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Nếu động từ tường thuật ở thì hiện tại đơn, hiện tại tiếp diễn, hiện tại hoàn thành, tương lai, khi đổi sang câu gián tiếp, ta không thay đổi thì và các cum trạng từ và cụm từ chỉ thời g[r]

(1)MỤC LỤC Trang I Lý chọn đề tài II Giải pháp thực tế giúp học sinh học Viết lại câu hiệu Lập kế hoạch cho tiết dạy, buổi dạy: Thực tốt tiến trình dạy Viết lại câu 3.1.1 Past simple  present perfect 3.1.2 Cách biến đổi Although  Despite/ In spite of 3.1.3 THE CONDITIONAL(CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN) 3.1.4 PASSIVE VOICE 3.1.5 INVERSION 12 3.1.6 SUBJUNCTIVES (THỂ GIẢ ĐỊNH) 16 3.1.7 TIME CLAUSES 17 3.1.8 CLAUSES OF PURPOSE 17 3.1.9 SO ADJ/ADV THAT / SUCH AN/AN + ADJ+ N + THAT 19 3.1.10 COMPARATIVE AND SUPERLATIVE 20 3.1.11 REPORTED SPEECH 20 3.2 MỘT SỐ TỪ VÀ CẤU TRÚC THƯỜNG GẶP TRONG VIẾT LẠI CÂU 24 3.2.1 Dạng chuyển đổi động từ và danh từ người 3.2.1 go up/ rise/ increase /fall/ decrease/ decline/drop  N: rise/ increase/fall/ decrease/ decline 3.2.3 CẤU TRÚC VỚI TỪ SURPRISE 3.2.4 CẤU TRÚC VỚI TỪ INTEND 3.2.5 CẤU TRÚC VỚI TỪ DIFFICULT 3.2.6 CẤU TRÚC VỚI TỪ SUCCEED/ MANAGE/ FAIL 3.2.7 CẤU TRÚC VỚI TỪ LIKELY 3.2.8 CẤU TRÚC VỚI TỪ CHANCE/ OPPORTUNITY 3.2.9 CẤU TRÚC VỚI TỪ POSSIBLE 3.2.10 CẤU TRÚC VỚI TỪ CHANGE 3.2.11 CẤU TRÚC VỚI TỪ SEEM 3.2.12 CẤU TRÚC VỚI TỪ MIND 3.2.13 CẤU TRÚC VỚI TỪ NECESSARY 3.2.14 CẤU TRÚC VỚI TỪ EXPECT 3.2.15 CẤU TRÚC VỚI TỪ PREVENT/ STOP 3.2.16 CẤU TRÚC VỚI TỪ WORTH/ POINT/ USE/ WASTE 3.2.17 CẤU TRÚC VỚI TỪ SPEND/TAKE TIME 3.3 Bài tập áp dụng 3.4 Đáp Án III KẾT LUẬN TÀI LIỆU THAM KHẢO 24 24 25 25 25 26 27 27 27 28 28 28 29 29 30 30 30 32 49 59 60 ©Copyright Đỗ Bình – Lien Son High School – Lap Thach – Vinh Phuc Lop11.com (2) MỘT SỐ DẠNG NGỮ PHÁP, TỪ VÀ CẤU TRÚC THƯỜNG GẶP TRONG VIẾT LẠI CÂU 3.1 MỘT SỐ DẠNG NGỮ PHÁP THƯỜNG GẶP TRONG VIẾT LẠI CÂU 3.1.1 Viết lại câu thực chuyển đổi từ Thì quá khứ đơn sang thì hoàn thành và ngược lại This is the first time S have/has + (ever) + Vpp/ Ved + (O)/ Adv  S have/ has never Vpp Vpp/ Ved + (O)/ Adv … before Example: This is the first time I have seen him  I have ……………………………………………  I have never seen him before The last time + S + past simple……was + time + ago/ in+ time  S + have/ has + not + Ved/Vpp………for/ since + time Example: The last time she visited us was two years ago  She hasn't ………………………………………………… She hasn't visited us for two years Nếu không có ago mà có when + mệnh đề thì giữ nguyên mệnh đề đổi when thành since S + last + past simple …… time + ago /in + time/ when + S + past simple  S + have/ has + not + Ved/Vpp………for/ since + time Example: I last saw him when I was a student I have not………………………………………  I haven't seen him since I was a student Mẫu này có dạng : Nếu không có ago mà có when + mệnh đề thì giữ nguyên mệnh đề đổi when thành since S + began/ started + V-ing/ To V … in+time/ time+ago/ when S + past simple  S + have/has + Ved/3…………… since/ for + time have/ has + been + V-ing…… I started / began studying English years ago I have……………………………………………………………  I have studied English for years / I have been studying English for years Nếu không có ago mà có when + mệnh đề thì giữ nguyên mệnh đề đổi when thành since It’s + time + since + S + (last) + past simple  S + have/ has + (not) + Ved/Vpp…… for + time Example: It's ten years since I last met him  I have not…………………………………… I haven't met him for ten years When did + S + V0…….?  How long is it since + S + past simple… ? Lop11.com (3) have/ has + S + Ved/Vpp… ? Example When did you buy it ? How long ………………………………………… How long have you bought it? It/this/that is the + Adj (superlative) + S + have + ever + Ved/Vpp  S + have/ has + never + Ved/Vpp + such (a/ an) + Adj + N + (before) This is the most delicious cake I’ve ever tasted  I have ………………………………………… I have never tasted such a delicious cake before This is the first time + S + have + Ved/Vpp + ……  S+be + not used to + Ving/N This is the first time I have seen so many people crying at the end of the movie I was not used………………………………………………………………………………… I was not used to seeing so many people crying at the end of the movie 3.1.2 Cách biến đổi Although/Even though/ Though  Despite/ In spite of Although/ though + Clause Despite / in spite of + N/ Ving Các công thức biến đổi từ mệnh đề sang cụm từ sau: Although/ though + S + V, S’ + V’ (S=S’)  Despite/ in spite of + Ving, S’ + V’…… Although Tom got up late, he got to school on time  Despite / in spite of …………………………………………………… Despite / in spite of getting up late, Tom got to school on time Although/ though + the+N + be + Adj, S’ + V’  Despite/ in spite of + the adj + N, S’ + V’…… Although the rain was heavy, they enjoyed their game Despite/ in spite of …………………………………………………… Despite / in spite of the heavy rain, they enjoyed their game Although/ though + personal Pronoun + be + Adj, S’ + V’  Despite/ in spite of + possessive adjective + N, S’ + V’…… Although He was sick, => Despite / in spite of his sickness, Although/ though + personal Pronoun + V + adv, S’ + V’  Despite/ in spite of + possessive adjective + adj+N, S’ + V’…… Although He behaved impolitely, => Despite / in spite of his impolite behavior , Although/ though + there be+(a/an)N , S’ + V’  Despite/ in spite of + a/an + N, S’ + V’…… Although there was an accident , => Despite / in spite of an accident, Although/ though + it + be + Adj (weather), S’ + V’  Despite/ in spite of + the adj + N(weather), S’ + V’…… Lop11.com (4) Although it was rainy, => Despite / in spite of the rain, ……… Các tính từ và danh từ thường gặp mẫu này là: Foggy => fog ( sương mù ) Snowy => snow (tuyết) Rainy => rain (mưa) Stormy => storm ( bão) Phương pháp cuối cùng là phương pháp dễ : thêm the fact that trước mệnh đề Phương pháp này áp dụng cho câu mà khôgn cần phân tích xem nó thuộc mẫu này, nhiên phương pháp này không khuyến khích sử dụng vì suy cho cùng biến đổi trên đây là rèn luyện cho các em cách sử dụng các cấu trúc câu, đó câu nào thêm the fact that viết lại hết thì các em không nâng cao trình độ Phương pháp này áp dụng gặp câu quá phức tạp mà không có cách nào biến đổi Một trường hợp khác mà các em có thể sử dụng là : lúc thi gặp câu khó mà mình quên cách biển đổi Although he behaved impolitely,  Despite / in spite of the fact that he behaved impolitely, Although/ though + S + V + Adj /adv, S’ + V’  However+ adj/adv +S+V… , S’ + V’…… Driving at that spees is dangerous although you are an experienced driver or not However However experinced a driver you are// you are as a driver, driving at that speed is dangerous Although/ though + S + V + Adj /adv, S’ + V’  adj/adv +as/though+S+V… , S’ + V’…………………… I don’t really like her, even though I admire her achievements →Much ……………………………………………………… →Much as I admire her achievements, I don’t really like her 3.1.3 THE CONDITIONAL(CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN) Conditional type a Nếu câu đề là: (Don’t )V…….or S will/can(not) infinitive :  If S1 present simple, S2 will/can(not) infinitive Example: Stop talking or you won’t understand the lesson → If …………………………………… ….……………………………… If you don’t stop talking, you won’t understand the lesson Don’t be impatient or you will make mistakes  If…………………………………………………………………… If you are impatient, you will make mistakes b S1 will/can infinitive; S2 will/can(not) infinitive :  If S1 present simple, S2 will/can(not) infinitive Example: He will pay me tonight; I will have enough money to buy a car  If………………………………………………………………………… If he pays me tonight, I will have enough money to buy a car c Use UNLESS  IF ……NOT Lop11.com (5) EX: If you not study hard, you will fail the exam Unless you study hard, you will fail the exam If you not like this one, I’ll bring you another Unless……………………………………………………………………… d If S1 present simple, S2 will/can (not) infinitive  Provided that/ As long as/ So long as S1 present simple, S2 will/can (not) infinitive If we try hard, we can finish it in a week Provided ………………………………………………………………… Provided that we try hard, we can finish it in a week Provided your hand writing is legible the examiner will accept your answer As long as the examiner ……………………………………………………… So long as the examiner ………………………………………………………… So long as the examiners can read your handwriting, they will accept your answer e If S1 present simple, S2 will/can (not) infinitive  Should S infinitive, S2 will/ can(not) infinitive Example: If you find it necessary, you can contact me on this number →Should …………………………………………………………… →Should you find it necessary, you can contact me on this number Conditional type a S1 present simple/could/would infinnitive, because S2 present simple  If S1 past simple, S2 could/would infinitive Nếu câu có because, so (= that’s why) thì phải bỏ (đặt if vào chổ because , còn so (= that’s why) thì ngược lại) Peter is fat because he eats so many chips →If …………………………………………………… … If Peter did not eat so many chips, he would not be fat b S1 + present simple, so S2 could/ would (not)/ present simple  If S1 past simple, S2 could/would (not) infinitive They don't go to the cinema, so they don't know anything about new movies and actors If ………………………………………………………………………………………… If they knew something about new movies and actors, they would go to the cinema c If S1 past simple, S2 could/would (not) infinitive  Were S1 (+ to V) O… , S2 could/would (not) infinitive The only thing that makes this job worthwhile is the money →Were ………………………………………………………………………………… →Were it not for the money, the job wouldn’t be worthwhile Conditional type a S1 + past simple, so S2 could/ would (not)/ past simple  If S1 had Vpp, S2 could/would have Vpp My husband didn’t leave the keys, so I couldn’t pick him up at the station If my husban……………………………………………………………………… b S1 past simple/could/would infinnitive, because S2 past simple/ past perfect  If S1 had Vpp, S2 could/would have Vpp We got lost in the jungle