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Giáo án tiếng Anh 5 - Unit 1: A summer camp

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+ the text These children from different countries are at a summer camp in Vietnam -Tell Ss that they are going to hear the dialogue between Zack and Lawan, Lawan and Nam -Uses a poster [r]

(1)WEEK : PERIOD : 1st Date of planning:20/8/2013 Date of teaching:21/8/2013 Unit 1: A Summer Camp Lesson 1: Look, listen and repeat Point, ask and answer I Objectives: (Mục tiêu) By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to  make acquaintance with the context in which people ask and answer about where SO is from  ask and answer qs about where SO is from Hs có thể:  làm quen với tình hỏi và trả lời xem đó đến từ đâu  hỏi và trả lời người nào đó đến từ đâu II Language focus:( Trọng tâm ngôn ngữ) - Sentence patterns ( Mẫu câu) Where is he from? - He’s from Malaysia Where is Malaysia is he from? - Kuala Lumpur -Vocabulary( Từ mới): summer, camp, Malaysia, Thailand, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, New York, Indonesia, Jakarta III Resources:( Đồ dùng) Student’s book, recording, flashcards, poster.( sgk, băng đĩa, thẻ từ, tranh khổ lớn) IV Procedures: Time 5’ Steps/Activities Warm up: Slap the board ( names of the countries) Vietnam Japan China England Australia Lop4.com Work arrangement Team work (2) 10’ 14’ Look, listen and repeat -Have Ss turn their book to page -Focus Ss’attention on + The title of the unit Do you understand the title? Have you been to a summer camp? + the pictures: ask Ss the names of the familiar characters and the new ones Who’s this? What’s his/ her name? + the text These children from different countries are at a summer camp in Vietnam -Tell Ss that they are going to hear the dialogue between Zack and Lawan, Lawan and Nam -Uses a poster to present the situation, a map to explain the meaning of the language practiced: Malaysia, Thailand, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur -Play the recording all the way through for Ss to listen, and point to the appropriate line in their books -Play the recording again for Ss to repeat the lines in the speech bubbles Pause after each line for Ss to repeat a few times -Check to make sure Ss can repeat and understand the dialogue - Divide the class into groups to take turn to say the lines from each picture Point, ask and answer * Set the context: - T: These are children at the summer camp in Vietnam They come from many countries - T points to a : This is Zack, He’s from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia , Read after me Zack, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur - Repeat the step with the rest of the characters - Ask Ss to read the Eg - Write the Qs and the answers on the board, get Ss to repeat a few times in turns * Model the task with the WC T points to Zack Lop4.com T and whole class T and whole class Individually Pair/ Group work T and whole class Individually (3) 5’ T: Where is he from? Class: He’s from Malaysia T: Where is Malaysia is he from? Class: Kuala Lumpur Go through the task with the rest of the characters in the same way Focus on pronunciation and fluency * Ask Ss to work in pairs: Ss take turns to point, ask and answer as the model * Select some pairs of Ss to demonstrate the task in front of the class Reinforcements( Củng cố) -T shows a poster in which there are names of some countries and their capitals on the board ( gv đưa poster có tên số nước và thủ đô chúng) - Ask Ss to match the names of some countries and their capitals ( Yêu cầu HS nối tên nước đúng với tên thủ đô chúng) T and whole class Pair work Group work Malaysia, the USA, Hanoi, Thailand, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur ,Vietnam, England, Jakarta, London, American, Japan, Australia, Tokyo, Canberra, Washington DC 1’ - T praises the winner *Summary: In this lesson, Ss have learnt to ask and answer qs about where SO is from A: Where is he from? B: He’s from Malaysia A: Where is Malaysia is he from? B: Kuala Lumpur Homelink Make similar conservations between you and your friend about Lawan, Sam and Azmi as the example P6 in the exercise book T and whole class Whole class _ WEEK : Lop4.com (4) PERIOD : 2nd Date of planning:21/8/2013 Date of teaching:22/8/2013 Unit 1: A Summer Camp Lesson 1: Listen and tick Talk I Objectives: By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to  listen to the dialogues in which people ask and answer about where SO is from to tick the correct prompt/ picture  talk about a friend/ a boy / a girl in the picture ,ask and answer qs about where SO is from HS có thể:  nghe hiểu các tình đó HS hỏi và trả lời người nào đó đến từ đâu để đánh dấu vào tranh phù hợp  Trò chuyện người bạn / cậu bé/ cô bé tranh , hỏi và trả lời xem họ đến từ đâu II Language focus:( Trọng tâm ngôn ngữ) - Sentence patterns ( Mẫu câu) Who’s she/he/this/that? - It’s ………………… Where is she/he from? - She/He’s from ………………… Where is …………… is she/he from? - ………………… -Vocabulary (Từ vựng): names of countries and cities: Malaysia, Thailand, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, the USA, New York, Indonesia, Jakarta…… III Resources: (Đồ dùng) Student’s book, recording, flashcards, extra boards.( SGK, băng đĩa, thẻ từ, bảng phụ) IV Procedures: Time Steps/Activities 5’ Warm up: T call out some pairs to ask and answer about Sam, Lawan and Azmi Listen and tick Lop4.com Work arrangement Pair work (5) 10’ 12’ * Pre-task -Have Ss turn their book to page - T ask Ss to look at pictures and says: You are going to listen and tick the correct picture in each number - T goes through the pictures( both in English and in Vietnamese -T: Now you listen and find out where the speaker is from * Task cycle -Plays the recording through for pupils to listen -Plays the recording again for pupils to listen and tick the correct answers Pause after each part for Ss to have sufficient time to tick the picture - Replay the recording for Ss to check their answers -Asks Ss to exchange their answers with their partners before reporting them to the class * Language focus - Ask Ss to report the answer If there is disagreement on any answer, play the related part of the recording again - Read out the answers to the class Provide explanation(s) when necessary Answers: 1.b 2.b 3.a 4.c Talk * Pre- stage: - Have Ss turn their book to page - T: Now, you choose a boy or a girl from the pictures ask and answer about him /her - T models with class in order to give Ss what to T: ( points to Zack) Who’s he? Class: It’s Zack T: Where is he from? Class: He’s from Malaysia T: Where is Malaysia is he from? Class: Kuala Lumpur - T may run through the pictures if necessary * While stage: - Ask Ss to take turns to ask and answer the qs about the characters in this section * Post stage Lop4.com T-Whole class Individually Pair work Individually T and whole class T and whole class Pair work (6) 7’ 1’ - Call on some pairs to demonstrate the task in front of the class Praise the Ss if they add some extra language based on what they know Reinforcement: Mapped dialouge( Củng cố) - T draws a boy on the board and give some clues: Minh – years old, a student, class 4, Vietnam, Hai phong, Kien Thuy, Thuy Huong.( Gv vẽ cậu bé trên bảng và đưa vài gợi ý: Minh- tuổi, HS, lớp 4, Việt Nam, Kiến Thụy, Thụy Hương) - Ask Ss to talk about Minh( Yêu cầu HS trò chuyện Minh) A B Who’s…………… It’s………… How old…………… he? ………… 9……… What……………… job? ……… a student …………………from? ………… Vietnam Where in Vietnam ……………… ………from? …… in……… from? ………… ………………? ……………… …………………? …………… Homelink Write the dialogue above in exercise book Pair/Group work Whole class _ WEEK : PERIOD : 3rd Date of planning:27/8/2013 Date of teaching:28/8/2013 Unit 1: A Summer Camp Lesson 2: Listen and number Lesson 3: Look, listen and repeat Point, ask and answer I Objectives: (Mục tiêu) By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to  listen and number the pictures in the order they hear  ask and answer qs about someone’s nationality Lop4.com (7) Hs có thể:  nghe và đánh số tranh theo thứ tự đúng  hỏi và trả lời quốc tịch người nào đó II Language focus:( Trọng tâm ngôn ngữ) - Sentence patterns ( Mẫu câu) What’s his/ her nationality? - He’s/ She’s Indonesian -Vocabulary( Từ mới): Indonesian, Thai, Malaysian, Laotian, Cambodian, Twin Towers, a cultural display III Resources:( Đồ dùng) Student’s book, recording, pictures.