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Giáo án Tiếng Anh Lớp 1 - Tuần 30

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- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to recognize and say the three Mm words correctly, read the story and sing letter Mm song.. *S’Tam:.[r]


Date of preparing:14 2019 WEEK 30 - Period 59 UNIT 13: Mm

LESSON 1: Part 1, 2, 3 I Objective:

1 Language focus:

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to recognize and pronounce the letter Mm and its sound correctly

- Understand, recognize and say the three Mm words - Write the letter Mm

Vocabulary: moon mouse, milk. Sight words: can, you, see, the. *Ss’ Tam:

- At the end of the lesson, he can read the letter and the sound Mm - Colour letter and the sound: Mm, moon mouse, milk

2 Skill:

- Listening, speaking, reading, writing 3 Attitude:

- Encourage Ss to use the structure more regulary II Teaching aids:

- Book, CD, phonics cards, paper including the lyrics of the chant III Method:

- Model – Talk - Practice, individual work, pair work, group work IV Procedures:

1 Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

1D Wednesday, April 17th 2019

2 Warm up (5’)

- T put the phonics cards from the previous lesson on the board - Below the cards, write the words without the beginning letters

- T ask some Ss come to the board, find the beginning letter to complete each word 3 New lesson (30')

Teacher– Students’ activies Content

* Activitiy 1: Listen, point, repeat Colour (7’) - T use a card with letter Mm (or write on board the letter Mm) to introduce to the new lesson - Instruct Ss how to pronounce the letter name and the letter sound by saying: “This is the letter M /em/, the letter M says /m /.”

- T use the phonics cards with moon, mouse and milk, read the words out loud and ask Ss repeat. Vocab:

1 Listen, point, repeat Colour.

a Vocab


moon: imitate looking at the sky mouse:

milk: imitate drinking

- Call some students to say the words out loud and correct their mistakes (if any)


- Read the letter and three words: Mm, moon, mouse, milk

Activity: Correct teacher (3’)

- T show the phonics cards one by one For example, show the card with mouse, but

incorrectly say milk or moon, Ss will say “no”; if the words are correctly said, they will say: “yes” - Do the same procedure for the other two cards Activity Listen and point Colour (5')

- T ask Ss look at the book and listen to the expression: “Can you see the moon.”

- T ask Ss point to the objects when they hear - T ask Ss listen and repeat the sentence for several times

- T ask Ss to colour the moon, mouse and milk using any colour they like


- Color the letter and three words: Mm, moon, mouse, milk

Activity:run and touch (5’)

- T ivide class into two teams

- Put up the phonics cards on the board - Call out one of the words

- Two students, one from each team, run to the board and touch the cards

- The first student to touch the card wins a point for his/her team

- The team with the most points wins Activity 3: Chant and show! (5')

- Use the phonics cards on the board and have the students sing the chant with lemon Do the same with lion and lollipop

- The whole class sings the whole chant Do the chant again using gestures for each word


Play Game

2 Listen and point Colour.

3 Chant and show M, moon!

M, m, m, moon! Moon, m, m, m! M, mouse!


- Clap his hand and read each sound and word Activity:Writing in the air (5')

- Show the letter Kk again, have Ss write the Mm in air with their fingers

V Summary:

- Pronounce the letter Ll and its sound correctly.


Date of preparing: 15 2019 WEEK 30 - Period 60 UNIT 13: Mm

LESSON 2: Part 4, 5 I Objective:

1 Language focus:

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to recognize and say the three Mm words correctly, read the story and sing letter Mm song


- By the end of the lesson, he will be able to say the three Mm words 2 Skill:

- Listening, speaking, reading, writing 3 Attitude:

- Encourage Ss to use the structure more regulary II Teaching aids:

- Book, CD, phonics cards III Method:

- Model - Talk - Practice, individual work, pair work, group work IV Procedures:

1 Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

1D Thursday, April 18th 2019

2 Warm up (5’)

- T show the phonics cards, ask Ss to corresponding actions then say the sound of the letter and words

E.g Teacher: Show the ‘moon’ card

Class:“moon", imitate looking at the sky.

- T ask Ss sing the chant, keep the rhythm by clapping their hands and gesturing New lesson (30')

Teacher– Students’ activies Contents

Activity Listen Read along (10’)

- T play the CD and ask Ss to listen to the story once

- Play the CD again Ss listen and point to the


pictures of the key words when they hear them in the story

- T read the story Ss follow their books

- T reads the printed words then let Ss look at the pictures and say the words

- T asks Ss work in pairs One reads while the other checks

* S’ Tam:

- He can read three work: moon, mouse, milk Activity: Say the Sight Words (5’)

- T point to and say the sight words: can, you, see, the, on, with, some

- T ask Ss read them aloud Activity Song (10’)

- T put up the moon, mouse and milk phonics cards on the board

- Point to the mouse and say: “Mandy Mouse is on the moon!” T ask Ss repeat.

- T play the CD and ask Ss listen and sing along - T pay the CD again for Ss to sing and corresponding actions

* S’ Tam:

- He can listen to the song and read aloud Activity: Speed race (5’)

- T put three chairs in front of the board and divide class into three teams A, B, C

- T ask Ss from each team stand up

- T put a phonics card on each chair and call out one of the phonics card, Ss standing try to sit on the chair with the corresponding phonics card - The first Ss to sit on the chair wins

5 Song

V Summary:

- What skills have you practiced? VII Evaluation:

Ngày đăng: 02/03/2021, 15:20
