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Chương trình luyện thi chuyên anh – chuyên ngoại ngữ

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UNIVERSAL LANGUAGE CENTER Chương trình luyện thi Chuyên Anh – Chuyên ngoại ngữ BÀI THI ĐÁNH GIÁ SỰ TIẾN BỘ (120 phút) Cơ sở: _ Lớp: _ Học viên: _ SĐT: _ Ngày thi: _ Điểm: A PHẦN THI TRẮC NGHIỆM PHẦN 1: CÁCH PHÁT ÂM CỦA ÂM VỊ TRONG TỪ Chọn 01 04 lựa chọn có phần gạch chân co cách phát âm khac với lựa chọn lại A burn B bury C curtain D surface A intersection B eraser C bookstore D history A blessed B curried C crooked D kicked A climber B bomb C blue D combing A hierarchy B psychic C choir D challengeable PHẦN 2: TRỌNG ÂM Chọn 01 từ 04 từ cho có cấu trúc trọng âm khác với từ lại A superstitious B melancholy C obstacle D sanguineness A regional B respondent C reservoir D register A Aborigine B appearance C emergency D contribute A triangle B refugee C commerce D opportune 10 A academic B amphibian C apartheid D aquarium PHẦN 3: TỪ HOẶC CỤM TỪ ĐỒNG NGHĨA Chọn 01 từ/cụm từ 04 lựa chọn có nghĩa gần với từ/cụm từ gạch chân câu hỏi 11 The most important thing is to keep yourself occupied A busy B comfortable C free D relaxed 12 My uncle, who is an accomplished guitarist, taught me how to play A skillful B famous C perfect D modest 13 After many year of unsuccessfully endeavoring to form his own orchestra, Glenn Miller finally achieved world fame in 1939 as a big band leader A requesting B trying C offering D deciding PHẦN 4: TỪ HOẶC CỤM TỪ TRÁI NGHĨA Chọn 01 từ/cụm từ 04 lựa chọn trái nghĩa với từ cụm từ gạch chân câu hỏi 14 We offer a speedy and secure service of transferring money in less than 24 hours A uninterested B unsure C open D slow 15 The Red Cross is an international humanitarian agency dedicated to reducing the sufferings of wounded soldiers, civilians and prisoners of war A happiness B worry and sadness C pain and sorrow D loss 16 When floodwaters recede, affected areas are often blanketed in silt and mud The water and landscape can be contaminated with hazardous materials, such as sharp debris, pesticides, fuel, and untreated sewage A to cover completely with thick layer of something B to expose to the open air comfortably C to provide someone with a protective layer D to dig out something hidden for long PHẦN 5: TIM LỖI SAI Chọn 01 04 từ/cụm từ gạch chân co chứa lỗi sai câu hỏi 17 If the water level(a) had raised(b) any higher(c), the dam would probably(d) have broken 18 The(a) Concorde can fly across(b) the Atlantic without re-fueling and carrying(c)11 tons of freight(d) 19 Though difficult(a) to master, the guitar is embraced by many of(b) beginning music(c) students because of its musical versatility, low cost, and extreme popularity(d) 20 Approximately(a) one-third of all persons(b) involved in adult education programs in 1970 were enrolled(c) in occupational education course.(d) 21 Many(a) people have found the monotonous(b) buzzing of the vuvuzela in the 2010-World-Cup(c) matches so annoyed(d) 22 The nutritionist told him to avoid eating(a) lots of carbohydrates, focus having(b) more protein-rich foods(c) and green vegetables, and drink(d) at least eight glasses of water a day PHẦN 6: HOÀN THÀNH CÂU Chọn 01 lựa chọn 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn để điền vào chỗ trống câu hỏi 23 He was………….from the champion after they discovered he had been taking drugs A defeated B disqualified C lost D aimed 24 You didn’t think I was serious, did you? It’s was a joke I was pulling your………… A thumb B hair C toe D leg 25 It suddenly………… his mind that he had forgotten to tell his wife he would be late A passed B filled C crossed D occurred 26 We've already bought the house but won't it until May, when the present occupants have moved out A take possession of B keep track of C catch sight of D gain recognition of 27 'Which girl is Mary?' ~ 'She's the one with .' A long curly black hair B curly long black hair C long black curly hair D curly black long hair 28 With , it is obvious that our approach to the problem was completely wrong A retrospect B hindsight C afterthought D review 29 I get the impression that you don't like her very much A distinct B distinction C distinctive D distinguishable 30 Commercial builders downplayed a bust in the superheated housing market A concerning B the concern of C concerned that D concerns about 31 Under no circumstances in public places A should we allow to be smoked B should smoking be allowed C we should allow smoking D smoking should be allowed 32 He is a specialist modern Vietnamese