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(Luận văn thạc sĩ) tính tương đương trong bản dịch anh việt đối với cụm danh từ trong tác phẩm bão lửa và cuồng nộ của michael wolff​

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VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POSTGRADUATE STUDIES LÃ THỊ PHƢƠNG LOAN THE EQUIVALENCE OF ENGLISH – VIETNAMESE TRANSLATION OF NOUN PHRASES IN THE BOOK “FIRE AND FURY” BY MICHAEL WOLFF Tính Tƣơng Đƣơng Trong Bản Dịch Anh – Việt Đối Với Cụm Danh Từ Trong Tác Phẩm “Bão Lửa Và Cuồng Nộ” Michael Wolff M.A THESIS (PROGRAM 1) Field:English Linguistics Code:8220201.01 HANOI – 2020 VIETNAM NATIONAL UNIVERSITY, HANOI UNIVERSITY OF LANGUAGES AND INTERNATIONAL STUDIES FACULTY OF POSTGRADUATE STUDIES LÃ THỊ PHƢƠNG LOAN THE EQUIVALENCE OF ENGLISH – VIETNAMESE TRANSLATION OF NOUN PHRASES IN THE BOOK “FIRE AND FURY” BY MICHAEL WOLFF Tính Tƣơng Đƣơng Trong Bản Dịch Anh – Việt Đối Với Cụm Danh Từ Trong Tác Phẩm “Bão Lửa Và Cuồng Nộ” Michael Wolff M.A THESIS (PROGRAM 1) Field: English Linguistics Code:8220201.01 Supervisor: Assoc Professor Dr Le Hung Tien HANOI – 2020 DECLARATION I declare that this thesis “The equivalence of English – Vietnamese Translation of noun phrases in the book Fire and Fury by Michael Wolff” has been composed solely by myself and that it has not been submitted, in whole or in part, in any previous application for a degree This thesis is submitted after a carefully checking progress in order to fulfill the requirements of the M.A degree Hanoi, 2020 Lã Thị Phƣơng Loan i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT It is my gratitude to the beloved supporters who played important roles in my accomplishment of this thesis entitled: “The equivalence of English and Vietnamese Translation of Noun Phrases in the book Fire and Fury” I realize that this thesis was not completed without their support I would like to express my sincere gratitude and respect to:  Assoc Professor Dr Le Hung Tien whose precious guidance, advice and supervision are the assets to the thesis;  All the lectures of English Department of Hanoi University of Language and International Studies who have always been reliable teachers for the encouragement and enlightenment;  My colleagues for their support of time and encouragement;  Last but not least, the members in my family who have always given me great support and encouragement all the time Finally, I thank for all the constructive criticism and suggestion from the readers for the better contribution of the thesis Hanoi, January 2020 Lã Thị Phương Loan ii ABSTRACT There have been various researches on translation equivalence which have been key words in the field of translation so far Within the thesis, an investigation of the equivalence of the English and Vietnamese translation of the noun phrases collected in Chapter II of the book “Fire and Fury” by Michael Wolff was taken under the aspects of lexicon, grammatical structure, situational and cultural context The study aims at testifying the importance of equivalence in the process of translation among languages and clarifying the mismatches between the two languages according to the theory of Meaning-based Translation by Larson (1984) The mismatches of lexicon, grammatical structure, situational and cultural context between the two versions are the principal elements for the assessment of the equivalents of the collected noun phrases in the translation The contrastive analysis was implemented at the level of phrase and lexis to draw out the mismatches between the two language texts in term of lexicon, grammatical structures and situational and cultural context The method of descriptive qualitative and approach as well as the inductive method was used for the implementation of the study 67 mismatches of lexicon in term of surface structure and one case of mismatch in deep structure (deep meaning) were found In the case of changes in deep meaning, the original information can be distorted Deep structure is therefore given higher priority over the surface structure in order to get