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Lesson plan English 9 ky I

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Practice speaking and writing about your picnic ( Write the passage after correction in your notebook.) 2. By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use the simple past with Wish, [r]



Teacher : Phung Thi Minh Thanh Period :

Son Loc Secondary School Date : 24/8/2008 School year : 2008- 2009 26/8/2008



/ Aims

Help ss revise some tense of verbs, passive form, reported speech

II/ Objective:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to remember some tense of verbs past simple, present perfect tense, passive form, reported speech :

III/ Teaching aids: workbook




Warm up


“’ Chatting ‘ How are you ?

Do you like your summer vacation ?

What did you on your summer holiday ? Where did you go ?

I/ Tense of verbs

1/ Past simple tense

T – remind ss to remember something about the past simple tense

* When to use the past simple tense ? - Form of verbs ?

( Regular verbs : V-ed , Irregular verbs ) Get ss to remind some irregular verbs :

Do, go, have, buy, see, meet, teach, begin, … - Structures of the past simple ?

Ask ss to make some sentences using past simple 2/ Present perfect tense

T- remind ss

- Form ? Have + PP - The use ?

- Structures?

Ask ss to make some sentences using Present perfect tense

Notice : For, Since

Get ss to exercise IV (p 49 ) in BaitapTiengAnh

II/ Reported speech

Get to tell some thing about the reported speech - Statement ?

- Advise ?

Some words must be changed in reported speech Ask ss to exercise V(p 36 ) in BaitapTiengAnh

III/ Passive form

T- Wc

T- Wc

Pair work

Pair work


Home work

Get ss to remember some form of verbs in the passive form

- Present simple tense - Past simple tense - With modal verbs

Ask ss to exercise III(p 104 ) in BaitapTiengAnh

Home work ;

Revive other grammar of English Prepare for English



Teacher : Phung Thi Minh Thanh Period : 12 Son Loc Secondary School Date : 4/10/2008 School year : 2008- 2009 7/10/2008

Unit 2- Clothing ( periods )

Lesson 6: Language Focus ( p.19- 21)

1 Objective:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use “ already “ and “ yet “ in the present


2/Teaching aids: Sts' and teacher's book

II Procedure:

1.Warm up: Revision: The Present Perfect Tense

T says: - You have learnt E since 2001 ( asks Ss to use “ for “) Or - You / We have learnt E for years

Perfect tense with "since" and "for" and, recently, How long ( T elicits from Ss )

- Since : We use "since" when we say a start of a period - For : We use "for " when we say a period of time

Both "Since" and "for", can be used to answer the question: " How long have/ has + S + past participle "

- Recently : we use "recently" to indicate an incomplete period of time - How long is used when we want to ask a period of time of an action ( Present perfect )

- When is used when we want to ask a start of time of an action ( past tense )

The difference between the Simple past and the Present perfect

- The present perfect is used to talk about something which started in the past and

continue up to the present

- The simple past is used to talk about something which started in the


and finished in the past Practice:

a Language Focus ( p 19 ) :

* Ex1: Substitution table- Language Focus 1:

Ss read the dialogue " in pairs" then make similar dialogues using the information from the substitution the table P 20

- T has some pairs practice their dialogue before the class

b Language Focus ( p 20 ): The present perfect with "already" & "yet" * Set the scene: You and your friend are visiting HCM city Look at the notes,

there are things you have done, and some things you haven't done What are they?

T asks Ss to look at the dialogue * read in chorus: Ss- Have you seen Giac Lam Pagoda yet?

Ss- Yes, I have already seen it

Ss- Have you eaten Vietnamsese food yet? Ss- No, I haven't

T elicits from Ss the use and the position of "already" and "yet" in the sentence

- "already" is used in affirmative sentences Position: middle of the sentence


* Ex2: Matching and practice the dialogues- Language Focus ( yet /already)

Ss match the verbs with the words or phrases

See Giac Lam Pagoda Be to Dam Sen Amusement Park

Visit Reunification Hall Eat Vietnamese food Be to the zoo and Botanical Gardens

Example exchange: ( in pairs )

You- Have you seen Giac Lam pagoda yet? S1- Yes, I've already seen it

You- Have you eaten Chinese food? S1- No, I haven't

You: , ? S1: , c Language focus ( p 20- 21 ):

- Ss read the example carefully

- T elicits and focuses on the difference between the present perfect tense and

the simple past ( have you seen ? l When did you see ?)

- T has Ss read the words in the box P 20 and find a suitable verb that

can go

with each word Example

a read a comic b use a computer c go to the supermarket

d be to the movies e be to Singapore f be to Hue g play football h eat durian i see an elephant * Ex3: Make the dialogues by playing: Noughts and crosses ( group work )

1- b 2- a 3- e

4- g 5- d 6- I

7- f 8- c 9- h

Ss make up a similar dialogue with the word given Example Exchange:

a S1- Have you ever read a comic? S2- Yes l have ( No, l haven't)

S1- When did you last read it? S2- This morning S1- How was it? S2- It was interesting d The Passive Form: Revision

- Ss read the examples given in Language focus 4, P 21 carefully - T uses the example This exercise must be done carefully to show Ss how to write passive sentence with some model verbs like / can / should / might / have / has to / be going to




* Ex5: Practice

- Ss exercises orally in language focus ( P 21 ) and language focus ( P 21

- T has Ss give their answers and does direct correction if necessary Homework:

Rewrite language focus 4, into your notebook Make the dialogues- language focus

learn by heart the notes you've review English test 45 minutes

LESSON PLAN ENGLISH Teacher : Phung Thi Minh Thanh Period : 15

Son Loc Secondary School Date : 11/10/2008 School year : 2008- 2009 14/10/2008 Unit : A trip to the countryside

Lesson : Getting started

Listen and read ( p.22- 23 ) I/ Aims

Introduce life and activities in the countryside II/ Objective:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about life and activities in the countryside

III/ Teaching aids: Sts' and teacher's book, pictures Procedure





- Ss look at the pictures ,then work with their partners, take turns to talk about activities in the countryside ( Ss speak out )

A woman is watering the flowers Three boys are swimming

A woman is feeding the chickens Two women are harvesting the rice A man is feeding the pig

A man is flowing with his buffalo A boy on the back of the buffalo is flying his kite

Three boys are playing soccer

- T has Ss give their answers and T should focus on the present progressive tense I Pre- teach: New words

- T elicits from Ss to teach the new words by asking the questions

+ Who has your home village? + How often you visit your home village?

+ How you get there ?

