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Nội dung

- Point to the pictures and have students name them - Allow the students some time to colour in the pictures of the words that start with the L sound - Go around the classroom providing[r]


Week 31

Date of planning: 7/4/2017 Period 117


Lesson 3: Part 4, 5, 6

A Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to: 1 Knowledge:

- Review asking and answering questions about the prices - Language focus:

+ Sentence Partners: review + Vocabulary: review

2 Skills:

- Develop Ss reading, writing skills 3 Attitudes:

- Ss like studying English

* Disability student: Listen, repeat and copy down.

B Teaching aids:

1 Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, cassette. 2 Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.

C Teaching methods: Chant, role play. D Teaching processes:

I Class organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Students

4A 18/4/2017

4B 17/4/2017

4C 20/4/2017


- Call some volunteer ss stand up then read along - raise ss

- Lead in the new lesson

- Ss listen, repeat then write down the title III New lesson

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

4 Read and complete (10’) * Pre-reading:

- Get pupils to open their book Tell them that they are going to read the text and complete the table

- Ask pupils to look at the text and discuss the information they need when they read

* While-reading:

- Let pupils read the text and complete the table individually

- Get pupils to work in pairs to discuss the answers - Call on some pupils to report their answers The rest of the class listen and give comments

* Post-reading:

- Call on some pupils to report their answers to the class Announce the answers to the class and provide explanation(s) when necessary


At school At home

On hot days

a blouse, a short skirt, a red scaft and a pairsof sandals

a blouse, a pair of shorts, a pair of slippers

On cold days

a jacket, a jumper, a long skirt, a red scaft, a pair of socks and shoes

a jumper, a pair of trousers, a pair of socks and slippers

5 Draw three clothing items and write their prices (10’)

- Listen to Teacher

- Read the paragraph - Do the task

- Compare with partner

- Give answer

- Listen to the teacher - Pairs work


- Tell Ss that they are going to draw three clothing items and write their prices

- Have them work in pairs or groups to discuss what they are going to draw and write

- Give time for Ss to the task independently - Ask Ss to compare their writing with their partners - Ask some Ss to write the text on the board T corrects - Call on some pupils to report the writing The rest of the class listen

3 Project (10’)

- Tell Ss that they are going to a project - Explain the activities and check understanding - Ask Ss to make four flashcards of clothes Draw a picture of a clothing item on one side of the card and write the word for it on the other side

- Call some Ss to the front of the class and tell about it

- Open the book - Listen

- Show their pictures

- Listen and draw

IV.Consolidation (3’) - Summary the lesson V.Homework (2’)

- Do exercises in workbook - Prepare the new lesson *Evaluation:

……… …

……… …

Period 59

UNIT 12: LETTER Y – Part 6, A AIMS

By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to Read and say the three Yy words correctly Recognize and say a new Ll word correctly

1 Knowledge:

Vocabulary: Yo-yo, yellow, yacht, yogurt

2 Skills: speaking, listening and reading, writing

3 Attitude: Ps can talk about sound of the letter Yy and its words B TEACHING METHODS:



1 Teacher’s: Pupil’s and Teacher’s book, flashcards, cassette

2 Students’: Pupil’s books, Activity books

3 Class organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent pupils

2A 2B 2C

26/4/2017 17/4/2017 20/4/2017

……… ……… D Teaching procedure:

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities I Warm up Whispers Game (5’)

- Divide the class into teams with the same numbers of students in each team

- The first student of each team runs to the teacher (at the same time); teacher whispers a word/words/ a simple sentence to them

- The first student whispers the word/words to the student sitting next to or behind him/her and so on - The last students say the word/words/sentence aloud

- The team has the correct answer is the winner


Play game

II New Lesson

6 Find and colour the Yy letter (10’)

- Point to the letters and elicit their names and sounds - Explain the activity

- Ask the students to find and colour the Yy letters - Go around the classroom providing any necessary help

- Ask the student to name the item

- Allow them to colour the rest letters with other colours

7 Listen, point and repeat Colour the pictures of the words that start with the y sound Say the y words (Track 79) (10’)

- Show the students the yogurt phonics card Point to it and say: /j/ - yogurt Ask them to repeat

