come) ……… … to Hyde Park, she

(fall) ……… … ill, and she (not have) ……… … any chance to visit

it since then.

II Complete each of the following sentences by choosing the best option:

1 I can’t help you I am ( in / on / at / for) a hurry.

2 James Watt was a Scottish scientist (who / which / whose / whom) invention of the steam engine is

famous throughout the world.

3 Our sources of energy will soon end (if / and / but / unless) other sources are not found.

4 The film was ( such / very / so / too) boring that I couldn’t see it through.

5 This is the school (when / which / that / where) I studied.

6 Isaac Newton died in 1727 ( in / with / at / on ) the age of 85.

7 It is the floods (which / that / and / they) destroyed many houses.

8 The differences ( from / with / between / in ) American English and British English are small.

III Give the correct forms of the words in brackets:

1 I’m afraid of (stay)……… at home alone at night.

2 He came into the room so (noise) ……… that he woke everybody up.

3 Yesterday was a terrible day for me It was the (bad) ……… day of my life.

4 Anna looks very (attract) ……… in her new dress.

5 Doctors have tried to stop people from smoking, but they haven’t been very (success)


6 Marie Curie was a great (science) ……… , who won the Nobel Prize two times.

7 It was such an (interest) ……… book that I couldn’t put it down.


noticed that the sheep stayed awake all night when they ate coffee beans and leaves Coffee was first

used as a food, then a kind of wine, and then medicines It became a drink about 700 years ago

People took coffee to Arabia in the 13


century From then it went to Turkey, Europe, and America

In 1963 The United Nations helped organize an International Coffee Agreement Countries

that export coffee agree on the price This agreement helps Brazil and other exporting countries

get a fair price.


A: Answer the questions:

1 Where was coffee first discovered?


2 What did the United Nations help organize in 1963?


3 What countries exporting coffee agree on?


B: Make questions using the suggested words and answer them:

4 Why / sheep / awake / all night?



5 What / coffee / first use?



6 When / become / a drink?



V Finish each of the following sentences in each a way that it is as similar as possible in

meaning to the original sentence:

1 Losing weight is very difficult for some people.

It is ………

2 I have never known a more warm_hearted person than my mother

My mother is ………

3 It was such bad news that Helen burst into tears.

The news was so………

4 She will get overweight if she doesn’t give up eating so much fatty food


5 She is a faster worker than you.

You can’t………

6 They are now teaching English in the primary school.


7 Tom started to collect stamps in August.

Tom has ………

8 The man couldn’t that work He was so old.

The man was too………



We (1 be)……… pupils in a remote school We often (2 go)

……… fishing on Sundays We (3 do) ……… this for four

years and we (4 love) ……… doing this very much Today, however, we (5

camp) ……… on a farm where many people usually (6 come)

……… at weekends At this time last Sunday, we (7 play)

……… football on this farm, too We (8 enjoy) ……… it

very much.


Complete each of the following sentences by choosing the best option:

1 Maria Curia was a French physicist (who / which / whose / that) father was Polish.

2 Jane is going to have a long holiday ( on / in / at / into) Hanoi in July.

3 This coffee is ( too / so / such / very) hot that I can’t drink it.

4 Opposite our house is a nice park (which / who / that / where) there are trees and flowers.

5 She won’t go with you (or / unless / and / if) she finishes her homework.

6 Where is Tom? He is (on / in / at / with) work now.


7 It is the floods (which / that / who / they) cause a lot of damage.

8 Mrs Kent has been here (in / since / for / on ) January 7




Give the correct form of the words in brackets :

1 St James’s Park boat a truly elegant lake on which live a great (vary)……… of

wild ducks.

2 The streets are (crow) ………with a population which has no ( interesting)

……… in learning.

3 The English articles and (phrase) ……… verbs puzzle me most.

4 The way in which those words are put together to make sentences would be hardly (recognize)

………to them.

5 English has undergone the (assimilate) ……… of borrowings.

6 Einstein developed the theory of (relative) ……….

J watt, who invented the steam engine, was a famous Scottish (invent)


He made much progress in (electric) ……….

IV Read the following passage and the exercises below:

I have always wanted to go fishing Last summer, I went on a trip to Taiwan On the last

day of my vacation, I went fishing on a beautiful lake Unfortunately, I didn’t catch any fish, and

I got bored I decided to go swimming When I stood up, my wallet fell out of my pocket and into

the water It had all my money, my passport, my plane tickets_ everything I jumped into the

lake to look for it but I didn’t find anything The next morning, I wasn’t able to leave the hotel I

had no money to pay the bill and no plane ticket or passport to go home So what did I do? I

called my boss and asked for some money I have never had such a terrible experience.

A Answer the questions:

1 where did he go last summer?


Why did he get bored


2 What did his wallet contain?


B Make questions with these sets of words then answer them:

3 Where / fishing / last day of his vacation?



4 Why / not able / leave the hotel?


meaning to the original sentence :

1 That house is so expensive that I can’t buy it.

It is such………

2 The last time he drank beer was three years ago.

He has not………

3 I will not write to her if she does not write to me


4 Miss Hoa types more quickly than Miss Lan.

Miss Lan doesn’t………

5 Knowing a foreign language is useful.

It is ………


6 Mary gets wet because she doesn’t wear a raincoat.

If Mary………

7 She has to spend half an hour to walk to school.

It takes………

8 People are destroying the forests day by day.

The forests………


I Give the correct tense of the verbs in brackets


_ Alex is an artist He (1 draw)……… many beautiful pictures in his

lifetime Last week, he (2 draw) ……… a beautiful mountain scene.

_When I last (3 see) ……… her, she (4 hurry) ……… along the road to

the station I (5 ask) ………her where she (6 go) ………and she said

“London”, but I didn’t think she (7 tell) ………the truth because there(8 not be)

………any train for London at that time


Complete each of the following sentences by choosing the best option:

1 Who does this bicycle belong to? (Who / Whose / What / Which) bicycle is this?

2 Can’t you get rid (of / at / in / to ) your bad habit?

3 She has been working there (in / on / since / for) May 5



4 This is he house (when / what / where / which) Shakespeare was born.

5 I haven’t heard from Len for years I am a bit worried (for / about / with / from) him.

6 My grandparents are ( too / enough / so / very) old to live alone.

7 One of the most dangerous diseases (which / that / with / they) mankind has ever had is SARS.

8 It is said that ( health / prevention / remedy / surgery) is better than cure.


Give the correct form of the words in brackets :

1 This coffee is too (heat)……… for me to drink.

2 He (threat) ……… to hit me if I didn’t give him all the money.

3 He drives so (care) ……… that he is sure to have an accident.

4 Many people said that he (success) ……… in his job.

5 If we can improve public bus (serve) ………, we will get rich of (pollute)

……… in the city.

6 A nuclear war would be a threat to all (man) ……….

7 We read an article about the miraculous (survive) ……… of some people in the

air crash.

8 Fruit, vegetables, etc are (health) ……… food.


The first car company started in Germany in 1880 In 1896, people began to make cars in the

United States Then in 1903, a man named Henry Ford started the Ford Motor Company in Detroit,


In 1908, Henry Ford designed a new car, the “Model T” From 1908 to 1927, Ford sold 15

million “Model Ts”, which cost $440 each People liked “Model Ts” because they were inexpensive

and easy to repair

There are over 135 million cars in the United States today Many Americans, however, are

concerned about car safety Each year, thousands of Americans die in car accidents In 1989, about

47,000 people died in car accidents in the United States Sometimes drunk divers cause accidents It

is very dangerous to drink alcohol and drive a car If you drive when you are drunk, you can you’re

your driver’s license

A Answer the questions:

1 Who was the first owner of the Ford Motor Company?



2 How much did a “Model T” cost?


3 How many people die in the United States each year?


B Make questions with these sets of words then answer them:

4 Where and when / first car company / start?



5 Why / like “Model Ts”?



6 How many cars / the United States today?



V Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in

meaning to the original sentence :

1 She doesn’t want to live on her own in a big city.

She doesn’t enjoy………

2 Driving when you are drunk is very dangerous.

It is ………

3 He is too stupid to solve the problem.

He is not………

4 Nowadays a lot of women play football.

Nowadays football………

5 He began to look for a job six months ago.

He has………

6 Lan is overweight because she eats a lot chips.

If Lan………

7 The job was so boring that he gave it up.

It was such………

8 I’ll help you if you promise to work harder.



I Give the correct tense of the verbs in brackets


Linda Reed is a secretary She (1.live)……… in Chicago and (2 work)



(7 shake) ……… violently while she (8 try)

………a safe place to hide.


Complete each of the following sentences by choosing the best option:

1 Do you mind living ( in / on / of / with) your own?

2 I saw a lot of horse and people ( which / that / they / who) went to the market.

3 We wouldn’t go camping ( although / if / but / unless) the weather were fine.

4 I always feel sorry for the people ( who / whose / that / their) lives are miserable.

5 The shirt is (very / such / so / enough) lovely that I want to buy it.

6 She won’t go with you (or / if / unless / and) she finishes her homework.

7 Nha Trang is a beach (where / which / it / who ) is good for sunbathing.

8 What you usually ( on / in / at / with) the weekends?



Give the correct form of the words in brackets :

1 The advertisement says people must write their (apply)……… in English.

2 Home computers are more (wide) ……… used in Vietnamese families now

than they were

a few years ago.

