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Gerund – Infinitive: ( ñoäng töø theâm –ING vaø ñoäng töø nguyeân maãu )  Qui taéc chung : thoâng thöôøng hai ñoäng töø caùch nhau bôûi “ TO”.. Ex: She wants to see her friend.3[r]




The uses of tenses : (cách sử dụng thì) Câu khẳng định:


1 Simple Present

-I, We, You, They + Vo

-He, She, It + Vs / es

( Be -> Am/ Is/ Are )

Always, usually, often, sometimes,

seldom, rarely,

every (day, week, year, …)

2 Simple Past

-S + Ved / 2

Yesterday, ago, in (1990),

last (night, week, year,…)

3 Simple Future

-I, We + Shall + Vo

-S + Will

Tomorrow, next (week, year,…),

in(2010), …

4 Present


-I + Am

-He, She, It + Is + V-ing

-We, You, They + Are

Now, rightnow, at the moment,

while + th/ gian tại,

At present, Look !, Listen !

5 Past Continuous

-I, He, She, It + Was

-We, You, They + Were

At (10 a.m yesterday),

While + th/ gian khứ

6 Present Perfect

-I, We, You, They + Have

-He, She, It + Has

Since, for(+th/ gian), just, yet,

already, ever, never, recently,…

7 Past Perfect

-S + Had + Ved/ 3

Before, by the time ,

After, …

2 Câu phủ định câu nghi vấn:


1 Simple Present S + Do + Not + Vo + Does

Do + S + Vo … ?

Does (V:động từ thường) Simple Past S + Did + Not + Vo

Did + S + Vo … ?

(V:động từ thường) Simple Future S + Will + Not + Vo


Will + S + Vo … ? Shall

4 Present Cont S + Am + Not + V-ing Is/ Are

Am + S + V-ing … ? Is/ Are

5 Past Cont S + Was + Not + V-ing Were

Was + S + V-ing ? Were

6 Present Perfect S + Have + Not + Ved/

Has Have + S + Ved/ … ?Has Past Perfect S + Had + Not + Ved/ Had + S + Ved/ … ?  Thì đơn : +Ves động từ tận S, Sh, Ch, X, O, Z

Ex: He watches T.V every night II Passive Voice: (Thể bị động)

1 General Formation :(Công thức tổng quát) Active:

( Ved/ = Past participle )

Passive: ( Be: chia với động từ V

câu chủ động )










2 Công thức thể bị động thì:

Tên thì Passive voice

1 Hiện đơn S + Am/ Is/ Are + Ved/ + By O Quá khứ đơn S + Was/ Were + Ved/ + By O Modals

( will/ shall/ can/ may/ must/ would/ should/ could/ might …)

S + Will + Be + Ved/ + By O Shall

Can …

4 Hiện tiếp diễn S + Am/ Is/ Are + Being + Ved/ + By O Quá khứ tiếp diễn S + Was/ Were + Being + Ved/ + By O Hiện hoàn thành S + Has/ Have + Been + Ved/ + By O III Comparison: ( So sánh )

1 So sánh bằng:

Ex: - He is as tall as his friend - John drives as carefully as Tom So sánh hơn:

Ex: - He is taller than his friend

John drives more carefully than Tom

3 So saùnh nhaát:

Ex : - This is the longest river in the world - Spring is the most beautiful season of the year

 Short adj/ adv ( Tính từ ngắn/ trạng từ ngắn): đọc có âm tiết (Ex: tall, hot, fast, …)

 Long adj/ adv ( Tính từ dài/ trạng từ dài ): đọc có từ hai aa6m tiết trở lên (Ex: famous, beautiful, carefully, … )

Một số ghi so sánh so sánh nhất: Tính từ ngắn:

a Tận phụ âm, đứng trước nguyên âm (a, e, I, o, u) -> ta gấp đơi phụ âm cuối trước thêm –ER EST