the faithful and natural translation There are 16 cases of situational and cultural mismatch (four cases of cultural mismatch, eleven cases of situational mismatch) The translator showed the flexible attitude to make the justifiable adjustment, which is clearly illustrated with three cases stay intact, three cases translated in target culture and nine cases following the style of source culture 18 mismatches of grammatical structure were found, which shows the fact that the English text has the priority of noun phrases while Vietnamese favors verbal expression cases of literal translation have been found during the investigation From the findings, useful experiences and principles of iii translation have been drawn out: Mismatches in term of language features and situation communication are inevitable, the theory of equivalent translation is therefore very necessary in translation The knowledge of divergent language systems, cultural norms and mismatches of lexicon would help the translator, English teacher and their students deal with the gaps in term of language and cultures and gain their targets effectively iv TABLE OF CONTENT DECLARATION i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ii ABSTRACT iii LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES vii CHAPTER INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale 1.2 Aims and objectives of the Study 1.3 Scope of the Study 1.4 Methodology 1.5 Organization of the thesis CHAPTER Literature Review 2.1 Translation theory 2.1.1 Concept of translation 2.1.2 Notion of equivalence: 2.1.3 Translation equivalence 2.1 Larson’s Translation strategies 10 2.1.1 Concerning concepts 10 2.1.2 Larson’s translation strategies 13 2.2 Noun phrase 17 2.2.1 English Noun phrase 17 2.2.2 Noun phrase in Vietnamese 18 CHAPTER 21 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 21 v 3.1 Research question 21 3.2 Research approach 21 3.3 Research method 24 3.4 Data collection 25 3.5 Data analysis 25 3.5.1 Categorizing 25 3.5.2 Classifying 26 3.5.3 Analyzing 26 CHAPTER 30 DESCRIPTION AND EVALUATION OF EQUIVALENT TRANSLATION OF ENGLISH NOUN PHRASES 30 4.1 Data analysis 30 4.1.1 Mismatches of lexicon 31 4.1.2 Mismatches of grammatical structure 37 4.1.3 Mismatches of situational and cultural context 41 4.2 Cases of literal translation 44 4.3 Discussion 46 4.4 The findings and implication 48 4.4.1 Findings 48 4.4.2 Implication 50 CHAPTER 53 CONCLUSION 53 5.1 Results and significance of the study 53 5.2 The limitation of the study 55 REFERENCES 56 APPENDIX I vi LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES Figure 1: Translation process by Larson (1984: 4) 13 Figure 2: Translation as a continuum by Larson (1984: 17) .14 Table 1: Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Việt by Nguyễn Tài Cẩn (1998: 203) 19 Table 2: The summary of findings for mismatches are shown as the table below 48 vii CHAPTER INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale Translation means conveying information from one language (source language) to another language (target language) Nowadays, in the world of communication and international integration in various aspects of life, the need for information exchange and development or enhancement of relationships with different people and nations of various cultures at the international level is more and more indispensable, the role of translation is therefore inevitable Of all languages, English, as one of the officially and widely recognized international languages, has the largest number of target language or source language in term of translation In fact, English covers almost in-formal as well as formal material of all fields as a language of target text or source text Unexceptionably, we have seen the need for Vietnamese language to be in the relation with English as the target language or source language in all kinds of material However, translators have dealt with many obstacles during their process of translation due to the differences in term of language features, communication situation and culture Those differences