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- T asks Ss to repeat the main contents of the lesson: Listen to get information and write an informal letter of invitation.. then practice speaking more in “Communication”.[r]


Date of preparing: Period: 30 UNIT 4: MUSIC AND ARTS


- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to listen to get information about an artist and write an informal letter of invitation

+ Vocabulary: + Grammar:

- Skills: develop and practice listening and writing skills

- Political thought and moral sense: educate students should get the information about famous artists

B TEACHING AIDS: Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, board, chalks, posters and pictures, cassette and the CD record

C METHODS: Brainstorming, slap the board, matching, comprehension questions, discussion

D PROCEDURE: I Organization(1’) - Greeting

Class Date of teaching Absent students B7


II Warm up: Chatting (4’)

Ask some Ss about the artists they know/ they like Who is your favorite artist?

2 When was She / he born? Where was he/ she born?

4 How many works of art did she /he produce? III New lesson.


1 Vocab.

- recieve(v) : nhận - admit (v): nhận vào

- work of art: tác phẩm nghệ thuật * check : R-O-R

2 Listening

- T explains listening Tip to Ss: When you listen, it is very useful to take notes Try to note down the important words This helps you to remember the main ideas

* Set the scene: Ask ss to look at the picture and say what they know about picasso Tell ss they are going to listen a text about Picasso

Activity1 part1:

Ask the Ss to close their books.Tell Ss they should listen and note down the keywords in their notebooks Play the listening once Ask Ss what they learned about Picasso (encourage them to refer to their notes).Ask Ss to open their books Play the recording again and ask Ss to listen carefully and circle the words they hear in the passage

- Ss pair compare - T checks and corrects

Key: 1.artists 2.training 4.portrait 6.paintings

Activity2 part2: Ss listen to the passage again and choose the correct answers.

-T plays the recording again Ss listen and circle A,B or C for their answers - T checks their answers and gives explanation if necessary

Key: 1.A 2.B 3.A 4.C

Activity3 part3:

- T plays the recording again once more

- Ask Ss to discuss: How is the listening organized?

- Elicits Ss: It is according to timeline, the order of important events, or another way - Ss discuss and find out the answer


II Writing (19’)

- Set the scene: Ask Ss: If you want to write a letter to invite your friend to st How would you write?/ what phrases would you use?

- After Ss answer, T notes: You would write an informal letter to make an invitation - Focus Ss on the writing tip.

Activity 1: Reading comprehension.

- Have Ss read the sample letter carefully, and note down the useful expressions for writng an informal letter of invitation

+ I'm happy to hear you

+ How about watching a water puppet show? + Is Saturday morning ok for you?

+ Let's meet

+ Looking forward to seeing you there - T checks Ss about the content of the letter

1.To whom does Duong send this letter to?( To a friend, David)

2 Why does Duong write this letter? ( He writes this letter to make an invitation) What event happens? ( a water puppet show)

4 Time the event happens? ( 8p.m, Saturday) Place to meet? ( outside the theater)

6 Time to meet?( 7.45)

Activity 2: Writing

Ss write a letter to invite a friend to an exhibition, using the following cues: + Event: Exhibition of Modern Art

+ Time: o'clock, Saturday morning + Place: Arts centre

+ Time to meet: 8.15


IV Summary(1’)

- T asks Ss to repeat the main contents of the lesson: Listen to get information and write an informal letter of invitation

V Homework(1’)

- Learn by heart the newwords

- Do the exercises: 1, 2,3 in part E in the WB- p.34-35 - Prepare the new lesson: Unit 7: Lesson 7: Looking back * EVALUATION:


Date of preparing: Period: 31 UNIT 4: MUSIC AND ARTS


- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to review some vocabulary in arts and music, the use of comparisons " (not) as as , the same as, diffirent from "; too and either then practice speaking more in “Communication”

+ Vocabulary: + Grammar:

- Skills: develop and practice speaking and writing skills

- Political thought and moral sense: educate students understand more about arts and music, and educate them to like drawing more


- Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, board, chalks, pictures and the projector C METHODS:

- Chatting, complete the sentences, rewrite, matching, and role-play D PROCEDURE:


- Greeting

Class Date of teaching Absent students B7


II Revision / Warmer: (4’) * Chatting.

