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ENGLISH 6 WEEK 7 P19- 21 UNIT 4 A1-2 A3-4 6 B1-5

12 8 0

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Nội dung

- Practising cardinal numbers, Ordinal numbers and “ which” questions to talk about school. Preparations[r]



I/Objectives :

1.(Theme)2: Education- School facilities and activities 2 Competences: - Describe location and size of school

- Describe location of objects - Identify possession

- Spell words - Describe everyday activitives - Ask for and say the time

3.Skills: *Speaking

- Ask and say the time - Identify possession

- Describe school timetables - Describe classrooms

Listening:Listen to monologues / dialogues within 50 words for general


Reading : Read dialogues within 80 words for general information

Writing:Write sentences or a paragraph within 50 words with idea/ word or pictur



- Simple present: have, get up, brush, wash, go

- Wh-questions: What time? How many? Which? - Yes / No questions: Do / Does - Possessive case - Adjectives: big, small, beautiful

- Prepositions of time: at, on, in - Prepositions of places: at, on, in

5.Vocabulary: - Words describing school facilities: school, classroom, floor, …

- Ordinal numbers to tenth - Words describing time: (a quarter) to, past, half past,

II Unit plan:

Lesson A1- - Reading a description of a school with practice in possessive ‘ s’ to talk about possessions

P.44 Lesson A3- 4,6 - Reading a text about school to understand details and

get further practice in numbers and school vocabulary

P.45-46 Lesson B1- - Cardinal numbers, ordinal numbers and

Which-questions to talk about school

P.47-48 Lesson C1- - Ask and answer about daily routines P.49 Lesson C4- - Ask and answer about the time P.50-51


Unit : Big or small?

Lesson 1: A1- (P 44)

A The aims of the lesson


+ The aims: Reading a description of a school with practice in possessive ‘ s’ to

talk about possessions

*Vocabulary: big >< small, in the country/ in the city

* Language focus: - to be + Adj: affirmative statement and interrogative statement - to be + adv of place, where

Skills : - Practice listening, speaking, reading, writing.

Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to talk about Thu’s and Phong’s schools Ss love school and class

B Preparations

1.Teacher : posters, computer, Lesson plan, textbooks, pictures, speaker Students: Unit A1-2

C Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work

- Some techniques can be used: Palmanism, lucky numbers, questions and answers

D Procedure :

I.Organization: ( minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent students

6A 21/10

6B 20/10

6C 21/10

Teacher’s activitives Ss’ activitives

II Revision: (5m)  Pelmanism:

I Thu He You She

His My Your Her Thu’s

Eg I – My (My book) ; Hoa – Hoa’s (Hoa’s pen)


III New lesson:

*Step 1.Presentation:

*Aim: -SS can understand and pronounce the new words about personal information

- T introduce the content of the lesson, SS guess to complete the table

*Methods: R & R, gap fill Individual

* Time: 12’ * Procedure

1 Vocab: (6m)

- T elicits the new words from ss

big (a): to, lớn (picture) small(a): nhỏ,bộ (antonym) Where .? ( translation) : đâu

in the country: nông thôn (picture) in the city: thành phố (antonym)  Checking vocab: R-0-R

2 Prediction:

- Ask Ss to look at the picture p.44 + Who’s this? ( Phong) + Is it Phong’s school? ( Yes, it is) + Who’s this? ( Thu)

+ Is it Thu’s school? ( Yes , it is)  Matching:


big Phong’s school

Thu’s school

In the country in the city * Step While reading:

*Aim: -SS can understand and pronounce the new words about personal information

- T introduce the content of the lesson, SS guess to complete the table

*Methods: R & R, gap fill Individual

* Time: 12’ * Procedure

- Ask Ss to read A1 and correct their predictions  Comprehension question: A2p.44 a)- d)  Lucky numbers

1 Is Phong’s school small? LN!

SS: choral, individual repetition, then copy


Individual work

Individual work, pair compare

Team work


3 Is Thu’s school small? Where is Phong’s school? Is Thu’s school in the country? LN!

7 Is your school big? + Answer key:

a Yes, it is b No, it isn’t c It is in the city d No, it isn’t

f yes, it is./ No, it isn’t *Step Post reading:

*Aim: -SS can understand and pronounce the new words about personal information

- T introduce the content of the lesson, SS guess to complete the table

*Methods: R & R, gap fill Individual

* Time: 12’ * Procedure

- T gives situation to model sentences A: Is Phong’s school small?