show the inevitable reality in translation, which forces the theorists to set out the concepts of equivalence in translation that help translators to be justifiably aware of the differences and have the reasonable methods for their task That is the reason why the concept translation equivalence is one of the key words in my thesis Due to the length of the thesis, it is impossible for the author to refer to all linguistic ranks and the collection of noun phrases in the chapter II of the book “Fire and Fury” was taken to get the data for the study “The equivalence of English and Vietnamese Translation of Noun Phrases in the book Fire and Fury” Both English noun phrases and Vietnamese noun phrases have pre-modifiers and post-modifiers; nevertheless, the formation of noun phrase in the two languages is different in term of structure and order of modifying-elements The post-modifiers are rather complex, ranked from phrases to finite, non-finite and verbless clauses However, the author has learnt from other theses that the difficulties in translation of noun phrases in term of structures (basing on structural differences of noun phrases in the two languages: In addition, the study shows some cases of differences in term of situational and cultural context which causes obstacles for the translator I found three ways of treatment of the referred differences Firstly, he translates in the way that is nearest to the target culture in order to create the similar response for the target readers to the translation as in the original readers Secondly, he kept the original cultural flavor constant Thirdly, some cases are untranslatable, the phrases are not translated The principles of translation are inferred from the results and experiences drawn out above: + Translators must be aware of the obvious existence of inevitable mismatches and related concepts, which would partly support them to obtain the successful translation that guarantees the criteria of faithfulness, readability and naturalness + Due to the fact that the two languages not share the same priority in using parts of speech in the expression of information in communication as well as the same way of lexical collocation, it is occasionally necessary for the translator to violate the rules of original language structures in term of norm, syntax or grammar during the process of translation in order to create the readability and intelligibility for the target readers, which also helps to avoid ambiguity in meaning and get a translation of faithfulness and naturalness + The two languages have the different ways to figure the lexical meaning in communication, the translator must base on the communication situation as well as language features of the two languages to make a translation of faithfulness, intelligibility and smoothness + No two languages share the whole world of reality, culture and communication situation, it depends on each case, the translator can make the translation: in the light of original culture (in case where the target culture does not own the same reality), in the light of target culture (in case where the target culture owns the same reality), keep intact (in case of untranslated or nil equivalence) + Due to the differences between the two languages as referred above, the loss 54 and gain in translation is inevitable, it would be a wise decision for the translator to pursue the strategy of keeping deep structure intact The deep meaning must be given higher priority over the surface meaning in term of changes, because he/she is conveying information not language itself + Finally, five cases of literal translation and the mismatches prove for the viewpoint that idiomatic translation is the best choice in translation The translator must avoid both literal translation and duly free translation 5.2 The limitation of the study The data taken for the study comes from only one book referring to political prose, mismatches found for the analysis is therefore not abundant, especially in term of situational and cultural context The investigation of the mismatches