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ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI KHOA QUẢN TRỊ VÀ KINH DOANH - NGUYỄN XUÂN HÙNG IMPROVE EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION IN TUYEN QUANG POST OFFICE BETWEEN 2018 AND 2022 HOÀN THIỆN CÔNG TÁC TẠO ĐỘNG LỰC CHO NGƯỜI LAO ĐỘNG TẠI BƯU ĐIỆN TỈNH TUYÊN QUANG GIAI ĐOẠN 2018 - 2022 LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ QUẢN TRỊ KINH DOANH HÀ NỘI - 2020 ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI KHOA QUẢN TRỊ VÀ KINH DOANH - NGUYỄN XUÂN HÙNG IMPROVE EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION IN TUYEN QUANG POST OFFICE BETWEEN 2018 AND 2022 HỒN THIỆN CƠNG TÁC TẠO ĐỘNG LỰC CHO NGƯỜI LAO ĐỘNG TẠI BƯU ĐIỆN TỈNH TUYÊN QUANG GIAI ĐOẠN 2018 - 2022 Chuyên ngành: Quản trị kinh doanh Mã số: 60 34 01 02 LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ QUẢN TRỊ KINH DOANH NGƯỜI HƯỚNG DẪN KHOA HỌC: TS ĐỖ XUÂN TRƯỜNG HÀ NỘI - 2020 DECLARATION The author confirms that the research findings in the thesis is the result of his independent work during study and research period, which is not yet published in other’s research and article The other’s research results and documentation used in the thesis are given permission and properly cited The author will totally take responsible in front of the Thesis Assessment Committee, Hanoi School of Business and Management, and the laws for abovementioned declaration i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The author would like to express his deepest sense of gratitude to Dr Do Xuan Truong for enthusiastic instruction throughout the research and accomplishment of this thesis The author would like to express his very sincere gratitude to lecturers from Hanoi National University for teaching and training him all the knowledge He would like to express his gratitude to the Board of Directors, Departments and Individuals of Tuyen Quang Post Office for the absolute support to make this thesis possible ii TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ii LIST OF ABBREVIATION .v LIST OF TABLES vi LIST OF FIGURES viii INTRODUCTION .1 CHAPTER 1: THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL FOUNDATION OF EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION IN ENTERPRISES 1.1 Theoretical and practical foundation of employee motivation in enterprises .8 1.1.1 Definition of employee motivation in enterprises 1.1.2 The necessity of improving employee motivation .10 1.1.3 Theories about work motivation 12 1.1.4 The content of creating employee motivation 18 Motivating employees through financial stimulation 19 1.1.5 Criteria system of evaluation of creating employee motivation 25 1.1.6 Factors affecting employee motivation 27 1.2 Practical foundation of employee motivation in enterprises and lessons learned for Tuyen Quang Post Office .31 1.2.1 Lessons of employee motivation from some enterprises 31 1.2.2 Lessons for Tuyen Quang Post Office .34 CONCLUSION OF CHAPTER 36 CHAPTER RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 37 2.1 Data collection method .37 2.2 Data processing software 38 2.3 Analysis method 38 CONCLUSION OF CHAPTER 39 CHAPTER RESERCH FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 40 iii 3.1 Overview of Tuyen Quang Post Office .40 3.1.1 The establishment and development of Tuyen Quang Post Office 40 3.1.2 The organization form of Tuyen Quang Post Office 42 3.1.3 Functions and missions of Tuyen Quang Post Office 43 3.1.4 Overview of business activities in Tuyen Quang Post Office 44 3.1.5 The characteristics of employes in Tuyen Quang Post Office .46 3.2 The reality of employee motivation in Tuyen Quang Post Office 49 3.2.1 Determine the basic needs of officials in Tuyen Quang Post Office 49 3.2.2 Identify particular aims and criteria of working performance for employees .54 3.2.3 Employee motivation through financial stimulation 56 3.2.4 Reality of employee motivation through non-financial stimulation 64 3.3 Improve employee motivation in Tuyen Quang Post Office between 2018 and 2020 76 3.3.1 Evaluation through a system of criteria 76 3.3.2 General evaluation of employee motivation in Tuyen Quang Post Office between 2018 and 2020 81 3.4 Propose solutions to improve employee motivation at Tuyen Quang Post Office 84 3.4.1 Perspectives on motivating employees at Tuyen Quang Provincial Post Office 84 3.4.2 Proposed solutions 85 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 92 REFERENCES 94 APPENDIX iv LIST OF ABBREVIATION Word Meaning UI Unemployment insurance SI Social insurance MI Medical insurance BSC Balanced Scorecard Ministry of information and MIC communication E Employee O Officials IT Information and technology JSC Joint Stock E Enterprise KPI Key Performance Indicator E Employee WP Work productivity BP Business production LL Limited liability v LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1: Two factor theory of Frederich Herzberg 15 Table 3.1: The business results of Tuyen Quang Post Office between 2015 and 2017 46 Table 3.2 The employee structure in Tuyen Quang Post Office 49 Table 3.3: The importance level of basic needs among officials in Post Office 50 Table 3.4: The importance level of needs in different objects 53 Table 3.5: Popular methods of functions and tasks for employees at the Post Office of Tuyen Quang province 55 Table 3.6: The satisfaction level of employees with mission identification 56 Table 3.7: Salary and allowance of employees in Provincial Post Office between 2015 and 2017 59 Table 3.8: Evaluation of officials with salaries and allowances in Tuyen Quang Post Office .61 Table 3.9 Satisfaction level of officials toward rewarding in Tuyen Quang Post Office 63 Table 3.10 Evaluation of suitability of assigning tasks 65 Table 3.11: Short-term training in Tuyen Quang Post Office 2017 67 Table 3.12: The long-term training in Tuyen Quang Post Office 2017 67 Table 13: Satisfaction level of employees about training and development of Tuyen Quang Post Office 68 Table 3.14: Classification of working performance in Tuyen Quang Post Office 70 Table 3.15: Classification of officials in Tuyen Quang Post Office in 2017 71 Table 3.16: Satisfaction level of employes about evaluating work performance .72 Table 3.17: Satisfaction level of employees about promotion opportunities 73 Table 3.18: Satisfaction level of employees about working environment 74 Table 19: Employees productivity at Tuyen Quang Post and Telecommunications period 2015 - 2017 76 Table 20: The disciplines compliance of officials at Tuyen Quang Post Office 77 vi Table 3.21: Ratio of resignation throughout the years 78 Table 3.22: Job satisfaction level according to gender .79 Table 3.23: The satisfaction level in terms of age 80 Table 3.24 General satisfaction level to education level 81 vii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1: Need hierarchy of Maslow .12 Figure 3.1: Organizational structure of Tuyen Quang Post Office 43 Figure 3.2 The fluctuation of the number of employees through the years and its growth rate .47 Figure 3.3: Future plan of officials in Tuyen Quang Post Office .79 viii Thoroughly change the thinking in the direction and administration of production and business at all levels of leadership, taking efficiency as a focus in all production and business activities, promoting service development, revenue growth and labor productivity The mechanism of wage distribution by factor of efficiency, "Those who work more will enjoy more" has been implemented relatively well However, in order for this mechanism to be effective, Tuyen Quang Post Office needs to focus on doing well the target and assigning plans, and perfecting the evaluation system, determining the exact level of work accomplishment of employees as the basis for accurate salary distribution and income In particular: - For managerial and indirect positions: building bases to pay salaries according to quality and results of fulfilling assigned tasks of individuals, collectives and units - For production parts which not generate revenue such as exploitation, postage, , they shall pay wages based on the output associated with the professional quality - For production units that directly generate revenue: establishments pay their salaries based on the level of completion of the contracted revenue plan and service quality Regarding reward and welfare policies - Completing the reward and welfare policies: In addition to the average bonus on holidays, Tet, bonuses according to the level of accomplishing the tasks (according to the title salary, taking into account the working day, NSCL points), rewarding according to the title Tuyen Quang Provincial Post and Telecommunications emulation should have specific provisions for extraordinary rewards for individuals and collectives with outstanding achievements in professional work, in solutions to increase revenue, - Pay more attention to welfare policies related to employees: giving flowers, birthday gifts, visiting sick, happy, visiting, learning experiences Organizing shortterm sightseeing to create favorable conditions for units in arranging substitute workers, flexibility in creating sightseeing costs from personal contributions Increasing birthday presents and changing the form of birthday celebrations 87 Completing work analysis and work arrangement in accordance with the professional level of employees of the Provincial Post Office Job analysis is important because of the job analysis that managers define their expectations for employees and make them understand those expectations And thanks to that, employees also understand their duties, duties and responsibilities at work At the same time, job analysis is a condition for the right and effective human resource management activities to be carried out by helping managers make human resource decisions such as: recruitment, promotion, remuneration On the other hand, the results of the analysis of the situation show that the work arrangement for the staff of the Provincial Post Office is still overlapping, inconsistent with the capacity and professional qualifications of the employees, thereby affecting the motivation of labor movement of employees of the Provincial Post Office Therefore, the completion of work analysis and work arrangement in line with the professional qualifications of employees is very urgent in the current period The content of implementing the solution is as follows: First, develop a specific job description for each job position "The job description is a written document explaining the duties, responsibilities, working conditions and related issues to a specific job ” The provincial post office needs to develop a job description clearly, to emphasize the duties, responsibilities and working conditions that officials and employees need to implement Based on the job description as a basis for