- Mime eating yogurt and say: /j/ - yogurt Encourage the students to the same

- Say the letter The students perform the action and say the letter and the word (if they can)

- Play the CD The students listen, point to and repeat the word

- Point to the picture and have students name them - Allow the students some time to colour in the


Find and colour

Name the picture


Listen and repeat Look and action


pictures of words start with the /j/ sound

- Go around the classroom providing any necessary help

* Craftwork (5’)

- Ask the students to take out their notebooks

- Ask them to choose one word then draw the letter Y and the picture of the item in their notebooks

- Tell them to decorate the letter and the picture - The first three students who finish will present their letters and pictures to the class

III Production: Practice writing (5’) - Ask a student to come to the board

- Say a word from the lesson and tell the students to write the word on the board

- Ask the rest of the class for correction - Repeat with as many students as necessary

Choose and draw

Present their picture and letter to the class

Listen and write

IV Home-link: (5’)

- Do exercises in the activity book Individually

********************************************** Period upload.123doc.net


Lesson 1: Part 1, 2

A Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to: 1 Knowledge:

- Ask and answer questions about phone numbers - Language focus:

+ Vocabulary: mobile phone, phone number + Grammar : What's phone number?

It's 2 Skills:

- Develop Ss speaking and listening skills 3 Attitudes:


* Disability student: Listen and repeat.

B Teaching aids:

1 Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, cassette. 2 Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.

C Teaching methods: R.O.R, role play. D Teaching processes:

I Class organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Students

4A 18/4/2017

4B 18/4/2017

4C 21/4/2017

II Warm up: * Review: numbers (5') - Lead in the new lesson

- Ss listen, repeat then write down the title

III New lesson

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Step Presentation (15')

1 Pre- teach vocab

- mobile phone ( explanation): điện thoại di động - phone number ( picture): số điện thoại

* Check meaning: R.O.R Look, listen and reapeat:

- Have pupils look at their books (Page 52)

- Elicit the character and have Ss guess what they are saying

- Set the scene: we are going to listen the dialogue - Teacher plays the recording and asks ss to listen to the CD once

Read alound in chorus Copy down

Look at the pictures in the book


- Teacher asks ss to listen and repeat sentence by sentence twice

- Teacher shows and ss read

- Let ss practice: T-WC, half- half, open/close pairs * Model sentences:

- Sentence Partners:

A: What's phone number? B: It's .

Note: It’s= It is, What’s = What is Use: talk about phone number

Step 2: Practice (10')

* Picture drill:

- T rus through the pictures - Ask Ss practice pictures

Eg: a

T: What’s Lily’s phone number? Ss: It’s 0982 074 511.

- T models, half-half, open pair – close pairs

- Monitor the activity and offer help Correct pronunciation errors (stress, assimilation of sounds, intonation) when necessary

Step 3: Production (4')

- Ask Ss to talk about phone number by answering following questions

+ What’s your phone number? + What’s Nam’s phone number?

- Listen and repeat - Ss read

- Practice

- Listen and repeat

- note

- Look at the pics - Identify

Listen and repeat

Hafl- hafl

Open pairs- closed pairs

- Ask and answer

IV Summary (3’)


- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the new words


Period 115


Lesson 2: Part 4, 5, 6

I Objectives: 1 Knowledge:

- By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to listen and number about quantity of pets

- Unable Ps will be able to listen and number about quantity of pets 2 Skill:

- Develop speaking, reading, writing and listening skills 3 Attitues:

- To help Ps feel more confident to communicate with other people II Teaching aids:

1 Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, cassette. 2 Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.

III Teaching methods: Networks, guess, matching. IV Teaching processes:

1 Class organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Students

3D 18/4/2017

2 New lesson

Teacher’s actions Students’ actions

1 Warm up Act Chatting

- talk about the quantity of pets 2 Listen and number.

