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Tham khảo tài liệu ''đề ôn thi hsg – đề 3'', tài liệu phổ thông, ôn thi đh-cđ phục vụ nhu cầu học tập, nghiên cứu và làm việc hiệu quả

Teacher : Quỳnh Như ÔN THI HSG – ĐỀ TEST I.PRONUNCIATION: A Pick out the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest a passed b realized c wished d touched a jumped b picked c relaxed d suited a hooked b hissed c traveled d diminished a enjoyed b moved c achieved d liked a wicked b wanted c needed d filled B Pick out the word that has the stress pattern different recently b conduct c attitude d marriage a approval b attractive c sacrifice d romantic a generation b American c preparation d independent a conical b ancestor c ceremony d traditional 10 a banquet b schedule c diameter d blessing II VOCABULARY AND STRUCTURE A Choose the one (A, B, C or D) that best complete each sentence 11 The city centre was packed with thousands of tourists of different races and _ a culture b cultures c civilization d civilizations 12 They had a long and _ marriage a happy b happily c happiness d merrily 13 The Parliament members flatly _ the proposed budget of the following year a deny b reject c oppose d, All are correct 14 We had to _ sacrifices in order to pay for our children’s education a b make c get d give 15 The economy is regarded as the _ factor which will determine the outcome of the general election a decisive b key c most d A & B 16 The law obliges companies _ decent wages to their employees a pay b to pay c paying d paid 17 I haven’t heard from Maria _ a since many months before b for many months c for many months ago d since a long time 18 This book is so long that I a haven’t finished it yet b haven’t finished it already c still have finished it d still haven’t finished it already 19 “Are Alice and Tom still living in New York?” “No, they to Dallas a are just moved b had just moved c have just moved d will just moved 20 “Where is the new stove that you bought yesterday?” “The color didn’t match so I _ it to the store.” a return b had returned c returned d did return 21 “How are you feeling?” “I’ve been feeling better since a the doctor has come b the doctor will come c the doctor had come d the doctor came 22 “What did you last night?” “I watched TV, practiced the piano, and my homework.” a made b c done d did 23 “I took the TOEFL It was really hard.” “ a lot before you took it?” a Have you studied b Did you studied c Had you studied d Do you study 24 My father hasn’t smoked cigarettes for a month a It’s a month since my father last smoked cigarettes b It’s a month ago that my father smoked cigarettes c It’s for a month that my father hasn’t smoked cigarettes d It’s a cigarette that my father smoked a month ago 25 Having finished their work, the workers expected to be paid a The workers expected to be paid because they had finished their work b Having their work finished, the workers expected to be paid B Error Recognition: Choose the underlined part (A, B, C or D ) that is incorrect 26 Having lived in the United States for two years, Thu used to speaking English with all her friends 27 John used to live in London, but his company had him be transferred to a better position in Manchester 28 All the passengers haven’t realized that they were in danger until they heard the pilot’s announcement 29 I’ve been being lost one of my keys, I must have dropped it somewhere in the classroom this morning 30 French seems very difficult for me, I would prefer study English Teacher : Quỳnh Như III READING COMPREHENSION A Fill in each numbered blank with one suitable word or phrase Throughout the world there are different (31) _ for people to greet each other In much of the world, a handshake is the (32) form of welcoming and greeting someone In many countries around the Mediterranean Sea a (33) kiss on the cheek is the appropriate way to welcome friends and family It can be a very (34) surprise if you expect to shake hands and get a kiss or a hug instead At times, it is difficult to tell what sort of greeting (35) is followed People may bow, (36) another’s arm or even slap the other person on the back In some places people just smile, look at (37) face and say nothing Most people in the world are (38) of visitors and don’t mind what travelers that seems wrong as long as the visitors are (39) _ A big part of the (40) _ of world travel is experiencing different face and say nothing Most people in the world are (38) of visitors and don’t mind what travelers that seems wrong as long as the visitors are (39) _ A big part of the (40) _ of world travel is experiencing different 31 a means b ways c methods d techniques 32 a different b unique c common d same 33 a light b superficial c fast d heavy 34 a huge b large c big d great 35 a habit b routine c custom d tradition 36 a take b grab c shake d wave 37 a each other b the others c theirs d the other’s 38 a kind b generous c tolerant d independent 39 a sincere b truthful c faithful d hopeful 40 a interest b pleasure c comfort d delightfulness TEST 1-My mother the responsibility for running the household chores A Holds B Takes C Runs D Bears 2-Dad is always willing a hand cleaning the house A To help/ in B To join /with C To give with D To change /in 3-Whenever problems