literature A of B at C for D in PHẦN 7: ĐIỀN TỪ Chọn 01 lựa chọn 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn để điền vào chỗ trống đoạn văn Why is it that many teenagers have the energy to play computer games until late at night but can’t find the energy to get out of bed (33) for school? According to a new report, today’s generation of children are in danger of getting so little sleep that they are putting their mental and physical health at (34) Adults can easily survive on seven to eight hours’ sleep a night, (35) teenagers require nine or ten hours According to medical experts, one in five youngsters (36) anything between two and five hours’ sleep a night less than their parents did at their age This (37) serious questions about whether lack of sleep is affecting children’s ability to concentrate at school The connection between sleep deprivation and lapses in memory, impaired reaction time and poor concentration is well (38) Research has shown that losing as little as half an hour’s sleep a night can have profound effects (39) how children perform the next day A good night’s sleep is also crucial for teenagers because it is while they are asleep (40) they release a hormone that is essential for their ‘growth spurt’ (the period during teenage years when the body grows at a rapid rate) It’s true that they can, to some extent catch up on sleep at weekends, but that won’t help them when they are dropping off to sleep in class on a Friday afternoon 33 A behind time B about time C in time D at time 34 A jeopardy B threat C risk D danger 35 A or B because C whereas D so 36 A puts B gets C brings D makes 37 A raises B rises C results D comes 38 A organized B arranged C established D acquired 39 A in B on C to D at 40 A at which B which C where D that PHẦN 8: BÀI ĐỌC Đọc đoạn văn trả lời câu hỏi kèm theo These stories of killer bees in the news in recent years have attracted a lot of attention as the bees have made their way from South America Killer bees are reputed to be extremely aggressive in nature, although experts that their aggression may have been somewhat inflated The killer bee is a combination of the very mild European strain of honeybee and the considerably more aggressive African bee, which was created when the African strain was imported into Brazil in 1955 The African bees were brought into Brazil because their aggression was considered an advantage: they were far more productive than their European counterparts in that they spent a higher percentage of their time working and continued working longer in inclement weather than did the European bees These killer bees have been known to attack humans and animals, and some fatalities have occurred Experts point out, however, that the mixed breed known as the killer bee is actually not at all as aggressive as the pure African bee They also point out that the attacks have a chemical cause A killer bee stings only when it has been disturbed; it is not aggressive by nature However, after a disturbed bee stings and flies away; it leaves its stinger embedded in the victim In the vicera attached to the embedded stinger is the chemical isoamyl acetate, which has an odor that attracts other bees As other bees approach the victim of the original sting, the victim tends to panic, thus disturbing other bees and causing them to sting The new stings create more of the chemical isoamyl acetate which attracts more bees and increases the panic level of the victim Killer bees tend to travel in large clusters or swarms and thus respond in large numbers to the production of isoamyl acetate 41 The subject of the paragraph before paragraph was mostly likely _ A the creation of the killer bee B the chemical nature of killer bees attacks C stories in the media about killer bees D ways of producing honey 42 The word "inflated" in paragraph means _ A aired B exaggerated C blown D burst 43 Why were African bees considered beneficial? A They spent their time traveling B They were productive, even in inclement weather C They produced an unusual type of honey D They didn't work hard in inclement weather 44 The word 'their' in paragraph refers to _ A the European bees' C the killer bees' B the African bees' D the honey bees' 45 It is stated in the passage that killer bees _ A are less aggressive than African bees C are more deadly than African bees B never attacks animals D always attack African bees 46 Which is NOT mentioned in the passage as a contributing factor in an attack by killer bees? A Panic by the victims B The odor of isoamyl acetate C Disturbance of