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Lesson Plan for Grade 11 – Advanced Textbook 2011 Write a short paragraph about Cambridge University F!. COMMENTS Ss may have difficulties in getting the correct information due to writt[r]

(1)Lesson Plan for Grade 11 – Advanced Textbook 2011 Period: Date of Preparing: Date of Teaching: Lesson: READING AIMS Reading a text about entertainment By the end of the lesson, Ss will: - have an overview of different kinds of entertainment in the US (travel, sports, "high culture " entertainment, TV and movies) and acquire a certain vocabulary in this field - improve skimming and scanning skills to fulfill such typical reading exercises as reading for specific information, heading express attitudes towards some forms of entertainment in their hometown TEACHING AIDS Textbook, whiteboard markers, PROCEDURES A WARM UP (15) Pair work Brainstorming Ask Ss to work in groups and discuss types of entertainment they like Suggested ideas:  What kinds of entertainment you like the most? Why?  What forms of entertainment you think are the most popular in Viet Nam and in the worldtoday?  What are the differences in the choice of pursuing a form of entertainment among different countries? Call on some Ss to express their ideas in front of the class Set the scene Entertainment is an indispensable part of human life It provides people with incredibly wonderful relaxing time Effective utilization of various forms of entertainment can bring enormous benefits in many other aspects as well (e.g educational or financial potential) There now exist many types of entertainment Besides common ones, each country may favor their own forms of entertainment which are typical of their culture and lifestyle B PRE-READING (15) Lead-in Q&A Ask Ss to look at the title of the lesson Entertainment and guess what they are going to reading about Their answers may vary as follows: + forms of entertainment + their characteristics + their popularity Introduce the topic of the reading: Entertainment in the US Matching Ask Ss to work in pairs and match pictures with corresponding names Ask Ss to compare their answers with a friend Call on some Ss to give their answers in front of the class Feedback and give correct answers: 1.c 2.d 3.b 4.a Vocabulary pre-teach  melting pot (n): a place where immigrants of different cultures or races form an integrated society (nơi tụ họp dân nhập cư)  theatrical (a): of relating to, or suitable for dramatic performance of the theatre (thuộc sân khấu)  world-renown (a): famous worldwide (nổi tiếng trên khắp giới, lừng danh) Whole clas and pair work Page Lô XuânThống – THPT Chuyên Thăng Long ĐàLạt Lop11.com (2) Lesson Plan for Grade 11 – Advanced Textbook 2011  well-attended (a): participated by many people (được tham gia đầy đủ) Checking technique Rub out and remember Write all the new words on the board in two columns: English and Vietnamese equivalents Rub out all the words in English column and ask Ss to look at the Vietnamese column to write down or read aloud the rubbed ones C WHILE-READING Set the scene Gathering people from different races and colors, the US also gathers various forms of entertainment In our lesson today, we will read about the most popular kinds of entertainment in the USA Task - Matching subtitles (15) Let Ss work individually, read the text and match each paragraph with one subtitle Have Ss discuss the answers while doing the task Call on some Ss to read their answers aloud Feedback and give the correct answers  Paragraph A: c ("High Culture" Entertainment)  Paragraph B: d (TV and Movies)  Paragraph C: b (Sports)  Paragraph D: a (Travel) Task - Matching the words or phrases with their appropriate meanings (15) Have Ss work individually: Match the words or phrases in column A with their corresponding meaning in column B Call on some Ss to read the answers in front of the class Make necessary corrections Give the correct answers: l.c 2.d 3.a 4.b 5.f 6.e Task - True, False or Not mentioned (15) Have Ss read the text again for specific information to check whether the statements are true (T), false (F) or not mentioned (NI) Note that this is difficult task when deciding which statements are false or not mentioned Ask Ss to read the statements carefully before doing the task Have Ss exchange their answers Call on some Ss to give their answers Make necessary corrections Give the correct answers: NI T T F (Americans play sports themselves or watch their favorite sports and teams.) F (Americans prefer travelling both by car and by plane.) T D POST-READING (10) Group discussion Have Ss work in groups of four and discuss some forms of entertainment in their hometown Go around the class and provide help when necessary Call on some Ss to present their ideas in