recruiting personnel, candidates are recruited to the Provincial Post Office to know well about the job description so that they know what their duties and responsibilities must be performed , avoiding the situation where employees are vague about their work will not be interested in the job right from the footsteps of the Provincial Post Office Secondly, rebuilding the recruitment of employees for the Provincial Post Office The selection of fair conduct among all subjects is not a priority for the children of the officials in the Provincial Post Office The above priority can help the Provincial Post Office get additional labor resources over the years due to the guidance of family members but make the Provincial Post Office lose some quality workers At 88 the same time, this priority makes it easier to enter the Provincial Post Office, causing the situation to arrange work not according to the current training industry Third, the administrative organization department in conjunction with the relevant departments to check the relevance of the job to the qualifications of employees.Check this out through the level of work completion, testing through tests and by interviewing method On the basis of combining with the needs of employees to arrange the positions to suit the needs of the Provincial Post Office, in accordance with the professional of the workers Since then, promoting the capacity of employees and motivating employees to work Fourthly, arrange and re-arrange work + Arranging staff to work at positions based on the description and performing the work, comparing with the request to perform the work to arrange and rotate the position accordingly + For cases where employees are not arranged appropriately such as: wrong industry, wrong job, or work beyond ability, re-arrange If they find that their employees are incapable of doing so, they should rotate and arrange to other things, and if they find that their employees only lack some skills, they will conduct training for employees to continue working Improve the evaluation of work performance Job performance evaluation is an assessment of the performance of workers' work in a relationship with established standards The assessment of the performance of the employees is very important, for the employees through the assessment they will know the level of their work done, the good work and the good ones and let them learn the next time they will better At the same time, employees will know how the organization evaluates themselves, to set goals for themselves Evaluating the implementation of the work will help the leaders of the Provincial Post Office to capture information about the results of work performance, personal aspirations and development prospects of each employee In order to provide remuneration such as salary, bonuses and promotion and remuneration schemes, it 89 is reasonable to remind employees In order to complete the assessment work, the following contents should be implemented: - Formulating policies and systems of specific regulations of Tuyen Quang Provincial Post Office and its subordinate units in the whole Post Office on analyzing and evaluating the performance of jobs - Recruit employees with qualifications and experience in human resource management in general to strengthen the contingent of specialized personnel in human resource management - Organize training and retraining in knowledge and skills of Analysis and Evaluation of work for members of the Council for Analysis and Evaluation of Work at Tuyen Quang Post Office and for specialized staff responsible for human resource management - Compile the process of professional guidance on Analysis and Assessment to perform the work to help officials and employees in the whole post office of Tuyen Quang province to self-study and uniformly implement this task effectively Building corporate culture For each different organization will build their own different identities influenced by the characteristics of production, working environment, living environment all things related to the organization are formed culture of the organization Each employee is a certain individual, with completely different thoughts, feelings, feelings, views However, when they work in the organization, they always want to work, to be concerned, to express their own "I" before the collective For those businesses whose employees promote their own "I" will make employees feel about their position and standing in the organization Firstly, the Provincial Post Office should organize many exchange meetings, cultural exchanges, sports to help people get closer together When they have many opportunities to interact with each other, they will see people around becoming closer, which in turn will affect their work Today, there is a widely used method of working as a team, which also becomes a culture of each organization Therefore, the Provincial Post Office should allocate to which departments can, because of a 90 great advantage of this, in addition to teamwork will increase the cohesion for everyone in the working group, also help the organization easier assignment, making analysis and assessment of work easier, more accurate and fair, because the evaluation criteria will be based on the quantity and quality of work to be completed Secondly, in the organization, it is necessary to develop open policies for employees to participate in building organizations, which