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Period 27; Week 14 Period 27; Week 14 Date of preparation: September 13 th , 2008 UNIT 5: THE MEDIA UNIT 5: THE MEDIA Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read Lesson 1: Getting started + Listen and read (Page 40-41- 42) A/ Objectives: After the lesson, students can: Talk about the media that they know. Know the history of media in simple ways. Learn to get access one kind of media for information. B/ Language content: 1. Vocabulary: (n): media, crier, latest news, remote control, benefit (a): interactive (v): income, interact with 2. Grammar: review 3. Language skills: Listening, speaking, reading, writing C/ Techniques: Picture drill, matching, Questions and Answers, D/ Teaching aids: Textbooks, cassette player, tape, board, E/ Procedures: Stages/ Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm-up Warm-up (7 minutes) New lesson New lesson (1 minute) * * Getting started: (page 40) Getting started: (page 40) - Introduce the topic of the lesson. Picture drill: - Ask Ss to look at the pictures on page 40. - Elicit and explain the new word if necessary. - Explain the model dialogue. - Ask Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer about media. - Call some pairs to practice the dialogues loudly. - Correct Suggested answers: S1: What of these is your favorite activity in your free time? S2: Reading newspapers. S1: How many hour a week do you spend reading newspapers? S2: about 4 or 5 hours, I guess. - Introduce the new lesson. - Listen T’s introduction. - Look at the pictures. - Pay attention and copy down if necessary. - Listen carefully. - Work in pairs. - Present the dialogues aloud. - Listen Presentation Presentation (8 minutes) - Introduce the main content of the “Listen and read” part. - Introduce new words: + Media (n): ( translation) + Latest news (n): ( Explanation) + Crier (n): (Picture) - Listen - Guess the meaning of the new words. + Remote control (n): (Realia) + Interactive (a): (Translation) + Interact with (v): ( Example) + Benefit (n): ( Translation) - Guide Ss to read the new words. - Play the tape two times. - Ask Ss to read the text silently. - Read the new words in chorus and then in individuals. - Listen to the cassette player. - Read the text silently. Practice Practice (21 minutes) * Matching: ( a) page 41). - Make sure Ss to understand the content in the table of a) on page 41 - Ask Ss to read passages A,B, C, D and match. - Have them share the answers with a partner. - Correct. Answer key: 1D, 2B, 3B, 4C, 5A, 6D * Questions and answers: (questions 1,2,3 page 42) - Make sure Ss to understand the content of questions from 1 to 3 on page 42 in the textbook. - Ask Ss to read the text and answer the questions in pairs. - Call on Ss to give answers loudly and explain why. - Give answers. Answer key: 1. A town crier was a person whose job was to go through city streets singing a bell to show the latest news when/ as he was walking. 2. The Kien Thuc Ngay Nay is one of the most popular magazines and is widely read by both teenagers and adults. 3. people can get the latest information and enjoy interesting and inexpensive local and international programs in a convenient way. - Read and check in groups. - Pay attention. - Read the text and match. - Exchange the answers. - Read the answers aloud. - Pay attention. - Work in pairs. - Give answers and explain. - Copy down. Production Production (5 minutes) - Ask Ss to answer questions 4 and 5 in b) on page 42 in groups. -Call on some representative to show their ideas. - Correct. - Answer two questions in groups. - Present in front of class. Consolidation Consolidation (2 minutes) - Summarize the lesson: + The history of media + Types of media - Listen and remember. Homework Homework (1 minute) - Give Ss homework: 1. Do exercises in workbook. 2. Learn Vocabulary and structures by heart. 