front of the class Give suggested answers: There is a cultural center in my place My friends and I often go there for some forms of entertainment: We watch musical performances, movies, play table tennis or tennis There is a river running through my hometown We often go swimming or go Individual work Individual work Pair work Group work Page Lô XuânThống – THPT Chuyên Thăng Long ĐàLạt Lop11.com (3) Lesson Plan for Grade 11 – Advanced Textbook 2011 fishing in the river In the summer, we take bus trips to visit some interesting places in the country E HOMEWORK Learn vocabulary and make a sentence with each F COMMENTS Ss may be confused between NI (not given) and false answers Therefore, T should remind them to read the statements carefully before having the final decision Supplements Reading comprehension Read a text about skiing and answer the questions that follow SKIING Skiing has become a way of life for many people From the moment the first snowflake falls until the spring thaw, skiers put their skies on their cars and head for the slopes There are many reasons behind the popularity of this winter sport Skiing is a true family sport that can be enjoyed by all people, whether or 93 year old Being able to descend a hill, to turn at will, and enjoy nature at its loveliest is a thrill for all age groups Skiing is also interesting because it provides a variety of experiences Snow conditions change hourly as the temperature and weather conditions change during the day Moreover, every trail is different Rarely does on pass over the same spot twice Improvements in ski equipment, clothing, and ski areas have made the sport more pleasurable, comfortable, and available Warm, light, down-filled clothing has replaced layers of heavy sweaters Ski equipment made with modern materials has made skis and poles lighter, more flexible, and suited to people of all ages and abilities The availability of skiing has also been improved by snowmaking equipment Even in areas of the country that have very little snowfall, snow can be made if the temperature is below 32 degrees For many people, skiing is an opportunity to enjoy the beauty of the out-of-doors, to challenge their physical abilities, and finally, to simply have fun It is a sport enjoyed world-wide and appears to be gaining in popularity constantly What is the main topic of the text? Name three things that make skiing fun for all ages? Why snow conditions change? What kind of clothing skiers wear today? Why is ski equipment better today? How can people in areas that have little snowfall make skiing available? What you think the work "thaw" in the first paragraph means? Suggested answers: The reasons why skiing is a popular sport Being able to descend a hill, to turn at will and enjoy nature at its loveliest is a thrill for all age groups Snow conditions change as the temperature and weather conditions change throughout the day Skiers today wear warm, down-filled clothes Modern materials have made today's skis lighter, more flexible and suited to people of all ages and abilities Snow-making equipment is used in areas with little snowfall The word "thaw" means "the melting of snow in the spring" Page Lô XuânThống – THPT Chuyên Thăng Long ĐàLạt Lop11.com (4) Lesson Plan for Grade 11 – Advanced Textbook 2011 Period: Date of Preparing: Date of Teaching: Lesson: LISTENING AIMS Listening to a letter describing leisure activities and entertainment in the UK By the end of the lesson, Ss will: - get to know some forms of entertainment in the UK such as dancing, rowing, and so on - improve listening skill through True or False and Answering question exercise TEACHING AIDS Textbook, pictures about forms of entertainment, PROCEDURES A WARM UP (7) Networks Ask Ss to work in groups and make a list of forms of entertainment The group which has more words in an allowed time will be the winner Forms of Entertainment Suggested answers: - football game - movie - concert Group work B PRE-LISTEING (5) Pair work Matching Ask Ss to have a look at the pictures about holiday activities in the UK, and in pairs, matching each picture with its corresponding name Call on some Ss to give their answers in front of the class Feedback and give correct answers: l.d 2.c 3.b 4.a Give further information about the things in the pictures: ball: a large formal party with dance which are organized on special occasions (một bữa tiệc trang trọng có màn khiêu vũ) marquee (n): a large tent also called party tent which is common for big events such as weddings, fairs and other gatherings (lều to, rạp vải) bow tie: Clip-on is usually worn with regular collar shirts Bow tie is pre-tied, attached around the neck, and can be worn with any collar It is usually for man and in the shape of a bow (nơ bướm) C WHILE-LISTENING