- T asks Ss some questions.

Are you an artistic person?

How often you go to the art gallery? Have you ever drawn a picture?

What kind of music you like?

Do you often listen to music after school? - Ss answer freely

III New lesson :

Step 1: Activity 1: Vocabulary( 12’)

* part1: Match the words in column A with the one in colunm B


1 opera painting cinema instrument photographer

a musician b film c artist d camera e singer

- T asks ss to run all words in column A and B - T can explain the new words

- Ask Ss to match the words in column A with the one in colunm B - T models: 1- e

- Ss individually then compare with their partners. - T corrects their mistakes


* part 2: Put a word from the box in each gap to complete the passage - T runs through the words in the box and the text

- Ask Ss complete the text with the words in the box

- Ss work in pairs Tell Ss to write the answers in their notebooks. - T gives explanation if necessary

Check: one by one in groups go to the board and show thier ideas - T corrects the mistakes and give marks

- T may let Ss read the passage in chorus or individually

key: 1.music 2.arts 3.stages 4.go 5.films Step Activity 2: Grammar (14’)

* Complete the sentences ( part 3- p 46)

- Ask Ss to run through all words and sentences

- Ss work in groups to complete sentences and write their answers in their notebooks.T checks their answers

key: 1.art gallery 2.artistic 3.Films 4.in person sung * Rewrite sentences, using the words in brackets ( part 4- p 46)

- Ss work individually first to write the sentences Then they work in pairs to swap their sentences

- T gives correction and calls some Ss to read the sentences aloud key:

1.The photograph is not as big as the painting.

My painting is not as expensive as this painting

3.This picture is not different from the picture in our room 4.This film is the same as the one we saw last week

5.The journey was not as long as we thought at first * Complete sentences using 'too' or 'either' ( part -p 46)


Step Activity 3: Communication (12’) - T runs through all the questions and answers

- Ask Ss to read the questions and answers, Then match them

- T corrects: keys: 1.B 2.A 3.E 4.C 5.D 6.F

- Ss work in pairs and role-play the questions and answers, then write all sentences in their notebooks


Finally ask Ss to complete the self-assessment Identify any weakness and provide further practice if necessary

IV Summary (1’)

- T asks students to repeat the main contents of the lesson IV Homework (1’)

- Learn by heart all the vocabulary and grammar - Finish the project (p 47) at home

- Prepare the new lesson: Unit Lesson 1: Getting started * EVALUATION:



- By the end of the unit, students will be able to:

+ pronounce correctly the sounds / ɒ / and / ɔ: / in isolation and in context + use lexical items related to the topic ‘Food and Drink’

+ use a/ an, some and any to talk about quantity

+ use How much and How many to ask about quantity + distinguish countable nouns and uncountable nouns

+ talk about different types of Vietnamese food, drink, and recipes + listen for specific information about different traditional food

+ read for specific information about pho, a popular food in Viet Nam + write about some popular foods and drinks

- Students will be developed skills: speaking , listening , reading and writing - Students will be educated should have right attitude with traditional foods in Viet Nam and they will like learning English more and more

II.Teaching aids

- Textbook, lesson plans, board, chalks, cues, posters, real objects, pictures, computer and the CD record

III Procedure.

Lesson 1: Getting started

Lesson 2: A closer look Lesson 3: A closer look Lesson 4: Communication

Lesson 5: Skills Lesson 6: Skills

Lesson 7: Looking back + Project


-Date of preparing: Period: 32 UNIT : VIETNAMESE FOOD AND DRINKS


- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to listen and read the dialogue between Phong and his mother to understand the details then some more tasks about food and drink

+ Vocabulary: tofu, turmeric, bitter, spicy, sour, fragrant + Grammar:

- Skills: practice and develop lisening, reading and speaking skills

- Political thought and moral sence: educate students to know more about some

traditional foods and drinks in Viet Nam and they will be interested in learning English more


- Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, board , chalks, pictures, posters, stereo and the CD record


Chatting, Rub out and remember, pre-questions, comprehension questions, grids, matching, pair - speaking

D PROCEDURE: I Organization(1’) - Greeting

Class Date of teaching Absent students B7



- T asks Ss some questions

Can you name some foods / drinks in Viet Nam? What you think about them?