because we didn't have a map If we had c - If S1 had Vpp, S2 could/would have Vpp Lop11.com (6) - S1 past simple/could/would infinnitive, because S2 past simple/ past perfect - It was N that + past simple+…………  But for + N/Ving,…………………………… Had S (not) Vpp/Ved… , ………………… Example It was his incompetence that led to their capture  If ……………………………………………………………………………… Had it………………………………………………………………………………………… But for………………………………………………………………………………………  If it had not been for his incompetence, they would not have been captured d Without + Ving/ N, S will/ would/ could + ………………………… If conditional type 2/ type If he had not helped, I would not have been able to find my way Without……………………………………………………………………………… Without his help, I would not have been able to find my way 3.1.4 PASSIVE VOICE 3.1.4 Somebody + want/ like/expect + someone to something Somebody + want /like/expect + something + to be done EX: Our teacher wants us to prepare our lessons carefully Our teacher wants our lessons to be prepared carefully They expected me to finish my work early They expected my work to be finished early Somebody + agree/arrange/determine/decide + to something Somebody + agree/arrange/determine/decide + that something + should be + done EX: She decided to rebuild the house She decided that the house should be rebuilt Something + need(s) + doing (also: want+ v-ing/require+v-ing) Something + need(s) + to be done (also: want+ to be done/require+to be done) EX: The house needs cleaning (passive meaning) These flowers require watering The house needs to be cleaned These flowers require to be watered You don’t need to prepare the lesson (active) The chickens need feeding The lesson doesn’t need to be prepared The chickens need to be fed The lesson doesn’t need preparing A PRESENT MEANING people + think/expect/believe/estimate/say/report/suppose/hope/declare/rumour + that + some one + something (active)  PASSIVE Lop11.com (7) TYPE It is TYPE S tobe PASSIVE thought expected believed estimated said reported supposed hoped declared rumoured that S + something to something EX: People think that he drives dangerously (active) It is thought that he drives dangerously (type 1) He is thought to drive dangerously (type 2) People believe that he is a good teacher It is believed that he is a good teacher (type 1) He is believed to be a good teacher (type 2) People believe that this new teaching method is more effective than the old one This new teaching method ……………………………………………………… This new teaching method is believed to be more effective than the old one (Đề thi TN THPTQG năm 2015) B PAST MEANING people + think/expect/believe/estimate/say/report/suppose/hope/declare/rumour + that + someone + did something (active)  PASSIVE TYPE It is TYPE S tobe PASSIVE thought expected believed estimated said reported supposed hoped declared rumoured that S + did something to have done something EX: People think that he drove dangerously (active) It is thought that he drove dangerously (type 1) He is thought to have driven dangerously (type 2) People believed that he is a good teacher (active) It is believed that he was a good teacher (type 1) He is believed to have been a good teacher (type 2) NOTE: It’s your duty to something You are supposed to something Lop11.com (8) EX: It’s your duty to lock all the doors You are supposed to lock all the doors Somebody + see/make/let + someone + + something (active) Someone is seen/made + to something (passive) Someone is let + something (passive) but we often say: someone is (not) allowed to something EX: He made me stay outside yesterday (active) I was made to stay outside yesterday The teacher let us go home early last week (active) We were let go home early by the teacher last week often: We were allowed to go home early by the teacher last week I saw the thief climb the wall (active) The thief was seen to climb the wall Somebody + have + someone + something Somebody + get + someone + to something Somebody + have + something + done "To get someone to something" suggests that you talked to the person and convinced him to something "To have someone something" simply states that you arranged for someone to something, whether or not that person did it voluntarily Example He had his waiter carry the luggage home He had the luggage carried home by the waiter I got the postman to post the letter for me I had the letter posted for me by the postman Don’t something (active)  something mustn’t be done It’s impossible to something (active)  something can’t be done It’s possible to something (active)  something can be done Example Don’t touch this switch  This switch mustn’t be touched It is impossible to this This can’t be done Somebody + advise/ beg/ urge/ recommend someone to something (active) Cách 1: someone is advised/ begged/ urged/ recommended to something Cách 2: somebody advise/ beg/ urge/ recommend that something should be done EX: He advised me to sell the car I