Set the scene In our previous lesson, we already knew some forms of entertainment in the USA And in today's lesson, we will learn about that of another English-speaking country, the UK In particular, we will learn some activities held at Cambridge Brief introduction about Cambridge University: Cambridge University in the UK was built from 1226 to 1231 in East Anglia The university is considered one of the oldest and most well-known in the UK At the present, in Cambridge town, there are more than 17,000 students living and studying at Cambridge University In the early days of establishment, the university only provided training for traditional subjects such as languages, literature, history, medicine and so forth And now, the university provides training for all social and science subjects (For more details, refer to Supplements.) Task - True or False (10) Have Ss read through the five sentences before listening to the recording Page Lô XuânThống – THPT Chuyên Thăng Long ĐàLạt Lop11.com (5) Lesson Plan for Grade 11 – Advanced Textbook 2011 Play the tape more than once if necessary Have Ss check the appropriate box to decide whether the sentences are true or false, and correct the false ones Then ask them to have their answers crosschecked by a friend Call on some Ss to read their answers aloud Feedback and give the correct answers T F (Nowadays students usually wear jeans and T-shirts.) F (The Bath' is a typical Cambridge student pub.) T T Task - Answering questions (10) Have Ss work in pairs, discuss short answers to each questions before listening to the recording again Call some Ss to give their guess of the answers Play the tape one more time Ask Ss to give short answers to the questions as listening to the tape Have Ss exchange their answers with another Ss Call on some pairs to change the role in reading the questions and the answers Play the tape again, pause where the information for the answers appears and give suggested answers:  In the college grounds  They last all night  On the boats on the river  It is a 'rowing competition.'  They weave brightly colored scarves into a beautiful pattern around a long pole Listening script (10) Hills Road, Cambridge August 2, 20 Dear Anna I have been studying English in Cambridge for four months now, and I have had a wonderful time Perhaps the most exciting thing that has happened to me was going to a May ball Let me explain - every year in June (although they are called May Balls!) colleges organize big dances with lovely food and champagne served from marquees in the college grounds The dance goes on all night, and then, at dawn people take a boat and have breakfast on the river For a May Ball the students have to wear dinner jackets, bow ties, and long dresses, but nowadays they usually wear jeans and T-shirts! Before the Ball, I met the friends I was going with in a typical Cambridge student pub called "The Bath" Apparently, there's an old student joke: "If my mother calls, tell her I'm in The Bath!" One Saturday I went down to the river to watch the "bumps", which is a rowing competition between colleges Each boat tries to overtake or "bump" another boat Lots of people got very wet! You know, as spring comes, British people like to celebrate the end of winter On the first of May, in country areas, people hold traditional dances, one of which is Maypole On this occasion, children weave their brightly colored scarves into a beautiful pattern around a long pole and they dance around the pole D POST-LISTENING (10) Have Ss work in pairs, talk about a holiday activity in their hometown Ask some pairs to present their work in front of the class as a whole Feedback and give suggested answers In my hometown, people often have the following holiday activities: Unicom dance, rowing competition, ball, family gathering, get-togethers with friends, etc, on New Year's Day - Parties, ball, get-togethers with friends, etc, on birthdays Children's processions with lanterns, singing, eating moon cakes, etc on Mid-Autumn Festivals Individualwork Pair work Pair work E HOMEWORK Page Lô XuânThống – THPT Chuyên Thăng Long ĐàLạt Lop11.com (6) Lesson Plan for Grade 11 – Advanced Textbook 2011 Write a short paragraph about Cambridge University F COMMENTS Ss may have difficulties in getting the correct information due to written language Supplement Extra reading A brief information about university of Cambridge The University of Cambridge is rich in history - its famous Colleges and University buildings attract visitors from all over the world But the University's museums and collections also hold many treasures which give an exciting insight into some of the scholarly activities, both past and present, of the University's academics and students The University of Cambridge is one of the