+ What can you see on the way to your village ?

banyan tree (n): đa ( picture ) shrine (n): đền, nơi thờ cúng ( picture ) hero (n): (ngời) anh hùng / nhân vật ( example )

entrance (n): lèi vµo ( visual )

bamboo forest (n): rõng tre (picture ) riverbank (n): bê s«ng ( drawing ) * Checking: What and where

II/ Presentation text:

Listen and read ( P 22- 23 ) * Set the scene:

Before reading the text about Liz 's trip to Ba's village Let Ss read the statements on P 23 and predict if they are true or false * Ex1: T/ F statements prediction

( Ss work in pairs )

- Ss listen to the tape and read the text in silence to check their predictions

Answer key:

1.F 2.T 3.F 4.F 5.T 6.F 7.T 8.F 9.T Correction the false statements: ( orally )

Ba and his family had a day trip to their home village

There is a big old banyan tree at the entrance to the village

Liz had lunch under the banyan tree People had a picnic on the river bank Liz took a lot of photos to show the trip to her parents

* Ex2: Comprehension questions ( in pairs ) Ss work with their partners ,






Further Practice


ask and answer the questions

Ss write the answers in their note books T works with weak Ss to give them help Ss swap their notebooks with their partners to help each other correct the mistakes if necessary

T has Ss give their answers Answer key:

Ba's home village is about 100

kilometers to the north of Ha noi lt lies near the foot of a mountain and by a river bank

They got to the village by bus

There is a banyan tree at the entrance to the village

On the mountain they saw a shrine of a young Vietnamese hero

They had a picnic on the river bank Liz took a lot of photos to show the trip to her parents

She wishes she could visit Ba's village again some day

III/ Further Practice

* Ex3: Tell about the trip to Ba's village - Ss work in pairs , take turns to play the role of Ba to tell each other about the trip to his home village

- T gives some cues to make it easier for Ss to finish their work,

- T has some Ss practice telling about their trip before the class

+ when to go + Who to go with + How to go

+ What to during the trip + How to feel after the trip *Ss can start their speaking like this :

It was a beautiful day So I invited Liz to visit

my home town with my family We got up early and went there by bus

1 learn by heart the new words and write them Read again ( listen and read p 22- 23 ) and write the answers ( - b p 23 )

Retell about Liz's trip to Ba's home village

Pair work

Pair work



Teacher : Phung Thi Minh Thanh Period : 16

Son Loc Secondary School Date : 12/10/2008 School year : 2008- 2009 16/10/2008 Unit : A trip to the countryside

Lesson : Speak and Listen I/ Aims

Help ss practice asking for giving and listening to specific information II/ Objective:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to ask and give information about their own village

III/ Teaching aids: Sts' and teacher's book, pictures A tape Procedure



Pre- speaking

While- speaking

Brain storming : (Ss work in groups) Things you can see in the countryside

Possible answers - a rice paddy field

- a river flowing across the village - cattle

- an old house, a cottage - a vegetable garden - a fruit garden

- a banyan tree SPEAKING I/Pre- speaking:

- T asks Ss if they are asked to describe their home village, what they will mention in their description

- T elicits the answer from Ss ( place, distance, transport … ) II/ While- speaking:

* Ex1: Mapped dialogue- Speak a ( P 34 ) ( Work in pairs )

- Ss work with a partner, read the questions, then play the role of A and B ask and

answer about their partner's home village using the information given in the box Ss ask and answer about :

Location: Where is your home village Distance : How far is it from the Hanoi city?

Transport: How can you get there?

Time to get there : How long does it take to

Group work


Pair work


Post- speaking

Pre- listening

get there?

Things people often for a living: What people often for a living? The sights: Does your village have a river

How are the sights there? Feelings : How you think about your village/ How often you go there ?

A- Where is your home village? B- It's to the west of the city and

A- How far is your home village from here? B- It's 15 kilometres and your village? A-How you travel there?

B- I usually go by motorbike A- How long does it take? B- An hour

A-What the people in your village for a living?

B-They plant rice and raise cattle A- Is there a river in your village? B- No, but there is a big lake

* Ex2: Mapped dialogue- Speak b ( P 24 )

- Ss work with their partners ask and answer about their real village

( Ss use their real information about their real village If they don’t have a real village

they can make up the information in box A or B ) - T monitors and gives help

- T has some pairs to perform their dialogues before the class

* Ex3 : Write it up

Ss write about their real home village - Ss can start their writing like this:

-I was born in the countryside It's about 145 kilometers from the city I live now It is

near the sea So every year I pay several visits to my home village

- Hai phong city is my home village It's about 105 kilometers from Ha Noi

a Pre- teach: New words

(a) route (n): tuyến đờng, lộ trình ( exp- a way from one place to another ) (a) pond (n): ao ( picture / drawing ) parking lot = car park:

khu vực để xe ô tô ( picture ) (to) pick somebody up: đón ( trans ) > < (to) drop somebody at ( off ) Dragon bridge (n): cầu Hàm Rồng * Checking: R O & R

b Set the scene:

Let Ss look at the map ( p 25 ) You are going to listen about Ba’s trip to his home

village Now answer the questions first, then guess

Pair work

Pair work

Pair work

Pair work


While- listening

where the place on the map are: ( T asks & Ss answer )

Where did Ba and his family go last Sunday? (to his home village)

How did they go? (By bus)

What did they see during their trip? ( green paddy fields, a big old banyan tree, a

shrine, mountains ,rivers ) * Ex1: Prediction:

- Ss repeat the words (1- 9), T gives any explanation if necessary

- Ss read the word again then guess the places on the map

( One writes the predictions on the board and others swap their notebooks with

their partners )

* Get Ss to listen to the tape and check and correct their false predictions

- Ss share the answers with their partners

- T has Ss give their answers and elicits from Ss if necessary

* Answer key:

airport- B Gas station- E Pond- G High way N 1- C

Banyan tree- A Store- F Bamboo forest- H Dragon Bridge- D

Parking lot- I

* Ex2: Comprehension questions

- T writes questions on the board Ss read the questions carefully then listen to the

tape again to find the answers to the questions Where did the bus collect Ba and his family?

( from his house)

2 Where did it stop to get some more fuel? (The Gas station)

3 Where did it go after leaving the high way? ( turn left onto a smaller road westward) Where did the bus go next?

(turn right , then turn left onto a road which went through a bamboo forest)

5 Did the road to Ba's home village go through a bamboo forest? (Yes)

Where did the bus drop everyone? ( at a parking lot near a banyan tree )

Ex3: Tell about Ba's trip to his home village

Write about your home village Do Exs 5, ( p 22 ) workbook




Individual Pair work


Post- listening Home work

Group work

LESSON PLAN ENGLISH Teacher : Phung Thi Minh Thanh Period : 17

Son Loc Secondary School Date : 18/10/2008 School year : 2008- 2009 21/10/2008 Unit : A trip to the countryside

Lesson 3: Read I/ Aims

Help ss read the text for the details about the country life in the USA II/ Objective:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand a life of an exchange student and summarize the text about his life in the USA

III/ Teaching aids: Sts' and teacher's book, pictures A tape



ARRANGEMENT Warm up Brain storming

( Ss think about things people for their life) Possible answers:

Grow ( plant) rice, corn, vegetables Raise chickens, pigs, cattle


Pre- reading

While reading

Work hard

Busy all year round Have a hard life Struggle with nature I

/ Pre teach vocabulary (to ) exchange

Exchange (n) : trao đổi

Exchange students : trao đổi du học sinh Nearby (adj ); kế bên, lân cận

(to) complete : hoµn thµnh * Set the scene :

Van is a student He is from Ho Chi Minh City Now he is studying in the USA He is

living with the Parker family on a farm *Ask ss to predict the answers for questions Pre- questions: ( ask and answer ) Where is the farm?

