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- Read the sentences in the story, pause at the key words and invite the students to mime them (the snake, the sun, the tiger, the tree, the umbrella).. - Have the students come to th[r]


Date of preparation: 15/02/2019 Week 21: Period 41

STORY TIME I Objective

1 Language focus:

By the end of the lesson, students can be able to:

To consolidate the sound of the letters Rr, Ss, Tt and Uu and the corresponding words

Learn and practice reading skill Vocabulary Revision

Rabbit, rocket, robot, ring Sun, star, snake, seal Tree, tent, tiger, tea Sun, star, snake, seal Tree, tent, tiger, tea

Up, umbrella, ugly, under 2 Skill:

- Listening, speaking, reading, writing 3 Attitude:

II Resources and Materials:

- Student’s book, CD, phonics cards, paper including the lyrics of the chant III Teaching methods:

- MAT, TPA IV Procedures: Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

2D 18/02/2019

2A, 2B, 2C 20/02/2019

2 Warm up(4') - Greet students *Game:

- Choose some phonics cards from Units 5-8 - Divide the class into groups, A and B

- Pass one card in each group (from the first row to the last row)

- Say: Stop! The students holding the cards must say the name of the item - Keep passing the first card and pass the second card to each group


*SS play game

3 New lesson :

Teacher and Ss’ activitives Contents

A Revision& Practice Revision& Practice

1 Listen Read along (Track 53)(10') - (book closed) Tell the students that it’s story time

- Ask them if they remember the previous story If not, the teacher can spend some time going through it (use 1st language if


- Prepare phonics cards of these word:

snake, sun, tiger, tree, umbrella

- Ask the students to read out the words - Invite students to guess what they think the story is about

- Ask the students to look at the book - Ask them questions about what they can see in the pictures

e.g Teacher: (pointing to the tiger in picture 1) Look! What’s this?

Class: (It’s a) tiger!

Teacher: (pointing to the tiger again) The tiger is under the ….

Class: tree! etc

- Play the CD and ask the students to listen and follow the story in their books,

pointing to the pictures of the key words - Play the CD again pausing for the students to repeat

- Ask individual students to read the story aloud

* Minh 2C: Listen and reapeat Extension (optinal)

Say incomplete sentences from the story and ask individual students complete them

e.g Teacher: The snake is in the …. Student 1: sun etc

2.Who’s missing? Draw and color(8') - Explain the activity


- Point to the umbrella and the animals and name them

- Ask the students to say which animal is missing

- Ask them to draw and color it Activity 1: Act Out(6')

- Read the sentences in the story, pause at the key words and invite the students to mime them (the snake, the sun, the tiger, the tree, the umbrella)

- Have the students come to the front of the classroom and act out the story

- Encourage them to have fun as they perform

Activity 2: Correct teacher (6') - Point to an item in the story - Ask individual student to correct teacher’s statements

e.g Teacher: (pointing to the tiger in picture 1) Look! It is a robot.

Student 1: No! It is a tiger!etc

B Production(3’)

- Ask Ss to write in to note book C Consolidation:(1’)

D Homelink (1’) - Do the excersice

2.Who’s missing? Draw and color

V Comment:


-Date of preparation: 18/02/2019 Week 21: Period 42


I Objective


By the end of the lesson, students can be able to:

To consolidate the sound of the letters Rr, Ss, Tt and the corresponding words Vocabulary Revision

Rabbit, rocket, robot, ring Sun, star, snake, seal Tree, tent, tiger, tea 2 Skill:

- Listening, speaking, reading, writing 3 Attitude:

II Resources and Materials:

- Student’s book, CD, phonics cards, paper including the lyrics of the chant III Teaching methods:

- MAT, TPA IV Procedures: Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

2C, 2D 21/02/2019

2A, 2B 22/02/2019

2 Warm up(5') - Greet students

- Prepare some phonics cards from Units 5-7 - Hand out the cards to various students

- Teacher say out a sound, the students holding the cards with that sound come to give the cards to the teacher


Game: Stand and Sit

- Tell the students to listen for words that begin with e.g the // sound

- Ask the students to stand up when they hear words beginning with // sound and sit when they hear words begin with other sound

- Say slowly at the beginning and faster to make it more fun - Give feedback

*SS play game 3 New lesson:

Teacher and Ss’ activitives Contents

A Revision& Practice

1 Circle the right letters Say the letter and sound.(6')


- Explain the activity

- The students look at the pictures and circle the corresponding letters

- Say the letter, the sound and the name of the item

- Go around the classroom to provide any necessary help, ask individual students to say out the sound or the item

* Minh 2C: Do following teacher’s instructions

2 Use the code and colour the picture (8)

- Explain the activity

- Ask the students to name the items in the picture

- Ask them to use the code colour to colour each item according to its initial sound

- Go around the classroom to provide any necessary help, ask individual students to say out the sound or the item * Minh 2C: Do following teacher’s instructions

3 Say the word Match the words that begin with the same sound(5')

- Explain the activity

- Ask the students to name the items - The students match the ones that begin with the same sound then match the letter

Eg Match the robot-> the rocket-> r

4 Listen and tick () the sounds you hear (Track 54) (5')

- Explain the activity

- Elicit the letters and their sounds - Play the CD

- The students listen and tick the sounds they hear

- Listen again, pause and ask the students

2 Use the code and colour the picture

3 Say the word Match the words that begin with the same sound.


to repeat the sound they hear

Answer key: /s/ /r/ /t/

* Minh 2C: Do following teacher’s instructions

*Game: Run and Touch(7')

- Divide the class into two teams, A and B, make lines

- Put up the phonics cards (from part 3) on the board

- Say the word Two students, one from each team, race to touch the cards

- The first student to touch the card wins a point for his/her team

The team with more points wins the game

B Production(3’)

- Ask Ss to write in to note book C Consolidation:(1’)

D Homelink (1’) - Do the excersice V Comment:


Ngày đăng: 07/02/2021, 03:31
