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Anh Văn lớp 12: Chuyên đề ôn tập phần INF& GERUND

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- Các động từ chỉ tri giác: hear, sound, smell, taste, feel, watch, notice, see, listen, find ... listened INFINITIVE WITHOUT TO.[r]


I – MỘT SỐ “ V” THEO SAU LÀ V-ing S + V + V-ing avoid ( tránh )

2 admit ( thừa nhận ) advise ( khuyên nhủ ) appreciate ( đánh giá ) complete ( hoàn thành ) consider ( xem xét ) delay ( trì hỗn ) deny ( từ chối ) discuss ( thảo luận ) 10 dislike=dislike=hate ( khơng thích ) 11 enjoy ( thích )

12 finish ( hoàn thành ) 13 keep ( tiếp tục ) 14 mention (đề cập ) 15 mind ( phiền , ngại ) 16 miss (nhớ , bỏ lỡ ) 17 postpone ( trỉ hoãn ) 18 practice (luyện tập ) 19 quit (nghỉ , ) 20 recall ( nhớ ) 21 recollect ( nhớ ) 22 recommend (nhắc nhở ) 23 resent (bực tức ) 24 resist (kháng cự ) 25 risk ( rủi ro ) 26 suggest (đề nghị ) 27 tolerate (tha thứ ) 28 report (báo cáo) 29 imagine (tưởng tượng) 30 involve (liên quan) II – V-ing ĐƯỢC DÙNG SAU:

1 Sau liên từ: after, before, when, while, since,…

2 Sau giới từ: on, in, at, with, about, from, to, without, … 3 Sau sở hữu cách: her, his, their, our, my, your,

4 Sau tính từ:

- Be busy + V-ing (bận rộn) - Be worth + V-ing (xứng đáng) - Be near (gần)

5 Sau một số cụm động từ/ cụm thành ngữ


- it is no good / it is no use (vơ ích ) - there’s no point in …

- What’s the point of…

- you mind + V-ing ? (bạn có phiền khơng…) - have trouble (lo lắng, phiền muộn) - there is no… (khơng cịn cách) -be/get used to = be accustomed to

(quen / thích nghi với…)

- Have a good time (vui vẻ) -Have a hard time = have difficulty

( gặp khó khăn) -Have experience/ fun

- be/get accustomed to (dần quen với) - What/ How about

III – MỘT SỐ CẤU TRÚC KHÁC go + V-ing: dùng hđ giải trí + V-ing: dùng hđ bằng tay/chân catch/ find/ leave + O + V-ing

4 S + spend/ waste/ money + V-ing

5 prefer + V-ing + to + V-ing : thích làm việc việc


1 afford ( đủ khả )

2 agree ( đồng ý )

3 appear ( xuất )

4 arrange ( xếp )

5 ask ( hỏi , yêu cầu )

6 beg ( nài nỉ , van xin )

7 care ( chăm sóc )

8 claim (đòi hỏi , yêu cầu )

9 consent ( bằng lòng )

10 decide ( định )

11 demand ( yêu cầu )

12 deserve ( xứng đấng )

13 expect ( mong đợi )

14 fail ( thất bại )

15 hesitate ( dự )

16 hope ( hi vọng )

17 learn ( học )

18 manage (sắp xếp )

19 mean ( ý định )

20 *need ( cần )


21 offer ( đề nghị )

22 plan ( lên kế hoạch )

23 prepare ( chuẩn bị )

24 pretend ( giả vờ )

25 promise ( hứa )

26 refuse ( từ chối )

27 seem ( dường )

28 struggle ( đấu tranh )

29 swear ( xin thề )

30 threaten ( đe doạ )

31 volunteer ( tình nguyện )

32 wait ( đợi )

33 want ( muốn )

34 wish ( mong )

35 would like/ love/ prefer II – TO V1 ĐƯỢC DÙNG SAU: 1 Sau bị động: be V3/-ed + to V1 2 Sau tính từ:

 It + be + adj + to V1: thật … để

 S + find it + adj + to V1

3 Sau từ để hỏi: how, where, what,

4 Sau đại từ bất định: something, nothing, anything, 5 Sau số thứ tự: the first, the second, the third, III – MỘT SỐ CẤU TRÚC KHÁC

1 Would you like + to V1

2 It is (high) time + (for O) + to V1

3 Used to + V1

4 It takes/ costs + O + t.g / money + to V1

5 Cấu trúc too và enough S + V + too + adj / adv + to V1

S + V + adj / adv + enough + to V1


Đối với động từ “need”

S vật + need + V-ing / to be V3/-ed

S người + need + to V1

Need + V1 ( V khiếm khuyết)