Act Set the scene

- Have pupils look at pictures 1, 2, 3and on p49 of the Student Book

- Elicit the identification of the pets in the pictures and the quantity

- Tell pupils that they are going to listen to the recording and number

Act Prediction

- Let Ps guess the number in the boxes - Collect Ps’ ideas

Act Listening

- Play the recording times pupils to listen and number the boxes Check their guess Compare the answer with the partner

- Play the recording again pupils check their

- Practise in pairs

- Look at the pictures in the book, identify the pets and the quantity of them in each picture

- Discuss and guess the numbers in pairs

- Pairs compare - Give the guessing


answers * Answer:

a :2 b:1 c:4 d:3

- Ask some questions to ensure pupils’ comprehension of the listening text 3 Read and write

Act Set the scene

- Let Ps look at part p49 to answer qs + How many sentences? / blanks? - Speak out loud the sentences - Say the name of pets and quantity Act Read and write

- Ask students to individually

- Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary

- Have Ss trade the answers in pairs for correction

- Call on some Ss to report their answers Others listen and comment

- Collect ss answer - Check and correct *Answer:

1 dogs/ parrots; cats/ dog; 3 goldfish

Let’s write

- Get Ss to write the answers about the pets and the quantity of pets they have

- Ps give their answers for correction

- Ask some pupils to read their answers aloud to the class The rest of the class listen and give comments and reinforce their pronunciation


- Pairs compare - Do on the BB - Correct and copy

- Answer T’s qs

- Call Ps to on the BB

- Do individually - Pairs compare - Check and correct - Copy down

- Call WC speak alound the sentences then individually

- Work Individually - Practise in pairs

- Retell the lesson

V Summary:

- Express the main content - What you learn today? VI Homework:

- Ask Ss to further practice at home.

- Do exercise in the work book , prepare next lesson

********************************************** Period 59

UNIT 12: LETTER L – Part 6, A AIMS


1 Knowledge:

Vocabulary: Lemon, lion, lollipop, lamp

2 Skills: speaking, listening and reading, writing

3 Attitude: Ps can talk about sound of the letter Ll and its words B TEACHING METHODS:

- Work in pairs , individual, in groups … C TEACHING AIDS:

1 Teacher’s: Pupil’s and Teacher’s book, flashcards, cassette

2 Students’: Pupil’s books, Activity books

3 Class organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent pupils

1B 1C

18/4/2017 21/4/2017

……… ……… D Teaching procedure:

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities I Warm up (5’)

- Divide class into two teams

- Ask students from two teams to come to the board and write down as many letters from previous lessons as possible in a limited time

- The teams with the most correct letters wins

Listen Play game

II New lesson

6 Say the worsds Circle the right letters (8’) - Ask students to look at the picture in the book and name each object

- Decide the beginning sound for each word of the picture

- Ask students to circle the letter which is at the beginning of the words of the pictures

- Have some individuals point to the items and the letter and say them again

Game: Sound and word (5’) - Divide class into two team

- Put one of the phonics card on the board

- Ask a student from team A to identify the sound (1 point), the picture (1 point)

- Continue with a student from team B

- The team with the most points wins the game Listen Point and repeat Colour the pictures of the words that start with the l sound Say the l words

Look and listen

Choose the letter



(Track 72)

* Listen point and repeat (7’)

- Show the students the lamp phonics card Point to it and say: / l / - lamp Ask them to repeat

- Mime turn on a lamp and say: / l / - lamp Encourage the students to the same

- Point to the pictures, the students corresponding actions and say the words

- Play the CD, students listen and repeat

- Ask students to work in pair: The first student point to the pictures and the other student say the word then change the roles

* Colour (5’)

- Point to the pictures and have students name them - Allow the students some time to colour in the pictures of the words that start with the L sound - Go around the classroom providing any necessary help

III Production: Guessing game (5’) - Ask students to close their book

- Have a student come to the front of the class - Choose a word in the phonics cards

- Have the student mime it

- The rest of the class try to guess the word

Listen and repeat

Do action and say Listen and repeat Work in pair


Choose the card and mime


IV Home-link: (5’)

- Do exercises in the activity book Individually

********************************************** Period 60


By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to

Recognize and pronounce the letter Mm and its sound correctly Understand, recognize and say the three Mm words

Write the letter Mm Knowledge:

Vocabulary: Moon, mouse, milk

2 Skills: speaking, listening and reading, writing

3 Attitude: Ps can talk about sound of the letter Ll and its words B TEACHING METHODS:


1 Teacher’s: Pupil’s and Teacher’s book, flashcards, cassette

2 Students’: Pupil’s books, Activity books

3 Class organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent pupils

1B 1C

19/4/2017 26/4/2017

……… ……… D Teaching procedure:

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities I Warm up (5’)

- Put the phonics cards from the previous lesson on the board

- Below the cards, write the words without the beginning letters

- Ask some individuals come to the board and find the beginning letter to complete each word


1 Listen, point and repeat Colour (Track 79): Introduction of letter Mm, its sound and how to pronounce the words beginning with Mm (20’) - Use a card with letter Mm (or write on board the letter Mm) to introduce to the students the new lesson

- Instruct students how to pronounce the letter name and the letter sound by saying: “This is the letter M

/em/, the letter M says /m /.”

- Repeat several times and check students’ pronunciation (letter M /em/ and its sound /m /) - Use the phonics cards with moon, mouse and milk,

read the words out loud and have students repeat - Use gestures (hand actions) to help students to understand the meanings of the three words

moon: imitate looking at the sky

mouse: use hands to mime big ears while squeaking

milk: imitate drinking

- Stick the cards on board and have students repeat the words chorally several times (in the correct order and then in any order)

- Call some students to say the words out loud and correct their mistakes (if any)

* Correct teacher (5’)

- Show the phonics cards one by one For example, show the card with mouse, but incorrectly say milk or

moon, the students will say “no”; if the words are correctly said, they will say: “yes”


Look Listen

Look, listen and repeat Listen

Repeat the words


- Do the same procedure for the other two cards - Give feedback

III Production: Writing in the air (5’)

Show the letter Mm again, have students write the Mm in air with their fingers

IV Home-link: (5’)

- Do exercises in the activity book Individually


Period 119


Lesson 1: Part 3, 4, 5

A Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to: 1 Knowledge:

- Ask and answer questions about phone numbers - Language focus:

+ Vocabulary: mobile phone, phone number + Grammar : What's phone number?

It's 2 Skills:

- Develop Ss speaking and listening skills 3 Attitudes:

- Ss like studying English

* Disability student: Listen and repeat.

B Teaching aids:

1 Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, cassette. 2 Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.


D Teaching processes: I Class organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Students

4A 19/4/2017

4B 19/4/2017

4C 24/4/2017

II Warm up: * Chatting.(5')

- Ask ss to talk about phone number: What's your phone number? It's 091234567.

- Lead in the new lesson

- Ss listen, repeat then write down the title III New lesson

Teacher’s actions Students’ actions

4 Listen and tick (10’) - Have Ss look at pictures page 53

? How many pictures are there? – Ss: 3

- Run through the pictures

- T asks Ss to work in pairs to guess

Picture Guess Listen


- Ask Ss to listen to the recording and match the

information they hear to the pictures, then tick the right answers

- 1st: Play the recording all the way through for Ss to listen while they are looking the pictures in their books

- 2nd: Play the recording for Ss to listen and tick T or F

Indentify the characters in each picture



- 3rd: Play the recording for Ss to check their answers - Have Ss trade their answers in pairs for correction - Ask some questions to ensure Ss’ comprehension of the listening text

- Check and give correct answers b c a

5 Look and write (10’) * Pre- writing

- Ask students to look at the picture and say what they see - Have Ss guess the missing words

* While- writing

- Ask students to look at the pictures and write the phone numbers

- Calls students to write the answers on the board Teacher corrects

2 It's oh- nine- eight- five- oh- nine- seven- oh- nine- nine It's oh- nine- one- two- two- eight- three- eight- oh- four * Post- writing

- Ask Ss to read aloud the sentences they have done 6 Let’s sing (10’)

- Introduce What’s your phone number? song, Page 53 - Play the recording and listen What’s your phone number? song

- Play the recording again for pupils to sing each line of the rhythm

- Call on a group of six to the front of the class and the actions The others clap their hands after the song

- Correct pronunciation Ss’ errors

- Call on one group to perform the song at the front of the class The rest of the class sing the song and clap the rhythm

- Have class sing the song again to reinforce their

Give answer

Indentify the characters in each picture

Ss the task

Give the answer Check their answer

Read aloud

Listen and sing

A group of six to the front of the class and the actions



Have class sing the song again

IV Summary (3’)

- Retell the content of the lesson V Homework (2’)

- Do exercises in workbook, learn by heart the new words


Period: 116


Lesson 3: Part 1, 2, 3

I Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to:

1 Knowledge: - Ask and answer the number of toys and pets 2 Skills:

- Develop Ss speaking and listening skills 3 Attitudes:

- Ss like studying English - Keep their toys

II Teaching aids:

1 Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, projector 2 Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.

