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Giáo án Tiếng Anh 8 - Unit 11

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- Ask Sts to listen and read. - Ask Sts to check their guesses. Match words in A to words in B with similar meanings:.. * Key:.[r]


Teaching date:……… Period: 86

Unit 11: science and technology Lesson 1: Getting started I- Objectives:

- By the end of this lesson, Sts will be presented the vocabulary related to the topic ‘Science and technology’ and reviewed the future tenses

- Vocabulary: science, scientific, technology, technological, field, … - Structure: review the future tenses

- Skills: skills

II- Teaching aids: - Sts’ books, text books, a projector + cabins

III- Teaching methods: - Communicative

IV- Teaching Procedure:

A Class organization:

- Greetings and checking attendance: 8A: 8B……… 8C: 8D………

B New lesson:

Sts’ and T’s activities Content

Warm up: (5’) * Activity 1:

- Elicit the phone’s functions from Sts and write them on the board Then Sts discuss which functions are helpful for communicating (explain their choice) - Lead in new lesson

Presentation: (12’)

* Activity 2: Introduce the dialogue: - Look at the picture on page 48

- Introduce Dr Nelson, Dg, Chau & Nick - Ask Sts to pridict the questions

- Play the recording

- Ask Sts to listen and read - Ask Sts to check their guesses * Activity 3:

- Sts read the dialogue and underline the words they don’t know

- T may explain some words Sts don’t know

Practice: (15’) * Activity 4:

- Read the conversation again

- Sts work in pairs to match these words - Check their answers (may explain the

* Network:

* Introduce the dialogue:

- Do you know these characters in the pictures?

- Where are they now?

- What are they talking about? I New words:

- 'science (n): khoa học - scien'tific (adj):

- tech'nology (n): kĩ thuật, công nghệ - techno'logical (adj):

- field (n): lĩnh vực II Practice:

1 Listen and read: (1-P.49)

a Match words in A to words in B with similar meanings:

* Key:

Household appliances Washing


meaning of complex words in Vieynamese)

* Activity 5:

- Sts work independently then in pairs to answers the questions

- Sts compare their answers with a partner - Check their answers

* Activity 6: - Sts work in pairs

- Sts refer back to the conversation and the task

- Check their answers * Activity 7:

- Sts work in pairs to complete these sentences

- Confirm the correct answers * Activity 8:

- Sts look at the words/ phrases in the box - Sts work in pairs to fill the gaps with the suitable words/ phrases from the box - Confirm the correct answers

* Activity 9:

- Sts look at the example carefully

- Sts work individually, then ask them to swap their answers with a partner

- Correct Sts’ answers as a class 4 Production: (10’)

* Activity 10:

- Sts stand up and move around to ask questions and take notes

- The first person to get a name in each box is the winner

5 Home work: (2’) - Read the dialogue again - Learn new words

- Prepare for unit 11- Lesson (A closer look 1)

c e b a d f

b Answer the questions: * Key:

They are at the Science Club

It is the roles of science and technology in the 21st century.

Science and technology are changing everything

He told Nick that only robots would work in factories and clean our homes in the future He/ She said that there would be no more schools: they’d just stay at home and learn on the Internet

c Dis cuss the questions: * Key:

the economy (economic development) the workplace (robots in factories) the home (robots cleaning our homes) travel (trafic jams)

education (school via the Internet) d Complete the sentences:

* Key:

field economic development

space flying cars the key

2 Complete the sentences: (2-P.49) * Key:

science subjects machines

technology scientific progress researchers

3 Give the opposite words: (3-P.49) * Key:

unknown unimportant unrealistic unpolluted


4 GAME: Find someone who: (4-P.49) - Reference: some scientists of Viet Nam: Võ Hồng Anh Hoàng Tụy


Teaching date:………

Period: 87 Unit 11: science and technology Lesson 2: A closer look 1 I- Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

+ pronounce the words starting with un- and im- correctly in isolation and in context + use the lexical items related to the topic ‘Science and technology’

- Vocab: Science and technology words ……… - Skills: skills

II- Teaching aids: - Sts’ books, text books, a projector + cabins

III- Teaching methods: - Communicative

IV- Teaching Procedure:

A Class organization:

- Greetings and checking attendance: 8A: 8B……… 8C: 8D………

B New lesson:

Sts’ and T’s activities Content

1 Warm up: (5’) * Activity 1: Call out:

- Have Sts call out the roles of ‘Science and technology’

- Lead in new lesson Presentation: (10’) * Activity 2:

- Make sure Sts understand the Look out! box.

