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- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to listen and read the dialogue between Nick and Nguyen to understand the details ,then do some more tasks to understand more about li[r]


Period: 6

Date of preparing: 17.9.2020


By the end of this lesson, students can:

 listen for specific information about ways of spending time with friends  write to discuss an opinion about leisure activities

+ Grammar:

use verbs of liking that are followed by gerunds use verbs of liking that are followed by to-infinitives - Skills: Practise and develop listening and writing skill

- Political thought and moral sense: educate students to spend time working hard and relaxing B TEACHING AIDS:

- Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, board, chalks, pictures, posters C METHODS:

- write it up D CONTENT : I Organization:

II Revision / Warmer: Revision: leisure activities

- Share some of the things you often enjoy doing with friends in your free time - Then ask Ss to tell each other what they usually with their friends

III New Lesson Step : Pre- listening

- Ask some pairs to volunteer to tell the class if they find each other's answers interest

- Tell Ss that they are going to listen to a radio programme Ask them to look at the questions and underline the key words before T plays the recording

Step : While – listening Activity1 : listen to the tape Key:

1 The topic of this week's programme is hanging out with your friends There are two main ways: hanging out indoors or outdoors

Audio script:


-T asks Ss to listen to the tape

- Ss individually, then compare with the partners -T collects and corrects

Activity 2

-T plays the recording as many times as needed Ss work individually then compare answers with their partners

-Ss go to the board and write their answers - T corrects

Key: movies cinema 3.crafts 4.sports

5 physical health people cultural centres Step : Post – listening


- Have Ss cover the box and write some of these words/ phrases on the board

-Ask Ss where in a paragraph they often see these words and what could be the purpose for using them

- Ss work individually to complete the task, and discuss their answers with a partner Remind Ss that for some gaps there is more than one correct answer

Key: In my opinion/ I believe Firstly

3 Secondly Besides/ Also/ In addition

5 For these reasons/ In short/ As I have noted

- This task can be done in small groups where each group chooses one question They then agree on an opinion and work together to brainstorm the ideas to argue for their points Each member will need to write his/ her own piece Remind Ss to use the connectors they have learnt earlier in order to better organize their ideas


I believe the best leisure activity for teenagers is any group activity This could be playing a team sport or joining a hobby group or even volunteering Firstly, teenagers like to feel that they belong to a group Secondly, being part of a group helps teenagers make friends Friendships are very important to teenagers In addition, they will make friends with people who have the same interests as them For these reasons I think group activities are best for teenagers


- The way to give the opinion about leisure activities V.Homework

- write it up exercise

- Do exercise ( exercise book ) Evaluation:

……… ………


Period: 7

Date of preparing: 17.9.2020 Unit 1: LEISURE ACTIVITIES


By the end of this lesson, students will be able to review the way to use the vocabularies and some structures.


- Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, board, chalks, pictures, posters C METHODS:

- Matching, write it up……… D CONTENT :

I Organization:

II Revision / Warmer: III New Lesson

Activity 1 Vocabulary

Ss complete this exercise individually or in pairs

Once they have finished they should be able to explain their answers as well Accept different answers if Ss can explain their decisions logically

Suggested answers:

1 DIY hanging out hospital detest

5 boring Computer Activity 2

- Ss complete this task individually. Key:

1 socializing with friends relaxing

3 communicating with friends doing DIY using computers making crafts

Activity 3 Grammar

- Ss work individually to complete the exercise If time allows, T may ask Ss to swap their work with each other for peer correction

Key: working learning/ to learn seeing

4 doing meeting play

- Have Ss complete the sentences using their own ideas Remind them to use gerunds or to-infinitives

Have some Ss read out their sentences Accept all answers as long as they make sense - Ss work individually then compare their answers with a partner.

Key: Firstly Secondly Thirdly In addition In short

After Ss have finished T may explain to them that they can register as a user on the website www.thinkuknow.co.uk in order to be protected when they go online.




T asks Ss to complete the self-assessment Have Ss discuss as a class what difficulties remain and what areas the Ss have mastered


Join our leisure activity

In a small group decide on a leisure activity that you would like to organize It could be a team sport, or a craft-making activity Plan a poster advertising your activity Include the following on your poster:

 Explain the activity and include some pictures  Explain why this activity is fun/ exciting/ interesting  Give information about the meeting time and place  Tell classmates what they should bring to the activity

Use the poster to present the activity to the rest of the class See how many classmates will sign up to your activity.

-T explains that Ss are going to make a poster to promote a group leisure activity.

-Place Ss into groups of about six Give them plenty of time to brainstorm ideas for a group activity

-Explain that a good activity will be one that at least some members of the group feel passionate about, or know something about Move around the groups and give help where needed

Once the groups have chosen their activities, appoint a leader for each group Ask that person to divide the work between the members of the group For example, one student can think about how to explain the activity, while another can think of reasons why their classmates should sign up to this activity, etc

Next, the groups should design their promotional posters They may need to this out of class hours as homework

Finally, give each group five minutes to present and promote their activity to the rest of the class Once every group has presented, ask for a show of hands to select the most popular activity Remember that Ss can only vote once

Alternative project ideas:

 Plan a trip to the local cultural centre to find out what classes/ clubs/ activities are being

offered for teenagers Note down as much detailed information about these activities as possible, such as time, cost, how to join, etc Write a report for the class

 Visit your local or school library as a group Each group member chooses a book to read Meet again after one or two weeks in a place outside school to report on what you have read As a group, take notes about the books (in either English or Vietnamese) and bring the book reviews to class to class to recommend them to other groups


