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CONDITIONAL SENTENCES - if: nếu - unless: nếu không, trừ phi: Câu điều kiện loai 1: điễn tả sự kiện có thể xảy ra ở tơng lai. If the weather is fine, we will go for a picnic. If the book is not expensive, I will buy it. If it rains this afternoon, I will stay at home and watch TV. If you want to attend this course, you must pass the test. If she comes late again, she will lose her job. If we pollute the water, we will have no fresh water to use. If he does not hurry, he will miss the last train. Unless he hurries, he will miss the last train. Câu điều kiện loai 2: điễn tả điều kiện không có thật hoặc trái ngợc với thực tế . If I were you, I would buy that motorbike.( in fact I am not you.) ( Nếu tôi là anh, tôi sẽ mua chiếc xe máy đó.) If I had a car, I could drive you everywhere. ( in fact I don t have a car.) If you saw a UFO, what would you do? If you were on board now, you would experience those marvelous things. What would you do if you met an alien from out space? Câu điều kiện loai 3: điễn tả điều kiện không có thật hoặc trái ngợc với thực tế quá khứ . If he had come last night, he could have helped her son. - Or: hoặc là ( lựa chọn)/ or (else) : nếu không ( điều kiện) Which is bigger: Ha Noi or Ho Chi Minh City? Do you study English or French? Hurry up or (else) we will be late for the bus. I. Conditional Sentences: Type I 1. If I see him I (give) him a lift. 2. The table will collapse if you (stand) on it. 3. If he (eat) all that he will be ill. 4. If I find your passport I (telephone) you at once. 5. The police (arrest) him if they catch him. 6. If he (read) in bad light he will ruin his eyes. 7. Someone (steal) your car if you leave it unlocked. 8. What will happen if my parachute (not open)? 9. If he (wash) my car I'll give him 10. 10. If she (need) a radio she can borrow mine. 11. If you (not go) away I'll send for the police. 12. I'll be very angry if he (make) any more mistakes. 13. If he (be) late we'll go without him. 14. She will be absolutely furious if she (hear) about this. 15. If you put on the kettle I (make) the tea. 16. If you give my dog a bone he (bury) it at once. If Clause, Main clause Simple present Will/can/must/ + V If Clause, Main clause Simple past Would/could + V If Clause, Main clause Past perfect tense Would/could have + VpII 17. If we leave the car here it (not be) in anybody's way. 18. He'll be late for the train if he (not start) at once. 19. If you come late they (not let) you in. 20. If he (go) on telling lies nobody will believe a word he says. 21. Unless he (sell) more he won't get much commission. 22. If I lend you Ј10 when you (repay) me? 23. We'll have to move upstairs if the river (rise) any higher. 24. If he (work) hard today can he have a holiday tomorrow? 25. Ice (turn) to water if you heat it. 26. If the house (burn) down we can claim compensation. 27. If you (not like) this one I'll bring you another. 28. Unless you are more careful you (have) an accident. 29. Tell him to ring me up if you (see) him. 30. If I tell you a secret, you (promise) not to tell it to anyone else? 31. If you (not believe) what I say, ask your mother. 32. If he (like) the house will he buy it? 33. If you will kindly sit down I (make) enquiries for you. 34. Unless I have a quiet room I (not be able) to do any work. 35. She won't open the door unless she (know) who it is. 36. Should you require anything else please (ring) the bell for the attendant. II.Conditional Sentences: Type II 1. If I had a typewriter I (type) it myself. 2. If I (know) his address I'd give it to you. 3. He (look) a lot better if he shaved more often. 4. If you (play) for lower stakes you wouldn't lose so much. 5. If he worked more slowly he (not make) so many mistakes. 6. I shouldn't drink that wine if I (be) you. 7. More tourists would come to this country if it (have) a better climate. 8. If I were sent to prison you (visit) me? 9. If someone (give) you a helicopter what would you do with it? 10. I (buy) shares in that company if I had some money. 11. If he (clean) his windscreen he'd be able to see where he was going. 12. If you drove your car into the river you (be able) to get out? 13. If you (not belong) to a union you couldn't get a job. 14. If I (win) a big prize in a lottery I'd give up my job. 15. What you (do) if you found a burglar in your house? 16. I could tell you what this means if I (know) Greek. 17. If everybody (give) Ј1 we would have enough. 18. He might get fat if he (stop) smoking. 19. If he knew that it was dangerous he (not come). 20. If you (see) someone drowning what would you do? 21. I (be) ruined if I bought her everything she asked for. 22 If you slept under a mosquito net you (not be) bitten so often. 23. I could get a job easily if I (have) a degree. 24. If she (do) her hair differently she might look quite nice. 25. If we had more rain our crops (grow) faster. 