( sgk, băng đĩa, tranh ảnh) IV Procedures: Time Steps/Activities 5’ Warm up: Slap the board , using flags of the countries Call out the name of each country Ss from teams move to the board to slap the corresponding flag on the board The S who first slaps the correct flag gets a pointfor his / her team The team with the most points wins the game Listen and number * Pre-task -Have Ss turn their book to page - T ask Ss to look at pictures and says: You are going to listen to the recording and number the pictures - T goes through the pictures( both in English and in Vietnamese) * Task cycle -Plays the recording through for pupils to listen -Plays the recording again for pupils to listen and the task Pause after each part for Ss to have sufficient time to select and write the number - Replay the recording for Ss to check their answers -Asks Ss to exchange their answers with their partners before reporting them to the class * Language focus - Ask Ss to report the answer If there is disagreement on any answer, play the related part of 9’ Lop4.com Work arrangement Team work T and whole class T and whole class individually Individually (8) 15’ the recording again - Read out the answers to the class Provide explanation(s) when necessary Answers: a.4 b.3 c.1 d.2 Look, listen and repeat -Have Ss turn their book to page 10 - Set the context: This is a cultural activity at the summer camp Look at picture a Who are they? Who are these children talking about? What’s the name of the boy on the stage?What’s his nationality? - Repeat the step with picture b - Pre-teach the new vocab: stage, nationality Write the words on the board and get Ss to repeat them a few times -Play the recording all the way through for Ss to listen, and point to the appropriate line in their books -Play the recording again for Ss to repeat the lines in the speech bubbles Pause after each line for Ss to repeat a few times -Check to make sure Ss can repeat and understand the dialogue - Divide the class into groups to take turn to say the lines from each picture Point, ask and answer * Set the context: - T points to the picture and say: These children are at the summer camp They’re from different countries.Now you practise asking and answering questions about their nationalities - T uses some pictures to introduce some new words: Indonesian, Malaysian, British - Ask Ss to read the Eg - Write the Qs and the answer on the board, get Ss to repeat a few times in turn * Model the task with the WC T points to Nam T: Who’s this? Class: He’s Nam T: What’s his nationality? Lop4.com T and whole class Individually T and whole class Group work T and whole class (9) 5’ 1’ Class: Vietnamese Go through the task with the rest of the characters in the same way Focus on pronunciation and fluency * Ask Ss to work in pairs: Ss take turns to point, ask and answer as the model * Select some pairs of Ss to demonstrate the task in front of the class Reinforcements( Củng cố) - T asks Ss to play a game: Whisper ( Gv cho HS chơi trò chơi “ nói thầm” - T divides the class into teams.( Gv chia lớp làm đội) - T gives the rules: T calls each team Ss to go to the board and make lines The first S of the line has own picture of a country He/ She has to find out the nationality of that country and whisper it for the second S Do the same in turns to the last S The last S has to read out the correct word The S who has the first and fastest answer scores a point for his/ her team The team with the most points will win the game.( Gv đưa luật chơi: Gv gọi đội HS lên bảng và xếp thành hàng dọc Bạn đứng đầu hàng cô giáo cho xem riêng tranh đất nước Bạn Hs đó phải tìm tên quốc tịch tương ứng nó và nói thầm từ đó cho bạn thứ 2, đến bạn cuối hàng Bạn cuối hàng đọc to từ đó lên trước lớp Hs đội nào nói nhanh mà đúng ghi đ cho đội mình Đội nào ghi nhiều đ giành chiến thắng) - T praises the winner( Gv tuyên dương đội thắng) *Summary: In this lesson, Ss have learnt to ask and answer qs about someone’s nationality A: What’s his/ her nationality? B: He’s/ She’s Malaysian Homelink Ss play the game City/ Country Bingo at home Lop4.com Pair work Team work T and whole class Whole class (10)

Ngày đăng: 03/04/2021, 07:20

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