Does he enjoy his stay there? Get feedback from ss

* Ask - Ss to read the text and answer the pre- questions

Answer key:

lt's 100 km outside Columbus, Ohio Yes, he does

* Ex1: Matching ( Read a P 26)

- Ss read the text again and guess the meaning of the word by matching

- T elicits the answers from Ss and helps them practice saying the words or phrases

- ( T adds two more phrases : an exchange student( du häc sinh ) / feel like )

Answer keys:


Maize Bring things together An exchange student Shorter and less than standard time

Feed Where people buy food and small things Part –time Corn Collect Enjoy

Feel like Someone who goes broad to study and often has home stay Grocery Give food to eat * Ex2: Gap filling ( Read b P 26)

- Ss read and complete the summary using the information from the passage

- Ss pair compare their answers - T elicits the answers from them Answer key:

Ohio , Columbus .a farmer

works part time at a big grocery store

T- Wc

T- Wc Individual


Pair work


Post- reading


works part time at a big grocery store Van

Sam after school farm on the weekend .watches , .baseball .member

10 .beginning

- T lets Ss read the text again, try to remember as many things about the Parker's life as possible * Ex3: Answer the questions- Lucky Number ( Ss work in groups )

1 10

h b c LN g d LN e a f

a Where is Van now? ( In the USA ) b Who is he living with? ( With the Parker family on a farm )

c Where is the farm? ( 100 km outside Columbus Ohio )

d What Mrs and Mr Parker everyday? ( Mr Parker grows maize on his farm

Mrs Parker works part time at a grocery store in a town nearby )

e How many children have they got? ( They have got two children They are Peter and Sam )

f What has Van learnt since his arrival ? ( He has learnt a lot about life on a farm since his arrival )

g Does he feel like his stay there ? why? ( Yes Because they are so nice to him ) h What does he every?

( He completes his home work, feeds the chickens and then collects eggs )

Learn by heart new words and write them, Read the text many time and write

summary into your notebook Do Exs 4, 10 ( p 21, 24, 25 ) workbook


Group work

Group work


LESSON PLAN ENGLISH Teacher : Phung Thi Minh Thanh Period : 18

Son Loc Secondary School Date : 20/10/2008 School year : 2008- 2009 23/10/2008 Unit : A trip to the countryside

Lesson 4: WRITE ( P.26,27 ) I/ Aims

Help ss practice writing a passage II/ Objective:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use the simple past tense to write a short passage about " a countryside picnic " basing on the pictures and the information given III/ Teaching aids: Sts' and teacher's book, pictures



ARRANGEMENT Warm up - Revision:

Get ss to Write the simple past and the past participle of the verbs

T has Ss write their answers on the board and elicits the correction from Ss if necessary

(to) take- took- taken (to) run- ran -run

(to) put- put - put (to) catch- caught- caught


Pre- writing

While- writing

(to) lay - laid - laid ( to) blow- blew- blown

* Ss it themselves first , then pair compare, read in chorus

*Or: Chatting:

( T & Ss or T elicits the questions from Ss ) Have you ever gone on a picnic? When did you go?

How did you get there? What did you there?

When did you come back home? How was the picnic?

a Pre- teach: New words

(a) blanket: chăn, mền ( picture ) (to) lay out: tr¶i, dän ( mime )

(to) gather: tập trung, thu lợm, thu hái mïa mµng (trans )

site (n): địa điểm ( trans ) picnic site: nơi / địa điểm dã ngoại

* Checking: What and Where b Set the scene:

T says: -You and your friends had a picnic in the countryside

- Write a passage entitled “A country trip." * Ex1: Picture and word cue drill

- T has Ss read the words and ask for any explanation if necessary

- Ss look at the words given and the pictures on page 26, 27, work with their partners to tell about their trip

- T monitors and gives help Then calls some Ss to talk about their trip before the class

( Maybe, each student for one sentence ) Other Ss listen and give remarks

* Ex2: Writing about A countryside picnic - Ss work in groups of ( one of them is the secretary to write their groups writing on a poster )

Models the first sentence and writes on the board: It was a beautiful day, my friends and I decided to go on a picnic

- T monitors , gives help and takes notes of the most typical mistakes

Suggested answer:

It was a beautiful day So my friends and I decided to go on a picnic We took a bus to

the countryside and walked about 20 minutes to the picnic site next to a river.

When we arrived, we put down the blankets and laid out the food After meal we

played some games such as "what song is it? And “blind man's buff.” Late in the

Pair work




T-WC Pair work Individual


Post- writing


afternoon we went fishing We enjoyed the picnic The wind blew gently The air was

so fresh But when we looked at the time, it was nearly 6.30 We hurriedly gathered

the things and ran to the bus stop.

We were lucky to catch the last bus and we arrived home very late in the evening.

* Correction :

- Ss swap their writing to help each other correct their mistakes Or the groups hang up

their posters on the board to correct the mistakes

- T writes their mistakes on the board and elicits the correction from Ss if necessary

1 Practice speaking and writing about your picnic ( Write the passage after correction in your notebook.) Do Ex ( p 24 )

T- Ss

LESSON PLAN ENGLISH Teacher : Phung Thi Minh Thanh Period : 19

Son Loc Secondary School Date : 24/10/2008 School year : 2008- 2009 28/10/2008 Unit : A trip to the countryside

Lesson 5: Language focus ( P 28,29 ) I/ Aims

Help ss practice in the past simple with “ WISH “,and practice in prepositions of time , adverbial clause of result

II/ Objective:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use the simple past with Wish, prepositions of

time, and adverb clauses of result

III/ Teaching aids: Sts' and teacher's book, pictures




Presentation and practice

“ Chatting”

*- Some questions about the health or the weather - T asks Ss to write down two sentences:

+ I ( real situation ) + I wish

Some Ss speak out

a Pre- teach: New words

(to) pass the exam: > < (to) fail the exam ( opposite the verbs )


(to) win the contest: ( trans )

itinerary (n): h nh tr×nh ( picture )à (to) depart: ( exp- to leave a place, usually at the beginning of a journey.) * Checking: What and Where

b Activities:

Language focus 1- ( P 28 ) - Modal verb : “could" with "wish" and the simple past tense with "wish":

T uses these sentences to help Ss revise the use of "wish"

Model sentences

Ba wishes he could have a new bicycle They wish they had a villa in Caribbean * Concept check:

T- Can Ba have a new bicycle now? S1-No, he can't

T- What does he wish? S2- He wishes he could have a new bicycle

T- Do they have a villa in Caribbean now? S3- No, they don't

T- What they wish? S4- They wish they had a villa in Caribbean

T- When we use " wish + could/ had ( simple past)?