3 Nam feels (happy) ……… because he did very badly on his last test.

4 It was such an (amuse) ……… book that I couldn’t put it down.

5 He’s tired of looking for a job because he had so many (refuse) ……….

6 English is an (effect) ……… medium of international communication.

7 Many people have become (wealth) ……… thanks to the great progress in

our economy.

8 What are the (differ) ……… between the North and the South of England?

IV Read the following passage and the exercises below:

Steven Spielberg was born in Ohio He is one of the most successful filmmakers in recent

times, and in his career he has earned millions of dollars He has been making movies since 1961

His first film was a war movie

Escape to Nowhere

, which was made when he was only thirteen He

studied English literature at California State University and then worked in the television division at

Universal Studios in Hollywood for seven years.

In 1975, he made the movie


which was very successful, and made him rich and famous

Since then, he has made more than 30 movies, including the box_office hits

Close Encounters of the

Third Kind, Indian Jones, ET

, and

Jurassic Park.

He has also directed more serious movies, like

Schindler’s List


Saving Private Ryan,

and he has produced a lot of movies In 1994, he formed

a new Hollywood studio, Dreamworks Recently, Dreamworks has been working with Microsoft to

produce interactive computer games and videos

A Answer the questions:

1 What did he study at university?


How many movies has he made?


2 What has Dreamworks been working with Microsoft?


B Make questions with these sets of words then answer them:

3 How long / Spielberg / making movies?



4 How old / he / when / first film / made?


5 When / form / Dreamworks?



V Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in

meaning to the original sentence :

1 Nobody in my neighborhood is richer than Mr Tran.

Mr is ………

2 They are now teaching English in the primary school.


3 I’m sorry I don’t know your address, so I can’t tell you.

If I………

4 They’ve been making that documentary film for three months.

They started………

5 The beach was so dirty that we decided not to stay.

It was such………


6 I would like you to help me to put the chairs away.

Would you mind………

7 Learning to drive is not very difficult.

It is ………

8 Janet is a better dancer than Laura.

Laura can’t………


I Give the correct tense of the verbs in brackets


Lan is a very good football player She (1 play)……… several

international matches in her life She (2 begin) ……… her football career

when she (3 be) ……… fourteen At first, she (4 teach)

……… to play football by her elder brother, who is also a famous player

Later, she (5 join) ……… the football team of her secondary school Now

she (6 play) ……… for the National Women Football Team She (7 just /

return) ……… from the SEA Games in Malaysia, where her team (8 win )

………the championship with glory.


Complete each of the following sentences by choosing the best option:

1 English is (the widest / widen / more widely / wider) used than French.

2 The streets are crowded (to / for / with / from) people and vehicles.

3 I know this man, (who / whose / that / whom) car was broken yesterday.

4 The performance was ( so / such / very / too) boring for us to see.

5 He was born (on / in / since / for) September 5



6 She doesn’t enjoy staying at home looking (at / for / after / of) the children.

7 Prevention is cheaper and more ( extinct / effective / affected / elegant) than any kind of


8 She is afraid of being taken (off / place / away / at) by the strong wind.


Give the correct form of the words in brackets :

1 I am not used to (stay) ………up too late at night.

2 I got up a little too late this morning, so I had to eat my breakfast (quick)


3 (Eat) ……… and physical (active) ……… add

to the causes of several of the

( kill) ……… diseases.


6 Laura looks more (beauty) ……… than she used to.

7 You must learn this lesson (care) ……… It is very important.

8 The town is very (attract) ……… Thousands of tourists visit it each year.

IV Read the following passage and the exercises below:

Liverpool is Britain’s second biggest port, after London It stands on the banks of the River

Mersey in northwest England It is important passenger port for travel to Ireland, and many Irish

immigrants live there It has a population of 448,300.

King John named Liverpool in 1207 The city grew bigger in the 18


century, when it became

an important center for trading sugar, spices, and slaves between Africa, Britain, American, the

West Indies.

Liverpool’s most famous musicians are the Beatles In 1960s, this British rock group was

popular all over the world They had 30 top ten hits They were all born in Liverpool and started the


group there in 1959 They first played at a night club called Cavern and then traveled around the

world One of them, Paul Mc Carney, is now the riches musician in the world Many tourists visit

Liverpool to see the homes of the Beatles.

A Answer the questions:

1 Which is the biggest port in England?


2 What did Liverpool become a center for in the 18




B Make questions with these sets of words then answer them:

3 Where / stand?



4 Who / name / Liverpool / 1207?


5 ………

6 Where / first play?



V Finish each of the following sentences in such a way that it is as similar as possible in

meaning to the original sentence :


I Chọn từ mà phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác với từ lại:

1 A like B knite C ninth D live

2 A through B cousin C wound D group

3 A cook B look C could D pound

4 A clear B fear C near D wear

II Chọn từ có trọng âm nhấn vào âm tiết khác với từ lại:

5 A establish B community C favourite D encourage

6 A mature B nature C culture D measure

III Chọn từ cụm từ (ứng với A B, C, D) để hoàn thành câu sau:

7 She is interested ……… playing chess

A in B of C at D about

8 ……… it rained hard, he still went to school on time

A Although B Because C As if D Since This is the man ……… car I borrowed yesterday


10 They are fed up ………watching the same program every night

A to B with C of D for

11 They ……… haven’t replied to the letter we sent two months ago

A still B yet C already D ever

12 His face looks ………, but I can’t remember his name

A similar B alike C memorial D familiar

VI Chọn từ thích hợp (ứng với A B, C, D) để điền vào chỗ trống đoạn văn sau:

When you are driving abroad you should make sure that you have all your documents with you These (13) ……… your passport, your driving licence and insurance papers It(14)………be very very inconvenient if you (15) ……… any of these or if you can’t find (16) ……… quickly You must also make sure that your car has a nationality plate which shows the country where the car (17) ……… registered, for (18) ………, GB for Britain, F for France, N for Norway and so on

13 A include B make C mean D contains

14 A should B can C is D has

15 A miss B hide C lose D pass

16 A that B those C their D them

17 A are B was C is D were

18 A once B example C general D fact

V Chọn từ cụm từ (ứng với A B, C, D) để hoàn thành câu sau: 19 Against her parents’ wishes, she wants to be ………

A the doctor B doctor C a doctor D doctors 20 He made the soup by mixing ……… meat with some rice

A little B few C a little D a few

21 Since we have to be there in a hurry, we ……… take a taxi

A had better B may C are able to D have been used to 22 It is the pronunciation in English ……… causes us lots of difficulties

A which B who C that D where

23 The earth ……… on the sun for its heat and light

A is depending B depended C has depended D depends 24 If I ……… you, I would help the poor

A were B was C be D am

25 I don’t mind ……… up early to help my mum every morning

A get B getting C to get D got

26 This is the house ……… I used to live

A which B where C when D that

27 My parents wouldn’t let me ……… up late when I was a child A stays B staying C to stay D stay 28 ……… my sweet- heart yesterday?

A Did you see B Have you seen C Do you see D Are you seeing 29 There’s a law that says that you ……… throw trash on the streets

A don’t have B must not C couldn’t D might not 30 It ……… him over two months to cross the Atlantic ocean

A cost B took C lasted D spent 31 I went to school yesterday ……… it rained heavily

A because B despite C although D so

32 “ Have you seen the place ……… the graduation ceremony will be held?”

A when B where C that D which

33 I have been living here ……… six years

A.since B for C in D about 34 The car was ……… expensive that I didn’t buy it

A too B so C such D very

35 Did the teacher explain how ……… this problem?

A we solve B can we solve C to solve D solve 36 People speak English everywhere English ………

A is spoken everywhere C has been spoken everywhere B was spoken everywhere D spoken everywhere

37 I am not good ……… playing football


40 There are many foreigners coming to visit our country ……… Summer A at B on C in D since 41 My friends usually go shopping ……… weekends

A with B at C for D in 42 He has become very famous ……… his novels

A about B in C for D.at 43 There are many ways ……… spending free time in Australia

A on B in C of D for

44 The scientist ……… discovered a new planet has won the Nobel Prize A which B what C who D whose VI Chọn câu (ứng với A B, C, D) thích hợp với câu sau:

45. He can’t drive so carefully as my sister A My sister can drive more carefully than he B My sister can drive as carefully as he C My sister can drive more carelessly than he D My sister can’t drive so carelessly as he 46 This factory is producing more and more cars.

A More and more cars are produced by this factory

B More and more cars are going to be produced by this factory C More and more cars are being produced by this factory D More and more cars were being produced by this factory

47 He doesn’t buy this car because he doesn’t have enough money.

A If he had enough money, he couldn’t buy this car B If he doesn’t have enough money, he can buy this car C If he had enough money, he could buy this car D If he had had enough money, he could buy this car

48 You should take a torch because the car might break down at night.

A You should take a torch if the car breaks down at night B You should not take a torch if the car breaks down at night C In case the car breaks down at night, you should take a torch D You may take a torch if the car breaks down at night

49. It is such bad weather that they can’t go camping.

A The weather is too bad for them to go camping B The weather is good enough for them to go camping C The weather is so bad that they can go camping D A & C are correct

TEST 36 50 My interview lasted longer than yours.

A Your interview wasn’t as short as mine B Your interview was shorter than mine C Your interview was as long as mine D Your interview was longer than mine 51 They built that house last year.

A That house has been built by them last year B That house was built last year by them C That house was built last year

D That house was being built last year 52 The carpet still needs cleaning.


