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Nội dung

- Prompt pupils to say the words to fill the gaps Write the sentences on the board and have pupils repeat them a few times. - Get pupils to work in pairs, taking turns to say and act o[r]


WEEK 14:

Date of planning: 01/12/2016 Period 52

UNIT 8: WHAT ARE YOU READING? Lesson 3: Part 1, 2, 3

I Objectives:

- At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to say question and answer with the correct sentences stress

- Skill: listening, speaking II Language focus:

The stress of the sentences

III Teaching aid: Student’s book, recording ,flashcard, poster IV.Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

5A 05/12/2016

5B 05/12/2016

5C 05/12/2016

V Procedure: Time


Teacher's activities Ss's activities




A Warm up

- Ask ss to sing the song Snow white and Aladin

- T monitors B New lesson

1 Listen and repeat

- Write and introduce the sentence stress: - Say: Look part and play CD to times - Say: Play CD and ask to repeat times - Ask some Ss to read

- Give time for pair work

- Ask to whole class to read again 2 Listen and circle Then say the sentences aloud

- Ask to say the number of sentence ? Are they complete?

- Say the task

- Play CD times for students to listen and write

Sing the song

Say Listen Listen

Listen and repeat Read aloud

Some pairs practice





- Ask to change and check answer

- Ask to say answer and play CD the third time to check answer

- Asks to read aloud

Key: 1.a b 3.a b 3 Let’s chant

 Ss look at the slide

- Ask about the who, where, what they in the pictures:

- Ask to listen to the chant times - T model

- Ask to look at the lyrics and ask to read in chorus

- Play CD and ask to repeat and actions

- Call some pairs to chant, perform and check pronunciation

- Play the chant game in groups C Home link

- Learn the chant at home


Listen Listen

Listen and repeat Repeat and actions Chant, perform and listen comments

Play in groups

****************************************** Period 53

UNIT 8: WHAT ARE YOU READING? Lesson 3: Part 4, 5, 6, 7

I Objectives:

- At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to say question and answer with the correct sentences stress

- Skill: listening, speaking II Language focus:

The stress of the sentences

III Teaching aid: Book, cards, CD, poster. IV.Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

5A 06/12/2016

5B 06/12/2016


V Procedure: Time


Teacher's activities Ss's activities






A Warm up

- Ask Ss to read the chant B New lesson

4 Read and tick

 Ss look at the slide ? What is the content

- Saythe task

- Give time for Ss to

- Ask to work in pairs to discuss the anwers

- Call some Ss to check and give comments

- Announce the answer to the class Key: Y N 3.Y 4.N Y 5 Write about your favourite book  Ss look at the slide

- T ask Ss to look at the sentences ? How many sentences

?Are they complete

- Let Ss run through the sentences - T say the task

- T model the first - T lets Ss minus - T asks Ss to compare - T checks

- T asks some Ss read aloud - T asks the class to read again 6 Project

* Activity:Music Box

-T devides SS ino groups( group of 10) -T explains how to play this game

-T lets Ss play togtether

-T monitors and correct their mistakes 7.Colour the stars

-Ask ss to read the statements and check their comprehension

Read the chant

Listen the task Do individually Workin pairs

Some Ss practice, listen the comments

Listen and check


Do individually Compare

Give the answer


-Give two time for ss to colour the stars -Ask some ss to read the statement

************************************ Period: 53th

UNIT 8: THAT’S MY SCHOOL. Lesson 3: Part 4, 5, 6.


Objcetives :

- By the end of the lesson Ss will be able to read the sentences to get the information in order to match or complete with the respond ”

+ Practice listening, reading, writing skills II

Language focus : Sentence pattems: Vocabulary:

Phonic: III/ Resources::

- Student’s book, recording, fresh cards, puppets IV.Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

3A 06/12/2016

3B 07/12/2016

3C 06/12/2016

V/ Procedures:

Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities



I Warm up.