3. Prepare Speak and Listen - Take notes. F/ Self- Evaluation: …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………… . Period 28; Week 14 Period 28; Week 14 Date of preparation: September 16 th , 2008 UNIT 5: THE MEDIA UNIT 5: THE MEDIA Lesson 2: Speak and Listen Lesson 2: Speak and Listen (Page 42- 43) A/ Objectives: After the lesson, students can: Develop speaking skill: Express agreement or disagreement about something, express the like or dislike about programs on TV. Develop listening skill: listen and fill in the blanks about some invention of media. Know choosing suitable programs to watch. B/ Language content: 1. Vocabulary: (n): documentary, telegraph, newsreels, Journalism (a): informative, violent 2. Grammar: - Tag- questions 3. Language skills: Listening, speaking, reading, writing C/ Techniques: Brainstorming, board drill, gap- fill, D/ Teaching aids: Textbooks, cassette player, tape, board, E/ Procedures: Stages/ Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm-up Warm-up (3 minutes) New lesson New lesson (1 minute) * * Brainstorming: Brainstorming: - Ask Ss to say: “ the programs on TV” Suggested words: + News + Who is millionaire? + Weather forecast + New life + Face to Face + Musical games + The last guest + Ring gold bell + We are soldiers + Advertisements + sports - Lead to the new lesson. - Introduce the parts of the new lesson. - Think and say - listen. - Listen carefully. Pre- speaking Pre- speaking (6 minutes) - Introduce the main content of the “speak” part. - Introduce new words + Violent (a) : (Translation) + Documentary (n) : (Explanation) + informative(a) : (Explanation) - Guide Ss to read the new words - Present the tag- questions. ( formation, use, meaning) - Give examples to make sure Ss to understand. - Hang a chart of programs on TV. - Listen - Guess the meaning of the new words. - Repeat and read in chorus and in individuals. - Take notes. - Pay attention. - Read it. While- While- Speaking Speaking (8minutes) - Introduce the dialogue in speak. - Ask Ss to read the dialogue in pairs. -Call on 2 pairs to read the dialogue loudly. * Word cue- drill: - Ask Ss to use the programs in the chart in order to make the similar dialogues in pairs to talk about the programs they like or dislike. - Go around and help if necessary. - Call on some pairs to practice the dialogues they have done. - Check the answers of Ss - Give answers. Suggeted answers : A: You like watching “ Who is millionaire?”, don’t you? B: Yes, I do. It is informative and I can get some information from it. A: You like gardening program, don’t you? B: no, I don’t. It seem boring to me and I have no time. - Listen - Read the dialogue in pairs. - Read the dialogue aloud. - Work in pairs. - Show the dialogues loudly. - Check the answers with T - Take notes. Post - Post - speaking speaking (9 minutes) * Write it- up: - Ask Ss to write a small paragraph about programs they like or dislike. - Call on one or two Ss to read their writings loudly. - Correct. Suggested answers: I like watching TV programs. They are useful. I can learn many things from these programs. They can help me find solutions to my problem I life. They give me entertainment after hard working day. Newspapers are also useful and informative but I don’t like reading them because I don’t have much free time. - Write a paragraph - Read the writings. Pre- listening Pre- listening (4 minutes) - Introduce the situation of the “listen” part ( Chau, a student was given an assignment about the inventions of the media. She needs some information to finish her assignment. She is asking her father for some information - Introduce the new words and phrases: + Newsreels (n): ( synonym) + Telegraph (n): ( translation) + Journalism (n): ( translation) - Guide Ss to read the new words and phrases. * prediction : - Ask Ss to guess and fill in the gaps on the table on page 43. - Write Ss’ prediction on the board. - Listen - Guess the meaning of the new words and phrases. - Repeat and read in chorus & one. - Guess and fill in the gaps. While- While- listening listening (10minutes) - Play the tape two times. - Have them share the answers with s friend. - Ask Ss to give their answers. - Play the tape again and correct the Ss’ answers. Answers key: a) The late 19 th century b) Radio and newsreels c) In the 1950s d) The internet -Listen and check their guessing. - Share the answers with a friend. - Give answers. - Listen and check again. - Take notes. Post- Post- listening listening (4 minutes) * Summary: - Ask Ss to summarize content of the listen part in groups. - Call some Ss from each group to answer loudly. + For weak Ss: Vietnamese + For other Ss : English - Correct. - Work In Groups. - Show their work. Consolidation Consolidation (2 minutes) - Summarize the lesson: + Tag- questions. + The inventions of media. + The lesson from period (Suitable programs on TV to watch) - Listen and remember. Homework Homework (1 minute) - Give Ss homework: 1. Copy the writings about program Ss like or dislike into notebooks. 