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Nội dung

- Point to the pictures and have students name them - Allow the students some time to colour in the pictures of the words that start with the J sound - Go around the classroom providing[r]


Week 27

Date of planning: 17/3/2017 Period 101


A Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to: 1 Knowledge:

- Help students to review all the structure from unit 11 to unit 15 Review the words, exercises in the book

- Language focus:

+ Sentence Partners: Unit 11-Unit 15 + Vocabulary: words of Unit 11-Unit 15 2 Skills:

- Develop Ss mixed skills 3 Attitudes:

- Ss like studying English

* Disability student: Listen, repeat and copy down B Teaching aids:

1 Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, cassette. 2 Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.

C Teaching methods: Sing, role play. D Teaching processes:

I Class organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Students

4A 21/3/2017

4B 20/3/2017

4C 22/3/2017

II Warm up:* Sing: "Happy New Year!".(5’) - Encourage the ss sing the song in whole class. - Some ss stand up and sing aloud

- Raise the students - Lead in the new lesson

- Ss listen, repeat then write down the title III New lesson

Teacher’s work Students’ activities

1 Vocabulary and phonics / cl/: clothes, close

/ fl/: flowers, floor,

/ th/: this, that, thin, thick / sh/: fish, dish,

/ f/: beef, leaf, 2 Grammar.

- What does your father/ mother/ brother do? He's/ She's

- What's your favourite food/ drink? It's

- Remember again then say aloud


- What does your father/ mother/ look like? He's/ She's

- When is Tet? It's on 3 Exercises.

- Ask Ss exercises in the book a Listen and number.

* Pre- listening:

- Ask students to look at the pictures and then identify the content of pictures in their book - Call some students to guess before listening

1 b 2.a c e d * While- listening:

- Play the CD twice

- Students listen and number to the correct picture

- Call some students read their answer T corrects

1 c a b e

5 d * Post- listening:

- Teacher plays the CD again and asks students to repeat

b Read and complete. * Pre-reading:

- Get pupils to open their book Tell them that they are going to read the text and complete the massage

- Ask pupils to look at the words and discuss the information they need to fill in the blanks

* While-reading:

- Let pupils read the text and individually - Get pupils to work in pairs to discuss the answers

- Call on some pupils to report their answers The rest of the class listen and give comments * Post-reading:

- Call on some pupils to report their answers to the class Announce the answers to the class and provide explanation(s) when necessary

Answers: thirty family drinking orange juice seven

- Do exercises - Look and answer - Guess

- Listen - Number - Read

- Repeat to the tape

- Listen

- Read the text and the task - Work in pairs and discuss - Some students

- Correct the answers


- Summary the lesson V.Homework (2’)

- Do exercises in workbook - Prepare the new lesson

********************************************** Period 51

Unit 10: LETTER W - Part 6, 7 Class Date of teaching Absent students

2A 2B 2C

23/3/2017 20/3/2017 20/3/2017

……… ………

I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students can be able to: Read and say the three Ww words correctly Recognize and say an extra Ww word correctly II Language focus:

Well, watch, window, watermelon III Resources:

1 Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette

2 Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks IV Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities I Warm up: (5’)

Hot cards

- Divide the class into teams (depends on the desk rows in the classroom)

- Hand out a phonics card to the first student of each team/ row

- Play the song from Unit (Track 65), the first

students pass the phonics cards to the next one in their team/ row When the card comes to the last student of each team/ row, pass it backward

- Pause the song, the students holding the phonics


cards must name them

- Give one point for the correct answer

- Teacher can change the cards or hand out some more cards as necessary

- The team with the most points wins

Say the word out

II New lesson

1 Colour the things that begin with the w sound - Ask the students to take out their colour pencils/ crayons (10’)

- Point to the pictures and elicit the sounds and word for each

- Ask the students to colour the items that begin with the /w/ sound, use any colour they like

- Go around the classroom providing any necessary help

*Which One Is Missing? Game (5’)

- Put the phonics cards face up on the table/stick them on the board (may use some cards from the previous lessons)

- Give the students 10 seconds to look at the cards - Have students close their eyes and then you take away one cards

- Tell the students to open their eyes and name the missing cards

2 Listen, point and repeat Colour the pictures of the words that start with the w sound Say the w words (Track 66) (10’)

- Show the students the watermelon phonics card Point to it and say: /w/ - watermelon Ask them to repeat

- Mime eating watermelon and say: /w/ -

watermelon Encourage the students to the same - Say the letter The students perform the action and say the letter and the word (if they can)

