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Unit 1 Family Lie

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- Knowledge: read a passage talking about home life and daily routines?. - Aims: After the lesson student will be able to:2[r]


Period: 3 Period: 3

Date of planning: 06/08/2010 Date of planning: 06/08/2010 Date of teaching: 13/08/2010 Date of teaching: 13/08/2010




Lesson 1:


- Time allotted: 45 minutesTime allotted: 45 minutes

- Knowledge: read a passage talking about home life and daily routines

- Knowledge: read a passage talking about home life and daily routines - Aims: After the lesson student will be able to:

 Understand the passage about home life

 Have practiced the skill of understanding the meaning of words/ phrases/ sentences in context

 Have practiced the skill of reading for specific information - Reference: textbook and teacher’s book

- Teaching aids: textbook, blackboard,


Content Teacher’s Students’


Warm up : Communicative activity: How many people are there in your family? Who are they?

2 What’s your father/ mother’s jobs? Who is the breadwinner?

In the past, usually the man is the breadwinner Therefore we have this saying:

Men build the house, women make it home

- call up a good student and ask his/her questions

-Teacher says and writes on the bb the saying, then asks ss to explain it

- thanks to this saying I want to introduce you the title of Unit 1

- think & answer four/ five… farmer/… both my parents… - listen, look at the saying and explain it - copy the title



Before you read

PW Ask and answer the questions about the pictures (p.12)

Key: 1 The family is at home

The father is playing with his son The mother is helping her daughter with her study

We see a warm and peaceful scene of a happy family (where people love support each other )

- Introduce - Explain some difficult sent

- ask ss to answer the questions in pairs? - ask he answer - Feedback





during the day? * While you read :

Read the passage & the tasks that follow Task :Choose the best answer:

Key : b (He comes home late at night)

c (Men support family :women look after it) a (join hand = work together)

b (mischievous(a))

a (close-knit = having close relation) Task 2: Answer the questions:

Key: The parents are very busy at work and with their children at home They have to work long hours and sometimes they have to work at night

She is very caring woman She takes responsibility for running the household

He helps to clean the house and sometimes cooks, or mend things at weekends The daughters does

household chores and looks after the boys She attempts to win a place at university

Because they are a very close- knit family and very supportive of one another

read the passage… and the tasks that follow

- Ask Ss to read & find ideas from the text

- Feed back

- Ask ss to read the reading again & find the answer

- Ask Ss to share their answers - Go around to monitor

- Check and comment

Use the textbook : Silent reading - Answer

- Silent reading/ read the text & and try to answer the questions - Work in pairs

- PW: ask-answer

* After you read :

Talking about your family You can use some suggestions:

- take care of one another - share household chores - obey family’s rules - a peaceful family

- Give instruction - Ask ss to work in group to based on the suggestions - Comment

- make groups to the task - Report what they discuss

* Homework :

- Learn the new words by heart, - Prepare lesson - Speaking lesson

- assign homework - take note

The end Period:


Date of planning: 06/08/2010 Date of planning: 06/08/2010





Lesson 2: SPEAKING

Lesson 2: SPEAKING

- Time allotted: 45 minutes

- Knowledge: Talk about home life/ family life - Aims: after the lesson, students should be able to

 Understand more about home life, the relationship and responsibilities of family's members, talk about their family life

 Develop speaking skills: discuss home life, talk about their family life - Reference: teacher’s book

- teaching aids: lesson plan, blackboard


Content Teacher’s Student’s




* Warmer: Brainstorming

Cleaning the house

? ? Possible answers:

(cooking meals, taking out the garbage, washing the dishes , looking after the boys, repairing/ mending things, taking care of the baby)

 Today you will practice asking and answering about the household chores and family life

Task 1: Read the following sentences and tick the ones that apply to you and your family.

Note: “work” means earn money

Task 2:PW Prepare a list of questions to ask another student to find out another student to find out whether his / her family life is like your yours

- Ask Ss to find out as many answers as possible

- decide the winner ?: Who does the household chores in your family?

?: What is your main responsibility?

- introduce the new lesson

- Introduce the Task - Ask ss to tick the answer

- Call up 1-2 ss to talk about they have chosen

- say: “Can your make questions for these statements?”