S5- When we wish something that is not real at present

- Ss translate the two sentences into Vietnamese

* Ex1: Picture and word cue drill. ( Language focus 1- P 28)

- Ss look at the pictures and read the words given, then practice their with partners to tell what the people in the pictures wish

- T has Ss give their answer and elicits the correction from Ss if necessary

Answer keys:

a Ba wishes he could have a new bicycle b Hoa wishes she could visit her parents now

c I wish I passed the exam d We wish it didn't rain now e He wishes he could fly f They wish they stayed in Hue

*2 Language focus : prepositions of time (P.30)

- Ss revise prepositions of time,

on, in, at, between, of, after, before, until, till, up, to

* Ex2: Complete the sentences Use the prepositions on the box ( L F 2, 3- p 30 ) Ss practice orally

Answer keys :


T- Ss


Pair work Individual



a at b on c between d (2.14 pm) till e in f up to

Language focus 3: Answer keys :

a on b at , in c in d for e in f at 3 Language Focus ( p 31 ):

Adverb clauses of result * Model sentence:

Hoa passed the exam because she worked hard Hoa worked hard, so she passed the exam * Concept check:

- Is so she passed the exam in the second sentence an adverb clause of result or of reason? - of result

- T has Ss translate the two sentences into Vietnamese

* Ex4: Matching ( L F 4- P 31) Ss work in pairs to the matching

Answer keys:

1- e 2- a 3- d 4- b 5- c

Write Ex1 & Ex4 up

Do Exs 1, 2, 3, ( p 20, 23 )

Pair work



Pair work


Teacher : Phung Thi Minh Thanh Period : 20


School year : 2008- 2009 30/10/2008 Unit : Learning a foreign language

Lesson : Getting started

Listen and read ( p.22- 23 ) I/ Aims

Reading a dialogue for details about the questions in an exam II/ Objective:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the content of the dialogue about examination, to know how to learn foreign language and practice in reported requests, questions

III/ Teaching aids: Sts' and teacher's book, pictures radio Procedure




- Brain storming :

Your ways of learning English

- T gives Ss minutes to think about their ways of learning English and then write them down

T has Ss read the ways of learning English listed on page 32 and compare these ways with theirs

- T has Ss add what they don't have in their lists Do the home work

2 Do more grammar exercises in grammar books Read stories or newspapers in English

4 Write E as much as possible

5 Learn by heart all new words and texts

6 Speak E with teachers , friends and foreigners Use a dictionary for reading

8 Practice listening to E tapes or E programs on the radio Watch E TV programs

10 Learn to sing E songs

- Ss read 10 ways of learning English in chorus

a Pre-teach: New words

1 aspect (n): lĩnh vực, mặt, khía cạnh ( trans ) examiner (n): giám khảo ( exp- a person who asks questions to find out how much a person know) coming (adj): đến ( trans )

4 college (n): trờng Cao đẳng , Đại học (example ) candidate (n): thí sinh ( exp- one who takes part in an exam )

6 written examination (n): / thi viết (visual) oral examination (n): thi vấn đáp, thi nói(exp * Checking: Slap the board

b Presentation dialogue: (Listen and read p 33) * Set the scene:

Last week Lan had an oral examination of English Lan is talking to Paola about her examination

- T asks Ss to answer the pre- questions:

Pair work




Were the questions in oral exam difficult or easy? How many questions did the examiner ask Lan? * T gets ss’ feedback

Ask Ss to listen to the dialogue between Lan and Paola ( p.32-33) and check if their answers are correct or not


They are difficult ( according to Lan ) About over questions Besides, she was asked to read a passage

- Ss practice the dialogue in pairs

*Then look at the list of questions to check exactly the examiner asked her

* Ex1: Answer ( Listen and read b- p 33 ) - T elicits model sentences from Ss

Ss read in chorus, then write down * Model sentences:

Where you come from?

- The examiner asked me where I came from Do you speak any other languages?

- The examiner asked if (whether) I spoke any other languages

Read this passage

- The examiner asked me to read that passage * Concept check:

Do we say

"Where did I come from or where I came from in reported "Wh- question?

- We say where I came from

Do we use "if / whether" in "Yes- No,reported questions?

- Yes

Do we use "to infinitive / not to infinitive" in reported command and request?

- Yes

Do we change the tense of the verb in reported question when the verb in the main part of the sentence is in the simple past tense?

- Yes

Translate the model sentences intoVietnamese

* Ex2: Report the examiner's questions

- Ss practice the dialogue in pairs , then report the examiner's questions

- T has Ss report the examiner's questions before the class ( role play )


S1( an examiner )- What is your name?

S2( before class )- The examiner asked me what my name was

Direct speech Indirect speech (reported speech)

1. What is your The examiner asked me

Pair work

Pair work Individual Pair work T- ss

T- Wc


Further practice


2. Where you come from? 3. Why are you

learning English? 4. Do you speak any other languages? 5. How you learn E

in your country? 6. How will you use E

in the future? 7. What aspect of

learning E you find the most difficult?

8. Read this passage

what my name was ,

where I came from

3 why I was learning E if I

spoke any other languages .how l

learned E in my country how I

would use E in the future .what aspect of

E I found most the difficult

8 .to read that passage

* Ex3: Personalization

- T says “ imagine last week you visited your home village and you met an old friend of yours He asked you a lot of questions about your life and study Now you report your friend's questions to your classmates "

- T may give Ss some questions Suggested questions:

1 Which school you go to? How you go to school? Do you wear uniform on week days ?

4 How are you getting on with your study at school? Is your life interesting?

6 Come and see me some day Homework:

1 Learn by heart the new words and write them Remember the model sentences

3 Write Ex2, up


LESSON PLAN ENGLISH 9 Teacher : Phung Thi Minh Thanh Period : 21

Son Loc Secondary School Date : 3/11/2008 School year : 2008- 2009 6/11/2008 Unit : Learning a foreign language

Lesson 2: Speak ( p 33- 34 ) I/ Aims

Practice speaking to persuade someone to something II/ Objective:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know how to persuade their friends to something

III/ Teaching aids: Sts' and teacher's book, posters Procedure



Pre- speaking

Brain storming :

Ways of expressing ideas

- T elicits from Ss the answers:

- You saw an advertisement on a newspaper, saying that there's an interesting English

language course You want to invite your friends to attend this course, what would you say? ( I think l Let's l We should .l Why don't we )

- T has Ss open their books and read the expressions given ( p 34 ) T asks them to add any expressions that they don't have in their list

- Ss read the expressions again a Pre teach: New words

scholarship (n): häc bæng ( exp- a payment of money to a clever student to enable him to continue his studies )

dormitory (n) = student hostel: c x¸ / ký túc xá sinh viên ( exp- the place where students of colleges or universities live )

campus (n): khuôn viên trờng ( exp- the ground of a school, college or university )

reputation (n): danh tiÕng ( synonym: fame ) approximately (adv): gần, khoảng = nearly, almost ( trans )

native speaker (n): ngêi b¶n xø ( exp- a person who speaks his mother tongue )


* Checking R O & R

* Set the scene:

- T says: Thu, Tam and Kim are awarded a scholarship of US$ 2,000 to attend an

English summer course abroad Each person tries to persuade his / her partners to

attend the school she / he likes to go to

- Ss read the three advertisements to get information While- speaking:

* Ex1: Talking about schools

- Ss read the information given about schools and tell each other about the advantages

and disadvantages of each school Some Ss speak out: ( speak in pairs )

The Brighton Language Center- UK ( Scotland ) S1 S2 - Accommodation: We can live in dormitory on campus

- Quality : The school has an excellent reputation

- Time of the course : The course lasts weeks

- Fees of the course : It costs about US$ 2,000

The Seattle School of English- USA

S1 S2 - Accommodation: We can stay with Vietnamese friends

- Quality : We can learn Western culture

- Time of the course : The course lasts weeks

- Fees of the course : It costs about US$ 1,700

The Brisbane Instituteof English Australia S1 S2 - Accommodation: We can stay with an Australian family

- Quality : The schools are quite close Viet Nam

The scenery is beautiful

- Time of the course : The course lasts weeks

- Fees of the course : It costs about US$ 1,200

* Ex2: Discussion ( Ss work in groups of three )

- Ss in groups to play the roles of Thu, Tam and Kim Each chooses one school and tries

to persuade their friends to attend the school he (she) has chosen


work in groups of three to make similar dialogues - T monitors and helps

- T has some groups practice their dialogues before the class

Example Exchange:

a Tam- I think we should go to the Seattle School of English in the USA You can stay

with Vietnamese friends

Kim- I disagree because we can’t practice speaking English with native speakers

Thu- Why don’t we go to the Brighton Language Centre in the United Kingdom?

