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E8 từ tiết 1 đến 6(2009-2010)- 4 cột

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Nội dung

speaking the dialogues. Copy all the right sentences above. -Ss listen to the tape twice. - work in pairs to complete the dialogues and compare with their predictions. -practice s[r]


Ngày soạn: Ngày dạy:

P1 Revision

(Ôn tập)

I.The aims and requests:

- Help ss revise some main structures in grade + The simple future tense

+ The simple past tense + Too, so, either, neither

- By the end of the lesson the ss will be able to use these ones to the exercises


- Workbook, chalks, ruler,

III Steps:

Teacher s

activities Ss activitiesT Contents

I.Organization: - Greetings *Good morning, class!

*How are you today?

*Is there anybody absent today? II.Warm up: Choose the best answer:

III.New lesson: -ask ss to give the form and use of the tenses they’ve learnt in E

-ask them to copy

- greet - answ


- choos e the best answ er






 Exercise

1- Lan …….out yesterday A.go B goes C went 2- What … you … last night? A did/do B.do/do C.do/did

3-My parents …… some books next Sunday A buy B will buy C bought

4- She doesn’t like meat and I don’t, …… A too B neither C either


1-The simple Future tense / near future tense

Form: S + will / shall + V-inf + O S + be going to + V-inf + O

Note: I, We  shall or will for all S  Advs : next (week / year / month), tomorrow, tonight…

Eg: - He (visit) his grandparents next week

He will visit his grandparents next week - What you (do) tomorrow?

What will you tomorrow? 2 The simple Past tense:

Form: S + was / were +A/O S + V(_ed/P1) + A/O

 Advs : yesterday, ago, last (week, year, month)…


-ask them to exercises after giving the forms, use


exercises - Where Minh (go) yesterday? =>Where did Minh go yesterday? - Hoa (be) a new student last year =>Hoa was a new student last year 3 Too, so, either, neither:

Cách dùng trạng từ: Too, so, either, neither

1-TOO EITHER: “cũng vậy”: đợc đặt cuối câu

a)TOO: đợc dùng cuối câu khẳng định. Eg Lan is a student Her brother is a student, too

*Loan can cook Huy can cook, too * S1: I like beef

S2: I do, too/She does, too So I/ So does she -Hc ta cã thĨ rót gän:

* Lan is a student Her brother is, too *Loan can cook Huy can, too

b)EITHER: đợc dùng cuối câu phủ định. Eg Lan isn’t a student Her brother isn’t a student, either

*Loan can’t cook Huy can’t cook, either -Hc ta cã thĨ rót gän:

* Lan isn’t a student Her brother isn’t, either *Loan can’t cook Huy can’t, either

2-SO vµ NEITHER: “còng vËy”

a)SO: đợc dùng cuối câu khẳng định nhng có đảo ngợc chủ ngữ trợ động từ câu

SO + T§T(auxiliary verb) + Subject.

Eg1 Lan is a student Her brother is a student, too

= Lan is a student So is her brother *Loan can cook Huy can cook, too = *Loan can cook So can Huy

b)NEITHER: đợc dùng câu phủ định nhng có đảo ngợc chủ ngữ trợ động từ câu

NEITHER + T§T(auxiliary verb) + Subject.

Eg1 Lan isn’t a student Her brother isn’t a student, either = Lan isn’t a student Neither is her brother

*Loan can’t cook Huy can’t cook, either = *Loan can’t cook Neither can Huy


IV.Consolidation -retell some main


V.Homework: -learn by heart structures

-Prepare Unit -



I am not, either / Neither am I (she isn’t, either/ Neither is she) Eg3: I don’t like carrot

I don’t either./ Neither I

(She doesn’t, either./ Neither does she) ** Chó ý:

Neither = not either (Neither am I = I’m not either; Neither can I = I can’t either) Neither tự từ phủ định, dù động từ với xác định


Write the full sentences using suggested words in brackets:

a) I am happy (I/ too) b) She is hungry (He/ so) c) Is she thirsty? (Yes/ I/ so)

What about you? d) I hate coffee (He/ too)

e) He doesn’t like soda (I/ either) f) I don’t like beef Do you like it?

(No/ I/ neither)

Ngày soạn: Ngày dạy:

P2 Unit 1- My Friends

Getting started + Listen and read

I.The aims and requests:

- Help ss understand some structures:

+) What +do/does + S + look like?