creates high democracy in stimulating workers to contribute to construction work , to make employees realize that they are also interested in the organization Thirdly, the working attitude of the direct leaders and senior leaders has a great influence on the attitude of the subordinates, because according to the employees' perceptions, the employees are the right people exemplary Therefore, the influence of leaders is great Therefore, leaders must be aware of their importance to have a way of communicating, treating and working in a way that is reasonable with the position they are taking, which is not too rigid One principle is that leaders must get along well with their employees, create trust and friendliness impressions with their employees - there is no gap between leaders and employees The leader should try to create a professional and reasonable working style, in addition they must have a way of "treating people" so skillful, emotional, creating trust in workers so they contribute to creating joy for employees at work If possible, leaders should attend more advanced training courses in business management or at schools with professional training in leadership and good management Fourth, it is necessary to check working time at the Provincial Post Office, in fact the use of time of officials and employees in the Post Office is not effective, there is still a lot of time to waste Tightening their working time will make productivity and product quality increase, especially creating a working spirit for them, an agile working style This is also a cultural feature for each enterprise, the Provincial Post Office should also apply to its personnel management 91 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Conclusion Research the theoretical foundation of employee motivation in the organization, the thesis has introduced the concept, necessity, content and methods of motivating employees in the organization At the same time, the author has also pointed out three groups of factors affecting employees' motivation such as employees themselves, the internal and external factors With the lessons learned from Hewlett-Packark companies - HP Company, IBM Singapore Company, Sam Sung Group, Vingroup, Deloitte & Touche Corporation, the authors have drawn some lessons for Tuyen Quang Post Office Through the analysis of employee motivation reality of Tuyen Quang Post Office, the author has pointed out the limitations in motivating employees of the post office such as low discipline of employees, overlapping work assignments that are not appropriate to the profession, employee motivation through financial stimulation has not been effective; satisfaction level of employees about promotion opportunities, corporate culture environment is still low Based on the situation analysis, assessing the limitations and causes of limitations, the author has proposed groups of solutions to perfect the work of motivating employees at the Provincial Post Office including: ( 1) Implement research to determine the needs of the Provincial Post staff; (2) Improve salary, bonus and remuneration policies; (3) Conduct the work analysis and work arrangement in accordance with the professional qualifications of the staff of the Provincial Post Office; (4) Completing the evaluation of work performance; 5) Building corporate culture The limitations of the thesis The research presented in the thesis has contributed to clarify some important theoretical and practical issues of motivation for employees at Tuyen Quang Post Office However, the characteristics of businesses and organizations are different, in the context of different characteristics Therefore, the study of motivational work 92 for employees at the Post Office in Tuyen Quang province has therefore proposed solutions suitable to the operating characteristics of Tuyen Quang Post Office as well as other provincial and city Post Offices In the whole country, there may be points, there are contents that are not suitable for businesses and organizations in general These are the limitations of this thesis Recommendations In order to improve the efficiency of employee motivation, the author has recommended some of the following issues to the Vietnam Post Corporation: - Products and services of the Post industry are a process from the acceptance, exploitation, transportation and delivery stages spreading across provinces and cities Therefore, it is recommended that Vietnam Post should have a mechanism for accurate and suitable dividing between the Receiving Post Office and Sending Post Office while the salary policy must take into account the labor and socioeconomic situation of the locality so that disadvantaged provinces such as Tuyen Quang Post Office to have a salary fund corresponding to the social ground, to ensure income for employees, well implement policies to maintain and attract high quality human resources - Accelerate the progress of renovating comprehensive human resource management, apply modern human resource management tools in combination with the use of integrated policies such as public recruitment, income improvement and talents support, collective welfare, working environment improvement, aiming at perfecting the organizational model of modern human resource management apparatus, ensuring the implementation of human resource management functions a centralized, consistent and synchronized way from Vietnam