If we go there, we can live in a dormitory on campus

Tam- But the course is too expensive It costs US$ 2,000

Kim- What you think about the Brisbane Institute of English in Australia?

It is quite close to Viet Nam and the course is the cheapest

Tam- That’s great

b S1- Congratulations! S2 ( Thu ) How wonderful you are!

S2- Thanks

S1- I think you should take the scholarship to the Briston Language Center It’s the

best way to learn E there S2- I don’t understand

S1- If we go to study E in England, we can study the traditional standard E and we

can learn the E culture, too

S2- I agree What you think about the language canter in Brighton?

S1- The center in that school has excellent reputation

S2- I think so, too And how long will the course last?

S1- Six weeks

- Other Ss listen and give remarks if necessary Post- speaking:

* Ex3: Write it up

- Ss write about the school their groups have chosen

Example :

After our discussion, We have decided to attend Brisbane lnstitute of English in

Australia because it is quite close to Viet Nam and the course is the cheapest




Teacher : Phung Thi Minh Thanh Period : 22

Son Loc Secondary School Date : 8/11/2008 School year : 2008- 2009 11/11/2008 Unit : Learning a foreign language

Lesson 3: Listen( p 35 ) I/ Aims

Practice listening for details about learning English

II/ Objective:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to tell each other about their learning English

III/ Teaching aids: Sts' and teacher's book, pictures A tape




Warm up

Pre- listening


- Brain storming : Ways of expressing ideas

* Find solution ( giải pháp ) to problems in learning English.

- Ss work in pairs to tell each other about their problem in learning English, and their partners would find a solution for them

* Example :

S1- I have problem in speaking English I find it difficult to communicate

S2- I think you should get a chance to practice speaking English with your friends and teachers or native speakers

( Listen to English programs, songs, learn songs in English / Write letters, essays, short stories, diary in English,)

* Set the scene:

T Look at this: T- Who are they? S1- They are Nga and Kate

T- Where are Nga Now? S2- Nga is in London now

T- Can Nga speak E? S3- Yes, she T- How can she speak E? What for?

S4- for her job Nga is learning English in London She has some problems in learning English She's talking to Kate, her friend about her problems * Pre- questions:

T- What problems does she have in learning English?

*- Ss listen to the tape and answer the pre- question

*Answer key:

Ss- She has problems in speaking and listening

* Ex1: True or False statements ( Ss it

Pair work

T- Wc


Individual Names Questions Answers

A Which skills are you good at? What aspect of

learning English don't you like? Why not?

3 What can you to improve your English?

Ss' answers



Teacher : Phung Thi Minh Thanh Period : 23

Son Loc Secondary School Date : 10/11/2008 School year : 2008- 2009 13/11/2008 Unit : Learning a foreign language

Lesson 4: Read( p 36 ) I/ Aims

Practice reading the advertisement to get information

II/ Objective:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to get the information about the English classes from the advertisements

III/ Teaching aids: Sts' and teacher's book, posters




Pre- reading

While- reading

- Guessing game:

- Ss write what they often to improve their English Others guess what they by asking " Do you ?." Example:

Lan writes "I listen to songs in English and learn them by heart"

Hoa- Do you talk to foreigners? Lan- No, I don't

Mai- Do you listen to programs in English?

X- What you do?

Lan- I listen to songs in English and learn them by heart

a Pre- teach: New words

intermediate (adj) level: trình độ trung cấp ( trans ) academy (n): trờng chuyên ngành / viện, học viện ~ of language: học viện ngôn ngữ ( trans ) well- qualified (adj): có trình độ cao, cấp cao ( trans )

council (n): hội đồng ( trans ) available (adj): sẵn có ( trans )

tuition (n): d¹y kÌm, d¹y nhãm / häc phÝ ( synonym- teaching, instruction )

* Checking: Slap the board b Advertisements: ( p 36 ) * Set the scene:

These are some advertisements about language classes Mr Lam wants to go to an

English language school He made a notes of what he needs Read these advertisements

and help him choose a suitable school

* Ex1: Grid ( read a P 36 ) ( Ss work in pairs ) Ss read and note down the information about the English classes from the vertisements

T has Ss give their answers and elicits the

T- Wc

Pair work


T- Wc


Post- reading


correction from Ss if necessary Answer key:

School Class time ( morning / afternoon / evening )

Language level

( beginner / intermediate / advanced )

Time to start

Academy of


Morning, afternoon, evening

advanced First week of

november Foreign

language council

Morning and evening

Beginner /

intermediate November3 New E

Institute Afternoon,evening, weekend

beginner ( today )

* Ex2: Comprehension questions (read b P.36) ( Work in pairs )

Ss read Mr Lam’s notes and answer these questions:

What classes does he want to attend? ( English classes early in the evening )

What is his level of English? ( lntermediate ) When does he want the course begin? ( ln late October or early November )

* Ex3: Which school you choose for Mr Lam and why? ( ask and answer in pairs )

- Ss work in pairs to choose a suitable language school for Mr Lam

Example exchange:

S1: Which school should Mr Lam go to? S2: l think he should go to Foreign Language Council

S1: Why?

S2: Because he can go to evening classes There he can attend classes at intermediate level And the course starts on November 3rd


Learn by heart the new words and write them Write Ex3 up

Copy the same table ( p 36 ) then survey ( ask your friends about their E course and fill in the table

( Using the questions: - What time can you go to your E class?

- Which level you choose?

- When you want to start learning? ) Do Exs 6,7 ( p 31- 32 ) workbook

Pair work

Pair work



Teacher : Phung Thi Minh Thanh Period : 24

Son Loc Secondary School Date : 16/11/2008 School year : 2008- 2009 18/11/2008 Unit : Learning a foreign language

Lesson 5: Write- A letter of inquiry( p 36- 37 ) I/ Aims

Writing a formalletter of inquiry

II/ Objective:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able towrite a letter to enquire about information of English course

III/ Teaching aids: Sts' and teacher's book, posters




Warm up

Pre- writing

- Brainstorming:

T- What kinds information you want to know if you enquire about E course?