Ex: Hot -> Hotter -> The hottest ( Nóng) b Tận –E ta thêm –R –ST

Ex: Large -> Larger -> The largest ( Roäng)

c Tận –Y, đứng trước phụ âm ta đổi –Y thành –I trước thêm -ER –EST

Ex: Dry -> Drier -> The driest ( Khô)

2 Tính từ có hai âm tiết : tận –Y, -LE, -OW, -ER dùng tính từ ngắn (tức thêm –ER hoạc –EST)

Ex: Happy -> Happier -> The happiest ( Hạnh phúc) Simple-> Simpler -> The simplest( Đơn giản)

AS + adj/ adv + AS

Short adj/ adv + -ER


MORE + long adj/ adv

Short adj/ adv + -EST



Narrow -> Narrower -> The narrowest ( Hẹp) Clever -> Cleverer -> The cleverest ( Khéo léo)  Một số bất qui tắc so sánh so sánh nhất:

So sánh hơn So sánh nhất


-> Better -> The best ( Toát) Well


-> Worse -> The worst ( Xấu, tệ) Badly


-> More -> The most ( Nhieàu) Many

-Little -> Less -> The least ( Ít)

-Far -> Farther -> The farthest ( Xa) Further -> The furthest

* So sánh -> So sánh không bằng:

Ex: - A horse is stronger than a dog -> A dog is not as strong as a horse - A car is more expensive than a bicycle -> A bicycle isn’t so expensive as a car - Iron isn’t so precious as gold -> Gold is more precious than iron IV The structure: “ It’s + Adj + To infitive …” ( Thật …)

Ex:a- To lie on the beach all day is wonderful  It is wonderful to lie on the beach b- Speaking English fluently is difficult  It’s difficult to speak English fluently c- It’s easy to find the notice board in the hall  To find the notice board in the hall is easy V Prepositions: (giới từ)

( at, in, on, of,for, about, by, up, with, without, …)  Time (Thời gian)

1 At +

Ex: at o’clock

2 In + năm

Ex: in 1985 + tháng

in May

S1 + Be + short adj+ -ER + THAN + S2

MORE+ long adj

S2 + Be + Not + AS + adj + AS + S1



+ muøa in Summer

3 On + thứ tuần

Ex: on Monday

+ tháng, ngày on September 5th

+ tháng, ngày, năm on April 30th, 1975.

4 Since + thời điểm

Ex: since 1990 ( hồn thành)

For + khoảng thời gian for years

5 From to

Ex: from 1995 to 2000 ( từ đến )  Place (Nơi chốn):

1 At + nơi nhỏ, hẹp

Ex: at home, at school

2 In + nơi rộng lớn

in HCM city, in England, in the world

3 -In the middle of (ở giữa) -

In front of (ở trước )

-In the centre of (ở trung tâm) - On the top of ( đỉnh)  Manner (thể cách):

1 By + phương tiện lại

Ex: by car ( plane, train, ship )

2 By + O ( bởi, passive voice)Ex: America was discovered by Columbus

3.-On foot ( bộ)

Direction – Motion ( Phương hướng- Chuyển động):

1 In the North ( South, East, West) : phía Bắc ( Nam, Đơng, Tây )

2 On the left ( right ) : bên trái ( phải)

3 -From ( từ) - To ( đến )

-Into ( vaøo trong)  Some expressions:

-to take part ( in) : tham gia vào - to be interested ( in) : thích, quan tâm - to check ( in) : đăng ký - to be fond ( of) : thích - to be proud ( of) : tự hào - to remind ( of) : gợi nhớ - to even ( up) : san ( tỉ số) - to talk ( about) sth : nói

- to tell ( about ) sth : kể - to look ( at) : nhìn Ngắm - to look ( for) : tìm, kiếm - to look ( after) : chăm sóc - to be good ( at) : giỏi - to be bad ( at) : dở - to be afraid ( of) : sợ, e ngại

VI Gerund – Infinitive: ( động từ thêm –ING động từ nguyên mẫu )Qui tắc chung: thông thường hai động từ cách “ TO”

