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Thiết kế bài dạy Tiếng Anh 11 - Unit 2: Personal experiences - Lesson 1 đến lesson 5

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b.Teacher gives handouts to SS to teach new Tạ Lệ An- Trường PTTH Trần Phú, Móng cái- Quảng Ninh Lop11.com... Scanning * SS read the text again and answer the questions in task 3.[r]

(1)Gi¸o ¸n Anh v¨n líp 11 PERSONAL EXPERIENCES Unit lesson 1- reading Date of teaching: Sept I.Objectives: By the end of the lesson , SS will be able to -Guess the meaning in the passage - Understand the sequence of events in a story - Use the vocabulary perfectly II Materials Book , posters , pictures , handouts III Procedure Time Teacher’s activities 1.Warmer ( Brainstorming ) - SS work in groups to fill the suitable words in the spaces -Suggested words:- excited , confused , upset - surprised , sad , happy , lovely , 2008 Work arrangement Group work feelings - Teacher explains the words “ personal experiences “ _ the things that have happened to you that influence the way you think or behave Pre-reading a T / F prediction Ask SS to look at the pictures and guess the sentences  The girl likes her pop star idol’s hat  Her mother gave her some money to buy that hat  She thought the boy had stolen her money  She forgot her money at home b.Teacher gives handouts to SS to teach new Tạ Lệ An- Trường PTTH Trần Phú, Móng cái- Quảng Ninh Lop11.com Individual work (2) Gi¸o ¸n Anh v¨n líp 11 words * floppy ( n ) = hat * sneaky ( v ) : * glance at ( v ) : * wad ( n , v , ): * confused ( adj ): While reading : a Activity Skimming : Ask SS to read the passage carefully and check T / F statements b Activity Scanning * SS read the text again and answer the questions in task - Peer correction - Teacher gives feedbacks * T gives handouts and ask SS to read the story and complete the chart Paragraph Pair work How did the girl feel ? Reason Excited Embarrassed Happy - Peer correction -Teacher checks their answers Post reading ; a Ask SS to task -Teacher helps and checks Keys 1.picture D 2.picture B picture F picture E picture A picture C b Discuss the question Homework - Retell their most embarrassing experience ( Using where ? when ? ) Tạ Lệ An- Trường PTTH Trần Phú, Móng cái- Quảng Ninh Lop11.com Individual & pair work Whole class (3) Gi¸o ¸n Anh v¨n líp 11 Unit PERSONAL EXPERIENCES Lesson 2– SPEAKING Date of teaching: Sept , 2008 I.Objectives By the end of the lesson ,SS will be able to : - Talk about their past experiences and how they affected their lives II.MATERIALS - textbook , handout, pictures III Procedure : Time 5’ 10’ Teacher’s activities Warmer: - Teacher posts some pictures on board and asks SS to speak about their emotion - T gives the answers.( relaxed , happy, frightened , bored , excited , angry ) - Teacher asks some questions : ? – Have you had some personal experiences ? ? - How you feel when you meet a famous film star ? ? - How you feel when you fail the exam? Before speaking - T gives handouts Matching the sentences in column A with those in column B A B I have a 15 mile walk , a Make you love your then climb three country more mountains b Teach you a lesson Fail your exam and make you work Meet a famous film harder star c Make you appreciate Speak English to a your health more native English speaker d Make you feel more interested in learning Be seriously ill Travel the other part of English the country e Make you feel tired f Make you excited Work arrangement Group work Pair work - Ask SS to speak their sentences T checks the answers - Key Tạ Lệ An- Trường PTTH Trần Phú, Móng cái- Quảng Ninh Lop11.com (4) Gi¸o ¸n Anh v¨n líp 11 5’ 10’ 10’ 5’ - 1.e , b , 3.f , d , c , a - While speaking - * Activity - Ss task 2.( Order the dialogue ) - Call some pairs of SS to speak in front of the class - T gives feedback *Key - 1.b , d , h ,4 a , e , g , c , 8.f - T notes some models : - Have you ever spoken to a native speaker ? - How did you feel ? - How did the experience affect you? - * Activity - Ask SS to talk about their past experiences in the task 2, based on the suggestions above - Have you ever … ? - How did it happen ? When did it happen ? - How did the experience affect you ? - Post speaking - Interview - Call some pairs to go to the board and ask other pairs - Homework - Write a paragraph ( 80 or 100 words ) about one of their past experiences which affected them Group work Individual work Pair work Lesson evaluation: Tạ Lệ An- Trường PTTH Trần Phú, Móng cái- Quảng Ninh Lop11.com (5) Gi¸o ¸n Anh v¨n líp 11 Unit lesson PERSONAL EXPERIENCES listening Date of teaching: Sept Time 5’ 8’ 10’ 15’ , 2008 I Objectives By the end of the lesson ,SS will be able to : Develop extensive listening skills Use the information they have listened for other communicative tasks II MATERIALS textbook , cassette tapes , pictures , handouts III PROCEDURE : Teacher’s activities 1.Warm up - Game “ hot seat “ ( fire , hot , run , terrified ) Work arrangement Whole class 2.Before listening - Teacher helps SS to pronounce the words in their books correctly - Memorable , gas stove , terrified , embraced , scream , escape , replace , protected, - Whole class reading While listening - Task - SS listen to the task but only after through the statements and underlined key words - Ss listen to the tape , and pairs comparision - Teacher gives feedback - Key - 1.T , F , F , F , T - Task - Teacher asks SS to read the passage carefully and complete it - Ss listen