2. Learn Vocabulary and structures by heart. 3. Prepare “Read” part. 4. Write two sentences using Tag questions. - Take notes. F/ Self- Evaluation: …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………… . Period 29; Week 15 Period 29; Week 15 Date of preparation: September 18 th , 2008 UNIT 5: THE MEDIA UNIT 5: THE MEDIA Lesson 3: Read Lesson 3: Read (Page 43- 44) A/ Objectives: After the lesson, students can: - Develop reading comprehension skill. - Read and get information about internet. - Express their opinions about internet. - Know benefits and disadvantages to control their life. B/ Language content: 1 .Vocabulary: (n): spam, limitation, forum, electronic junk mail (v): communicate, get access to, deny, surf, suffer, wander 2. Grammar: review - Structure: It’s difficult for someone to do something 3. Language skills: Listening, speaking, reading, writing C/ Techniques: pre- teach, prediction, group work, pair work, questions and answers, write it- up, chatting D/ Teaching aids: Textbooks, cassette player, tape, board, E/ Procedures: Stages/ Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm-up Warm-up (5 minutes) New lesson New lesson (1 minute) * * Chatting: Chatting: - Ask Ss to answer the questions: 1. Who has already used the internet? 2. Do you think the internet useful or harmful? Or both? - Introduce the new lesson and the aim of it. - Answer the questions. - Listen to teacher. Pre- Reading Pre- Reading (8 minutes) - Introduce new words: + Forum (n): (Translation) + Surf (v): ( Example) + Deny (v): (translation) + Spam (n):(Translation) + Limitation (n): ( translation) + Wander(v): ( explanation) + Get access to (v): (translation) + Communicate (v): (translation) - Guide Ss to read the new words. - Elicit the structure: “ it is difficult for someone to do something” - Set the situation: ( We are listening to forums of friends about the internet) - Guess the meaning of the new words and take notes. - Repeat and read in chorus and then in individuals. - Take notes. - Listen While- While- Reading Reading (20 minutes) - Play the cassette player two times. - Ask Ss to read the text silently. * Questions and answers: ( questions from 1 to 5) - Make sure Ss to understand the content of questions 1 to 5 on page 44. - Ask Ss to read the text and answer the questions. - Ask Them to share the answers with a friend. - Call on some Ss to give answers. Answers key: 1. Sandra uses the internet to get information and to communicate with her friends and relatives. 2. It is difficult for Honghoa to get access to the internet Because she lives in the countryside, where the internet is unavailable. 3. People use the internet of education, communication, entertainment and commerce. 4. The internet is used for multi- purposes: for getting information, for communication, education, entertainment, and commerce. 5.Yes, there are some disadvantages: time-consuming, costly, dangerous because of viruses and bad programs. - Listen to the tape. - Read the text silently. - Listen carefully. - Read the text and answer the questions. - Share the answers with a friend. - Read the answers. - Take notes. Post- Reading Post- Reading (8 minutes) * Write it- up: - Ask Ss to answer the questions and write. 1. Do you like the internet? 2. What do you thin of the internet? - Go around and help if necessary. - Write - Call on some Ss to read their writings. - Correct. - Express their ideas loudly. - Take notes. Consolidation Consolidation (2 minutes) - Summarize the lesson: + The. Benefits and disadvantages of the internet. - Give the lesson from the period. - Listen and remember. Homework Homework (1 minute) - Give Ss homework: 1. Learn Vocabulary and structures by heart. 2. Copy answers of the questions into notebooks. 