I Chọn từ mà phần phát âm khác với từ lại:

2 A vehicle B address C many D went

3 A oxygen B supply C healthy D slowly

4 A irrigate B energy C dangerous D oxygen

5 A chemical B scholarship C school D christmas

6 A odours B cities C becomes D accounts

II Chọn từ/ cụm từ thích hợp để hồn thành câu sau:

7 The streets are crowded ……… cars and motorbikes

A from B with C in D about

8 Is she ……… about the change of the plan?

A aware B perfect C confused D pleasant

9 To recycle the metal in discarded products To recycle means ………

A to throw it away B to make use of it C to repair and keep on using it D to put it back into use 10 Get some more ……… for the garden

A fertilize B fertilization C fertilizer D fertilizing 11 ……… of the new aircraft will start next year

A Products B Production C Produce D Productive

12 I ……… my uncle since he left for England

A have met B haven’t met C met D didn’t meet

13 This year, my grandson ……… with the Taylors

A stays B stayed C stay D is staying

14 When wastes are poured into the atmosphere, the air becomes ……… to breathe A contaminated and unpleasant B bad and ill

C polluted and infectious D dirty and odourless 15 The wild life ……… is very necessary

A conservancy B conservation C conservative D conservatism 16 If you want to make your life worth ………, make yourself useful for the society?

A live B lived C living D to live

17 I got so worried that I nearly didn’t ……… at all

A go about B go up C go with D go along

18 Medicare is combined from ………

A medicine and care B media and care C medical and care D medicinal and care 19 The thief ran ……… to escape from the police

A enough quickly B quickly enough

C too quickly D very quickly

20 The teacher came in when the pupils ……… noisily

A were talking B have been talking

C has talked D talked

21 There are a lot of books on the table ……… of them are printed in our country

A A few B A large number C Some D All are correct

III Chọn từ/ cụm từ cần phải sửa để trở thành câu xác:

22 The teacher said that Peter had made much mistakes in his essays A B C D

23 I never thought Shakespeare’s plays could be so few fun A B C D 24 It is a dull evening We have nothing doing


25 They make a desire to put aside the status of the school-child A B C D 26 One of the latest growing cities are Mexico City A B C D

IV Chọn câu thích hợp với câu cho:

27 Could you iron the trousers ………?


29 Scientists believe that there are many galaxies.

Which sentence expresses the same idea as the above statement? A It was believed that there are many galaxies

B It is believed that there are many galaxies C They are believed that there are many galaxies D Scientists are believed there are many galaxies

30 We bought two bicycles Neither of them worked well A We bought two bicycles which neither of worked well B We bought two bicycles neither of which worked well C We bought two bicycles, of which neither worked well D We bought two bicycles, neither of which worked well

31 Rotation of crops - ……… on the same land from year to year

A growing many crops B growing similar crops

C growing the same crops D growing different crops 32 If I ……… that you stayed at home, I ……… to see you

A knew / would come B know / will come

C had known / would have come D didn’t know/ could come

33 They ……… their future work

A thought much of B gave a great deal of thought of

C thought much to D thought too much

34 He doesn’t buy this car because he doesn’t have enough money A If he has enough money, he couldn’t by this car

B If he doesn’t have enough money, he can buy this car C If he had enough money, he could buy this car

D If he had had enough money, he could buy this car 35 He is ……… that he can everything

A such an intelligent boy B so intelligent boy

C very intelligent D so an intelligent boy

36 My cousin has had a tendency to go to university Which sentence expresses the same idea as above?

A My cousin tends to go to university B My cousin has tended to go to university C My cousin has tended going to university D My cousin tends going to university

V Chọn từ/ cụm từ thích hợp điền vào chỗ trống để hoàn thành đoạn văn bên dưới:

The Mediterranean has been described as …(36)… largest swimming pool …(37)…, it can also be described now as the world's dirtiest sewer, full of rubbish, oil, chemicals and waste of all kinds Unfortunately, …(38)… countries bordering the Mediterranean differ …(39)… in their attitudes to this problem While some countries want to start cleaning up the Mediterranean, …(40)…have begun building new ports to develop their oil wells and natural gas fields Industries have now grown in all the countries …(41)… the Mediterranean It will take a century for all the water in the Mediterranean …(42)… into the Atlantic Ocean, and be replaced by …(43)…water Three great rivers, the Nile, Po, and Rhone, all …(44)…into the Mediterranean, carrying lots of pollutants into the sea and making it very dangerous for everyone who swims in the Mediterranean and …(45)… eats fish caught there

37 A world's B the world's C world D the world

38 A Therefore B However C On the contrary D While

39 A a great deal B much C most D a lot

40 A great B greatest C greatly D the greatest

41 A other B another C the other D others

42 A surrounding B involving C in D on

43 A draining B to drain C drain D for draining

44 A cleaning B cleaned C dirty D clean

45 A flow B blow C blowing off D fly

46 A people B those C person D who

VI Đọc kỹ đoạn văn sau, trả lời câu hỏi bên cách chọn A, B, C D:


traditions and customs from generation to generantion Eduacation makes a person more perfect An eduacated man is both talented and virtuous In every country, the government considers eduacation as the most important policy

Some of us sometimes think that we “have finished” our eduacation when we leave school or graduate from a university Actually, real eduacation should never finish

46 What you study for?

A widen our knowledge B develop our intelligence C make things easier D both (A) and (B) 47 What plays an important role in our life?

A eduacation B food C water D air

48 We learn how ………… A to play a role in life

B to observe accurately, to think truthfully, to speak correctly and to write clearly C to widen our knowledge

D to be talented

49 An eduacated man is ………

A talented B virtuous C perfect D both (A) and (B) 50 Is eduacation the most important policy?

A Yes, it is B Yes, they are C Yes, it does D No, it isn’t


1 A cell B cinema C dental D ethical

2 A bought B though C thought D brought

3 A pull B cure C amuse D tube

4 A century B money C prevention D cancer

5 A confident B culture C mountain D description She said she would return it ……… me the following day

A with B on C to D for

7 The exercises which we are doing ……… not easy

A are B is C being D be

8 The house ………we stayed is over 200 years old

A which B what C where D when

9 Five years ago we started to preserve the ……… houses and the landscapes


A conveniently B conveniences C convenience D convenient 12 The police ……… to report to the firequarters immediately

A are required B is required C require D required 13 When he came ………

A I am watching TV B I was watching TV C I have been watching TV D I watched TV 14 The child kept the present that she ………

A has given B has been given C had given D had been given 15 Nobody was injured in the accident, ………?

A wasn’t it B was there C were they D was he

16 The more she smiles, ……… she becomes

A more graceful B the most graceful C the more graceful D most graceful 17 When doing puzzles, you have to read ……… the questions carefully

A over B in C out D though

18 She ……… six children on her own

A brought about B brought of C brought in D brought up 19 Mercury's low gravity makes you ……… very light in a spaceship

A to feel B feeling C felt D feel

20 The students are used to ……… in the school library

A working B to work C work D worked

21 They don't know the reason ………

A when he was absent yesterday B why he was absent yesterday C which he was absent yesterday D where he was absent yesterday 22 I ……… breakfast before I ……… to school

A had had/ had gone B had had/ went C had/ went D had/ had gone 23 I will help you if ………

A you have told me the truth B you will tell me the truth C you told me the truth D you tell me the truth 24 English is not the ……… of the United States

A resources B rich C ownership D possession

25 Our classroom needs ……… up

A tidying B to tidy C tidy D tidied

26 Psychiatrists and doctors have failed ……… people not to drink

A tell B telling C to tell D told

27 Soldiers protect us ……… the enemy

A against B into C out of D from

28 She used a ……… to work out the square root of seventeen

A calculation B calculated C calculus D calculator 29 We are very interesting in watching films

A B C D 30 He never allows us smoking in this room


31 They have been asked me to visit them for ages, but I have never had the time A B C D

32 Billy has called his lawyer last night to tell him about his problems, but he was told that A B C

the lawyer had gone to a lecture D

33 In 1821, Babbage found it difficult to make a machine’s parts enough accurate to prevent A B C D

errors in calculation

34 " She hasn't played the piano for five years A She played the piano five years ago B She doesn't play the piano five years ago


A They are three months since he lost his job B It is three months ago since he lost his job C It is three months since he lost his job

D It has been three months ago since he has lost his job

Television is one of man’s most important ……(36)…… of communication It brings pictures and ……(37)…… from around the world into millions ……(38)…… homes A person with a television set can sit ……(39)…… his house and watch the President make a ……(40)…… or visit a foreign country He can see a war being ……(41)…… and watch statesmen try to bring ……(42)……


peace Through television, home ……(43)…… can see and learn about people, places and things in ……(44)…… lands Television even takes its viewers ……(45)…… of this world It brings them coverage of America’s astronauts as the astronauts explore outer space

36 A ways B means C mean D methods

37 A sounds B noise C voice D tone

38 A in B about C of D for

39 A at B in C by D with

40 A speech B writing C speak D letter

41 A fought B fighted C fighting D fight

42 A of B about C in D for

43 A viewers B learners C readers D listeners

44 A off far B far away C away D far

45 A out B on C at D in

Jack London was the famous American novelist and short story writer He was born in Sanfrancisco in 1876 He quit school at fourteen to become a sailor He was a self-taught student He finished his high school and college education during six months He led an adventurous but poor life His view point was in favour of the poor and socialism He read a lot of books of Karl Marx He was influenced by Marxist Party theory and the October Revolution In 1895, he joined the Socialist Labour Party but in the last years of his life, he moved away from the working class and in 1916 he left the party In 1916 he committed suicide because of despair dream He used an overdose of morphine and drowned himself in the sea He was an adventurous novelist, a Socialist reformer and a prominent socialist who often signed under the line “Yours for the revolution, Jack London.”