- Group work (A&B)

- Write on the bb A | B … … - answer:……

- washing the dishes,… - copy down the title

- listen - work

individually to the task

- answer: Yes, No





- Help the students with the structures

Possible questions:

1 Who works in your family?

2 Who in your family does the household chores? What’s your responsibility in the family? What interests your family members share together?

5 Who you often share your secrets with?

6 Who you often talk to before making an important decision?

Task 3: Work with different partner Use the questions you have formed to ask your partner about his/ her family Note down the answer in the table.

Task 4: Tell the information you have collected to the old partner.


I talk to Tam Both his parents work but only his mother does the household chores Tam has a brother and a young sister Only his young sister helps his mother at home His father, his brother and Tam like football, but his mother and his young sister like cooking All the children in the family talk to the mother more often than to the father.


Write a short paragraph about what you have just talked

- call up the student saying YES

- based on Task and the cues in Task 2, the task

- go around to monitor and help

- then ask them to ask and answer

- correct some

- introduce the task - may gi

ve an


Questions Answer


- introduce the task - Give example

- go around to monitor, take notes the mistakes - correct some,


- assign homework

- speak out

- sit in pairs to the task (write the questions on a piece of paper) - practice in pairs - take notes

- listen - observe - the task

- return to their seat and listen - work with old partners

- take notes

THE END Period: 5

Period: 5

Date of planning: Date of planning: Date of teaching: Date of teaching:



Lesson 3: Listening Lesson 3: Listening


- Time allottedTime allotted: 45 minutes: 45 minutes


- KnowledgeKnowledge: listen to the conversation between Paul and Andrea about their family life.: listen to the conversation between Paul and Andrea about their family life -

- AimAim: After the : After the lesson, the students:

 should be able understand the conversation about family life

 Have practice doing types of listening exercise: T/F statements and note down the ideas

 Should be able to tell/ talk about their family

- Reference: teacher book

- Teaching aids: a small poster, pictures


Content Teacher’s Student’s

5 * Warm – up: Jumbled word

Rearrange the letters to make a meaningful word RINENOU

- Which word can go with “reunion”? * Before you listen

* Describing the picture

-Look at and describe the picture (p16), using the cues: What is happening in the picture?

2 How many pictures are there?/ who are they? How are they feeling? / How they look? Lead- in: In today’s listening section, you’ll hear the conversation between Paul and Andrea talking about their family

- Listen and repeat

* While you listen

Task 1: Listen to the conversation between Paul and Andrea and decide whether the statements are T or F and then correct the false statements

Answer key:

1 T F ( They not a very close)

3 F ( It is about 180 kilometers from they ….) T ( There are children in Paul’s family) T (go out to dinner)

Task 2: Note down two things that are different about Paul’s and Andrea’s families.


Paul Andrea

- introduce the exercise Ask a question

- Ask Ss to work in pairs

+ They are having a big…

+ many people + Very happy - Feedback and

-Introduce the topic of the lesson

- read the words slowly Check the stress, work out the meaning, part of speech, pronunciation

- Ask Ss to read through the questions - read the tape script twice

- Ask Ss to indivi - call some Ss to give the answers

- Feedback - introduce Task - read the tape script twice

REUNION Family reunion - Look at the pictures - Answer the teacher's questions

- copy down the title

- listen carefully - work with teacher - Repeat ind and in chorus

- Work ind to the task

- Listen to the tape carefully

- PW: compare - Listen and check the answers


His family members are not very close

His family is a close - knit one

The families often eat the meal the mother cooks at home

The family often goes out to eat when they get together

* After you listen : Discussing

The importance of family in a person's life Answer:

Family is very important It’s a place where people can share their secrets and find solutions to problems that arise Only in family, we can enjoy love and comforts We are sure to be welcome back when we have disappointments or failures in life

* Homework:

- Write about family reunion - Prepare lesson

- ask ss to share the answer

- Feedback

- introduce the task

- divide class into groups to the discussion - Feedback

- assign the homework


- Compare the answers with partners

- go to write the answer on the bb

- listen and look at the instruction - work in groups - present their discussion in front of the class

- take notes

Period: 6 Period: 6





Lesson 4: Writing

Lesson 4: Writing - Time allotted

- Time allotted: 45 minutes: 45 minutes

- Knowledge: Writing about family rules

- Aims: After the lesson, the student will be able to write letters to their pen pal about their family rules, develop writing skill

