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- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to get some more words (nouns; adjs...) to talk about the life in the countryside; then practice to pronounce the clusters / bl / and [r]


Date of preparing: 24/9/2020 Period: 10



- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to get some more words (nouns; adjs ) to talk about the life in the countryside; then practice to pronounce the clusters / bl / and / cl /

+ Vocabulary: brave; vast; nomadic; blackberry; + Grammar:

- Skills: Practice and develop listening and speaking skills

- Political thought and moral sense: helps Ss have more love to the countryside/ life in the ccountryside


- Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, board, chalks, pictures, posters, stereo, the CD record, projector and computer

C METHODS: Matching; gap-fill, role play D CONTENTS:

I Organization: - Greeting

- Number of students

II Revision / Warmer: (5’) Brainstorming- Ex 3- p.17- Ss’ books

- Tasks Ss to work in groupss, go to the board and write the sentences about the things that children in the countryside often

Group They climb trees

They go swimming in the river They fly kites

They herd the cows/ buffaloes/ cattle


They help their parents collect the rice/

load and unload the rice, transport it home and dry it

They often play traditional games, such as - T corrects Ss’ sentences, gives marks, praises the winners

+ Suggested answers: above III New lesson:


Activity 1: 1- Listen and repeat the words:

- Let Ss listen to the recording and repeat the words – make sure that Ss pronounce the words with the correct stress partterns

- T calls some Ss to read again these words

- T checksto make sure that Ss understand their meanings –elecits the ideas from Ss if necessary Eg/ “ Give me an example of sth vast, please ”

- T goes through all the words to make sure that everyone understand them - Let Ss make sentences with some of theses words

Activity 2: 2- Complete the table:

- T runs through the requirements of the Ex

- Let ss work individually, then compare the As with a partner and discuss as a class ( there may be some variations in the As)

- T asks Ss to go to the board and write the answers

- T encourages Ss to explain why they choose that word for category - Let Ss make some semtences using these words

+ Keys:

To describe Words

people friendly, brave, boring, nomadic, colourful

Life slow, hard, boring, inconvinient, peaceful, nomadic, colourful scenery Colourful, vast, peaceful

Activity 3: 3- Matching:(use projector)

- T runs through the nouns/ nouns phrases in the box and the given verbs to make sure that they know their meanings and pronunciation

- T can explain to Ss : There may be some confusion about the difference between “pick” and “pick up”- “pick” is the specific verb used for collecting fruit, vegetables or flowers through the action is the same as the more general term “pick up”

- Let Ss work in pairs - T elecits the correct As + Keys:

Ride: a horse/ a camel Put up: a tent/ a pole

Collect: hay/ water

Herd: the buffaloes/ the cattle

Pick: wild flowers/ apples

Activity 4: 4- Gap fill:

- Let ss use the vocab they have learnt in activities and to this Ex.(adjs and verbs) - T asks Ss to look at the sentences and decide if an adj or a verb is missing This


- Let Ss complete the sentences by themselves-T checks the As as a class by asking Ss to read the sentences loudly

+ Keys:

1-picking; 2- inconvinient, collect; 3- herd; 4- ridden, brave; 5- peaceful; 6- nomadic; 7- vast; 8- put up, hard

*Pronunciation.(10’)( use projector)

Activity 5- 5: Listen and repeat ( Part p 19 )

- T models the two words with the cluster / bl/ and / cl/

- T shows the words, asks Ss to listen and repeat the word they hear- pay attention to the initial clusters

- T plays the recording twice- pause the recording to drill difficult iterms - Have Ss say the words individually or in small groups

Activity 6: 6- Listen and circle the words ( Part - p 19)

- Tasks Ss to listen to the sentences once and repeat

- T asks ss to circle the words with the cluster / bl/ or /cl/

- T has the Ss listen to the recording again and gives the correct answers to the entire class

+ Keys: 1.blame; 2- blast; 3- blue; 4- clock; 5- close.

