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- T asks Ss to open their book on page 26 and ask them to identify the name in each picture and tell them that they are going to practice asking and answering :.. What did you do at t[r]



Date of planning: 06/10/2016 Period: 20th

Unit 4: DID YOU GO TO THE PARTY? Lesson 1: (1,2, 3)

I.Objectives: Knowledge :

After the lesson, students are able to:

+ Use the words and phrases related to the topic Past activities; + Ask and answer questions about where someone did something, using Did you …? Yes, I did / No, I didn’t

Skills: -Develop Ss reading and writing skills II.Langguage focus:

1.Vocabulary: Province, coach, back, plane, train, taxi, motorbike, underground, bus, fun.

Sentence Partners: Did you …? Yes, I did / No, I didn’t. III.Teaching aids: books, puppets, pictures


Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

5A 10/10/2016

5B 10/10/2016

5C 10/10/2016


Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities




- Have pupils play Slap the board , using pictures of these words: motobike, bike, train, bus taxi, underground.When the game is over, get the SS to point at each picture to ask and answer questions about means of transport At the end of the game, introduce the unit


1 Look, listen and repeat:

- Have the class look at the pictures Introduce the story by pointing at each character and elicit their answers to the questions

- Play the recording all the way through for the class to listen and follow in their books

-Ask ps to practice in pairs

-Listen and repeat

-Look at the picture and answer

-They are teachers and students




- Play it again for them to repeat line by line - Finally, point to each picture for them to say the words in each bubble

2.Point and say: a Vocabulary:

- Have Ps look at the pictures Teach them how to read the words and phrases under each picture: go on a picnic, enjoy the party, join the funfair, watch TV

+ Checking: Slap the board - T guides Ss how to play b Model sentences:

- Tell Ss that they are going to practice asking and answering about whether someone did something, using Did you …? Yes, I did / No, I didn’t

- Ask them to pay attention to the past simple forms of the verbs.(enjoyed/ watched/joined/ went)

Eg: Did you go on a picnic? Yes, I did/ No, I didn’t.

- Concept check: intonation, using c Practice:

- T runs through the cues

- Point to each picture and ask the question Did you …? Yes, I did / No, I didn’t … for Ps to answer chorally

- Have Ps practise asking and answering in pairs Monitor the activity and offer help, if necesssary

- Invite one or two pairs to speak to check their pronunciation

d.Production: - Role play 3 Let’s talk:

- Tell Ps that they are going to practise further by asking and answering questions about whether someone did something

- Get Ps to work in pairs Remind them to use the questions and answers in their books

- Look and fine new words

- Listen and repeat - Copy

-Listen and repeat

T – W C -W-class

-Groups, Individual

-Read sentences

-Work in pairs W-class

“How did you get there? -I went by… ”



- Set a time limit for the class to practice Monitor the activity and offer help, if necessary

- Invite a few Ps to repeat their interviews to the class Then give feedback

4.Consolidation -Summary the lesson

- Listen to the teacher

*********************************************** Period: 21st

UNIT 4: DID YOU GO TO THE PARTY? Lesson 1: Part 4, 5, 6

I Objcetives:

- At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to ask and answer questions about whether someone did at a party

- Skill: listening, speaking II Language focus:

Sentence pattems:Did you go to the party ? Yews, I did / No I didn’t

Vocabulary :party, think ,thought ,enjoy, visit , join the funfair II Language focus:

III Resources::

- Student’s book, recording, fresh cards, posters IV.Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

5A 11/10/2016

5B 11/10/2016

5C 11/10/2016

V Procedures:

Times Teacher's activities Ss's activities



A Warm up and Review

- Revising the language learnt using: Did you go to the ……?

