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- T tells Ss that they are going to look at the dialogue, listen to the recording and repeat the dialogue. - T plays the recording through for Ss to listen to the dialogue[r]


Date of preparation: 13/4/2018 Week 30: Period 115


Lesson 2: Part 4,5,6

I Objectives 1 Knowledge:

By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to listen and write about price of clothes

* Vocabulary: Review * Structure: Review 2 Skills:

- Practice listening and writing skills

3 Attitude:

- Ps know about asking for and giving reasons for going somewhere

II Teaching- aids

- Student’s book, cassette, CD, pictures, poster

III Methods:

- Individual work, group work

IV Procedure:

A Organization: ( 1’)

- Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss 4A, 4B 16/4/2018

4C 17/4/2018

B Warm up (4’)

*Activity: Spend a few minutes revising the previous lesson Ask some pupils to

go to the front of the class to ask and answer about the prices of clothes

C New lesson:

Teacher and Ss’ activitives Contents

*Activity 4: Listen and write the prices (10’)

- T asks students to open the book on page 49 - Ss open the book

- Get pupils to read the title of the unit - Ss read

- T: how many numbers? - Ss:

- T lets Ss run through

- T asks Ss about task: What to do? - Ss answer

- T plays the recording the 1st time for Ss to


listen - Ss listen

- T plays the recording the 2nd time

- Ss listen and write

- Ask Ss to compare with their partners - Ask ss to tell the answers

- T plays the recording the 3rd time

- Ss listen and check

*Khánh 4C: Listen and number following

teacher’s instructions

* Play a game: Who is faster

- T devides Ss into groups

- T explains how to play this game - T-ss play together

- T monitors and gives feedback

*Activity 5: Look and write (10’)

- T asks Ss to open their book on page 49 - T: how many pictures?

- Ss:

- T: how many sentences? - Ss:

- T lets Ss run through

- T asks Ss about task: What to do? - Ss answer

* Individual work Pupils read and choose the words to complete the sentences

* Set time and move around the classroom to

monitor the activity

- Ask the students share their result follow pairs

- Let some students write their answer on the board Others look and give comments

- T checks( call S read one by one) - Ss look and check

*Khánh 4C: Look and write following

teacher’s instructions

*Activity 6: Let’s sing (7’)


a 90,000dong

b 73,000 dong c 80,000 dong d 95,000 dong

5 Look and write


2 brown sandals, seventy two thousand dong


- Tell Ps that they are going sing the song Buying clothes.teach the song, following the procedure in Teaching the unit components in Introduction

- Ask them to read the line of the lyrics aloud.Check understanding

- Play the recording all the way through Ask ss to choral and individual repetition of the song line by line until they get familiarized with the pronunciation, the stress, the rhythm and the tune of the song

- Play the recording again and get Ps to sing along with the recording

- Divide the class into two groups, one sings the questions and the other sing the answers

6 Let’s sing:

V Summary (2’)

- Students answer some questions about lesson such as: What objective did you learn from lesson? What skills you get?

VI Homework (1’)

- Do ex in your workbook

VII Evaluation:



Lesson 3: Part 1,2,3

I Objectives

By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to pronounce two syllable words with the stress on the first syllable

- Vocabulary: Review - Structure: Review 2 Skills

- Practice listening and speaking skills

3 Attitude:

- Ps know about pronounce two syllable words with the stress on the first syllable

II Teaching- aids

- Student’s book, cassette, CD, pictures, posters

III Methods:

- Individual work, group work

IV Procedure:

A Organization: ( 1’)

- Greeting: Good morning!/ Good afternoon!

- Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

4A 17/4/2018

4B, 4C 18/4/2018

B Warm up (4’)

- Spending a few minutes revising the previous lesson Whole class sing the song:Buying clothes

C New lesson:

Teacher and Ss’ activitives Contents

*Activity 1: Listen and repeat (10’)

- Tell Ps that they are going to pronounce the following words: sandals, trousers, jumper, jacket

- First, explain to pupils what a syllable is.Then put the four taget words on the board, using vertical lines to divide the syllables

- Play the recording and ask Ps to repeat a few time Then put the words on the board, play the recording and ask Ps to repeat a few more times After that, write the sentences on the board

- Play the recording a few more times and let Ps


say the sentences , paying attention to the target sounds

- Do choral and individual repetition of the sounds, words and sentences until Ps feel confident

- Get some Ps to perform in front of the class Check as a class and correct the pronunciation, if necessary

*Khánh 4C: Listen and reapeat the sounds

*Activity 2: Look at the sentences and the stress marks Then listen and say the sentences aloud (9’)

a Pre-listening:

How many sentences?

- Tell Ps that they are going to listen to the recording, repeat the sentences

- Give them a few seconds to read the sentences in silience and guess the words to fill in the gaps - Have P listen to the recording and circle the appropriate options Allow them time to the task independently If necessary, have Ps listen to the recording more than once

b While- listening

- Give them time to write the words in the gaps independently

- Get Ps to swap their answers before you check as a class Monitor the activity and offer help if necessary

- Ask Ps to say the sentences aloud c Post-listenning

- Get Ps to play the game: Slap the board

*Khánh 4C: Listen and repeat

*Activity 3: Let’s chant (8’)

- Stick the large- sized sheet of paper with the chant on the board

- Discuss the pictures with Ss

- T plays the recording the 1st time for Ss to listen.

- Ss listen and clap their hands - T reads the chant ( one by one) - Ss listen and repeat

- T plays the recording the 2nd time

- Ss listen and repeat

- Divide the class into groups Each group chants a

2 Look at the sentences and the stress marks Then listen and say the sentences aloud


line without music - Group work

- Call on a group to chant in front of the class

* Suggest Ss replace the names in the chant with

their two friends then chant

*Khánh 4C: - Listen and repeat the chant V Summary (2’)

- Read aloud vocabulary and model sentence to check pronunciation

- Students answer some questions about lesson such as: What objective did you learn from lesson? What skill you get?

VI Homework (1’)

- Learn by heart the chant

VII Evaluation:

-Date of preparation: 15/4/2018 Week 30: Period 117


Lesson 3: Part 4,5,6

I Objectives 1 Knowledge:

By the end of this lesson, Ps will be able to understand what a stress in words

- Vocabulary: Review - Structure: Review 2 Skills

- Practice reading and writing skills

3 Attitude:

- Ps know about divise words into syllables

II Teaching- aids

- Flashcards, pictures, poster

III Methods:

- Individual work, group work

IV Procedure:

A Organization: ( 1’)

- Greeting: Good morning!/ Good afternoon! - Who’s absent today?


4A 18/4/2018 4B, 4C 19/4/2018

B Warm up (4’)

Spending a few minutes revising the previous lesson: Say the words and ask pupils How many syllables are there in the word? What’s stress?

C New lesson:

Teacher and Ss’ activitives Contents

*Activity 4: Read and complete (10’).

a Pre- reading

- Ask Ps to look at the text and pictures , ask some questions

What’s this? What does this paragraph talk about?

- Tell Ps that they are going to read the text and complete the table

- Aks Ps to read questions first Then read the email and focus on the information needed to answer the questions

b While-reading

- Ask Ps to read the text and find appropriate information to complete the sentences Ask Ps to work in pairs or small groups

- Give them time to the task independently

- Get Ps to swap their answers before checking as a class If there is enough time, let some pairs ask and answer the questions c Post- reading

- Play the game: Whishper

*Khánh 4C: Read and answer following

teacher’s instructions

*Activity 5: Draw three clothing items and write their prices (10’)

a Pre- writing

- Ask Ps to answer T’s questions

What’s this? What are you going to draw? What ar you going to write?

