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Đề cương ôn thi Khối 10 - HK1 - Năm học 2019-2020 - môn Anh văn

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Nội dung

weren’t planed 22: Synonym: We live near special school for people who can't hear.. the rich.[r]



Choose the word which has the underlined part pronounced differently from the rest.

1: A answer B confirm C merchant D nervous

2: A improve B love C lose D move

3: A persuade B printer C newcomer D term

4: A school B foot C stood D cook

5: A bush B pull C butcher D fun

6: A tool B look C food D fool

7: A could B house C found D shout

8: A tooth B move C wood D food

9: A device B design C multiply D wildlife

10: A capable B destination C operate D make

11: A school B choose C tool D cook

12: A lose B most C told D post

13: A bush B pull C butcher D fun

14: A instead B seat C cheap D please

15: A promise B proceed C problem D product

16: A attention B approach C applicant D admit

17: A persuade B printer C newcomer D resort

18: A love B brother C from D wonder

19: A decide B widen C science D village

20: A enclose B follow C hotel D knowledge

Choose the word which is stressed differently from the rest.

1: A village B simple C produce D children

2: A device B speaker C beauty D storage

3: A carefully B permission C interesting D glorious

4: A system B receive C printer D office

5: A computer B excursion C picture D formation

6: A beautiful B document C advantage D different

7: A condition B possible C technical D family

8: A encourage B permission C resurface D atmosphere

9: A appropriate B altitude C shortage D violent

10: A accurate B subtract C multiply D magical

11: A capable B accuracy C calculate D technology

12: A picturesque B technical C technological D entertain

13: A divide B storage C pagoda D instruction

14: A keyboard B confirm C connect D persuade



1 You can the volume of the TV by using the remote control unit A Press B turn off C turn on D adjust The price of has gone up already

A Electric B electricity C electronic D electronics Before turning on the TV, he _it in

A Connected B plugged C clicked D turned

4 A computer programmer writes which is used to control the operation of the hardware A Computer B hardware C software D demos

5 We can with people around the world by the Internet

A Write B interact C touch D see

6 Large collection of data are managed by the computer, which is considered an electronic _device

A Storage B storing C keeping D saving All the data has been _on the disk

A Packed B cut C hidden D stored He doesn’t know how to the central heating, so the room is still cold

A Stop B operate C hold D shut Students often make when they are late for school

A Decisions B mistakes C excuses D questions

10 This portable device the deaf to telephone the hospital by typing a message instead of speaking

A Leads B enables C is able D makes

11 SYNONYM : He is very careful person and always does his work with high accuracy A Precision B sense C fluency D speed


13.SYNONYM : The miraculous invention of telephone has revolutionized the way people communicate. A Normal B best C surprising D magical

14.SYNONYM : Before doing the exercises, you should read the instructions carefully. A Directions B questions C passages D answers 15 You can change the TV channels with this _control unit

A Special B standby C far D remote 16 A is a spoken or written piece of information you send to another person

A Computer B message C software D receiver 17 At present , you can’t _to buy all the computers it needs

A Have B afford C get D be rich 18 She a sheet of paper into the printer when it ran out of paper

A Took B inserted C tore D arranged

19 Linda wondered if her parents would give her to join her classmates for the excursion A Allowance B permit C agreement D permission

20 There is bad weather at the airport, and all _have been delayed

A Voyages B flights C vehicles D journeys 21 They have gone a(n) _to Da Lat

A Excursion B way C sightseeing D travel 22 For the excursion , you ‘d better some canned food and fresh fruits

A Get B carry out C fetch D bring 23 We don’t have enough food for everyone, so some of you have to

A Devide B share C distribute D cut 24 All the seats in the coach are

A Crowded B packed C held D occupied 25 We are lying on the beach enjoying the


26 I can’t stand car _, so I hate traveling by car

A Sickness B sick C disease D problem 27 We have sent a letter to the receptionist to the hotel reservation

A Get B confirm C take D ask 28 We kept all the _of the meal for the rest of the picnic

A Leftovers B pieces C leavings D parts 29 I was late in getting to the station , but , I arrived in time

A Fortunate B unfortunate C fortunately D unfortunately 30 _will be served during the interval

A Refresh B refreshment C refreshments D refreshing 31 The road to the village was _with water because of the heavy rain

A Covering B flooded C full D filling

32 The introduction of the new strain of rice and new farming methods has helped the villagers get crops

A Great B huge C full D bumper

33 The government hopes to the living conditions of farmers by lending them some money to buy more machines

A Improve B lead C better D A and C 34 I’m afraid we can’t all their requirements in this case

A Pay B meet C satisfy D B and C

35 Being out of work and having two young children , they found it impossible to _ends meet A Let B make C get D have

36 Last year, the potato harvest was very disappointing , but this year it looks as though we will have a better _

A Victory B amount C product D crop 37 The community is really in of the youth ‘s knowledge


38 The map of the city is _in the letter

A Seen B closed C enclosed D written 39 The computer is out of work It is now

A Useful B useless C helpful D used 40 We come to school to our minds with knowledge

A Advance B reach C lead D enrich


1: That building _ a cinema, but it's closed down.