Which are traditional foods / drinks in Viet Nam? - Ss answer freely

III New lesson:

Step1: Pre-reading (12’) * Vocabulary:

- tofu (n): đậu phụ (picture) - turmeric (n): củ nghệ (picture) - bitter (adj): đắng (example)

- spicy (adj): cay, nồng (situation) - sour (adj): chua (situation)

- fragrant (adj): thơm, thơm phức (example) + Concept check: rub out and remember * Presentation dialogue:

+ Set the scene:

- T shows the picture in the textbook P 48 then asks Ss some questions T: How many people are there in the picture?

Who are they? Where are they? What are they doing?

What are they talking about? - Ss answer freely

- T says: You’ll listen and read the dialogue betweem Phong and his mother * Pre-questions

- T shows the two questions then runs through Who will Phong have dinner with? What is there in the fridge?

- T asks Ss to guess the answers in dividually then they compare with their partners - T checks Ss’ understanding


- T gets Ss’ predictions and write on the board Step 2: While – reading (18’)

* Activity 1: Listen, read and check.

- T gives the instructions: You look at the dialogue then listen to the tape - T turns on the tape twice

- Ss listen and read

- T calls two good students to read again the dialogues - T asks the others to correct

- T corrects Ss' mistakes

- Ss read the dialogue and check their predictions + Answer key:

Phong will have dinner alone

Some meat with tofu, some fried vegetables, juice, mineral water * Activity 2: Comprehension questions ( Part a P 49)

- T hangs the poster with questions in part 1a p.49 on the board - T runs through the poster

- T gives the instructions: Read again the dialogue and answer the questions - T checks Ss’ understanding

- Ss individually then they compare with their partners - T gets Ss’ answers

- T corrects + Answer key:

Because his parents are going to the opera tonight and they won’t be home until pm

There’s some rice left from lunch Phong should warm it up

She’ll buy some milk tomorrow

He can have some orange juice instead of milk * Activity 3: Grids ( Part b p 49 )

- T drwas the table on the board then runs through

Food Drink

meat milk


- T gives the instructions: Read again the dialogue find the words about food and drink then put them in the correct column

- T models one

- T checks Ss’ understanding - Ss work in pairs

- T gets Ss’ answers and corrects + Answer key:

Food Drink

meat noodles tofu rice fried vegetables


milk juice

mineral water orange juice *Activity 4: Matching ( part p 49)

- T hangs the poster with the contents in part p.49 on the board - T runs through the poster

- T gives the instructions: Match the food and drink with the pictures - T checks Ss’ understanding

- Ss individually then they compare with their partners - T gets Ss’ answers

- T asks Ss to listen and check - T gets Ss’ answers and corrects + Answer key:

1- J; - F; - A; - B; - D; - I; - G; - H; - E; 10 - C * Activity 5: Listen and repeat ( Part 4p 49)

- T asks Ss to look at all the words in the box then runs through

1 bitter delicious tasty sweet salty spicy

7 fragrant sour

- T gives the instructions: Listen and repeat the words - T checks Ss’ understanding


Step 3: Post – reading (8’) * Pair-speaking (Part p 49)

- T asks Ss to think about their food and drink, and what questions they can ask about their partners’ favourite food and drink

- T models this activity with a more able student - T asks Ss to work in pairs

- T goes round to help weaker Ss

- T calls on some pairs to practise in front of the class - T asks Ss to give the comments -> T corrects

* Game ( Part p 49 ).

- T demonstrates the game to the class first

- T may describe one or two favourite foods or drinks and asks some more able Ss to guess their names

+ Example:

A: It’s my favourite drink It’s a bit sour, but it’s also sweet B: Is it lemonade?

A: Yes, It is / No, try again - T checks Ss’ understanding - Ss work in groups of 4/ - T calls some groups to act out - T and other Ss correct

IV Summary(1’)

- T asks student to repeat the main contents of the lesson V Homework(1’)

- Practice the dialogue, learn by heart vocabulary

- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 5: Lesson 2: A closer look * EVALUATION:


Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 07:36
