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Unit 3. My friends. Lesson 1. Getting started

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Note: In this case, divide the score: 5 pts for the group who can remember what the other boy is doing and the other 5 pts for the group who can answer what the boy is eating5. Where is [r]



LESSON PLAN 1 Class description:

● 26 Secondary school students ● Level: A2 -/+

2 Time: 45 minutes

3 Objectives: After a 45- minute lesson, Ss can:

 Use the lexica items related to the topic ‘My friends’  Use the vocabulary and structures about personalities

 Identify and practice the language of making polite requests and suggestions 4 Assumed knowledge:

 Ss have already remembered the information about the Crazy House in Skill  Ss can remember a number of words related to the furniture

5 Teaching aids: black board, textbook, computer and projector 6 Procedure:

Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Aim

5 mins

Warm up activity:

- Divide the class into main groups: Group A; group B and group C

- Ask all of the Ss to close their textbook

- Ask Ss to look at the picture on the slideshow Give all of the groups 30 seconds remember all the details of the picture

- Sit in groups following T’s instruction

- Close the


- Pay attention and concentrate on looking at the picture in 30 seconds


- When time’s up, ask groups questions The group who can answer the question fastest and correctly will earn 10 points

1. How many boys and girls are there in the picture (2 boys and girls) 2. What are the boys doing? (One is

reading a magazine and the other is eating biscuits)

Note: In this case, divide the score: pts for the group who can remember what the other boy is doing and the other pts for the group who can answer what the boy is eating

3. Where is the dog sitting? (In front of the boys/ Near the boys)

4. What is the name of the magazine one boy is reading? (4Teen)

5. What is behind the biscuits? (A bottle of juice)

Note: In this case, reveal the picture for seconds and ask the Ss again

- Add up the score and congratulate the winner

- Praise all of the students for their good memory

- Raise hands to

answer the

question fast and correctly

- Expected problem (Q2): Ss may not remember what the other boy is eating

- Expected problem (Q5): Ss may not remember what is

behind the



mins - Ask Ss to open the textbook again and ask Ss what the boys are girls are doing?

- Ask Ss if they know why the title of the lesson is ‘A surprise guest’ (Explain if Ss don’t know the word ‘guest’)

- Explain the context for Ss: Phuc and Duong are enjoying the picnic when they see two girls coming One of them is new for them, so the lesson is named: ‘A surprise Guest’


- Play the recording for the first time, ask Ss to underline any new words they may not know

New words (write down on the board) + (to) pass sb smth: give smth to sb Can you pass the pen for me? + project (n): dự án

+ glasses (n) = specs (n): kính cậnTo wear glasses

- Ask Ss to take notes of the new words

- Play the recording for the second time ask ask Ss to exercise a (p.27) at the same time

- Expected answer: They are having a picnic

- Make prediction Take note the meaning of the word: guest - Listen to T


- Listen carefully and underline the new words - Write down the

words while

listening to T’s explanation

- Listen and the exercise at the same time

- Check the

Help Ss use lexical items


- Check the exercise: 1 Picnic

2 Likes 3 Friendly 4 Mai and Chau

5 Glasses; long black hair 6 Working on the school project Spoken interaction practice

- Ask Ss to practice reading in groups of

- Call one group to stand up and perform for the class

- Give feedbacks to Ss’s performance


- Practice in groups with group mates - Stand up and

perform - Listen to T

10 mins

Making polite requests and suggestions - Ask Ss to rearrange the first


can/pass/the/please/biscuits/you/m e

- Elicit the structure on board

 CAN + YOU + V (Inf.) + Yes, sure

+ Sorry, I can’t

- Ask Ss to write down

- Ask Ss to rearrange the sentence: Sit down/like to/would/you?


- Elicit the structure on board

- Expected answer: Can you pass me the biscuits, please?

- Write down the structure

- Expected answer: Would you like to sit down? Oh, sorry, we can’t

- Write down the



+ Yes, sure Thank you -Sorry, I/we can’t

Give Ss one more example to practice


- Practice to

consolidate the structure

10 mins

Adjectives for personality

- Ask Ss to exercise in pairs in minutes

- Play the recording so that Ss can check the answer

1 Talkative 2 Kind 3 Confident 4 Talkative 5 Clever

- Ask Ss to close the book, say some clues about adjectives, then ask Ss to guess the adjectives

Ex: chatting with friends, on the phone all day  talkative

- Explain other difficult words in the box for Ss

+ boring (adj): Nhàm chán + funny (adj): vui tính

+ hard-working (adj): chăm

- Check Ss’s memory of all the words by pictures

Using to be to describe a person’s

- Do the exercise in pair in minutes - Listen to the

recording and check the answer

- Guess the words with the clues from the teachers

- Write down the new words

- Look at the pictures and guess the words

Help Ss use the

vocabulary and



- Write on board: I am hard-working

- Ask Ss to analyze the structure of the sentence I+ Am+ Adj

- Ask Ss rewrite the sentence with different subjects: He/ She and We/They/ You

- Elicit the structure S + AM/IS/ARE + ADJ

- Do the same thing to elicit structure for negative sentences S+ AM/IS/ARE NOT + ADJ

- Ask Ss to exercise and Ss check right away

- Analyze the


- Build the


- Listen to T and write down - Follow the same


- Do and check the exercise at the same time

Wrap-up game: Friendship flower - Ask Ss to take out a piece of paper

and write down sentences using adjs to describe the friend sitting next to you

- Ask Ss to exchange the piece of paper and check if your friend is true about you

- Use the adjs to write down the sentences

- Exchange the paper


Ngày đăng: 12/03/2021, 18:00

