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- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use conditional sentence 1 and type 2 correctly and appropriately to describe pollution5. + Vocabulary:.[r]


UNIT 7: POLLUTION I Objectives

- By the end of the unit, students will be able to:

+ pronounce the words ending in -ic and- al correctly in isolation and in context + use the lexical items related to the topic “ Pollution” to talk about types of pollution + use words and phrases showing cause/ effect relationships to describe the causes and effects of pollution

+ use conditional sentences type and type correctly and appropriately to describe pollution

+ talk about the the causes and effects of water pollution as well as ways to reduce it + read for general and specific information about water pollution

+ listen to get specific information about thermal pollution + write the causes and effects of one pollution type

- Students will be developed skills: speaking , listening , reading and writing

- Students will know the causes and effects of pollution and protect their environment II Teaching aids

- Textbook, lesson plans, board, chalks, cues, posters, real objects, pictures, computer and the CD record

III Procedure.

Lesson 1: Getting started

Lesson 2: A closer look Lesson 3: A closer look Lesson 4: Communication

Lesson 5: Skills Lesson 6: Skills


Date of preparing: Period: 55



- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to listen and read the dialogue between Nick and Mi to understand the details then some more tasks to understand more about a project on pollution

+ Vocabulary: waste, dumping poison, aquatic animals, environmental project, presentation, illustrate, thermal pollution, radioactive pollution

+ Grammar:

- Skills: practice and develop listening, reading and speaking skills

- Political thought and moral sense: educate students to reduce pollution and protect their environment


- Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, board , chalks, pictures, posters, stereo and the CD record


Brainstorming, Rub out and remember, pre-questions, comprehension questions, matching, gap filling,

D CONTENTS: I Organization:

II Revision / Warmer: (5’) * Brainstorming

- T draws the net on the board

- T gives the instructions: write down as many things which cause pollution, eg: cars, factories, cows as possible

- T models the first one


- T checks Ss' understanding


- Ss think and prepare in about minute

- T divides the class into groups T gives the name -> checks

- One by one student from each group comes to the board and writes one answer - T corrects then praises the winner

+ Possible answers :

cars, factories, cows, people, dynamite III New lesson:

* Open prediction questions: ( 2’) T shows the picture on page 6, asks Ss to look at the tittle of the conversation and asks some questions:

1 What can you see in the picture? 2 Where you think they are ? 3 What are they talking about?

- T encourages Ss to answer the Qs Their As can be as simple as one word or phrase - T plays the recording , asks Ss to listen and read silently T asks if their predictions are correct or not

Activity 1: Vocabulary.( 5minutes): T asks Ss to find out the new words from the text. - waste (v) : thải ( translation)

- dumping poison (n) : chất độc vứt bỏ ( translation) - aquatic animals (n) : động vật nước ( picture) - presentation (n) : giới thiệu ( example)

- illustrate (v) minh họa ( translation)

- thermal pollution (n) Ô nhiễm nhiệt ( example)

- radioactive pollution (n) : nhiễm phóng xạ ( translation) + Checking vocabulary: Ro and R.

* Listen and read (18’)

- Let Ss listen to the tape again, notice the pronunciation and intonation

- T asks Ss to practice the conversation in pairs.T calls some pairs to practise reading Activity 2: 1.a.Find a word/ phrase that means

- Ss work independently to find the words with the given meanings in the conversation - Allow them to share answers before discussing as a class

- Remember to ask Ss to read out the lines in the dialogue that contain the words - Quickly write the correct answers on the board



- Ask them if they know what I can’t believe my eyes means Then explain to them that this expression means you are very surprised at something you see

Activity 3: 1.b Questions- Answers. - T runs through the Qs

- T asks Ss to work individually to answer the questions - Let Ss compare

- T calls some Ss to give the As- asks the whole class to correct

+ Keys: Key:

1 They are in Mi’s home village. 2 It’s almost black.

3 She’s surprised because she sees the fish are dead. 4 It’s dumping poison into the lake.

5 He’s sneezing so much because the air is not clean.

Activity 4: 1.c- Tick ( ) T, F, or NI

- T asks Ss to read the sentences quickly to make sure they understand them

- Ask them firstly to decide if the sentences are true, false or there is no information without reading the dialogue