To V1/ V-ing không thay đổi nghĩa:

begin/start/continue/ like/love + to V1/ V-ing  To V1/ V-ing thay đổi nghĩa:

+ remember / forget / regret + V-ing: nhớ / quên/ nuối tiếc việc xảy + remember / forget / regret + to V1: nhớ / quên/ nuối tiếc việc chưa, xảy

(trong tương lai)

+ stop + V-ing: dừng hẳn việc + stop + to-inf: dừng … để … + try + V-ing: thử + try + to-inf: cố gắng

Allow, permit O + To + V1 Recommend +


MỘT SỐ “ V” THEO SAU LÀ V1 V khiếm khuyết + V1

2 S + had better (not) + V1

3 Make / help / let + O + V1

4 Would you please + V1

5 would rather + V1

6 Động từ giác quan

- Các động từ tri giác: hear, sound, smell, taste, feel, watch, notice, see, listen, find + O + V1 (chỉ hoàn tất hành động – nghe thấy toàn việc diễn ra)

- Các động từ tri giác: hear, sound, smell, taste, feel, watch, notice, see, listen, find + O + V-ing (chỉ việc diễn ra)


1) He demanded _ to the manager

A speak B to speak

C to have speaking D be speaking

2) She hates _ housework at weekends A doing B.do

C to be doing D being done

3) My friends has given up _ and prefers _pork A drink/eat B to drink/eating

C drinking/eating D drank/eat

4) I offered _

A help B to have helped C to help D be helping

5) I‟d hate _ to late

A to arriving B to arrive C arrive D be arrived

6) I choose _ here rather than anywhere else

A to work B work C to be work D be worked

7) It seems raining

A be B to be C to have D have

8) He made me your proposal

A turn down B to turn down C to have turned down D be turning down

9) Finally, I managed the work

A finish B to finish C to have finishing D be finished

10) Unfortunately, we can‟t afford _ a new car this year A to buy B to have bought C be buying D buy

11) I don‟t regret _her what I thought even if it upset her A to tell B told C tell D telling

12) in a foreign country can be very difficult

A Live B Living C Lived D To living

13) I am very tired of to her complaints day after day


14) I think your house really needs _ A for repainting B to repaint C being repainted D to be repainted

15) I consider _the job, but in the end I decided against doing it A to take B taking C to be take D took

16) Do stop I am doing my homework

A talk B talking C to talk D talked

17) I‟d love _ with you

A to come B come C to coming D be coming

18) I prepared _ on holiday

A to be gone B to go C going D to have gone

19) They refused to Tim‟s proposal They decided their work A to listen/continue B to listen/to continue

C listen/to continue D listen/continue

20) The questions are easy _ We hope high scores A to answer/to get B answer/to get

C to answer/to have got D answer/get

21) The man asked me how to the airport He said he had to _ the 9.00 plane to Paris A get/to take B to have got/take

C to get/take D get/take

22) She wanted home, but her boss made her _ until the work has finished A to go/to stay B to go/stay

C go/to stay D go/stay

23) When I lived with my parents, they did not let me _ TV at night I was made a lot A watch/study B watch/to study

C to watch/study D to watch/to study

24) Judy suggested for a walk but no one else wanted to A to go B go C going D went

25) I asked them to be quiet but they kept _

A to talk B talk C talking D to be talked

26) Her mother prevented her from mobile phone

A use B to use C using D not to use

27) The girl denied the news

A tell B told C to tell D telling

28) I remember a toy car on my fifth birthday

A to be given B being given C to give D giving

29) In general, my father doesn‟t mind the housework, but he hates to the cooking A B doing C done D to

30) The boy insisted on _a break after lunch A having B to have

C not to have D have

31) She is keen on _with a doll A plays B to play C player D playing

32) He thanked her for _him some money

A lend B to lend

C lending D not lend


C to listen/reading D listening/to read

34) No one will leave classroom until the guilty student admits _the money

A steal B stealing C to steal D stolen

35) Jack Anderson was caught a match at the time of the fire He was accused of the fire A to hold/set B held/setting

C holding/to set D holding/setting

36) He warned me all my money in that company A not to invest B not invest C did not invest D not invest

37) The teacher expected Sarah _ harder He gave her a lot of homework A studied/do B study/to

C study/doing D to study/to

38) The robbers forced the bank manager _ the safe A to open B open

C to have opened D to be opening

39) You‟d better your father‟s advice A take B to take

C to have taking D be taken

40) She has the hairdresser _ my hair every month

Ngày đăng: 06/02/2021, 11:50

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