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Attitude and moral sense: Help ss to have knowledge about the clothing in general and have right attitude to wearing clothes.. II.[r]


Date of preparing:27/9/2018



1. Knowledge : By the end of the lesson , ss will be able to write an argument letter with a frame using suggested ideas or word cues

2. Skill : Writing, Reading, Listening, Speaking

3 Attitude and moral sense: Help ss to have knowledge about the clothing in general and have right attitude to wearing clothes


1 Teacher : text book, teacher’s book Student : text book

III METHOD Chatting, Rub out and remember IV PROCEDURE:

1 Organization (1m)

2 Check the old lesson (5m) Write the new words 3 New lesson

Stages Steps / Activities Work arrangement Warm up

Pre- writing

Chatting : ( 5m)

- Ask ss some questions about their feeling when wearing different types of clothing :

+ How often you wear uniforms ?

+ How you feel when wearing uniforms? + If you have a choice, what type of clothing you want to wear when going to school ? why you choose it ?

* Pre teach vocab : (5 m)

- encourage ( v ) ( explanation ) - be equal ( v ) ( explanation ) - bear one,s name ( v ) : ( picture )

Teacher- Ss

Teacher- Ss


While- writing

Post- writing

- freedom of choice ( n ) : - self- confident ( adj )

Checking vocab : Rub out and remember

- Get ss to copy the words into their books and then ask them to close the books

- Rub out the new words one at a time Each time you rub out a word in English, point to the Vietnamese translation and ask “what is this in English?” When all the English words are rubbed out, go through the Vietnamese list and get ss to call out the English words

* Presentation : (10m)

- Stick or draw the following table on the board

- Tell the ss it is the outline to present one side of an argument - Give out to the ss sets of different color strips

of paper, on which the content of outline is written as follow :

Let,s the readers know the writer,s point of view

Present argument in a logical way ( one in each paragraph ) Give examples where possible

Sum up the argument My opinion is I think

Firstly Secondly Finally Therefore

In conclusion

-Ask ss to go to the board, stick the strips on the correct place - They can this task as a game Group which has more - Strips filling in the table with correct content is the winner - Ask ss to answer the questions to check their understanding : + What you write in “introduction “? What language is used Ask ss to read the topic and outline A

- Ask ss some comprehension questions: What is the topic of the passage ?

Why does wearing uniform encourage ss to be proud of their

Group work

Individual work

Individual work


school ?

How ss feel when wearing uniforms ? Do ss have to think of what to wear everyday ?

* Writing (12m)

-ask ss to read outline B and write a paragraph about 100-150 words to support the argument that secondary school ss should wear casual clothes, using outline on p.19

* Correction: (3 m)

- When ss have finished writing Let ss compare their writing T- Ss and correct mistakes

- Take some writings to correct in front of the class

4 Consolidation (1m)

5 : Homework (3m) Ask ss to finish their writing V EVALUATION :

……… ……… ………

Date of preparing:27/9/2018



1. Knowledge : By the end of the lesson , ss will be able to practising present perfect and further

practice of passive forms of modal verbs , have to , going to

2. Skill : listening, speaking, reading, writing

3 Attitude and moral sense : Help ss to have knowledge about the clothing in general and have right attitude to wearing clothes



2 Student : text book

III METHOD Pelmanism, mapped dialogue IV PROCEDURE :

1 : Organization (1m)

2 Check the old lesson (no ) 3 New lesson

Stages Steps / Activities Work arrangement Warm up

Activity 1

Activity 2

Activity 3

Pelmanism (5 m)

- Prepare 12 cards with numbers on one side and the verbs ( infinitive and past participle )on the other - Make sure the ordinal are mixed up Stick the cards on the board so ss can only see the numbers

- Divide ss into two groups and ask them to choose two numbers

- Turn the cards over and see if they match: Eg: run – ran , give them one mark if not, turn the cards over again and ask the next group


Continue until all the cards are finished

do visit Go eat see Have

had seen Ate gone Visited done

* Guessing game : Language focus (5 m) Modal : “ I have visited Dan Sen park “

S1 : Have you visited yet ?

S2 : Yes, I have / no, I haven,t ) ( I have already visited ) * Language focus : (8 m)

- call ss to read the dialogue -I have known her for six months -I haven’t seen her since 2003

- Ask ss to use the information in the table to make similar dialogues

* Language focus 4+5: (12m)

Team work

Teacher- Ss Ss- Ss

Pair work


Activity 4

Passive voice ::

They sell jeans all over the world Jeans are sold all over the world

- Elicit from ss the passive forms of the present simple past simple, present perfect, simple future BE + PAST PARTICIPLE

- Ask ss to the language focus - T corrects

- Elicit from ss the modal verbs : must, can, should, might and the

pattern have to/ going to

Form : modal verbs + be + past participle Have to / be going to + be going to + past participle

- Ask ss to exercise on p.21 - T corrects

* Language focus 3- Mapped Dialogue (10 m)

- Ask ss to work in pairs – using the item in the box to make the dialogue

- Set the scene: this is a dialogue between Lan and Ba - Put the mapped dialogue chart on the board - Elicit the exchanges from ss

- Have some pairs practice each change before going on to another exchange

- After finishing the dialogue ask a good pair to demonstrate the whole dialogue Lan

Have you ever comic? yes,

When last ?

Individual work

Teacher- Ss

4 : Consolidation (1m) Remind the passive voice and the present perfect tense 5 : Homework (3m) Rewrite the exercises done in class


Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 05:37