Activity 7: 7- Listen and repeat the sentences( Part - p 19)

- Have Ss look at the sentences and underline the words with the clusters /bl/ or /cl/ - Let Ss listen and repeat the sentences- T corrects Ss’ pronunciation, intonation IV Summary:(2’)

- T asks students to repeat the main contents of the lesson: vocabulary and the words with the clusters / bl/ , / cl/

V Homework:(3’)

- Learn by heart vocabulary

- Practice the words with / bl/ , / cl/

- Do the exercises: 1, in U2- part A- W.B

- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 2: Lesson 3: A closer look E EVALUATION:



- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to revise the use of comparative forms of adjs and understand the use of comparative forms of advs

+ Vocabulary:

+ Grammar: Comparative forms of adjs and advs; present simple tense - Skills: practice and develop speaking and writing skills

- Political thought and moral sense: help Ss to compare the life in the country and in the city


-Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, board, chalks, cassette, CD record, pictures, projector and computer

C METHODS: Chatting, complete the sentences, gap-fill, matching, multiple choice D CONTENTS:

I Organization: - Greeting

- Number of students

II Revision / Warmer (5’): Chatting/ Brainstorming

- T asks Ss to compare the life in the city and in the country T models:

In the country In the city

Life Peaceful, slow, boring Busy, fast, exciting People Friendly and


Less friendly, always busy/ in a hurry Transportatio


inconvinient Convinient/sometimes crowded; traffic jams

Air fresh polluted

Food Fresh, cheap expensive


- Let Ss work in groups- go to the board and write T corrects their answers, let Ss add more

III New lesson

Activity : Grammar (15’) Comparative forms of adjectives- Review

- T reminds Ss of comparative forms of adjs learnt in previous lessos by asking them Qs like:


+ Who is the tallest boy in our class?

+ Which is noisier- the city or the country?

+ Which is more interesting- the city or the country?

- Let Ss read through the passage, checks if there are any new words

- T asks Ss to the Ex individually- T goes round and help if necessary - Let Ss exchange their As

- T asks some Ss to go to the board and write their As with full of comparisons- Keep them for later reference when the comparative of advs is taught

+ Keys:

1- higher; 2- easier; 3- better; 4- more exciting; 5- more convinient; 6- happier; 7- more friendly; 8- fast; 9- safer; 10- best

Activity : Grammar (20’) Comparative forms of adverbs.

- T first revises the different use of the an adj and an adv in the sentence ( position/ use) - T gives some examples:

Eg/ Life in the city is slow/ slowly He is moving slow/ slowly

- Let Ss choose the right word for each sentence

- T introduces the comparative form od advs by changing the sentence to: “ He is moving more slowly than before”.

- T elecits the form of comparative adv from Ss before letting them readf number in the table

- T also introduces the comparative forms of irregular advs like: hard, late, fast, early, well, badly- Let Ss read number and in the table to understand more

- T can write the forms of comparatives of advs on the board Activity : Gap fill( part 2- p.20)

- T runs through the words in the box and the sentences- checks again to make sure that they know what kind of advs these words are( advs of manner) and the forms of

comparatives they have to use in the sentences - Let Ss the Ex individually

- T call some Ss to read the completed sentences aloud T and WC listen , correct +Keys

1- more slowly; 2- more soundly; 3- less traditionally; 4- more generously; 5- more healthily

Activity 4 : Complete the sentences( part 3- p.20)


- Runs through all the sentences- let Ss the Ex quickly

- T asks some Ss to read their completed sentences before class- T and WC correct if there are any mistakes


1- better; 2- faster; 3- later; 4- harder; 5- worse; 6- earlier Activity : Choose the correct answer( part 4- p.20)

- Let Ss work in pairs to choose the correct answer – Ss write their sentences into the notebooks

- Have some Ss read out the As.T then gives feedback and asks Ss to explain about their choice


1- more optimistically; 2- more popularly; 3- less densely populated; 4- more quickly; 5- more easily; 6- better

Activity 6: Questions and answers( part 5- p.20) - Let SS read through the Qs

- Let Ss the Ex individually - T goes round to help Ss who have difficulty writing the As

- Ss then check their As with a partner

- T asks some Ss to go to the board and write the As- T corrects , underlines the comparatives


1- The countryside is more peaceful than the city

2- A computer works faster at caculus than a human being 3- Life in a remote area is harder than in a modern town 4- HCMC is more expensive than Hue