was advised to sell the car He advised that the car should be sold Somebody + agree/ arrange/ determine/ decide/ is determined/ is anxious +to something (active) Lop11.com (9) Somebody + agree/ arrange/ determine/ decide/ is determined/ is anxious + that something should be done EX: She decided to rebuild the house She decided that the house should be rebuilt Somebody + insist/ advise/ propose/ recommend/ suggest + doing something (active) Somebody insist/ advise/ propose/ recommend/ suggest that something should be done Example He suggested selling the radio He suggested that radio should be sold They advised enlarging the garden They advised that the garden should be enlarged Mệnh lệnh thức (imperative) + Object  S + should/must + be +P2/ Let+object+be+P.P Example Turn on the lights  The lights should be turned on Open your book, please!  Let your book be opened, please! 3.1.5 INVERSION Đảo ngữ số trường hợp câu phủ định ( Inversion in nagative sentences) a Một số trạng từ phủ định đứng đầu câu Hardly (ever) Barely Scarcely (ever) + Inversion Rarely Never again/ before Never Seldom Little Example: You can hardly/barely/scarcely see anyone wear a hat nowadays Barely/ Hardly/ Scarcely……………………………………………………  Barely/ Hardly/ Scarely can you see anyone wear a hat nowadays Such a situation should never be allowed to arise again > Never …………………………………………………………… > Never again should such a situation be allowed to arise The thief little realized that the police had thrown a cordon around the bank > Little ………………………………………………………………………… Little did the thief realize that the police had thrown a cordon around the bank This remedy rarely failed > Rarely did this remedy fail I had never before been asked to accept a bribe >Never before had I been asked to accept a bribe Lop11.com (10) b Đảo ngữ câu bắt đầu “Not” Not + noun phrase Not + till + phrase + Inversion Not + until + clause Example She didn’t shed a tear even though the story ended in tragedy > Not a tear did she shed even though the story ended in tragedy 2.The whole truth didn’t become known until many years later > Not until many years later did the whole truth become known I didn’t realize how difficult the exercise was until I was half way through it > Not until I was half way through the exercise did I realize how difficult it was He didn’t realize that he had lost it till he got home > Not till he got home did he realize that he had lost it Note: Tuy nhiên trường hợp cụm danh từ bắt đầu “No” “Not” làm chủ ngữ câu thì không gọi là đảo ngữ No example of this word is given in this dictionary Mặt khác với “Not until + clause” thì đảo ngừ vế cau chính không phải lấy vế ngau sau “Not until” c Đảo ngữ với cấu trúc “Not only but also ” Not only + clause (đảo ngữ) + but + S + also + V She dances beautifully and she sings sweetly, too > Not only does she dance beautifully but she also sings sweetly Not only I enjoy classical music, but I also have a season ticket to the symphony d Đảo ngữ với các cụm từ co “No”, “Not” đứng đầu câu Under no circumstances In no circumstances On no condition On no account At no time + Inversion Nowhere In no way No longer Example The bus driver can’t be blamed for the accident in any way > In no way can the bus driver be blamed for the accident The doctor told his patient that he should on no account return to work un til he had made a complete recovery > The doctor told his patient that on no account should he return to work until he had made a complete recovery Remote villages don’t have a regular bus service any longer > No longer remote villages have a regular bus service The accused never expressed regret for what he’d done > At no time did the accused express regret for what he’d done This switch must not be touched on any acount > On no acount must this switch be touched Đảo ngữ cấu trúc có “Only” a 10 Lop11.com (11) noun phrase Only prepositional phrase + Inversion later (only by, only after, only in this way) Example You can make yourself heard only by shouting at the top of your voice > Only by shouting at the top of your voice can you make yourself heard The facts were not all made publicity until later > Only later were the facts all made publicity He mentioned it to me only yesterday > Only yesterday did he mention it to me b Only if (clause) when (clause) + Inversion then Example You will understand what true responsibility is only when you became a parent > Only when you become a parent will you understand what true responsibility is You can enter the competition to meet the cast noly if you purchase a ticket for a show > Only if you purchase a ticket for a show can you enter the competition to meet the cast We realized, only then, what a mess we had got ourselves in > Only then did we realize what a mess we had got ourselves in Note: Nếu “Only” ám tình trạng thì không sử dụng đảo ngữ Example: Only Mary realized that the door was unlocked Đảo ngữ với các cụm từ thời