- Reference: textbook and teacher book - Teaching aids: a poster and color chalk


Stages Teacher’s Student’s

4 * WARM-UP: Guessing words FAMILY RULES

Suggestion: things that family members have to observe

- divide Ss into teams

- take part in the activities



Task (p.17):

a Adding more topics


-choosing hairstyle , clothes,…

-giving opinions when parents have important decisions - ………

b Grammar: - let s.o s.th

- allow/ permit doing sth, -allow /permit s.o to s.th, -be allowed/ permitted to s.th - have to sth,…

c Discussion: What rules you have in your family? During the school year, I am not allowed to come home late / watch TV …

2 I have to clean my house / the washing

3 My parents allow me to watch TV / go out with my friends on Saturday or Sunday…

4 My parents want me not to stay up late / chat with my friends on the phone

Task 2: Write a letter to a pen pal about your family rules

shape of the letter

Suggested writing

- get Ss to read the topics (p 17) and add more topics

- have students revise the verbs

- get Ss to work ind  pairs  groups

- get ss to read task - ask questions about the forms of a letter - go around to help Ss with difficult words - some common mistakes

- work in groups - the task

- talk about their family rules using the verbs and expressions above

- write the outline on the draft



Dear Mary,

Today, I have something interesting to tell you It’s my family’s rules Every family has its own rules Mine has a few First, during the school year I’m allowed to watch TV until I have finished my homework Sometimes my parents let me go out with my friends on Saturday or Sunday, but I must come home early Second, in my family everybody has to their share of the household chores And mine are doing the washing and preparing meals Third, my parents want me not to chat on the phone more than ten minutes How about your family rules? I am very happy with my family My parents really love me and take good care of me

Love, Daisy

HOMEWORK: Prepare Language Focus section

- correct and… - feedback

- assign homework - take note THE END

Period: 7 Period: 7


Date of teaching: Date of teaching:




Lesson 5: Language focus

- Knowledge: * Pronunciation: the pronunciation of the ending “s”

* Grammar: Tenses revision: simple past, past progressive, present perfect

- Aim: after the lesson, the student will be able to distinguish and pronounce correctly the ending

sounds / s, z / & can use correctly the simple past, past continuous and present perfect

- Reference: teacher’s book - Teaching aids:


CONTENT Teacher’s Student’s




*Warm – up : tongue twisters.

- Hang a poster on the B.B, Ask Ss to read thetongue twisters as quickly as possible If one read times he wins She sees Susie sitting in a shoe shine shop.

Where she sits she shines, and where she shines she sits I Pronunciation:

-Listen and repeat: -Practice these sentences:

II Grammar : Tense revision -Tense revision :

Poster : Use the correct tenses: simple past, past continuous or present perfect.

1 When you (buy) that car? - I (buy) it year ago

2 At this time yesterday we (play) football At p.m last Sunday we (visit) the zoo When I (have ) dinner, my friend (call) I (already/see )Titanic

*Simple past is used to denote an action happening at a specific time in the past with no relating to the present * Past continuous is used to express action that was in progress at a specific time in the past; it is also used to express action that was in progress when something else happened


Exercises (p.18) ; Ex 2( p.19)Answer key:

1 Have you seen Has written Has asked Did you give Didn’t listen Have you two met? Did you meet?

-read and ask Ss to listen and compare the difference between / z / and /s/ -walk around and help them

-read aloud -call up some -read as a model -go around

-ask Ss to the exercise

- feedback

-elicit the rules, usage from ss

-do the first as an example

-ask the answer -correct and comment

-pick out the word containing the ending sounds / s, z / and put in the correct column -listen and repeat -read in front -listen, practice in pairs

-work individually -exchange

-work with teacher

-do exercises -do ind., and then compare the answers with the partners

-give the answers



Exercise 2:

b C .3 a A B B b C B 10 C 11 B 12 C 13 c 14 A 15 A


- Redo the exercises at home

- Prepare Unit (The reading part of Unit 2)

-introduce the task t make sure ss

understand the task


-assign homework

-do individually -make group to share the answer -answer

-take note

Ngày đăng: 28/04/2021, 10:59



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