26. The whole machine would fall to pieces if you (remove) that screw 27. I (keep) a horse if I could afford it. ' 28. I'd go and see him more often if he (live) on a bus route. 29. If they (ban) the sale of alcohol at football matches there might be less violence. 30. I (offer) to help if I thought I'd be any use. ' 31. What would you do if the lift (get) stuck between two floors? 32. If you (paint) the walls white the room would be much brighter. 33. If you (change) your job would it affect your pension? 34. If you knew you had only six weeks to live how you (spend) those six weeks? 35. You wouldn't have so much trouble with your car if you (have) it serviced regularly. 36. I'd climb over the wall if there (not be) so much broken glass on top of it. III.Conditional Sentences: type III 1. If I had known that you were in hospital I (visit) you. 2. The ground was very soft. But for that, my horse (win). 3. If you (arrive) ten minutes earlier you would have got a seat. 4. You would have seen my garden at its best if you (be) here last week. 5. But for his quickness I (be) killed. 6. I shouldn't have believed it if I (not see) it with my own eyes. 7. If he had slipped he (fall) 500 meters. 8. If he had asked you, you (accept)? 9. If I (had) a map I would have been all right. 10. If I (know) that you were coming I'd have baked a cake. 11. I (offer) to help him if I had realized that he was ill. 12. If you had left that wasp alone it (not sting) you. 13. If I (realize) what a bad driver you were I wouldn't have come with you. 14. If I had realized that the traffic lights were red I (stop). 15. But for the fog we (reach) our destination ages ago. 16. If you had told me that he never paid his debts I (not lend) him the money. 17. If you (not sneeze) he wouldn't have known that we were there. 18. If you (put) some mustard in the sandwiches they would have tasted better. 19. The hens (not get) into the house if you had shut the door. 20. If he had known that the river was dangerous he (not try) to swim across it. 21. If you (speak) more slowly he might have understood you. 22. If he had known the whole story he (not be) so angry. 23. I shouldn't have eaten it if I (know) that there was ginger in it. 24. If I (try) again I think that I would have succeeded. 25. You (not get) into trouble if you had obeyed my instructions. 26. If you hadn't been in such a hurry you (not put) sugar into the sauce instead of salt. 27. If I (be) ready when he called he would have taken me with him. 28. She had a headache; otherwise she (come) with us. 29. If she had listened to my directions she (not turn) down the wrong street. 30. If you (look) at the engine for a moment you would have seen what was missing. 31. Rome (be captured) by her enemies if the geese hadn't cackled. 32. He would have been arrested if he (try) to leave the country. 33. I (take) a taxi if I had realized that it was such a long way. 34. You (save) me a lot of trouble if you had told me where you were going. 35. They would have forced their way into the house if I (not call) for help. 36. If he had put out his pipe before putting it in his pocket he (not burn) a hole in his coat. IV.Write sentences with IF“ ” 1. They drive carelessly. They get some problems. 2. We don’t have enough money, so we don’t buy those new comics. 3. She is not free today, so she can’t go to the movie with her friend. 4. He is so lazy. He fails in the final exam. 5. The weather is not fine. The children don’t play out doors. 6. She’s not interested in cooking. She doesn’t learn how to prepare a meal from her mother. 7. Thu cannot swim, so she doesn’t go to the swimming pool with her friend. 8. Lan has a lot of homework, so she doesn’t watch her favorite program on TV. 9. There is gravity, so people have weight. 10. It doesn’t snow, so we don’t go skiing. 11. Today isn’t New Year Day, so we don’t wear new clothes. 12. It’s not sunny today, so the farmer cannot dry their rice. 13. She doesn’t keep the refrigerator door closed, so she cannot save the energy. 14. The students miss the school bus so they are late for school. 15. She isn’t happy. She doesn’t get good marks. 16. The coffee is hot, so my mother can’t drink it. 17. Hoa doesn’t live with her parents. She misses them. 18. Phong isn’t tall enough to reach the top of the shelf. 19. Ba isn’t fast enough to catch the school bus. 20. Tam isn’t strong enough to lift that heavy box. 21. Thu doesn’t run fast enough. She doesn’t win the race. 22. These children don’t drink milk. They are not tall and healthy. 23. People use so much oil that there will be a shortage of oil in the future. 24. The girls are not skillful enough to make dresses for their dolls. 25. I don’t have an alarm clock, so I am late for school. V. Choose the word that are incorrect: 1. I sued to working overtime when I lived there. 2. She tried her best to contribute for her company. 3. What did we used to think of our earth? 4. She kept tell about her trip abroad. 