come _, we discuss them properly to find solutions quickly A Up B out C Down D Across 4- My responsibility is to wash the dishes and _ the garbage A Take up B Get out C get up D Take out 5- In my family, both my parents join _ to give us a nice house and a happy home A Hand B a hand C Hands D Their hands 6-The _ that our family members share closely is watching films A Concern B Interest C Pleasure D Entertainment 7-We are a family Whenever I’m in trouble, I can turn to one of them for help A closely B Close-knit C Very close D B and C 8-We share the house with my mother and father and my wife’s sister and her kids It is (a) family A Nuclear B Extended C Crowded D Single-parent 9-They are not sisters but they are very of each other A related B friendly C Intimate D Supportive 10- Family is a base from which we can into the world with confidence A part B Place C Position D foundation 11-It is parents’ duty and responsibility to _ hands to take care of their children and give them a happy day A shake B Hold C join D take 12-He is a _ boy He is often kind and helpful to every classmate A Frank B Lovely C Obedient D Caring 13 Doctors are supposed to _ responsibility for human life A B Take C rush D Join 14 Billy, come and give me a hand with cooking A help B prepared C be busy D attempt 15 My husband and I both go out to work so we share the A happiness B Household chores C responsibility D employment 16 He was looking at his parents , waiting for recommendations A obey B Obedience C Obedient D Obediently 17 He is never willing _ any personal question A answer B To answer C Answering D Answered 18 Steve is a _ man He enjoys being at home with his wife and children A free B Married D single D family 19 Our parents join hands to give us a nice house and a happy home A deal with B Manage D help together D Work together Teacher : Quỳnh Như 20 Mark enjoys having fun by causing trouble He‘s a very A stubborn B Mischievous D Spoiled D Bright Test I Choose the word that has the underlined part is pronounced differently from the A affidavit B applicant C ages D major A eligibility B gear C encouragement D engineering A campus B fabulous C financial D extracurricular II Choose the word whose main stress pattern is placed differently from the A chemistry B engineer C pharmacy D bodyguard A university B nationality C examination D auditorium III Read the following passage and choose the best option: In Britain, the availability of higher education has increased greatly in the second half of the twentieth century Nevertheless, finding a place in a university in Britain is not easy Universities only take the better students Because of this, and also because of the relatively high degree of personal supervision of students, nearly all university students are not supposed to take a job during term time Unless their parents are rich, students receive a state grant of money that can cover most of their living expenses The Open University in Britain, which was started in 1969, allows people who not have the opportunity to go to the university to study for degree Its courses are taught through television, radio, especially written textbooks Students work with their tutors, who discuss their written work, either at meetings or through correspondence In the summer, they have to attend short residential courses of about a week 11 In Britain, the availability of higher education has increased greatly in A The eighteenth century B The second half of the nineteenth century C The second half of the twentieth century D The twentieth century 12 Why don’t most students work part-time while taking their courses at the universities? A Because students are highly supervised at the universities B Because state grants money to students from poor families C Because their parents are rich D A & B are correct 13 _ can go to the Open University in Britain A People who not have the opportunity to go to a university to study for a degree B People who have the opportunity to go to a university to study for a degree C People who are too poor to go to school D All are correct 14 They take their courses from A Television B Radio C Written textbooks D All are correct 15 What is the role of tutors in the Open University? A They discuss their students’ written work, either at meetings or through correspondence B They sing happily C They their research D They ask their students to read newspapers IV Identify the underlined word or phrase A, B, C, or D that must be changed for sentence to be correct: 16 The smallest things in the universe, are paradoxically, be explored by largest machines 17 If you had the chance to meet famous writers, what you ask them? 18 Women were not allowed in participating in more than three events in 1932 19 Tom told Mary not to interrupt me while he was talking V Choose the best answer: 20 Son didn’t mean to be disrespectful to his teacher He just couldn’t control his temper A showing lack of trust B showing nervous C showing impolite behavior D showing lack of attention 21 Many students voluntarily spent their summer holidays teaching illiterate people to read and write A people who are deaf B people who don’t know how to read and write C people who are too poor to learn D people who hate learning 22 When there is famine