oldest universities in the world and one of the largest in the United Kingdom Its reputation for outstanding academic achievement is known world-wide and reflects the intellectual achievement of its students, as well as the world-class original research carried out by the staff of the University and the Colleges Period: Date of Preparing: Date of Teaching: Lesson: SPEAKING AIMS Expressing agreement and disagreement and giving explanation By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - express agreement and disagreement about holiday activities - give reasons for explanation TEACHING AIDS Textbook, whiteboard markers, PROCEDURES A WARM UP (7) Group work Noughts and Crosses Draw a table containing words in each cell Divide the class into two groups: Noughts (0) and Cross (X) Ask Ss to choose the word in the cell and make a sentence with that word A correct sentence with the given word will give one or X The group with or X vertically, horizontally, or even diagonally first will be the winner melting pot theatrical world-famous well-attended movie concert ball marquee bow tie Note: The sentences must be grammatically correct and make sense B PRE-SPEAKING (5) Matching Ask Ss to have a look at the pictures about holiday activities, and in pairs, matching each picture with its corresponding name And tell where and when these activities are held Call on some Ss to give their answers in front of the class Feedback and give correct and suggested answers: a-2 Unicom dance b-4 Halloween c-5 Tug of war d-1 Rowing competition e-3 Get-together with coworkers Unicorn dance is usually held in eastern countries during traditional holidays like Lunar New Year Festivals, village festivals in early spring Halloween is usually held in western countries on the 31st of October Tug of war is usually held during school picnics Pair work and whole class Page Lô XuânThống – THPT Chuyên Thăng Long ĐàLạt Lop11.com (7) Lesson Plan for Grade 11 – Advanced Textbook 2011 Rowing competition is usually held in eastern countries during traditional festivals Get-together with coworkers is usually held on May Day Vocabulary pre-teach  stunning (a): extremely attractive or impressive (gây ấn tượng sâu sắc)  energy-consuming (a): consuming a lot of energy (tốn lượng)  misleading (a): giving the wrong idea or impression and making you believe sth that is not true (làm cho nghĩ sai)  disagreeable (a): not nice or enjoyable (không thú vị)  discouraging (a): preventing sth or sb from doing sth (làm nản chí)  nasty (a): very bad or unpleasant (khó chịu, ghê tởm) C WHILE-SPEAKING (10) Agreement and disagreement expressions Agreeing - That's true I completely agree with you - I'm with you there And besides - I can't agree with you more Don't you also think that ? - I can't help thinking the same! Pair work Disagreeing - Well, personally I think that - I don't quite agree with you because - That's not the way I see it You see - That's an interesting point of view, but I think ; forone thing, - That's not a good idea since Give examples for the Ss to practice using the above expressions A: A ball with friends is exciting Why don't we hold one on the fourth day of the New Year? B: It's a good idea! Let's that A: Having a picnic with friends on the second day of Tet should be fun B: That's not the way I see it Everybody has to be with their relatives on that day Why don't we choose another day? Expressing agreement and disagreement, and giving reasons (10) Ask Ss to read through the examples in the box and suggested words and phrases which will be helpful for their speaking Ask some pairs to read the two dialogues aloud in front of the class Have Ss work in groups to build up conversations discussing the positive and negative aspects of some holiday activities in the school or in other places It is advisable to encourage Ss to use the words in the box Call on some groups to present their work in front of the class Feedback and give suggested dialogues: A: Why don't we join the English-speaking club? It's both entertaining and useful B: It's a good idea Let's that A: My brother often joins the tug of war game on special holidays B: I think it's exciting, but it's energy-consuming D POST-SPEAKING (10) Group discussion Have Ss work in groups of four, talk about some holiday activities in their places Go round the class and provide help when necessary Ask groups to speak in front of the class as a whole Let other groups ask the presenting group questions about their work Feedback and give suggested answers: There is a cultural center in my place My friends and I often go there for some forms of entertainment We watch musical performances, movies, play table tennis There is a river running through my hometown We often go swimming or go fishing in the river