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Nội dung

- Reading a text about school to understand details and get further practice in numbers and school vocabulary.. II.The teaching aids :.[r]



Date of preparing: 3/9/07

Date of teaching:


I.The objectives:

- To present the importance of the subject , and the way how to learn II.The teaching aids:

- Text books, lesson plan, chalks, CD player and records, III The teaching procedure:

A.Class organizing: - Greetings

- Checking attendances 6D : / 43

B.New lesson:

Teacher’s and

Students’ activities


- Giáo viên giới thiệu cho HS vị trí vai trò môn T.A tr-ờng THCS, nội dung chơng trình hệ thống ngữ âm T.A

I Vị trí vai trò môn T.A trờng THCS: - Là môn học có tầm quan trọng ngang với Toán

Văn môn học khác, môn học bắt buộc kỳ thi tốt nghiệp tuyển sinh.

“English is a golden key to the door of every science and technology”

II Néi dung häc T.A trêng THCS:

- HS đợc cung cấp đầy đủ,ngắn gọn, có hệ thống từ vựng , NP, kĩ giao tiếp,sau tốt nghiệp HS có khả vận dụng kiến thức học vào thực kĩ giao tiếp, đáp ứng nhu cầu T.A sống,nh : đọc báo cáo, văn bản, thông tin đơn giản, - Chủ đề học chơng trình gắn liền với sống đời thờng em,nh : Giải trí, giáo dục, bạn bè , gia đình,

III Hệ thống ngữ âm T.A: * Bảng chữ T.A:


1 Phụ âm:

b/bi:/ c/si:/ d/di:/ f/ef/ g/i:/ h/ei/ j/ei/ k/kei/ l/el/ m/em/ n/en/ p/pi:/ q/kju:/ r/a:/ s/es/ t/ti:/ v/vi:/ w/dublju/ x/eks/ y/wai/ z/zed/

/  / sing, sink / ∫ / shoe, nation /  / thing , both /


/ this , father that /  / choose , rich, catch 2. Nguyên âm : a,o,u,i,e a Nguyên âm đơn:

N.âm đơn ngắn N.âm đơn dài //;

/e/ ; // ; // ; /i/ ; //

/:/ ; // ;/i:/;/ :/ ;/a:/;//

b. Nguyên âm đôi :Là kết hợp n.â đơn /u/ : go,boat,


/i/ : boy, join, / e/: bear, share, /i/ :tear , near,

3 Träng ©m cđa tõ :(Word stress)

Là nhấn âm vào âm tiết từ (Đối với từ có từ ©m tiÕt trë lªn )

VÝ dơ : student /'stju:dзnt/

Dấu “ ' ” gọi dấu trọng âm , từ trọng âm rơi vào âm đầu,nên âm tiết đọc cao giọng âm tiết sau

computer /kзm'pju:tз/

4 Trọng âm câu : (sentence stress) Là t c nhn cõu

5 Nhịp điệu : (Rymth)

Quy định thời gian đọc trọng âm từ không thay đổi (Câu dài đọc nhanh hn)

6 Ngữ điệu : (Intonation)

Là lên xuống giọng câu

IV.c im ngữ âm Tiếng Anh: - Sự phát âm chữ viết khơng thống với nhau, muốn đọc đợc phải thông qua hệ thống phiên âm quốc tế


Date of preparing: 3/9/07 Date of teaching:

Unit : greetings

Lesson 1: A hello (a1-4) I.The objectives:

- Ss introduce themselves - Numbers from to II.The teaching aids:

Text books, lesson plan, chalks, CD player and records, III The teaching procedure:

A.Class organizing: - Greetings

- Checking attendances 6D : 43 / 43

B.New lesson:

Teacher’s and Students’ activities



- T presents - Ss take notes

I.Vocabulary: - Hi = Hello

- Name(n)

- I (Personal pronoun) + am



- Ss introduce their names - T reads – Ss write : Numbers - Ss reads the numbers aloud

- T check their pronunciations


- Ss use the Word – cue Drill cards

5.Home work:

- Give tasks

four , five)

* Rub out and remember : II Practice:

A4 P.11

*Dictation : Numbers * Word - cue Drill :

* Guessing game: Example Exchange: S1: Oh- three- three ? S2: No

S1: Oh – five – one – one ? S2 : Yes

- Exercise : 1,2 (Work book – P 4,5) - Prepare well for the next period

Ha Noi / 04 Quang Ninh/ 033

Bac Ninh/ 0241 Hai Phong / 031

Vinh Phuc/ 0211 Phu Tho / 0210



Date of preparing: 5/9/07 Date of teaching:

Unit : greetings

Lesson : A5-8

I.The objectives:

- Greet each other : How are you ? / I’m fine , thanks - Numbers from to 10

II.The teaching aids:

Text books, lesson plan, chalks, CD player and records, III The teaching procedure:

A.Class organizing: - Greetings

- Checking attendances 6D : / 43

B.New lesson:

Teacher’s and Students’ activities


1,Warm up:

- Ss revise


- T presents

- Ss try to remember


- Ss work in pairs

- T tells Ss to listen and write down these telephone numbers


- Ss take notes

5.Home work:

- Give tasks

* Jumbled words : (Numbers from to ) I.Vocabulary : - Fine(adj)

- Thank(v) - Miss - Mrs - Mr

* Model sentences: - How are you? - I’m fine, thanks

* Numbers : From to 10

* Rub out and remember dialogue A5 P.12

II Practice : A6 and A7 P.12-13

* Dictation : Telephone numbers

820 0294 / 950 4423 / 856 5656/ 586 8686 * Remember : A8 P.13



Date of preparing : 6/9/07 Date of teaching:

Unit : greetings

Lesson : b good morning (b1-6) I.The objectives:

- Greet each other : Good morning / afternoon / evening / nighr / bye - Talk about “us” : We’re

- Numbers from 11 to 15 II.The teaching aids:

Text books, lesson plan, chalks, CD player and records, III The teaching procedure:

A.Class organizing: - Greetings

- Checking attendances 6D : / 43

B.New lesson:

Teacher’s and Students’ activities


1,Warm up:

- Ss revise numbers from to 10



- T pre-teaches


- Ss work in pairs

- Ss try to practice


- T reads – Ss write numbers from to 15 in their notebooks

(T reads:

six,twelve,two,five,thirteen,eight,eleven,four, fourteen, seven,ten,fifteen,one,three,oh,nine )

5.Home work:

- Give tasks

I Pre – teach :

- B1-2 P.14-15 : Good morning / afternoon/ evening / night - goodbye / children

- Numbers : 11 - 15

* Presentation dialogue : B3 P.15

II Practice : * Written Exercise : B4 P.16

* Picture Drill :

* Ordering vocabulary :

->Answer key : Oh(15) , One (13), two (3) , three (14),

- Exercises : 1-3 (Work book – P.6,7 - Prepare well for the next period

7+8 10 + +



Date of preparing: 7/9/07 Date of teaching:

Unit : greetings

Lesson 4: c how old are you? (c1- 4) I.The objectives:

- Numbers from 16 to 20

- Talk about age and contrast with “How are you ?” II.The teaching aids:

Text books, lesson plan, chalks, CD player and records, III The teaching procedure:

A.Class organizing: - Greetings

- Checking attendances 6D : / 43

B.New lesson:

Teacher’s and Students’ activities


1,Warm up:

- Numbers from to 15


- T presents


- Work in pairs to ask for age

- Give feedback

* Pelmanism : (Numbers from to 15) I Pre – teach :

- Numbers from 16 to 20 : C1-2 P.17 Sixteen = 16,seventeen = 17 ,

eighteen=18,nineteen = 19 , twenty = 20 - This / that is

* Presentation dialogue : C3 P.19

Model sentences :

- How old are you ? - I’m twelve

II Practice : * Picture Drill:

Example Exchanges:

S1: How old are you?