Yes I did B New lesson: 4 Listen and tick

*Set the scence: Ask Ss to open their book on page 25 and look at picture a, b





- T helps Ss to identify the people in each picture

- Tells Ss that they are going listen and tick the correct answer

- T plays the CD times for Ss to listen - T plays the CD again for Ss check their answer

- T moniter and correct the answer Answer key: 1.N 2.Y 3.N

5 Read and complete

- Ask ss to read the text and fill the gaps with enjoyed,joined,festival ,sports and went

- T give Ss minutes to the task individually

- T calls Ss to write on the board - T monitor and correct their answer

- T ask Ss to copy down on their notebook Key: Went Festival Joined 4 sports enjoined

* Activity: Step away Lines

- T asks Ss to step into lines and practice the dialogue in part

S1:What did they ? S2: They… …

- T monitors and corects their mistake 6 Let’s sing

*Set the sence.

- Asks Ss to open their book on page 25 and tell them they are going to sing the “ What did you on Teacher’s Day ?“ song. - T calls a groupof to the front of the class, each singing two lines of the song - T monitors and correct their mistake C Homework

- T asks Ss to sing the song again

Identify the people in each sentence

Listen and tick the correct answer

Fill the gaps Copy down

Play game

Open their book on page 25

******************************************* Period: 21st



Objcetives :

- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to:

+ listen and write about someone, using Who's that? /It’s … - Educate Ss to be friendly with friends

- Develop listening, writing II

Language focus :

Sentence pattems: + Who' s that?

It's + name

Vocabulary: III/ Resources::

- Student’s book, recording, fresh cards, posters IV.Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

3A 11/10/2016

3B 12/10/2016

3C 11/10/2016

V/ Procedures:

Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities



I Warm up

- Ask Ss to asking and answering some their classmates, the whole class respond

- Comment II New lesson

Lead in the new lesson: Unit - Lesson1(4.5.6)

1 Listen and tick a Pre – listening

- Ask Ss to look at the picture

- Help them to identify each picture

- Tell them that they are going to listen to the recording & tick the correct pictures

b While – listening

- Play the recording through for Ss listen - Play the recording again for SS to the task

- Play the recording once more and pause after each sentence to check

- Asking and answering: - Who' s that?

It's + nam - Listen

- Listen and write the title

- Open and look at the book

- Identify the people in each picture

- Listen





- Ask Ss to exchange their answers with their partners before reporting them to the class c Post – listening.

- Ss listen again and check their answers - Ask some questions to ensure Ss’ comprehension of the listening text

- Key: 1… ; 2… 2 Read and write

- Have Ss look at the table on page 25 - Ask Ss what they have to in this task - Give a few seconds for Ss to look at the

pictures and read the text in silence - Ask them to discuss and complete the


1:A that? B: It's Tony.

2.A: And B: It's Mr Loc

- Get pupils to swap and check their answers - Calling two open pairs to read aloud

- Call someone to write on the board

- Check and correct mistakes 3 Let's write.

- Asks Ss to look at the picture on page 25 and describe the situations

- Ask Ss to write the missing words to complete the conversations

- Ask Ss to work in pairs

- Call someone to write their answer on the board

- Comment , correct 3 Consodilation:

- Review the lesson

- Educate Ss to be friendly with their friends

Home link: Ask Ss to practice drawing a person and writing about him / her

- Exchange their answers with their partners

- Listen again and check - Listen and answer

- Look

- Answer : Read and write

- Look and read the text in silence

- Discuss and complete

- Swap and check the answers

- Read aloud - Write

1 A: Who’s that? A: And Who’s that? - Correct

- Look at the pictures and describe

- Complete the conversations - Work in pairs - Write their answer - Check


Period 11th

UNIT 3: Cc Lesson 1: Period 2 I Objective :

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to recognize and pronounce the letter Cc and its sound correctly

-Understand, recognize and say the three Cc words -Write the letter Cc

- Skill: listening, speaking, reading, writing II

Language focus :

Vocabulary: cat, carrot, clock Sight words: I, am, a

III/ Resources::

- Student’s book, CD tracks 15- 16, phonics cards IV.Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

1A 11/10/2016

V/ Procedures:

Steps Learning activities Students’s activities

1.Warm up (5)

- Ask ss to review the letter Cc and the words cat, carrot, clock

Whole class 2 Listen and

point Match (15)

- Ask ss to look at the books and listen and point to the words:

- Use gestures ( hand actions ) to help ss to understanding the meaning of command - Play the CD The pupils listen and point to the cat, carrot and clock.