B : Yes, it is

A : Is Thu’s school small ? B : No, it isn’t

- Concept checking:

+, Form: ’s : dấu sở hữu cách +, Meaning:

* Yes / No question- answer Drill: Phong’s school

Thu’s school

Your school big / small ?

Your house in the city/ country ?

Your brother’s school Your sister’s school + Example exchange:

S1: Is [ Phong’s school] big ? S2 : No, it isn’t

S1: Is it in the city? S2 : Yes, it is + Chain game:

- T collects real objects from students : eg: erasers, pens, pencils ,books, bags,rulers and hold them up


Example statements: S1: Dao’s pen

S2: Dao’s pen and Hai’s ruler

S3: Dao’s pen , Hai’s ruler and Dung’s pencil S4: etc

IV Sumarry: (2m)

- Asks ss what they have learnt V.Homework:

- Learn by heart the new words

- Do exersises A1,2,3 p 35-36 in work book - Prepare new lesson



Unit : Big or small?

Lesson 2: A3- 4,6 (P 45- 46)

A The aims of the lesson


+ The aims: Reading a text about school to understand details and get further

pratice in numbers and school vocabs

*Vocabulary: numbers, hundred, school vocab, preposition of place * Language focus: "How many", "there is", "there are", or question Skills : - Practice listening, speaking, reading, writing.

Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to understand details and get further pratice in numbers and school vocabs

B Preparations

1.Teacher : posters, computer, Lesson plan, textbooks, pictures, speaker 2 Students: Unit A3- 4,6

C Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work

- Some techniques can be used: Bingo, answers given, transwriting

D Procedure :

I.Organization: ( minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent students

6A 21/10

6B 22/10

6C 22/10


Bingo: T - WC - T elicits and lists numbers on the board:

6, 8,12, 20,100,200,32,41,400,17,25,600,900,10 - Ask Ss to choose numbers from the board - T reads: 6, 25, 200,12,17,400, 8, 90, 20

III New lesson

*Step Pre – reading: (10m)

*Aim: -SS can understand and pronounce the new words about personal information

- T introduce the content of the lesson, SS guess to complete the table *Methods: R & R, gap fill

Individual * Time: 12’ * Procedure

- Introduce picture ( p45) T -WC

+ What’s it?

+ Is it Phong’s school or Thu’s school? ( in vietnamese)

 Open prediction Individual


- Asks Ss to guess what these numbers are about, to with

schools: Pairs


400 , 900 , , 20

Eg: Students, teachers, desks, windows etc *Step While reading:

*Aim: -SS can understand and pronounce the new words about personal information

- T introduce the content of the lesson, SS guess to complete the table

*Methods: R & R, gap fill Individual

* Time: 12’ * Procedure A3 (p.45)

1 Read and check: (12m)

- Asks ss to read the text and check their predictions Individual work

Guess Read

400 students

900 students

8 classrooms

20 classrooms

Answer given: (8m)


b c 400

d in the city

e No, it isn’t It’s big f 20

g 900

 Answer key

a Where’s Phong’s school?

b How many classrooms are there in Phong’s school? c How many students are there in Phong’s school? d Where’s Thu’s school?

e Is it small?

f How many classrooms are there in Thu’s school? g How many students are there in Thu’s school?