gian Dùng để diễn tả hành động diễn sau hành động khác Thường thì hành động đó đêu quá khứ Hardly/ Scarely/Rarely + Inversion (past perfect) +when +S (past simple) No sooner + Inversion (past perfect)+than +S (past simple) Example Immediately after his arrival home a water-heater exploded →Hardly ……………………………………………………………………………………… →Hardly had he arrived home when a water-heater exploded Tear gas was released as soon as the thieves touched the safe No sooner………………………………………………………………………… No sooner had the thieves touched the safe than tear gas was released He had no sooner drunk the coffee than he began to fell drowsy > No sooner …………………………………………………………………………… > No sooner had he drunk the coffee than he began to feel drowsy Note: Đi với các cấu trúc trên có thể dùng các thì khác không nhiều ý nghĩa các hành động mẫu phải mang tính đối lập Đảo ngữ các nhận xét để diễn đạt hợp ý Sử dụng các liên từ so/ neither/ nor với đảo ngữ động từ chính Chúng dùng câu trần thuật để rút gọn lời nói, tránh lặp lại các ý kiến đã đưa từ trước Cấu trúc: Statement 11 Lop11.com (12) Affirmative sentence Nagative sentence (and) so + inversion neither + inversion nor Example Jack went out last night and we went out last night, too > Jack went out last night and so did we He has never been to London and I’ve never been there, either > He has never been to London and neither have I The boys cheated and so did the girls I’m having a tooth out tomorrow and so is she Tom never goes to concert, neither does his wife Ann hasn’t any spare time ~ Neither/ Nor have I I didn’t get much sleep last night ~ Neither/ Nor did I Hơn “Nor” còn dược dùng để nối câu phủ định với không tính đến nghĩa chúng có giống hay không Đảo ngữ dùng mệnh đề kết với “so, such” để nhấn mạnh ý kiến S + V + so + adj/adv + that - clause S + V + such + that – clause  So + adj/adv + clause (inversion) + that - clause Such + clause (inversion) + that - clause (such = so much/ great) Thông thường ta hay dùng: So + adjective that' combines with the verb 'to be' 'Such + to be + noun (that)': Example The snow fall was so heavy that all the train had to be cancelled > So heavy was the snow that all the train had to be cancelled The force of the storm was such that all the trees were uprooted > Such was the force of the storm that all the tree were uprooted Đảo ngữ sau “As” Được sử dụng nhiều ngôn ngữ viết và văn phong có tính xã giao Nó dùng có tính chất phù hoa nên nó phải dùng phận câu, không thể tách lẻ thành câu riêng biệt I thought, as did my colleagues, that the inflation would be over I supposed, as did most people, that I’d be retiring at 60 3.1.6 SUBJUNCTIVES WISH Dạng câu đề thường là S1 be sorry that S2 + past simple  S1 wish that S2 + past perfect/ Could/ Would (not) have Vpp/Ved Example: It's a pity you didn't tell us about this I wish …………………………………………………… I wish you had told us about this I wish I were a boy (In fact, I am a girl.) I wish it were not raining (In fact, it is raining.) I wish he would come here tomorrow (In fact, he will not come) 12 Lop11.com (13) I wish I hadn't gone to the party last night (In fact, I went there last night.) Mệnh đề chứa cụm từ IF ONLY I’d love to live in Paris for a year If only………………………………………………………………… If only I could live in Paris for a year Ex: If only I could turn back the time (In fact, I can't) If only she would attend the meeting tomorrow (In fact, she will not come) If only I hadn't met him years ago (In fact, I met him) WOULD SOONER, WOULD RATHER would prefer S + to st would sooner / would rather + Sb did st Example: We’d prefer you not to smoke We’d rather……………………………… We would rather you did not smoke IT'S TIME, IT'S ABOUT TIME, IT'S HIGH TIME… It's time / It's about time / It's high time + for sb + to st It's time / It's about time / It's high time + Sb did st Example: When are the council going to something about the city’s traffic problems? It’s high time something……………………………………………………… It’s high time something were done about the city’s traffic problems AS IF, AS THOUGH (như thể là…./ dường như….) Example The house seemed to have been unoccupied for several months It looked………………………………………………………………………………… It looked as if the house had not been occupied for several months 3.1.7 TIME CLAUSES Dạng It was not until + time word/phrase/clause that + clause Dạng viết lại câu này thường có câu đề sau a S+past simple until/till time word/ time phrase/ clause  Not until time word/ time phrase/ clause + Inversion Example She didn’t become a teacher until yesterday => It was not until yesterday that he became a teacher => Not until yesterday did he become a teacher He didn’t come home until late in the evening => It was not until late in the evening that he came home => Not until late in the evening did he come home He didn't know how to swim until he was 30 years old => It was not until he was 30 years old that he knew how to swim => Not until he was 30 years old did he