in the country, the people must the good will of other countries to provide them with the goods they need A rely on B rely at C being replied on D reply in 23 “When is Mr Fields planning to retire?” “Soon, I think He here for a long time He’ll probably retire either next year or the year after that” A worked B had been working C has been working D is working 24 Mary: I have been to Sydney Jill: Mary said that she to Sydney 3 Teacher : Quỳnh Như A had been B has been C was being D would be 25 A: Do you often speak in front of a large audience? B: No, that’s why I felt when I spoke in front of my class last week A secure B insecure C security D securely 26 Today, many childhood diseases _ by early immunization A are preventing B can prevent C prevent D can be prevented 27 Jim isn’t at home right now If he _ at home, I him A were/ would visit B had been/ would have visited C is/ will visit D were/ will visit 28 The boys broke the window when they _ football A played B were playing C had played D are playing 29 In recent years, the government has improved pollution controls on automobile manufacturers Both domestic and imported automobiles must _ anti- pollution devices A equip with B equip by C be equipped with D be equipped by 30 He was wearing a suit, which was _ for an informal gathering A unsuitable B suitably C suitable D suit 31 The 1989 San Francisco earthquake 59 deaths and massive property damage A results in B resulted in C resulted on D result at 32 She said that she participating in that event A would be interesting in B would be interested in C was going to D would be going to 33 If I that Huong had to get up early, I her up A knew/ would wake B would have known/ had woken C had known/ would have woken D knew/ woke 34 In July, most students in Vietnam take the National Entrance Examinations to enter higher education institutions A Vocational schools B high schools C language schools D universities 35.He / not / strong / enough / lift / suitcase A He is not enough strong lift the suitcase B He is not strong lift the suitcase C He is not strong enough lift to the suitcase D He is not strong enough to lift the suitcase 36.A If you had not supported me, my plan will fail B If you had not supported me, my plan would fail C If you had not supported me, my plan would have failed D If you had not supported me, my plan would failed 37.Interviewer / wanted / know / conflict / with her son A The interviewer wanted knowing the conflict with her son B The interviewer wanted to know the conflict with her son C The interviewer wanted to know about the conflict with her son D The interviewer wanted know about the conflict with her son 38.I /had to /live away from / parents / a year / when / I / ten A I had to live away from my parents for a year when I was ten B I had to live away my parents for a year when I was ten C I had to live away from my parents a year when I was ten D I had to live away from my parents for a year when I ten 39.How long / you / known / these people? A How long have you been known these people? B How long have you known these people? C How long have you know these people? D How long have you to know these people? TEST I Pronunciation: A Pick out the word whose underlined and bold part is pronouced differently from that of the other words a surname b sure c surplus d surface a nature b change c gravity d basic a food b took c book d push B Pick out the word that has the tress differently from that of the other words a subsequent b undergo c government d enterprise a dominate b substantial c agriculture d national II Vocabulary and Structure: Thanks to economic reforms, our city has had a lot of _ Teacher : Quỳnh Như a roads b slums c changes d apartments There is no bargaining in a(n) a shopping mall b market c big bulding d course Our main _ is to increase sales in europe a aim b purpose c intention d all are correct There are too many people in hochi minh city It is a (n) _ a changed b crowded c liked d moved 10 The government has _ top priority to reforming the tax system a given b formed c planned d taken 11 Hai’s case is typical of the “ _ drain” from state to private foreign companies in vietnam now a eyes b brain c hand d nose 12 Linh decided to _ a small business to trade in leather shoes a set up b set off c set back d set to 13 This area used to be a (n) _ People lived in badly built houses a flat b palace c cave d slum 14 The _ of this university helps offer more opportunities for adult students a establish b establishment c established d establishing 15 Economic reforms help provide more and better _ for local people a employ b employed c employee d employment 16 I to new york three times this year a have been b was c were d had been 17 I’ll come and see you before I for the states a leave b will leave c have left d shall leave 18 Everyone has the manager _ his lack of responsibility a blamed/for b prevent/from c blamed/of d rely/on 19 Following the Doi Moi period, many cities in Viet Nam have concentrated _ replanning their districts a on b in c to d about 20 Many companies have complained not being able to get a location in the new industrial zone a of b.over c at d about 21.VietNam’s goods have to compete _ those imported under AFTA a to b for c with d up 22 