to the tape to the exercise - Ss peer correction - Key - 1.small , everything , family , replaced , took , appreciate, Tạ Lệ An- Trường PTTH Trần Phú, Móng cái- Quảng Ninh Lop11.com Pair work Individual work (6) Gi¸o ¸n Anh v¨n líp 11 10’ - 2’ - After listening Christina says that family is more important than things Do you agree or disagree with her ? Why ? Exchange your ideas with a partner Work in pairs Talk about their experiences then report Ss in pairs Homework Write a paragraph about your unforgettable memory Group work Pair work Lesson evaluation: Tạ Lệ An- Trường PTTH Trần Phú, Móng cái- Quảng Ninh Lop11.com (7) Gi¸o ¸n Anh v¨n líp 11 PERSONAL EXPERIENCES Unit lesson WRITING Date of teaching: Sept , 2008 I Objectives: - By the end of the lesson , SS will be able to - Make an outline to say about past experiences - To write a letter to a friend to say about them - To use adjs to express feeling II.MATERIALS: - posters, handouts III.PROCEDURE: Time 5’ 10’ Teacher’s activities Work arrangement Warm up Teacher gives handouts.(3 kinds ) Pair work Complete the sentences ,using the adjs in the box Proud , jealous , embarrassed , angry , sad , frightened He was very … when his father appeared on TV with the Prime Minister He was very …… when his best friend went out with the girl he really liked He was very …… when he sent her a birthday present on the wrong day He was very …… when someone stole his money He was very …… when he heard that his aunt died He was very …… when he saw those big dogs running toward him - Ask SS to read their sentences - Teacher gives feedback Key 1.proud , jealous , embarrassed , angry , sad , frightened Before writing - Teacher uses the poster to ask SS practice Last summer , I went to Hanoi by bus I went there with my classmates and we visited many interesting places such as : Ho Chi Minh mausoleum , West lake Water park and Vincom tower… , we enjoyed our tour very much and felt happy - Ask SS to complete the chart bellow Group Group2 Tạ Lệ An- Trường PTTH Trần Phú, Móng cái- Quảng Ninh Lop11.com group work (8) Gi¸o ¸n Anh v¨n líp 11 15’ When Where How With whom Feeling - Teacher checks and gives the correct answers 3.While writing Teacher asks SS to use the chat again to write their experiences and fill in the information Pair work When it happened Where it happened How it happened Who was involved How the experience affected you 10’ 5’ Teacher goes round and helps if necessary - SS work in pairs and peer correction - Teacher calls on some pairs to speak out 4.Post writing - SS read the letter again and take the main ideas when writing - SS write their experiences based on the chat above Group work - Correction in groups - Teacher calls one student to read his / her writing and gives the comment Homework - Complete the writing at home Lesson evaluation: Tạ Lệ An- Trường PTTH Trần Phú, Móng cái- Quảng Ninh Lop11.com (9) Gi¸o ¸n Anh v¨n líp 11 Unit lesson PERSONAL EXPERIENCES language focus Teaching date: Sept ,2008 I Objectives: By the end of the lesson , SS will be able to ; - Pronounce / m / , / n / , / / , and read the sentences containing them correctly - Review tenses : past simple , progressive , and past perfect - present simple indicating past time II.MATERIALS: Texkbook , handout , poster III PROCEDURE Time 8’ 5’ 30’ Teacher’s activities Work arrangement Pronunciation: a.Distinguish sounds My new friend , Anne , came from England Individual work T models the consonants for a few times and explains - Play the tape once for SS to hear the words containing the sounds - Play the tape again Ss repeat these words in each column in chorus ( times) - Call on some SS to read individually b.Practice Pair work - Play the tape ask SS to listen to the tape - Show out the stress of sentences - SS work in pairs to read aloud - T goes around to listen and takes notes of the typical errors Correction feed back Grammar a Setting the scene - Last Sunday we went to the zoo with my daughter - We saw a monkey She was very active When my daughter was eating an ice-cream suddenly the monkey snatched it - * Ask SS about the tenses in these sentences and revise the form , the uses - T pays attention to the present simple indicating past time b Practice Tạ Lệ An- Trường PTTH Trần Phú, Móng cái- Quảng Ninh Lop11.com (10) Gi¸o ¸n Anh v¨n líp 11 Exer T asks SS to exercises Let all SS in whole class - Give feed back Key invites , sets , gets , waves , promises 6.carries contains has bakes is 10 is shinning 11 are singing 12 is Exer Ask SS to in groups - Peer correction - Teacher gives feed back - * Pay attention to the use of simple past & past progressive Key broke , was playing told , were having wrote , was didn’t listen , was thinking was working , broke phoned , didn’t answer, were doing started , were walking wasn’t wearing, didn’t notice , was driving Exer - Teacher helps them to - SS work individual & then find a partner to check their answers - Teacher checks with the whole class and provides corrective feedback - * Pay attention to the use of simple past and past perfect Key had eaten , arrived got , had arrived found , had taken paid , had phoned got , had closed went , said , hadn’t arrived got , had left had looked , asked , cost Whole class Group work Individual & pair work 3.Production Homework Tạ Lệ An- Trường PTTH Trần Phú, Móng cái- Quảng Ninh Lop11.com 10 (11)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 04:54

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