5- A buffalo can plough better than a horse IV Summary: (2’)

- T asks students to repeat the main contents of the lesson: Comparatives of advs V Homework: (3’)

- Learn by heart the grammar- make sentences using comparatives of advs - Do the exercises: 5,6,7 in U2- part B - WB


-Date of preparing: 24/ 9/ 2020 Period: 12


- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to talk about life in the countryside through other people’s opinions

+ Vocabulary: disturbing, beehives + Grammar:

- Skills: Practice and develop speaking,listening and writing skills

- Political thought and moral sense: helps students know more about life in the countryside in other countries, comparing with the life in the city


- Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, board, chalks, and the projector C METHODS: Role play; Brainstorming, discussion, groupwork, chatting. D CONTENTS:

I Organization: - Greeting

- Number of students

II Revision/ Warmer (5’) Chatting

- T shows Ss the pictures on p.21- Ss’ books- Let Ss look at them carefully and answer the questions:

+ What can you see in each picture? + Pic 1: What is the man doing? + Pic 2: What kind of fruits are these?

+ Pic 3: What is this? How can you describe it?

+ Pic 4: Where are the children ? What are they doing there? How they feel? + Pic 5: What is it? How is the scence?


Activity : Reading through the posts (8’)

- T explain that Ss are going to read some online posts from people all over the world - T elecits from SS where these people live: Establish that they all live in the city; They are talking about their experiences of staying in the countryside They all have very different opinions of the experiences.

- Let Ss read the posts- asks them to find out the new words T asks if they understand their meanings If they don’t, T asks them to guess the meaning of each word in the context and help them to read the words

- T checks that everybody understands the meaning of each post before moving on Activity : Reading the posts and complete the table (10’)

- Let Ss the Ex independently

- T asks them to look for expressions which help them decide their Asand read out - Let Ss compare the As in the table and discuss if there are any differences

- T checks the As as a class + Keys:

Positive Neutral Negative

Dennis from London v

Julie from Paris v

Phirun from Phnom Penh


Yumi from Seoul v

Emi from Tokyo v

Lan from Hanoi v

Bob from Hong Kong v

Activity : Writingthe replies (17’) - Puts Ss in groups of

- T explains that now they have a chance to reply to each post with their opinions

- T delivers SS a piece of blank paper for each group, asks Ss write the name of the groups of each post at the top and explains the rules: each student write a short reply to a post and then passes the paper to the person on their left They take the next paper from the person on their right.They read and reply and then add their own.Continue passing the papers around till everyone has replied to every post

- T gives examples as models for their As If time is short, Ss can the replies to or posts T encourages Ss to choose a variety of posts with different attitudes


- T gives feedback + Suggested answers: Dennis from London

@ Dennis: It’s true It makes me feel like a bird flying out of its small cage

@ Dennis: Be careful, Dennis You may be sick because of a sudden fall of rain and a lack of shelter space

Julie from Paris

@ Julie: That is a really fantastic vacation, Julie I wish to have such a vacation in the coming time

Phirun from Phnom Penh

@ Phirun: I think you should go out, enjoy the fresh air and see the magnificent countryside scene You will have a very peaceful and relaxful stay in the countryside Yumi from Seoul

@ Yumi: Those are enjoyable experiences, Yumi Everyone can get rid of all his sorrows when visiting such a wonderful place

@ Yumi: What an ideal place! I hope to be there in the future Emi from Tokyo

@ Emi: In fact, home - made items reflect the traditional culture of local people Thus, I think you will feel very exciting if you take time to learn about them

@ Emi: What a pity! You lose a chance to have a product that no one else has the same one with a very low cost

Lan from Ha Noi

@ Lan: That’s great, Lan I think that you understand clearlierabout the life in the countryside after the trip

@ Lan: What a wonderful trip! I will go to the countryside and have same experiences next summer

IV Summary: (2’)

- T asks students to repeat the main contents of the lesson V Homework: (3’)


- Do the exercises: 1, 2,3 in U2- part C - WB - Prepare the new lesson: Unit 2: Lesson 5: Skills E EVALUATION:

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 03:32



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