S2 : I’m [ twelve / twenty /fourteen/ fifteen] * Word cue Drill:


12 14




- Ss play a game called “ Bingo”

5.Home work:

- Give tasks

C4 P.19

* Bingo : Numbers from to 20 C5 P.19

- Exercises : 1-4 (Work book – P.7-10) - Prepare well for the next period


Date of preparing: 12/9/07 Date of teaching:

Unit : greetings

Lesson : c5-6

I.The objectives:

-Numbers 21-100 and pronunciation of plural nouns ( /s/,/z/,iz) to count things in the classroom

II.The teaching aids:

- Text books, lesson plan, chalks, CD player and records, III The teaching procedure:

A.Class organizing: - Greetings

- Checking attendances 6D : /43

B.New lesson:

Teacher’s and Students’ activities


1,Warm up:

- T asks : What’s numbers 9? 10? 7? 24? 23? 5? 25? 1? 15?

* Board Drill:



- Ss listen and repeat

- T presents


- Ss play a game called “ Snakes and ladders”

- Ss work in pairs


- T reads - Ss write out

5.Home work:

- Give tasks

j k l m n o p q a

s t u v w x y z=26 E.g:

S1: What’s number 9? S2: “ I ”

* Numbers from 21 to 100: (Page 35) What and where:

* Plural nouns: a bench – benches a couch- couches a door – doors a chair – chairs

+ Nouns ending in : o,ch,sh,ss,s,x / iz / + Nouns ending in : p,k,t,d / s /

+ The others : / z /

* Snakes and ladders: (B1.Page35) * Realia Drill:


S1: There is one door

S2: There are (twenty two) desks * Dictation lists:

/ s / / z / / iz / desks

students books clocks lamps

rulers tables doors windows

benches couches houses

- Ex 1-4 ( Work book – Page 21-22) - Prepare well for the next period

5 10









Date of preparing: Date of teaching:

Unit : at school

Lesson 1: a come in (a1-4) I.The objectives:

- Present simple tense with I vs he/she to talk about daily routines II.The teaching aids:

- Text books, lesson plan, chalks, CD player and records, III The teaching procedure:

A.Class organizing: - Greetings

- Checking attendances 6D : / 43

B.New lesson:

Teacher’s and Students’ activities


1,Warm up:

- Ss choose a time and complete the sentence

- Give feed back


- T presents



- T says and Ss write down


* Guessing game:

Example exchanges:

S1: Is it half past eight ? S2: No,it isn’t

S1: Is it nine fifteen? S2: Yes.it is

I. Vocab :

- (to) your homework - (to) play games

*Model sentences:

- Every day I go to school she goes *Presentation text:

A2 P.52

*Comprehension question:

A2 P.53 : a,->d, II. Practice: *Substitution Drill:

T: Everyday I get up at 6.I brush my teeth S : Everyday, nga gets up at She brushes


- Ss work in groups to take a survey

- Ss report back orally - Give feedback

5.Home work:

- Give tasks

her teeth

* Survey :

What time you ?

Name get up? have breakfast?

Play games?

your homework?

Vien 5.30 6.15 4.30 7.00 *

Write – it – up:

“ Every morning, Vien gets up at five thirty.He has breakfast at six fifteen, etc”

- Write about things that you everyday - Prepare well for the next period


Date of preparing: Date of teaching:

Unit : at school

Lesson : b where you live? (b1-2) I.The objectives:

- “ How many are there ?” questions and further practice in numbers to talk about things in the classroom, the living room and the family

II.The teaching aids:

Text books, lesson plan, chalks, CD player and records, III The teaching procedure:

A.Class organizing: - Greetings

- Checking attendances 6D : / 43

B.New lesson:

Teacher’s and Students’ activities


1,Warm up:


in B2.P.36 to describe their classroom - Give feedback


- T presents the text B3.P.37


- Ss Exercises B2,3(P.36,37)


- Work in pairs

- Work in groups to take a survey

5.Home work:

- Give tasks

S1: There’s (one) door

S2: There’s (one)door and (six) windows S3: There’s (one)door , (six) windows


* Presentation Text : B3.P 37

Model sentences : - How many doors

desks benches

are there ? - There’s one/ There are (two)

* Picture Drill : B2 P 36

B5 P.37

Example exchanges:

(From picture on P.36)

S1: How many ( desks) are there ? S2: There are (six)

* Kim s game’ :

Picture in A1,2( P.31) *Survey :

How many are there

in your family ? in your house? in your classroom ?

name people chairs tables desks windows


Example exchanges :

S1: How many [people] are there [in your family]?

S2: [Three] Home work :



Date of preparing: Date of teaching:

Unit : at school

Lesson : b3-5

I.The objectives:

- Reading a text about a family to understand the details and talk about jobs

II.The teaching aids:

- Text books, lesson plan, chalks, CD player and records, III The teaching procedure:

A.Class organizing: - Greetings

- Checking attendances 6D : / 43

B.New lesson:

Teacher’s and Students’ activities


1,Warm up:

- Ss can report back to the class orally if there isn’t enough time to write it

2.Pre- reading :

- T presents vocab - Ss listen and repeat

- Concept checking: vocab - Ss guess


- Ss read and check their predictions - Ss read the text again and then work in groups to anwer the

questions(a-*Write – it - up : (From Survey, lesson 4) Ex :

S1: There are three people in Nam’s family

I. Vocab : - job (n) - an engineer - a doctor - a nurse

*Net work :

* Open predictions : Lan’s family

How old ? What does she do?

Father Mother Brother Lan

II. Read: C1 (P.38)

* Noughts and crosses:

a teacher



>h),question i, T asks:

How many books are there in Lan s



- Ss use pictures (C2.P,39) to talk about Song’s family

- Ss transform the sentences in C1 P.38 with the information in C2 P.39 to write about Song’s family

5.Home work:

- Give tasks

f a c

b e d

i h g

*Word cue – Picture Drill: C2 (P.39)

* Write – it – up : C2 P.39 : Song’s family

home work :

- Write about your family: People/age/job/

- Prepare well for the next period

Period 10 Date of preparing: Date of teaching:

Unit : at school

Lesson : c my school ( c1) I.The objectives:

- Reading a text about school to understand details and get further practice in numbers and school vocabulary

II.The teaching aids:

- Text books, lesson plan, chalks, CD player and records, III The teaching procedure:

A.Class organizing: - Greetings

- Checking attendances

B.New lesson:


1,Warm up:

- T elicits & lists numbers on the board : - Ss choose numbers from the board

2.Pre- reading :

- Ss guess what these numbers are about , to with schools :

3.while reading :

- Ss read the text and correct their predictions

- Work in group to answer the questions - Ss give the questions for the answers

*Answer key :

1 Where’s Phong’s school ?

2 How many classrooms are there in Phong’s school ?

3 How many students are there in Phong’s school?

4 Where’s Thu’s school? Is it small ?

6 How many classrooms are there in Thu’s school ?

7 How many students are there in Thu’s school?

4.Post reading :

- Ss work in pairs to answer the questions

5.Home work:

- Give tasks

* Bingo:

* Open prediction :

400 900 20

E.g: Students , teachers , desks , windows, etc

Read : A3 P.45

* Answer the question : A3 P.45 * Answer given :

1 in the country

3 400

4 in the city

5 No,it isn’t It’s big 20

7 900

A4 P.46


Period 11 Date of preparing: Date of teaching:

Unit : at school

Lesson : c2-4

I.The objectives:

- “What’s this/that?”, “It’s a/an ” to talk about things in the classroom II.The teaching aids:

Text books, lesson plan, chalks, CD player and records, III The teaching procedure:

A.Class organizing: - Greetings

- Checking attendances 6D : / 43

B.New lesson:

Teacher’s and Students’ activities



- T uses this dialogue to elecit and practise spelling the vocabulary

- T – Ss the same as Dialogue Build above


- Ss try to find out vocab pencil, pen, desk, door, school,clock,eraser window , board pen(s),ruler


- Ss work in teams

1 How you spell “Desk”?

* Dialogue build: Class: What’s this? Teacher: It’s a door

Class: How you spell it ? Teacher : D-O-O-R

* Picture Drill to preteach vocabulary:

C2 P.28

a door a window a board a clock

a waste basket a school bag a pencil a ruler an eraser

*Rub out and remember * Word square:








2 How you spell “ Classroom”? How you spell “Clock”? Lucky number

5 How you spell “ Pencil”? Lucky number

7 How you spell “ Ruler”? How you spell “ Eraser”? Lucky number

10.How you spell “ Window”?

4.Home work:

- Give tasks

1 10

- Prepare well for the next period

Period 12

Date of preparing: Date of teaching:

Unit : at home

Lesson 1: a my house (a1-2) I.The objectives:

- “Wh” questions with(this/that/these/ those) and living room vocabulary to talk about things in the house

II.The teaching aids:

Text books, lesson plan, chalks, CD player and records, III The teaching procedure:


- Checking attendances 6D : / 43

B.New lesson:

Teacher’s and Students’ activities



- T preteaches

- Ss work in groups : One draw things and one write the names of them

vocabulary / Practice:

- T calls the words in Vnese

- Ss try to the game -> Answer given :



- T presents the structures with “this/that/ these/ those”


- Ss work in pairs

*Preteach :

A1 P.31

- a lamp - a bookshelf - a chair - a couch - an armchair - a table - a clock - a radio

*Draw and match: * Slap the board :

* Cross word puzzle : T








E *Presentation text :

A2 P.31

Model sentences: What is this?

that? What are these ?

those? It is a/an table

chair They are tables

a radio

a lamp

a T.V

a telephone

a stool

a bookshelf


5.Home work:

- Give tasks

chairs * Picture Drill: A2 P.31

- Prepare well for the next period

Period 13 Date of preparing: Date of teaching:

Unit : at home

Lesson :a3-4

I.The objectives:

- Family vocabulary, possessive pronouns “my,your,her,his” and “Who’s this/that?” questions to talk about family members

II.The teaching aids:

Text books, lesson plan, chalks, CD player and records, III The teaching procedure:

A.Class organizing: - Greetings

- Checking attendances 6D : / 43

B.New lesson:

Teacher’s and Students’ activities


1,Warm up:

- Ss revise structure “ What’sthis/that?” - T draw pictures of a television,a lamp, a chair, a stool, a clock, a table, an armchair, a telephone,a radio

- Ss work in teams


- T presents possessive pronouns

- Ss look at pictures and work in groups of four or five

*Noughts and crosses:

* Vocabulary : - My

- His family / father / mother/ sister - Her

- Your

*Presentation text : A3 P.32

Grid :

Ba’s family

Name Relative Age Job Ba


- Work in pairs to practice


- Work in pairs


-Ss draw their families.In pairs, they practise

5.Home work:

- Get Ss to prepare dice for

tomorrow’s Snakes and Ladders lesson (see P.35)

- Give tasks

* Dialogue build : A4 P.33 S1: Who’s that?

S2: It’s his mother S1: What’s her name? S2: Her name is Nga * Word cue Drill: Example exchange: S1: Who’that?

S2: That’s his mother/ father S1: What’s his/her name?

S2: Her / his name is Nga/Ha/Lan *Describe and Draw :

Who’s this /that ? It’s my

- Ex3,4 (Work book – P.19-21) - Prepare well for the next period

Period 14 Date of preparing: Date of teaching:

Unit : at home

Lesson : b numbers (b1,2) I.The objectives:

Lan /15


-Numbers 21-100 and pronunciation of plural nouns ( /s/,/z/,iz) to count things in the classroom

II.The teaching aids:

- Text books, lesson plan, chalks, CD player and records, III The teaching procedure:

A.Class organizing: - Greetings

- Checking attendances 6D : /43

B.New lesson:

Teacher’s and Students’ activities


1,Warm up:

- T asks : What’s numbers 9? 10? 7? 24? 23? 5? 25? 1? 15?


- Ss listen and repeat

- T presents


- Ss play a game called “ Snakes and ladders”

- Ss work in pairs


- T reads - Ss write out

5.Home work:

- Give tasks

* Board Drill:

a=1 b c d e f g h i

j k l m n o p q a

s t u v w x y z=26 E.g:

S1: What’s number 9? S2: “ I ”

* Numbers from 21 to 100: (Page 35) What and where:

* Plural nouns: a bench – benches a couch- couches a door – doors a chair – chairs

+ Nouns ending in : o,ch,sh,ss,s,x / iz / + Nouns ending in : p,k,t,d / s /

+ The others : / z /

* Snakes and ladders: (B1.Page35) * Realia Drill:


S1: There is one door

S2: There are (twenty two) desks * Dictation lists:

/ s / / z / / iz / desks students books clocks lamps rulers tables doors windows benches couches houses

- Ex 1-4 ( Work book – Page 21-22) - Prepare well for the next period




Period 15 Date of preparing: Date of teaching:

Unit : at home

Lesson : B3-5

I.The objectives:

- “ How many are there ?” questions and further practice in numbers to talk about things in the classroom, the living room and the family

II.The teaching aids:

Text books, lesson plan, chalks, CD player and records, III The teaching procedure:

A.Class organizing: - Greetings

- Checking attendances 6D : / 43

B.New lesson:

Teacher’s and Students’ activities


1,Warm up:

- Ss use the information they have filled in B2.P.36 to describe their classroom - Give feedback


- T presents the text B3.P.37


- Ss Exercises B2,3(P.36,37)

* Chain game : E.g :

S1: There’s (one) door

S2: There’s (one)door and (six) windows S3: There’s (one)door , (six) windows


* Presentation Text : B3.P 37

Model sentences : - How many doors

desks benches



- Work in pairs

- Work in groups to take a survey

5.Home work:

- Give tasks

* Picture Drill : B2 P 36

B5 P.37

Example exchanges:

(From picture on P.36)

S1: How many ( desks) are there ? S2: There are (six)

* Kim s game’ :

Picture in A1,2( P.31) *Survey :

How many are there

in your family ? in your house? in your classroom ?

name people chairs tables desks windows


Example exchanges :

S1: How many [people] are there [in your family]?