Those business travelers will stay your hotel _ three days a on/of b to/ for c in/ for d on/for 23 The training center will be based _ can tho a to b with c after d in 24 Gateshead Millennium Bridge is situated the banks of the river type a in b with c about d on 25 We can see tourism marketing us – adverts _ TV, brochures in travel agencies a around/in b around/on c in/around d on / around III Reading: A Choose the item among A, B, C, or D that best answers the question about the passage: One more student is Linh, a typicial Vietnamese businesswoman Gone were the days when college graduates like Linh did not have to worry about a jod, thanks to the centralized planning system A government job promises security, but it is not easy to compete with many others for one now To avoid unemployment, Linh decided to set up a small business to trade in leather shoes Now she has branches in three other provinces around Ho Chi Minh City My students are still facing a lot of difficulties as competition is becoming tougher, when Viet nam’s goods have to compete with those imported under AFTA, ASEAN Free Trade Area But they all say they are not frightened, isn’t it wonderful? 26 Who is Linh? a a teacher b a worker c a businesswoman d a farmer 27.To avoid unemployment, Linh decided to a go to ho chi minh city b sell hat to earn money c set up a small company to trade in leather shoes d set up a company to trade in clothes 28 How many provinces around Ho Chi Minh city des she have branches? a b c d 29 Viet Nam’s goods have to compete with those imported under _ a private foreign companies b ASEAN Free Trade Area c world trade organization d a and b are correct 30 What the students say? Teacher : Quỳnh Như a they love it b they are not frightened c thay say it’s wonderful a b and c are correct B Choose the word or phrase among A, B , C or D that best fits blank space in the following passage: Before the 1960s, Singapore was essential a trading nation Since _(31) _, it has developed a more (32) economy and has become an important financial, trade, and transportation center Singapore has (33) banks, insurance, and finance companies, as (34) as a stock exchange Tourism is also important to the (35) _ of singapore 31 a then b that c there d those 32 a various b varied c differed d changed 33 a many b few c much d more 34 a long b far c much d well 35 a economic b economics c economy d economical V Writing: A Choose the underlined part among A, B, C, or D that needs correcting 36 If I go to bed late in the evening, I had a headache after that 37 The tickets that you ordered they will be delivered tomorrow 38 He is the man that his novel won the Pulitzer prize last year B Choose the correct sentence which has the same meaning as the given one 39 “ Can you explain it in another way?” she say a she asked him if he can explain it in another way b she asked him to explain it in another way c she asked him whether he could explain another way to it d she asked him could he explain it again 40 I remember telling you about the deadline for the assignment a I remember to tell you when the assignment was due b I remember I have told you when the assignment is due c I think I have told you bout the assignment’s deadline d I think I have told you when you hand in the assignment TEST I Phonetics Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from that of the other words a enough b cough c though d rough 2.a few b sew c knew d new 3.a chooses b houses c rises d horses 4.a suit b seven c sugar d sun 5.a accurate b accept c accident d success 6.a.pneumonia b column c afternoon d point 7.a sneaky b scream c neatly d instead 8.a.collage b village c passage d courage II Vocabulary and structure I only had time….at the newspaper a look b stare c investigate d glance I’d like to….a complaint about the noise a make b c have d offer We’d like a quiet wedding without any… a noise b sound c fuss d rumor I think that pop star is the… of countless teenagers a image b figure c sample d idol I’m sorry for making such a… about the noise a trace b mark c fuss d emphasis Her remark was followed by an….silence a embarrass b embarrassing c embarrassed d embarrassment I have a great… for New York a affect b affected c affection d affectedly My daughter saw an elephant this morning, but she…one before a had never seen b has never seen c never sees d never had seen I… in Da Nang before I moved to this city a have been living b have lived c had lived d had been living 10 He said he would visit me, but he…me yet a has not visited b had not visited c is not visiting d does not visit 11 Children need a… environment Teacher : Quỳnh Như a caring b growing c protecting d setting 12 I have heard that musician… the piano a played b play c to play d plays 13 Claire has a wide circle of friends and… a neighborhood b acquaintances c friendship d relations 14 She has always remained… to her political principles a loyal b loyalty c faith d faithfully 15 Try… so many mistakes a not to make b not make c to make not d make not 16 Mother warned… the electric plug a her not to touch b her touching not c her not touch d not touch 17 John…anything since yesterday a didn’t say b hasn’t said c has said d said 18 She quickly looked into her bag The money…! a has gone b