The time fee


a Pre teach : New words

(to) request: đòi hỏi, đề nghị ( synonym- ask for

Team work


While- writing

- request (n): đòi hỏi, yêu cầu ( from the verb (to) edit: biên tập, ấn ( trans )

- editor(n): tỉng biªn tËp / - edition: Ên b¶n ( trans institution (n): sù tỉ chøc, sù thµnh lËp ( trans ) details of (n): chi tiÕt ( exp- a small part of a whole, particular fact )

fees (n): hocj phÝ, lÖ phÝ ( situation in fact ) sincerely/ faithfully (adv): ( cách ) chân thành ( trans )

* Checking: Matching

b Reading comprehension:

* Ex1: Comprehension questions

- Ss read John Robinson's letter ( p 37 ) and answer the questions ( in pairs )

1 How did he know about the Institution? ( He saw the Institution in today’s edition of Vietnamese)

What is he interested in? ( in learningVietnamese

What would he like ? ( He would like some information about the school )

How is his Vietnamese? ( His Vietnamese is not good / is little )

What does he want the Institution to send him ? ( He wants the Institution to send him details of the course and fees )

How is the letter end? ( The letter ends with a polite closing )

Note: - Language function( would and could ) T focuses on how the writer expresses his request

I would like

Could you please send me ?- a polite request )

* Format ( sù s¾p xÕp ) of a formal letter:

- T has Ss look throughly at the outline ( p 37 ) then answer the questions about the format of an formal letter T elicits the answers from Ss

Introduction: How to know about the Institution/ express the writer's interest politely

Request: state ( tình trạng ) how good l

information the writer wants to know

Further information: ready to supply more information about

Conclusion : end with a polite closing

* Ex2: Matching ( work in pairs- compare with their partners )

T asks Ss to divide the letter ( written by Robinson ) into parts and match each

paragraph with a suitable headline

* - Ss read the advertisements in read ( P.36 ) again, then choose the school they want to attend to improve their English Ss write a letter of inquiry to the institution requesting for more information about courses and fees

* Ex3: Write a letter ( work in groups ) Each group choose a secretary to take notes of


Pair work

Pair work

Pair work


T- Wc


Post- writing


every member's ideas first, then each member writes his/ her own letter After finishing the letter, Ss have to compare with their partners and make some correction

- T moves around giving help and does delayed correction

Suggested answer:

49/ 14 Hoang Quoc Viet Street, District Cau Giay Hanoi Vietnam December 10th 2004 Dear Sir,

My Friend Lan, who has just finished a 5- month English course at your institution,

advised me to write to you I am interested in learning English and I would like some

information about your institution

I am learning English at Le Quy Don secondary school I can speak English , but my

listening and writing skills are not so good So, l want to improve them Could you send

me details of courses and fees? l can complete a spoken test if necessary

I look forward to hearing from you Sincesely,

Nguyen Mai Lan * Ex4: Exhibitions

Ss stick the letters they have written on the wall ( letters about schools )

- T writes the most typical mistakes on the board and elicits the correction from Ss

- T has Ss swap their writing and help each other correct any mistakes if necessary

Learn by heart yhe new words and write them Write the letter in your notebook


Group work


Teacher : Phung Thi Minh Thanh Period : 25

Son Loc Secondary School Date : 17/11/2008 School year : 2008- 2009 21 /11/2008 Unit : Learning a foreign language

Lesson 6: Language focus( p 38- 39 ) I/ Aims

Further practice in model verbs with “ IF “, reported speech

II/ Objective:


III/ Teaching aids: Sts' and teacher's book, posters




Warm up

Revision and practice

- Revision of modal verbs:

- T asks Ss to name some modal verbs with their meaning:

+ must / have to : ph¶i + should / ought to: nªn + may / might: cã lÏ, cã thÓ

+ can / could: ( khả )

- Form: Modal verb + infinitive ( without to )

a Modal verbs with if: ( revision of conditional sentences type )

- T writes this sentence on the board and uses it to help Ss revise modal verbs with if.

+ If you want to improve your English, we can help you

Note: If clause: simple present tense Main clause: will + infinitive * Concept check:

T- Is the simple present used in the conditional clause? Ss- Yes

T- Is the main verb preceded by a modal verb? Ss- Yes

* Ex1: Complete the sentences- Language focus 1. b Reported speech:

Presentation of now and here words - Changes in tense

- Changes in adverb and articles

* Ex2: Grid- language focus ( p 38 ) T has Ss look at the table and T elicits the answers from them to complete the table

- Ss copy the table and the words in their notebooks


speech Reported speech Direct speech Reported speech present

simple past simpletense this that these those present

progress past progressive here there future

simple tense

future in

the past now then


may could/ might today that day Must had to tomorrow the

following day

* Ex3: Change into reported speech-Language focus P 39 ( Ss work in pairs )

- Ss read the instructions carefully, then play the

T- Wc





role of Lan to report everything to her grand mother * Answer key:

a Uncle Hung said that birthday cake was delicious b Miss Nga said that she loved those roses

c Cousin Mai said that she was having a wondeful time there

d Mr Chi would go to Hue the following day e Mrs Hoa said she might have a new job f Mr Quang said that he had to leave then * Ex4: Practice the reported Language focus ( P 39 )

- Ss read the instructions carefully then play the role of Nga to report everything to her mother

- Ss write, then change their notebooks to check T calls some pairs to practice before class

Example exchange:

Mother: What did she ask you, Nga?

Nga: She asked me how old I was And , * Answer key:

a She asked me how old I was b She asked me if my school was near there c She asked me what the name of my school was d She asked me if I went to school by bicycle e She asked me which grade I was in

f She asked me if I could use a computer g She asked me why I wanted that job

h She asked me when my school vacation started 5 Homework:

Do again Exs on your notebooks Learn by heart the grammar and the vocabulary from unit to Unit

Do Exs 1, 2, 3, & ( p 27- 30 ) workbook

Pair work


Teacher : Phung Thi Minh Thanh Period : 28

Son Loc Secondary School Date : 30/11/2008 School year : 2008- 2009 /12/2008 Unit : The media

Lesson 1: Getting started & Listen and Read( p 40- 42 ) I/ Aims

Help ss know more about the media

II/ Objective:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to know more about the media, review gerunds after verbs

III/ Teaching aids: Sts' and teacher's book,pictures




Warm up


- Guessing game: ( Getting started )

- T prepares some pictures (someone watching TV, reading newspapers, listening tothe radio, reading magazines, using the internet )

- T does one first as a model Example Exchange:

T : What is my favorite activity in my free time?

S1 : Is it watching TV? T : No, it isn’t

S2 : Is it using the internet? T : Yes, it is

S2 : How many hours a week you spend using the internet?

T : About or hours, l think

The one who can guess correctly will go to the front and the same as the teacher

a Pre- teach: New words

1 (a) town crier (n): ngời rao hàng, ngời rao tin tức phố ( picture / exp )

(a) viewer (n): ngêi xem ( exp )

remote (adj) = far / distant: xa / xa x«i ~ control: ®iỊu khiĨn tõ xa ( realia ) interactive (adj): tơng tác ( trans ) benefit (n): lỵi Ých, lỵi nhn ( trans ) * Checking: What and Where

b Presentation text: Listen and Read ( p 40- 41 )

* Set the scene:

- T has Ss look at pictures ( p 40- 41 ) and say what the pictures are:

( the town crier, magazines, watching television, using remote controls )

* Ex1: Complete the table- a(p 41) ( Ss work individually then share with their partners )

- Ss listen to the tape with their books open to complete the table in section a (p 41 )


– D – B – B – C – A – D

* Ex2: Comprehension questions- b ( p 42 ) T gives feedback and focuses Ss' attention on the model sentencÑ:

* Answer:

1 A town crier was a person whose job was to go through city streets ringing a bell to shout the latest news as he was walking

2 The kien Thuc Ngay Nay is one of the most popular magazines and is widely read by both teenagers and adults.

People can get the latest information and enjoy interesting and inexpensive local and

international programs in a convenient way. I read the magazines and newspapers on science

My favorite type of media is TV, because it can bring us a lot of varied news and interesting








Further practice


programs on every field of life and science. * Model sentence: ( T elicits from Ss )

People love reading newspapers and magazines.