- Ask Ss read the chant: Look! Look! Look! on page 56

- Comment II New lesson

- Learn in the new lesson: Unit 8- Lesson 3(4.5.6) 1 Read and match.

a Pre – reading (3’)

- Show the text and ask Ss to look at the text - Help them to identify the text

- Tell them that they are going to read the

sentences on the left and pair them with those on the right by drawing a line between them

b While – reading (5’)

- Read the chant - Listen

- Listen and write the title

- Look at the text

- Identify the text: It has two columns




- Read the text in silence in a few seconds

- Ask Ss to read the sentences individually and the task

- Pairs work Have Ss trade their answers in pairs for correction

- Go around to offer help If necessary

- Get pupils to swap and check their answers before checking as a class

- Call some Ss to report their answers The rest of the class listen and give comments

c Post –reading (2’)

- Make a few question to check Ss comprehension of the sentences

- Ask the whole class to read each sentence in chorus to reinforce their pronunciation

Key: 1.b ; 2.d ; 3.a ; 4.c 2 Read and write

a Pre – reading

- Tell them that they are going to read the text & fill the gaps Give pupils a few seconds to read the text

- Ask Ss to look at the pictures and the text & discuss the information they need to fill in b While – reading

- Ss read the text & the task individually - Ask Ss to exchange their answers with their partners to discuss possible answers

- Ask Ss to report their answers to the class Answer key: (1) name (2) This is (3) These are, pens, notebooks, (4) That is (5) those are

c Post – reading.

- Ask some questions to ensure Ss’ comprehension of the text

- Ss read aloud the text to the class 3.6 Project:

- Tell Ss that they are going to draw, colour and then write the names of two school things Present them to class

- Read the text in silence - Read and the task individualy

- Work in pairs

- Swap and check their answers

- Some Ss to report their answers

- Listen and answer - Read each sentence in chorus

- Listen

- Look at the pictures, the text & discuss the


- Read and fill the gaps individual

- Exchange their answers with their partners to discuss possible answers



- Give pupils time to the project individually Go around to offer help, if necessary

- Call several pupils to the front of the class to present their work For example: This is my pen These are my pencils.

- Play a game of Slap the board, using the words for school things Have pupils say the Look! Look! Look! chant to end the class

III Consodilation

- In this lesson, Ss have reviewed about introducing someone/ friends

- Develop reading and writing skills Home link

- Have Ss to further practice at home and draw their school things

- Listen

- Play the game and say the chant

********************************************************* Period: 27

Unit 6: LETTER Ff Lesson – Period 2 I Aim and Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Recognize and pronounce the letter Ff /ef/ and its sound/f/ correctly - Understand, recognize and say the three Ffwords

- Write the letter Ff II Languge focus

1 New words: fox, fish, frog, my, funny

III Reourcess : Pupil’s book, CD, phonics cards , photocopies of pages from story books


Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

1A 06/12/2016


Teacher’s activities Student’s activities I Warm-up (5’)

Catching fish

fox, fish, frog, egg, elephant, elf II New Lesson

1 Listen and point Choose (Track 36): Read the commands with preceding “My

Play game


funny” (15’)

- Have students look at the books and listen to the words: My funny

- Point to the cat and say: I am a cat Then, ask students to repeat

- Use gestures (hand actions) to help students to understand the meanings of statements

- Play the CD

- Then, check by saying: My funny fox Ask the students to point to the corresponding item in the picture Repeat with the rest of the items in random order

- Ask students to look at the pairs of pictures on the side and choose the correct one for each corresponding animal

- Go around and ask the students to name the item they are choosing

e.g., Teacher: (pointing to the fox) My funny, …

Student 1: fox! etc. Activity: Memory Game (5’)

- Put the phonics cards of fox, fish, and frog on the board

- Ask students to memorize the order of these cards

- Ask students to close their eyes, remove one phonics card randomly and ask individual students to name it

- Continue changing the other cards

- Remember to correct students’ pronunciation throughout the lesson

2.Chant and show! (Track 37) (5’)