- Sts work individually, then ask them to share their answers with a partner - Correct their answers as a class 3 Practice: (15’)

* Activity 3:

- Sts work in pairs and discuss what the word is for each picture

- T checks as a class * Activity 4:

- Sts read the sentences and guess the part of speech of the word to be filled - Sts work individually, then some Sts write their answers on the board

* Call out:

- changing the way we live

communicate travel

* Practice:


1 Complete the sentences: (1-P.50) * Key:

adviser/ advisor programmer

chemist biologist designer

2 Write a noun under each picture:(2-P.50)

* Key:

chemist doctor software developer


engineer explorer physicist


4 Production: (12’) * Activity 5:

- T explains the rules in the box and ask Sts to give some examples

- Play the recording for Sts to repeat the words, paying attention to the stressed syllable of each word

* Activity 6:

- Sts work individually, then share their answers with a partner

- Play the recording for Sts to listen, check and repeat

5 Homework: (2’) - Learn new words

- Prepare for unit 11- Lesson (A closer look 2)

3 Give the correct form of the words: (3-P.50)

* Key:

developments medical scientists economic exploration


* Stress in words starting with un- and im-:


- When we add the prefix un- or im- (meaning ‘not’) to a root word does not normally change

Ex: 'friendly ->un'friendly 'probable -> im'probable

- Note: When we add the prefix un- or im- to a one-sullable word, the sress falls on the root word

Ex: fair -> un'fair pure ->im'pure

4 Mark the stressed syllables: (4,5-P.51)

o0 o0o oo0 o0oo

un'wis e im'pur e un'hur t

un'luck y

un'healthy im'pati ent

unfore'se en

imma'tur e


un'limited im'possibl e


5 Fill the gaps with the words in 5: (6-P.51)

impure unlimited unhealthy impatient impossble


Teaching date:………

Period: 88

Unit 11: science and technology Lesson 3: A closer look 2 I Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

+ review the future simple and the future continuous

+ use direct and indirect speech to report what people say or tell - Vocab: Science and technology words ………

- Grammar: direct and indirect speech - Skills: skills

II- Teaching aids: - Sts’ books, text books, cabins and projector

III- Teaching methods: - Communicative

IV- Teaching Procedure:

A Class organization:

- Greetings and checking attendance: 8A: 8B……… 8C: 8D………

B New lesson:

Sts’ and T’s activities Content 1 Warm up: (7’)

* Activity 1: Network: - Remind Sts of the future tenses

2 Presentation: (12’) * Activity 2:

- Sts review the form and use of the future simple and the future continuous - Ask Sts to give some examples

* Network:

future simple future continuous (S + will + V) ……… I Grammar: * Review the future simple and future continuous:

- The future simple: S + will + V + O. - The future continuous: S + will be +


3 Practice: (13’) * Activity 3:

- Sts work individually, then compare their answers with a partner - Check their answers as a class and check that Sts understand the rules * Activity 4:

- Sts study the example first

- They work in pairs to talk as much as possible

* Activity 5:

- Sts look at the grammar box

- T explains to Sts the diffrences between direct speech and reported speech

- Sts go through the table carefully, using the examples to clarify the rules

* Activity 6:

- Ask Sts to refer back to Getting started and find the examples of reported speech Focus them on the use of the verbs

* Activity 7: - Sts work in pairs - Some Sts write their answers on the board and T correct their mistakes

ing + O. Eg:

She will be having dinner at 6.30 this afternoon II Practice:

1 Put the verbs into the correct tenses: * Key: 1. will have won’t pass

2 will be working decide; will support

will she be 2 Discuss the predictions about 2040: (

1 We will all be using flying cars

Most people will live to be a hundred years ago Robots will replace teachers

The world will have one money system The Internet will replace books

3 (3-P.52)

