Ethnic minority (n): Dân tộc thiểu số.?. What can you see in the picture3[r]
(1)(2)(3)Unit 5: Unit 5:
Illiteracy Lesson 1:
(4)Thai Nung
Tay Dao
(5)I can’t read it I don’t know!
(6)? (v)= to delete (v)
to abolish (v)
to eradicate =
(7)increase (v): tăng Decrease (v):
(8)(9)illiteracy (n): nạn mù chữ
Ethnic minority (n): dân tộc thiểu số eradicate (n): xóa bỏ
Decrease (n): giảm
(14)(15)(16)1 What can you see in the picture?
2 Who is the teacher?
3 What are the students doing?
1 Universalisation of Primary Education
2 The Vietnam Society of Learning Promotion
3 illiteracy eradication
4 farming techniques
5 family planning
a control the birth rate
b an organization that gives help for the poor students
c an association to
encourage stydying in Vietnam
d teaching people to get elementary level
e making people how to read and write
f The way for growing agriculture
Reality about education in Vietnam by July 2000 (A)
The campaign for illiteracy eradication in Vietnam (D)
The activities of volunteer students for illiterate people
(20):Reality about education in Vietnam by July 2000 (C)
:The campaign for illiteracy eradication in Vietnam (A)
:The activities of volunteer students for illiterate people (D)
:The achievements of the illiteracy eradication campaign (B)
Paragraph 1 Paragraph 2 Paragraph 3 Paragraph 4
(21)The rate of literacy in Vietnam in 2000 was (1) _of population Therefore, the campaign for (2) was started by the Vietnam Society of Learning Promotion
In 2000, there are (3) _ ethnic monority students participated in the campaign Especially, this number reached
(4) in 2001
To help illiterate, the students voluntarily spent their summer vacation teaching(5) people to read and write If more and more people take part in the struggle against (6) , it will be (7)
illiteracy eradication illiteracy school 94%
eradicated illiterate 800
campaign 600
(22)1 Where are you living now?
2 Are there any illiterate people in your hometown?
3 What can you to help them to read and write?
Perhaps we could…. We might want to… How about… ?
Remember to your homework !!!
1. Fill the causes of illiteracy in the digram
2. Summarize the reading passage in your own words
(25)Thank you