and the treatment to gain dynamic equivalent translation only taken in term of noun phrases, not the whole sentence, hence the assessment is not comprehensible enough Through the analysis of the data, I found that being aware of the differences in the way to figure language would be very important to leave off obstacles in translation in the current fact that the two languages have their own ways to express information In other words, the phenomenon of figurative language is rather popular in the two languages while the way to figure language is different across the two languages Unfortunately, due to the frame of the study, this kind of linguistic aspect has not appropriately analysed 5.3 Suggestions for further study Further study on the topic should focus on other genres to guarantee that more mismatches would be found and they will be systematically listed with a number of cases The meaning-based translation in term of lexicon, grammatical structure and cultural context shall be conducted in a wider range (sentence, and the whole text) Further study shall be conducted on the influence of the gap between the two languages in term of figurative language on the faithful and naturalness of the translation 55 REFERENCES Baker, Mona (1992) In Other Words: A coursebook on Translation London: Routledge Bell, Roger T (1991) Translation and Translating Theory and Practice New York: Longman, coll Catford, J.C (1965) A Linguistic Theory of Translation London: Oxford University Press Catford, J (1995) A linguistic Theory of Translation London Oxford University Press Diep, Q.B (1998) Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Việt Hanoi; Educational Publishing House Foster, M (1958) Translation from/in Farsi and English Retrieved April, 2007, from http://www.parasa.ts.com/index.htm Ghazala, Hasan (1995) Translation as problems and solutions Syria: Dar Elkalem Hattim, B & Munday, J (2004) Translation – an advance resource book New York: Routledge Hoang, V.V (1998) Bản Chất Và Chức Năng Của Quá Trình Danh Hóa Trong Các Văn Bản Khoa Học Kỹ Thuật Nội San ngoại ngữ số -1998 University of Foreign Study, Hanoi National University 10 House, J (1997) Translation Quality: A model Revisited Tübingen: Narr 11 Le, H.T (2008) Phê Bình Đánh Giá Dịch Thuật Hanoi: Hanoi National University Press 12 Newmark, P (1981) Approaches to Translation Oxford and New York: Pergamon Press 13 Newmark, P (1988) Approaches to Translation London: Prentice Hall International 14 Newmark, P (1988) A Textbook of Translation New York: Prentice Hall 56 15 Nida, E.A (1964) Toward a science of translating Leiden: E.J.Brill 16 Nida, Eugene A (1975) Language structure and translation Stanford: Stanford University Press 17 Nida, E.A & Taber, C.R (1982) The theory and Practice of Translation (3rd ed) Leiden: E.J.Brill 18 Nguyen, T.C (1998) Ngữ Pháp Tiếng Việt Hanoi: Hanoi National University Press 19 Quirk, R &S Gree Baum (1973) A University Grammar of English Essex: Longman group Ltd 20 Snell-Hornby, M (1988) Translation Studies: An Integrated Approach Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins 57 APPENDIX The table manifesting the list of the mismatches of Lexicon English (source text) Vietnamese (target text) A small of well – wisher nhóm nhỏ đến chúc mừng a dazed quality to gathering Một cảm giác choáng váng bao trùm gặp make a move to leave Tỏ ý muốn Ivanka, in the past, made the Không che Little effort to hide His lack of interest in Trump Việc ông chẳng ý tới Trump the party he was in more than one Bữa tiệc mà ơng có nhiều lý để tới muộn way sorely late to career and history – making jobs Những công việc làm nên nghiệp hẳn hoi, trí làm nên lịch sử ill-equipped person in a new light Họ người khơng đƣợc trang bị tốt hồn cảnh Khả tự kiểm soát khiêm some modest self-control tốn 10 his wide-raging ignorance 10 Sự ngu dốt đủ lĩnh vực 11 something of an outlaw 11 Điều gọi nguyên lý bất chấp chơi để chiến thắng prescription for winning 12 a respect front 12 Vẻ bề đáng kính 13 their brand of womanizing 13 Sự lăng nhăng họ 14 one of the thing that made life 