* Concept check: - meaning: - use:

- form: and elicit some more verbs that are followed by a gerund

- pronunciation:

* Ex3: Substitution Drills ( Ss work in pairs ) - enjoy / like / dislike / stop / finish E.g: People enjoy reading newspapers and magazines

- watching TV/ listening to the radio / using the internet

E.g people enjoy watching TV

* Ex4: Survey ( Ss work in groups of or ) Name What / like

doing? How much time / spend? Lan Watching TV hours a week /

half an hour a day


S1- What you like doing in your spare time? S2 ( Lan )- I like watching TV

S1: How much time you spend watching TV? S2- About hours a week ( half an hour a day ) Read the text many time,

Learn by heart new words and write them Write Ex4 up

Do Exers 1, 2,3 ( p 35- 38 ) workbook


Pair work

Group work


Teacher : Phung Thi Minh Thanh Period : 29

Son Loc Secondary School Date : 1/12/2008 School year : 2008- 2009 /12/2008 Unit : The media

Lesson 2: Speak ( p 42 )

Language focus ( P45 )

I/ Aims

Help ss practice speaking about the programs on TV, and practice Tag questions

II/ Objective:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to express their opinions to agree or disagree





Pre- speaking

Checking the previous lesson:

- Networks: T asks Ss to find TV programs

music foreign film weather forecast

news documentary film + Call on two Ss to read the text then answer the questions

a Pre - teach: New words

(a) documentary (n): tµi liƯu / phim tµi liƯu ( exp- something written or printed that gives information )

violent (adj): b¹o lùc ( trans )

informative (adj): giàu thông tin ( trans ) b Presentation: Dialogue Build

* Set the scene:

T introduces the characters:

This is Lien and Trung They are talking about the TV programs they like or dislike

- T reads out the dialogue pointing to each character in turn

- T reads the dialogue again, writing a few key words / symbols on the board

L: You like , don't you, Trung?

T: Not really .I don't like watching them I L: I'm the opposite I

T: But you watch , don't you? L: Yes, every day

T: You don't like , you? L: No,

- Ss reproduce the dialogue from these board cues - Ss build the dialogue until it is memorised.- Ss practice the dialogue

( T - whole class > group - group -> open pairs > closed pairs )

- Ss write the missing words on the board - T elicits tag questions from Ss

Ss repeat and write down

You like watching sports, don't you? Not really

positive sentence negative tag

You don't like foreign films, you ?No, I don't

negative sentence positive tag

- Note: Tag question ( review )

- + C©u hái đuôi " tag question " phải không câu hỏi ngắn theo sau câu nói thờng Có h×nh thøc:

Affirmative statement, negative tag Eg: a Your father is a teacher, isn't he?

b She can swim, can't she?

c They like reading books, don't they? Negative statement, affirmative tag

Team work




Pair work




While- Speaking

Post- speaking

Home work

Eg: a He shouldn't smoke, should he?

b You brother isn't a doctor, is he? c They don't eat eggs, they? d Mai doesn't like pop music, does she?

* Ex1: Mapped Dialogue

Ss make similar dialogues in pairs to talk about the programs they like and dislike using the table P.42

You Your partner


like , don't you?

I'm the opposite I love , and seem quite boring to me No, l don't

Not really, I prefer

You don't like , don't you?

* Ex2: Brainstorming ( group work )

Ss work in groups of to discuss and write down the TV program they like / dislike

most and the reasons why

Eg: S1- We like Learning English through songs most because we can remember words easily and improve our listening skill, etc

Language focus 2: ( p 45 )

 Ask and answer questions about television programs the people in the table like and dislike using tag questions-

Eg: in the textbook

Learn by heart new words and write them Make the dialogues as the Speak

Do Exs 4, ( p 38- 39 ) workbook

Pair work

Half / half

Group work




Teacher : Phung Thi Minh Thanh Period : 30

Son Loc Secondary School Date : 8/12/2008 School year : 2008- 2009 11 /12/2008 Unit : The media

Lesson : Listen ( p 43 )

Language focus 1,3,4 ( P45, )

I/ Aims

Help ss practice listening to the text and further practice in Tag questions and gerund after some verbs

II/ Objective:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen to the text and complete the table further practice in using Tag questions and gerunds after some verbs

III/ Teaching aids: Sts' and teacher's book,pictures , a tape and a radio




Pre- listening

While- listening

- Checking the previous lesson: Tag question Correct some exercises in work book

- Slap the board: T elicits from Ss:

TV, radio, telephone, documentary, violent

a Pre - teach: New words

(a) newsreel (n): phim thời ( trans ) viable (adj): thực đợc / đạt đ-ợc

( trans )

commercially ( adv ): cách thơng mại

( from the adj: commercial )

journalism (n): nghề làm báo ( trans ) an assignment (n): phân công / việc đ-ợc

phân công ( trans ) * Checking: R O & R

b Set the scene: Chau is doing an assignment about the media, she wants to ask her father

some information to the assignment *Let Ss T / F statements

* Ex1: T/F Statement prediction

The first printed newspaper appeared in China in the 7th or 8th century AD.

The telegraph was invented in the early 18th century

3.Radio and telegraphs were the two new forms of news media that appeared in the early 20th century

Television became popular in the 1940s The computer became a major force in journalism

in the mid and late 1990s


T- Ss


T- Ss Pair work

Pair work


Post- listening

Presentation and Practice

*Get Ss to listen to the tape to correct their prediction Ss pair compare

Answerkey :

1 - T - F - F - T - F - Ss listen to the tape again to fill in the table ( P.43 ) with the information they hear

* Ex2: Fill in the table ( p 43 ) ( Ss it individually then compare with their partners ) - T gets feedback from Ss:

a the late 19th century b Radio and newsreels c in the 1950s d The Internet

* Ex3: Interview

( Ss work in groups of One acts as a reporter and the others act as historians ) *Example Exchange:

S1: When did television become popular ? S2: ln the 1950s

*Suggested questions:

a When did the first printed newspaper appeared?

b Where did it appear?

c When was the telegraph invented? d Do you know what two new forms of news media appeared in the early 20th century?

e When did the Internet become a major force in journalism?


a Pre- teach: new words

webside (n): trang web ( trans ) (to) publish: Ên hµnh ( trans )

cable TV (n): truyền hình cáp ( trans ) quiz (n): thi đố vui ( trans ) * Checking: R O & R

b Revision the structures: I Tag questions:

- Review positive and negative

* Ex1: Complete the dialogues with the correct tag- F F ( p 45 ) ( pair work ) T calls some pairs to check Notes:

Main clause – positive / negative Tag question – negative/ positive

II Gerunds after some verbs:

T elicits from Ss verbs that are followed by a gerund ( like, dislike, enioy, hate, etc )