III Teaching methods: chatting, picture drill, slap the board IV Teaching processes:

1 Class organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Students

3D 19/4/2017


- Call some pairs to ask and answer using vocabularies and model sentences in lesson and

+ Do you have any pets?- Yes, I + Where are they? They are in the + How many dos you have? I have + What toys you like? I like - Feedback

- Lead in the new lesson

- Ss listen, repeat then write down the title New lesson

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

1 Listen and repeat (10’) - Introduce the letters I – E, I

- Teacher expresses how to pronounce the sound exaxtly

- Ask ss find some words have the sounds they have learnt to help ss practice more

- T gives words, sentences Ask ss to repeat in WC Check intonounciation

- Practice: T-Ss, half-half, open/close pairs - T checks ss' pronounciation

2 Listen and write (10’)

- Have pupils look at the sentences and guess the suitable words to fill in the blank

- Play the recording times pupils to listen and fill the blanks Check their guess Compare the answer with the partner

- Play the recording again pupils check their answers T give the answer:

- Have pupils act out the dialogue in pairs or groups for correction

- Ask some questions to ensure pupils’ comprehension

Listen and repeat two sound /ei/ and sound / I/

Find words

Ss look, repeat after the T in WC, groups, individual

Look at sentences - Guess

Listen and fill in the blank Answer: kite ship


of the listening text 3 Let’s chant (10’) - Introduce the Chant - Turn on the tape

- Ps listen to the tape and repeat the chant - Ps chant in group and individual

-The Ps chant and the action

- Teacher reinforce their pronunciation


Listen and repeat

Ps listen to the tape and chant

- read the chant individual

V Summary:

- Express the main content - What you learn today? VI Homework:

- Ask Ss to further practice at home.

- Do exercise in the work book , prepare next lesson


Period: 117


Lesson 3: Part 4, 5, 6

I Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to: 1 Knowledge: - Inprove reading and writing skill 2 Skills:

- Develop Ss speaking and listening skills 3 Attitudes:

- Ss like studying English II Teaching aids:

1 Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, projector 2 Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.


IV Teaching processes: Class organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Students

3D 20/4/2017

2 New lesson

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Read and match (10')

- T introduces the topic “you are going to read the questions to get the information in order to match the questions to the answers”

- T runs through the questions, answers - Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary

- Have Ss trade the answers in pairs for correction - Call on some Ss to report their answers Others

listen and comment

- Have the whole class read each sentence in chorus to reinforce their pronunciation

Answers: 1 – c – a – d – b 5 read and complete

- Ask students to look the pictures and name the characters in each picture

- T introduces the topic “you are going to read the text find out the situation read the sentences in the book and fill the suitable words to complete the text”

- T runs through

- Have ss work in minutes - Collects aa answer

- Check

- Have ss read the text

- Work in pairs to the exercise then practice in pairs in front of the whole class The rest listen to

Look at the sentences in the book

Ss read the sentences

individually and check their prediction Ss the task (match the questions to the answers.)

Listen to Teacher

- Look at the picture - Listen and answer

- Ss listen and repeat

- S read in choral, in dividual

- Answer: trucks 2 ten


and give the remark - Correct the pronunciation 6 Project (10')

- Introduce the situation

- Explain how to the exercise: Draw your family Tell your classmates about it

-Ss act out in front of the class The rest listen to and give the remark Correct the pronunciation

- Listen

- Draw a picture of the pet - Tell about it

V Summary:

- Express the main content - What you learn today? VI Homework:

- Ask Ss to further practice at home.