A is used to being B used to having C used to be D use to be 2: Tom is very difficult to understand _ his weird accent.

A in spite of B because of C despite D although

3: This is Alice _ you met last year.

A whose B which C when D whom

4: The chocolates _ you gave me were fantastic.

A who B when C whom D that

5: The competitors and their pets _ take part in the contest have to dress in the same color.

A that B whose C whom D who

6: _ a sport car?

A Did they use to have B Were they use to having C Were they use to have D Did they use to having

7: Synonym: The Prime Minister should more for people who not have enough money.

A the poor B the wrong C the blind D the hungry

8: having a headache, I had a great birthday.

A Despite B In spite C Although D Because of

9: The baby, _ nap had been interrupted, cried loudly.

A whom B where C whose D that

10: The doctors and the nurses are taking care of _ after the volcano eruption.

A the injured B the young C the unemployed D the elderly 11: Has the invitation _ ?

A been accepted B being accepted C be accepted D accepted 12: Error identification: “The blind is often good at learning to play musical instruments.”

A is B instruments C at D to play

13: The championship _ by our team.

A was winning B has been won C be won D won

14: He _ in Spain for ten days.


15: We _ maths lessons - our teacher was horrible!

A wasn’t used to liking B didn’t used to like C didn’t use to like D weren’t used to like 16: Error identification: “I'm asking you although I want to know your opinion.”

A want B asking C know D although

17: He _ five letters.

A written B has written C was written D has been written 18: _ we saw each other every day, we didn't really know each other.

A In spite of B Although C Because of D Despite

19: The holiday _ by my mother.

A booked B have booked C has just been booked D was booking 20: I am looking for someone _ can watch my dog while I go on vacation.

A whom B which C who D whoever

21: We _ our holiday yet.

A wasn’t planning B didn’t planed C haven’t planed D weren’t planed 22: Synonym: We live near special school for people who can't hear.

A the young B the deaf C the injured D the rich

23: The government has just built some shelters for _ influenced by the storm.

A the dead B the homeless C the young D the rich 24: _ the pain in his leg, he completed the marathon.

A Although B Because of C In spite of D Because

25: Error identification: “I remember that you used to lived next door to me.”

A that B lived C to D remember

26: The car _ pulled in front of us was bright blue.

A whom B whose C where D which

27: Error identification: “John didn’t use to eating vegetables, but now he eats them.”

A but B use to C eats D eating

28: Error identification: “People continue to use mobile phones while driving because the law.”

A continue B to use C while D because

29: I _ a lot when I was younger.

A uses to swim B am use to swimming C am used to swimming D used to swim 30: We cannot sit here these are seats for _.

A the wrong B the disabled C the living D the dead


1 John is always late for class This annoys the teacher (WHICH)

 ………

2 People today put advertisements on TV or in newspapers This makes it possible to produce more things to sell (WHICH)

 ………


 ………

4 Despite disliking coffee, she drank it to keep herself warm (DISLIKED)

 Although

5 Mary will take a plane even though she dislikes flying (DISLIKING)

 In spite of

6 In spite of Lan’s sadness at losing the contest, she managed to smile (WAS)

 Although

7 We took many pictures though the sky was cloudy (DESPITE)

 We ………

8 Despite being tired, the old woman told interesting stories to the children (WAS)

Even though

9 Rice grows well here because of the warm and wet climate (BECAUSE)

 Rice

10 She didn’t go to school because she was seriously ill (BECAUSE OF)

 She

11 The girl is smart Her eyes are bright (WHOSE)

 ………

12 They cancelled all the flights because of the fog (BECAUSE)

 They ………

13 The police have just released John (BEEN)

 John ………

14 Somebody has robbed the bank near our house (ROBBED)

 The ………

15 No one has collected the rubbish this week (BEEN)

 The ………

16 The girl is my classmate She is reading a magazine (WHO)

 The girl ………

17 I went to the church when I was young (USED TO)

 I ………

18 She has finished her homework (FINISHED)

 Her ………

19 This is the bank We borrowed the money from it (WHICH)

 ………

20 The pupil is not clever I is sitting next to him (WHOM)

Ngày đăng: 30/03/2021, 02:56