14 Một điều khiến đời hay ho worth living 15 a better fuck than your wife 15 ả ngon vợ anh 16 the estimation of some of his 16 Theo số bạn bè ông I friends 17 the bare –bones transition team 17 Nhóm chuyển giao đơn giản 18 his private office which he‟ 18 Văn phịng riêng ơng, nơi ông occupied since the 1980s sống làm việc từ năm 1980 19 Bản Trump sau thành 19 Trump‟s instinct in the face of his công khó tin unlikely 20 the opposite of humility 20 Khơng phải khiêm nhường 21 assorted gawkers 21 Đủ kiểu người tò mỏ 22 the fact that few in the thin ranks 22 Sự thật người nhóm of Trump‟s inner circle, with nhỏ nhoi ngƣời gần gũi their overnight responsibility for với Trump, mà qua đêm phải assembling a government, had nhận lãnh trách nhiệm thành lập almost any relevant experience phủ, có bát kinh nghiệm thích hợp 23 Khơng xuất thân giới 23 Nobody has an apolitical back ground, policy background, trị, ngƣời làm sách, xuất legislative background thân nhà lập pháp, xuất thân dân lập pháp 24 a network business 24 Một ngành mang tính mạng lưới 25 a who- you – know business 25 Một ngành phụ thuộc vào bạn quen biết 26 Một nỗ lực phút chót để tránh 26 a last-ditch bid to avoid hopeless sỉ nhục tuyệt vọng humiliation 27 the president –elect‟s lack of 27 Việc tân tổng thống thiếu tập immediate focus on a White trung vào cấu trúc House structure that could serve Nhà Trắng để phụng bảo vệ and protect him II 28 Trump‟s billionaire circle 28 Giới tỷ phú thân mật Trump 29 Larger-than-life chiefs have 29 Những nhân vật chánh văn included Richard Nixon‟s H.R phịng với cá tính lĩnh áp Haldeman and Alexander Haig… đảo bao gồm Richard Nixon‟s H.R Haldeman and Alexander Haig….…… 30 Một chánh văn phịng có kinh 30 a chief of staff with history in Washington and federal nghiệm Washington Chính quyền liên bang 31 Một chánh văn phòng mạnh mẽ tốt 31 A stronger chief staff is better chánh văn phòng yếu than a weaker one ớt 32 Những ngƣời hầu cận, bạn bè 32 he had relied on longtime thân thiết gia đình ơng retainers, friends, and family 33 a discrete holding company 33 Một công ty quỹ riêng 34 Trump‟s perfect fantasy that his 34 Với Trump việc ông bạn – friend Tom – an organizational bậc thầy tổ chức biết bạn whiz fully aware of his friend‟s chẳng hứng thú cơng việc lack of interest in day to day quản trị ngày – đảm nhận management- would sign this on công việc điều hành Nhà Trắng to run the White House giấc mơ hoàn hảo 35 Trump‟s fallback 35 Ngƣời dự bị Trump 36 everybody‟s disbelieving looks 36 Sự ngỡ ngàng tất người 37 the implicit promise of central 37 Một lời hứa ngầm chức vụ quan trọng job 38 Tay đâm thuê chém mướn đầy thù 38 the vengeful hatchet man in Christie’s aborted Trump hận loại Christie khỏi administration career quyền Trump III 39 a kind of perfect sweet-revenge 39 Một câu chuyện báo thù ngào story hoàn hảo 40 the heavy of the organization 40 Trụ cột tổ chức 41 the weeks leading up to the 41 Những tuần lễ trƣớc bầu cử election 42 Ông người không 42 He was proudly disorganized, seemingly on the spectrum given biết tổ chức, biết tập what captured his single-minded trung vào vấn đề focus to the disregard of thu hút ý everything else ông bất chấp thứ khác 43 the worst manager who ever lived 43 Nhà quản trị tồi lịch sử 44 his bachelor‟s life on Capitol Hill 44 Đời độc thân Capitol Hill in a row house known as the nhà phố tên gọi Breitbart Breitbart Embassy that doubled Embassy, dùng làm văn as Breitbart office phòng cho Breitbart 45 a job that included making the 45 Một công việc bao gồm nhiệm vụ phải đảm bảo cho xe lửa chạy trains rung on time 46 Chánh văn phòng hợp lý 46 the only reasonable chief among ứng viên the contenders 47 Một nỗ lực thất bại để vào thượng 47 a failed bid for Wisconsin state senate viện bang Wisconsin 48 an almost universal belief within 48 Long tin gần toàn the party that Trump would go nội đảng Trump trở down to ignominious defeat thành thất bại ô nhục 49 a possible margin of victory 49 Yếu tố xem mang tính định đoạy thắng bại 50 Những cậu chuyện kể kể 50 the same stories over and over again lại IV 51 a coequal level 