had gone c was gone d was going 19 I was sure that he… a thief a is b were c was d be 20 When I woke up this morning, it… a rains b rained c was raining d had rained 21 Peter… 13 films and I think his latest is the best a made b had make c has made d was making 22 Finishing his speech,… To make questions a the students asked him b he asked the students c the students asked d he asked 23 I’ll wait here until you… a will return b return c are returning d to return 24 When he… all the letters, he took them to the post office a has written b had written c wrote d writes 25 His parents would rather… tomorrow a him/leaves b he left c he/ leaves d him/ left III Identify the mistakes We (A)usually (B)have English (C)lesson (D)twice a week They never (A)have breakfast (B)before (C)having (D)bath 3.(A) When he (B)came, we (C)were having (D)dinners She (A)likes her job (B)but (C)does not like (D)wear uniforms 5.They (A)speak English well (B)because they (C)practice (D)speak it every day IV Reading A My friend Simon had an extremely (1) experience yesterday He decided to go to the swimming pool in his (2) , so he finished work early and (3) into his car He couldn’t drive fast as there was much (4) when he (5) arrived at the pool, he got (6) and immediately dived into the pool (7) , the elastic broke on his swimming shorts as soon as he entered the water, and he watched them (8) away to the other end of the pool Luckily, there no-one else in the pool at that moment, but (9) when Simon was swimming to get them, a girl came into the pool and (10) them up, so Simon had to ask her to give him his shorts back ! 1.a embarrassing b embarrassed c embarrassingly d embarrass 2.a lunchtime b break lunch c lunch break d lunch 3.a went b got c took d drove 4.a vehicles b cars c motorbikes d traffic 5.a eventually b lastly c final d right 6.a up b dressed c changed d away 7.a luckily b fortunately c finally d unfortunately 8.a float b floated c being floated d to float 9.a after b just c instantly d as 10.a fetched b took c got d picked B For many people, traveling by plane is an exciting experience Others, however, find the whole idea quite terrifying, (1) flying is no more dangerous (2) any other form of travel and some experts say it is considerably safer It is known , however, that most accidents occur (3) take-off and landing when a (4) decisions are vitally important The people (5) job it is to look (6) the passengers – the stewards and stewardesses- play an important part in helping the passengers to (7) safe and comfortable Indeed for many passengers being (8) such care of is all part of the total experience (9) other form of travel involves waiting on people in quite the same (10) , with food, drink, newspaper, magazines, music and even video films 1.a although b too c and d because Teacher : Quỳnh Như a than b as c then d with 3.a while b during c for d through 4.a leader’s b chief’s c driver’s d pilot’s 5.a whose b which c their d that 6.a for b up c after d round 7.a feel b rest c experience d lie 8.a given b kept c shown d taken 9.a any b no c all d not 10.a way b kind c sort d part C This is a story about my grandmother She was my favorite grandmother , and the best grandmother in the world.Everyone I used to know loved my Grandma because she was kind to everyone She kept the house in very nice order and whenever one of my uncles or aunties got married or something they could leave all the arrangements for my Grandma She made everything look so easy and perfect But a very, very sad thing happened round about August 1974 She started to get sick My grandfather, aunties , and uncles were really worried about Grandma’s health, and every day they used to feed her, pray for her and they did everything but one day in November she died in hospital It was a shock to everyone because they all loved her so much When my Grandma was dead, everything seemed to change And when Christmas came that year, it was quieter than other Christmas because Grandma wasn’t there and everything was different Whenever my Grandpa was by himself he used to stay in his room and cry to himself and sometimes when Mum sees my Grandpa unhappy , she invites him to stay over at our place But still nothing will ever be the same without our beloved grandmother whom everyone loved I will always remember her 1.Why was her grandmother loved by so many people? a.Because she was kind enough to lend money to everyone b.Because she was helpful and kind c.Because she always kept the house in nice order d.Because she was the best grandmother in the world 2.How did her family take care of her Grandma when she was ill? a They did everything to help her b They spent their last penny on her c They only prayed for her d They gave her good food to eat before she died How was Christmas greeted in the year Grandma died? a There was no Christmas because everyone was upset b The family didn’t dare to keep Christmas in the house c Everyone cried on Christmas that year d It was not so good as compared with those before What did her grandpa use to when he was alone? a He used to wander in the woods b He used to drink, trying to forget the past c He talked himself d He retired into his room, crying to himself How was life to her without her Grandma? a She felt something