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- Have Ss work in pairs asking and answering the positions of books - Correct the mistakes?. B4..4[r]


Pre: 16 /10/2010 Unit : AT SCHOOL

Teach : 21/10/2010

Period 25 : Lesson : B3 -5

I Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson , the students will be able to know the information about one of the world’s largest libraries though the text They will review the prepositions of position and library vocabulary

- Practice listening ,speaking and reading skills for Ss

II Preparation:

- Material: text book, exercise, posters - Equipment: cassette (no)

II Teaching process 1 Class organization

7A: 7B:

2 Oral test:

Test on 15 minutes.N1

Read the passage then answer the questions bellow

Our school library is not very large ,but it is very nice It is open to all the school children from a.m to p.m In the library ,there are many kinds of books : magazines ,newspapers, novels ,and picture books Students can read in a large room They can also take books home We often go to the library , even at break time.We enjoy reading books very much

1.How is your school library?

2.What time does it open?

3.What can students in their library?

4.Can they take books home?

Keys :

1.It is not very large but it is very nice 2It opens at a.m

3.They can read a large room 4.Yes ,they can

5.Because we enjoy reading

5 Why you often go to the library?

3 Presentation: A Warm up

- Greetings


- Make example :

S1 : Where are the science books ? S2 : They are on the shelves on the right - Remark and lead in new lesson

B New lesson:

B3 Listen : Where are they ?

*Pre listening

- Ask Ss to look at the chart in the library - Give new words:

Study area(n) nơi học tập In the center of = in the middle

Librarian's desk (n) bàn người trông thư viện

- Have Ss work in groups guessing the positions of the books in the library - Call on some representatives to speak about the positions of books

* While listening

- Play the tape for Ss and ask them to check their predictions <2times> - Call on some Ss to give their answers in front of the class

- Play the tape again and check the answer - Give the correct answer :

1 Study area Science + math 3: Geography

4 + : Newspapers and magazines + : English

Librarian’s desk

- Ask Ss to compare their predictions

* Post listening

- Have Ss work in pairs asking and answering the positions of books - Correct the mistakes

B4 Read Then answer * Pre- reading

- Introduce the lesson then explain some new words + To reccive (v) : nhận

+ Congress (n) : quốc hội + To contain (v) : bao gồm + Employee (n) : nhân viên

Checking technique : Rub out and remember - Ask Ss to exerise : T or F prediction


1 The library of Congress is in New york It receives copies of all E books

3 There are over 100 million books in this library The shelves are about 300 km long

5 Over 5.000 people work in the library

- Ask some representatives to give their predictions

* While-reading

- Ask Ss to look at the text, read silently then check their predictions - Call on some Ss to give the answer

- F - F - T – F - T

- Call on some students read the text in front of the class - Correct their pronunciations

- Ask Ss to look at the text again then find out the answers for the question - Have Ss play a game : Lucky numbers < The questions in the book > – d

– Ln – e – b – LN – a – c

- Ask Ss to write the answers in their notebooks

* Post_reading

- Ask Ss to compare their school library with the library of Congress - Ask them to write the sentences

Ex : My school library in smaller than the library of Congress

4 Consolation :

- Ask Ss look at the remember and use the phrases of prepositions and pronouns to make sentences

5 Home work :

- Do exerciseB at page 26 in work book - Prepare Unit part A1

Pre: 18 /10/2010 Unit : WORK AND PLAY Teach : 23/10/2010

Period 26 -

Lesson : A1

I Objectives:

After the lesson, the students will be able to describe the work of a student at school They use the present simple tense to talk about school subjects - Practice listening and reading skills for Ss

II Preparation:

- Material: text book, exercise - Equipment:


1 Class organization

7A: 7B:

2 Oral test:

- Read B4 then answer the questions in text book P49

3 Presentation: A Warm up

A Warm up : - Greetings

- Ask Ss some questions

+ How many days a week you go to school ? + What time you go to school ?

+ What time classes start ?