S2: [Three] Home work :


Period 16 Date of preparing: Date of teaching:

Unit : at home

Lesson : c family (c1-2) I.The objectives:

- Reading a text about a family to understand the details and talk about jobs

II.The teaching aids:

- Text books, lesson plan, chalks, CD player and records, III The teaching procedure:

A.Class organizing: - Greetings

- Checking attendances 6D : / 43

B.New lesson:

Teacher’s and Students’ activities


1,Warm up:

- Ss can report back to the class orally if there isn’t enough time to write it

2.Pre- reading :

- T presents vocab - Ss listen and repeat

- Concept checking: vocab - Ss guess


- Ss read and check their predictions - Ss read the text again and then work in groups to anwer the

questions(a->h),question i, T asks:

How many books are there in Lan s



- Ss use pictures (C2.P,39) to talk about Song’s family

- Ss transform the sentences in C1 P.38 with the information in C2 P.39 to write about Song’s family

5.Home work:

- Give tasks

*Write – it - up : (From Survey, lesson 4) Ex :

S1: There are three people in Nam’s family

I. Vocab : - job (n) - an engineer - a doctor - a nurse

*Net work :

* Open predictions : Lan’s family

How old ? What does she do?

Father Mother Brother Lan

II. Read: C1 (P.38)

* Noughts and crosses:

f a c

b e d

i h g

*Word cue – Picture Drill: C2 (P.39)

* Write – it – up : C2 P.39 : Song’s family

a teacher



home work :

- Write about your family: People/age/job/

- Prepare well for the next period

Period 17 Date of preparing: Date of teaching:

grammar practice

I.The objectives:

- Further practice in “Be”,Imperatives ,Numbers, Question words,There is/There are,and Furniture vocabulary

II.The teaching aids:

- Grammatical board, Exercises, Key , III The teaching procedure:

A.Class organizing: - Greetings

- Checking attendances 6D : / 43

B.New lesson:

Teacher’s and Students’ activities


- T guides and reminds

them of all knowledge - Ss revise all knowledge they have been taught before


Personal Pronouns:

Singular Plural

First I We

Second You You


- Ss work in groups to the exercise

- Closed pair : T – Ss (The whole class)

- Ss draw their own pictures of furniture on a scrap of a paper

- Ss choose numbers from 11 to 19,and the decimals :


- T reads


Pronouns AdjectivesPossessive I We You They She He It My Our Yours Their Her His Its me us you them her him it Possessive Adjectives + N

“BE” Gap fill:

Grammar practice 1-3 P.40 Noughts and crosses :

They/teachers we/students She/ a nurse he/an engineer I/a student They / sisters you/ 12 We/ brothers She / a doctor imperatives

*Gap fill : Grammar practice P.40 Simon says

Question words

Gap Fill: Grammar practice P.41 Answer given :

a What / is b Where/ live c Who/is d.What/is Yes/no questions

Guessing game : Ex:

S1: Is it a T.V ? S2: No, it isn’t S1: Is it a chair ? S2: Yes, it is Numbers


Grammar practice P.42 Quantity

Grammar practice P.41

How many are there ?

There is a/an There are Furniture

Cross Puzzle : Grammar practice 10 P.43 Plural nouns


Period 18

Date of preparing: Date of teaching:

45 minutes test

I.The objectives:

- To carry out professional regulations - To check Ss’s understandings

- To find out more effective methods of teaching II.The teaching aids:

- Question sheets, keys

III The teaching procedure:

A.Class organizing: - Greetings

- Checking attendances 6D : / 43

B.the test :


I.Khoanh tròn đáp án mà em cho nhất,phù hợp với chỗ trống : Ví dụ : I a student

A.is B.are C am

1 How old you ?

A.am B.are C.am

2.What’s name ? I am Lien

A.my B.her C.your

3 Where you live? I live in Xuan Hoa

A.do B.does C.doing

4.Is that teacher ? Yes, that’s her tacher

A.your B.his C.her

5.What’s this ? It’s eraser

A.a B.an C.the

6.What are these ? They desks

A am B.is C.are

7.How many people are there in your class ? There thirty-five

A.is B.are C.am

8 There are two in the living room

A.coaches B.coach C.coachs

II.Sắp xếp chữ sau thành từ nghề nghiệp mà em học : Ví dụ : sergin -> singer : Ca sĩ


3 rotdoc -> : III Dịch câu sau sang Tiếng Anh :

1 Em đánh vần tên em nh ?

Có ngời gia đình em?

Có ngời gia đình em : bố em , mẹ em , anh trai em em



1 B C

3 A

4 C B C B

8 A


1 Teacher : Giáo viên Engineer : Kỹ s Doctor : B¸c sÜ III

1 How you spell your name ?

2 How many people are there in your family ?

3 There are five people in my family : My father, my mother,my brother, my sister and me

Period 19

Date of preparing:

Date of teaching:

test correction

I.The objectives:

- To help Ss find what they are false,and what mistakes they often make - Consolidate what Ss haven’t yet reached

- correct the test II comments :

Good : Fair : Average : Poor : Weak :

15% 25% 45% 14% 1%

->85% of students reach the basic knowledge -> Usage skills : 50 %

III guidline :


- Check students’ studying more often IV The teaching procedure:

A.Class organizing: - Greetings

- Checking attendances

B.corrections :

Teacher’s and Students’ activities


- T recalls structures and grammatical

matters appearing in the test - S focus

Question I:

1 Ask for age: How old are you? Ask for name : What’s your name ? Ask for address :Where you live ? Possessive adj : her

5 Article : a/an

6 Identify pronouns :This/that /these/those Ask for quantity

8 Plural nouns

Question II: Vocabulary of jobs Teacher

2 engineer doctor

Question III: Translation

1 How you spell your name ? How many + N(s/es) + are there ? There are + N (s/es)

Period 20

Date of preparing: Date of teaching:

Unit : big or small ?

Lesson 1: A where is your school ? (a1-2)

I.The objectives:

- Reading a description of a school with practice in possessive “s” to talk about possessions

II.The teaching aids:

- Text books, lesson plan, chalks, CD player and records, III The teaching procedure:

A.Class organizing: - Greetings

- Checking attendances 6D : / 43

B.New lesson:

Teacher’s and Students’ activities


1,Warm up:

- Ss repeat possessive adj


- T pre – teach

- Ss guess


* Pelmanism :

I Thu He You She

His My Your Her Thu’s Vocab :

- big (adj) - small (adj) - in the city - in the country

* Rub out and remember : * Predict : Matching

Phong’s school


- Ss read and correct their predictions

- Ss work in pairs to answer the questions (A2 P.44)


- T collects real objects from Ss : erasers, pens, pencils, books , bags , rulers and holds them up

5.Home work:

- Give tasks

Thu’s school

in the country small

Listen and repeat : A1 P.44 * Answer the question : A2 P.44

* Kim’s game / Realia Drill / Chain game : Example statements :

S1: Dao’s pencil

S2: Dao’s pencil and Hai’s ruler

S3:Dao’s pencil, Hai’s ruler and Dung’s pen S4: etc

- Ex 1,3 (Work book P.35,36) - Prepare well for the next period Period 21

Date of preparing: Date of teaching:

Unit : big or small ?

