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lesson 15 lesson 15 l l a aims vocabulay luke lamb lemon lion b materials t cards aa bb cc dd e e f f g g i i o o p p t t u u v v z z and l l alphabet wall charts teacher made pict

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a star: h×nh ng«i sao (circle Shape Card) a diamond: h×nh thoi (square Shape Card) a heart: h×nh tr¸i tim (traingle Shape Card) an oval: h×nh tr¸i xoan (rectangle Shape Card) - T elicit[r]


Lesson 15

L l

A Aims: Vocabulay: Luke, lamb, lemon, lion.

B Materials: T Cards Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd, E e, F f , G g, I i, O o, P p, T t, U u, V v, Z z, and L l, Alphabet Wall Charts, teacher-made picture cards for new and old

vocabulary, tape player, cassette

C Procedure:

Step 1: Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Students

1A3 1A4 1A5 1A6

Step 2: Warm up and review:

- Charades Divide the class into two teams.

Step 3: The new lesson. I Presentation:

Introduce L and l.

a On the Alphabet Wall Charts, point to and review F f Ss say the letter’s name. b Show Ss the L Teacher Card and elicit the letter name

T: What s this? It s ’ L. Ss: It s ’ L.

c Point to L on the “ABC” Wall Chart T: L Make the big-letter gesture T: L Big L.

Ss repeat

d Repeat step 1c for l, using the Teacher Card. 2 Introduce /l/.

a Phonic Math Elicit the name of the letter and write it on the board phonetically:

/el/ Subtract /e/ and ask Ss to say the sound that remains eL

- e /l/

T: eL minus e equals /l/ L s sound is /l/ Ss repeat the sound.

b Point to L and l on the Alphabet Wall Charts Model the sound each time T: /l/ Ss


c Drill: Which sound? Point alternately to F f and L l alternately on the Alphabet


3 Introduce the vocabulary.

lamb: cõu (picture) lemon: qu¶ chanh (picture) lion: s tö (picture) - T elicits the vocabulary to Ss

- Ss repeat in chorus and in individuals several times

- Write the new word on the board and ask Ss the meaning of Vietnamese - Have Ss copy the vocabulary in their notebooks

Check: “Slap the board” technique. II Practice:

1 Open the books to page 28. a Find the Hidden Letter.

Ss find the hidden letter s and opoint to them ( L is on Luke’s bag, and l is on the lamb’s coller.)

b Play the cassette Ss listen and point to the picture or to the letter.

c Play the cassette again Pause after each word for the Ss to repeat Check Ss’


d Show Me T: Show me (Luke) Ss point to the correct picture Prompt Ss to answer

It s (a lemon).

2 Introduce The L Chant “ ”

a Play “ The L Chant” on the cassette Ss listen and point to the pictiures. b Play the cassette again Ss chant along with the cassette.

c Do the chant again Divide the class into two groups Give each S a pink and yellow

Color Card When Ss hear pink or yellow, they hold up the corresponding card When they hear big or small, they make the approriate gesture.

III Production:

- Bingo Ss select nine of the letters learned so far and arrange the Student Cards at

random on the grid The caller picks a card from a duplicate set of S Cards and calls out the letter The winner is the s to match three cards across, down, or diagonally

Step Summary:

- Elicit from Ss what they have learnt

Step Homework:

- Learn by heart the vocabulary


Period 38 Lesson 15

L l

(Period 2)

A Aims: Vocabulay: a star, a diamond, a heart, an oval.

Sentence pattern: What shape is it?

It’s (a star)

B Materials: Lesson 15 Wall Chart, T and S Color and Shape Cards, two puppets,

teacher-made picture cards for new and old vocabulary, tape player, cassette

C Procedure:

Step 1: Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Students

1A3 1A4 1A5 1A6

Step 2: Warm up and review:

- Board Race Divide the class into two teams Call out a colored shape S1 from each

team races to the board and touch the correct colored shape The first S to finish earns a team point

Step 3: The new lesson. I Presentation:

Introduce the new vocabulary.

a star: hình (circle Shape Card) a diamond: h×nh thoi (square Shape Card) a heart: hình trái tim (traingle Shape Card) an oval: hình tr¸i xoan (rectangle Shape Card) - T elicits the vocabulary to Ss

- Ss repeat in chorus and in individuals several times

- Point to any shaped- objects in the classroom, say (a heart), and have Ss repeat. - Have Ss make a shape on a piece of paper or draw a shape in the air with their fingers Ss hold up their shapes and say


Check: “Matching” technique (five words).

Review the question-and-answer pattern.

a Use the puppets to review Repeat Puppet A’s part and have Ss say Puppet B’s part.

Then switch parts Repeat many time until Ss can easily say both parts T: (point to a shape card) What shape is it?

Ss: It s (a star).

b Ss repeat in two groups Hold up a shape Card to cue Ss’ answers Give one of the

puppets to each group to help them remember which part to repeat Group A: (point to the shape card) What shape is it? Group B: It s (a diamond).

Reverse roles and repeat

II Practice:

1 Find the Hidden Object.

a Ss open their books to the page 32 and review the /l/ vocabulary T: Show me (luck).

Ss touch the picture and repeat the word each time

b Ss look at page 33

T: Find the Hidden Object Is there (a lamb) ? Ss: Yes, there is./ No, there isn t.

T: Where is the lion? Ss:(point) Here it is.

2 Question-and-answer pattern:

a Play the cassette Ss listen and point to the pictures.

b Play the cassette again Pause after each line for the Ss to repeat. c Chain Drill: Give each S a Shape Card as a cue.

S1: (point to S2’s card) What shape is it? Ss: It s (a heart).

d In pairs, Ss practice the question and answer Either give each pair a set of Student Shape Cards

Note: Oval has an before it A is used for words starting with a consonant;

an is is used for words starting with a vowel. III Production:

- Throw a Bean Bag Make boxes with shapes on them A S picks a Shape Card

(assign different points to each shape) and tries to throw the beanbag into the box with that shape The S who gets the most points is the winner

Step Summary:

- Elicit from Ss what they have learnt


- Learn by heart the vocabulary - Practice the sentence pattern

Step Evaluation:

Ngày đăng: 13/04/2021, 17:04