know how to swim He did not realize how difficult the task was until he was halfway through it 13 Lop11.com (14) Not until ………………………………………………………………………………… Not until he was halfway through the task did he realize how difficult it was (Đề thi TN THPTQG năm 2015) b During + N/ Ving, S + V  While S’ + V, S+ V Example During the oil refinery strike, there were enormous petrol queues While………………………………………………………………………… While the oil refinery strike was going on, there were enormous petrol queues C On + N/Ving, S + V  As soon as/ When S’ +V, S +V Example: On receipt of your cheque, we shall send the goods to you As soon ………………………………………………………………………………… As soon as we receive your cheque, we shall send the goods to you Chú Ý: Phần bài tập Đảo Ngữ và Time Clauses thường có phần liên quan đến như: Only when, Not until, No sooner, Hardly………… 3.1.8 CLAUSES OF PURPOSE SO THAT / IN ORDER THAT IN ORDER TO / SO AS TO / TO S + V + so that/ in order that+ S + V  S + V + to + infinitive Mệnh đề + SO THAT / IN ORDER THAT + S can/could/will/would + V … Lưu ý: Thông thường không có NOT thì dùng can /could còn có NOT thì dùng won’t / wouldn’t, trừ trường hợp có ý ngăn cấm thì dùng can’t/couldn’t Example I study hard so that I can pass the exam  I study hard in order to pass the exam I study hard so that I won’t fail the exam  I study hard in order not to fail the exam The boys stood on the desks They wanted to get a better view  The boys stood on the desks in order that they could get a better view Phrase of purpose: Cụm từ mục đích Nếu có NOT thì để NOT trước TO, nhiên mẫu TO không áp dụng trường hợp có NOT Example: I study hard I want to pass the exam  I study hard in order to / so as to /to pass the exam I study hard I don’t want to fail the exam  I study hard in order not to fail the exam (đúng)  I study hard so as not to /to fail the exam (đúng)  I study hard not to fail the exam (sai) Cách nối câu : * Dùng SO THAT/IN ORDER THAT : Trong câu thứ hai có các động từ : want, like, hope thì phải bỏ thêm can/could/will/would vào –Nếu sau các chữ want, like, hope…có tân ngữ thì lấy túc từ đó làm chủ từ I give you the book I want you to read it  I give you the book so that you can read it 14 Lop11.com (15) * Dùng IN ORDER TO/SO AS TO/TO : – Chỉ áp dụng Chủ ngữ câu giống – Bỏ Chủ ngữ câu sau, bỏ các chữ want, like, hope giữ lại từ động từ sau nó Example: I study hard I want to pass the exam -> I study hard in order to pass the exam She worked hard to pass She worked hard in order to pass To reach him, I had to wait for five minutes on the line In order to reach him, I had to wait for five minutes on the line Before a negative infinitive, we usually prefer in order to In order not to miss the train, I started early Note the position of ‘not’ in the structure It goes before to In order not to wake up the baby, I tiptoed into the room The expression so as to can also be used to express purpose It carries the same degree of formality as in order to I am planning to move house so as to be closer to my place of work Before stative verbs like know, seem, appear, understand, have, etc, it is more usual to use in order to or so as to: I talked to them both for half an hour so as to have a thorough understanding of the problem I followed her around all day in order to know whether she had any intention of meeting him 3.1.9 SO ADJ/ADV THAT / SUCH AN/AN + ADJ+ N + THAT Đổi từ so… that sang such ……that N + be + so + adj+ that+ clause  Đại từ + be such (a/an) adj+N+ that clause Example : The film is so interesting that I have watched it three times It is It is such an interesting film that I have watched it three times * Nếu danh từ là số ít không đếm thì không có a, an * Chú ý: Thường có bài tập đổi từ such… that sang so….that Đổi từ so adj/adv that sang too to : S + be +so + adj + that + clause  S + be + too adj (for sb to infinitive Cách làm : Thêm tính từ vào, bỏ can't, couldn't lấy từ động từ trở Nếu chủ ngữ câu khác thì thêm phần for sb Nếu tân ngữ câu sau giống chủ ngữ câu đầu thì bỏ Tân ngữ đó Example The table is so heavy that I can't lift it The table is too The table is too heavy for me to lift - Nếu đổi ngược lại từ too to sang so…that thì thường dễ sai là việc quên thêm tân ngữ vào và chia sai thì 15 Lop11.com (16) Đổi từ too to sang enough: S + be + too + adj + to infinitive S + be not adj enough+ to infinitive Example He is too weak to run fast  He isn't He isn't strong enough to run fast Ghi chú :Trong tất các cấu trúc trên thay be là V thì ADV thay cho ADJ Đổi từ so… that / such ……that S + be such (a/an) adj+N+ that clause /S + be +so + adj + that clause  So adj tobe S that clause  Such to be N/S that clause Example: They were so excited that they couldn’t sit still So …………………………………………………………………… Such …………………………………………………………………… So excited were they that they couldn't sit still Such was their excitement that they began to jump up and down Note that "so" is followed by an adjective