the bees D Inclement weather 47 Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of killer bees? A attack humans and animals B are aggressive by nature C travel in large clusters D are a combination of European honeybee and African bee 48 The main idea of this passage is that killer bee _ A are not purebred B have been moving unexpectedly C have been in the news a lot recently D are not as aggressive as their reputation suggests PHẦN 9: BÀI ĐỌC Đọc đoạn văn trả lời câu hỏi kèm theo The Alaska pipeline starts at the frozen edge of the Arctic Ocean It stretches southward across the largest and northernmost state in the United States, ending at a remote ice-free seaport village nearly 800 miles from where it begins It is massive in size and extremely complicated to operate The steel pipe crosses windswept plains and endless miles of delicate tundra that tops the frozen ground It weaves through crooked canyons, climbs sheer mountains, plunges over rocky crags, makes its way through thick forests, and passes over or under hundreds of rivers and streams The pipe is feet in diameter, and up to million barrels (or 84 million gallons) of crude oil can be pumped through it daily Resting on H-shaped steel racks called "bents," long sections of the pipeline follow a zigzag course high above the frozen earth Other long sections drop out of sight beneath spongy or rocky ground and return to the surface later on The pattern of the pipeline's up-and-down route is determined by the often harsh demands of the arctic and subarctic climate, the tortuous lay of the land, and the varied compositions of soil, rock, or permafrost (permanently frozen ground) A little more than half of the pipeline is elevated above the ground The remainder is buried anywhere from to 12 feet, depending largely upon the type of terrain and the properties of the soil One of the largest in the world, the pipeline cost approximately $8 billion and is by far the biggest and most expensive construction project ever undertaken by private industry In fact, no single business could raise that much money, so eight major oil companies formed a consortium in order to share the costs Each company controlled oil rights to particular shares of land in the oil fields and paid into the pipeline- construction fund according to the size of its holdings Today, despite enormous problems of climate, supply shortages, equipment breakdowns, labor disagreements, treacherous terrain, a certain amount of mismanagement, and even theft, the Alaska pipeline has been completed and is operating The passage primarily discusses the pipeline's A A operating costs B B employees C C consumers D D construction The word "it" in line refers to the A A pipeline B B ocean C C state D D village According to the second paragraph, 84 million gallons of oil can travel through the pipeline each A A day B B week C C month D D year The phrase "Resting on" in line 15 is closest in meaning to A A Consisting of B B Supported by C C Passing under D D Protected with The author mentions all of the following in the third paragraph as important in determining the pipeline's route EXCEPT the A A climate B B lay of the land itself C C local vegetation D D kind of soil and rock The word "undertaken" in line 31 is closest in meaning to A A removed B B selected C C transported D D attempted According to the last paragraph, how many companies shared the costs of constructing the pipeline? A A three B B four C C eight D D twelve According to the last paragraph, which of the following determined what percentage of the construction costs each member of the consortium would pay? E A How much oil field land each company owned F B How long each company had owned land in the oil fields G C How many people worked for each company H D How many oil wells were located on the company's land PHẦN 10: HOÀN THÀNH HỘI THOẠI Chọn 01 lựa chọn câu hỏi để điền vào chỗ trống 57 Daisy: “What an attractive hair style you have got, Mary!” - Mary: “ _” A Thank you very much! I am afraid B You are telling a lie C Thank you for your compliment! D I don't like your sayings 58 Dick: “Sorry, Brian is not here.” - Peter: “ _” A Would you like to leave a message? B Can I take a message then? C Can I speak to Brian, please? D Can I leave a message then? 59 Susan: “Tom says he doesn’t like you!” – Lucy: “ _” A It makes nothing B So I C I know he isn’t D I don’t care 60 Tom: “May I smoke?” Jerry: “ ” A What suits you? B You are free C Accommodate yourself! D Go ahead! 