3. Prepare “Write” part. - Take notes. F/ Self- Evaluation: …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………… . Period 30; Week 15 Period 30; Week 15 Date of preparation: September 20 th , 2008 UNIT 5: THE MEDIA UNIT 5: THE MEDIA Lesson 4: Write Lesson 4: Write (Page 44) A/ Objectives: After the lesson, students can: - Write a paragraph about the benefits of the internet. - Choose the suitable way in using the internet. B/ Language content: 1. Vocabulary: (n): source, online 2. Grammar: - review 3. Language skills: Writing, Listening, speaking, reading, C/ Techniques: pre- teach, correction, pair work D/ Teaching aids: Textbooks, board, chalk, E/ Procedures: Stages/ Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm-up Warm-up (5 minutes) New lesson New lesson (1 minute) - Ask three Ss to answer the question. + What do Sandra, Honghoa and Huansui think about the internet? - Listen, comment and give marks. - Introduce the new lesson and the aim of it ( Write a paragraph about the benefits of the internet) - Answer. - Listen to the T’s introduction. Pre- Writing Pre- Writing (9 minutes) - Introduce the new words and explain words or phrases provided. + Source (n): (translation) + On-Line( n) : ( translation) - Guide Ss to read the new words. - Ask Ss to read the forums in read part and make the list - Guess the meaning of the new words. - Practice reading the new words. of benefits of the internet. - Elicit some “Conjunctions” in writing. - Elicit main parts in writing. * The internet as a source of information: + A fast and convenient way to get information + Read electronic newspapers + Check weather condition before going somewhere * The internet as a source of entertainment: + Communicate with friends or relatives + Listen to music + Watch TV + Play games + Read novels, poems *The internet as a means of education: + Learn English + look up dictionary + Take a training/ learning course - Read ‘Read” part and make a list. - Pay attention. - Answer the questions, looking at the letter. While- While- Writing Writing (12 minutes) - Ask Ss to write their opinions about the benefits of the internet. - Go around, help if necessary and take notes the basic mistakes that Ss got. - Ask Ss to exchange the writing with a friend and self- correct. - Write - Share the writing with a friend Post- Writing Post- Writing (15 minutes) - Write the basic mistakes on the board and ask Ss to correct them. - Ask 2 Ss to write their writings on the board or read them aloud. (or student by student write answers on the board) - Ask Ss to correct Ss’ writings. * Suggested answers: The internet has increasingly developed and become part of our everyday life, it’s useful in many ways. Firstly, it is source of information. It is a fast and convenient way to get the news. You can read electronic newspapers. You can check weather condition before you go camping, fishing or go on a holiday. You can communicate with friends or relatives by means of emails or chatting. Secondly, The internet is a source of entertainment. You can listen to music, watch movies or play video games. You can read latest novels or poems. Thirdly, the internet is also useful in education. It is a means of education. You can learn English or look up - look at the mistakes and correct. - Write the writings on the board or read them loudly. - Correct the mistakes. - Take notes. dictionary. You can take training or learning courses. However, there are some disadvantages of the internet. It is not only time consuming but also dangerous because of viruses and bad programs. Consolidation Consolidation (2 minutes) - Summarize the parts of writing. - Give the lesson from the period. - Listen and remember. Homework Homework (1 minute) - Give Ss homework: 1. Write the corrected writing into notebooks. 2. Prepare “language focus” part. - Take notes. F/ Self- Evaluation: …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………… . Period 31; Week 16 Period 31; Week 16 Date of preparation: September 24 th , 2008 UNIT 5: THE MEDIA UNIT 5: THE MEDIA Lesson 5: Language focus Lesson 5: Language focus (Page 45- 46) A/ Objectives: After the lesson, students can: - Understand and use the tag- questions and gerund after some verbs. - Talk about likes or dislikes. - Have good habit in doing exercises. B/ Language content: 1. Vocabulary: (n): detective story 2. Grammar: - Tag- questions. - Gerunds 3. Language skills: Listening, speaking, reading, Writing C/ Techniques: word cue- drill, gap- fill, table drill D/ Teaching aids: Textbooks, board, chalk…… E/ Procedures: Stages/ Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm-up Warm-up (3 minutes) New lesson New lesson (1 minute) - Ask two Ss to talk about the formation and use of tag- questions. - Listen, comment and give marks. - Introduce the main parts of the lesson. - Talk about tag- questions. - Listen. [...]