In the summer, we take bus trips to visit some interesting places in the country Pair work Group work E HOMEWORK Page Lô XuânThống – THPT Chuyên Thăng Long ĐàLạt Lop11.com (8) Lesson Plan for Grade 11 – Advanced Textbook 2011 Learn vocabulary and make a sentence with each F COMMENTS Ss may not know the structures used for expressing agreement and disagreement Supplements Extra expressions AGREEMENT In agreeing with an unfavorable opinion, you may wish to qualify your agreement with an expression of regret, etc His speech was boring  Yes, I am afraid it was  I have to agree that it was  I must say I found it so In other cases, you can be as enthusiastic as you like in emphasizing your agreement  It was an interesting exhibition, wasn't it? - Yes, it was superb/absolutely splendid!  A referendum will satisfy everybody - Yes, definitely/quite/absolutely/I absolutely agree/I couldn't agree more/I quite agree/I agree entirely  A referendum will not satisfy everybody - Definitely not/It certainly won't/You are absolutely right, it won't/1 agree that it won't  It's good practice and it's good fun - Exactly  I feel I ought to give her a hand - Oh, quite, quite  I must something, though - Yes, I quite agree  There is far too much attention being paid to these hoodlums - Yes I couldn't agree more  The public showed that by the way it voted in the General election - That's quite true  We reckon that this is what THEY would have wanted us to - I think you are absolutely right You can show that you agree strongly with someone's description of something by repeating the adjective they have used and using "very" in front of it You usually use "indeed" after the adjective  It was very tragic, wasn't it - Very tragic indeed  The pacing in all these performances is subtle, isn't - Oh, very subtle, indeed Partial agreement If you agree with someone, but not entirely or with reluctance, you can reply "I suppose so"  I must have a job -I suppose so  That's the way to save lives, and save us a lot of trouble? -I suppose so If you are replying to a negative statement, you say, "I suppose not"  Some of these places haven't changed it -I suppose not Qualified agreement In discussion and argument, there is often a need to agree with one aspect of a speaker's view, and to disagree with another Here are some of the methods you might use to express this sort of qualified agreement:  Certainly it's true that , but on the other hand  I can see that But surely  I am in total agreement with you about but we also have to consider  Agreed, BUT if we accept then it must also be true that Corroboration We can also agree, and add a further point to corroborate or confirm the argument  Yes, and in fact  Yes, and what is more  I agree, and in fact one might go so far as to say  Absolutely Actually, I would go further, and say Other ways of expressing agreement  That's just what I was thinking  You know, that's exactly what I think  That's a good point DISAGREEMENT Notice that you need to be very polite when disagreeing with someone in English - even someone you know quite well When you deny or contradict what someone else has stated, the effect is often impolite, unless the denial is qualified in some way You can qualify it by an apology or by adjusting to the speaker's point of view: English is a difficult language to learn  I am afraid I disagree with you: Some languages are even more difficult, I think Page Lô XuânThống – THPT Chuyên Thăng Long ĐàLạt Lop11.com (9) Lesson Plan for Grade 11 – Advanced Textbook 2011 Or TRUE, but the grammar is quite easy Or  Yes, but it's not so difficult as Russian Or  Do you think so? Actually, I find it quite easy The commonest ways to express disagreement are as follows:  Yes, that's quite true, but  I'm not sure I quite agree  Well, you have a point there, but  Perhaps, but I don't think that  I see what you mean, but Rather than simply expressing complete disagreement, people usually try to disagree politely using expressions, which soften the contradictory opinion they are giving "I don't think so" and "Not really" are the most common of these expressions  It was a lot of money in those days - Well, not really  It's all over now, anyway - No, I am afraid I can't agree with you there People often say "Yes" or "I see what you mean", to indicate partial agreement and then go on to mention a point of disagreement, introduced by "but"  You've just said yourself that you got fed up with it after a time - Yes, but only after three weeks  It's a very clever film - Yes, perhaps, but I didn't like it  They ruined the whole thing -1 see what you mean, but they didn't know  Strong disagreement If you know someone very well you can disagree more directly using expressions like these:  I can't agree with you there  You can't be serious!  