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Bài soạn môn học Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 3: A party - Period 12: Reading

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- Walks around the class to help when necessary, note Ss to find the sentences that contain some information to relate the numbers above.. - Suggested answer and check them.[r]

(1)UNIT A PARTY period 12 READING Teaching date: B1………………… I Objectives Aim(s): - Develop such reading micro-skills as scanning for specific ideas, and identifying and correcting false statements - Use the information they have read to discuss celebrations in their culture Lexical items: Words or phrases to related reading Skills: Reading for gist and for specific information II METHOD: Integrated, mainly communication III TEACHING AIDS: Cassette, textbook, lesson plan IV Procedure 1.Orgnization: total class 11B1 Check the old lesson New lesson Teacher’s activities Warm-up - Asks Ss to answer some questions Do you often have a birthday party every year? How you celebrate them? Do you know how many celebrations in Vietnamese people? What are they? - Calls on some Ss to answer - Feedbacks and gives correct answers - Today we will read the passages about birthdays and anniversaries Students’ activities -Listen and answer Yes, I They celebrate very happy In our country people often have parties to celebrate Christmas, Easter, Graduation, Halloween, Wedding, Thanksgiving, Valentine’s day, Mother’s day, Birthday -Listen Before you read - Gets Ss to work in pairs and look at the pictures Then answer the questions What is relationship between the people in the pictures? What are they celebrating? - Walks around the class to help when necessary - Asks Ss to compare the answers with a partner - Calls some Ss to answer - Checks Pre- teaching vocabulary - Writes some new words and meaning on the board Mark: milestone: Golden: anniversary: Silver: diamond: Lop11.com - Work in pairs - Compare the answers with a partner - Answer The people are members in a family They are celebrating a birthday party/ a golden wedding - Copy in notebook - Read in chorus and individually - Make sentences (2) - Reads aloud and asks Ss to read after - Guides Ss to use the words to make sentences with these words - Calls on some Ss to read them aloud While you read - Introduce the scene: You are going to read about how American people celebrate birthdays and wedding anniversaries Then you the tasks follow Plays cassette and ask Ss to listen Then asks Ss to read the text in silence and answer the question What these numbers in the text refer to? 30 25 50 - Guides Ss to work individual and discuss the following couple - Walks around the class to help when necessary, note Ss to find the sentences that contain some information to relate the numbers above - Suggested answer and check them Task - Guides Ss to task - Asks Ss to read carefully statements to understand them then read the text again - Asks them to underline the key words to decide what information they need to find in the text - Asks Ss to work individually and discuss with a partner - Suggested answer - Walks around the class to help when necessary - Asks them to compare their answers with a partner - Calls Some Ss to write and read their answers Then ask them to explain their choices - Gives corrected answer Task - Guide Ss to task - Asks Ss to read the sentences carefully, there is ONE word which is not true according to the reading passage Underline the wrong words and provide the correct one - Ask Ss to work individual and discuss the couple - Walk around the class to help when necessary - Asks Ss to compare their answers with a partner - Calls Some Ss to read their answers - Feedbacks and gives correct answers After you read Lop11.com - Listen and read scan - Work individual and discuss - Answer + 30: Many Americans over the age of 30 don’t like to talk about their age (paragraph 2) + 25: People call the 25th is the silver anniversary (paragraph at least) + 50: People call the 50th is the golden anniversary (paragraph at least) + The 25th and 50th anniversaries are special (paragraph at least) - Work individual - Answer 1.People sing a song 2.People eat cakes 3.People receive cards and gifts from friends and relative 4.People joke about their ages 5.People remember their wedding days 6.People go out to dinner 7.People blow out candles, one for each year Birthday v v v Wedding v v v v - Work individually and discuss - Answer eighth = seventh.(line1, p1, part A) make = eats.(line2, p3, part A) food =presents.(line3, p3, part A) anniversary = ages.(line4,p4, part a) months = years.(line2, p1, part B) 5th=50th (line2, p3, part B) silver= golden.(line5, p3, part B) - Work in group and discuss the (3) - Asks Ss to work in group and discuss the questions on the text book - Walks around the class to help when necessary - Calls some groups to read their answers aloud before the class - Feedbacks and gives correct answers Homework: - Asks Ss to read text and write new words fluently - Asks Ss to write about your last birthday party and prepare the new lesson Lop11.com questions - Compare their answers with other groups - Read aloud the answers - Compare with teacher’s answers - Read text and write new words fluently - Write about your birthday party and prepare the new lesson (4)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 08:02