Lesson : a3-5

I.The objectives:

- Reading a text about school to understand details and get further practice in numbers and school vocabulary

II.The teaching aids:

- Text books, lesson plan, chalks, CD player and records, III The teaching procedure:

A.Class organizing: - Greetings

- Checking attendances

B.New lesson:

Teacher’s and Students’ activities


1,Warm up:

- T elicits & lists numbers on the board : - Ss choose numbers from the board

2.Pre- reading :

- Ss guess what these numbers are about , to with schools :

3.while reading :

- Ss read the text and correct their predictions

- Work in group to answer the questions - Ss give the questions for the answers

*Answer key :

1 Where’s Phong’s school ?

2 How many classrooms are there in Phong’s school ?

3 How many students are there in Phong’s school?

4 Where’s Thu’s school? Is it small ?

6 How many classrooms are there in Thu’s school ?

7 How many students are there in Thu’s school?

4.Post reading :

- Ss work in pairs to answer the questions

5.Home work:

- Give tasks

* Bingo:

* Open prediction :

400 900 20

E.g: Students , teachers , desks , windows, etc

Read : A3 P.45

* Answer the question : A3 P.45 * Answer given :

1 in the country

3 400

4 in the city

5 No,it isn’t It’s big 20

7 900

A4 P.46


- Prepare well for the next period Period 22

Date of preparing: Date of teaching:

Unit : big or small ?

Lesson :B my class (B1-5)

I.The objectives:

- Listening to a dialogue about school to understand the details ; practising cardinal numbers , ordinal numbers and “which” questions to talk about school

II.The teaching aids:

- Text books, lesson plan, chalks, CD player and records, III The teaching procedure:

A.Class organizing: - Greetings

- Checking attendances 6D : / 43

B.New lesson:

Teacher’s and Students’ activities


1,pre listening :

- T pre - teaches

- T gets Ss to write the words again on the board because the spelling is important

- Ss try to guess

2.while listening :

- Ss listen and correct their predictions

3.post listening :

- Ss work in groups to take a survey

4.Home work:

- Give tasks

Pre – teach : B4 P.48

* Rub out and remeber:

* Predict Dialogue:

Thu: Hello, Which grade are you in? Phong: I’m in grade (a)

Thu: And which class are you in ? Phong: (b) What about you?

Thu: I’m in grade (c) ,class (d) How many classrooms does your school have?

Phong: (e) It’s a small school

Thu : My school has (f) floors and my classroom is on the(g) floor.Where is your class room? Phong: It’s on the (h) floor

*Listen : B1 P.47 * Grid : B2 P.48

* Board Drill :

Name Grade Class Floor

Thu 7c 2nd

Phong 6a 1st


- Ex 1-4 (Work book – P.38- 40) - Prepare well for the next period Period 23

Date of preparing: Date of teaching:

Unit : big or small ?

Lesson : c getting ready for school (c1-3)

I.The objectives:

- Simple present tense , positive statements with he / she to talk about habitual actions

II.The teaching aids:

- Text books, lesson plan, chalks, CD player and records, III The teaching procedure:

A.Class organizing: - Greetings


6D : / 43

B.New lesson:

Teacher’s and Students’ activities



- T uses pictures on page 49 to present

- Ss work in groups

- Ss take notes with personal pronouns when make sentences

- T gives clear explanations

- T gives all ways of forming V(s/es)


- Ss work in closed pair


- Ss talk about what they every morning

4.Home work:

- Give tasks

I Vocab:

- (To) get ready(for) - (To)get up

- (To)get dressed - (To)brush your teeth - (To) wash your face - (To) have breakfast - (To)go to school * Slap the board :

* Model sentences:

- What you every morning? - I get up / have breakfast /

+ What does Ba every morning ? + He gets up / has breakfast / ->

* Cách chia động từ chủ ngữ ngơi thứ số : V+s/es

( go,wash,watch,relax,guess,bliz -> +es/; study ->Studies / have - > has ; the others +s )

II Practice :

*Word – cue Drill:

Example Exchanges:

S1: What you every morning? S2: I get up

S1: What you then? S2: I

S1: What does S2 every morning? S3: She/He gets up then,

* Chain game :

S1: Every morning , I get up

S2: Every morning , I get up and brush my teeth

S3: Every morning , I get up , brush my teeth and have breakfast

S4: etc

- Write about things that you every morning

mặc q.áo

rửa mặt đánh ngủ dậy ăn sáng

®i häc

S + V(s/es)

dressed up

face teeth



- Prepare well for the next period

Period 24

Date of preparing: Date of teaching:

Unit : big or small ?

Lesson : c4-7

I.The objectives: - Telling the time II.The teaching aids:

- Text books, lesson plan, chalks, CD player and records, III The teaching procedure:

A.Class organizing: - Greetings

- Checking attendances 6D : / 43

B.New lesson:

Teacher’s and Students’ activities



- T reads

- Ss remember and write - T preteaches

- Ss go to the board to slap

- Ss take notes

* Number dictation: T reads : one ten Ss write : 1.10 etc

I Vocabulary: - Time(n)

- late(adj) - (To)be late for - half

- Past

*Slap the board:

half past ten late time


- Ss pay attention to the model sentences


- Ss tell the time


- Work in groups to talk about the time of their activities

- Give feed back

4.Home work:

- Give tasks

* Presentation Pictures: C4 P.50

Model sentences :

- What time is it ? / What’s the time? - It’s O’clock

half past ten ten fifteen II Practice:

* Relia Drill : (Clock) * Word- cue Drill: C7 P.51

Example exchanges:

S1: What time you get up ? S2 : I get up at six O’clock S1: What time does S2 get up ? S3: She/ He gets up at six O’clock etc

- Ex 1-6 (Work book – P.41-43) - Prepare well for the next period

Period 25

Date of preparing: Date of teaching:

Unit : things i do

Lesson : a my day (a1-2) I.The objectives:


- Text books, lesson plan, chalks, CD player and records, III The teaching procedure:

A.Class organizing: - Greetings

- Checking attendances 6D : / 43

B.New lesson:

Teacher’s and Students’ activities


1,Warm up:

- Ss choose a time and complete the sentence

- Give feed back


- T presents



- T says and Ss write down


- Ss work in groups to take a survey

- Ss report back orally - Give feedback

5.Home work:

- Give tasks

* Guessing game:

Example exchanges:

S1: Is it half past eight ? S2: No,it isn’t

S1: Is it nine fifteen? S2: Yes.it is

I. Vocab :

- (to) your homework - (to) play games

*Model sentences:

- Every day I go to school she goes *Presentation text:

A2 P.52

*Comprehension question:

A2 P.53 : a,->d, II. Practice: *Substitution Drill:

T: Everyday I get up at 6.I brush my teeth S : Everyday, nga gets up at She brushes her teeth

* Survey :

What time you ?

Name get up? have breakfast?

Play games?

your homework?

Vien 5.30 6.15 4.30 7.00 *

Write – it – up:

“ Every morning, Vien gets up at five thirty.He has breakfast at six fifteen, etc”

- Write about things that you everyday - Prepare well for the next period


Period 26

Date of preparing: /11 Date of teaching: 5/11

Unit : things i do

Lesson : A3-4

I.The objectives:

- Simple present tense – “wh” questions with he/she to talk about other people’s daily routines

II.The teaching aids:

- Text books, lesson plan, chalks, CD player and records, III The teaching procedure:

A.Class organizing: - Greetings

- Checking attendances 6D : / 43

B.New lesson:

Teacher’s and Students’ activities



- T presents

- T reads the passage and then Ss order vocab acording to the passage

- Give answers

- T presents the text A3 (P.53) - Ss take notes

- Ss try to answer the questions

I Vocab: - Listen (v) (Listen to music ) - Watch (v)

- Housework (n) (do the housework) - Read (v)

* Ordering vocabulary :

Every morning Lan gets up and listens to music Every afternoon she comes home and does the housework.Then she watches TV Every evening she reads and does her homework

-> Key : Listen to music (1) Watch TV (3) the housework (2) Read (4)

* Presentation text : A3 (P.53)

Model sentences:


- Give feedback


- Ss work in pairs


- Ss work in pairs

4.Home work:

- Give tasks

* Comprehension questions : A4 P.54 (a,-d,)

* Picture Drill: A3 (P.53)

Example exchanges:

S1: What does [Ba/Lan/Nam/Thu] after school?