- Do exercise in the work book , prepare next lesson

********************************************** Period 60


By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to

Recognize and pronounce the letter Mm and its sound correctly Understand, recognize and say the three Mm words

Write the letter Mm Knowledge: Vocabulary: Zoo, zebra, zip

2 Skills: speaking, listening and reading, writing

3 Attitude: Ps can talk about sound of the letter Zz and its words B TEACHING METHODS:

- Work in pairs , individual, in groups … C TEACHING AIDS:

1 Teacher’s: Pupil’s and Teacher’s book, flashcards, cassette

2 Students’: Pupil’s books, Activity books

3 Class organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent pupils

2A 2B

27/5/2017 21/4/2017


2C 24/4/2017

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities I Warm up (5’)

Make up words

- Put up the phonics cards from the previous unit on the board

- Write the following letters on the board: g, t, y, r, e, o, c, a, l, w, u

- Explain to the students that they have to make up words from the given letters

- Ask them to write down the words they can make up

- Tell the student to refer to the phonics cards for help

- After a limited time, ask the students to say out the words they made up


Write and make up

II New lesson

1 Listen, point and repeat Colour (Track 80): Introduction of letter Z, its sound and how to pronounce the words beginning with Zz (15’) - Show the students the zoo phonic card Point to it and say: /z/ The students repeat

- Then say /z /- zoo. The students repeat

- Mime the sounds of different animals and say: /z /-

zoo. Encourage the students to the same

- Say the letter, the students perform the action and the word

- Follow the same procedure: /z/- zebra (mime galloping), /z/- zip (mime zipping up)

- Write the letter Zz on the board next to the phonics cards Point to it and say: “This is the letter /zed/ The letter /zed/ makes the /z / sound The students repeat both sounds

* Where’s the letter? (5’)

- Teacher prepares photocopies of a page/ pages from some story books

- Ask the students to work in pairs/ groups

- Hand out the photocopies and ask students to search for and circle the letter Zz on the page(s)

- In a limited time, the pair/ group has circled the most Zz is the winner

- This game can help the students understand the link between the letter sounds and words in books


Look and mine Listen

Listen and repeat


Pupil’s book open (5’)

- Point to and elicit the sound of the letter and the words /z/- zoo, /z /- zebra, /z /- zip

- Play the CD The students listen, point and repeat - The students color the letters Zz (explain that they can use any colors they like)

- Teacher goes around the class and elicits the letter and the word from individual students

III Production (5’)

Writing in the air: Show the letter Zz again, have students write the Zz in air with their fingers

Listen and repeat


IV Home-link: (5’)

- Do exercises in the activity book Individually


Period: upload.123doc.net


Lesson 1: Part 1, 2, 3

I Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to: 1 Knowledge:

- Ask and answer about one’s action in progress - Language focus:

+ Sentence Partners: A: What are you doing+ I am doing + Vocabulary: reading, cooking, listening, cleaning

2 Skills:

- Develop Ss reading and listening skills 3 Attitudes:

- Ss like studying English II Teaching aids:


III Teaching methods: Shark attack, slap the board. IV Teaching processes:

1 Class organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Students

3D 21/4/2017

2 Warm up: Slap the board

Words: read, cook, listen, play, clean - Have ss work in groups

- Play in teams New lesson

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities

Step 1: Presentation 1.Vocabulary: (7') - Reading: dọc - Cleaning : Đang dọn - Playing? Đang chơi

- lítening to music? Đang nghe nhạc * Checking meaning: Slap the board

2 Look, listen and repeat (5') * Set the sence:

- Have Ss to look at the book page 52nd answer the question:

Who are they?

What are they talking about?

- Teacher plays the recording and asks ss to listen to the CD once

- Teacher asks ss to listen and repeat sentence by sentence twice

- Teacher shows and ss read

- Let ss practice: T-WC, half- half, open/close

- Ss listen then answer the teacher

- Ss listen then repeat after the teacher in WC, individually - Copy down the newwords - Go to the board, play the game into two teams

- Look at the book then answer the questions

- They are Mai and Nam

- They ảre talking about some one doing something

- Listen

- Repeat



3 Model sentences (5')

- Teacher elicits the structures by asking ss to speak out the model sentences:

* Teacher models twice then check intonation * Form:

What are you Doing? I reading a book

Concept check

- Listen to me and tell me the intonation of the sentences?