+) S + to be (not) + adj + to + V_infinitive +) The simple past tense

+) The simple present tense

- By the end of the lesson the ss will be able to use these ones to ask and answer about appearance; use present simple to talk about general truths .…


- Textbook, workbook, chalks, ruler, picture of Hue

III Steps:

T’s activities

Ss’ activities



I.Organization: - Greetings

*Good morning, class! *How are you today? *Is there anybody absent today?

II.Warm up:

-Getting started(P10)

- greet - answer


6’ I-

Getting started:

What are these students doing?

a) They are playing soccer


- T asks: What did you during the summer vacation? Did you review your English lesson? Did you have any new friends?

- T asks Ss to look at pictures on page 10 and asks: How many people are there in each picture?

What are they doing? - T asks Ss to work in pairs (ask and answer), describe these groups of friends and their favorite activities

- T corrects the mistakes if necessary

- T asks Ss to write the questions and the answers in their notebooks

- T asks: What you often in your free time?

Do you play soccer? What are your favorite activities after school?

III.New lesson:

- T asks: Do you remember Hoa ?

Where is she from? Who does she live with now?

Which grade is she in? - T introduces: Hoa is from Hue Now she lives in Hanoi with her uncle and aunt She is talking to Lan about one of her friend in Hue

You listen to the tape and answer these questions: - T plays the tape “Listen and read” for Ss twice

- Ss answer

- Ss answer ( pictures a, b, c, d)

- Ss practise in closed pairs and opened pairs (ask and answer about pictures on page 10) - Ss write

- Ss answer

- Ss answer

- Ss listen twice

- Ss listen carefully and write notes



II-Listen and read:


- (To) look like: trông nh

-next-door(adj): kế bên, cạnh nhà

- lovely(adj): p, xinh xn, cú dun

- Christmas(n):LƠ No-en Gi¸ng Sinh

- smile(v): mØm cêi (n): nô cêi


a) Cách hỏi hình thái bên ngồi hay diện mạo của trả lời:

(?) What + do/does + S + look like?

(+) S + to be + adj (chØ h×nh dáng hay diện mạo). *eg

Lan: What does your mother look like?

Hoa: She is tall and thin. b) Cánh dùng Enough “ ” (đủ):

b1)Nếu Enough: tính từ thờng đứng trớc danh từ:

Eg I have enough money to buy this book

b2) Nếu Enough trạng từ, thờng đứng sau trạng từ hay tính từ khác

+) S + to be + (not) + adj + enough (for somebody) + to +V_infinitive.

* This coffe is warm enough (for you) to drink

+) S + V_(chia) +adv + enough +(for smb) + to + V_inf.

 Nam ran fast enough to catch the bus

3 Practice:


- After Ss listen, T revises some structures - T plays the tape again - T plays the tape one more time

- T corrects the mistakes

 Checking:

IV.Consolidation:  Keys:

1 - F ( Hoa’s friend) - T

3 - T

4 - F ( at Christmas) -retell some main



-learn by heart vocab & structures

-Prepare Unit – Speak(11-12)

- Ss listen again - Ss work in pairs the dialogue

- Ss play the roles ( 2-3 pairs)

- Ss listen and answer the questions in pairs - Ss ask and answer together

(closed pairs and opened pairs) -Ss answer the questions

- Ss remark T or F, if the statements are False, Ss correct them -retell




a)Nien/she lives in Hue b)No, she doesn’t

c)It is the sentence: “She isn’t old enough to be in my class.”

d)Nien/ She is going to visit Hoa at Christmas

 True/ False statements : _ Nien is Lan’s friend

_ Hoa and Lan are old enough to be in class _ Nien was 11 last year _ Hoa said: “Nien is going to visit her at the new school year”

-Ngày soạn: Ngày dạy:

P3 Unit 1- My Friends

Speak + Listen P11-12

I.The aims and requests:

- Help ss develop speaking and listening skills

- Listening for details to complete the dialogue and speak to describe someone - By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to describe someone and complete the dialogue by listening; introduce someone to somebody


- Textbook, workbook, chalks, ruler,cassette, tape, picture of some real people

III Steps:

T’s activities Ss’ activities T Contents

I.Organization: - Greetings

*Good morning, class! *How are you today? *Is there anybody absent today?