S2: [ He watches TV] [she does the housework] etc

* Noughts and crosses :

He/play games she/brush her

teeth Lan/ the housework Ba/gets

dressed Nam/ go to school Thu/ her homework She/ wash her

face he/have breakfast Mai/ Listen to music

Example exchanges:

S1: What does [ Ba every morning ]? S2: He gets dressed

*Homework :

- Exercises : 1-3 (Work book – P.44-45) - Prepare well for the next period

Period 27

Date of preparing: /11 Date of teaching: 8/11


I.The objectives:

- Simple present tense Yes/No questions and short answers to talk about daily routines

II.The teaching aids:

- Text books, lesson plan, chalks, CD player and records, III The teaching procedure:

A.Class organizing: - Greetings

- Checking attendances 6D : / 43

B.New lesson:

Teacher’s and Students’ activities


1,Warm up:

- Ss remember


- T presents

- Ss practice the dialogue in pairs - Ss take notes


- Ss complete the grid about the dialogue

- Give answers

- Work in pairs to ask about activitites after school


- Work in groups to take a survey about activities after school


go to listen to watch TV homework school music I Vocabulary :

- Volleyball(n) - Football (n) - Sport (n)

- girl (n) >< boy (n)

Rub out and remember *Presentation Dialogue :

A5 P.54 Model sentences :

Do you/ they play volleyball ? Does she / he

Yes, I / We / TheyShe / He dodoes No, I / We / TheyShe / He don’tdoesn’t * Grid : With answer key

A5 P.54

Name Volleyball Football

Nga 

Lan 

Thu 

Vui 

Girls  

* Yes / No question Answer Drill : A6 P.55 (a, - g, )

Example exchanges :

a, S1: Do you play sports ? S2: Yes , I / No, I don’t

* Find someone who : Activities after school


- Give feedback

5.Home work:

- Give tasks

Nga : Yes, I

Nam : No, I don’t I play football etc

Find someone who Name

watches TV? Nga

plays football ? Nam does the


plays volleyball ? listens to music ? reads ?

* Homework :

- Exercises : 4-6 (Work book – P.46-47) - Prepare well for the next period

Period 28

Date of preparing: /11 Date of teaching: 9/11

Unit : things i do

Lesson 4: b my routine (b1-3 ) I.The objectives:

- Reading a picture story about ba’s daily routine to practice Simple present tense

II.The teaching aids:

- Text books, lesson plan, chalks, CD player and records, III The teaching procedure:

A.Class organizing: - Greetings

- Checking attendances 6D : / 43

B.New lesson:

Teacher’s and Students’ activities


1,Warm up:

- Ss remember some vocabulary :

housework , listen , read , watch , play , homework,

2.Pre reading :

- T presents vocab

* Jumbled words :

I Vocab :

- (to) take a shower : - Eat (v)


- Ss fill in the times in the table for Ba without reading

3.while reading :

- Ss look at B1 and read - Ss complete the table

- Give answers - Give correction

4.Post reading :

- Ss complete the last column in the B2 table and then B3 a, and b, with a partner

- Give feedback

5.Home work:

- Give tasks

- (to) have lunch - (to) go to bed

What and where * Open prediction :

B2 P.57 II Practice : Read :

B1 P.56

Action Time

Ba Me

get up 6.20

go to school classes start classes finish

have lunch go home go to bed * Survey : B2- P.57

* Home work :

- Remember : B4 P.57 (Text book)


Period 29

Date of preparing: /11 Date of teaching: 12 /11

Unit : things i do

Lesson 5: c classes (c1) I.The objectives:

- School subjects vocabulary with “ Have / Don’t have” to talk about the school timetable

II.The teaching aids:

- Text books, lesson plan, chalks, CD player and records, III The teaching procedure:

A.Class organizing: - Greetings

- Checking attendances 6D : / 43

B.New lesson:

Teacher’s and Students’



1,Warm up:

- T reminds them of (school) vocabulary

Start , to , old, go , sports , TV, take , eat

homework , listen, , play, work, OK, read, watch, at , music, finish


- T presents

- T reads a passage involving in vocabulary , and Ss order the vocab

- Give correction - T presents the text

* Word square :









I Vocab : - Timetable (n) - Subject (n) - English (n) - Math (n) -Literature (n) - History(n) - Geography (n) - Monday(n)

* Ordering vocabulary :

First we have Literature Then we have Geography At eight forty we have English and then we have Math At ten fifteen we have History This is our timetable on Monday

-> Key : English -3 , Math – , Literature – 1,History – , Geography – 2,Monday -



- Ss work in pairs to talk about timetable using word – cues Drill


- Ss work in groups to map the dialogue

- Give feedback

5.Home work:

- Give tasks

C1 P.58 Model sentences : What we have today? (?) We have English (+)

I don’t have my timetable (-) II Practice :

* Word – cue Drill : English / 7.00 Math / 7.50 Literature / 8.40

History / 9.35 Geography / 10.15

Example exchanges:

S1:What we have today?

S2: We have [ English]

S1: What time does it start ?

S2: [ Seven o’clock ] * Mapped Dialogue :

 

What today? What time start ? Do we literature 8.40?

What time finish ? What at 9.35 ? Do we math ?

History 7.50

No English 9.25

Geography Yes 10.15

Example exchanges :

S1: What we have today? S2: We have History

S1: What time does it start? S2: At seven fifty

S1: Do we have literature at eight forty ?

S2: No,we don’t We have English S1: What time does it finish?

S2: Nine twenty five etc

* Home work :

- Exercise : (Work book – P.51) - Prepare well for the next period

Period 30


Date of teaching: 15 /11 I.The objectives:

- Days of the week vocabulary with “Has/ Doesn’t have” to talk about the weekly timetable

II.The teaching aids:

- Text books, lesson plan, chalks, CD player and records, III The teaching procedure:

A.Class organizing: - Greetings

- Checking attendances 6D : / 43

B.New lesson:

Teacher’s and Students’ activities


1,Warm up:

- Ss remember vocab in the previous lessons


- Ss try to match days of the week

- Ss guess the dialogue


- Ss work in pairs to ask and answer about given board drill and then about their timetable

- Give feedback


- Ss fill in their real timetable (Only the

* Slap the board:

I Vocab : C2 P.59 * Matching: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Thứ bảy Thứ năm Thứ ba Thø s¸u Chđ nhËt Thø hai Thø t * Predict Dialogue:

Nga: When we have ?

Ba : We have it on and Nga : When we have ?