Ex: She wants to see her friend - Advise


- Request + O + to V - Tell

- Beg

Ex: My mother advises me to get up early  Một số ngoại lệ:

1 Những động từ theo sau “gerund”: - Keep

- Enjoy

- Finish + V-ING

- Prefer - Practice - Mind

Ex: The children kept talking about the acrobats

2 Những động theo sau “gerund” “ to infinitive”: - Like

- Love


- Hate +

- Begin

to V - Start

Ex: Do you like reading novels ?

to read

3 Giới từ ( in, at, on,of,…) + V-ING

Ex: English people are fond of watching football Thể truyền khiến ( causative form):

- Have + S.O + V ( active)

- Have + S.T + Ved/ ( passive) - Make + O + V

Ex:- I have my brother repair my bicycle

- They had their suitcases taken upstairs to their rooms - The clown made us laugh a lot

5 Used to vaø be used to:

- Used to + V : thường (ở q khứ khơng cịn nữa) - Be used to + V-ING: quen với

Ex: - Mr Brown used to take his children to the zoo - My mother is used to getting up early


Stt Vo

( Nguyên mẫu )

V2 ( Q khứ )


(Quá khứ phân từ)

Nghóa Việt

1. Be Was / Were Been Thì, là,

2 Become Became Become Trở nên

3 Begin Began Begun Bắt đầu

4 Blow Blew Blown Thoåi

5 Break Broke Broken Đập, phá

6 Bring Brought Brought Mang đến

7 Build Built Built Xây dựng


9 Catch Caught Caught Bắt kịp, đuổi theo

10 Choose Chose Chosen Chọn lựa

11 Come Came Come Đến

12 Cut Cut Cut Cắt, chặt

13 Do Did Done Làm

14 Draw Drew Drawn Vẽ tranh

15 Drink Drank Drunk Uống (rượu)

16 Drive Drove Driven Lái xe

17 Eat Ate Eaten Ăn

18 Fall Fell Fallen Té, ngã, rơi

19 Feel Felt Felt Cảm thấy

20 Find Found Found Tìm thấy

21 Fly Flew Flown Bay

22 Forget Forgot Forgotten Quên

23 Get Got Got / Gotten Có

24 Give Gave Given Cho

25 Go Went Gone Đi

26 Grow Grew Grown Trồng, mọc

27 Have Had Had Có, dùng cơm

28 Hear Heard Heard Nghe

29 Hold Held Held Cầm, nắm, tổ chức

30 Keep Kept Kept Giữ

31 Know Knew Known Bieát

32 Learn Learnt/ learned Learnt/ learned Hoïc

33 Leave Left Left Rời khỏi, để lại

34 Make Made Made Chế tạo, làm

35 Meet Met Met Gaëp maët

36 Pay Paid Paid Trả (tiền)

37 Put Put Put Đặt để

38 Read Read Read Đọc

39 Ring Rang Rung Reo chuông

40 Run Ran Run Chạy

41 Say Said Said Noùi

42 See Saw Seen Thấy, xem

43 Sell Sold Sold Bán

44 Send Sent Sent Gửi

45 Sing Sang Sung Ca hát

46 Sit Sat Sat Ngồi

47 Sleep Slept Slept Ngủ

48 Speak Spoke Spoken Nói

49 Spend Spent Spent Trãi qua, tiêu xài

50 Stand Stood Stood Đứng

51 Steal Stole Stolen n cắp

52 Take Took Taken Cầm, lấy, dẫn

53 Teach Taught Taught Dạy học

54 Tell Told Told Kể, bảo

55 Think Thought Thought Suy nghó

56 Understand Understood Understood Hiểu

57 Win Won Won Chiến thắng


VII So that …

(quá … đến nỗi…)

Ex: Lan was very busy She couldn’t go to the movies with us -> Lan was too busy that she couldn’t go to the movies with us VIII Such that

Ex: a- She is a beautiful girl Everybody admires her -> She is such a beautiful girl that everybody admires her b- It was hot tea I couldn’t drink it

-> It was such hot tea that I couldn’t drink it

c- They are interesting books We want to look at them again

-> They are such interesting books that we want to look at them again

IX. Too to

1 Khi chủ ngữ:

( không theå )

Ex: a- She ran very slowly She couldn’t catch the train -> She ran too slowly to catch the train

2 Khi khác chủ ngữ:

Ex: The questions are very difficult We can’t answer them.