* Look at the grammar box:

* Find the examples of reported speech in Getting started: * Key:

- Well, my dad told me that only robots would work in factories and clean our homes in the future - Our science teacher said that there would be no more schools: we’d just stay at home and learn on the Internet

4 Complete the sentences b, using the reported speech: (4-P.52)


* Activity 8:

- Sts work individually - Sts compare their answers with a partner - T corrects as a class 4 Production: (10’) - Sts plan what they are going to say before they come to the front of the class

- One St says a sentence about himself/ herself The other reports to the class 5 Homework: (2’) - Learn grammar - Prepare for unit 11- Lesson (Communication)

Nick said that he came from a small town in England

2 My friend said that Brazin would win the World Cup

3 Olive told Chau that she was leaving Viet Nam the next day

4 David told Catherine that he was unabe to read her writing

5 Minh said that he had overslept that morning 5 Change the sentences into reported speech: (5-P.52)

* Key:

1 He said that he hadn’t said anything at the meeting the week before She told me that letter had been opened

3 Tom said that in 50 years’ time we would probably be living on Mars

4 Mi said she hoped they would build a city out at sea

5 Son told us that his wish was to become a young inventor 6 GAME: My friend said… : (6-P.52) * Ex:

“I like writing code.” -> She said that she liked writing code

(Students’ answers)

Teaching date:………


I- Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

+ use the lexical items related to the topic of ‘Science and technology’ + get more knowledge about some inventors and their inventions

- Skills: skills

II- Teaching aids: - Sts’ books, text books, cabins and projector

III- Teaching methods: - Communicative

IV- Teaching Procedure:

A Class organization:

- Greetings and checking attendance: 8A: 8B……… 8C: 8D………

B New lesson:

Sts’ and T’s activities Content 1 Warm up: (5’)

* Activity 1: Chatting - Sts look at the column A in Ex and answer the questions

- Lead in the new lesson 2 Practice: (25’)

* Activity 2:

- Sts work in pairs to match the inventors to the inventions

- Some Sts answer in full sentences

* Activity 3:

- Sts work in groups to discuss the inventions (Sts talk as much as possible)

- Invite some groups to

* Chatting:

- Are they still alive/ dead? - What are they famous for?

- Do you know anything interesting about them? * Practice:

1 Matching:(1-P.53) * Key:

- Thomas Edison invented the light bulb

- Sir Alexander Fleming discovered penecillin - Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone - The Wright brothers invented the airplane - Jame Watt invented the steam engine

- Mark Zuckerberg invented Facebook - Tim Berners-Lee invented the Internet 2 Matching: (2-P.53) * Ex:


present their ideas * Activity 4:

- Two Sts act out the dialogue between Ha and Alexander Graham Bell Put Sts into pairs to report on the conversation

3 Production: (10’) * Activity 5:

- Sts work in pairs to role-play, using the information given

- Ask some pairs to role-play in front of the class - The class votes for the best performance

4 Homework: (4’) * Activity 6:

- Sts work in groups to read the passage and discuss the questions - Sts use their imagination, brainstorm ideas, then choose what they would like to invent

- Sts work in groups to prepare the task

because it has changed the way people travel and transport goods around the world B: You are right But I think the invention of penecillin is more useful because it has saved lots of lives…… 3 Report, using reported speech: (3-P.53)

* Suggested answers: - Alexander Bell said/ told me (that) he was born in 1847 in Scotland

- He told me he had always liked……

- He told me he had taught…

- He told me he had invented…

4 Role-play: (4-P.53) Tim Berners-Lee: British computer scientist,

inventor of the Internet. - born June 1955 - London

- 1973 – 1976; Oxford University

- 1978: joined company called D.G.Nash

- 1990: built first Web browser

- August 1991: first website put online * PROJECT:

“Young Inventors” Write/ talk about your invention:

what it is

what it is used for how it work


Teaching date:……… Period: 90

Unit 11: science and technology Lesson 5: Skill 1

I- Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

+ read for general and specific information about the role of science and technology in the future