missing without her Grandma b She felt somewhat bored without her grandma c Life was meaningless without her Grandma d Everything remained the same without her Grandma V Choose the best sentences which has the same meaning as the given before He found it extremely difficult to learn this subject a The subject was so easy that he could learn it well b it was extremely difficult for him to learn this subject, c He had difficulty finding the subject d he did not find it difficult to learn this subject Be sure to get me some newspapers a I am not sure about the newspaper b I certainly will get you some newspapers c Surely I am going to get me some newspapers d Remember to get me some newspapers Mr Pike used to jog a lot a Mr Pike jogged a lot in the past b Mr Pike is accustomed to jogging a lot c Mr Pike never jogged in the past d Mr Pike jogs a lot now 4.In order to settle the matter , I will accept their suggestion a To settle the matter, you should accept their suggestion b Setting the matter, I accept their suggestion c I will accept their suggestion in case the matter is settled d I will accept their suggestion to settle the matter He last had his eyes tested ten month ago a He tested his eyes the last time ten months ago b He didn’t have the optician test his eyes ten months ago c He has not had his eyes tested for ten months Teacher : Quỳnh Như d He had not tested his eyes for ten months TEST I/ Pronunciation: A walked B explained C helped D missed A wrapped B answered C served D exchanged A obliged B determined C believed D kissed A naked B blessed C discussed D learned A passed B realized C wished D touched A jumped B picked C relaxed D suited A learned B sacred C believed D decided A moaned B presented C viewed D robbed 9.A: a happy marriage should be based on love B: I definitely agree! a I really know b As I see it c Personally, I think d Do you think 10.A: I'm not sure about this soup It tastes like something's missing B: It tastes fine to me a You're right b Oh, I don't know c I couldn't agree more d I don't think so 11.A: It seems to me that spring is the most beautiful time of year B: It really is lovely! a You're exactly right! b.You could be right c You're dead wrong d I couldn't agree less 12.A: children nowadays watch too much TV B: Absolutely! a In my conclusion b In my opinion c As you see d As a matter of fact, 13.A: This grammar test is the hardest one we've ever had this semester! B: but I think it's quite easy a I couldn't disagree more, b I understand what you're saying c You're right, d I don't see it that way, II Choose the sentence - a, b, c or d - which is closest in meaning to the printed one 14.The coach's tactics were directly responsible for the team's defeat a The team lost because the coach had no direct tactics b The team's responsibility is to defeat the coach's tactics c The coach directly guided the team, but had no responsibility d The team lost as a direct consequence of the coach's tactics 15.I wasn't a bit surprised to hear that Kate had failed her driving test a That Kate had failed in her driving test surprised me a bit b I was surprised that Kate had passed her driving test c It came as no surprise to me to hear that Kate hadn't passed her driving test d Surprisingly, Kate had failed her driving test 16.We'll go camping as long as the weather is good a Only if the weather is fine will we go camping b If the weather is better, we will go camping c The weather is good when we will go camping d We'll go camping immediately after the weather is good 17.My father hasn't smoke for three years a My father started smoking three years ago b My father quit smoking for three years c My father stopped smoking three years ago d My father won't continue smoking in three years' time 18.The secret to success is hard work a Working hard ensures success b One must work hard to keep secrets c One cannot succeed if he has secrets d If you keep your work secret, you will succeed III Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting Nobody whom was at the meeting will say anything to the press Her handwriting is so badly that I can’t read When he was a child, he loves dismantling things to see how they worked If you will go to the party with us, I will pick you up Teacher : Quỳnh Như The sea was so rough that the ferry can’t sail If you don’t want Sally to be angry with you, I suggested you apologise George is not nearly as energetic than he used to be If he had done his homework, his parents might have let him to go to the party Most of the roads are in very bad shape and need repaired 10 He often goes to work by bus but today he went by taxi 10 ... important to the (35 ) _ of singapore 31 a then b that c there d those 32 a various b varied c differed d changed 33 a many b few c much d more 34 a long b far c much d well 35 a economic b economics... experiencing different 31 a means b ways c methods d techniques 32 a different b unique c common d same 33 a light b superficial c fast d heavy 34 a huge b large c big d great 35 a habit b routine... _ (31 ) _, it has developed a more (32 ) economy and has become an important financial, trade, and transportation center Singapore has (33 ) banks, insurance, and finance companies, as (34 )

Ngày đăng: 02/05/2021, 13:05