61 Laura: “What a lovely house you have!” – Maria: “ _” A Of course not, it ‘s not costly B Thank you Hope you will drop in C I think so D No problem PHẦN 11: SẮP XẾP HỘI THOẠI Chọn 01 lựa chọn trật tự lượt lời hội thoại cho 62 a Me too Got any plans for Lunar New Year? b Hi! How many days off during Lunar New Year? c My family have planned to go to Beijing for days d My company allows staff to take 10 days off And you? A b-a-c-d B c-d-b-a C c-b-d-a D d-b-c-a 63 a Just a few things for the picnic tomorrow Like paper plates, bread, meat, chips Stuff like that b That too I'm trying to remember what kind they wanted c I'll get the bread and sodas You can get the other stuff d Sounds good Let's split up, so we get everything faster e So, what we need to get, again? f Alright Let's meet at register g Let's just get Coke or Pepsi, and maybe some Sprite too Everyone likes those h What about soda? A c-h-f-d-a-g-e-b B a-g-f-b-c-h-e-d C f-d-c-h-g-a-b-b D d-h-a-c-f-b-e-g 64 a What? I’m not really me? b Hey, I’m reading this really interesting article about the human body c No, of course you are you, but you also have millions, or trillions, of bacteria in you d No, they’re mostly really helpful Someone did an experiment to see if animals can live without bacteria, and he found that a lot of them died or had to have a special diet Animals need bacteria to digest food, you see So we’re better off with bacteria e Unless the bacteria are bad f Yeah? Well, we know all about that from biology lessons g Eeeeuuugh! h No, we didn’t learn much at all at school! They’re discovering loads more things all the time Really amazing things! Did you know that only about one tenth of the cells in your body are really you? The rest are bacteria A f-c-b-e-a-g-d-h B a-g-f-b-c-h-e-d C c-h-f-d-a-g-e-b D d-h-a-c-f-b-e-g 65 a Oh, yeah? b It’s like skateboarding or snowboarding You have a board, or deck, to stand on and wheels They’re pretty strong because you go down rough mountain tracks on them Steep, rough mountain tracks c No, but I’ve done similar things Anyway, we’re also going to go canyoning Before you ask, that’s when you jump and swim down a river canyon You have to use ropes and special equipment And maybe we’ll go white water rafting too d Sounds a bit risky Have you done it before? e You can all kinds of things It’s a new centre; it sounds great We’re going dirtboarding … f So, have you got any plans for the weekend? g What’s that? h Phew It sounds far too difficult to me i Yeah, me and my mates are going to this activity centre in the mountains A c-a-e-b-d-h-g-i-f B a-g-f-b-c-h-e-d-i C c-h-f-d-i-g-e-b-a D d-h-a-c-g-b-e-f-i 10 66 a Well, that’s $4.55 Would you like to pay by credit card or with cash? b We’ve got it in white, black, red and purple What size you want? c Can I help you? d Cash please Here’s five e Yes, have you got this T-shirt? f Medium How much does it cost? A c-b-f-d-a-e B e-a-f-b-c-d C c-d-f-b-e- a D e-a-c-d-f-b PHẦN 12: VIẾT LẠI CÂU Chọn câu đồng nghĩa cận nghĩa với câu cho câu hỏi 67 It’s no use trying to persuade Tom to change his mind A There’s no point to try to persuade Tom to change his mind B It’s worth trying to persuade Tom to change his mind C It’s useful trying to persuade Tom to change his mind D It’s a waste of time trying to persuade Tom to change his mind 68 Workers are not allowed to use the office phone for personal calls A They don’t let workers use the office phone B Workers are not permitted to use the office phone for personal purpose C The office phone is supposed to be used by workers only D They don’t allow workers to make phone call personally 69 Having prepared for the worst, they were pleasantly surprised to find themselves bypassed by the hurricane A Even if the hurricane had hit them, they wouldn’t have been affected much B It was such a relief when the hurricane did not strike them, though they had prepared for the worst C Had they not made such extensive preparations, they would have suffered even worse damage 11 D While they had made preparations for the hurricane, it was still a relief that they did not suffer damage 70 “It’s too stuffy in this room, isn’t it?” said the guest A The guest suggested that the room should be aired B The guest remarked that the room should be aired C The guest said that the room was too crowded D The guest said that there was too much stuff in the room 71 thanks to the efforts of environmentalists, people are becoming better aware of the problems of endangered species A Environmentalists are expressing their gratitude towards people who are better aware of the problems of endangered species B People owe