46 Why did he commit suicide? A He used to have a dream B Because of socialism C Because he left the party

D Because of despair of life and disillusion with American dream 47 He had a/an ……… life

A rich and quiet B adventurous and poor C rich and adventurous D poor and quiet 48 Jack London quit school in ………

A 1916 B 1890 C 1876 D 1895

49 He was in favour of ………

A capitalism B the rich and the poor C self teaching D the poor and socialism 50 Jack London died at the age of ………

A 41 B 39 C 42 D


I Chọn từ thích hợp (ứng với A B, C, D) để hoàn thành câu sau:

1 I aplozised ……… my being late yesterday.

A with

B on

C to

D for

2 The houses ……… we bought last Sunday are nice.

A which

B what

C where

D when

3 The house ……… we stayed last month is over 200 years old.

A which

B what

C where

D when

4 The village ……… I used to live three years ago is very poetic.

A which

B that

C where

D what


7 The police prevented us ……… getting into the military area.

A for

B at

C in

D from

8 When he came ……….

A I am watching TV

B I have been watching TV

C I was watching TV

D I watched TV

9 Nobody was injured in the accident, ………?

A wasn’t it

B was there

C were they

D was he

10 The more she smiles, ……… she becomes.

A more graceful

B the most graceful

C the more graceful

D most graceful

11 When doing puzzles, you have to read ……… the questions carefully.

A over

B in

C out

D though

12 She ……… six children on her own because her husband died very young.

A brought about

B brought of

C brought in

D brought up

13 This problem makes you ……… very complicated.

A to feel

B feeling

C felt

D feel

14 The students are used to ……… in the school library.

A working

B to work

C work

D worked

15 They don't know the reason ……….

A when he was absent yesterday

B why he was absent yesterday

C which he was absent yesterday

D where he was absent yesterday

16 I ……… breakfast before I ……… to school.

A had had/ had gone

B had had/ went

C had/ went

D had/ had gone

17 I would have helped you if ……….

A you have told me the truth

B you had told me the truth

C you told me the truth

D you tell me the truth

18 English is not the ……… of the United States.

A resources

B rich

C ownership

D property

19 Our classroom needs ……… up because it is very dirty.

A tidying

B to tidy

C tidy

D tidied

20 Psychiatrists and doctors have failed ……… people not to drink.

A tell

B telling

C to tell

D told

21 She needs ……… on diet because she is overweight.

A to go

B going

C to going

D gone

22 Soldiers protect us ……… the enemy.

A against

B into

C out of

D from

23 She tried to study harder in order that ……….

A can keep pace with the others in her class B could keep pace of the others in her class.

C couldn’t keep pace with the others in her class D could keep pace with the others in her class.

II Đọc kỹ đoạn văn trả lời câu hỏi ( cách chọn phương án đúng, ứng với A B, C, D)

từ câu 24 đến câu 28:

Jack London was the famous American novelist and short story writer He was born in Sanfrancisco in

1876 He quit school at fourteen to become a sailor He was a self-taught student He finished his high school

and college education during six months He led an adventurous but poor life His view point was in favour of

the poor and socialism He read a lot of books of Karl Marx He was influenced by Marxist Party theory and the

October Revolution In 1895, he joined the Socialist Labour Party but in the last years of his life, he moved

away from the working class and in 1916 he left the party In 1916 he committed suicide because of despair

dream He used an overdose of morphine and drowned himself in the sea He was an adventurous novelist, a

Socialist reformer and a prominent socialist who often signed under the line “Yours for the revolution, Jack



B Because of socialism.

C Because he left the party.

D Because of despair of life and disillusion with American dream.

25 He had a/an ……… life.

A rich and quiet

B adventurous and poor

C rich and adventurous

D poor and quiet

26 Jack London quit school in ……….

A 1916

B 1890

C 1876

D 1895

27 He was in favour of ……….

A capitalism

B the rich and the poor

C self teaching

D the poor and socialism

28 Jack London died at the age of ……….

A 41

B 39

C 42

D 40

III Chọn từ có trọng âm nhấn vào âm tiết có vị trí khác với từ cịn lại:

29 A confident

B different

C professor

D dangerous

30 A conservation

B begin

C professor

D excuse

IV Chọn từ mà phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác với từ lại:

31 A cell

B cinema

C dental

D ethical

32 A named

B died

C planned

D liked

33 A what



C why

D whom

V Xác định từ cụm từ có gạch dưới, cần phải sửa, để câu trở thành xác:

34 Farmers can protect their land with yearly rotation of crops.




35 The doctor advised us doing exercise every morning.



36 Billy has called his lawyer last night to tell him about his problems, but he was told that


the lawyer had gone to a lecture.


37 It is very kind to her to help me a lot with my homework.


38 They have been asked me to visit them for ages, but I have never had the time.



VI Chọn câu (ứng với A B, C, D) thích hợp với câu sau:

39 “People said that he lived here many years ago.”

A It was said that he lived here many years ago.

B It is said that he lived here many years ago.

C He is said to live here many years ago.

D A & C are correct.

40 “He lost his job three months ago.”

A They are three months since he lost his job.

B It is three months ago since he lost his job.

C It is three months since he lost his job.

D It has been three months ago since he has lost his job.

VII Chọn từ thích hợp (ứng với A B, C, D) để điền vào chỗ trống đoạn văn sau, từ câu 41 đến câu 50:

Why did English become the …(41)… language? In the middle of the nineteenth century, French was the

international language …(42)… Britain became very powerful in the world England started colonies in North

America and India in the seventeenth century By 1900 England also had …(43)… in other parts of Asia,



North America, Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand In South Africa and India it is one of the official


More people study English than any …(47)…languages In many countries, the textbooks in universities

are …(48)…English Many university classes are taught in English even though the native language is not


English is the language of international communication It is the language of international

business, research, and science More than three- fourths of the world's mail is written in English More than

three- fifths of the world's radio stations …(49)…English More than half of the scientific and research journals

are in English Most other languages have …(50)…many English words.

41 A international

B first

C second

D native

42 A But

B Because

C Then

D Although

43 A countries

B colonies

C languages

D English

44 A began

B had

C used

D became

45 A native

B second

C third

D foreign

46 A having

B spoken

C using

D called

47 A different

B all

C other

D of

48 A on

B by

C into

D in

49 A are used

B used

C use

D using

50 A lent

B derived from

C loaned

D borrowed


1 A bear B beard C pear D wear

2 A find B bite C since D drive

3 A turn B burn C curtain D bury

4 A chair B cheap C chorus D child These songs are very popular ……… the young

A at B with C for D from

6 We hope to set ……… a number of fun-raising projects

A in B out C off D up This is Mr White, ……… invention has helped hundreds of deaf people


8 She used to ……… her living by working as a typist

A win B earn C raise D support I will ……… you this book if you promise to return it next week

A offer B lend C borrow D allow 10 Please don't disturb me ……… there is something urgent

A if B or C otherwise D unless

11 The laser beam is used for cancer treatment because it can ……… diseased cells A heal B cure C destroy D build 12 Employees hope that their salary will ……… with the cost of living

A grow B develop C rise D raise 13 They were very ……… about keeping so much money in the house

A dangerous B willing C nervous D risky

14 The problem is difficult therefore ……… students could answer it

A few B a lot of C a great number of D a few 15 I am sure Dave didn’t put any salt in this sauce It's completely ………

A taste B tasted C tasty D tasteless 16 After Mary……… her degree, she intends to work in her father's company

A will finish B is finishing C finishes D will have finished 17 A small stone struck the windshield while we ……… down the road

A drive B were driving C had driven D had been driving 18 We ……… won the game if we'd had a few more minutes

A might have B will C had D could have 19 You had better check the details ……… there are some mistakes

A however B in order that C so that D In case 20 Can you help me ……… in this application form ?

A fill B filled C filling D being filled 21 Alice didn't expect ……… to Bill's party

A asking B being asking C to ask D to he asked 22 He was advised ……… singing lessons

A bike B taken C taking D to take 23 There isn't ……… foreign news in the paper

A a lot B lots C many D much 24 Han is going to the USA for his holiday He ……… up for nearly a year now

A has saved B is saving C saves D has been saving 25 Are you aware ……… the regulations concerning the use of guns ?