- Put up the lyrics of the chant on the board - Without music, use the phonics cards and step students to sing the chant with fox Do the same with fish and frog

- With music, the whole class sings the whole chant Do the chant again using gestures for each word

Look at the book and listen Listen, point and repeat


Point to the picture and repeat


look and remember the order Find the missing cards



- Give feedback III Production (5’)

Write down the words into Students’ notebook

Ask students write down: Ff, egg, elf, elephant into their notebook


IV Homelink: (2’) sing the chant with parents

**************************************************** Period 54

Unit 9: WHAT DID YOU SEE AT THE ZOO ? Lesson 1: Part 1, 2, 3

I Objectives:

- After the lesson, the student will be able to ask and answer questions about animals in a zoo

II Language focus:

- Structure: What did you see at the zoo? I saw …… - Vocabulary: pythons ,crocodiles ,peacocks ,gorillas III Teaching aids: Book, CD


Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

5A 07/12/2016

5B 08/12/2016

5C 07/12/2016

V Procedure: Time


Teacher's activities Ss's activities



A.Warm up

* Activity: Matching

-T explains how to play this game B New lesson

1 Look, listen and repeat  Ss look at the slide

- Ask about the who, where, what they in the pictures:

- Ask to guess what topic they say in the picture

- Say: Look part and play CD to times - Say: Play CD and ask to repeat times - T- Ss ,Ss -T,half - half, open pair


Guess the topic Listen

Listen and repeat Pair work





- Check to understand the content of the dialog: Guess what they say?

2 Point and say

 Ss look at the slide *Present Vocabulary. - T introduce new words: pythons : rắn

crocodiles : cá sấu peacocks : công gorillas: đười ươi + T elicits

+ T models

*Checks ( what and where) + T aks Ss to copy

*Present sentence pattern: What did you see at the zoo? I saw …….

- T checks: meaning, use, form and intonation

* Activity: pictures cues  Ss look at the slide

- T lets Ss run through the pictures - Do model with picture a,

- T - Ss together -T numbers( 1-2,1-2,… - T lets Ss work in pairs

- T monitors and corrects their mistakes - T asks some pairs say again

3 Let’s talk

- T asks Ss to open their book on page 58 and tell them that they are going to practice further by asking and answer ing questions about the animals in the zoo When did you go to the zoo ?

What did you see at the zoo?

- Let’s Ss to work in pairs and T go around and help if necessary

C Production

*Activities: Bean bag circle - Ask ss to work in group


Ss repeat chorally-individually

Copy down

Ss listen

Ss repeat chorally

T- S, S - T, S - S , open pairs close pairs

Identify the people in each picture


- Listen and comment

Homelink: Learn new words and structure by your heart

**************************************** Period: 54th

UNIT 9: WHAT COLOUR IS IT? Lesson 1: Part 1, 2, 3.


Objcetives :

-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

+ Use the words and phrases related to the topic school things

+ Ask and answer questions about someone’s school things, using Is this / that + (school thing)


Language focus :

Sentence pattems: Is this / that your pen? Yes, it is / No, it isn’t. Vocabulary:

III/ Resources::

- Student’s book, recording, reallize, puppets, IV.Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

3A 07/12/2016

3B 08/12/2016

3C 08/12/2016

V/ Procedures:

Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities



I Warm up

- Ask Ss say the chant Look! Look! Look! - Comment

II New lesson

Learn in the new lesson: Unit -Lesson1(1.2.3)

Look, listen and repeat

- Set the scence that Ss are going to ask and answer the question Is this/that your + (school thing)?

- Point to the first picture and elicit the name of

- Say the chant - Listen

- Listen and write the title

- Listen




the characters and what they are saying - Have pupils repeat the text in the bubbles a few times Repeat the procedure with the second picture

- Do choral and individual repetition, pointing to the characters speaking

- Play the recording twice - Ask Ss to repeat a few times - Call on two pairs to play roles - Ask Ss to practice in pairs - Call some pair to perform

- Have the whole class repeat all the phrases a few times to reinforce their pronunciation Point and say.