- Say: I am a cat Ask the pupils to point to the corresponding item in the picture. Repeat with the rest of the items in random order.

- Ask the pupils to look at the pairs of pictures on the side and choose the correct one for each corresponding item. Go around the classroom, asking pupils to name the item they are matching.

e.g Teacher:(pointing to the cat) I am

-Listen and repeat - Whole class -Individually

- Group work


Pupil 1: a cat! etc


Chant and show (10)

- Put up the cat, carrot and clock phonics cards on the board Point to the cat and say: /k/, cat! The pupils repeat after you. Follow the same procedure and present the rest of the verses and the words carrot and clock - - Play the CD The pupils listen, follow in their books and chant.

- Ask the pupils to take out their own cat, carrot and clock picture cards and place them on their desks

- Play the CD again The pupils listen and hold up the corresponding picture cards.

- Time permitting, repeat the chant without the CD this time Keep the rhythm by clapping your hands or snapping your fingers Pause before the words (cat, carrot, clock) and encourage the pupils to name the items for you. e.g Teacher: /k/

Pupils: cat

Teacher: /k/, /k/, /k/ Pupils: cat! etc

Tapescript /k/, cat, /

k/,/k/,/k/,ca t!

Cat, /k/, /k/, /k/! /k/, carrot,


k/,/k/,/k/,carrot! Carrot, /k/, /k/, /k/!

/k/, clock,

/k/,/k/,/k/,clock! Clock, /k/, /k/, /k/!

Whole class

4.Production (5)

My Sound Book

Ask the pupils to take out their sound books (see the Introduction on how to make a sound book) Use a letter stamp or photocopy the letter Cc from the photocopiable section and stamp/glue it on a clean page

- Whole class

5 Home

Take the sound book home and their ‘homework’ is to practise saying the sound with their parents.

- Do exercise in workbook

Whole class

************************************************ Period 22nd


Lesson 2: Part 1, 2, 3 I Objcetives:

- At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to ask and answer question about what someone did at a party

II Language focus:

Sentences: What did you at the party ? We …….

Vocabulary:chat,cartoon,,did,had,ate,sang,anything else III Resources:

- Student’s book, recording, fresh cards, posters, puppets IV.Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

5A 12/10/2016

5B 13/10/2016

5C 12/10/2016

V Procedures:

Times Teacher's activities Ss's activities




A Warm up and Review

- T asks Ss to sing the song What did you on Teacher’s day?

- T monitors and correct their mistake B New lesson

1 Look,Listen and repeat: Pre-teach

- T asks Ss to open their book on page 26 and ask them to identify the character in the picture

- T plays the recording for Ss to listen and repeat

- Asks some Ss to say the dialogues , - T correct their mistakes

* Activity:

- T devides Ss in to teams

- T asks Ss to practice the dialogue in pairs

- T monitor and correct their mistake 2 Point and say:


Sing the song

Open their book on page 26

Listen and repeat Pairs work



Chat: nói chuyện Cartoon: hoạt hình Did: làm

Had: có Ate: ăn Sang: hát

anything else: cịn *Check vocab: matching *Sentence pattern

What did you at the party ? We…….


- T asks Ss to open their book on page 26 and ask them to identify the name in each picture and tell them that they are going to practice asking and answering :

What did you at the party ? We…….

- T devides the class into groups to choral and individual

- T asks Ss to work in pairs and correct their mistake

3 Let’s talk

- T asks Ss to open their book on page 26 and ask them to practise with information about themselves

Did you … ? How was it ?

What did you there?