... with new words if they need - Have Ss share the answers with a friend - Call some Ss to write the answers on the board - Correct with Ss - Listen to the teacher - Take notes - Read as T’s guide - Work in pairs - Ask and answer aloud - Listen and repeat or take notes - Pay attention - Work in pairs - Ask and answer loudly - Take notes - Listen Carefully - Ask and answer in pairs - Ask and answer aloud -. .. do you e aren’t we * Language focus 2 (page 45) - Guide Ss to read and understand meaning of words in lan focus 2 - Make sure Ss to understand examples on the textbooks * Table drill: - Ask Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer about program the table using tag questions - Call on some pairs to the dialogue loudly * Language focus 3 (page 46) - Introduce gerunds after some verbs - Give examples to make... understand - Make sure Ss to understand meaning of words into the box * Word cue drill:: - Ask Ss to work in pairs to ask and answer about each item in the box - Call on some pairs to show their work before class * Language focus 4 (page 46) - Explain the task of the exercise - Give examples to make sure Ss to understand * Matching –written drills: - Ask Ss to match and write the sentences as examples -. .. minutes) * Language focus 1 ( page 45) - Explain the task of language focus 1 - Highlight the tag questions ( formation, use, intonation, notes) - Explain the exercise by letting Ss look at examples in the textbook * Gap- fill: - Ask Ss to work in pairs, to complete the dialogues using tag questions - Go around and help Ss if necessary - Call on some pairs to ask and answer loudly - Correct Suggested answers:... when doing the cleaning of the classroom Read the request of sentences and do exercises - Listen and pay attention or playing sport - Help them to hide any defects on body - In my opinion/ my opinion is / I think / - Firstly/ Secondly/ Finally - Write as T’s guide - Help Ss write the passage Consolidation - Summarize the structures and Words related to - Listen and remember (3 minutes) - Give the period... organization: (1 min) 2 Check up: (5) Students talk about the knowledge related to grammar points 3 New lesson:( 38 mins) Stages/ Time Teacher’s activities Students’ activities Warm-up - Ask Ss ” What have you learned in unit 4 and unit 5?” - Answer (1 minute) - Introduce the new lesson - Listen to Activity 1 - Help Ss revise the old knowledge related to: - Answer what T asks (13 minutes) + Direct and... down - Listen - Listen Carefully - Rewrite sentences - Compare the answers - Write the answers on the board - Copy down Consolidation (2 minutes) Homework (1 minute) - Summarize the lesson + Tag questions + Gerunds - Give the lesson from the period - Give Ss homework: 1 Write the corrected answers of language focus into notebooks 2 Do exercises in workbooks 3 Prepare the first semester review - Listen... clothing, a trip to the country - Give examples to make sure Ss to understand and use the grammar points - Answer - Listen to - Answer what T asks * Do as directed 1 Chia động từ trong ngoặc: - We ( already do) this work - She wishes she ( be) _ a teacher - She wishes she ( hve) _ money 2 Điền vào chỗ trống bằng giới từ thích hợp - They have English Monday - Tom will have a meeting... Warm-up - Ask Ss to talk about the test ( good or bad) - Talk about the test (5 minutes) - Comment the result of the test - Listen - Ask the monitor to issue the test - Receive the test Test - Ask Ss to compare the test with a friend then correct the - Work in pairs and correct the correction errors in each paper sheet mistakes (17 minutes) - Write the common mistakes on the board - Pay attention - Help... wish - I’m sorry, I can’t swim - I’t a pity You don’t have a mobile phone - You are a farmer - Nam does not have money 4 Viết lại câu sau dùng với “ used to” - We often walked to school when we were six - Mr Lam smoked cigarettes last year, now he stops to smoke 5 viết lại hai câu sau thành một câu dùng “ so” - I passed the exam because I learned hard ( “So”) - We didn’t go swimming because it rained . attention. - Read the text and match. - Exchange the answers. - Read the answers aloud. - Pay attention. - Work in pairs. - Give answers and explain. - Copy. 43. - Write Ss’ prediction on the board. - Listen - Guess the meaning of the new words and phrases. - Repeat and read in chorus & one. - Guess and

Ngày đăng: 27/10/2013, 02:11

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