- Play the CD The students listen, point to and repeat the word

- Point to the picture and have students name them - Allow the students some time to colour in the pictures of words start with the /w/ sound

- Go around the classroom providing any necessary help

III Production: Practice writing (5’)




Say missing cards

Listen and repeat

Look and the same Do action

Listen, point and repeat


- Ask a student to come to the board

- Say a word from the lesson and tell the students to write the word on the board

- Ask the rest of the class for correction Repeat with as many students as necessary

Listen write

IV Homelink: (5’)

Do the exercise in the Activity book

*************************************** Period 102


A Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to:

1 Knowledge: - Review all the structure from unit 11 to unit 15 Review the words, exercises in the book

- Language focus:

+ Sentence Partners: Unit 11-Unit 15 + Vocabulary: words of Unit 11-Unit 15 2 Skills:

- Develop listening, reading, writing 3 Attitudes:

- Ss like studying English

* Disability student: Listen, repeat and copy down B Teaching aids:

1 Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, cassette. 2 Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.

C Teaching methods: Sing, matching. D Teaching processes:


Class Date of teaching Absent Students

4A 21/3/2017

4B 21/3/2017

4C 23/3/2017

II Warm up:* Sing: "Happy New Year!".(5’) - Encourage the ss sing the song in whole class. - Some ss stand up and sing aloud

- Raise the students - Lead in the new lesson

- Ss listen, repeat then write down the title III New lesson

Teacher’s work Students’ activities

1 Read and match.

- Get pupils to open their book Tell them that they are going to read the questions and match to the answers

- Let pupils read the questions and match individually

- Get pupils to work in pairs to discuss the answers

- Call on some pupils to report their answers The rest of the class listen and give comments - Call on some pupils to report their answers to the class Announce the answers to the class and provide explanation(s) when necessary Answers:

1 e c d b a 2 Look and write.

- Get pupils to open their book Tell them that they are going to read the questions and write the answers

- Let pupils read the questions and write the answers individually

- Open the book Listen to the teacher

- Read the questions and individually

- Pairs work - Some Ss report - Listen and comment

- Correct


- Get pupils to work in pairs to discuss the answers

- Call on some pupils to report their answers The rest of the class listen and give comments - Call on some pupils to report their answers to the class Announce the answers to the class and provide explanation(s) when necessary Answers:

1 seven thirty a factory worker Children's Day Orange juice

3 Write about your father/ mother.

- Tell Ss that they are going to write a passage about their father/ mother

- Have them work in pairs or groups to discuss what they are going to write

- Give time for Ss to the task independently - Ask Ss to compare their writing with their partners

- Ask some Ss to write on the board T corrects

- Call on some pupils to report the answers The rest of the class listen

- Read and the task

- Pairs work

- Some ss

- Listen to the teacher

- Pairs work/ groups to discuss - Compare

IV.Consolidation (3’) - Summary the lesson V.Homework (2’)

- Do exercises in workbook - Prepare the new lesson


Period 100


Lesson 3: Part 4, 5, 6

I Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to: 1 Knowledge:

- Improve reading and writing skills - Language focus:

+ Sentence Partners: Review + Vocabulary: Review

2 Skills:

- Develop Ss reading and writing skills 3 Attitudes:

- Ss like studying English II Teaching aids:

1 Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, cassette. 2 Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.

III Teaching methods: chant, guess. IV Teaching processes:

1 Class organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Students

3D 21/3/2017

2 Warm up

Read the chant “Do you have a doll?” (5') - Ask ps to practice in chorus

- Call some volunteer ss stand up then read along - raise ss

- Lead in the new lesson

- Ss listen, repeat then write down the title New lesson

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1 Read and complete (10’)

* Pre – reading

T introduces the topic “you are going to read the paragraph to get the information in order to find the suitable words to fill in the blanks”

* While – reading

1st reading; Ss read the sentence individually and

get information 2nd reading: Ss the task

Monitor the activity and offer help ss * Post – reading

Caal some Ss report their answer

Make a few qusetionto check ss' understanding Answer: house; pond; tree; living 2 Write about you (12’)

Listen to Teacher

Read the sentences individually

Compare with partner


? How many sentences are there? – Ss: 4

- Run through the sentences

- Explain the writing purpose: You are going to about yourself by complete sentences.