5. Many kinds of tigers are at danger now. 6. Whales are similar of human in some ways. 7. My sister goes shopping with her friends each three months. 8. Thinh has difficult in quietly sit in the classroom. 9. Dogs are in risk outside at night. 10. They look forward to the decrease on the rate of inflation. II. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb in bracket: 1. If I (be) …………… you, I (apply)…………………. for a job as soon as possible. 2. If I (speak) …………………. perfect English, I (not need) …………………. to take the exam. 3. If he (be) …………………. taller, he ( be able) …………………. to join the police. 4. You (not be) …………………. to travel next week unless you (get) …………………. a visa. 5. If the weather (be) …………………. nice next weekend, they (go) …………………. to the country. 6. Unless you (hear) …………………., otherwise, I (come) …………………. at 8.15 7. If I (be) …………………. the Prime Minister, I (make) …………………. a lot of changes. 8. If my headache (not go away) …………………. soon, I (take) …………………. an aspirin. III. Rewrite the following sentences, using If clause 1. I …. she…… stay there. A. not think ….shouldn’t B. don’t …think C. think ….not should D. think not … should 2. If I had money, I …that car . A. would buy B. will buy C. bought D. buy 3. The building is divided … four parts. A. in B. on C. into D. of 4. She … the newspaper to prove her story. A. made B. said C. thought D. challenged. 5. They won thanks to … modern weapons. A. sophisticated B. comfortable C. dependent D. excited 6. The police are …… the murder. A. searching B. investigating C. providing D. contributing. 7. Understanding the economics …. them make risk easily. A. help B. helping C. helps D. to help 8. They are measuring the … of the river. 9. She lives …….of her parents. A. independently B. independently C. dependent D. dependently 10. The school supplied its students … reference books. A. on B. for C. with D. of 11. My grandmother ….hard . A. breath B. breathed C. breathing D. breathable 12. She is filling the bottle ….water. A. about B. on C. with D. in 13. His good health contributed……… his success. A. of B. on C. in D. to 14. Thanks… your help, I could finish my report well. 15. She’s always thinking …. her parents. A. for B. to C. of D. on 16. Susan always keeps her room… A. cleanness B. cleaning C. cleaned D. clean 17. If you … the prize, you would become a millionaire. 18. It is interesting … that game. A to play B. to playing C. play D. plays 19. His job seems to be …… risk. A. on B. in C. to D. at 20. He has a large family to ……. A. food C. feeder B. feed D. feeding. Complete the second sentences, using the word given so that the meaning stays the same as the first one: 1. She is so busy that she can come to the party  If she could 2. John asked Mary “ Can you lend me some money?”  John asked Mary . could 3. It’s three months since she started learning English  She . for 4. I haven’t got the money, so I’m not going on holiday  If I . would 5. She said “I’ll call the police if you don’t leave immediately”  She threatened 6. Although she had set off late, Jenny caught the train  Despite . managed 7. Nobody thought Alan was good enough to win the championship  Nobody though Alan . capable 8. I could probably touch my toes if I tried  I able Reading Scientists are still curious ……………(1) the effects of the oceanographic phenomenon (2) ………… El Nino, which occurs in the south – west Pacific Ocean. There is no (3) ………… , however, about the reason (4) ………….its occurrence. every few years, a rise in surface temperatures due to a temporary decrease in trade winds make sea levels (5) ……., and waves head north – east up the coast of South America. El Nino is noted for its effect on local climates, but recent research has shown that it is also (6) ……………. for wider atmospheric changes, resulting for example, in temporary drought in Sahel or failure of the maize harvest in Zimbabwe. Now scientist (7) …… in oceanographic research are working on a new theory, that El Nino can produce changes in ocean patterns that may last for decades. Computers at the Naval Research Laboratory in Mississippi, fed with the latest satellite information on sea temperatures and wave heights, show that giant waves that roll across the Pacific may be the result of a previous El Nino, (8)……… will continue to affect the circulation of the North Pacific for years to come. 1. A. on B. of C. in D. about 2. A. called B. call C. calling D. to call 3. A. doubtful B. doubt C. doubtfully D. doubtfulness 4. A. for B. of C. on D. in 5. A. rising B, rises C. rise D. rose 6. A. necessary B. important C. famous D. responsible 7. A. concerned B. involved C. worried D. considered 8. A. who B. that C. which D. what . CONDITIONAL SENTENCES - if: nếu - unless: nếu không, trừ phi: Câu điều kiện loai. English or French? Hurry up or (else) we will be late for the bus. I. Conditional Sentences: Type I 1. If I see him I (give) him a lift. 2. The table will

Ngày đăng: 01/12/2013, 19:11

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