+ talk about the role of science and technology - Vocab: science and technology………

- Skill: speaking and reading

II- Teaching aids: - Sts’ books, text books, cabins and projector

III- Teaching methods: - Communicative

IV- Teaching Procedure:

A Class organization:

- Greetings and checking attendance: 8A: 8B……… 8C: 8D………

B New lesson:

Sts’ and T’s activities Content

1 Warm up: (5’) * Activity 1: Chatting

- T writes these headings on the board:


- Branstorm with the class some predictions for future developments in these three fields

- Lead in the lesson 2 Practice: (27’)

* Activity 2: Present the passages: - Sts read the passages quickly looking key words and match them with the headings

* Activity 3:

- Sts discuss any unfamiliar words from the text

- Help Sts work out the meanings of these words from the context

- Sts work individually to the matching task

- Check their answers in pairs * Activity 4:

- Sts read the passage again and answer the questions

- Sts compare their answers with a partner

- Confirm the correct answers

* Activity 5:

- Sts work in pairs to think about these pros and cons

- Some groups share what they have discussed

3 Production: (10’)


1 Match the heading with the passages: (1-P.54)

* Key:


2 Match the highlighted words with their meaning: (2-P.54)

* Key:


3 Answer the questions: (3-P.54)

1 To explore Mars/ To find out if there is, or ever has been, life there/ To explore the possibility of being able to live there They help people live longer 70 or 75 years

4 Solar panels and solar windows They can chores such as cleaning, cooking, washing, and organising things B- SPEAKING:

4 Make notes: (4-P.54)

Advances Advantages Disadvantages Robots Do a lot of


Unemployment Nuclear energy - convenient

- clean - available

- expensive - unsafe

- environmentally unfriendly

Nutrition pills - people can live longer - convenient

- expensive - create

overpopulation Smart phones - convenient - can be tracked at


* Activity 6:

- Ask Sts the task in groups of five or six Each group talks about one of the fields in

4 Homework: (2’)

- quick Space travel - exciting



- expensive - dangerous 5 Discuss: (5-P.54)

* Ex:

A: I think robots will help us many boring or difficult jobs

B: ………… - Learn new words

- Prepare for unit 11- Lesson (Skill 2)

Teaching date:………

Period: 91 Unit 11: science and technologyLesson 6: Skill 2 I- Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

+ listen to get specific information about how science and technology sdlve some poblems in the future

+ write to express agreement and disagreement about the roles of science and technology

- Vocab: science and technology words ……… - Skills: listening and writing

II- Teaching aids: - Sts’ books, text books, cabins and projector

III- Teaching methods: - Communicative

IV- Teaching Procedure:

A Class organization:

- Greetings and checking attendance: 8A: 8B……… 8C: 8D………


Sts’ and T’s activities Content 1 Warm up: (5’)

* Activity 1: Chatting:

- Sts look at three options at P.55 - Help Sts understand them

- Sts try to guess what option is the best summary

2 Practice: (27’) a Listening: * Activity 2:

- Ask Sts to read three options again

- Play the recording for Sts to choose the best summary

- Play the recording again for Sts to check their answers

* Activity 3:

- Play the recording again and ask Sts to listen carefully, then tick the words/ phrases that they hear

- Check their answers * Activity 4:

- Play the recording again Sts take notes the key words as they listen, then answer the questions

- Play the recording again for Sts to check their answers

b Writing: * Activity 5:

- Draw Sts’ attention to the notes in the box

+ The first sentence is the topic sentence

which tells the reader where the author

agrees or disagree

+ The following sentences express the


+ The last sentence is the concluding

* Find problems: (1-P.45) - Who posted the message?