II.Warm up + checking

- greet - answer




- blond (a) : tãc vµng hoe



T uses the picture on page 10, asks Ss: How many people are there in the picture? Who are they? What you know about Nien? Could you tell me more about Nien?

- T can give Ss marks if Ss answer correctly

- T introduces: Nien is 12 and small Now you look at the picture and listen ( picture of Mary)

- T reads the dialogue on page 11

III.New lesson: 1-Pre-teach:

- T gives new-words, writes on the board, guides Ss to read, asks the meaning - T corrects if necessary * Checking:

2- Presentation

- Show Ss a picture of Mary and ask them to describe her hair , her body build 3- Practice :

1 Word cue drill

- Prepare cards so that students can drill easily - Ask Ss to read their complete sentences aloud - Correct and give feedback Practice speaking

- Ask Ss to look at six people in their books - Call on a student to describe one person , the others have to guess who he / she is

- Go on until six people on the poster are described 3-Pre- listening:

- Ask Ss to look at the expressions in the box and make sure they know their meanings

- Get Ss to guess and to

- Ss answer

-Ss listen

- Ss read after the teacher (chorus,


give the


-Ss write again the adjectives about build, hair on the board

-A student describes one person , the others have to guess who he / she is

-look at the expressions in the box and make sure they know their meanings





thon, kh«ng bÐo

- straight (a) : thẳng, không cong; thẳng thắn, trung thực, thật - curly (a) : quăn, xoắ

- bald (a) :hói (đầu), trọc trụi - fair (a) : vàng hoe(tóc), trắng (da) -principal(n):ngời đứng đầu, giám đốc, hiệu trng

- pleasure(n): niềm vui thích, điều thú vị

*It is a pleasure to …thật thú vị đợc…

 Networks / Marks :

 Models :

- This person(S) is + ( build) - He/ She has + (hair)

II Speak:

- Show Ss a picture of Mary and ask them to describe her hair , her body build

Ex : She has long blond hair She is short and thin Form

S + have / has + adjective + hair

S + be + adjectives III Practice :

1 Word cue drill a He / tall / thin b She / short / slim c He / short / fat d Long / black e Curly / blond f Straight / brown Key:

a He is tall and thin b She is short and slim c He is short and fat d She has long black hair e She has curly blond hair f She has straight brown hair Practice speaking

* Example :

S1 : This person is short and thin She has long blond hair

S2 : Is this Mary ?  Yes


complete four dialogues , using the given expressions

- Have Ss read their

predictions and write them on the board

4-While - listening : - Let Ss listen to the tape twice

- Get Ss to work in pairs to complete the dialogues and compare with their


- Call on some pairs to demonstrate the dialogues in front of class

- Correct and give feedback - Ask Ss to practice

speaking the dialogues 5- Post – speaking and listening :


- Ask Ss to write 10 sentences they have described above IV.

Consolidation: Ask sts to describe one student in class

V Homework : Copy all the right sentences above Do the exercises in workbook

3 Prepare Unit 1-Read (p13-14)

-Ss guess and complete four dialogues , using the given

expressions -Ss listen to the tape twice - work in pairs to complete the dialogues and compare with their predictions -practice speaking the dialogues -write 10 sentences they have described above

- describe one student in class -copy



2’ 1’

1- Pre- listening: How you ? Nice to meet you

It is a pleasure to meet you I would like you to meet … Come and meet

2-While - listening :

1 I would like you to meet Nice to meet you ,

3 I would like you to meet It,s a pleasure to meet you , Come and meet

6 How you ?

3- Post – speaking and listening :


Eg Mary has long blond hair She is short and thin

Ngày soạn: Ngày dạy:

P4 Unit 1- My Friends

Read P13-14

I.The aims and requests:

- Help ss develop reading skill

- Reading a text about how to introduce friends Bao, Khai, Sang and how to describe them


Ba's friend II.Preparation:

- Textbook, workbook, chalks, ruler, picture, poster

III Steps:

T s activitiesSs activitiesT Contents

I.Organization: - Greetings

*Good morning, class! *How are you today? *Is there anybody absent today?

