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After (come – came – to come – coming) home, tom reads the morning newspaper.. Tom has his father (to fix – fixing - fix – fixed) the ball for him.[r]



I V-bare

1 S+ would rather/ had better/ can/ could/ shall / should / may / might / used to/ have to/ be going to + V1.

2 S + keep/ make/ let/ have + O + V1 (active)

3 S + see/ hear/ notice/ watch + O + V1 4 S+ V+… + so as to/ in order to + V1. II To-V

5 S+ ask/ tell/ beg/ advice/ request/order/ warn + O + to V 6 S + decide/ want / hope / would like/ fail / refuse / agree /

7 S + know/ understand/ ask… + O + WH_ + to V (How to / Where to go/ What to see…)

It takes/ took + O + time + to V

S+ V+ adj / adv + enough + (for O) + to V 10 S + (be) + V3 + to V

11 S (be) + adj + to V

12 S+ V+ too +adj / adv + (for O) + to V

III V-ing

13.S+ enjoy/ mind/ spend/ practice/ avoid/ keep/ avoid/ like/ suggest/ finish/ stop/ hate/ dislike/ continue + Ving

14 S + be (get) used to/ look forward to/ be worth/ busy/ have difficulty/ waste time/ (be) no use… + Ving

15 Would/Do you mind + Ving?

16 In / of/ about/ on/ after/ before/ without… + Ving

Choose and underline the best answers:

1. He is not (enough old to/ old enough to/ enough old for/ old enough for) get married

2. Would you like (to leave/ leave/ leaving/ left) a message?

3. I used to (watch - watching - watches – watched) that film when I was ten

4. The weather is warm enough for us(going out- to go out- go out- goes out)

5. They always help their mother (do –to - doing – done) the house work

6. You should (wash – to wash – washing – washed) your hands before meals

7. Would you like (saw – to see – seeing – see) a movie?

8. What about (have – to have – having – had) fruits?

9. You ought (wash – to wash – washing – washed) your hands before meals

10. The test is too difficult for the pupils (finishing- finish – finished- to finish) in time 11. It has taken me hours (to copy- copy – copying- copied) this document

12. It’s interesting/ possible/ difficult/ easy for us (to join – joins – join – joining) 13. It’s very kind/ nice/ polite/ good of you (to say- say – saying – said) so

14. She is said (to have – has – having – have) a computer

15. They explain us how (to get – get- getting – got) to the market 16. He told me (to keep – keep – kept – keeping) the news secret 17. I enjoy (singing –sing – sang – to sing) very much

18. I am used to (getting – get – to get – got) up early

19. Would/Do you mind (open – to open – opening – opened) the door?

20. After (come – came – to come – coming) home, tom reads the morning newspaper 21. He‘d rather (stay - to stay – staying – stayed) at home than go out

22. Tom has his father (to fix – fixing - fix – fixed) the ball for him 23. I look forward to (see – seeing – saw – seen) your reply

24. We go to school in order (to prepare – prepared – preparing – prepare) our future 25. It takes me hours (to write – wrote – writing – written) this document

26. He refused (go/ to go/ going/goes) to the dentist

27. We suggest (go – going – to go – went) on a picnic

28. The sad movie made me (cry – to cry – crying – cried)

29. We decided ( to stay – stay – staying – stayed ) at home because of the heavy rain


I Choose and underline the best answers:

1 They (told - said - talked - asked) me if I could speak Chinese

2 Rice (are grown – are grew – is grown – is growed) in tropical countries

3 Jeans (is sold – are sold – sold – sell) all over the world

4 Her novel (translated – was translated – has been translated – will be translated) into Vietnamese recently The next Olympic Games (is held – will hold – will be held – have been held) in China

6 Lan and Maryam are pen pals They (are writing– write– has written– wrote) each other twice a month I (have lived– lived– live– am living) in the house for six months

8 When (do you – have you – did you –were you) start school? – When I was six We (have been – were – was – has been) friends for ten years

10 The project (must be done – must be doing – must being done – must do) on time 11 Have you (ever- for – just- already) seen our teacher?

12 I have not met her (in – since – for – during) 2003

13 Nhan (has gone - used to go - goes - is going) to the sea since she lived in Hai Phong 14 Mr Bas (built - has been built - was built - was building) a house in 1995

II Give the correct form of the verbs in the blankets:

1. I (suggest) that we (turn) off the lights ……….………

2. I have a broken leg I (fall) over when I (play) soccer ……….………

3. My brother (come) home last night He (not get) up yet ……….………

4. We (not see) him since he ( go) to university ……….………

5. If we use much pesticide on vegetables, we (live) a happy life ……….………

6. I (buy) this picture along time ago, but you (not see) it for age ……….………

7. I have lost my key I (find) it when I (look) for something else ……….………

8. What you (do), Tan? I (write) a letter I (write) them every week ……….………

9. We (not see) him last year He (leave) for Ho Chi Minh ……….………

10.I am glad that I (meet) my parents next week ……….………

11.What you (do) last night? – I (go) to my aunt’s house ……….………

12.Listen! Someone (knock) the door ……….………

13.Most rivers (flow) into the sea ……….………

14.My father (buy) tickets days ago We (see) the film Dream City tomorrow ……….………