their growing awareness of the problems of endangered species to the efforts of environmentalists C People have no idea about the problems of endangered species in spite of the efforts of environmentalists D Environmentalists are doing their best to make people aware of the problems of endangered species PHẦN 13: KẾT HỢP CÂU Chọn câu đồng nghĩa cận nghĩa với cặp câu cho câu hỏi 72 Put your coat on You will get cold A It is not until you put your coat on that you will get cold B Put your coat on, otherwise you will get cold C You not only put your coat on but also get cold D You will not get cold unless you put your coat on 73 Ann always keeps up with the latest fashions She works for a famous fashion house A Despite working for a famous fashion house, Ann hardly keeps up with the latest fashions B Ann always keeps up with the latest fashions so as not to work for a famous fashion house C Not working for a famous fashion house, Ann always keeps up with the latest fashions D Ann works for a famous fashion house, so she always keeps up with the latest fashions 12 74 Mike graduated with a good degree However, he joined the ranks of the unemployed A Although Mike graduated with a good degree, he joined the ranks of the unemployed B If Mike graduated with a good degree, he would join the ranks of the unemployed C Mike joined the ranks of the unemployed because he graduated with a good degree D That Mike graduated with a good degree helped him join the ranks of the unemployed 75 They drove fifteen miles off the main road Also, they had nothing to eat for the day A They drove fifteen miles off the main road until they had something to eat for the day B They neither drove fifteen miles off the main road nor had anything to eat for the day C Driving fifteen miles off the main road, they eventually had something to eat for the day D Not only did they drive fifteen miles off the main road, they also had nothing to eat for the day 76 Everyone was watching the little dog They were greatly amused at it A Everyone felt great and amused when the little dog was watching them B The little dog was watching everyone with great amusement C Everyone was greatly amused at the little dog they were watching D The little dog was greatly amused by the way everyone was watching it PHẦN 14: HOÀN THÀNH VĂN BẢN Chọn 01 cụm từ câu 04 lựa chọn cho sẵn câu hỏi để điền vào chỗ trống tương ứng luận cho It can take a long time to become successful in your chosen field, however talented you are One thing you have to be aware of is that you will face criticism along the way The world is (77) _ of people who would rather say something negative than positive If you’ve made up your mind to achieve a certain goal, such as writing a novel, (78) _ the negative criticism of others prevent you from reaching your target, and let the constructive criticism have a positive effect on your work If someone says you’re totally in the (79) of talent, ignore them That’s negative criticism If, however, someone advises you to revise your work and gives you a good reason for doing so, you should consider their suggestions carefully There are many film stars who were once out of work There are many famous novelists who made a complete mess of their first novel – or who didn’t, but had to keep on approaching hundreds of publishers before they could get it published Being successful does depend on luck, to a certain extent But things are more likely to (80) well if you persevere and stay positive 13 77 A overflowing B packed C filled 78 A shouldn’t let B won’t let C didn’t let D don’t let B shortage C missing D lack B come into C deal with 79 A absentee 80 A sail through D full D turn out B PHẦN THI TỰ LUẬN 81 Viết văn khoảng 250 từ chủ đề sau: Global warming is one of the biggest threats humans face in the 21st Century and sea levels are continuing to rise at alarming rates What problems are associated with this and what are some possible solutions - 14 - 15 ... sewage A to cover completely with thick layer of something B to expose to the open air comfortably C to provide someone with a protective layer D to dig out something hidden for long PHẦN 5: TIM... had nothing to eat for the day A They drove fifteen miles off the main road until they had something to eat for the day B They neither drove fifteen miles off the main road nor had anything to... please? D Can I leave a message then? 59 Susan: “Tom says he doesn’t like you!” – Lucy: “ _” A It makes nothing B So I C I know he isn’t D I don’t care 60 Tom: “May I smoke?” Jerry: “

Ngày đăng: 08/04/2021, 10:10