-> The questions are too difficult for us to answer.

X. Enough to Khi chủ ngữ:

( đủ để ) Ex: He is strong He can carry this table -> He is strong enough to carry this table 2.Khi khác chủ ngữ:

Ex: Those shoes are large You can wear them  Those shoes are large enough for you to wear


*Rewrite the following sentences as directed in parentheses:

1 The weather was bad I had to stay at home.

( so that)

2 New York was a very big city Jane was lost in it (such that)

SO + adj/ adv + THAT + clause

SUCH + a(n) + adj + Noun + THAT + clause

TOO + adj/ adv + TO


TOO + adj/ adv + for O + TO


Adj/ adv + ENOUGH + To



3 The policeman ran fast He could catch the thief (enough to)

4 The dress is so dirty She can’t wear it.

( too to )

5 The play was interesting It attracted many people.

(double comparative)

6 The house is large My family can live in it.

( enough to)

7 My grandmother is very weak She can’t lift the box.

(too to )

8 The lesson is difficult We try hard.

(double comparative)

9 My neighbours are very bad persons They make noise all day (such that)

10 He spoke very fast I didn’t understand him.

(so that)


I. Put the verbs in the correct forms ( tenses):

1 Mr Alan ( work ) for that company since 1990 She ( not take ) _ music lessons last Sunday The thief ( go ) away before the police came I ( receive ) _ your letter about two weeks ago My mother always ( get ) _ up early

6 When we came, they ( build ) a new library What you ( do) _ now ?

8 It’s raining heavily I wish it ( stop) _ raining If you go to the party, I ( come) _ with you 10 Most children enjoy ( read ) _ picture- books

1/ has worked 2/ didn’t take 3/ had gone 4/ received

5/ gets 6/ were building 7/ are you doing 8/ stopped

9/ will come 10/ reading

II. Turn these sentences into Passive Voice:

1 She can speak English

Taxis and buses are taking tourists around the city

_ Did he translate this novel into Vietnamese last year ?

He hasn’t finished his homework yet

Mr Brown doesn’t take his children to the circus today

_ When did Columbus discover America ?

_ Someone has just carried the Olympic torch to the stadium

The interviewer will ask you a lot of questions

They were cutting grass when the car stopped near the gate

10 I meet John at the bus-stop every morning

1/ English can be spoken

2/ Tourists are being taken around the city by taxis and buses 3/ Was this novel translated last year?

4/ His homework hasn’t been finished yet

5/ Mr Brown’s children aren’t taken to the circus today 6/ When was America discovered by Columbus?

7/ The Olympic torch has just been carried to the stadium 8/ You will be asked a lot of questions by the interviewer 9/ Grass was being cut when the car stopped near the gate 10/ John is met at the bus stop every morning

III. Fill in each blank with a suitable preposition:


3 She often stays home Sundays Don’t tell your sister _ that news The pupils often go _ school _ bicycles The first May Day meeting was held _ 1890 Are you afraid _ swimming in the sea ? My brother is good English

9 My uncle lives _ Ho chi minh city 10 The boy was born a very rich family

1/ of 2/ in 3/ at – on 4/ about 5/ to – by 6/ in 7/ of

8/ at 9/ in 10/ in

IV. Give the correct form of the adjectives or adverbs in brackets:

1 He is ( young ) than I am She is ( old ) _ as my sister

3 Mary is the ( beautiful ) _ girl in her class Which is ( big ) _, France or Thailand ? Maths is ( difficult ) than History

6 A Ford isn’t ( comfortable ) _ as a Mercedes This is the ( powerful) _ machine in the whole factory Your watch is ( good ) than mine