+ How many subjects you learn ? + What is your favorite subject ? - Answer T’s questions

 Remark then lead in new lesson

B New lesson:

A1 Listen and read: *.Pre reading

- Introduce the lesson,then explain some new words

- Guess meanings, read new words in chorus and individually, then copy down in the notebooks

+ to learn about (v) học + to use  how to use sử dụng

+ computer science(n): tin học + to be interested in =like thích + An experiment: thí nghiện - Checking new words What and Where

* While reading

- Ask Ss to look at the books and listen to the tape(2 times) - Have Ss read the text in silent

- Have Ss read the text in silent

- Call on some students to read the text aloud - Correct their pronunciation

- Ask Ss to read the text again then fill in the grids

- Ask Ss to exchange the results with their partners - Call on one student to go to the board and write down

Classes What to Computer science


- Correct the mistake and give the correct answer + To learn how to use a computer

+ To study maps and learn how about different countries + To some experiments

- Have Ss read the question and answer in the book + Model sentences:

S1: What does Mai in her Geography class?

S2: She studies maps and learns about differentcountries

S1: What is Mai ,s favorite class?

S2:Her favorite class is Computer science

- Ask Ss to make questions and answers about Mai - Have Ss work in pairs

- Practice in front of the class

- Call on some pairs to askand answer in front of the class - Correct the mistakes if necessary

* Post reading

- Ask Ss to work in pairs asking and answering about themselves,using the questions given

1)What time your class start? 2) What you learn at school?

3) What you in your computer science class? 4) What you study in your geography class? 5) What is your favorite subject?

6)What time your classes end?

- Call on some pairs to ask and answer in front of the class - Ask Ss to based on the questions to write a passage

4 Consolidation:

- Call on some students to read their writing

5 Homework:

- Write the passage in the notebooks - Prepare A2

Pre: 22 /10/2010 Unit :


Teach : 27/10/2010

Period 27 - Lesson : A2

I Objectives:

After the lesson, the student will be able to understand about Ba,s favorite subjectives and his ability Ss know how to describe one,s favorite subject and ability, using be interested in, repair house hold appliancies

- Practice reading comprehension skills for Ss


II Preparation:

- Material: text book, exercise - Equipment:

II Teaching process 1 Class organization

7A: 7B:

2 Oral test:

Read A1 then answer the questions:

a What school does Mai go to?

b .What does Mai study in her Computer science class? c Is Mai interested in computer?

d What about you?What is your favorite subject?

3 Presentation: A Warm up

B New lesson

A2 Read, then answer the questions *Pre- reading

-Introduce the lesson:Ask Ss

Students can answer the questions in Vnamese if don’t know > + this is Ba What is he doing? P2 : He’s playing the guitar

 Introduce some new words :

+ Electronics (n) : điện tử

+ House hold appliances : đồ vật gia dụng + To repair (v) : sửa chữa

+ To be good at : giỏi + Drawing (n) : vẽ + Artist (n) : hoạ sĩ + To enjoy (v) = like + famous (a) tiếng

- Correct their pronunciation

- Checking technique : Rub out and remember - Have Ss exercise : T or F predicition 1/ Ba enjoys his school very much

2/ His favorite subject is Electronics 3/ In this class he does some experiments 4/ He is’nt good at fixing things

5/ He can help his parents at home 6/ He never goes to art club

- Have Ss work in groups

-Call on some representatives to give activities in

free time


their predictions

* While reading

- Ask Ss to read the text and check their predictions

-Call on some students to give the answers in front of the class - Correct and give the correct answers

1– T – T – F 4_F – T – F - Call on some Ss to read text aloud - Correct their pronunciation

* Questions :

-Ask Ss to read the text again to find out the answers for the questions

- Have Ss work in pairs

-Call on some pairs to ask and answer the questions in front of the class - Correct and give the answers

a/ He likes Electionics best

b/ Yes , he does He enjoys school very much c/ He learns to repair house hold appliances

d/ This subject helps him to fix his own appliances

e/ Yes , he is His drawings are very good and his teacher says “ Ba, You will be a famous artist one day”

* Post reading

- About you :

- Explain model sentences:

What are you good at? I am good at is he He is

- Have Ss work in pairs asking and answering the questions about themselves - Make model :

T : What you in your free time S : I play soccer

T : What are you goot at ? S : I am good at drawing

T : What is your favorite aubject ? S : My favorite subject is fine Arts

- Call on some pairs to practice in front of the class - Correct the mistakes if necessary

4 Consolidation:

- Ask Ss to make a survey:

Name Favorite subject Good at Fretime activity Hoa



- Have Ss work in groups

- Call on some representatives to tell about members of their group

5 Homework:

Ngày đăng: 26/04/2021, 16:47