Ba: We have it on , and Nga : Does Lan have Math on ? Ba:

-> Answer key : C3 P.59 II Practice :

* Board Drill:

Thø Thø Thø Thø Thø Thø Toán Toán Sử Chào cờ Văn Văn Anh Anh Toán Toán Địa Sinh Anh

TD Văn Văn Sử Địa Toán Sinh Địa SH Example exchanges:

S1: When we have math ? S2: On Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday



my timetable Monday

History Math


5 subjects they have learnt in English ) in C2 P.59

- Ss practice in pairs as in the Board Drill above

- Ss write down about their timetable

5.Home work:

- Give tasks


* Fill in your timetable: C2 P.59

* Write – it – up :


We have math on , and We have English on , and


* Homework :

- Exercice : 1,3,4 (Work book – P 50-52) - Prepare well for the next period

Period 31

Date of preparing: 5/11

Date of teaching:16/11

grammar practice

I.The objectives:

- Further practice in present simple tense , telling the time , Adjectives with “ Be”, Question words , School subjects , Days of the week

II.The teaching aids:

- Text books, lesson plan, chalks, CD player and records, III The teaching procedure:

A.Class organizing: - Greetings

- Checking attendances 6D : / 43

B.New lesson:

Teacher’s and Students’ activities


- Ss revise all the language they’ve

learnt in the previous lessons - T guides – Ss revise

- Work in groups

- T reads the time – Ss write the time in numbers

Telling the time

* Picture Drill:

Grammar practice P.60

Example exchanges : S1: What time is it ? S2 : It’s [ seven o’clock ]

* Dictation :


- Work in team to ask and answer using given cues

- Work in pairs to ask and aswer

- Ss take note for the Present simple tense in use

- Work in groups to take a survey “ Find some one who ”

- Wotk in pairs to ask and answer using dates of the week and subjects at school

- Give task for Ss

fifty, twelve o’clock, six twenty, half past three, eleven thirty, ten twenty five, three oh –five

Question words

Grammar practice P 61

* Noughts and crosses :

Leloi street Two floors N-G-A Literature 5:30 Grade Tuesday and

Thursday 7:00

I play volleyball Adjectives with “be”

Grammar practice P.61

* Word – cue – Drill :

House / City / Living room / Family / Country / Street / School /

Example exchanges : S1: Is [ your house ] big? S2 : No,it isn’t / Yes, It is Present Simple Tense

* Find some one who :

Find some one who Name gets up at

goes to bed at 10

eats a big breakfast every morning has lunch at 12.30

plays volleyball after school does the housework


* Word – cue – Drill :

Mon/ Tue/ Wed / Thu/ Fri/ Sat Example exchanges :

S1: What you have on [ Monday ] ? S2: We have [ Maths] and [ English]

S1: Do you have [Geography ] on [ Monday]? S2: Yes, We do/ No,we don’t

Grammar practice P.60 and 5-7 P.61 Home work


Period 32

Date of preparing: 16/11 Date of teaching: 19/11

Unit : places

Lesson 1: a houses (a1-3) I.The objectives:

- Reading a text about where Thuy lives to understand the details and practise country vocabulary

II.The teaching aids:

- Text books, lesson plan, chalks, CD player and records, III The teaching procedure:

A.Class organizing: - Greetings

- Checking attendances 6D : / 43

B.New lesson:

Teacher’s and Students’ activities



- T pre-teaches vocab

- Ss remember the meanings of the words

- Ss write things in their books


- Ss read and check their predictions - T reads the second “bubble” aloud “It’s beautiful here.There is a river and

etc near our house”

- Ss read the text again , guess the meaning of these words from context and match

- Work in groups to answer the questions


- T – whole class interactions

I Vocab : - a lake - a river - trees - Flowers - a rice paddy - a park

* What and where :

* Open predictions :

What’s near Thuy’s house ? A1 Our house P.62 * Ordering vocabulary :

P.62 * Matching:

near a yard beautiful a hotel

xinh đẹp Khách sạn gần

s©n * Comprehension question:

A1 P.62 * Picture Drill:

P.62 or P.63 Example exchanges:

a lake a river trees a park


- Ss write – it - out - Give feedback

5.Home work:

- Give tasks

A:What’s that ? B: It’s a river A: What are they ? B: They are flowers * Write :

A3 P.63 Home work :

- Learn by heart

- Prepare well for the next period

Period 33

Date of preparing: 16/11 Date of teaching: 22/11

Unit : places

Lesson 2: a houses (a4-6) I.The objectives:

- Town and country vocabulary for describing places where we live II.The teaching aids:

- Text books, lesson plan, chalks, CD player and records, III The teaching procedure:

A.Class organizing: - Greetings

- Checking attendances 6D : / 43

B.New lesson:

Teacher’s and Students’ activities


1,Warm up:

- Ss listen and write out the words they hear


* A4 P.64


- T pre-teaches

- Ss list all the words they have learnt in unit so far

- T reads aloud the words : a town, acity, a school, a river, trees, a rice paddy, a park, a street, a lake, a hotel, a village

, a yard, flowers,


- Ss look at the pictures and describe their house using picture cue drill

- Work in groups

- Ss complete this sentence strip


- Ss write 4-6 sentences about their place

5.Home work:

- Give tasks

- town(n) - village(n) - city(n) - country(n) * Bingo:

II Practice:

* Picture Drill:

A5 P 64 Example statements:

There is [ a hotel] near our house There are [ trees ] near our house

* Chain game :

S1: There’s a hotel near our house S2: There’s a hotel and a school near

our house

S3: There’s a hotel ,a school and a near our house


* Guessing game:


S1: Is there a park near your house ? S2: Yes there is / No, there isn’t * Write it up :

A5 P.64 Home work :

- Exercises : 1-3 (Work book – P.60-62) - Prepare well for the next period


Period 34

Date of preparing: 21/11 Date of teaching: 23/11

Unit : places

Lesson : b in the city (B1-3) I.The objectives:

- Reading a text about where Minh lives to understand town vocabulary and prepositions of place

II.The teaching aids:

- Text books, lesson plan, chalks, CD player and records, III The teaching procedure:

A.Class organizing: - Greetings

- Checking attendances 6D : 43 / 43

B.New lesson:

Teacher’s and Students’ activities


1,Warm up:

- Ss repeat vocab in the previous lesson


- T presents

- Checking vocab

- Ss try to guess the statements


- Ss read the text about Minh’s house and check their prediction

* Slap the board:

I Vocab: - a (book) store - a restaurant - a temple - a hospital - a factory - a museum - a stadium

*Rub out and remember: * T/F prediction:

Near Minh’s house a, there’s a restaurant b, There is a lake c, There is a hospital II Practice:

1 Read : B1(P.65-66)

* Check the prediction:

a, T b, F c, T

*Comprehension questions:

B1,2 ( P.66) 2 Listen :

yard rice paddy

city town

river lake


- Ss listen and write the words they hear in their exercise books


- Ss work in pairs to ask and answer

- Give feed back

- T gives indirect correction

5.Home work:

- Give tasks

* Dictation:

B3 P.67

* Word cue Drill:

village city town stadium hospital temple lake river rice paddy

Example exchange:

S1: Where you live ? S2: I live in [ a village] S1: Where you live?