A for B about C in D of 26 Neither Dick ……… Torn knows how to speak German

A nor B or C and D but 27 The typewriter is too heavy ……… to carry

A with me B on me C to me D for me 28 The custom dates back to the period ……… many Londoners traveled on horseback

A when / on which B when/ during which C when / in which D when / at which 29 Tom is not used to ……… up early He is late for school very often

A get B got C getting D having gotCarbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which is primarily a result of mankind's burning fuels, is thought to act like the glass of a greenhouse It absorbs heat radiation from the earth and its atmosphere, heat that otherwise would dissipate into outer space

The possibility that the greenhouse effect could alter the earth's temperature has been debated for many years Scientists have agreed that carbon dioxide is increasing but there has been uncertainty about whether temperatures are also increasing The major difficulty in accepting the greenhouse effect has been the absence observed warming coincident with the historic carbon dioxide increase

30 The principal consequence of the greenhouse effect is assumed to be an increase in A global temperatures

B the building of greenhouse C the burning of fossil fuels

D the sun's radiation reaching the earth

31 The carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is believed to produce the greenhouse effect by A being burned on the ground


B It considers it as a promising scientific theory C It sees it as a useful agricultural technique

D It finds it an important mechanism for removing removing carbon dioxide from greenhouse

For many people, travelling by plane is an exciting experience Others, however, find the whole idea quite terrifying, (33) flying is no more dangerous (34) any other form of travel and some experts say it is considerably safer It is known, however, that most accidents occur (35) take- off and landing when a (36) decisions are vitally (37)

33 A although B too C and D because 34 A than B us C then D with 35 A while B during C for D through 36 A leader's B chief's C pilot's D driver's 37 A dangerous B successful C important D wonderful

38 It is no use ………

A arguing with him B of arguing with him C for arguing with him D to argue with him

39 ……… that we didn't want to go out

A It was really bad B It was so bad C It was too bad D It was very bad 40 The carpet ………

A hasn’t been cleaned yet B hasn't cleaned yet

C have been cleaned D has cleaned 41 It took me two hours ………

A explain the new lesson to them B explaining the new lesson to them C explain the new lesson to them D to explain the new lesson to them 42 ……… these ties belong ?

A For whom B To whom C whose D With whom 43 Nam runs faster than any boys in his class No one in Nam's class ………

A can run as fast as him

B is the quickest student in his class

C is running faster than anyone else in his class D runs the fastest in his school

44 They last visited me years ago They ………

A haven't visited me for a long time B haven’t been visiting for a long time C haven’t visited me for years D have known me for years

45 She told me ………

A not worry about that B not to worry about that C worries about that D worrying about that

46 Someone repaired her bicycle last week She ………

A had to repair her bicycle last week B herself repaired her bicycle last week C had repaired her bicycle D had her bicycle repaired last week 47 She was so busy ………

A about answering the phone B for answering the phone

C to answer the phone D that she couldn’t answer the phone 48 "Did you have a good time abroad?" - She asked me if ………


1 A.


B liberty

C visitor

D million

2 A what

B when

C why

D whom

3 A enter

B environment

C enjoy

D empty

4 A weather

B animal

C human

D material

5 A secretary

B comfortable

C intelligent

D necessary

6 A professor

B worker

C doctor




Lee, who is Chinese, learns English as a ……… language.

A native

B second

C foreign

D first


A from

B at

C in

D for

9 English is spoken in many countries all ……… the world.

A in

B over

C at

D from


I’m hungry Is there any food ………?

A to be eaten

B to eat

C eating

D for me eating

11 That problem is not easy enough for her ……….

A solved

B solving

C to solve

D solves

12 Working for 12 hours a day ……… her feel tired.

A makes

B made

C make

D making

13 ……… many areas of the world, wars have made lives more misserable

A On

B From

C In

D At

14 He usually spends money ……… his new car.

A in

B at

C on

D from

15 All of my students must appriciate the ……… of English learning.

A import

B important

C importantly

D importance

16 Is there anything important ……… first?

A doing

B done

C to do

D do

17 Ten thousand dollars ……… a large sum of money.

A is

B are

C were

D being

18 Each of the students here ……… very intelligent.

A is

B are

C was

D were

19 Mary and I are looking forward ……… you.

A of seeing

B for seeing

C to seeing

D to see

20 Computers are ……… used in schools and universities

A widely

B wide

C width

D widen

21 When we arrived ……… the station , the last train had just left.

A in

B at

C for

D from

22 He retired at the ……… of 60.

A age

B old

C older

D elder

23 You have made ……… mistakes in your writing.

A so much B a lot of

C little of

D much of

24 Don’t drink ……… wine It’s bad for your health.

A many of

B a few of

C so much

D many

25 He had spent ……… time writing an essay about his childhood.

A a large number of B a great deal of

C a few

D many

26 There is nothing prevent us from ……… the mystery of that palace.

A discover

B discovery

C discovering

D discovered

27 He is used to ……… early in the morning.

A get up

B gets up

C got up

D getting up

28 He used to ……… television every night

A watch

B watches

C watched

D watching

29 Many people believed that the world’s resources will never be ……….

A used out

B used up

C used off

D used away

30 My father used to ……… me to the zoo when we ……… in the city.

A took/ had lived

B taking/ were living

C take/ lived

D taking/ living

31 I regret ……… you that we can’t approve your application.

A inform

B to inform

C informed

D informing

32 H




is the formula of ……….


A the/ the

B a/ the

C the/ no article

D a / no article


35 Nguyen Du, that is a Vietnamese poet, wrote Kieu’s story.


36 Because of the traffic was heavy, we were late for work.


37 We only go to our English speaking club in weekends.


38 “What are you doing now?” The girl asked him.

A The girl asked him what I was doing then.

B The girl asked him what he is doing then.

C The girl asked him what she was doing then

D The girl asked him what he was doing then

39 He no longer lived in the countryside.

A No longer did he live in the countryside any more.

B No longer has he lived in the countryside.

C No longer does he live in the countryside.

D No longer did he live in the countryside.

40 He couldn’t buy this new car because he did not have enough money.

A If he had enough money, he could buy this new car.

B If he has enough money, he could buy this new car.

C If he had had enough money, he could have bought this new car

D If he had enough money, he could buy this new car


For years, the …… (41)……… of women and men in several countries have changed Modern

technology has made it …… (42)……… for men and women to enter into new roles The role of


women has shifted …… (43)…… homemaker to the outside working world Men’s role has changed

dramatically too It is no longer man’s world Their wives help them to support the family, …….(44)

…… they have to help their wives with housework These changes have been very beneficial The

…… (45)……sexes are able to understand and help each other.

41 A plays

B roles

C parts

D acts

42 A able

B ability

C enable

D unable

43 A on

B of

C from

D to

44 A however

B whether

C moreover

D therefore

45 A two

B second

C each

D many


Samuel Langhorne Clemens, known to the world as Mark Twain, was the son of a lawyer in the

state of Missouri He was born in 1835 When Mark Twain was five years old, he was sent to school.

He did not like school but he had many friends and was their leader In summer when school was over,

the boys spent many happy hours on the river As Mark Twain said later, many events in “The

Adventures of Tom Sawyer” really took place and the characters were from his real life Tom Sawyer

was the portrait of the writer, Huckleberry Finn was his friend Tom Blankenship; Aunt Polly was

published in 1876 It is now known to children and grown up all over the world.

46 What was Mark Twain’s father’s job?


47 Mark Twain started school in ……….

A 1835

B 1836

C 1839

D 1840

48 Mark Twain ………

A worked hard at school

B did not like school

C liked school very much

D did well at school.

49 What did he usually in summer?

A spent the holidays on Mississippi River.

B prepared for the next school year

C enjoyed reading.

D worked as a fisherman.

50 The characters in “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”……….

A were from his imagination

B were from his real

C were boring D A and C are correct

1 A want

B watch

C catch

D wash

2 A center

B car

C cat

D coffee

3 A sea

B heat

C great

D seat

4 A homework

B center

C popular

D career

5 A attractive

B expensive

C scientist

D employment

6 A daughter

B doctor

C lesson

D surprise


……… Ho Chi Minh city is one of ……… largest cities in Viet Nam.

A the/ the

B no article/ the

C no article/ a

D the/ a

8 Nitric oxide can change into ……… which is more dangerous.

A oxygen

B hydrogen

C carbon

D nitrogen dioxide

9 ……… not discarding the litter? – Not at all I am sorry.

A Can you please

B Would you please

C Would you mind

D Let’s

10 We tried to get up early last Sunday ……… we could catch the first train.

A and

B so that

C in order to

D although

11 Coal, oil, and forests are the most important ……… resources.

A industrial

B agricultural

C natural

D national

12 “Interpol” is combined from the two words ……….

A internet and pole

B internet and police

C international and pole

D international and police

13 The suffix of “success” is ……….

A –ful

B –ness

C –ment

D –less

14 Gambling is not ……… in VietNam.

A legal

B illegal

C suitable

D free


……… on the left– hand side of the road made me surprised when I first visited London.

A drive

B driver

C driving

D drove

16 He is such ……… interesting man that every body likes him.

A a

B an

C the

D no article

17 I have two sister ……… are doctors.

A both of which

B who both

C both of whom

D whom both

18 After he ……… English course, he went to England to continue his study

A will finish

B has finished

C had finished

D have been finished

19 Please tell me ……… you look so sad.

A why the reason

B the reason why

C that the reason

D the reason that

20 I always remembered my school days ……… I felt very happy together with my classmates

and my teachers.

A on which

B on that

C where

D which


23 Have you taken notice ……… the “


” sign?

A at

B of

C to

D from

24 The reading table is in ……… middle of ……… room.

A the/ the

B a/ the

C the/ a

D a/ a

25 If I had ……… spare time, I would go with you.

A a

B an

C the

D no article

26 Important football matches often take place ……… weekends in England.

A by

B in

C at

D to

27 American men usually ……… hands they are introduced.

A take

B hold

C shake

D lose

28 Thank you for ……… me to the party

A keeping

B telling

C calling

D inviting

29 Freedom and ……… are all what theVietnamese had to struggle.

A dependence

B independence

C slave

D conquer

30 Let’s go to the


A monument

B movies

C theater

D hall

31 He liked coffee, ………?

A did he

B did not he

C doesn’t he

D didn’t he

32 The teacher usually makes allowance ……… her because she is an orphan.


A of

B with

C for

D to


Money is used to buying or selling goods.