- Let’s Ss to work in pairs and T go around and help if necessary

* Activity: Step away Lines

- T asks Ss to step into lines and practice the dialogue

S1: Did you …….?

S2: Yes, I did No, I didn’t …. S1:How was it ??

S2: It was ……

S1: What did you there ? S2: I / We…

- Listen and repeat in chorus and individual

Copy the vocab

Pairs work

Open their book on page 26 and identify the name in each picture

Work in groups Work in pairs

Open their book on page 26

Practice with their friend



- T monitors and corect their mistakes Homework

-Do exercises in the workbook Learn by heart the new words and structures

********************************************* Period 22nd

UNIT 4: HOW OLD ARE YOU? Lesson 2: Part 1, 2, 3.


Objcetives :

- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: + Ask and answer about age

- Educate Ss to be friendly with friends - Develop listening, speaking


Language focus :

Sentence pattems: + How old are you, Mai? + I’m eight years old Vocabulary: How old, year old

III/ Resources::

- Student’s book, recording, fresh cards, posters, puppets IV.Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

3A 12/10/2016

3B 13/10/2016

3C 13/10/2016

IV Procedures:

Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities




- Ask Ss to ask and answer Who's that? It's


- Lead in the new lesson: Unit 4- Lesson 2(1.2.3)

1 Look , listen and repeat

- Have Ss open the book page 26 and identify

- Work im pairs: Who's that? It's (Hai) - Listen

- Listen and write the title



the characters in the pictures

- Set the scene: you are going to hear conversations between Miss Hien, Nam and Mai.

a – How old are you, Mai? - I’m eight years old. b - How old are you, Nam? - I’m eight years old, too.

- Play the recording all the way through for Ss to listen while they are reading the dialogue - Play the recording again for Ss to repeat each line of the dialogue a few times

- Ask the groups to repeat the dialogue and swap

- Have Ss practice the dialogue in pairs - Call on some pairs to perform, others comment

- Correct the mistakes 2 Point and say.

- Have Ss look at the speech bubbles on page 26

- Ask them to identify the characters in pictures

- Ask Ss to guess and say the lines in the bubbles

How old are you, _? I’m _.

- Have Ss repeat each line in the bubbles some times

- Explain the situation

- Ask Ss to fill the bubbles and repeat the step with other pictures

- Have Ss practice in pairs situations - Go around and correct the mistakes - Call on some pairs to ask and answer - Ask someone to comment

- Ask the whole class to repeat the phrase

and Miss Hien - Listen the scene

Listen the tape

- Read each line - Play role

- Practice in pairs - Perform - Comment - Correct the mistakes

- Look at the bubbles Tom, Phong, Peter, Mary

- Guess and say: names and ages

- Repeat in few times - Listen carefully - Fill the bubbles - Work in pairs - Correct

- Practice: ask and answer

- Comment




practiced in chorus to reinforce the pronunciation

3 Let's talk

- Asks Ss to look at the pictures on page 26 describe the situation

- Guide Ss to practice asking and answering about name

+ How old are you _? + I'm

- Ask Ss to practice in small groups

- Call someone to perform at the front of the class

- Comment

4 Consodilation:

- - In this lesson, Ss have learned how to ask and answer about age

- Educate Ss to be friendly with friends

- Look and describe - Listen

- Work in group - Practice - Perform


*************************************** Period 23rd

UNIT 4: HOW OLD ARE YOU? Lesson 2: Part 4, 5, 6.


Objcetives :

- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: + Listen, read and write about someone age + Develop listening, speaking


Language focus :

Sentence pattems: + How old are you, Mai? + I’m eight years old Vocabulary: How old, year old

III/ Resources::

- Student’s book, recording, fresh cards, posters IV.Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

3A 13/10/2016

3B 14/10/2016

3C 14/10/2016


Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities 5min




I Warm up

- Ask Ss ask and answer - Comment

II.New lesson

- Lead in the new lesson: Unit 4- Lesson 2(4.5.6)

1 Listen and write

- Have Ss look at pictures a, b, c and d and identify the characters

- Set the scene: you are going to listen to the recording about situations and write the

correct pictures.