- What are the sentences mean? - When we use this tructure? Step 2: Practice

* Point and say: (10')

- Have ss look at the pictures and runs through them

- Teacher models all the pictures Example:

What are you reading? I’m reading

- Do the same with picture b, c, d, e, f

- Let ss practice: T- WC, half- half, open/close pairs

- Correct the mistakes if necessary Step 3: Production (4')- Let's talk.

- Have Ss look at the pictures on page 52 identify the rooms in the pictures - Have ss work in group of

- Ask ans answer the pictures

- Practice: T-WC, half- half, open/close pairs

- Listen and find out - Listen then repeat


- Listen and answer qs

- Take note => Falling tone => give the meaning

=> Ask someone’s action in progress

- Answer qs - Listen

- Practice: T- WC, half- half, open/close pairs


2/ What are you doing? I’m reading

3 What are you reading? I’m cooking

4 What are you reading? I’m cleaning the floor


- Have Ss to repeat the sentences in the bubbles a few times before let them practice freely (use the pictures in their books or role – play the exchanges)

- Have Ss to work in pairs to practicing - Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary/ correct typical pronunciation errors - Call on a pair to demonstrate at the front of the class

- Feedback * Interview

- What are you doing? I’m

- Repeat - Pairs work

Eg: What are you doing?

V Summary:

- Express the main content - What you learn today? VI Homework:

- Ask Ss to further practice at home.

- Do exercise in the work book , prepare next lesson

********************************************** Period 120


Lesson 2: Part 1, 2, 3

A Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to: 1 Knowledge:

- Accept and decline an invitation - Language focus:


I'd like to/ Sorry, I can't 2 Skills:

- Develop Ss speaking and listening skills 3 Attitudes:

- Ss like studying English

* Disability student: Listen and repeat.

B Teaching aids:

1 Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, cassette. 2 Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.

C Teaching methods: R.O.R, role play. D Teaching processes:

I Class organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Students

4A 20/4/2017

4B 20/4/2017

4C 26/4/2017

II Warm up: * Sing a song: What's your phone number?(5') - Lead in the new lesson

- Ss listen, repeat then write down the title III New lesson

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Step 1: Presentation

1.Vocabulary: (7')

- go for a walk ( elicit):

- go for a picnic ( picture): dã ngoại - go fishing ( picture): câu cá

- go skating ( translation): trượt pa-tin * Checking vocabulary: R.O.R

- Ss listen then repeat after the teacher in WC, individually - Copy down


2 Look, listen and repeat (5') * Set the sence:

- Have Ss to look at the book page 54 and answer the question:

Who are they?

What are they talking about?

- Teacher plays the recording and asks ss to listen to the CD once

- Teacher asks ss to listen and repeat sentence by sentence twice

- Teacher shows and ss read

- Let ss practice: T-WC, half- half, open/close pairs

3 Model sentences (5')

- Teacher elicits the structures by asking ss to speak out the model sentences:

Mai: Would you like to go for a picnic? Tony: I'd love to/ Sorry, I can't * Teacher models twice then check intonation * Form:

Would you like to _? I'd love to/ Sorry, I can't.

*Use: Accept and decline an invitation.

Step 2: Practice

* Point and say: (10')

- Have ss look at the pictures and runs through them

- Teacher models all the pictures Example: a

T: Would you like to go for a picnic? Ss: Sorry, I can't

- Look at the book then answer the questions

- Listen

- Repeat

- Read

- Practice: T-WC, half- half, open/close pairs

- Listen and find out - Listen then repeat

- Listen and answer qs


- Do the same with picture b, c, d

- Let ss practice: T- WC, half- half, open/close pairs

- Correct the mistakes if necessary

Step 3: Production (4') * Let's talk

- Ask Ss to talk about phone numbers by answering following questions

+ Hello May I speak to _, please? + Would you like to _?

+ What's your phone number?

- Practice: T- WC, half- half, open/close pairs

- Pairs work

IV Summary (3’)

- Retell the content of the lesson V Homework (2’)

Ngày đăng: 09/02/2021, 10:27


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