- Tell pupils that they are going to practise asking and answering the question Is this / that + (school things) [say this in Vietnamese if necessary] Point to each picture and and have pupils repeat the words under it a few times Elicit the word to fill the gap

- Give a few seconds for Ss to look at the pictures and read the text

- Point to the first picture and elicit the word to fill the gap Put the sentence on the board

Is this your _? Is that your _?

- Do choral and individual repetition, using the pictures in the book

- Get pupils to work in pairs Check as a class 3 Let's talk

- Tell pupils that they are going to practise more with their friends Give a few seconds for pupils to look at the pictures

- Eiicit the word to fill the gaps and write the sentences on the board

- Ask Ss to fill in the blank Put the sentence on the board and choral and individual repetition


They are Mai and Nam Listen and repeat

- Listen, point and repeat

- Listen and repeat the dialogue

- Practice - Work in pairs

- Listen and repeat the dialogue

- Listen and repeat - Look at the pictures and read the text - Repeat it a few times - Practice

- T – W – C - C – W – T

- H – H; O – P -> C – P

- Correct

- Practice in pairs

- Listen and look at the pictures



- Get pupils to work in pairs, using pictures in the book Correct the pronunciation if necessary

- Call a few pairs to perform the task in front of the class

- Comment

4 Consodilation - Review the lesson

Home link: Ask Ss to further practice at home.

- Work in pairs, say and act out the instructions - Practice in front of the class

***************************************************** Period: 55th

UNIT 9: WHAT COLOUR IS IT? Lesson 1: Part 4, 5, 6.


Objcetives :

-By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

+ Use the words and phrases related to the topic school things

+ Ask and answer questions about someone’s school things, using Is this / that + (school thing)

+ Develop speaking and listening skill II

Language focus :

Sentence pattems: Is this / that your pen? Yes, it is / No, it isn’t. Vocabulary:

III/ Resources::

- Student’s book, recording, realize, poster IV.Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

3A 08/12/2016

3B 09/12/2016

3C 09/12/2016

V/ Procedures:

Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities


I Warm up:

- Ask some Ss about school things using Is this / that your…?

+ Is this your pen?





+ Is that your book? ……

- Comment II New lesson

Lead in the new lesson: Unit - Leson1(4.5.6) 1 Listen and tick

a Pre – listening (3’) - Ask Ss to look at the picture

- Help them to identify each picture

- Tell them that they are going to listen to the recording & tick the correct pictures

b While – listening (5’)

- Play the recording through for Ss listen

- Play the recording again for SS to the task - Play the recording once more and pause after each sentence to check

- Ask Ss to exchange their answers with their partners before reporting them to the class c Post – listening (2’)

- Ss listen again and check their answers - Ask some questions to ensure Ss’ comprehension of the listening text

- Key: 1.b ; 2.a b. 2 Look, read and write

- Have Ss look at the text on page 59 - Ask Ss what they have to in this task - Give a few seconds for Ss to look at the

pictures and read the text in silence - Ask them to discuss and complete the


- Get pupils to swap and check their answers - Calls individual Ss to read aloud the answers Keys: Pen, it is Pencil case, it isn’t school bag, it is Book, it is - Check and correct mistakes

3 Let's write. a Pre – writing

- Tell them that they are going to complete write a sentences about the school things using this /

+ No, it isn’t - Listen

- Listen and write the title

- Open and look at the book

- Identify the people in each picture

- Listen

- Listen carefully - Listen and tick - Listen and check

- Exchange their answers with their partners

- Listen again and check - Listen and answer

- Look

- Answer : Complete the sentences

- Look and read the text in silence

- Discuss and complete - Swap and check the answers

- Read aloud - Write - Correct




b While – writing

- Get Ss to write their own answers, filling in the blank spaces with their own information