II.Warm up + checking up:

-Ask ss to write adjectives to describe people

III.New lesson:

1) Pre - reading : Introduce the aims and some new words to students

1 Pre- teach vocabulary : * Checking vocabulary : What and where

- Write the word on the board , put one word in each circle T/F statements predictions - Stick the poster of T / F statements are about Ba and his friends , read them and guess which statements are true , which are false : - Get Ss to work in pairs - Call on some Ss to read their predictions and write them on the board

2) While - reading

- Ask Ss to open their books and read the text carefully and check their predictions : - Give feedback a F b F c F d T

- Ask Ss to correct the false statements

* Correction:

a Ba has a lot of friends , but he spends most of his time with Bao , Song Khai b They have different characters

c Only Song and Khai are quite reserved

- Call on some Ss to read the text aloud

1 Choose the best answer and write :

- Explain the meanings of the phrases :

+ does not affect his school

-greet -answer

-write adjectives to describe people -listen

-answer -repeat

-say meaning -copy

-read and predict T or F

- open their books and read the text carefully and check their predictions

- correct the false statements

-read the text aloud



- extremely(adj): hÕt søc, cïng cùc

- a character: tÝnh t×nh( translation )

- an orphanage : viện (nhà trẻ) mồ côi (a place where children without parents live )

- a local orphanage(n): viện mồ cơi địa phơng

- reserved (adj): kín đáo

- sociable (adj): thÝch giao du, dÔ chan hoà

- generous(adj): rộng lợng, hào phóng

- hard-working(adj): cần cù, chăm chỉ, cần mẫn

- (to) get good grades: đợc điểm tốt

- unlike(adj & prep): khác, không giống nh

- in public(prep.phr): trớc công chúng

- peace(n): hoà bình - outgoing(adj): cởi më - to tell jokes = to tell a story which makes people laugh: nãi/kĨ chun vui

- sense of humor(n): tÝnh hµi h-íc ( translation )

-annoy(v): làm khó chịu, làm phiền

-close(adj): thân; close friend: bạn thân

- affect(v): nh hng n - (to) get rid of…chán = to get fed up with

- (to) take up: chiÕm, thu hót


1-T/F statements predictions a Ba only has three friends – Bao , Song , Khai

b Ba and his friends have the same characters

c Bao – Song – Khai are quite reserved in public d They all enjoy school and study hard

2-Mutiple choice Ex.1p.14 Key:

a.A b.C c.B d.C


work : không ảnh hởng tới việc học

+ rather shy : nhút nhát + get tired of : nhàm ch¸n - Ask Ss to work in pairs to choose the best answers - Call on some pairs to report their answers

- Listen and correct Then give feed back

2 Now answer the questions :

- Let Ss read the text again and work in pairs

- Call on some pairs of students to ask and answer the questions

- Correct and give feedback - Let Ss practice asking and answering the questions in open pairs

3) Post - reading :

- Ask Ss to work in groups and talk to one another about their friends , using the adjectives they have just learnt to describe - Call on some Ss to

demonstrate in front of class IV Consolidation:

Talk about the content of the lesson

V Homework :

1 Write a paragraph about one close friend ( about 50 words )

2 Do the exercises in workbook

3 learn vocab by heart

4 Prepare unit 1(cont) Write

- work in pairs to choose the best answers

- read the text again and work in pairs

-practice asking and answering the questions in open pairs

- work in groups and talk to one another about their friends , using the adjectives they have just learnt to describe

-retell the content of the text



a How does Ba feel having a lot of friends?

(He feels lucky having a lot of friends.)

b Who is the most sociable?

(Bao is the most sociable.) c Who likes reading?

(Khai likes reading.) d What is the bad thing about Ba's jokes?

(His jokes sometimes annoy his friends.)

e Where does Bao spend his free time?

(Bao spends his free time doing volunteer work at a local orphanage,

f Do you and your close friends have the

same or different characters?

(students ' answer)

-Ngày soạn:

Ngày dạy:

P5 Unit 1- My Friends

Write P15

I.The aims and requests:

- Help ss develop writing skill

- By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to write a paragraph about their close friends (describe someone’s character and appearance)


- Textbook, workbook, chalks, ruler, poster

III Steps:

T s activitiesSs activitiesT Contents


- Greetings

*Good morning, class! *How are you today? *Is there anybody absent today?