- Then have some Ss write their answers on the board Now ask Ss to read the conversation again to check their answers

- Ask Ss if they want to change the answers on the board and ask them to explain their choices Confirm the correct answers


1 F (It’s polluted by the factory) T NI T T * Further practice: (10’)

Activity 5: 2.Matching:

- have Ss look at the picture

- Ask them what they see in each picture

- Now tell Ss that in the box are some types of pollution ss read these and identify any new words they not know

- Explain the new words so that Ss can understand the pollution types

- Ss this activity in pairs call on some Ss to give their answers and write them on the board


A radioactive pollution B air pollution C visual pollution D thermal pollution E water pollution F land/soil pollution G light pollution H air pollution Activity 6: Gap fill

- T asks Ss to read through the words in the box to check if there are any new words – make sure that they understand their meanings

- Let Ss the Ex individually, then check their As with their partners - T collects the As by asking Ss to read the completed sentences aloud



1 thermal pollution air pollution radioactive pollution light pollution water pollution Land / Soil pollution noise pollution visual pollution Activity 7: Work in groups

- Organise a game for this activity

-Ss work in groups of five or six in minutes, Ss write down the pollution types their neighbourhood faces and rank them in order of seriousness

-They also have to give reasons for their order Call group representatives to present their group’s order and reasons

- Have the class vote for the group with the best reasons

If time does not allow, not have Ss this activity Instead just ask Ss to quickly review the pollution types

IV Summary: (2’)

- T asks one student to repeat the main contents of the lesson V Homework: (3’)

- Practice the dialogue, learn by heart all the vocabulary

- Do the exercises in the work book: 1, and in U7-part B ; Ex 4( p7- Ss’ book) - Prepare the new lesson: Unit 7: Lesson 2: A closer look


-Date of preparing: Period: 56



- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to get some more words (verbs;nouns; adjs ) to talk about pollution; then practice stress in words ending in - ic and - al

+ Vocabulary: contaminant, poisonous + Grammar:


- Political thought and moral sense: helps Ss know the causes and effects of pollution and ways to reduce it


- Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, board, chalks, pictures, posters, stereo and the CD record

C METHODS: Jumbled words,complete the table, gap-fill, listen and mark the stress D CONTENTS:

I Organization:

II Revision / Warmer: (5’): Jumbled words - T writes some jumbled words on the board

oispno lluopet ied magade acsue ffecte

- T asks Ss to work in groups

- T corrects Ss’ sentences, gives marks, praises the winners

Key: poison pollute die damage cause effect III New lesson:

* Vocabulary.(25’)

Activity 1: Complete the table with appropriate verbs, nouns, and adjectives

Verb Noun Adjective

poison poison poisonous

contaminate contamination



pollute pollution pollutant

die death dead

damage damage damaged

- T explains and gives examples of nouns and adjectives - T asks Ss to give some more

- T asks Ss to work in pairs to complete the table, compare their answers with a partner - T calls some Ss to read again these words

- T checks to make sure that Ss understand their meanings

contaminant (n) : chất gây bẩn poisonous ( adj): độc hại


Activity 2: Gap fill:

- Let ss use the vocab they have learnt in activities to this Ex.(adjs )

- T asks Ss to look at the sentences and decide which word form should be put in each blank

- Let Ss complete the sentences by themselves

-T checks the As as a class by asking Ss to read the sentences loudly

+ Keys:

1- poisonous 2- pollutants 3- dead 4- contaminated 5- damage pollute

Language box

- because/ since and due to/ because of are used to talk about the causes of something - because and since are synonyms and they come before a clause

- Due to and because of are synonyms and they come before a noun phrase.

- To cause,to lead to and to result in are synonyms and come before a noun phrase. - To make sb/ sth sth is another way to express the effects After sbdy/ sth is an

infinitive verb without to.

- T asks Ss to read examples and explain the rules themselves by using the words and phrases.

