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- Let Ss work in groups to read the words aloud - T goes round and help them if necessary... question - SS listen and repeat the words once.[r]


Date of preparing period 50


Correct the test

B Teaching aids : text paper C Methods :T - w

D Contents :

I organization (1 minute)

Class Date of teaching Absent ss

II.New lesson(44ms) Ma trận đề kiểm tra KEY

III Summary(1’) - Retell the aim IV Homework (1’) - Prepare unit * Evaluation :


-@ -Date of preparing: Period: 51 Revision


By the end of the lesson, the Ss will be able to : + read the words correctly

+ understand the meaning of the words related to the topics + practise doing grammar exercises

+ use the language knowledge in everyday English B TEACHING AIDS:

- Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, board, chalks, and the projector C METHODS:

- individual, pairs, groups


I Organization(1’) - Greeting

Class Date of teaching Absent students B7


II Revision :

III New lesson (15’) 1 Pronunciation :

Exersice : Circle the word in which the underlined sound is pronuonced differently


- Ss choose the word which has underlined part pronounced differently - T check them and encourage Ss to repeat the words

- T corrects with Ss

1 sure cinema compose architect question - SS listen and repeat the words once

Exercise : Do the crossword puzzle and complete the sentences. - Let Ss this excercise individually

- T shows crossword on the board and checks SS in two groups - Give marks and praise them

- Key: music food art drink university Temple 2 Grammar(27’)

1 Activity1: Excercise 3(p 68)

Ss review the use of How much, how many, a/an, some , any, much, many Ss the exercise individually then pair-compare

T quickly checks Ss'answers

How many How much How much How many

5.a 6.much some many

Activity : Exercise 4(p 68)

Write the sentences using the suggested words or phrases

- SS review the comparision: (not) as as / (not) the same as / different from - Let Ss excercise in groups of

- T checks the answers with the whole class.( call somes Ss speak out) I think sclassical music is as exciting as country music

2 These clothes are not as expensive as I thought My tast in art is the same as hers


5 Life in Vietnam is different from life in England Activity 5: The passive form

- Ss review the form and use of the present simple passive and the past simple passive - T notes: S + BE + PAST PARTICIPLE( Ved / V cot 3)

+ The present simple passive: BE in present + The past simple passive: BE in past

- SS this excercise individually then pair - compare - T goes round and may help them with past participle

- T calls some volunteers to write their answers on the board - T gives correction

1 The song Auld Lang Syne is sung on some occasions

2 Vietnam's anthem Tien Quan Ca was composed by Van Cao Water puppetry is performed in a pool

4 A lot of meat was bought by his mother yesterday

5 The rice noodles are made from the best variety of rice IV/ Summary (1’)

- Vocab related to the topics : music and art, food and drink, - Grammar : - The past simple and present simple passive

- Comparisons: (not) as as / the same as / different from - How much, how many, a, some, any

V/ Homework (1’)

- Do Everyday English ( p 69 in work book) - Test yourself 1,2 ( Ex book )



-@ -Date of preparing: Period: 52 REVISION

Lesson : Skills A OBJECTIVES:

By the end of the lesson , the Ss will be able to : + Practise their reading skill

+ Talk about a trip to a place +Practise listening

+ Write the instructions of how to cook a mushroom omelette B TEACHING AIDS:

C METHODS: multiple choice , discussion , sentence building


I Organization(1’) - Greeting

Class Date of teaching Absent students B7


II/ Revision :


- Ss work in pairs, planning a trip to a place Asking and answering questions with the suggestions T may go around to help weaker Ss

+ Where and when you will go + Who you will go with

+ How you will travel

+ What you will bring ( take) + What you will there

- Have Ss work in groups taking turn to talk about arrangemaents for the trip Then ask each group to choose the st who does the task best to talk in front of the class - Ask other groups give comments

2 Activity : Reading.(12’)

Ss read a text about London and answer the questions - Have Ss run through all the questions

- Make sure Ss understand all the meanings - Ss work individually, then pair- compare - T confirms the correct answers

Read the text carefully then answer the questions

London has a population of about 6,770,000 It lines on the river Thames , when the Romans landed nearly 2,000 years ago From 1800 until World War II , Lon Don was the biggest city in the world , but now there are many cities which are bigger Lon Don is famous for many things such as historic buildings ,Big Ben ,museums, many shops ,theatres and fog Like many other cities, Lon Don has problems with traffic and population , Over 1,000,000 people aday use the Lon Don underground , but there are still many cars on the streets The air is not clean , btu it is cleaner than it was 100 years ago

1.Where is Lon

Don ?

2.When was Lon Don the biggest city ?

What is London famous for ?


4.What problems does Lon Don

have ?

5 Is the air in London clean?

* Key

1It is on the Thames

2.From 1800 untill World War II

3 It is famous dor many things like historic buildings, Big Ben, museums, many shops, theatres and fog

3 Activity :Listening (13’)

- T asks Ss to run through the sentences

- Play the recording once Ss listen and tick their answers - Have some Ss show their answers

Listen and write True (T) or False (F)next to the following sentences Everyday Kim wakes up at eight o’clock

2 Kim goes to work at about three thirty p.m Kim finishes her work at five o’clock After getting up, Sam makes some tea Clare goes to school on foot

Give the short answers to the following questions What time does Kim start teaching?

2 What time does Same wake up?

3 Does Sam spend half an hour to drink coffee? Who does Clare wake up?

5 What does Clare generally do? Keys

I.Listen for T/F: 0.25 for each sentence ( x 0.25 = 1.25 ) 1.T 2.F 3.F 4.F T

II.Listen and answer the questions ( 1.25pt): 0.5 for each sentence (5 x 0.25 = 1.25 ) 1.five o’clock

2.9 o’clock 3.No, he doesn’t her children some exercise

- Compare the answers with a partner - T corrects with whole class


- Ss look at the pictures and use the sequence of activities: first, the, next, after that, and finally to write the instructions of how to cook mushroom omelette + Have Ss look at the pictures and discuss the actions in each picture

+ Let Ss match the pictures with the verbs: SLICE, BEAT, ADD, POUR, FOLD + Let Ss discuss pictures' order

+ Let some Ss say out their order - T may help them with the correct order + Ask Ss to write the sentences in their note books

IV/ Summary (1’) Retell the aim

IV/ Homework(1’) - Complete the writing

- Review for the fisrt term test */ Evaluation :

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 07:34