and "such" can be replaced by "so great" (So great was their excitement that ) 3.1.10 COMPARATIVE AND SUPERLATIVE Chuyển đổi câu qua lại so sánh hơn/ bằng/ Để làm phần này ta phải nắm vững công thức các dạng so sánh tính từ /trạng từ Các dạng đề thường cho là : A B B không A Nguyên tắc : Nếu đề cho so sánh thì ta đổi thành so sánh + phủ định Ví dụ : Tom is taller than Mary Mary is ……………………………………  Mary is not as tall as Tom không A A là Nguyên tắc : So sánh so sánh Ví dụ : No one in the class is as tall as Tom Tom is …………………………………… Tom is the tallest in the class Tom cao lớp 3.1.11 REPORTED SPEECH REPORTED SPEECH: STATEMENTS (Câu trần thuật) Ta dùng động từ say tell để tường thuật: * S + said + (that) + S + V * S + told + O + (that) + S + V 16 Lop11.com (17) Ex: He said, “I have just bought a computer today.” He said that he had just bought a computer that day Linda said, “There is someone at the door, Bill.” Linda told Bill that there was someone at the door * LƯU Ý: Các trường hợp KHÔNG thay đổi thì câu tường thuật: a Câu điều kiện loại và Nếu câu nói trực tiếp là câu điều kiện loại và loại 3, ta thay đổi các đại từ, tình từ…mà không đổi thì câu Ex: “If I were older, I would retire.”, he said He said if he were older, he would retire “If I had heard the whole story, I would have acted differently”, he said He said that if he had heard the whole story, he would have acted differently b Câu trực tiếp diễn tả chân lí, hay thói quen Nếu câu nói trực tiếp nói thật, chân lí hay thói quen thường xuyên lặp đi, lập lại tại, đổi sang câu gián tiếp ta phải giữ nguyên thì câu trực tiếp Ex 1: Trực tiếp: The teacher said, “The earth moves round the Sun” Gián tiếp: The teacher said that The earth moves round the Sun Ex 2: Trực tiếp: My wife always drinks coffee for breakfast Gián tiếp: He said that his wife always drinks coffee for breakfast c Động từ tường thuật thì đơn, tiếp diễn, hoàn thành, tương lai Nếu động từ tường thuật thì đơn, tiếp diễn, hoàn thành, tương lai, đổi sang câu gián tiếp, ta không thay đổi thì và các cum trạng từ và cụm từ thời gian và nơi chốn, mà thay đổi các đại từ hay tính từ… Ex: He says/ He is saying/ He has said/ He will say, “The bus is coming.” → He says the bus is coming d Không thay đổ thì động từ câu gián tiếp có thời gian xác định quá khứ Ex She said, ‘‘I was born in 1980’’ She said that she was born in 1980 e Các động từ khiếm khuyết: could, would, might, ought to, should thường không thay đổi câu tường thuật Ex He said, ‘I might come’  He said that He might come’ - Khi tường thuật mệnh đề ước muốn: “wish’ Ex: He said; “I wish I had a lot of money”  He wishes (that) he had a lot of money - Khi tường thuật cấu trúc: “It’s (high/ about) time” Ex: She said; “It’s about time you went to bed; children”  She told her children that It’s about time they went to bed REPORTED SPEECH: QUESTIONS (Câu hỏi) a Yes-No questions: Khi đổi sang câu gián tiếp, ta cần thêm if whether trước chủ từ câu hỏi tường thuật: * S + asked + (O) + if / whether + S + V * S + wondered + if /whether + S + V * S + wanted to know + if /whether + S +V Ex: He said to me, “Are you from Canada?” He asked me if/whether I was from Canada 17 Lop11.com (18) The man said to her, “Did Bill tell you my address?” The man asked her if/whether Bill had told her his address The girl said, “Do you live near here, David?” She asked David if/whether he lived near there b Wh – Questions: Các câu hỏi bắt đầu từ để hỏi như: who, when, where, when, why, how…, * S + asked + (O) + wh -word + S + V * S + wondered + wh - word + S + V * S + wanted to know + wh - word + S + V Ex: He said to them, “Where are you going?” He asked them where they were going The teacher said, “When you your homework, Tom?” The teacher asked Tom when he did his homework The tourist said to me, “How often does the train get in?” The tourist asked me how often the train got in CÂU TƯỜNG THUẬT VỚI ĐỘNG TỪ THEO SAU LÀ TO-INFINITIVE Tường thuật mệnh lệnh: told sb (not) to sth “Put your books away,” said the teacher  The teacher told us to put our books away Tường thuật lời yêu cầu: asked sb (not) to sth “Please, don’t smoke in this room,” said the clerk  The clerk asked me not to smokr in that room Tường thuật lời khuyên: advised sb (not) to sth “If I were you, I wouldn’t drink so much wine,” he said  He advised me not to drink so much wine “You should study harder, Sheila.” he said  He advised Sheila to study harder “You had better go to school early tomorrow, children It will likely rain in the early morning.” the mother said  The mother advised her children to go school early the next day as it would likely rain in the early morning “Why don’t you get up earlier?” he said to me  He advised me to get up earlier Tường thuật lời hứa: promised to sth “I’ll give you a hand, if you like,” said Darian  Darain promised to give me a hand, if I liked Tường thuật lời đe dọa: threaten to sth’ “Get out or I’ll call the