9 She walks ( slowly ) as Betty 10 Nobody is ( happy ) than Jane

1/ younger 2/ as old 3/ most beautiful 4/ bigger 5/ more difficult

6/ as comfortable 7/ most powerful 8/ better 9/ as slowly 10/ happier

V. Finish the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one :

1 Mary hasn’t returned my book yet

My book ……… Her house is bigger than mine

My house ……… To find a job at my age is difficult

It’s ……… Mai is younger than Lan

Lan ……… My parents sent me to school when I was six years old

I ……… To get acquainted with the regulation in a new school is easy

It’s ……… A bicycle isn’t so expensive as a motorbike

A motorbike ……… The principle doesn’t write this letter

This letter ……… Smoking a lot is harmful

It’s ……… 10 Mary is making a birthday cake in the kitchen

A birthday cake ………

1/ hasn’t been returned by Mary yet 2/ isn’t as big as hers

3/ difficult to find a job at my age 4/ isn’t as young as Mai

5/ was sent to school when I was six years old

6/ easy to get acquainted with the regulation in a new school 7/ is more expensive than a bicycle

8/ isn’t written by the principle 9/ harmful to smoke a lot

10/ is being made in the kitchen by Mary

VI. Read the following passage and then answer the question below :

Nowadays every high-school in Ho Chi Minh city has its own library Nam’s school library is not as big as other public libraries but it is well-equipped with a variety of books On open shelves we can find such kinds of books as fiction, non-fiction, textbooks, newspapers and magazines


cards when they want to borrow some reference books from the library The school library helps Nam and his friends a lot in their study

* Questions: Is Nam’s school library smaller or bigger than other public libraries ? When Nam and his friends often go to the library ?

3 Is the school library helpful ?



1 The weather ( be )……… very bad yesterday.

2 My mother always ( get ) ……… up early.

3 Tom ( see ) ………his classmates at the party tomorrow.

4 He ( give ) ………me the letter a few minutes ago.

5 They ( make ) ……… a lot of furniture next month.

6 Peter and Alice ( learn ) ……… French for two years.

7 You ( finish ) your ……… homework yet?

8 Please don’t say anything while I ( learn ) ……… my lesson.

9 Tomorrow I ( put ) ……… our presents on that table.

10 My friend ( never see ) ……… that sight.

11 My uncle ( live ) ………in HCM city since last year.

12 He always ( stay ) ……… in bed late on Sunday morning.

13 Peter and Daisy ( be ) ……… born in 1978.

14 My sister always ( wash ) ……… her hands before meals.

15 Look! The dog ( run ) ………after him.

16 Smith and Bobby ( read ) ……… books at this moment.

17 Tom ( repair ) ……… his bicycle last Friday.

18 Mary and I ( not watch ) ……… TV last night.

19 I ( just buy ) ………a new shirt.

20 My brother came in while Tom and I ( play ) ……… chess.

21 Mr Pike ( work ) ………in this factory for ten years.

22 Vietnam, Thailand and Malaysia ( be ) ……… tropical countries.

23 HCM city ( be ) ………the largest city in Vietnam.

24 Where you ( go ) ……… last night ?


I ( go ) ……… to the cinema.

25 What you ( ) ……… every morning ?

26 You ever (be ) ………to Russia ?

27 We ( not meet ) ……… him two days ago.

28 Uncle Ho ( die ) ……… in 1969.

29 Mr Johnson ( stay ) ……… in London now.

30 How she ( go ) ………to school every day ?


She ( go ) ……… to school by bicycle

1/ was

2/ gets

3/ will see

4/ gave

5/ will make

6/ have learnt

7/ have you finished

8/ am learning

9/ will put

10/ has never seen

11/ has lived

12/ stays

13/ were

14/ washes

15/ is running

16/ are reading

17/ repaired

18/ didn’t watch

19/ have just bought

20/ were playing

21/ has worked

22/ are

23/ is

24/ did you go – went

25/ you do

26/ Have you ever been

27/ didn’t meet

Ngày đăng: 29/03/2021, 18:40