- Set time for Ss to work pairs

- Call on some Ss writing their answers on the board

- Check and correct their mistakes 3 Project: (10’)

- Have Ss open the book page 35

- T gives instruction “ You are going to interview your friends about some toys which you


- Set time for them to work pairs

- Call some Ss to practice about it in front of the class

- Feedback

- Listen

- Pairs work - Give answers

- Open the book - Listen

- Work in pairs

V Summary: (2’) - Summary the lesson VI Homework: (3’) - Learn model sentence - Prepare for new lesson - Do exercises in WB

********************************************** Period 51

Unit 10: LETTER J - Part 6,

Class Date of teaching Absent students

1B 1C

21/3/2017 24/3/2017

……… ……… I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students can be able to: Read and say the three Jj words correctly

Recognize and say a new Jj word correctly II Language focus:


III Resources:

1 Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette

2 Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks IV Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities I Warm up: ( 5’)

- Greet students

- Play the song from Unit 2, ask students to sing along and corresponding actions


II New lesson

1 Circle the things that begin with the J sound (10’)

- Ask students to look at the picture in the book and name each object

- Decide the beginning sound for each word of the picture

- Ask students to circle the pictures of the words which have the sound /dʒ/ at the beginning

* Yes or no (5’)

- Hold up the phonics cards, one at a time, say the word

- Ask individual to say yes or no

e.g Teacher: hold up the jam card and say “jelly”

Student : “No”

Teacher: “Good! So, What’s this” Student: “Jelly”

2 Listen Point and repeat Colour the pictures of the words that start with the J sound Say the J words (Track 66)

* Listen point and repeat (7’)

- Show the students the jacket phonics card Point to it and say: / dʒ / - jacket Ask them to repeat - Mime putting on a jacket and say: / dʒ / - jacket Encourage the students to the same

- Point to the pictures, the students corresponding actions and say the words - Play the CD, students listen and repeat

- Ask students to work in pair: The first student

Look the picture

Circle the picture



point to the pictures and the other student say the word then change the roles

* Colour (3’)

- Point to the pictures and have students name them - Allow the students some time to colour in the pictures of the words that start with the J sound - Go around the classroom providing any necessary help

III Production: Where is the letter (5’) - Divide the class into two teams and - Hand out photocopies of the pages from any book

- The students search for and circle the letter Jj on these pages in minutes

- Which team has circled the most Jj will wins

Listen and repeat

Say their name Colour


Look and circle IV Homelink: (5’)

Do the exercise in the Activity book

********************************************** Period 52

Unit 11: LETTER K- Part

Class Date of teaching Absent students

1B 1C

22/3/2017 29/3/2017

……… ……… I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students can be able to:

Recognize and pronounce the letter Kk and its sound correctly Understand, recognize and say the three Kk words

Write the letter Kk II Language focus: Kite, kitten, koala III Resources:

1 Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette


IV Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities I Warm up: (5’)

- Have a student come to the front of the class - Have another student read any word from the previous lesson (jam, jelly, juice, jacket) - The student who is standing gestures

corresponding with the words he/she hear from the friend

- The other students look and give feedback

Review the words

II New lesson

1 Listen, point and repeat Colour (Track 67): Introduction of letter Kk, its sound and how to pronounce the words beginning with Kk (20’)

- Use a card with letter Kk (or write on board the letter Kk) to introduce to the students the new lesson

- Instruct students how to pronounce the letter name and the letter sound by saying: “This is the letter K /keɪ/The letter K says /k/.”

- Repeat several times and check students’ pronunciation (letter K/ keɪ/ and its sound /k/)

- Use the phonics cards with kite, kitten and koala, read the words out loud and have students repeat - Use gestures (hand actions) to help students to understand the meanings of the three words

Kite: imitate flying a kite Kitten: mime “ meowing” Juice: imitate hugging a tree

- Stick the cards on board and have students repeat the words chorally several times (in the correct order and then in any order)

- Call some students to say the words out loud and correct their mistakes (if any)

* Jump up (5’)

- Call students to the front of the class and assign each student word ( K, kite, kitten, koala)

- Call out any word in the group of words

- The student who is assigned for that word has to jump up

- Continue with the other words and increase the speed


Look and listen Listen and repeat

Read the words Look

Listen and repeat


Work in group


III Production: Writing in the air (5’)

Show the letter Kk again, have students write the Kk in air with their fingers

IV Homelink: (5’)

Do the exercise in the Activity book

********************************************** Period 103


A Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to: 1 Knowledge:

- Practise all the knowledge they have learnt - Language focus:

+ Sentence Partners: Unit 11-Unit 15 + Vocabulary: words of Unit 11-Unit 15 2 Skills:

- Develop reading, writing 3 Attitudes:

- Ss like studying English

* Disability student: Listen, repeat and copy down B Teaching aids:

1 Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, cassette. 2 Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks.