*Step Post reading: (8m)

*Aim: -SS can understand and pronounce the new words about personal information

- T introduce the content of the lesson, SS guess to complete the table *Methods: R & R, gap fill

Individual * Time: 12’ * Procedure

A4 p.46

- Aks Ss to answer questions about their own school Individual work

( a, b , c )

 Transformation writing:

- Ask SS to take the first paragraph in A3 p45 and re-write it according to their own school beginning with:

my school is in the country/ city……

IV Summary: (2m)

- T asks ss what they have learnt V.Homework

- Do exercises A4-5 ( p 37-38) in the workbook - Learn by heart A6 p.46

- Prepare next lesson * Evaluation.


Unit : Big or small?

Lesson 3: B1- (P 47- 48)

A The aims of the lesson


+ The aims: - Listening to a dialogue about school to understandthe details.

- Practising cardinal numbers, Ordinal numbers and “ which” questions to talk about school

*Vocabulary: ordinal numbers 1- 10th, to have, grade, class, floor, my, your, his,


* Language focus: which, where ? - How does have Skills : - Practice listening, speaking, reading, writing.

Attitude: Help ss to have good consciousness in order to Listening to a dialogue about school to understand the details

- Practising cardinal numbers, Ordinal numbers and “ which” questions to talk about school

B Preparations

1.Teacher : posters, computer, Lesson plan, textbooks, pictures, speaker Students: Unit B1-5

C Methods:

- Model-Talk-Practice, individual work, pair work

- Some techniques can be used: Rubout and remember, predict dialogue, board drill, write it up

D Procedure :

I.Organization: ( minute) - Greeting: Good morning! - Who’s absent today?

Class Date of teaching Absent students

6A 23/10

6B 23/10

6C 23/10

Teacher’s activitves Ss’ activitives

II New lesson:

*Step Pre- listening:


- T introduce the content of the lesson, SS guess to complete the dialogue

*Methods: matching Individual, pair work * Time: 12’

* Procedure

1 Pre- teach vocab:

- T elicits the new words from ss T- Whole class - the first 1st

- second 2nd

- third 3rd

- fourth 4th

- fifth 5th

- grade (n): lớp (trình độ) - floor (n): tầng (lầu) *Check vocab: Matching Prediction:

- Ask SS to look at the picture (p47) T- Whole class + How many SS are there?

+ Where are they?

+ What are they talking about? ( in vietnamese)  Predict dialogue: (5m)

Thu: Hello, which grade are you in? Phong: I’m in grade (1) Thu: And which class are you in?

Phong: (2) What about you?

Thu: I’m in grade(3) class (4) How many floors does your school have? Phong: (5) It’s a small school

Thu: My school has (6) floors and my classroom is on the (7) floor Where’s yourclassroom?

Phong: It’s on the (8) floor

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to predict Pair work - Asks ss to go to the board to write down their predictions

*Step While – listening: (18’)

*Aim: -SS can listen and correct their predictions , complete the table

*Methods: gap fill Individual

* Time: 12’ * Procedure

B1 p.47


 Grid : B2 p 48

- Ask SS to complete the table:  Answer keys:

Grade Class Ffloor

Thu 7c 2nd

Phong 6a 1st


*Step Post – listening: 10’

*Aim: -SS can understand and practice the question with “Which” - Write the sentences about Thu, Phong and themselves

*Methods: R & R, gap fill Individual

* Time: 10’ * Procedure Board Drill

- T uses table B2 p.48  Example exchange:

S1: Which [grade] is Thu in? [ class ]

S2: She’s in [ grade 6] [ 6A ]

S1: Where’s [ her] classroom? S2: It’s on the [first ] floor Write it up:

Eg – Thu is in grade She’s in class 7A Her classroom is on the first floor

IV Summary: (2m)

- T asks ss what they have learnt

- Asks class to read ordinal numbers aloud V.Homework

- Learn by heart the new words

- Do exercises B1,2,3 p 38-39 in the workbook - Prepare next lesson C1-3



Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 07:20