34 She used to jogging when she was young.


35 She had studied no longer in Binh Phu high school before her mother returned to Viet



36 These workers are always

used to work in difficult conditions.


37 One of these students is so hard working that everybody admires them


38 The exercises are very difficult for Tom completing well


Micheal has just graduated from a Technical College As many other eduacated students, he is

looking for a job He likes to work at a place …(39)… he can meet many interesting people and has a

chance to travel He got driving licence three years …(40)…, he can drive a van and a truck, too At

school, he did mostly technical subjects Technical drawing and mathematics …(41)… his best

subjects He is very …(42)… in transport of all kinds – motorcycles, cars, planes … He loves engines

and can all his own car repairs He had a job interview yesterday The interviewer promised to offer

him a position of a car …(43)….

39 A that

B where

C whom

D which

40 A ago

B before

C since

D during

41 A are

B had been

C were

D would

42 A interest

B interested

C interests




All men should study We study to widen our knowledge and develop our intelligence

Education plays an important role in in our life First of all, we have to learn how to observe

accurately, to think truthfully, to speak correctly and to write clearly Eduacation gives us

knowledge of things around us and it preserves the national noble traditions and customs from

generation to generantion Education makes a person more perfect An educated man is both

talented and virtuous In every country, the government considers education as the most important


Some of us sometimes think that we “have finished” our education when we leave school or

graduate from a university Actually, real education should never finish.

44 What you study for?

A widen our knowledge

B develop our intelligence

C make things easier

D both (A) and (B)

45 What plays an important role in our life?

A education

B food

C water

D air

46 We learn how …………

A to play a role in life

B to observe accurately, to think truthfully, to speak correctly and to write clearly

C to widen our knowledge

D to be talented

47 What does eduacation give us?


many chances to travel around the world

B studying many languages

C knowledge of things around us

D none are correct

48 An eduacated man is ……….

A talented

B virtuous

C perfect

D both (A) and (B)

49 Is education the most important policy?

A Yes, it is

B Yes, they are

C Yes, it does

D No, it isn’t

50 When will education finish?

A whenever ones leave school

B when ones get old

C eduacation will never finish

D at the end of the school–


I Chọn từ mà phần gạch chân có cách phát âm khác với từ cịn lại:

1 A mountain

B about

C cough

D amount

2 A provide

B beautiful

C consider

D singer

3 A stops

B wants

C ships

D writes

II Chọn từ có trọng âm nhấn vào âm tiết khác với từ lại:

4 A service

B credit

C station

D conception

5 A government

B banking

C achievement

D metal



……… you don’t like coffee, I will bring you some milk.

A Whether

B Or

C If

D Unless


When ……… each other , American women not usually shake hands.

A meet

B to meet

C met

D meeting


This is the chair which my grandmother ……… sit on before she went abroad last month.

A is used to

B used to

C gets used to

D becomes used to

11 I am

acustomed to working

on the computer.

A used to working

B used to work

C being used to travell

D using to work

12 ……… wine except at the party.

A I drink seldom

B Seldom I drinking

C Seldom I drink

D Am I seldom drinking

13 In America, when a woman and a man are introduced, shaking hands

is up to

the woman.

A depends on

B replies on

C waits on

D congratulates on

14 Women show a ……… to live longer than men.

A tend

B tendency

C tendentious

D tendentiously


Before you light ……… a cigarette, remember to ask for pemission.

A up

B down

C on

D off

16 I sometimes ask him for ……… help.

A a

B an

C the

D no article

17 You will surely feel ……… when you can earn money yourself.

A inconvenient

B uncomfortable

C independent

D dependent

18 In America, men usually shake hand when they are ……….

A complained about

B reprimanded

C talked about

D introduced

19 What would you like to have ……… lunch?

A at

B in

C for

D of

20 My grandmother ……… me stories when I was a little girl.

A was used to telling

B.was used to tell

C used to tell

D A and C are correct


21 We ……… on the left side of the road when we first visited London.

A didn’t use to drive


didn’t used to drive

C didn’t used to driving


didn’t use to drivivng

22 After the Women’s liberation movement, American women ……… independently.

A get used to living

B are used to living

C used to living

D A and B are correct

23 This is the village ……… my parents were born.

A which

B that

C what

D where

24 It took me a long time to get used ……….

A to wearing glasses

B wearing to glasses

C to wear glasses

D to have glasses wear

25 American women may ……… conversation with men or even ……… them to dance.

A to start/ to ask

B start/ ask

C starting asking

D started/ asked

26 I would like to have

one- way

ticket to London.

A return

B double

C cheque

D single

27 A laser beam’s ……… is enough to kill cancer cells.

A intention

B intensive

C intend

D intensity

28 He never felt comfortable because of his ……….

A deaf

B deafness

C deafen

D deafened

29 “I try to learn English well I want to get a good job.” Means ……….

A I try to learn English well so that I can get a good job.


C I try tolearn English well to get a good job.

D all are correct.

30 A laser vaporises the bone without ……… any of the sorrounding tissue.

A touch

B touching

C touched

D to touch

31 She told me that she ……… there the day before.

A was

B is

C had been

D has been

32 If I ……… richer, I would help the poor.

A am

B was

C had been

D were

33 It was ……… dark that I couldn’t see anything.

A too

B so

C very

D such

34 If I had won a lottery, ………

A she would have given you some money.

B I would give you some money.

C I would have given you some money.

D I will give you some money.

35 I am not a teacher, ………?

A am I

B are I


D aren’t I

36 Please wait ……… me here! I’ll be back in only 10 minutes.

A to

B about

C for

D of

IV Xác định từ cụm từ gạch dưới, cần phải sửa, để câu trở thành xác:



of tired, we could not go to school yesterday


38 Neither Mary nor her friends is going to the party tonight.


39 Lan’s husband, that we met at the party last night, is a bank manager.


40 Why are these two schools so different with each other.


V Chọn câu (ứng với A B, C, D) thích hợp với câu sau:

36 They worked very hard in spite of their old age.

A They worked very hard despite they were old.

B They worked very hard although they were old

C They worked very hard despite they are old.

D A and C are correct


37 They are going to install some lights here next month.

A Some lights here are going to be installed next motnh.

B Some lights are going to install next motnh.

C Some lights are going to be installed here next motnh.

D Some lights are going to be installed by them next motnh.

38 “ Don’t stand here.” My mother said to me.

A My mother said to me not to stand there.

B My mother told me not to stand here.

C My mother told me don’t stand there.

D My mother told me not to stand there.

39 What a pity! I didn’t write to him.

A I wish I hadn’t written to him.

B I wish I had written to him.

C I wish I wrote to him.


I wish I had been writing to him.

40 People said that English is an important foreign language to master.

A It was said English is an important foreign language to master.

B It is said English is an important foreign language to master.

C English was said to be an important foreign language to master.

D A and C are correct

VI Chọn từ thích hợp (ứng với A B, C, D) để điền vào chỗ trống đoạn văn sau:


41 A danger

B threat

C problem

D vanishing

42 A disappeared

B vanished

C empty

D extinct

43 A hunted

B chased

C game

D extinct

44 A exhausting

B departing

C escaping

D disappearing

45 A products

B fields

C herbs

D crops

VII Đọc kỹ đoạn văn chọn ý câu trả lời (bằng cách chọn phương án đúng, ứng với


B, C, D



Tomorrow I am going to fly to Vietnam with my Australian husband My family moved to Australia 25

years ago when I was only years old I went back to Vietnam with my mother 10 years ago and we stayed

there only a fortnight I am very excited about the trip tomorrow We are going to spend a few months visiting

our relatives as well as my friends and traveling around If we still have time and money, we will visit some

other South East Asian countries like Thailand and Singapore I used to go to these countries on business but

this time will be different because it is our holiday.

46 With whom is the writer going to return to Vietnam?

A her relatives

B her mother

C her husband

D her sister

47 Her family moved to Australia when she was ………

A 5

B 20

C 25

D 30

48 How old is the writer?

A 5

B 20

C 25

D 30

49 How long are they going to stay in Vietnam?

A one month

B several months

C ten weeks

D five weeks

50 For what purpose did she use to go Thailand and Singapore?

A to visit relatives

B to visit friends

C on business

D on holiday



1 A harm B wash C chalk D talk

2 A child B which C school D snatch

3 A home B honest C hundred D house

4 A return B dirty C body D usually

5 A nothing B before C concern D advise

6 A museum B advantage C apartment D without


B We preserve natural resources so as to we can use them in the future C We preserve natural resources for future use

D A and D are correct

8 A ……… is one of the most important tools of surgeon

A knife B drum C sheet D scalpel

9 Do you feel ……… when taking a test?

A nerve B nervous C nerveless D nervy

10 The acronym of WHO comes from ………

A World Helping Organisation B World Health Organization C World Helping Organization D World Health Organizing 11 The acronym of VAT is ………

A Valuable Added Tax B Valuable Addition Tax C Value Addition Tax D Value Added Tax

12 Laser is a ……… for concentrating light waves into an intense beam

A advice B device C vice D way

13 ……… is thre red liquid flowing throughout human body

A food B water C blood D flood

14 The acronym of NATO is ………

A Norht Atlantic Treaty Organisation B North Asian Treaty Organisation C North Atlantic Treating Organisation D North atlantic Treated Organisation 15 The acronym of AIDS is ………