C Teaching methods: Sing, role play. D Teaching processes:

I Class organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Students

4A 22/3/2017

4B 22/3/2017

4C 24/3/2017

II Warm up:* Greeting (5’) - T prepares some qs to ask ss. - Some ss stand up and answer - Raise the students

- Lead in the new lesson

- Ss listen, repeat then write down the title III New lesson

Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 1 Presentation.

a vocabulary: review some vocabulary: cat, mouse, story, musician ( picture, real object)


b Set the scene: Have Ss look at the pictures and introduce three characters Teacher describes the content of each picture

- Ss look at the pictures carefully and listen to the tape

- Ss look at the pictures and read the story 2 Practice.

a Number the sentences.

- Ss look & read silently the sentences Then number the sentences in individual

- Have Ss trade their answers in pairs for correction

- Ss to read the answers aloud to the class The others listen and give comments - Check and correct

- Ask some questions to ensure Ss’ comprehension of the listening text b.Work in pairs Complete the

conversation with information about you. - Ask Ss to work in pairs, look at the

conversation and complete it

- Call some Ss to go to the board and write these answers

- T gives feedback * Answers:

B: I live in A: I live in B: She is a A: S

he is a B: He is a A: He is a

c Find words in the story to complete the sentences.

- Asking Ss to write the answers in individual

- Call some Ss to write on the board The rest give comment

- Correct cook beach taller musician

- Look at the picture and listen to the teacher

- Look and listen - Look and read

- Look, read then number individual

- Pairs work - Read aloud - Correct

- listen and answer

- Pairs work - Some ss

- Correct

- Work individual - Some ss

- Correct the answers


- Do exercises in workbook - Prepare the new lesson


Period 101



Objectives :

- By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to: 1 Knowledge:

- Perform their abilities in listening, speaking and writing related to the topics from units 11-15, using the phonics, vocabulary and sentence patterns they have learnt 2 Skills:

- Develop Ss speaking, listening and writing skills 3 Attitudes:

- Ss like studying English

- Develop Ss speaking, listening and writing skills II Language focus :

- Sentence Partners: Revisions - Vocabulary: Revisions

III Teaching aids:

1 Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, cassette

2 Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks IV Teaching processes:

1 Class organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Students

3D 22/3/2017

2 Oral test:

-Ask Ss to write the new words (15’) 3 New lesson:

Teacher’s activities Ss’activities

1 Listen and tick(10’)

- Review the model sentences from unit11 to unit 15

- Have pupils look at pictures 1, 2, 3, and on page 36 of the Student Book Give the identification of the characters in the pictures and the characters’ words Tell pupils that they are going to listen to the recording and tick the pictures they hear Guess the answer - Play the recording times pupils to listen and tick the boxes Check their guess Compare the answer with the partner

- Play the recording again pupils check

Ask ps to practice in pairs

Give the identification


their answers T give the answer:

- Ask some questions to ensure pupils’ comprehension of the listening text

Answers: 1 – c; – d; – b; – a Listen and number (10’)

- Have pupils look at pictures a, b, c and d on page 36 of the Student Book Elicit the identification of the characters in the pictures and the characters’ words Tell pupils that they are going to listen to the recording and match the information they hear to the pictures They should number the boxes Guess the answer

- Play the recording times pupils to listen and number the boxes Check their guess Compare the answer with the partner

- Play the recording again pupils check their answers T give the answer:

- Ask some questions to ensure pupils’ comprehension of the listening text Answer: 4.

Work individually

- Listen and number

V Summary: (2’) - Summary the lesson VI Homework: (3’) - Learn model sentence - Prepare for new lesson - Do exercises in WB


Period 102



Objectives :

- By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to: 1 Knowledge:

- Perform their abilities in listening, speaking and writing related to the topics from units 11-15, using the phonics, vocabulary and sentence patterns they have learnt 2 Skills:

- Develop Ss speaking, listening and writing skills 3 Attitudes:

- Ss like studying English


- Sentence Partners: Revisions - Vocabulary: Revisions

III Teaching aids:

1 Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, cassette

2 Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks IV Teaching processes:

1 Class organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Students

3D 23/3/2017

2 Oral test:

-Ask Ss to write the new words and exercises in workbook 3 New lesson:

Teacher’s activities Ss’activities

3 Read and complete (10’)

- Explains the situation and how to the exercise

-Ask students to read the dialogue in the book and fill the words given to complete the dialogue Work in pairs to the exercise then practice in pairs in front of the whole class The rest listen to and give the remark

Correct the pronunciation

Answer: house bedrooms bathroom small There 5 They

4 Read and match (10’)

- Whole class Have pupils turn their books to page 37 Tell pupils that they are going to read the sentences to get the information in order to match the sentences to the sentences

- Pupils read the sentences individually and the task Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary

- Pair works Have pupils trade their answers for correction

- Call on some pupils to report their answers The rest of the class listen give comments

- Make a few questions to check pupils’ comprehension of the sentences

- Have the whole class read each sentence in chorus to reinforce their pronunciation

Work individually


Answer: 1.c a d 4.b 5 Look and say (10’)

Have pupils look at pictures 1, 2, and4 on Page 37 Elicit the characters in the pictures and their names Ask pupils to guess and complete the speech bubbles

- Model: Call on a pair Allocate the parts of the characters in the pictures to the pupils Ask them to ask and answer Using the pictures in their books Monitor the activity and offer help Correct pronunciation errors (stress, assimilation of sounds, intonation) when necessary

- Call on some pairs to perform their task in front of the class The rest of the class observe and give comments - Have the whole class repeat all the phrases in chorus to reinforce their pronunciation

Work in pairs

- Pair works

V Summary: (2’) - Summary the lesson VI Homework: (3’) - Learn model sentence - Prepare for new lesson - Do exercises in WB

********************************************** Period 52

Unit 11: LETTER X - Part 1 Class Date of teaching Absent students

2A 2B 2C

29/3/2017 24/3/2017 23/3/2017

……… ………

I Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, students can be able to:


Write the letter Xx II Language focus: Ox, box, taxi

III Resources:

1 Teacher’s: student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, cassette

2 Students’: books, notebooks, workbooks IV Procedure:

Teacher’s activities Student’s activities

I Warm up: Memory Master (5’)

- Put up phonics cards from the previous unit on the board

- Choose students to go to the board and make a line in front of the board

- Choose a student to be “Memory Master”

- The students choose a phonics card and say the word (without touching the cards- each student chooses one phonic card)

- The “Memory Master” must hand correct phonics cards to each student

Look and say

II New lesson

1 Listen, point and repeat Colour (Track 67): Introduction of letter X, its sound and how to pronounce the words with Xx (15’)

- Show the students the ox phonic card Point to it and say: /ks/ The students repeat

- Then say /ks /- ox. The students repeat

- Put your forefingers on the sides of your head, as if you have horns and say: /ks /- ox. Encourage the students to the same

- Say the letter, the students perform the action and the word

- Follow the same procedure: /ks /- box (mime a square), /ks /- taxi (mime driving)

- Write the letter Xx on the board next to the phonics cards Point to it and say: “This is the letter /esk/ The letter /esk/ makes the /ks / sound The students repeat

Listen and repeat

Look and the same

Perform the action


Run and Touch (5’)

- Divide the class into two teams A and B - Put up the phonics cards on the board

- Say one of the words Two students, one from each team, call out the word when they race to touch the corresponding card

- The first student to touch the card wins a point for his/ her team

- The team with more points wins *Pupil’s book open (5’)

- Point to and elicit the sound of the letter and the words /ks /- ox, /ks /- box, /ks /- taxi

- Play the CD The students listen, point and repeat - The students color the letters Xx (explain that they can use any colors they like)

- Teacher goes around the class and elicits the letter and the word from individual students

III Production: Writing in the air (5’)

Show the letter Xx again, have students write the Xx in air with their fingers


Play game

Point Colour

Write IV Homelink: (5’)

Do the exercise in the Activity book


Period 103


I Objectives: 1 Knowledge:

-By the end of the lesson Ps will be able to:

- Review the phonics, vocabulary and sentence patterns from units 11 - 15

-Unable ss can read and write the words they have learnt, listen and repeat to the teacher

2 Skill:

- Develop speaking, reading, writing and listening skills 3 Attitudes:

- To help Ps feel more confident to communicate with other people II Teaching aids:

- Student’s and teacher’s book, pictures, computer, notebooks, workbooks III Teaching methods:


+ Ask and answer (say individually) + Work in pairs/ groups

IV Teaching processes: Class organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Students

3D 24/3/2017

2 Oral test:

-Ask Ss to write the new words and exercises in workbook 3 New lesson:

Teacher’s activities Ss’ activities

1.Warm up - Chatting How are you?