II.Warm up + checking up:

-Ask ss to match column A & B III.New lesson: 1)

Pre - writing :


* Reading :

- Ask Ss to read the information about Tam , then answer some


- Ask Ss to practice asking and answering the questions above - Correct and give feedback


While - writing : - Let Ss write a

paragraph about Tam , using the information they have just got - Work individually Then compare with the paragraph in their books

- Ask Ss to write some information about one of their friends , then write a paragraph about her / him

- Get Ss to share with their partners and correct if possible * Sample :

His / her name

- Call on some Ss to read their writings aloud


Post - writing : - Ask Ss to write a similar paragraph about himself / her self

- Go around the class and help Ss , then ask some Ss to speak in front of class a bout himself / herself IV- Consolidation: Ask sts to retell how to

-greet -answer


-listen -answer Repeat Copy

-read the information about Tam , then

answer some questions - practice asking and answering the


- write a paragraph about Tam , using the information they have just got

- Work individually Then compare with the paragraph in their books

- read their writings aloud

-write a similar paragraph about himself / her self

- retell how to describe 2’


5’ 7’




A B Name Tall

Age Humorous Description 14

Character Nam Address 12 LE LOI street


- humorous(adj): khôI hài, hµi h-íc, hãm hØnh

- helpful(adj): giúp đỡ, giúp ích, có ích

- appearance(n): sù xt hiƯn, sù hiÖn ra, lã



a What is his name ? b How old is he ?

c What does he look like ? d What is he like ?

e Where does he live ? f Who does he live with ? g Who is his friend ? *Answer key:

a Le Van Tam b He is 14

c He is tall and thin He has short black hair

d He is sociable , humorous and helpful

e He lives at 26 Tran Phu Street , Ha Noi

f He lives with his mother and an elder brother

g Ba and Bao * Writing:

His / her name is He / she is years old He / she.lives at in with He / she

is He / she

has hair He / she is helpful… He / she has friends , but his / her close friends


describe about a friend

Homework : Write a paragraph about one of their family members Prepare Unit 1(cont) language focus

about a friend -copy


Ngày soạn: Ngày dạy:

P6 Unit 1- My Friends

Language focus P16-17

I.The aims and requests:

- Help ss develop skills: L- S - R-W

- By the end of the lesson , Ss will be able to revise/consolidate the simple present tense to talk about general truths and write some sentences , using the structure “ (not) + adjectives + enough + to infinitive”


- Textbook, workbook, chalks, ruler, poster

III Steps:

T s activitiesSs activitiesT Contents I.Organization:

- Greetings

*Good morning, class! *How are you today? *Is there anybody absent today?

II.Warm up + checking up: -Ask ss to write the form of the simple present tense and past simple tense: (+), (-), (?) III.New lesson:

- T reminds the rules of past and present simple tenses

_T has Ss complete the paragraphs

+Ss complete the paragraphs (pair work)

_T asks Ss to compare their answers with their partners _T asks Ss to give the answers

_T corrects Ss’ mistakes _ T reminds students note the adverbs that are used in present simple, past simple _T has Ss practice the dialogue (pair work)

_T asks Ss to compare their

-greet -answer

-Write the forms

- Ss notice and exercises

-Ss complete the paragraphs (pair work)

+Ss compare their answers with their partners

+Ss give the answers





- move(v):chuyển, di chuyển, chuyển dịch

- set(v): lặn - rise(v): mäc

- planet(n): hµnh tinh

- Earth(n): trái đất, mặt đất, đất

- Mars(n): Sao Hoả

- silly(adj): ngờ nghệch, ngớ ngẩn, khờ dại

- Mercury(n) Sao Thuû

II-Language focus:

Ex1:Complete the

paragraphs Use the correct form of the verbs in brackets

a lives sent was is

b are came showed introduced


answer with their partners _T lets some pairs practice the dialogue before the class _T corrects Ss’ mistakes _T explains the way to the exercises

IV- Consolidation:

Ask sts to retell some main structures they’ve studied in unit

Homework :

1.Do Ex 1-4 again in your notebooks

2 Learn by heart the uses and forms of the structures in unit

3 Prepare Unit 2- Making arrangements

+Ss practice the dialogue

+Ss compare their answers

+Ss practice

+Ss listen

+ retell some main structures they’ve studied in unit +copy



Answer keys: (1) sets

(2) goes (3) moves (4) is (5) is (6) is

Ex3.Look and describe

Ex4 Complete the dialogues Use (not) adj + enough

Ngày đăng: 06/03/2021, 01:37