- Ask Ss work individually

- Call on some Ss to write out their answers to the class

1 This is a ………

2 Is this your …………? Yes, ……… That is a ………

4 Is that your ………….? No, ………… c Post – writing

- Make somes questions to ensure Ss’ comprehension of the writing text 3 Consodilation:

- Review the lesson

- Write their own answers, filling in the blank

- Work individually - Write out their answers to the class

Answer kes: 1 school bag; 2 school bag, it is 3 pencil case

4 pencil case, it isn’t. - Answer the Qs

************************************************* Period: 28

UNIT 6: LETTER Ff Lesson 2

I Aim and Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

- Recognize and pronounce the letter Ff /ef/ and its sound/f/ correctly - Understand, recognize and say the three Ffwords

II Languge focus

2 New words: my, funny

III Reourcess : Pupil’s book, CD, phonics cards , photocopies of pages from story books


Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

1A 08/12/2016


Teacher’s activities Student’s activities I Warm-up (5mins)

- Greet students

- Have students sing the chant in lesson 1, keep the rhythm by clapping their hands and doing


hand actions II New Lesson

4 Listen Read Along (Track 38) (8mins) - Ask the students to point to the picture of the word that the teacher says

- Play the CD Have the students listen to the story once

- Play the CD again The students listen and point to the pictures of the key words when they hear them in the story

- Read the story The students follow their books

- Teacher reads the printed words then let the students point to the pictures and say the words - Ask students work in pairs One reads the printed words while the other points to the pictures and says the words

Activity: Say the Sight Words (4mins) - Point to and say the sight words: my, funny, and, are, with

- Have students repeat

- Call on some students read them aloud and correct pronunciation (if any)

Activity: Listen, Point, and Say (5mins) - Place phonics cards of fox, fish and frog around the classroom

- Call out a word, e.g fox The students point to the correct phonics card

- Alternatively, play the CD (track 38)

- Ask students to listen and point to the correct phonics cards when they hear the word

(The teacher could have a student volunteer to say the word.)

5 Song (Track 39) (5mins)

- Put the frog, fish, and fox phonics cards up on the board

- Write the names of three animals below the phonics card: Frank – frog, Fin – fish, Fog -

Listen, point and repeat listen

Repeat after T

listen to the story once

listen and point to the pictures of the key words

students point to the pictures and say the words

Point to and say the sight words repeat

look at book , Repeat



- Point to the frog, and say: “Frank is a funny frog” The students repeat.

- Follow the same procedure and present the rest of the song

- Play the CD The students listen and sing along

- Play the CD again The students sing and corresponding actions

Activity: Letter Writing Race (5mins) - Ask the students to open their notebooks - In minutes, the students write as many, e.g Ffs as they can

- The winner is the student who has written the most

Listen and repeat Listen and sing along

Sing and

Open the notebook Write

************************************* Period 55


I Objectives:

- After the lesson, the student will be able to ask and answer questions about animals in a zoo

II Language focus:

- Structure: What did you see at the zoo? I saw …… - Vocabulary: pythons ,crocodiles ,peacocks ,gorillas III Teaching aids: Book, CD


Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

5A 09/12/2016

5B 09/12/2016

5C 09/12/2016

V Procedure:

Times Teacher's activities Ss's activities

5’ A Warm up and Review

* Activity 1: Conversersation lines S1: What did you see at the animals? S2: I saw





4 Listen and tick:

Set the scence: Ask Ss to open their book on page 59 and tells them that they are going to listen to the recording and tick the correct answers

- T plays the recording for Ss to listen - T plays the recording again for Ss to listen and tick the correct answer - T plays the recording again for Ss to check their answer

- Asks Ss to exchange their answer with partners before reporting them to the class - T asks Ss to read out the answer

Answer key: 1.b 2.a b 5 Read and complete

-Ask ss to look the text and fill in the blank - Ask ss to work in invidually

-Ask some ss to read aloud 6 Let’s sing

Set the sence

- Asks Ss to open their book on page 59 and tell them that they are going to sing the Where are they doing? song

- T ask Ss to read the lyrics and check comprehension and play the recording for Ss to sing along

- Play the recording and asks Ss to repeat the song

- Play the recording once more for Ss to repeat whole the song

- Calls some ss to sing the song in front of class

C Consolidation


Listen and tick

Exchange their answer with partners

Read out the answer

Look and write Work in invidually Read aloud

Open book on page 59

Read the sentences

-Sing the song



UNIT 9: WHAT COLOUR IS IT? Lesson 2: Part 1, 2, 3.