What’s your name?

2 Read the story Put these lines in the correct bubbles Then listen and check. - Read the sentences given and read the story about Cat and Mouse

- Have pupils look at pictures 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and on p 38 of the Student Book Give the identification of the characters in the pictures and the characters’ words and explain how to the exercise

- Tell pupils that they are going to listen to the recording and check their answers - Play the recording times pupils to listen Check their guess

- Make a few questions to check pupils’ comprehension of the story

- Play the recording again pupils listen to the story and check Ss’ answers


1 Who is Mimi?

2 How many brothers and sisters you have?

3 Where are they?

4 How many rooms are there in your house?

3 Correct the answer

- T runs through, give instructions, model

- Let ss

Answer: No, he has two sister No, he has a brother

No, he is Jack

No,there are eight rooms

- Ps answer

- Read the sentences

- Give the identification

- Ss read and find out the suitable sentences to fill in the blanks - Work in pairs

- Listen and answer T’s questions

- Work in pairs

- Work in group - Check ,correct - Pair work


- Correct the pronunciation

4 Unscramble these words from the conversation

- Have Ps work individually Have pupils trade their answers for correction

- Call on some pupils - Have the whole class read each word in chorus to reinforce their pronunciation

Answer: a sister b brother c house d rooms e hello f mouse

5 Complete the conversation between Miu and Mimi

- Have pupils turn their books to p 39 - Tell pupils that they are going to read the dialogue between Miu and Mimi and find out the suitable words to complete the meaningful dialogue

- Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary

- Have pupils trade their answers for correction

- Call on some pairs to report their answers The rest of the class listen give comments

- Make a few questions to check pupils’ comprehension of the sentences

- Have the whole class read each sentence in chorus to reinforce their pronunciation

Answer: Miu: Name/is Mimi: name Miu: to meet you

Mimi: Nice to meet you


- Report their answers The others listen give


- Pupils the task - Pairs work

S1:Miu S2:Mimi

-Retell the leson

V Summary: (2’) - Summary the lesson VI Homework: (3’) - Learn model sentence - Prepare for new lesson - Do exercises in WB



Class Date of teaching Absent students

4A 4B 4C




……… ……… ………

Part I LISTENING ( pts ) ( 20 Minutes ) Question 1: Listen and number (1pt)


Question Listen and draw the lines (1pt) There is an example.

Question 3: Listen and write T ( true ) or F ( false ) (1pt) Numbers and are the examples.

Question Listen and tick (1pt)

0.Jenny : What is that ?

Lisa: A. B. C.




Tony Mai


1 Linda is years old T

2 Her's birthday is in September F She’s in class 5A

3 She loves fish

4 She doesn’t like beef


1.Nam : What time is it?

Peter: A



2.Tom : When is Teachers’ Day?

Linda: A



3.Peter :What subjects you have today?

Mai: A. B. C

4.Tony: What does she look like?

Tom: A B


Question Listen and complete (1pt) Number is an example.

1 What time you go to school? I go to school at ……… What does your father do, Mai? He’s a ……… What’s your favourite food? It’s ………

4 What does your sister look like, Phong? She’s ………

PART II READING AND WRITING ( 4pts ) (15 minutes)

Question Look and read Put a tick (√) or a cross (X) in the box as examples They make cake at Tet


3 I go shopping on Christmas

4 They were at the zoo

Question Look and read Write Yes or No ( 1pt) It’s Mai’s family They are eating

3 It’s on the first of June They are in the classroom His mother is short and old

…… No……… …… ………… ………… ………… Question Look at the pictures Look at the letters Write the words (1pt)

1 tguari ………

1 mafrer ………

2 mneeolad ………

3 latl ………

Question Choose a word from the box and write it next to numbers from 1-4 (1pt) firework

New Year luckey money


It’s the New Year’s Eve It is nearly midnight Nam and his father are watching the (0) firework displays by Hoan Kiem Lake They are colourful and(1) _ Nam is happy because (2) _ is coming He is having a big party at home He is wearing new and beautiful (3) _ and getting (4) from his parents He likes Tet very much

PART III SPEAKING (1pt) (5 minutes)

1 Listen and repeat Point, ask and answer

Ngày đăng: 06/02/2021, 23:06