S2: I live near / next to/ [ a lake] etc

home work :

- Exercise: 1-2 (work book – P.62-63) - Prepare well for the next period

Period 35

Date of preparing: 21/11 Date of teaching: 26/11

Unit : places

Lesson :c around the house(c1-2) I.The objectives:

- More prepositions of place : in front of, behind, to the left/ right of , to describe the position of a house

II.The teaching aids:

- Text books, lesson plan, chalks, CD player and records, III The teaching procedure:

A.Class organizing: - Greetings

- Checking attendances 6D : 43 / 43

B.New lesson:

Teacher’s and Students’ activities



- T presents

- Ss guess the meaning of a well and mountains from the picture and the prepositions of place


- SS read the text C1 P.68 and then answer the questions

- T asks and answer without looking at the text or the written questions


- Ss listen and find the right picture Then write about the three houses in their exercise book

4.Home work:

- Give tasks

- in front of - behind

- to the left/ right of

* Presentation Text:

C1 P.68

* Comprehension Questions :

C1 P.68

* Picture Drill :

P.68 Ex :

S1: Where are the [mountains]? S2: They are [ behind] the house

*Matching :

C2 P 69

home work :

- Describe around your house (6-10 sentences)


Period 36

Date of preparing: 24/11 Date of teaching: 29/11

Unit : places

Lesson :c around the house(c3-4) I.The objectives:

- “ Where is/are ?”questions and answers with town vocabulary and prepositions of place to describe a street

II.The teaching aids:

- Text books, lesson plan, chalks, CD player and records, III The teaching procedure:

A.Class organizing: - Greetings

- Checking attendances 6D : / 43

B.New lesson:

Teacher’s and Students’ activities




- T presents

- Ss read the text C3 P.70


- Ss work in pairs: look at picture P.70 and then ask and answer about places


- T reads out vocab of places.Ss write out

- Ss work in groups

* Pre teach : Picture C3 P.70

- drugstore(n) - toystore(n) - movie theater(n) - police station(n) - bakery(n)

- between(prep) - opposite(prep)

* Presentation text:

C3 P.70

* Picture Drill:

C4a, P.70 Ex exchange:

S1: Where is the ?

S2: It’s opposite(near/next to) the * Guessing game :

C4b, P.71

* Bingo:

* Chain game:

S1: There is a bakery near my house


-Ss work in groups and take a survey

5.Home work:

- Give tasks

S3: There is a bakery, a bookstore and a

* Survey :

C5 P 71

S1: What is [ infront of] your house? S2: [a rice paddy]

name in front

of ? behind ? opposite ? to the left ? to the right ? near ?

homework :

- Exercises :1-3 (workbook – P.63-65) - Prepare well for the next period

Period 37

Date of preparing: 27/11

Date of teaching: 30 / 11


I.The objectives:

- To carry out professional regulations - To check Ss’s understandings

- To find out more effective methods of teaching II.The teaching aids:


III The teaching procedure:

A.Class organizing: - Greetings

- Checking attendances 6D : 42 / 43 (K.Linh)k

B.the test :

I Questions:

I Chọn câu trả lời cách khoanh tròn vào đáp án A, B hoặc C :

VÝ dô : I a student

A am B is C are

1 Phong’s school is the country

A at B on C in

2 Lan’s classroom is the second floor

A on B in C at

3 Ba his teeth every morning

A brush B brushes C brushs What time ?

A is the clock B is the time C is it It’s

A ten fifteen B ten fifteen o’clock C ten and fifteen Ba gets up o’clock

A in B at C on

7 I have English Monday,Tuesday and Friday

A on B.in C at

8 We have Literature 8.40 9.25

A at at B.at to C from to The police station is to the restaurant

A next B near C opposite

10 My house is the bookstore and the drugstore

A next B.between C opposite

II Sắp xếp lại chữ từ sau thành từ chØ m«n häc:

1 liretetura -> enghils-> hityros-> geophagry-> tham->

III Nối nửa câu cột A với từ cột B để thành câu có nghĩa:


The first day of the week is Wednesday The second day of the week is Friday The third day of the week is Monday The fourth day of the week is Saturday The fifth day of the week is Tuesday The sixth day of the week is Sunday The seventh day of the week is Thursday

II keys: I (5 marks)

1 C A B C A

6 B A C A 10.B


1 Literatur

e English History Geography Math III (2.5 marks)

1 The second day of the week is Tuesday The third day of the week is Wednesday The fourth day of the week is Thursday The fifth day of the week is Friday The sixth day of the week is Saturday

Period 38

Date of preparing : 30/11 Date of teaching : 3/12

test correction

I.The objectives:

- To help Ss find what they are false,and what mistakes they often make - Consolidate what Ss haven’t yet reached

- correct the test II comments :

Good : Fair : Average : Poor : Weak :

15% 25% 45% 14% 1%

->85% of students reach the basic knowledge -> Usage skills : 50 %

III guidline :

- Reinforce regularly tests, exercises ,etc - Check students’ studying more often IV The teaching procedure:

A.Class organizing: - Greetings

- Checking attendances B.corrections :

Teacher’s and Students’ activities


- T recalls structures and grammatical

matters appearing in the test


- Preposition :


- S focus

- T check their dictation on the board

4 Asking time: What time is it? What is the time ? Talk about the time :

It’s + (even time)+ o’clock It’s + (odd time)

6 Preposition “at” before the time on (floor/ Monday )

8 Preposition: from to Preposition of place: next to/

10 Preposition of place: between and II Vocabulary of subjects at school


- Ordinal numbers : from 1st to 10th

- Vocabulary : days of a week (From Monday to Sunday)

Period 39

Date of preparing:1/12 Date of teaching:6/12

Unit 7: your house

Lesson 1: A is your house big? (a1-3) I.The objectives:

- Listening to a dialogue and reading a letter about a house to understand the details


II.The teaching aids:

- Text books, lesson plan, chalks, CD player and records, III The teaching procedure:

A.Class organizing: - Greetings

- Checking attendances 6D : / 43

B.New lesson:

Teacher’s and Students’ activities



- Ss tick yes/no about Hoa’s house A1 P.72

- Give feed back - T presents


- Ss work in groups

- Ss look at the picture and wotk in pairs to ask and answer

- Give feed back


- Ss listen and match

5.Home work:

- Give tasks

* T/F prediction (Grid): Answer key :

Yes No

big? 

small?  a yard? 

a well? 

flowers? 

trees? 

I Vocab : - a garden - vegetable - photo - bank - clinic -Post office - supermarket - shop

* Chain game:

S1: In my town, there is a bank

S2: In my town, there is a bank and a clinic S3 : In my town, there is a bank ,a clinic and

* Picture Drill:

A3 P 74 Example exchanges:

S1: Is there [a clinic] near your house? S2: Yes, there is / No, there isn’t

S1: Are there any [ shops ] near your house?

S2: Yes, there are / No, there aren’t * Matching:

A5 P 74

- Exercises in work book


Period 39

Date of preparing:1/12 Date of teaching:7 /12

Unit 7: your house

Lesson 2: b town or country (b1) I.The objectives:

- Reading a text about ba’s and Chi’s houses to understand the differences between town and country

II.The teaching aids:

- Text books, lesson plan, chalks, CD player and records, III The teaching procedure:

A.Class organizing: - Greetings

- Checking attendances 6D : / 43

B.New lesson:

Teacher’s and Students’ activities


1,Warm up:

- T remind them of some vocab that they have learnt in the prvious lessons by playing Hang man

2.Pre- reading :

- T presents

- Concept Checking :vocab

3.while reading :

* Hang man:

I Vocab : - noisy ≠ quiet - apartment (n) - market (n) - zoo (n)

- paddy field = rice paddy

* Rub out and remember :


- Ss read the text

- Ss read the text again and then answer the question


- Ss work in groups to write out the differences between in the country and in the city

5.Home work:

- Give tasks

* Reading :

B1 Town or country ? P.76 (about Ba) and P.77 (about Chi)

* Comprehension Questions : [maching] B1 P.76 a, ->f,

* Brain storming :

in town in the country it is noisy

we live in apartments there aren’t any fields there is a zoo there are shops etc

it’s quiet etc

homework :

- Exercises in work book

Ngày đăng: 05/03/2021, 11:03