Come off it!  Don't be silly! You should be very careful when using them, in order to avoid offending people  That's very funny - No, it isn't  You were the one who wanted to buy it - I am sorry, dear, but you are wrong More formal ways  University education does divide families in a way - I cannot go along with that  There would be less guilt which characterized societies of earlier generations.- Well I think I would take issue with that  When it comes to the state of this country, he should keep his mouth shut -I wholly and totally disagree  He wants it, and I suppose he has a right to it - Rubbish  He said you plotted to get him removed – That’s ridiculous Period: Date of Preparing: Date of teaching: Lesson: WRITING AIMS Writing a letter describing holiday activities By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to improve their letter writing skill and describe an activity in chronological/time order TEACHING AIDS Textbook, whiteboard markers, PROCEDURES A WARM UP (10) Jumbled words Write the words whose letters are in a random order on the board All the words are adjectives learned in the previous lesson Divide the class into groups of four Ss from each group discuss to find out the correct words The final work of each group is written down on a paper and submitted to the T Group work Page Lô XuânThống – THPT Chuyên Thăng Long ĐàLạt Lop11.com (10) Lesson Plan for Grade 11 – Advanced Textbook 2011 The T reads aloud the result of each group The group which gets more correct words and submits earlier will be the winner desmignla  misleading edelebsiadgar  disagreeable rignaurosdaaci  discouraging ysant  nasty sominnguc  consuming nungistn  stunning B PRE-WRITING Reading a letter (15) Have Ss read through the letter and tell the main content of the letter and underline words/expressions about the activity Ask Ss to exchange their idea with a friend Call on some Ss to give their idea in front of the class Feedback and give suggested answers: In the letter, Tan talked about one activity called Mardi Gras He described the activity from the start to the end  I went to see the parade of  The people were in African clothes  They threw beads to and handed out painted coconuts  I heard lots of marching bands  It was a stunning procession of floats followed by  At midnight, it was all over and the crowds went home Provide Ss with more details about the activity and explain the meaning of Fat Tuesday (See Supplements for details.) Vocabulary pre-teach (10)  parade (n): a public celebration of a special day or event (cuộc diễu hành)  bead (n): a small piece of glass, wood, etc with a hole through it, that can be put on a string with others of the same type and worn as jewellery (hạt chuỗi)  grab(v): to take or hold sth with your hands suddenly (vồ, chộp)  procession (n): a number of people whom come one after the other (đám rước)  float (n): a large vehicle on which people dressed in special costumes are carried in a festival (xe rước) Checking technique Sentence modeling Ask Ss to make sentences with the new words above Call on several Ss to make sentences with the same word to make sure Ss understand the meaning of the words Talking about an event happening in the past When talking about an event in the past, we describe the event in time order, and use the verbs in the past tenses namely past simple, past progressive, and past perfect tense E.g: - First, I went to see the parade of the krewe of Zulu (Past simple) - I ducked into Pat O'Brien's, where I had listened to some great jazz a few nights before (Past perfect) - Everybody was in Pat O'Brien's They were drinking hurricane (Past progressive) Have Ss study the letter again in groups, this time, give the structure of the letter Call on groups to give their idea Feedback and give suggestion In a letter describing a past event, we need to pay attention to structure of the letter as follows:  Opening: Introduction of the situation/event: the setting (Where?When?Who?What?)  Body: General features of the situation/event  Specific details  Closing: Conclusion Individual work Whole class C WHILE-WRITING (35) Page 10 Lô XuânThống – THPT Chuyên Thăng Long ĐàLạt Lop11.com (11) Lesson Plan for Grade 11 – Advanced Textbook 2011 Have Ss look at the outline for Co Loa Festival Ask Ss to work on their own, write a letter to describe the festival Remind Ss to pay attention to verb forms to give as vivid an event as possible Ask Ss to exchange their writing with a friend Collect good writings as well as the ones with typical mistakes and check in front of the class as a whole Give suggested writing: Individual work Saturday, March 1, 20… Dear Jim, I went to Co Loa yesterday and had a festive day with procession and singing there Every year a festival is