Activity 3: Decide which sentence is a cause and which is an effect a)- T runs through the sentences

-T asks Ss to work in pairs and discuss which sentence is a cause and which is an effect - Ss compare and some Ss go to the board to write their answers

- T corrects As

+ Keys:

1 C-E 2- C- E 3- C- E 4- E-C 5- E-C

b)T asks Ss to combine each pair of sentences in 3a into a complete sentence, using the word/ phrase in brackets.

1- Example (Ss’ book-p8)

2 Oil spills fromships in oceans and rivers lead to the death of many aquatic animals and plants.

Household dump waste into the river so it is polluted.

4 Since the parents were exposed to radiation, their children have birth defects. 5 We can’t see the stars at night due to the light pollution.

Activity 4: Work in groups


- T asks Ss which picture shows the cause and which shows the effect

- Then ask them to read the example sentences and pay attention to the cause/effect words or phrases

- Ss write sentences showing cause/effect relationships

- For a more able class, T may have Ss the whole exercise With other classes, just ask Ss to work with the pair of pictures in Ask Ss to identify the picture showing the cause and one showing the effect Then together make up sentences, using the cause/effect words or phrases The rest can be done as homework

- (This activity can also be carried out as a game Divide the class into 12 groups Two groups work with the same pair of pictures in 2, or In three minutes, groups of Ss write down as many sentences based on the given picture pair as possible on the sheet of paper When time is up, the group with the most sentences is the winner They stick their sheet of paper on the board and read the sentences aloud Other groups and T gives comments Other groups can add any sentences they have T may take Ss’ work home to mark it )

Suggested answers:

The soil is polluted, so plants can’t grow.

We won’t have fresh water to drink because of water pollution. We plant trees, so we can have fresh air.


Activity 5: Listen and mark the stress ( Part p )

- T asks Ss to look at the rules in the box and the examples Go through the rules with them For a more able class, have Ss give some more examples

- T plays the recording for Ss to stress the words

- T asks some Ss to say where the stress in each word is Confirm the correct answers Play the recording again for Ss to repeat the words

- T calls on some Ss to read out the words

Key:1. ar’tistic 6. ‘physical 2. ath’letic 7. he’roic 3. his’toric 8. po’etic 4. his’torical 9. bo’tanic 5. ‘logical 10. bo’tanical

Audio script: 1. ar’tistic 6. ‘physical 2. ath’letic 7. he’roic 3. his’toric 8. po’etic 4. his’torical 9. bo’tanic 5. ‘logical 10. bo’tanical Activity 6: - Listen and underline( Part - p 9)

- T asks Ss to listen carefully again

- T asks Ss to the activity individually T plays the recording for Ss to check their answers

- Then elicits the correct stress patterns from Ss T plays the recording again for Ss to repeat the sentences

- T asks some Ss to read out the sentences


2. Water quality has become a national problem

3. Many people have received medical treatment because of the disease 4. Chemical waste can cause water pollution

5. The reduction in air pollution was dramatic last year

Key: 1. scien’tific 2. ‘national 3. ‘medical 4. ‘chemical 5. dra’matic - T corrects Ss’ pronunciation, intonation

IV Summary:(2’)

- T asks students to repeat the main contents of the lesson: vocabulary and the words stress in words ending in - ic and - al

V Homework:(3’)

- Learn by heart vocabulary

- Practice the words stress in words ending in - ic and - al - Do the exercises: 1, in U7- part A- W.B

- Prepare the new lesson: Unit 7: Lesson 3: A closer look E EVALUATION:


-Date of preparing: Period: 57



- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use conditional sentence and type correctly and appropriately to describe pollution

+ Vocabulary:

+ Grammar: conditional sentence and

- Skills: practice and develop speaking and writing skills

- Political thought and moral sense: help Ss to know the causes and effects of pollution and protect their environment


- Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, board, chalks, cassette, CD record, pictures and the posters

C METHODS: verb form, matching, complete the sentences, chain game. D CONTENTS:

I Organization:

II Revision( 5’): Conditional sentence 1

- T asks Ss to remind the use and form of the Conditional sentence 1 - T asks Ss to exercise 1( p9)

- T models the first one.1- recycle/ will help - T checks Ss' understanding

- Ss think and prepare in about minute

- T divides the class into groups T gives the name -> checks

- One by one student from each group comes to the board and writes one answer - T corrects then praises the winner



III New lesson

Grammar (10’) Conditional sentence 1- review Activity : ( part - p.9)

- T asks Ss to read the pairs of sentences

- T asks two Ss to write the new conditional sentences type on the board while other Ss write their own sentences

- T asks Ss to comment on the sentences on the board Give feedback on these sentences and ask other Ss to correct them if necessary

(For a more able class, this activity can be done as a game Ss work in groups and write the sentences on a big piece of paper Go throgh the groups’ sentences and give marks to the groups with all correct sentences)


1 Student will be more aware of protecting the enviroment if teachers teach environmental issuel at school.

2 When light pollution happens, animals will change their behaviour patterns. 3 The levels of radioactive pollution will decrease if we swith from nuclear power to

renewable energy sources.

4 If the water temperature increases, some aquatic creatures will be unable to reproduce.

5 People will get more diseases if the water is contaminated.

Conditional sentence (25’)

- T writes this incomplete sentence on the board:

If I were a billionaire, I would _

- T asks some Ss to complete the sentence orally

- T writes the most original answer on the board Tell Ss that this example and explain the structure of the sentences at the same time

- T has Ss look at the structure of the conditional sentence type in the language box Draw Ss’ attention to the example sentence on the board Underline the subject, verb, etc In this example and explain the structure od the sentence at the same time

- T asks Ss to read the second example in the language box Tell them that this sentence is a piece of advice

- T asks Ss to give one or two example Activity : Matching( part 3- p.10) - T runs through the sentences - T lets Ss the Ex individually

- Then Ss compare their answers with a partner

- T calls some Ss to read the completed sentences aloud T and WC listen , correct Key: 1.b 2.c 3.d 4.e 5.a


- T runs through all the sentences

- T asks Ss to this exercise individually

- T invites two Ss to the board to write their answers Go through the answes with the class Have othe Ss correct the answers if necessary

Key were;would do

exercised;would be Had; would build tidied; wouldn’t be was/were; would grow

Activity : Write conditional sentence type 2( part 5- p.10) - T has Ss quickly read the example

- T asks Ss to comment on the example They may see that the meaning of the original sentences was made opposite in the new conditional sentence(i.e positive into negative form for the first sentence and negative into positive for the second sentence)

- T has Ss this exercise individually and then compare the answers with a classmate Ask one or two Ss to write their sentences on the board

(If time doesn’t allow, have Ss write sentences and and correct these carefully The rest can be done as homework)


2 If there weren’t so many billboards in our city, people could enjoy the view.

3 If there wasn’t/weren’t so much light in the city at night, we could see the stars clearly. 4 If we didn’t turn on the heater all the time, we wouldn’t have to pay three milion dong for alectricity a month.

5 If the karaoke bar didn’t make so much noise almost every night, the residents wouldn’t comlain to its owner.

6 She wouldn’t have a headache after work every day if she didn’t work in a noisy office.

Activity : Chain game ( part 6- p.10)

- T puts Ss in group of five or six to play this chain game

- T explains that the aim of the game is to keep the chain going for as long as possible using type or conditional sentences If a group hesitates for more than 10 seconds they are out

- T walks around the class listening to groups and moritoring the gamr Groups that are still going when the five minutes is up are the winners Note that the aim is to practise the language in a fun, verbal way so be sure to keep the atmosphere light

ex: A:If each person plants a tree, there will be a lot of trees.

B: If there are a lot of trees, the air will be cleaner. C: If the air cleaner, fewer people will be die.

IV Summary: (2’)

- T asks students to repeat the main contents of the lesson: conditional sentence type and


- Learn by heart the grammar- complete the exercises - Do the exercises: 5,6 in U7- part B - WB

Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 05:25

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