- 1st:Play the recording all the way through

for Ss to listen while they are looking the pictures in their books

- 2nd: play the recording for Ss to listen and

number the correct pictures

- Choose one or two Ss to share their answers with their classmates

- 3rd: play the recording for Ss to check their


- Have Ss trade their answers in pairs for correction

- Comment and give feedback 2 Read and tick.

Ask Ss to identify the characters in the pictures on page 27

“ you are going to read the sentences to get the information in order to tick the age for each picture.”

Have a revision of the language: number Ask Ss to read the question and the task Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary

- Have Ss trade the answers in pairs for correction

- Call on some Ss to report their answers Others listen and comment

- Talk

+ How old are you _?

+ I'm - Listen

- Listen and write the title

- Look and identify - Listen the scene

- Listen carefully

- Share the answers - Check the answers

1._; 2_; 3_;4_ - Correct - Take note - Look

- Answer: read and tick

- Discuss and match - Go to the board Answers: (6) 2(8)

3(10) 4( 10)

- Read aloud - Listen




- Make a few questions to check Ss’ comprehension of the sentences

- Have the whole class read each sentence in chorus to reinforce their pronunciation

3 Let’s sing

Have ss look at the pictures on page 18 and ask them to identify the characters in the picture -Tell ss what they are going to

- Give the model sentences - Practice: work in pairs - Practise in daily life

+ Introduce Ss’s friends and the teacher in the class

4 Consodilation

- In this lesson, Ss have learned how to listen, read and tick about someone age - Educate Ss to be friendly with friends

- Correct

- Listen the song - Practice - work in pairs - Play in groups


******************************* Period 12th

UNIT 3: Cc Lesson 2: I.Objective :

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

+ Practise the sound of the letter Cc and the corresponding words; + Learn and practise reading skills;

+ Sing a song II

Language focus :

Vocabulary: cat, carrot, clock Sight words: a with, I, am, on III/ Resources::

- Student’s book, CD tracks 17 - 18, phonics cards – 11 IV.Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

1A 13/10/2016

V/ Procedures:

Steps Learning activities Students’ activities



books, name the letter and say the sound of the letter

- Put up the phonics cards on the board Name the items, one at a time The pupils mime the

corresponding actions and say the sound of the letter

e.g Teacher: (pointing to the cat) cat

Class: (imitating meowing) /k/ etc

Whole class

2 Listen and read along (8)

- Ask: Can you see the /k/ – cat? Point to it Encourage the pupils to point to the picture of the cat Repeat with carrot and clock

- Play the CD Have the pupils listen to the story once Play the CD again The pupils listen and point to the pictures of the key words when they hear them in the story

- Read the story The pupils follow in their books Then they work in pairs One reads while the other one checks and then they swap roles Go around the classroom providing any necessary help

- Point to and say the sight words The pupils repeat after you Time permitting, have some pupils read them aloud

Kk Cat Carrot Clock

- Whole class


- Group in pairs

- Whole class

3 Song (10)

- Put up the cat, carrot and clock phonics cards on the board Point to the clock and say: Tickety, tickety, tock! The pupils repeat after you Follow the same procedure and present the rest of the song Play the CD The pupils listen and sing along

- Ask the pupils to take out their

Tickety, tickety, tock! I am a cat on a clock!

I have a carrot on the clock, Ticket, ticket, tock!


own cat, carrot and clock picture cards and place them on their desks Play the CD again The pupils listen and hold up the corresponding picture cards

Groups / Pairs -Individually

4 Pactise (7)

*Activity : Hot cards

- Ask the pupils to form pairs One pupil mimes an action

corresponding to one of the words from the lesson and the other one says the word Then they swap roles

Work in pairs

5. Consolidati

on (5)

- T asks whole class to sing the song at home

- Whole class

*************************************** Period 23rd

UNIT 4: DID YOU GO TO THE PARTY? Lesson 2: Part 4, 5, 6

I Objcetives:

- At the end of the lesson Ss will be able to ask and answer question about what someone did at a party

II Language focus:

Sentences: What did you at the party ? We …….