A Acquired Immunity Deficiency Syndrome B Acquired Immunity Device Syndrome C Acquired Immune Device Syndrome D Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 16 “ His stomach cancer was too serious to have an operation” means

A His stomach cancer was so serious that the doctor couldn’t operate on him B His stomachache was so serious to have an operation

C His stomachache was too serious so that the doctor could operate him D His stomachache was serious so that to have an operation

17 Mary put on her sweater ……… she ……… get cold A in order that/ will not B so that/ would not

C to/ will not D so as to/ would not

18 Sometimes my teachers can not make me ……… the lessons

A to understand B understood C understand D understanding 19 I prefer drinking coffee ……… drinking milk

A to B than C although D though

20 He started living here three years ago

A He lived here three years ago B He has lived here for three years C He has been living here for three years D He had lived here three years ago 21 I am not good ……… English I think I should spend much more time ……… it

A in/ at B at/ on C at/ in C on/ at

22 If it ……… so late, we could have a drink

A is not B was not C were not D not be

23 Mary prefers ………

A singing to dance B to sing than to dance C singing to dancing D sing to dance 24 The last time I saw him was in 1999 means ………

A I have usually seen him since 1999 B I have not seen him since 1999 C I have not since him for 1999 D I saw him since 1999

25 She intended to make a fire

A put up a fire B go on a fire C set a fire D get up a fire 26 Jack London wrote several ……… novels on adventure

A interest B interested C interesting D interestingly 27 The only way ……… cross the river is ……… swim

A to/ to B of/ by C on/ to D in/ by

28 She is ……… with her present job

A satisfy B satisfied C satisfaction D satisfactory 29 Peter’s composition needs ……… because there is something wrong in it

A to rewrite B rewrite C rewriting D rewritten 30 We can’t live without ……… food and ……… air

A a/ a B a/ an


A than B to C for D about 33 I would rather you ……… harder for the exams (Note: I’d rather = I would rather)

A study B should study C had studied D studied 34 Either John or his brothers is going to help her

A B C D 35 Three- fourths of the roof are painted A B C D

36 The Davidsons bought the most expensive car than we did A B C D

37 If I had the time, I would have gone to the beach with you this weekend A B C D

38 He has lived in London for years and then went to Paris A B C D

39 I don’t feel strange when I live in a foreign country

A I used to live in a foreign country B I was used to live in a foreign country C I am used to living in a foreign country D I don’t use to living in a foreign country 40 No one can type so quickly as John

A John can type the more quickly B John can type more quickly C John can type the most quickly D John can’t type the more quickly 41 He said to her, “ Did you live here last year?”

A He asked her whether she had lived there the previous year B He asked whether she had lived there the previous year C He asked her whether I had lived there the previous year

D He wondered her whether she had lived there the previous year.:

Many people have recognized television as a type of … (42)… that exists in many countries Nowadays, people usually … (43)… most of their spare time … (44) … TV Films of all kinds are the favorite programs of many viewers, young and old alike However, television … (45) … us on the negative way, too We have seen a lot of movies about … (46) … on TV every day

42 A entertainment B accomplishment C basement D achievement

43 A take B pay C spend D use

44 A to watch B watched C watch D watching

45 A makes B affects C bring about D efforts

46 A violent B violently C violence D violate

No writer in American literature is more famous than Mark Twain He was born in Missouri in 1835, he grew up on the banks of the Mississippi river The river environment inspired the two novels which made him famous: "Tom Sawyer" and "Huckleberry Finn", told of his adventures on the river boats of that period

He was also a very successful lecturer His travels around the country giving talks on a variety of subjects also made him famous and increased the sale of his books

"Tom Sawyer" and " Huckleberry Finn" are considered Twain’s best works which provide his readers with an excellent picture of his era His last book was written in 1909, one year before his death He was then 74 years old

47 What was Mark Twain’s job?

A a writer B a farmer C a builder D a worker 48 Where and when was he born?

A in Missouri river B in Mississippi river C in Missouri in1835 D in1835 49 What inspired the two novels which made him famous?


2 A rice B hill C nice D twice

3 A what B watch C want D bank

4 A coffee B farmer C paper D deliver

5 A policeman B secretary C teacher D student

6 A secretary B comfortable C intelligent D interesting

7 Jack London was a famous writer in America

A well- prepared B well- done C well- dressed D well- known

8 “The last time I saw him was in 1999.” means ………


C I have not since him for 1999 D I saw him since 1999 There was a power failure, all the lights ………, but she had no candle

A went back B went away C went on D went out

10 She intended to make a fire

A put up a fire B go on a fire C set a fire D get up a fire

11 Who was ……… first man to land on ……… moon

A the/ the B the/ no article C a/ no article D a/ the

12 More than 15 years has ……… but I never forgot the time when I first met him

A gone on B gone up C gone out D gone by

13 She is ……… with her present job

A satisfy B satisfied C satisfaction D satisfactory

14 An umbrella is what I need now, it is raining I’ll give it ……… tomorrow

A up B away C back D over

15 “John began playing the piano 10 years ago” means ………

A John has been playing the piano for 10 years B John played the piano 10 years ago

C John used to play the piano 10 years ago D John doesn’t play the piano any more

16 Peter’s composition needs ………

A to rewrite B rewrite C rewriting D rewritten

17 Who ……… when I came?

A were you talking to B are you talking to

C you are talking to D you were talking to

18 Please send us a post card as soon as you ……… in London

A will arrive B is going to arrive C arrive D arrived

19 Our teacher lent us a novel ……… by jack London

A writes B wrote C written D writing

20 We kept on ……… when we heard his funny story

A laugh B laughed C laughing D to laugh

21 When gold was discovered in Alaska in 1897 the famous “………” began

A Gold find b Gold discovery c Gold catch d Gold rush

22 The summer is over Most students have to go ……… to school

A on B back C through D into

23 She passed the exam ……… made her parents proud

A who B when C that D A and C

24 We are looking forward to ……… her again

A to see B seeing C saw D seen

25 It ……… to go swimming

A was so cold for us not B was too cold for us

C was for us too cold D was such cold for us

26 Mary is used to go ……… home at o’clock

A at B an C the D no article

27 He was very unhappy ……… his father’s illness

A although B in spite of C because D because of

28 The Socialist Repulic of Viet Nam ……… into being in 1975

A come B came C has come D had come

29 It was such ……… exciting football that everybody was absorbed in it

A a B no article C an D the

30 ……… is a person whon is concerned with the protection of the environment

A Environmentalist B Specialist C Communist D Psychologist

31 ……… stamps is my hobby

A Collect B Collecting C Collected D A and C

32 We have given ……… time on writing assignment

A a great deal of B many C a large number of D A and B

33 ……… you work hard, you will be sacked


A Whether B If C However D Unless

34 This is the big company where is very comfortable for all the workers here A B C D

35 She has to bring off these children because her husband died very young A B C D

36 I am only interesting in what he did A B C D

37 I like to eat this kind of food because it is good at your health A B C D

38 The children are fond of such interested films A B C D


40 They are going to build a very big company here next month A A very big company are going to be built here next month B A very big company is going to be built here next month C A very big company is going to build here next month D A very big company is going to be build here next month 41 I haven’t worked in this library for weeks

A The last time I worked in this library weeks ago B The last time I worked in this library was weeks ago C The last time I worked in this library was in weeks D I last worked in this library was weeks ago

If you live in a city, you probably see many people, hear the …(42)… of traffic, and smell the pollution …(43)… cars and factories

We are entering a new time in …(44) … history of world Before this, most people were farmers They lived in the country Now many people are … (45) … the farms and moving into the cities They are looking for better jobs The cities are growing very quickly Most cities are very crowded People are driving more cars, burning more fuel, … (46) … more water, eating more food, making more garbage, and producing more things in factories than ever before Life is becoming difficult

42 A sounds B noise C movement D lights

43 A of B for C from D about

44 A the B a C old D new

45 A in B from C on D at

46 A buying B eating C drinking D keeping

Every year, students in many countries learn English Some of the students are young children Others are teenagers Many are adults Some learn at school, others study by themselves A few learn English just by hearing the language in films, on television, in the offices or among their friends But not many are lucky enough to that Most people must work hard to learn another language

Many boys and girls learn English at school because it is one of their subjects They study their own language, and mathematics…… and another language, perhaps French, or German, or Spanish

Many adults learn English, because it is useful for their work Teenagers often learn English for their higher studies, because some of their books are in English at the colleges or university Other people learn English because they want to read newspapers and magazines in English


47 Many people learn English by ………

A watching videos only B working harder on their lessons

C hearing the language in the office D talking with the film stars 48 In America or Australia, many school children study ………

A their own language and no foreign languages B English and mathematics only

C English as a foreign language

D such foreign language as French, German, and Spanish 49 Many adults learn English because ………

A it helps them in their work B their work is useful

C most of their books are in English D they want to go abroad

50 According to the writer, ………

A only adults learn English B English is useful only to the teenagers

C no children like learning English D English is popular in much of the world


1 A hang B American C man D hand

2 A lend B cent C women D tent

3 A skill B fill C milk D bird

4 A university B biology C begin D return

5 A thousand B resource C difficult D regional

6 A people B society C remember D example

7 Despite our economic problems, the majority of people ……… substantially better off than a decade ago

A are B is C have been D has been


A not drive B not to drive C to drive D from driving If I ……… the fact with my own eyes, I would never have believed it possible

A don’t see B didn’t see C hadn’t seen D haven’t seen 10 I suggest you ……… down on your spending

A to cut B should cut C must D had cut

11 Are you aware ……… the regulations concerning the use of guns?

A for B about C in D of

12 I want her ……… a special effort today

A make B should make C to make D makes

13 I know a wood ……… you can find wild straberries

A when B why C where D which

14 He lost control of his temper and gave way ……… his anger

A at B on C to D from

15 Conservation also includes searching ……… alternative fuels

A for B on C about D of

16 You must make them ……… their home work

A B did C to D doing

17 I finally finished ……… at p.m and served dinner

A cooking B being cooked C to cook D to be cooked 18 I still can’t believe it My expensive bicycle ……… last night

A was stolen B was stealing C stolen D stole 19 Do you know ………?

