Alexander Brem The Boundaries of Innovation and Entrepreneurship GABLER EDITION WISSENSCHAFT Alexander Brem The Boundaries of Innovation and Entrepreneurship Conceptual Background and Essays on Selected Theoretical and Empirical Aspects With a foreword by Prof Dr Kai-Ingo Voigt GABLER EDITION WISSENSCHAFT Bibliographic information published by Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data is available in the Internet at Dissertation Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, 2007 1st Edition 2008 All rights reserved © Betriebswirtschaftlicher Verlag Dr Th Gabler | GWV Fachverlage GmbH, Wiesbaden 2008 Editorial Office: Frauke Schindler / Anita Wilke Gabler-Verlag is a company of Springer Science+Business Media No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, mechanical, photocopying or otherwise without prior permission of the copyright holder Registered and/or industrial names, trade names, trade descriptions etc cited in this publication are part of the law for trade-mark protection and may not be used free in any form or by any means even if this is not specifically marked Cover design: Regine Zimmer, Dipl.-Designerin, Frankfurt/Main Printed on acid-free paper Printed in Germany ISBN 978-3-8349-0833-9 Gewidmet meiner Tante Anneliese Alle Autoreneinnahmen aus dem Verkauf dieses Buches werden der UniKinderklinik Regensburg gespendet ( Foreword VII Foreword Both academic fields, innovation management and entrepreneurship, have been developed over years quite separately and (if at all) with only few contacts and interactions between each other But looking at this fields with a 'fresh eye', they can be interpreted as essential parts of an holistic macro-model of innovation and entrepreneurship This model describes the whole process from the creative early steps of idea management and opportunity recognition over idea development up to the (successful) commercialization of these ideas It is one of the characteristics of this process that the focus in the early steps is on innovation management, while entrepreneurial skills and methods are more important in its later phases This book by Alexander Brem, which is based on his doctoral dissertation he successfully completed and defended in 2007, introduces in its first chapter such a new and interesting macro-model of innovation and entrepreneurship, which - by the way - helps us to identify and locate the scientific questions and problems he is dealing with in the following parts of his book: In the second chapter, he (re-)considers the well-known marketpull/technology-push-debate, shows empirical evidence that the integration of both views might be the critical success factor One of the highlights of this book is presented in chapter three - the concept of an integrated idea management which shows many innovative elements and is supported by empirical results of an exploratory study Together with additional (empirical) results concerning the timing strategies of market entry (chapter five), the entrepreneurial behaviour within organizations (chapter six, here with special respect to the role of 'serial entrepreneurs') and possible gender-related differences in founding intentions of people within and outside the enterprise (chapter four) deepens our understanding of the suppositions and critical factors for entrepreneurial success It must be mentioned that the central ideas of this book have successfully been presented by the author and discussed at almost all major, high-ranked international scientific conferences in the field of innovation management and entrepreneurship in the years 2006 and 2007 VIII Foreword In each chapter, the reader of this book will find an excellent survey of literature and 'state of the art' in the academic fields considered The reader, either from theory or from practice, will additionally profit from many outstanding ideas as well as numerous empirical results introduced in this book, which - last but not least - underlines the impressive, aboveaverage ability and qualification of the author for scientific work Kai-Ingo Voigt Preface IX Preface1 First of all, I would like to thank Prof Dr Kai-Ingo Voigt for his personal interest in my work and for the opportunity to facilitate my Ph.D at the Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg His guidance and support made this work possible Special thanks are to Prof Dr Nicole Koschate, who was the co-reviewer I would also like to express my appreciation to Prof Dr Siegfried Maaß, Prof Dr Claus Schnabel and Prof Dr Werner Pfeiffer for their support in my final dissertation examinations I am sincerely grateful to all my colleagues at the Chair of Industrial Management for many fruitful discussions and the fun we had during the last years Moreover, I owe many thanks to the whole team of VEND consulting GmbH for their immense support It was a great pleasure for me to have the chance of combining academic research and entrepreneurial practice! Furthermore, I would like to thank all co-authors, companies and external research partners – without them, my work would not have been possible I am indebted to Verena Stich for the invaluable support concerning her proofreading and support in English Finally, special thanks are to my dear girlfriend Stefanie Krämer Together with my family, who I would like to thank very much as well, she was the main reason for the final success of my dissertation Alexander Brem In general, this book is written in American English Hence, appropriate rules regarding spelling, wording and grammar are applied Headings are all in capitals, legends and captions in lower case With the exception of proper nouns, the main text is in lower case The citations follow the rules of the Harvard style system Because of the special structure with several specific chapters, an overlap of contents cannot be entirely avoided This is necessary to ensure the overall understanding of the particular context in each chapter The author absolutely disagrees with all kinds of stereotyping by gender, race, nationality, ethnicity, etc However, to improve and simplify readability, partly male and partly female indications for the appellation of persons are used, with no gender-related role typology being either stated or wanted Even if only one kind of indication is used, always both genders are addressed Abstract XI Abstract Hardly anybody would disagree that innovation and entrepreneurship are the main triggers for the long-term success of a company However, both fields have been treated within different scientific directions for many years Based on this situation, the first chapter gives an overview of the theoretical background and presents recent models in this area Finally, a process-oriented, innovation-entrepreneurship framework is derived and discussed in this chapter The following sections will deepen selected essential aspects of the presented framework For this, the second chapter deals with the integration of market pull and technology push activities in the innovation process, based on a case study in German software industry The results indicate that a balanced and active integration of both views is essential for future innovation successes The subsequent third chapter is about innovation management in emerging technology ventures as an example of a successful linkage between idea management and innovation The empirical part of this chapter consists of qualitative research results focused on emerging technology ventures and shows the possible impact of an integrated idea management approach The fourth chapter indirectly deals with the 'entrepreneurial event', discussed in the first chapter: Is there a gender-related difference in founding intentions? 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