- Vocabulary, grammar V.Homework

- Learn by heart the new words - Do exercises from to again Evaluation:

……… ……… ……… ………



- By the end of the unit, students will be able to:

+ pronounce correctly words containing the clusters / bl / and / cl / + use the lexical items related to the topic of life in the countryside + use comparative forms of advs

+ read for general and specific information about an unusual lifestyle in the countryside + listen to get specific information about the changes in the countryside

+ talk about what they like or dislike about the life in the countryside + write a short paragraph about changes in the countryside

- Students will be developed skills: speaking , listening , reading and writing

- Students will know more things about life in the countryside- their home towns, comparing with their life in the city

II Teaching aids

- Textbook, lesson plans, board, chalks, cues, posters, real objects, pictures, computer and the CD record

III Procedure

Lesson 1: Getting started

Lesson 2: A closer look Lesson 3: A closer look Lesson 4: Communication

Lesson 5: Skills Lesson 6: Skills

Lesson 7: Looking back + Project

Period: Date of preparing: 17.9.2020


- By the end of this lesson, students will be able to listen and read the dialogue between Nick and Nguyen to understand the details ,then some more tasks to understand more about life in the countryside

+ Vocabulary: harvest time, buffalo – drawn cart, herd, envious, load the rice + Grammar: present simple, past simple, future simple

- Skills: practice and develop listening, reading and speaking skills

- Political thought and moral sense: help Ss know more about life in the countryside- the places where their grandparents/ parents were born


- Textbook, teacher’s book, lesson plan, board , chalks, pictures, posters, stereo, the CD record, computer and projector

C METHODS: T/F predictions; Qs- AS; matching; brainstorming D CONTENTS:

I Organization: - Greeting

- Number of students

II Revision / Warmer: ( minutes) * Chatting: T gives some Qs to chat with Ss: - Where you come from?/ Where is your hometown?

- Do you often go to the countryside ? - When you often go?

- What can you see there?

- How you feel about the life there? - What you often there?

- Do you enjoy the life / living there? Why/ Why not ? III New lesson:

* Open prediction questions: ( 2’) T shows the picture on page 16 (projector) asks Ss to look at the tittle of the conversation and asks some questions: 1 What is the conversation about?

2 Which season is harvest time?

3 What you think the countryside is like at the harvest time? 4 What the farmers do?

5 What children do?

- T encoourages Ss to answer the Qs Their As can be as simple as one word or phrase

- T plays the recording , asks Ss to listen and read silently T asks if their predictions are correct or not

Activity 1: Vocabulary.( 5minutes):

T asks Ss to find out the new words from the text - buffalo- drawn cart(n) : xe trâu kéo ( translation) - (to) herd: chăn dắt ( pic)

- envious(a) ghen tị( situa)

- (to) load: chất lên# unload : dỡ xuống (pic) - paddy field (n)= rice paddy ( syn)

+ Checking vocabulary: Ro and R. * Listen and read (18’)

- Let Ss listen to the tape again, notice the pronunciation and intonation

- T asks Ss to practice the conversation in pairs.T calls some pairs to practise reading Activity 2: 1.a T/F statements:( use projector)

- T asks Ss to work indepedently- read the sentences and decide if they are T or F - Let SS compare in pairs

- T collects Ss’ ideas, then asks Ss to correct the F sentences + Keys: 1.T; 2.F; 3.F; 4.T; 5.T


- T asks Ss to try to answer the Qs without referring to the conversation first The let Ss refer to the conversation again for the correct As

- T calls some Ss to give the As- asks the whole class to correct + Keys:

He’s in the countryside Right on his first day therwe It’s big and colourful

His grandfather

He means that he wishes he were in the countryside, too Activity 4: 1.c- Gap fill: (projector)

- T asks Ss to read through the words in the box to check if there are any new words – make sure that they understand their meanings

- Let Ss the Ex individually, then check their As with their partners - T collects the As by asking Ss to read the completed sentences aloud + Keys:

colourful move slowly

harvest time. paddy field

5 herding

Buffalo – drawn cart Activity 5: 1.d-Discussion

- T lets Ss work in tables

- Let Ss discuss and tick the correct box

- T asks Ss to look for the expressions to support their answers + Suggested asnwers:

it’s more exciting than I expected .It/ The kite looks great up in the sky

I live more happily here , and there’s still a lot more to explore * Further practice: (10’)

Activity 6: 2.Matching: (projector)

- Let Ss work independently to label the pictures

- Have them compare their As with a partner T writes the correct As on the board + Keys: 1- e ; 2- f ; 3- a ; 4- c ; 5- d ; 6- b

Activity 7: Game: Contryside charades:

- T divides the class into teams for this game They can give themselves a relevant team name such as the “ horse” and the “buffaloes”

- T explains the rules of the game- checks again

- Let Ss play charades with the countryside activity vocab from activity - T limits the time ( 10’ )to guess the activity before it moves to the other team - T keeps score on the board and announces the winning team at the end

IV Summary: (2’)

- T asks one student to repeat the main contents of the lesson V Homework: (3’)

- Practice the dialogue, learn by heart all the vocabulary

- Do the exercises in the work book: 1, and in U2-part B ; Ex 3( p.17- Ss’ book) - Prepare the new lesson: Unit 2: Lesson 2: A closer look



Ngày đăng: 03/02/2021, 03:32

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