police,” said the woman  The woman threatened to call the police if he didn’t get out Tường thuật lời cảnh báo: warned sb (not) to sth “Don’t touch that wire,” he said  He warned me not to touch that wire Tường thuật lời mời: invited sb to sth “Come for inner with us tonight, will you?” Bill said  Bill invited me to come for dinner with them that night “Would you like to join us, Paul?” she said  She invited Paul to join them “Would you like to come to my 18th birthday party?” he asked me 18 Lop11.com (19) He invited ………………………………………………………………………… He invited me to come to his 18th birthday party (Đề thi TN THPT QG năm 2015) Tường thuật lời nhắc nhở: remindered sb to sth “Remember to post my letter on your way,” Wendy said  Wendy reminded me to post her letter on my way “Don’t forget to your homework,” he said to her  He reminded her to her homework Tường thuật lời động viên: encouraged sb to so sth “Go heard, you must enter for the contest, Jill!” said Pam  Pam encouraged Jill to enter for the contest 10 Tường thuật lời khẩn cầu: begged sb to sth “Please, me a favor,” said the beggar to Carol  The beggar begged Carol to him a favor 11 Tường thuật lời tự nguyện: offered to sth “Shall I help you with the housework?” said Tim to hiss wife  Tim offered to help his wife with the housework 12 Tường thuật đồng ý: agreed to sth “OK, I’ll take you to work in my car, Sue” said Carl  Carl agreed to take Sue to work in his car 13 Tường thuật từ chối: refused to sth “I will not accept your view,” he said to her He refused to accept her view CÂU TƯỜNG THUẬT VỚI ĐỘNG TỪ THEO SAU LÀ GERUND Tường thuật lời buộc tội: accused sb of doing sth “You damaged my new laptop, Dan,”said Susan  Suasan accused Dan of damaging her new laptop Tường thuật lời thừa nhận: admitted doing/having done sth “I didn’t tell you he truth, Ron,” said Kim  Kim admitted not telling/not having told Ron the truth Tường thuật lời phủ nhận: denied doing/having done sth “I didn’t break that vase,” said Tom  Tom denied breaking /having broken that vase Tường thuật lời xin lỗi: apolozied (to sb) for doing sth “I’m sorry I’ve kept you waiting,” said Amanda  Amanda apolozied for having kept me waiting Tường thuật lời khen: congratulated sb on doing sth “Congratulations! You won the game!” said the principal The principal congratulated the students on winning the game Tường thuật lời nài nỉ, khăng khăng: insisted on doing sth “I must pay for this damage,” the man said  The man insisted on paying for that weekend Tường thuật lời đề nghị: suggested doing sth “Let’s have a picnic this weekend,” Maud suggested  Maud suggested having a pinic that weekend Tường thuật lời cảm ơn: thanked sb for (doing sth) “Thank you very much for your advice,” he said  He thanked me for my advise 19 Lop11.com (20) Tường thuật lời cảnh báo: warned sb against (doing) sth “Don’t invest in that business,” said my lawyer  My lawyer warned me against investing int hat business 10 Tường thuật lời đỗ lỗi: blamed sb for (doing) sth “You are responsible for this failure,” said the director  The director blamed his deputy for that failure 11 Tường thuật lời thú nhận: confessed to (doing) sth “It was me who stole the money,” said Jack  Jack confessed to stealing the money 12 Câu cảm thán lời nói gián tiếp: (Exclamation in reported speech) - Động từ tường thuật là: exclaim/shout Ex: He said, “What a lovely garden they have” He exclaimed that they had a lovely garden - Các hình thức cảm thán bắt đầu “what’ và “how” chuyển sang gián tiếp bằng: He said that it was … / He exclaimed that it was … Ex 1: She said; “What a pity!” (Direct speech) -> She exclaimed that it was a pity Ex 2: I said; “What a nice horse” -> I exclaimed that it was a nice horse Ex 3: He said; “How beautiful she is!” -> He exclaimed that she was beautiful! Ex 4: “What a big egg” he said -> He said that it was a big egg Ex 5: “How dreadful!” he said -> He exclaimed that it was dreadful 3.2 MỘT SỐ TỪ VÀ CẤU TRÚC THƯỜNG GẶP TRONG VIẾT LẠI CÂU 3.2.1 Dạng chuyển đổi động từ và danh từ người Các dạng đề thường cho là : S + V + ADV => S +BE + (a/an) ADJ + N (người) Cách làm : - Đổi động từ thành danh từ người - Đổi trạng từ thành tính từ ,đem đặt trước danh từ ví dụ : Tom drives carefully (Tom lái xe cẩn thận) => Tom is …………………………………… => Tom is a careful driver (Tom là tài xế cẩn thận) Một số cách đổi động từ thành danh từ nguời : Thông thường việc thêm ER sau động từ, có số ngoại lệ sau: study => student type => typist cycle => cyclist cook => cook (không dùng cooker!) play guitar => guitarist Nếu có động từ play + môn chơi thể thao thì đặt môn chơi trước chữ player: play football => football player 3.2.2 Dạng chuyển đổi động từ và danh từ với số động từ tăng giảm: V: go up/ rise/ increase /fall/ decrease/ decline/drop  N: rise/ increase/fall/ decrease/ decline Cấu trúc thường gặp: 20 Lop11.com (21)

Ngày đăng: 01/04/2021, 03:56

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