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 Allow the students some time to colour in the pictures of the words that start with the L sound.  Go around the classroom providing any necessary help Activity 3 (5mins)[r]


Date of preparing: 21/5/2020 Week 26 Period 55

Unit 12: Letter L

Lesson 2

I Objectives:

1 Knowledge By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:  Recognize and say the three Llwords correctly

 Do the corresponding actions  Read the story

 Sing letter Ll song

*Vocabulary: Who, has, a the

*Intergrate skills: Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing * Sight words: I, like, too

2 Skills:

- Develop Ss speaking, reading and listening skills 3 Attitude: Educate Sts to love their lesson Work hard


1 Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette. 2 Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.


- Work in pairs , individual, in groups … IV PROCEDURE:

1 Class organization :

- Greeting: Good morning/ Good afternoon How are you? - Checking for the students’ attendence:

Class Date of teaching Absent Students

1A 27/05/2020 ………

2 Warm up :5’ - Greet students

- Show the phonics cards, ask students to corresponding actions then say the sound of the letter and words

3 New lesson

Teacher’s and students’ activities Content Act (15')

Encourage the students to point to the picture of the word that the teacher says

Play the CD Have the students listen to the story once Play the CD again The students listen and point to the pictures of the key words when they hear them in the story


Read the story The students follow their books Teacher reads the printed words then let the students

look at the pictures and say the words

Ask students work in pairs One reads while the other checks, then they change roles Or one reads the printed words while the other looks at the pictures and says the words

* Activity: Say the Sight Words (5')

Point to and say the sight words: look, at, the, has, a, fly Have students repeat

Have some students read them aloud Act (5')

Put up the lemon, lion and lollipop phonics cardson the board

Point to the lion and say: “the lion has a lollipop, hurrah, hurrah!” The students repeat.

Follow the same procedure and present the rest of the song

Play the CD The students listen and sing along Play the CD again The students sing and

corresponding actions

5 Song

4 Consolidation: (3’) 5 Homelink: (2’)

Review the new words, model sentences 6 Comments:

……… ……… ……… Period 56

Unit 12: Letter L

Lesson 3,4

I Objectives:

1 Knowledge - By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:  Read and say the three Ll words correctly

 Recognize and say a new Ll word correctly *Vocabulary: Lemon, lion, lollipop, lamp

*Intergrate skills: Reading, Listening, Speaking, Writing 2 Skills:



1 Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette. 2 Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.


- Work in pairs , individual, in groups … IV PROCEDURE:

1 Class organization :

- Greeting: Good morning/ Good afternoon How are you? - Checking for the students’ attendence:

Class Date of teaching Absent Students

1A 29/05/2020 ………

…… 2 Warm up :2’

Divide class into two teams

Ask students from two teams to come to the board and write down as many letters from previous lessons as possible in a limited time

The teams with the most correct letters wins 3 New lesson

Teacher’s and students’ activities Content Act 1.(5')

Ask students to look at the picture in the book and name each object

Decide the beginning sound for each word of the picture

Ask students to circle the letter which is at the beginning of the words of the pictures

Have some individuals point to the items and the letter and say them again

Act 2(5')

Listen point and repeat

Show the students the lamp phonics card Point to it and say: / l / - lamp Ask them to repeat

Mime turn on a lamp and say: / l / - lamp Encourage the students to the same

Point to the pictures, the students corresponding actions and say the words

Play the CD, students listen and repeat

Ask students to work in pair: The first student point to the pictures and the other student say the word then change the roles


Point to the pictures and have students name them

6 Say the worsds Circle the right letters


Allow the students some time to colour in the pictures of the words that start with the L sound

Go around the classroom providing any necessary help Activity (5mins)

Write on the board the big L and small l

Point to the letter L and say out loud “This is the letter L/el/The letter L says /l/.”

Point to the letter land say out loud “This is the letter l /el/The letter l says /l/.”

Have the class repeat its sound chorally, then individually

Have the students say the sound individually, correct the pronunciation if necessary

Act 4: (5mins) Reading and tracing

Ask students to read the sounds and the objects in each question in the book

Ask students to trace the big and small letters in the book


Students read the objects again and decide what sound is at the beginning of the words in the pictures

Ask students to match the sounds with the

corresponding words of the pictures by using a pencil and a ruler to draw a line

Act (5mins)

Ask students to name the pictures in their activity book, Have students definewhich pictures have the words

begin with thel sound

Ask students to circle the pictures which have just been defined

Go around and ask students to repeat the words of the picture they are circling

Have the students write the letter Ll into their activity book

Act (5 mins)

Have students to read the words in each picture Check the meanings of the words

Ask students to draw the pictures of lemon and lollipop into their book

Give students some time to colour their pictures

Co around and ask individuals to name the picture they are drawing

1.Trace and say

2 Trace and match

3 Which ones begin with the l sound? Circle Then write the letter Ll

4 Draw and colour


5 Homelink: (2’)

Review the new words, model sentences 6 Comments:

Ngày đăng: 12/04/2021, 16:20