A what is her name B what her name is C what her name D her name is what 20 The child was sad ……… his friends

A in B at C of D about

21 No trees can grow on that soil It is ………

A tree B treeful C treeless D treein

22 The old car needs ……… before it can be used

A repair B repaired C repairing D to be repaired

23 Neither Peter nor I ……… where the key of the house was

A know B knows C knowing D to know

24 My uncle, ………you saw yesterday, is a lawyer

A whose B whom C that D B and C

25 ……… her friends live in HCM city

A Most of B Most C The most D Almost

26 Some people were playing game ……… rules I didn’t understand

A whose B who C which D that

27 I spent three months ……… English

A studied B study C studying D to study

28 Oxygen is an ……… gas

A odour B odourful C odourly D odourless

29 Vehicles also account ……… air pollution in the cities

A of B on C for D at

30 People who give lectures at colleges or universities are called ………

A teachers B students C lectures D professors

36 Language belongs ……… those who use it

A at B for C about D to

37 The pilots of a Russian plane will use English to ask ……… landing instructions

A at B in C for D by

38 After you graduate from the university, you still have to ……… studying

A get on B go on C go over D get out

39 Burning coal and oil will release gases ……… to humans

A dirty B dusty C serious D harmful

31.This man with the dogs run slowly for long distances every Sunday morning A B C D

32 As I had dinner in a very expensive restaurant, he came in yesterday afternoon A B C D

33 The film which I saw last year is very interested A B C D


40 He asked me where I had been the day before A He said to me, "Where have you been yesterday?" B He said to me, "Where are you yesterday?" C He said to me, "Where were you yesterday?" D He said to me, "Where you have been yesterday?" 41 The car was so expensive that I couldn’t buy it

A The car was too expensive that I couldn’t buy it B The car was too expensive for me to buy

C The car was too expensive for me to buy it

D It was such an expensive that I couldn’t buy it

Lasers have found widespread …(42)… medicine For instance, they play an important role in the treatment of eye disease and the prevention of blindness The eye is ideally suited for laser surgery …(43)…most of the eye tissue is transparent Because of this transparency, the frequency and focus of the laser beam can be adjusted according …(44)… the absorption of the tissue so that the beam “ cuts” inside the eye with minimal damage to the surrounding tissue Lasers are also more effective …(45)… other methods in treating some causes of blindness However, The interaction …(46)… laser light and eye tissue is not fully understood

42 A on B in C for D of

43 A despite B and C because D although

44 A about B of C for D to

45 A than B then C rather D and

46 A among B with C from D between

Once you have reached London, you can go about in taxis, buses, or by under ground I myseft prefer the underground as it is rapid, easy and cheap There are so many cars and buses in London that one can not drive along the road quickly and without many stops The underground is therefore usually quicker than taxis or buses If you don’t know London very well, it is very difficult the bus you want You can take a taxi, but is much more expensive than the underground or a bus On the underground you can find good maps which tell you the names of the stations and show you how to get to them, so that it is easy to find your way


47 We can go about London …………

A in taxis B in buses C by underground D all of them 48 Why does the writer prefer the underground ?-Because …………

A it’s rapid B it’s cheap C it’s easy D all of them 49 We can not drive along the road quickly because …………

A there are many cars and buses B there aren’t any cars and buses C there are some cars and buses D we can’t see any cars and buses 50 Which is more expensive, going by taxi or by bus ?

A Going by bus is B Going by taxi is C Taxi is D Bus is



1 Now he ……… a book about English I don’t think he will finish it

A writes B wrote C has written D is writing

2 The foreign guest ……… here almost a week

A was B are C has been D is

3 I felt something ……… on my back

A crawl B crawling C to crawl D crawled

4 The last time I ……… Tom ………3 weeks ago


5 Look! The two boys ……… your window

A were painting B painting C are painting D have painted It’s high time ………

A for us to go there B we should go there C we can there D we go there

7 He is the most wonderful person I ………

A have ever met B had ever met C ever meet D am meeting Your bad result made me ………

A disappoint B disappointed D disappointing D to disappoint Before he ……… to bed, he ……… his homework

A went/ has done B went/ had done C goes/ had done D went/ did 10 Millions of dollars ……… spent on advertising every year

A is B was C are D were

11 The two answers are so different ……… each other

A at B in C from D for

12 Are you familiar ……… the poems of Uncle Ho?

A with B to C on D at

13 The weather seems perfect ……… going to the beach

A to B for C with D at

14 They are very excited ……… their coming holiday

A on B with C about D to

15 It was very nice ……… you to lend me some money

A to B on C with D of

16 Simon's father is always very nice ……… me

A to B with C of D at

17 We’ll go to Ha Noi ……… Saturday morning

A at B with C about D on

18 He spends one hundred dollars ……… rebuilding his fence

A with B on C about D for

19 The weather is really perfect ……… going on a picnic

A for B to C at D with

20 The manager is very kind ……… every employee

A at B on C of D to

21 Dirty air is chiefly a city problem

A mainly B firstly C importantly D principally

22 The fight against ……… of our environment is important as well

A pollution B the polluting C the pollution D polluting 23 Clean air provides us ……… a healthy supply of oxygen

A on B with C to D for

24 Please be quiet, ……… I won’t tell you a story 116

A if not B unless C otherwise D else

25 He ……… in class every day

A speaks B tells C talks D says

26 Most ports ……… team-work

A imply B apply C involve D infer

27 The dog inherited the knowledge ……… its ancestry

A by B of C with D from

28 He tries to make his students ……… whenever he explains the lesson ……… them

A understand/ for B understand/ for C to understand/ for D.understand/ to 29 ……… the bad traffic, I arrived there on time

A Even though B In spite C Despite D Although

30 You look ………, don’t you?

A happy B happily C happiness D.unhappily

31 The young usually things………

A enthusiastic B enthusiastically C enthusiasm D enthusiast 32 ……… if I were you


35 She told us ……… story that we all forgot about the time

A such an interesting B so interesting C such interesting D interesting

Over the past 600 years, English has grown from a language of few speakers to become the dominant language of international communication English as we know it today emerged around 1350, after having incorporated many elements of French that were introduced following the Norman invasion of 1066

Until the 1600s, English was, for the most part, spoken only in England and hadn't extended even, as far as Wales, Scotland or IrelanD However, during the course of the next two centuries, English began to spread around the globe as a result of exploration, trade (including slave trade), colonization, and missionary work Thus, small enclaves of English speakers became established and grew in various parts of the world As these communities proliferated, English gradually became the primary language of international business, banking and diplomacy

Currently, about 80 percent of the information stored on computer systems worldwide is in English Two thirds of the world's science writing is in English, and English is the main language of technology, advertising, media, international airports, and air traffic controllers Today there are more than 700 million English users in the world, and over half of these are non-native speakers, constituting the largest number of non-native users than any other

language in the world

36 What is the main topic of this passage?

A The number of non-native users of English B The French influence on the English language

C The expansion of English as an international language D The use of English for science and technology

37 Approximately when did English begin to be used beyond England?

A In 1066 B Around 1350 C Before 1600 D After 1600

38 According to the passage, all of the following contributed to the spread of English around the world except

A the slave trade B the Norman invasion C missionaries D colonization

39 The word “enclaves” in line could be best replaced by which of the following

A communities B organizations C regions D countries 40 The word “proliferated” in line 10 is closest in meaning to which of the following?

A prospered B organized C disbanded D expanded

Why did English become the …(41)… language? In the middle of the nineteenth century, French was the international language …(42)… Britain became very powerful in the world England started colonies in North America and India in the seventeenth century By 1900 England also had …(43)… in other parts of Asia, Africa, and the South Pacific The people in the colonies had to use English Slowly it …(44)… more important than French internationally After the second World War, the United States became very powerful, and even more people began to learn English

English is the …(45)…or official language on one-fifth of the land area of the world It is …(46)… in North America, Great Britain, Australia and New Zealand In South Africa and India it is one of the official languages

More people study English than any …(47)…languages In many countries, the textbooks in universities are … (48)…English Many university classes are taught in English even though the native language is not English

English is the language of international communication It is the language of international business, research, and science More than three- fourths of the world's mail is written in English More than three- fifths of the world's radio stations …(49)…English More than half of the scientific and research journals are in English Most other languages have …(50)…many English words

41 A international B first C second D native

42 A But B Because C Then D Although

43 A countries B colonies C languages D English

44 A began B had C used D became

45 A native B second C third D foreign

46 A having B spoken C using D called

47 A different B all C other D of

48 A on B by C into D in

49 A are used B used C use D using


Ngày đăng: 07/05/2021, 10:57