Objcetives :

- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

+ Use the words and phrases related to the topic Colour + Identify school things, using What colour is it / are they? + Develop speaking and listening skill


Language focus :

Sentence pattems: What colour is it / are they? It’s red./ They’re green.

Vocabulary: colour, red, green, blue, yellow, orange, white, brown. III/ Resources::

- Student’s book, recording, fresh cards, puppets, projector IV.Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

3A 09/12/2016

3B 13/12/2016 (Week 15) 3C 12/12/2016 (Week 15) V/ Procedures:

Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities




- Play game: Slap the board, using the school things

- Comment


- Learn in the new lesson: Unit - Lesson 2(1.2.3)

1 Look , listen and repeat

- Set the scene: they are going to practice asking and answering questions about colours using What colour is / are + (school things)? - Have Ss open the book page 60 and identify the names the pictures

- Explain what they say Have pupils repeat the text a few times

- Play the recording all the way through for Ss to listen while they are reading the dialogue Then explain what the characters say and the meaning of the new vocabulary

- Play game

- Listen and write the title

- Listen the scene

- Identify : They are Nam and Mai

- Listen and repeat - Listen the tape



colour: màu sắc red: màu đỏ

green: màu xanh T models

- Play the recording again for Ss to repeat each line of the dialogue a few times

- Ask the groups to repeat the dialogue and swap

- Have Ss practice the dialogue in pairs

- Repeat the procedure with the second picture - Call on some pairs to perform, others


- Correct the mistakes 2 Point and say.

- Tell pupils that they are going to practise asking and answering, using What colour is / are + (school things) ) [say this in Vietnamese if necessary] Point to each instruction and check comprehension.Teach the new vocab Teach vocabulary:

+ blue: xanh da trời + white: màu trắng + yellow: màu vàng + brown: màu nâu + orange: màu cam T models

- Give pupils a few seconds to leak at the pictures and read the words under them

- Have pupils repeat the new words a few times - Point the first picture and elicit the word to full the gap Put the sentences on the board Have Ss repeat it a few times

- T models

What colour is / are your … ? It’s / They’re……… ?

- Do choral and individual repetition pointing to the pictures

Get pupils to work in pairs Check as a class

and individually

- Read each line - Play role

- Practice in pairs - Perform - Comment - Correct the mistakes - Listen

- Listen and repeat in choral -> indi

- Look and read - Listen and repeat Listen and act out each instruction

- Practice in pairs

- T – W – C - C – W – T

- H – H; O – P -> C – P - Correct




- Comment 3 Let's talk

- Tell pupils that they are going to practise more with their friends Give a few seconds for pupils to look at the pictures

- Eliciting the colour of the school things in the pictures

- Get pupils to fill the gaps in the question and answer, using the pictures or objects in the classroom

- Prompt pupils to say the words to fill the gaps Write the sentences on the board and have pupils repeat them a few times

- Get pupils to work in pairs, taking turns to say and act out the instructions Correct the pronunciation if necessary

- Call a few pairs to perform the task in front of the class

- Comment

4 Consodilation:

- In this lesson, Ss have learned how to ask and answer about permistion

- Listen and look at the pictures

- Listen and repeat - Listen

- Fill the gaps and repeat What colour is your book?.

It’s red.

What colour are your pencils?

They’re green.

- Work in pairs, say and act out the instructions

- Practice in front of the class

Ngày đăng: 05/02/2021, 14:17