held at An Duong Vuong temple in Co Loa, Dong Anh District, Ha Noi, between the 6th and 16th of the first lunar month The festival is held to commemorate King An Duong Vuong, the first king of Au Lac During the festival, people of the 12 hamlets of the village perform a procession to pay homage to King An Duong Vuong Many people are dressed in colorful costumes and take part in various activities: Tru and Cheo singing, swinging, rice cooking competition, etc It's an exciting and glamorous festival I enjoyed the day so much and couldn't wait to write to you Best wishes, Tam D POST-WRITING (15’) Have Ss work individually, write about a holiday in their hometown Ask Ss to write a passage of 130 - 150 words Encourage Ss to refer to their own experience in which they witnessed the event Pick up some writings as samples for the whole class Suggested writing You wouldn't believe what happened yesterday when people welcomed the opening ceremony of Bai Chay Bridge The ceremony started at 4:30 in the afternoon There were hundreds of thousands of people taking part in the carnival on the street I joined one team with many beautiful girls wearing attractive clothes And then I joined lines of people dancing happily along the roads Being tired, I sat by the beach and enjoyed a singing performance After that I had dinner in a seafood restaurant The festival didn't come to and end until o 'clock in the evening It was the most exciting activity I have ever taken part in Individual work E HOMEWORK Do exercises in Par Writing in Advanced English Exercise (Part a, b, c, d, p.127-128) F COMMENTS Ss may not know how to use linking words to show time order in their writing Supplements Extra Reading FAT TUESDAY Fat Tuesday is Mardi Gras, the festival New Orleans, Louisiana, is famous for "Gras" is French for fat and "Mardi" is French for Tuesday The annual festivities start on January 6, the Twelfth Night Feast of the Epiphany, when the three kings are supposed to have visited the Christ Child, and build to a climax on Mardi Gras, or Fat Tuesday, which always occurs on the day before Ash Wednesday The parties and parades will continue until Lent begins at the stroke of midnight on Tuesday Mardi Gras is a legal holiday in New Orleans It is scheduled to occur 46 days before Easter Since the actual date Easter occurs on changes yearly, Mardi Gras can happen on any Tuesday between February and March For two centuries it has been an annual event in New Orleans, except during the two World Wars Extra writing Prepare a writing task: Write a letter to a foreign pen pal, talking about one famous festival in Viet Nam that you had a chance to participate recently and present to the class in the next lesson Page 11 Lô XuânThống – THPT Chuyên Thăng Long ĐàLạt Lop11.com (12) Lesson Plan for Grade 11 – Advanced Textbook 2011 Period: Date of Preparing: Date of Teaching: Lesson: LANGUAGE FOCUS AIMS Revision of entertainment-related words The use of cleft sentences in the passive and structure: either or , neither nor or both By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to: - review all the common words related to entertainment and use them correctly - master the purpose and formation of cleft sentences in rewriting sentences TEACHING AIDS Textbook PROCEDURES A WARM UP (10) Checking previous works of Ss Topic: "Write a letter to a foreign pen pal, talking about one famous festival in Viet Nam that you had a chance to participate recently." Call on some Ss to read their works aloud in front of the class Comment on Ss' works in terms of grammar, pronunciation and body language WORD STUDY PRESENTATION (5) Have Ss work in pairs, put the nouns from the box into appropriate columns Call on some Ss to give their answers in front of the class Comment and give the correct answers Art Music Movie painter composer western portrait musical performance exhibition musician adventure art gallery performance action masterpiece jazz cast concert scriptwriter Give Vietnamese meanings of some difficult words:  portrait: chân dung  art gallery: phòng tranh  masterpiece: kiệt tác  western: cao bồi miền tây (thể loại phim)  action: hành động (thể loại phim)  cast: tuyển diễn viên  scriptwriter: người viết kịch phim PRACTICE (10) Have Ss work one their own, fill the blanks in each sentence with the suitable words given in the box Ask Ss to exchange their answers with a friend Call on some Ss to give their answers in front of the class Feedback and give the correct answers: exhibition watching action jazz paint; portrait Whole class Pair work Individual work Page 12 Lô XuânThống – THPT Chuyên Thăng Long ĐàLạt Lop11.com (13) Lesson Plan for Grade 11 – Advanced Textbook 2011 concert; played masterpiece cast; act GRAMMAR PRESENTATION (5) Review Cleft sentence (Refer to