* Ex3: Guessing game- L.F ( p 46 ) - T prepares some cards with cues

E.g soccer, fishing, movies, etc

- Ss ask questions to find out what pastime activity their partner like l enjoy doing

Example Exchange:

S1: Do you like playing soccer ? You: No, I don't

S2: Do you enjoy listening to music ? You: Yes, I

Individual Pair work

Group work



Pair work

T- Ss

Pair work



* Ex4: Guided writing- L F ( p.46 ) - Ss work individually to write true

sentences about their parents / friends / themselves using the words in the boxes

E.g.: + My father likes watching sports but my mother doesn't She loves listening to music - Ss read then write their sentences on the board + My mother hates advertisements on TV but little brother doesn't, he loves it very much + I like writing letter to my friends but my sister doesn't She hates writing

3 Homework:

Learn by heart the new words and write them

Rewrite all the Exs Exercise in wb


Teacher : Phung Thi Minh Thanh Period : 31

Son Loc Secondary School Date : 11/12/2008 School year : 2008- 2009 13 /12/2008 Unit : The media

Lesson 4: Read ( p 43- 44 ) I/ Aims

Help ss read for details about Internet

II/ Objective:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to get some knowledge about the Internet

III/ Teaching aids: Sts' and teacher's book,pictures , a tape and a radio




Warm up

Pre- reading

*- Checking the previous lesson: Call on a student to retell the information in the table ( Listen p 43 ) - Chatting: Show a picture of a computer and Ss about it:

+ What's this?

+ Can you use computers?

+ What subjects help you to use computers? + Have you ever used Internet?

+ Do you find the Internet useful? + What you use the Internet for?

- The lesson today is about some ideas of internet

a Pre - teach: New words

a forum (n): diễn đàn ( trans )

(to) deny: chèi, phñ nhËn ( synonym- refuse ) time - consuming (adj): tiªu phÝ, tèn thêi gian ( trans )

alert (adj): cảnh giác ( exp- quick in movement



While- reading

Post- reading

of the body or mind )

to surf: lớt sóng, lớt mạng ( trans ) limitation (n): h¹n chÕ ( trans )

spam (n): th r¸c ( trans )

get access to: tiÕp cËn ( trans ) * Checking: Matching

b Text ( p 43 )

* Set the scene: There is a fotum on the Internet You will read some opinions about the

advantages and disadvantages of the Internet * Pre - questions ( Guiding questions ) Who raised the questions on the Internet ? ( Jimhello did )

How many people sent their responses to the forum on the Internet ?

What are their names ? ( Sandra Morgan, Honghoa and Huansui )

What you think people use the Internet for ? ( for two purposes: education and

entertainment )

* Get Ss to read the text silently to get the answers to Pre-questions

- Ss read the text again to find the answers to the questions from to on p.44 and then practice with their partners

* Ex1: Comprehension questions- Read - Suggested answers:

1 Sandra uses the internet to get information, to communicate with friends and relatives by means of e-mail or chatting

It is uneasy for Hong Hoa to get access to the internet because she lives in the countryside where the internet is unvailable

According to Huansui People use the internet for many purposes, such as education,

communication, entertainment and commerce To the three responses, the internet has these benefits:

- getting information

- communicating with friends and relatives by means of e-mail or chatting - buying and selling goods

- entertaining themselves by watching films, music shows, etc

- education

5 Yes, There are Some disadvantages of the internet :

- It is time-consuming, costly

- The bad programs on the internet have bad effect on children

- It is dangerous because there are many viruses, etc

T gets feedback from Ss

* Ex2: Discussion ( Ss work in groups of ) - Ss discuss question ( p.44 ) and then write their own response to this forum




Pair work



( question 7- p.44 ) Suggestion:

I agree with the responses

In my opinion, internet is a wonderful invention in the modern age, but it also has lots of disadvantages, especially for small children because of its bad programs

Therefore we should have a good control on its programs and keep careful eyes on our children * Ex3: Write it up

Learn by heart the new words and write them Read the text many times

Rewrite your responses in your notebook

Teacher : Phung Thi Minh Thanh Period : 32

Son Loc Secondary School Date : 15/12/2008 School year : 2008- 2009 17 /12/2008 Unit : The media

Lesson 5: Write( p 44 ) I/ Aims

Help ss practice writing a paragraph about the Internet

II/ Objective:

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a passage about the benefits of the Internet

III/ Teaching aids: Sts' and teacher's book,




Pre- writing

While- writing

* - Brainstorming:

- Ss work in groups to discuss and write down the benefits ( or advantages ) of the Internet

E.g - to get information

- to communicate with other people ( friends, relatives, etc )

- to play games, etc

- Today we’ll practice writing a passage about benefits of the Internet

* Ex1: Discussion ( Ss work in groups of ) - T has Ss read again the text ( Read on p 43- 44 ) and discuss the question 4( Make a list of

benefits of the Internet “ ( T elicits the answers from Ss Ss can use the cues ( Write ) on p 44 )

*Possible answers:

T uses the question: Why is the Internet used as ? ) - The Internet as a source ( nguån ) of information ( We can get the latest news, check the weather conditions of any place in the world, check the new exchange rates ( tû

giá hối đoái ), find a timetable of trains / buses / flights, book tickets, etc )

- The Internet as a source of entertainment ( We can listen to music, play games,

make friends, chat with different kinds of people, read novels, watch videos, etc )

- The Internet as a means of education ( We can learn English, take a training /

learning course, get useful information for an essay, widen knowledge in many

fields, etc )

- T let some groups talk and write their ideas about The Internet as a source of

information , some groups talk and write about The Internet as a source of

entertainment , some others talk and write about The Internet as a means of


* Ex2: Writing about the benefits of the Internet

- T calls the Ss as one, two and three and puts them in new groups of or ( including

Ss from different groups: The Internet as a source of information, the Internet as a

Source of entertainment and the Internet as a means of education

- Ss share ideas and write a passage about the benefits of the Internet on posters, using

the ideas they have discussed *Suggested ideas:

- The Internet has increasingly developed ( ngày phát triển ) It has become

part of our everyday life Our life would be very boring without it And noone can deny

Group work

Group work

Group work


Post- writing


( chèi bá / tõ chèi ) the benefits of the Internet It has been used for many purposes,

such as a source of information, a source of entertainment and a means of education

+ First(ly), the Internet is a source of information It is really a very fast and

convenient way to get information We can get the latest local or global (adj): toµn

cÇu news easily We can check the weather conditions before you go sonewhere: go

camping / fishing / outdoors We can find a timetable and maps of the trains / the

buses / the flights you want to take We can book your tickets for the next concert or

soccer match, trip or hotel, etc Internet is a very fast and cheap way to communicate with your friends or relatives by means of email, chatting, web cam + Second(ly), the Internet is a source of entertainment We can listen to all kinds of

music, the radio, watch videos, play games, make friends, chat with different kinds of

people, read novels or sight seeing, etc +Third(ly), the Internet is also a rich source educational materials We can learn E

through many interesting programs We can look up a dictionary, take a training or

learning course on the Internet

- The Internet is a wonderful invention of modern life And it makes our world a small village

* Ex3: Exhibition

- Ss stick their posters on the wall

- Ss share, compare, admire and copy others - The teacher can choose the best one as the winner

Rewrite Ex2 into your notebook and write about the disadvantages of the Internet


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