Vocabulary:chat,cartoon,,did,had,ate,sang,anything else III Resources:

- Student’s book, recording, fresh cards, posters, puppets IV.Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

5A 14/10/2016

5B 14/10/2016

5C 14/10/2016

V Procedures:

Times Teacher's activitives Ss's activitives






- T asks Ss to ask and answer question using: What did you ? Didi you ….? - T monitors and correct their mistake B New lesson

4 Listen and circle a or b : Pre-teach

- Asks Ss to open their book on page 27 and tell them that they are going to listen and circle

- T plays the CD times for Ss to listen and check their answer

- T asks Ss to exchange their answer with their partners to find out possible answers

- T monitors and correct their mistakes - T asks some Ss to report their answers to the class

Answer key: a b b.3 5 Write about you

- Asks Ss to look at the book on page 27 and tell them they are going to write - Let’s them minutes to it

- Ask ss to compare with your friend and read aloud

- T monitors and correct their mistake 6 Let’s play

*Set the sence.

- Asks Ss to open their book on page 27 and tell them they are going to play the game tic tac toe

-Divide the class in two teams - T monitors and praise

C Homelink

- Asks Ss to write about what they did ” on their notebook

Ask and answer

Open their book on page 27 Listen individually

Ss to exchange their answer with their partners to find out possible answers

- Open the book on page 27

Write and read

- Play game

Work in groups

************************************* Period 24th



Objcetives :

- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to: + Practice sounds / f / and / s/

+ Practice listening, writing skills II

Language focus :

Sentence pattems: + How old are you, Mai? + I’m eight years old Vocabulary:

III/ Resources::

- Student’s book, recording, posters IV.Organization:

Class Date of teaching Absent Ss

3A 14/10/2016

3B 18/10/2016 (Week 7)

3C 17/10/2016 (Week 7)

V Procedures:

Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities



I Warm up

Teacher: sing the song “ Let’s count from one to ten”

- Comment II New lesson

- Learn in the new lesson: Unit 4- Lesson 3(1.2.3)

1 Listen and repeat

- Have Ss open the book page 28, draw their attention to the letters colored differently in the words five and six

- Produce the sound of the letter f and s - Have Ss repeat the focused sounds a few


- Play the recording twice and ask Ss to repeat

+ I'm five years old +I'm six years old

- Monitor the activity and offer help when necessary/ correct typical pronunciation errors

- Call on someone to pronounce

- Listen and to

- Listen

- Listen and write the title

- Look at the words - Notice the letter f and s

- Listen carefully - Repeat in chorus - Listen and repeat - Help, correct the





- Have the whole class recite the chant to reinforce their pronunciation

2 Listen and write.

- Have Ss look at the table on page 28

- Ask Ss what they have to in this task - Play the tape twice

- Ask them to listen and write the answers - Call someone to write on the board, check

Ss’ notebook

- Check and correct mistakes - Ask Ss to read aloud sentences 3 Let's chant

- Show the chart of the chant How old are you? - Play the tape a few times

- Ask Ss to read aloud each line in the song and clap their hands

- Ask them to listen again and repeat - Have Ss practice the chant in pairs - Call each group, then pairs to perform - Correct and comment

- Play the tape once to reinforce their pronunciation

4 Consodilation

- In this lesson, Ss have learned how to pronounce sounds /f / , /s /

- Recite in chorus

- Look

- Answer : listen and write

- Listen - Write - Correct

- Read aloud

- Look at the chart - Listen

- Read and clap - Listen and repeat - Practice

- Perform

- Listen and correct

- Listen

********************************** Ký duyệt Tổ chuyên môn Mạo Khê, ngày … tháng 10 năm 2016


Ngày đăng: 07/02/2021, 05:37