51 Một vị ngang hang 52 Priebus, even with the top, would 52 Priebus, đảm nhận be a weaker sort of figure chức vụ cao nhất, nhân vật có phần yếu ớt 53 a weaker sort of figure 53 Một nhân vật có phần yếu ớt 54 The traditional mold of most 54 Giống nhƣ hầu hết cấp dƣới Trump lieutenants over the years Trump nhiều năm qua 55 various others 55 Nhiều chánh văn phòng khác 56 the nature of Trump’s particular 56 Bản chất tinh thần bán hàng đặc biệt nơi Trump salesmanship 57 the flames of his intention to 57 Nhấn mạnh thêm ý dịnh bất disregard rules regarding conflicts chất luật lệ liên quan tới of interest xung đột lợi ích 58 Một khoảnh khắc đậm chất sân 58 a bit of theater khấu 59 Nỗ lực ghê gớm ông thực 59 the vast efforts that had been để làm điều bất khả kháng made to the impossible 60 a damaging report 60 Một báo cáo nguy hại 61 an unlikely election winner 61 Một người thắng cử bất ngờ 62 the verge of Trump‟s ascendancy 62 Trước Trump nhậm chức tổng thống to the presidency 63 Một lập trường trung gian 63 it is hard to fathom a middle ground 64 Một nghịch lý hai câu 64 the novel paradox of two unreliable narrators dominating chuyện không đáng tin thống trị American public life đời sống dư luận Mỹ 65 the frame the media has chosen to 65 Bộ khung mà truyền thơng chọn lựa để đón nhận embrace V 66 Cơng trình vĩ đại mà Chúa 66 It will be the greatest jobs producer that God ever created tạo 67 Một thằng hiểu 67 a son of bitch who knows Washington Washington The table manifesting the list of the mismatches of situational and cultural context English (source text) Vietnamese (target text) his view of a man who, for more Quan điểm than a generation, had been at best người mà, suốt a clown prince among the rich hệ, nhiều gã and famous triều đình giới giàu có a position to snag a West Wing Vị kiếm công việc Cánh Tây jobs a tough guy Ngƣời cứng rắn a big warm-hearted monkey Một khỉ với trái tim ấm áp what was gleefully called by Điều mà người insiders the “perp walk” khoái trá gọi “giải phạm thị chúng” The speaker of the House Chủ tịch Hạ viện The Bridgegate Vụ bê bối Bridgegate Trump Sự biến hóa có phép lạ from joke candidate, to whisper Trump từ trò đùa tếu thành for disaffected demographic, to ứng cử viên, người tâm nhỏ risible nominee, to rent-in-the- với nhóm nhân học fabric-of-time president-elect oán giận, kẻ đƣợc đề cử lố Transmogrification of bịch Tổng thống đắc cử VI quay cuồng vá víu the Billy Bush tape Vụ băng ghi âm Billy Bush 10 Trump‟s shortfall of three million 10 Việc Trump ba triệu phiếu votes phổ thông 11 the swamp 11 Đầm lầy Wahsington 12 the background of a mortal war 12 Bối cảnh chiến tranh of wills – with the media sống mái ý chí - với truyền thơng 13 Chương 13 Celebrity Apprentice trình truyền hình Celebrity Apprentice 14 the undisputed voice of 14 Tiếng nói khơng thể tranh cãi chủ nghĩa Trump nhà Trumpism in the White House Trắng 15 Nhân viên chiến dịch tranh 15 The campaign staff cử 16 He was “a big warm – hearted monkey” said Bannon, 16 Một khỉ với trái tim ấm áp with rather faint praise The content indicates the cases of the mismatches of grammatical structure Example 1: ST: The campaign staff, now suddenly in a position to snag West Wing jobs – career – and history – making jobs – had to see this odd, difficult even ridiculous, and, on the surface of it, ill-equipped person in a new light TT: Đám nhân viên chiến dịch tranh cử đột ngột vào vị chiếm công việc Cánh Tây – công việc làm nên nghiệp hẳn hoi chí làm nên lịch sử - phải nhìn nhận lại chuyện lạ lùng, khó VII khăn, chí lố bịch rõ ràng, họ người không trang bị tốt hoàn cảnh Example 2: ST:…all of them were no focused on the singular fact that while he might be a peculiar figure, even an absurd-seeming one, he had been elected president TT:… tất tập trung vào thật bật dù ơng nhân vật kỳ quặc, chí người ngớ ngẩn, ơng bầu làm tổng thống Example 3: ST: ……Trump, who had campaigned on his deal-making skills, was, with his inattention to details TT: …Trump, người vận động dựa kỹ thương lượng làm ăn mình, thiếu ý vào chi tiết Example 4: ST: … Pier Morgan - the British