Post to provincial and municipal post offices and subordinate units - Research to build a new system of titles of Vietnam Post and Provincial Post Offices Identify labor margin management and administration and service Review and evaluate the implementation of regional post offices at provincial and municipal post offices, thereby standardize the uniform implementation model nationwide 93 REFERENCES A Domestic documents Bui Anh Tuan (2009), National university of economy publisher, Textbook oforganizational behaviors Đoàn Thị Thu Hà, Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Huyền (2002), Publisher of science and technical, Textbook of management science Hồ Xuân Bảy, Nguyễn Thành Độ (2012), 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these information will have research value for myself Your information will be used only for research purpose, which will be totally confidential Hopefully you will spend some time cooperating with me Thank you very much! PART 1: GENERAL INFORMATION Please fill in the form below: Gender: Male [] Female [ ] Age group Under 30 [] Over 45 [] From 30 to 45 [] Education level Pre-intermediate [ ]; Intermediate [ ]; College [ University [ ] Working position ……………………………………………… Working duration in Post Office Under year [ ] From to [ ] From – 10 years [ ] Over 10 years [ ] Current position Director board [ ]; Head of departments[ ]; Officials [ ] ]; PART 2: SURVEY OF NEEDS Please assess the importance level of your needs in scale of 10 In particular: 10 The most important, - least important Fill in the respective square to importance level of 10 needs  High and satisfactory income []  Stable job []  Promotion opportunities []  Good relationships in group []  Good working conditions []  Being acknowledged for good achievements in working []  Having chance to learn and improve profession []  Jobs are suitable to your profession, abilities and strength []  Suitable working schedule []  Being able to be proactive in working [] PART 3: FEEDBACKS OF EMPLOYEES ABOUT EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION IN POST OFFICE Your satisfaction level toward your income Satisfaction level Target Very satisfied The income is sufficient for basic expenses The income is relevant to work results The income payment is fair Satisfied Neutral Unsatisfied Very unsatisfied Your satisfaction level toward rewarding Satisfaction level Target Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Unsatisfied Very unsatisfied The rewarding shall be in time The rewarding policies shall have highly encouraging value Clear and fair criteria of rewarding How are you informed about your missions and tasks? Via job description [] Via direct manager [] Both the answers above [] Your satisfaction level with your assigned job Satisfaction level Target Very satisfied The job missions relevant to qualifications is the of the employees The tasks are clearly and understandable The employees are able to join the job designing Satisfied Neutral Unsatisfied Very unsatisfied Your satisfaction level about mapping out job requirements of Tuyen Quang Post Office Satisfaction level Target Very satisfied Satisfied Neutral Unsatisfied Very unsatisfied The job requirement is approriately designed The requirement of performing the tasks is clear These requirements are suitable to employees' capacities These requirements are updated in comparison with the real job Your evaluation about the suitability of job allocation Totally approriate [ ]; Inapproriate [ ]; Approriate [ ]; No comment [ ] Totally inapproriate [ ] Your satisfaction level about training program of post office Very satisfied Unsatisfied [ ]; [ ]; Satisfied [ ]; Neutral [] Very unsatisfied [ ] Your satisfaction level about evaluation of work performance in the post office Very satisfied [ ]; Satisfied [ ]; Unsatisfied [ ]; Very unsatisfied Neutral [] [ ] Your satisfaction level about promotion opportunities Very satisfied [ ]; Satisfied [ ]; Neutral [] Unsatisfied [ ]; Very unsatisfied [ ] 10 Your satisfaction level about working environment Very satisfied [ ]; Satisfied [ ]; Unsatisfied [ ]; Very unsatisfied Neutral [] [ ] 11 Your satisfaction level about cultural environment of Vietnam Posts Very satisfied [ ]; Satisfied [ ]; Unsatisfied [ ]; Very unsatisfied Neutral [] [ ] 12 What you think about - The strengths of Post office in motivating employees ………………………………………………………………………………… - The weaknesses of Post office in motivating employees ………………………………………………………………………………… - The chances of Post office in motivating employees ………………………………………………………………………………… - Challenges of Post office in motivating employees ………………………………………………………………………………… 13 What you think the post office needs to to improve its employee motivation? ………………………………………………………………………………… Thank you very much! ... EMPLOYEE MOTIVATION IN TUYEN QUANG POST OFFICE BETWEEN 2018 AND 2022 HOÀN THIỆN CÔNG TÁC TẠO ĐỘNG LỰC CHO NGƯỜI LAO ĐỘNG TẠI BƯU ĐIỆN TỈNH TUYÊN QUANG GIAI ĐOẠN 2018 - 2022 Chuyên ngành: Quản trị... stable development For the above reasons, I have chosen the topic "Improve the employee motivation at Tuyen Quang Post Office between 2018 and 2022" as my master thesis Overview of the researches... Functions and missions of Tuyen Quang Post Office 43 3.1.4 Overview of business activities in Tuyen Quang Post Office 44 3.1.5 The characteristics of employes in Tuyen Quang Post Office .46 3.2

Ngày đăng: 17/03/2021, 17:25


