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Nội dung

• Design – specifying different features of the site that will fulfill the requirements of the users and the business.. identified during analysis.[r]

Trang 1

Creating & Building the Web Site

Week 8

Trang 3

Summary of Process of Web Site Development

Registerdomain name

Select ISPAnalyze and

design contentDevelop contentTest, review andrevise content


Trang 4

Planning Web Site Development

Trang 5

Web Site Prototyping

• Analysis – understanding the requirements of the audience of the site and the requirements of the business, defined by business and marketing strategy

• Design – specifying different features of the site that will fulfill the requirements of the users and the business

identified during analysis

• Development – creation of the web pages and the dynamic content of the web site

• Testing and review – structured checks are conducted to ensure that different aspects of the site meet the original

Trang 6

Four Stages of Web Site Prototyping

DevelopmentTesting &


Trang 7

• The iterative approach is intended to be rapid, and a site can be produced in a period of months or


Trang 8

Initiation of the Web Site Project

• Aims and objectives of the web site are reviewed to ensure:

– There is management and staff commitment to the project– Objectives are clearly defined

– The costs and benefits are reviewed in order that the appropriate amount of investment in the site occurs– The project will follow a structured path, with clearly

identified responsibilities for different aspects such as project management, analysis, promotion and maintenance

– The implementation phase will ensure that important aspects of the project such as testing and promotion are not skimped

Trang 9

Domain Name Registration

• Register the domain name as early as possible• Register multiple domain names

• Use the potential of non-company brand names to help promote a product

• Avoid sitting your site on an ISP server that uses the name of the ISP such as:


Trang 10

Who is Involved in a Web site Project

• Site sponsors• Site owner

• Project manager• Site design

• Content developer• Webmaster

• Stakeholders

Trang 11

Analysis for Web Site Development

• What are the key audiences for the site• What should the content of site be

• Which customer service capabilities will we provide for customers

• How will the site be structured

• How will navigation around the site occur

Trang 12

Methods of Finding Customer Needs

• Interviews with marketing staff• Questionnaire to companies

• Informal interview with key accounts• Focus groups

• Reviewing competitors’ web sites

Trang 13

Ten Key reasons for Returning to Site

Reason to returnPercentage of respondents1 High quality content75

2 Ease of use663 Quick to download584 Updated frequently545 Coupons and incentives146 Favorite brands137 Cutting-edge technology12

9 Purchasing capabilities1110 Customizable content10

Trang 14

Designing Web Site Content

Up to date

TimelyEasy to find

Trang 15

Developing Customer Oriented Content

• Familiarity of the customer with a product/company

• Familiarity of the customer with the Internet• Familiarity of a customer with a company

web site

• Stage of the customer in the buying process• Type of customer

Trang 16

Information Cues

• Performance (what does the product do?)

• Components/content (what is the product made up of?)

• Price/value

• Implicit comparison• Availability

• Quality

• Special offers

• Explicit comparisons

Trang 17

Site Structure

• Decided early in the development stage

• Storyboarding used to develop site structure• Map or diagram site structure

• Links should be available to move from one branch to another

• Ease of moving is dependent on the menu options available.

Trang 18

Web Site Map

C o rp o ra te

T o o lsS e rv ic eT e s tim o n ia lsP u rc h a s eS M EIn d iv id u a l

P ro d u c tsA b o u t u sC u s to m e r s e rv ic e

T ra d e p re s sP u b licN e w s

V a c a n c ie sB e n ifitsR e c ru itm e n tH o m e p a g e

Trang 19

Site Navigation

• Navigation describes how easy it is to find move between different information on a web site It is governed by menu

arrangements, site structure and the layout of individual pages

• Flow describes how easy it is for users of a site to move between the different pages of

Trang 20

Navigation Aspects

• Consistency – one consistent user interface• Simplicity – limited number of options

(max three levels of menu)

• Context – use of signposts to indicate to users where they located within the site (reassuring users that they are not lost)

Trang 21

Menu Options

• Test menus, buttons or images• Rollovers

• Positioning• Frames

• Number of levels• Number of options

Trang 22

Graphic Design – Constraints

• The speed of downloading graphics

• The screen resolutions of the computer• The number of colors on screen

• The type of web browser used

Trang 23

Furthermore the site should be consistent with offline brand of web site and

appropriate to different audiences in different countries – Brand identity and

Localization are very important

Trang 24

Measuring Service Quality

• Reliability – the ability to perform the service dependably and accurately

• Responsiveness – a willingness to help customers and provide prompt service

• Assurance – the knowledge and courtesy of employees and their ability to convey trust and confidence

• Tangibles – the physical appearance of facilities and communications

• Empathy – providing caring, individualized attention

Trang 25

Site Promotion

• Online promotion• Offline promotion

• Integrating online and offline techniques

Trang 26

Success Factors in Developing Web Sites

• Management support necessary to promote project across company

• Clearly defined strategy and objectives

• Strong project management to ensure targets are achieved through effective planning and resourcing of the project• Good skills and experience amongst developers of the

• Co-operation amongst different parts of the business involved in the project and integration of information systems from different areas.

Trang 27

Reasons for failure

• Lack of real executive support

• A failure to identify the business goals of systems• A lack of communication between marketing and

IT departments

• Limited technical knowledge of developers of the system, either in-house or third-party companies• Lack of integration between the e-commerce

system and other systems

Ngày đăng: 15/01/2021, 17:45