newspaper man and ill-fated CNN anchor who had appeared on Celebrity Appentice and stayed a loyal Trump Friend – said it was all in Trump‟s book TT: Pier Morgan – nhà báo người Anh người dẫn chương trình truyền hình xấu số kênh CNN xuất chương trình Celebrity người bạn trung thành Trump nói tất có sách Trump Example 5: ST: The other wordy sense of trump Tower helped obscure the fact that few in the thin ranks of Trump‟s inner circle, with their overnight responsibility for assembling a government, had almost any relevant experience TT: Cảm nhận Tòa tháp Trump làm lu mờ thật người nhóm nhỏ nhoi người gần gũi với Trump, mà qua đêm phải nhận lãnh trách nhiệm thành lập phủ, có bát kinh nghiệm thích hợp VIII Example 6: ST: He tried to impress on Trump the ferocity of opposition that would greet him TT: Ông cố gắng gây ấn tượng với Trump tàn bạo phe đối lập sửa chào đón ơng Example 7: ST: And you need a son of a bitch as your chief of staff TT: Và anh cần thằng hiểu Washington Example 8: ST: It was his daughter in law who held the real influence demands his due, who delivered the blow TT: Chính dâu ơng người giúp tạo ảnh hưởng thực đội ngũ Trump, người đòn định Example 9: ST: Trump had labeled Bannon a flatterer for his certainty that Trump would win TT: Trump gọi Bannon kẻ bỡ đợ ông chắn Trump thắng Example 10: ST: After three marriages, Bannon lived his bachelor‟s life on Capital Hill in a row house known as Breitbart Embassy that doubled as Breitbart office - the life of messy party TT: Sau ba hôn nhân, Bannon sống đời độc thân Capital Hill nhà phố có tên gọi Breitbart Embassy, dùng ln làm văn phịng cho Breitbart - đời bữa tiệc hỗn loạn Example 11: ST: A working-class kid originally from New Jersey and then Wisconsin, at thirty two he made first and last run for elective office TT: Sinh gia đình lao động gốc New Jersey sau chuyển tới Wisconsin, tuổi ba mươi hai, ông chạy đua lần đầu lần cuối bầu cử IX Example 12: ST: … and his association with Wisconsin governor Scott Walker, arsing Republican star (and brief – very brief - the 2016 front runner) TT: mối quan hệ ông với thống đốc Wisconsin – Scott Walker, Cộng hòa lên (là người mà thời gian ngắn – ngắn) dẫn đầu đua năm 2016 Example 13: ST: After the shock of it, he immediately seemed to rewrite himself as the inevitable president TT: Sau cú sốc, ông tự sang tác lại thân, ông tất nhiên phải làm tổng thống Example 14: ST: It was nearly incomprehensible to him that the same people – that is, the media- who had violently criticized him for saying he might dispute the election result TT: Ơng gần khơng thể hiểu người - tức giới truyền thơng kẻ trích ơng gay gắt nói ơng phản đối kết bầu cử Example 15: ST: The calumny was angry, bitter, resentful, ever a casting out and closing of the iron door TT: Sự vu khống giận giữ, chua cay, tức tối, chê bai không tiếc lời đóng chặt cánh cửa Example 16: ST: …sexual acts including new boundaries of deviance (including “golden showers” ) with prostitutes … TT: …các cảnh quan hệ tình dục ghi hình vượt xa ranh giới về cư xử bậy bạ (bao gồm “tắm vòi sen vàng”) … Example 17: ST: …everything the man does is, by default, unconstitutional or an abuse of power X TT: …bất kỳ điều người đàn ơng làm bị coi vi hiến lạm dụng quyền lực Example 18: ST: Each represented, for the other side, a wholly discredited “fake” version of reality TT: Mỗi phía mắt phía kia, đại diện cho phiên giả mạo hồn tồn khơng đáng tin cậy thực XI ... PHRASES IN THE BOOK “FIRE AND FURY” BY MICHAEL WOLFF Tính Tƣơng Đƣơng Trong Bản Dịch Anh – Việt Đối Với Cụm Danh Từ Trong Tác Phẩm ? ?Bão Lửa Và Cuồng Nộ? ?? Michael Wolff M.A THESIS (PROGRAM 1) Field:... “Fire and Fury” by Michael Wolff, published by Henry and Holt Company in New York in the year 2018 and its target text in Vietnamese ? ?Bão lửa cuồng nộ? ?? translated by Tran Trong Hai Minh (a journalist... chẳng ý tới) 33 Example 3: Case 1: ST: A stronger chief staff a stronger chief of staff is better than a weaker one TT: Một chánh văn phòng mạnh mẽ tốt chánh văn phòng yếu ớt Case 2: ST: a weaker

Ngày đăng: 03/03/2021, 07:18