- Tell Ps that they are going to draw your three favourite clothing items and write their prices

- Ask Ps to work in pairs or groups to

4 Read and complete.


discuss what are they going to draw

- Focus ps on their given clues Check comprehension

b While-writing

- Give ps time to the task independently - Get Ps to swap their answers before checking as a class

- If there is time, Ask one Ps to present on the board

c Post writing

- Call some Ps to read aloud / display their writing

*Khánh 4C: Write following teacher’s


*Activity 6: Project (8)

- Tell Ps that they are going to make four flashcards of clothes.Explain the activity and check understanding

- Give each of them a card.Ask them to copy the table from the Pupil’s book onto their cards

- Tell Ss that they are going to a project - Ask them to write the information about themselves Encourage them to complete their tasks Get them to swap their task in pairs They should look at their parters tasks and describe each other

- Call some pupils to the front of the class and tell the class about their tasks To make this activity more challenging, you may ask them not to look at the answers may ask them not to look at the answers

6 Project

V Summary (1’)

- Students answer some questions about lesson such as: What objective did you learn from lesson? What skills you get?

VI Homework (1’)

- Be ready for Unit 18 Lesson 1: Part 1,

VII Evaluation:

……… ………



Lesson 1: Part 1,2

I Objectives 1 Knowledge:

- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to asking and answering questions

about phone number

* Vocabulary: phone number, mobile phone. * Structure: What's your phone number?

It's 0912331757.

2 Skills:

- Practice listening and speaking skills

3 Attitude:

- Ps know how to talk the phone numbers II Teaching- aids

- Student’s book, cassette, CD, pictures

III Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work, group work

IV Procedure:

A Organization: ( 1’)

- Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss 4A, 4B, 4C 20/4/2018

B Warm up (4’)

Prepare pupils for this unit by revising numbers from zero to nine Write the numbers randomly on the board Point at each of them and have pupils say the number Point at a quicker pace to make it more challenging

C New lesson:

Teacher and Ss’ activitives Contents

*Activity 1: Look, listen and repeat (10’)

- T asks Ss to open their book on page 52 and look at the picture

- Get pupils to read the title of the unit and ask

?Who are they?

? What are they talking about? - Ss answer

- Praise pupils if they give a correct answer


Then ask pupils to discuss what is happening in each picture

- T tells Ss that they are going to look at the dialogue, listen to the recording and repeat the dialogue

- T plays the recording through for Ss to listen to the dialogue

- Ss: listen and point

- T plays the recording again, pausing after each line for Ss to repeat

- Ss: listen and read in chorus( times) - T - Ss role play

- T-Ss, Ss- T, half- half, open pairs

- T checks to make sure Ss can repeat and understand the dialogue

*Khánh 4c: - Look, listen and repeat

- Can read part a,b in the dialouge

*Activity 2: Point and say (10’) - T introduce some words

- T models

- Ss: listen and repeat (chorally then


- T writes down on the board - Ss: copy

- T: Vocabulary checking: rubout and


*Khánh 4C: + Listen and repeat

- T introduce stucture:

* Set the sence: - T asks Ss to look at their

2 Point and say a Vocabulary.

- phone number: số điện thoại - mobile phone: điện thoại di động

b Model sentences.


book on page 52 - Ss look

- T tells Ss to identify the people in the picture

How many people in this picture? What are their names?

What are they doing? - Ss answer

- T models

- Ss repeat chorally then individually - T writes down on the board

- Ss: copy

- T checks: form, use, intonation

*Khánh 4C: - Look at the book, listen and


*Picture cues (5’)

- T lets Ss run through the pictures - T models

- Ss repeat chorally

- T-Ss, Ss- T, half-half, open pairs, close pairs

- Teacher monitors the activity and offer help when necessary

- Select a few pairs to perform the task in front of the class

*Khánh 4C: - Listen and reapeat

- Practice following teacher’s instructions

*Work in pairs Ask your partners’ phone numbers.

- Tell ps that they are going to ask their parners’ phone numbers in pairs, using What’s ….’s phone number? It’s…

- Ask ps to write their own phone number on a piece of paper

- Have them work in pairs, one asking and the other giving the answer

- Call on a few pairs to ask out the dialogue in front of the class Correct the pronounciation, is necessary


V Summary (1)

- Role-play to drill the dialogue, the pattern sentence

VI Homework ( 1’)

- Learn new words and structure by your heart

VII Evaluation:

……… ………

Ngày đăng: 07/02/2021, 04:35