- Who you think the message is for? - We are going to listen to a researcher talking about the way we communicate online


1 Listen to the conversation and choose the best summary: (1-P.55)

* Key:

b The benefits and drawbacks that advances in science and technology may bring to people’s lives

2 Listen and circle the words and phrases as you hear them: (2-P.55) * Key:

problems overcrowding

high yields on television the moon bring


3 Answer the questions: (3-P.55)

High yields in farming will (help feed growing population on earth)

(We may be aple to live) on other planets

He says he likes the idea of having lessons at home with a robot, and on the Internet

Yes, she does

He thinks there will be many new problems


Introduction: I agree/ disagree with the idea that…

Explain your opinion: Firstly, secondly,…

Furthermore, in addition…

Conclusion: In short/ For these reasons… 4 Fill in the outline: (4-P.55)



- Sts work individually to read the sample paragraph

- Sts work in pairs to fill in the outline

- Confirm the correct answers 3 Production: (10’)

* Activity 6:

- Sts read the argument put forward - Sts work in pairs to make notes using the model in

- Sts write the paragraph in about 100 words

- Sts swap their writing with a partner

Homework: (2’)

Introduction: disagree

Idea 1: Robots will be expensive and send too much money

Idea 2: Robots will make the workers jobless

Idea 3: Robots will make people become lazy and inactive

Conclusion: not always good 5 Write a paragraph: (5-P.55)

Do you agree or disagree with the following idea?

With the help of technology, Sts will benefit greatly from studying by themselves at home

- According to Sts

- Prepare for unit 11-Lesson (Looking back-Project)

Teaching date:………

Period: 92 Lesson 7: Looking back and ProjecTUnit 11: science and technology I- Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to: + revise all the target knowledge in unit 11 + a project “Young inventors!”

- Vocab: science and technology words ……… - Skills: skills

II- Teaching aids: - Sts’ books, text books, cabins and projector

III- Teaching methods: - Communicative

IV- Teaching Procedure:


- Greetings and checking attendance: 8A: 8B……… 8C: 8D………

B New lesson:

Sts’ and T’s activities Content

1 Warm up: (5’) * Activity 1: - Sts write the right words

2 Practice: (38’)

* Activity 2:

- Sts work individually, then compare their answers with a partner

- Check Sts’ answers

* Activity 3:

- Sts work individually, then some Sts write their answers on the board - T may give some cues

* Activity 4:

- Sts work in individually to complete the passage

- Check as a class * Activity 5:

- Sts talk about reported speech

- Sts give some examples * Activity 6:

- Sts work individually or in pairs - Check as a class

* Activity 7:

- Sts read the sentences carefully and the task

- Check their answers

* Jumbled words: neeccis = science

eenbtfi = benefit eeoxplr = explore osvel = solve

icervdso = discover A- VOCABULARY:

1 Write the correct form of the words: scientific discoveries environmental unnatural developments

2 Complete the word web (benefits): * - Engineering - Medicine

- Farming - Space exploration - Home life - Communication - Entertainment - Architecture - Energy - leisure

3 Complete the passage: (3-P.56) inventions inventing laboratory benefits science productive B- GRAMMAR:

* Reported speech:

Eg: Nam said: “I want to become a robot designer.”

Nam said that he wanted to become a robot designer

4 Change the sentences into reported speech:

1 He said that they were doing an experiment

2 She told me that I had to sign the paper again

3 Tam said that they had watched a TV documentary on the future of nuclear power


* Activity 8:

- Sts work individually to write a prediction for at least three of the fields

- Some Sts read out their prediction and others ask them questions about their predictions

* Activity 9:

- Some groups present their inventions to the class

- The whole class can vote for the best or the most useful invention * Activity 10:

- Sts complete the self-assessment

4 Homework: (2’) - Prepare for the test

might be living on the moon

5 Rewrite these sentences in direct speech:

1 Kien said, “I missed/ have missed the train.”

2 Duong said, “I can run very fast.”

3 “ I’ll hand in the report tomorrow,”Mia told me

4 She said, “I’m reading a science fiction book about life on Venus.”

5 “I’ll be a lawyer when I grow up,” He told me

6 Write predictions:(6-P.57)

* Ex: In transport, we will probably travel faster and further in flying cars and


* Cues: - solar energy all year round - no schools, lesson on the Net

- nutrition pills instead of normal food - 5D-cinema at home

- home security ptotection with cameras - entertainment centre at home

- smart phone app

* Project:“Young inventors!”

invention: useful, practical Languages: easy to understand Speaking: fluency, accuracy, good pronunciation

* Finished!

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 13:23