Unit 12) Introduction to cleft sentences A cleft sentence is a sentence formed by a main clause and a subordinate clause, which together express a meaning that could be expressed by a simple sentence Clefts typically put a particular constituent into focus This focusing is often accompanied by a special intonation In English, a cleft sentence can be constructed as follows: It + conjugated form ofto be + X + subordinate clause It is a dummy pronoun and X is usually a noun phrase (although it can also be a prepositional phrase, and in some cases an adjectival or adverbial phrase) The focus is on X, or else on the subordinate clause or some element of it For example:  It is Joey that we're looking for  It's money that I love  It was from John that she heard the news  It was meeting Jim that really started me off on this new line of work Cleft sentences are used to help us focus on a particular part of the sentence and to emphasize what we want to say by introducing it or building up to it with a kind of relative clause Cleft sentences are particularly useful in writing where we cannot use intonation for purposes of focus or emphasis, but they are also frequently used in speech PRACTICE (10) Ask Ss to work individually, rewrite the sentence using the structure It + is/was + that + be + past participle Have Ss crosscheck their answers Call on some Ss to read aloud their new sentences in front of the class Comment and give the correct answers: It's music that is preferred by my brother It's major professional sports events that are attended by most Vietnamese It was traditional dishes that were chosen by my father It's on New Year's Day that children are given lucky money It's on Christmas Day that fine gifts are brought to children by Santa Claus It's on Christmas Day that children are brought the gifts by Santa Claus PRESENTATION (10) Review on Either or and Neither nor structures Structure: Either Neither Either + noun + + noun + or nor or Whle class Individual work Whole class + plural noun + plural verb + singular noun + singular verb When either and neither are followed by or and nor, the verb may be singular or plural, depending on whether the noun following or and nor is singular or plural If or or nor appears alone, the same rule applies E.g: - Either my sister or l am going to come and give you a hand - Neither my parents nor my sister agrees with my brother's decision The structures between either or and neither nor must be parallel E.g: - You can go either by car or by bus - She can neither sing nor play a musical instrument Page 13 Lô XuânThống – THPT Chuyên Thăng Long ĐàLạt Lop11.com (14) Lesson Plan for Grade 11 – Advanced Textbook 2011 PRACTICE (10) Have Ss work individually, rewrite each sentences, changing both and into either or Have Ss exchange their answers with a friend Call on some Ss to give their answers Feedback and give the correct answers: 1.If you are in London, you can visit either Piccadilly Circus or the lie theaters You can either play a musical instrument or sing songs at the picnic Either your brother or you can attend the party We will be delighted to see either Ann or Jim To travel to Singapore, you can either take a plane or go by ship PRACTICE (10) Ask Ss to work on their own, combine the sentences, using neither nor Have Ss cross-check their answers Call on some Ss to give their answers in front of the class Feedback and give the correct answers: They can begin working neither on Monday nor on Wednesday She can neither speak French fluently nor write it well On their next trip, my parents will neither take a train nor go by plane I will invite neither Ann nor Alice to my birthday party My sister neither watched TV nor listened to music last night Neither An's birthday party nor Lam's was held last week PRACTICE (10) Have Ss work individually, fill each blank with both, either or neither Ask Ss to exchange their answers with a friend Call on some Ss to give their answers in front of the class Feedback and give the correct answers both either either neither both, either Neither PRACTICE (10) Ask Ss to work in pairs, give the correct form of the words in brackets Have them exchange their answers Call on some Ss to give their answers in front of the class Feed back and give the correct answers Do, does is enjoys am are play/plays plays 8.Were, was Is 10 Individual work Individual work Individual work Pair work F COMMENTS Ss know how to use constructions either or and neither nor correctly Page 14 Lô XuânThống – THPT Chuyên Thăng Long ĐàLạt Lop11.com (15) Lesson Plan for Grade 11 – Advanced Textbook 2011 Page 15 Lô XuânThống – THPT Chuyên Thăng Long ĐàLạt Lop11.com (16)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 20:34

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