15.She (be) here when I (come) last night ……….………

16. I’m sorry you’re leaving I hope you (come) back and (see) us soon ……….………

17. My aunt (enjoy) (listen) to country music ……….………

18. Susan (make) a new dress while her (go) out ……….………

19. Bad driving (cause) many accidents ……….………

20. The Moon (move) around the Earth ……….………

21.Yesterday I (be) busy, so I (not have) time to phone you ……….………

22.I (not have) breakfast this morning, but I’m not hungry ……….………

23..Look out! She (fall) on the rail ……….………

24.Where we (spend) the night tonight? – I think we (come) to the festival ………

25..My friend (get) married in August this year ………

26.The ambulance is coming I (wave) to the driver ………

27.You (invite) the newcomers of our class to the party? ………

28.There are a lot of black clouds in the sky (rain). It is going to rain ………

29.Mozart (play) the piano when he (be) three years old ………

30.My family (watch) T.V every night But now we (listen) to pop music ………

31.What she (do) tomorrow morning? – She (play) chess with her father ………

32.Children shouldn’t (drink) coffee It (not be) good for your health ………

33.She (see) that film 10 years ago It (be) very cold yesterday I (cook) dinner at present ………

34.My father (read) newspaper every morning ………

35.I (not have) breakfast this morning, but I (be) not hungry now ………

2 I used to live when I (be) a young girl ………

1. Where we (spend) the night tonight? – I think we (come) to the festival ………


3. The ambulance is coming I (wave) to the driver ………

6 You (invite) the newcomers of our class to the party last night? ………


a To infinitive :used after these verbs :want, decide, hope, ask, advise, tell, get, would like, need, ………… After these adjectives: glad, nice, happy, pleased … b Verb- ing : After these verbs enjoy, practice, like, go, avoid, stop, keep, finish,

c bare infinitive : After these verbs : can , may , must , will , shall, would , should,

Choose the best answer: 1. I would like ………cakes Circle the letter of the best answer

A some B Any C a D an

2. Wearing ……… Helps students feel equal in many ways

A suits B casual clothes C jeans D.uniforms

3. Your homework must ………carefully

A B done C be done D is done

4. Are you ………your stay in Viet Nam ?

A enjoying B waiting C looking D pleasing

5. Tom is living ……… the Parker family

A on B with C to D from

6. She wishes she ……… swim well

A can B can’t C could D couldn’t

7. How long did it take you ……… There ?

A get B getting C got D to get

8. He returned to the hotel ……… 10 p.m

A at B in C on D about

9. She was sad ……… she failed in the exam

A although B because C so D so that

10.How far is your village ……… the city ?

A to B from C for D in

11.Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others

A pray B climate C classmate D fade

12.I ……… in this house for six months

A have lived B lived C live D am living

13.Vietnamese people are very ………

A friend B friends C friendly D frienship

14.What is your ……… type of clothing ?

A like B love C color D favorite

15.I used to ……… to school on foot

A go B going C went D to go

16.I wish I ……… taller

A am B could C had D were

17.……… to meet you, Lan

A Please B Pleasing C Pleased D To please

18.When ……… the last time you met her ?

A is B was C D did

19.……… you ……… Japanese food yet?

A Do ……… eat B Did ……eat C Were…eaten D Have …


20.You can ……… The problem alone

A solve B C make D think


A give B gives C was given D has given

22.He’ll be here on the ………

A week B weekend C weeks D next week

23.We might find life on another ………

A planet B earth C place D way

24.My father ……… in this factory since 1990

A works B worked C will work D has worked

25.My sister gave me a ……… shirt

A color B colorful C colored D coloring

26.Pick out the work which has the same sound as in clothing

A cloth B convenient C close D color

27.She said she ……… going camping

A likes B liked C like D has liked

28.Their car ……… last year

A buy B bought C was bought D has bought

IV- Chia :

1 Yesterday, Hoa and her aunt (go) to the market Vegetables often ( have ) dirt from the farm on them When ………you ……… (buy) this dress? –Tow days ago Why (be) you absent from school yesterday?

5 I (be) fourteen years old next week

6 They ( perform) “Romeo and Juliet “ last Sunday Lan’s family always(watch )TV in the evening

8 My father ( play ) roller-skating when he (be ) a child V- Hãy cấu tạo từ từ từ cho sẳn

Ngày đăng: 08/03/2021, 10:33

