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Improving corporate culture at vietnam prosperity bank hoàn thiện văn hóa doanh nghiệp tại ngân hàng VPBank

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ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI KHOA QUẢN TRỊ VÀ KINH DOANH - TRỊNH TRỌNG THỦY IMPROVING CORPORATE CULTURE AT VIETNAM PROSPERTIRY BANK HỒN THIỆN VĂN HĨA DOANH NGHIỆP TẠI NGÂN HÀNG VPBANK LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ QUẢN TRỊ KINH DOANH Hà Nội - 2017 ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI KHOA QUẢN TRỊ VÀ KINH DOANH - TRỊNH TRỌNG THỦY IMPROVING CORPORATE CULTURE AT VIETNAM PROSPERTIRY BANK HOÀN THIỆN VĂN HÓA DOANH NGHIỆP TẠI NGÂN HÀNG VPBANK Chuyên ngành: Quản trị kinh doanh Mã số: 60 34 01 02 LUẬN VĂN THẠC SĨ QUẢN TRỊ KINH DOANH NGƯỜI HƯỚNG DẪN KHOA HỌC: TS TRỊNH NGỌC HUY Hà Nội - 2017 DECLARATION The author confirms that the research outcome in the thesis is the result of author’s independent work during study and research period and it is not yet published in other’s research and article The other’s research result and documentation (extraction, table, figure, formula, and other document) used in the thesis are cited properly and the permission (if required) is given The author is responsible in front of the Thesis Assessment Committee, Hanoi School of Business and Management, and the laws for above-mentioned declaration Date: November, 01, 2017 i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT I have gained huge knowledge, skill and insights from my MBA course The course raises my capacity of administration and management up to the next level I am now very confident in my position of management I would like to extend my sincerest thanks and appreciation to all those who have made this Thesis to be possible I woud like to express my great gratitude to my supervisor Mr Trinh Ngoc Huy for his useful comments, remarks and engagement during my process of doing this master thesis Also, I would like to give my sincere thanks to staff of Vietnam Prosperity Bank, in my survey, who have willingly spent their precious time joining the interview Sincere thanks are extended to the Hanoi School of Business and Management (HSB) - Vietnam National University, Hanoi for equipping me with huge knowledge and skills through various interesting and practical subjects I also would like to thanks my classmates for their friendship and reciprocal encouragement to make our class time to be unforgettable time Lastly, I would like to give my great thanks to my wife, my kids, and my family who always standby me during the past two years and encourages me to keep moving from the beginning of my study ii SUMMARY Summary of the result With the synthesis of corporate culture theory of researchers, foreign and domestic scholars, the author made the choice of corporate culture analysis method at VPBank, according to OCAI model, with four types of corporate culture, namely family culture, hierarchical culture, creative culture, competitive culture From there, it was necessary for the author to not only determine the type of corporate culture expressed at VPBank but also identify the corporate culture that VPBank staff desire in the future As can be seen from the results, family and market culture are expressed strongly at VPBank, and in the future, VPBank staff recommend a higher creative culture at work Besides, the author based on the content of survey to point out that there were some limitations in tangible value as weak sites about the rituals, festivals, the story, anecdotes of the enterprise, or declared value or common concept like the core value, information sharing that were limited points Therefore, the proposed is to strengthen creative culture value and improve above corporate culture facts at VPBank Applicability in practice Business culture in general and corporate culture in particular always accompany with the sustainable development of any business The more businesses want to develop, the more they need to build the solid foundation on culture, thereby creating coherence in the internal business, and the pride of employees with business, and create your own business style to help affirm corporate brand on the market As a result, the issue of corporate culture research always has the urgency in accordance with requirements of the enterprise development Hence, the author's research results will contribute a part in the direction of building enterprise culture for VPBank, following the consistent with the demands of VPBank officials staff, at the same time, the solution will contribute to the selection of building corporate culture direction of VPBank leaders With positive and convince results that the author did, it might be believed that recommendations that the author gave are iii realistic high and meet the current characteristics of enterprise culture at VPBank and also support for the construction of enterprise culture at VPBank in the future Further research orientations If there are further research conditions, the author hopes to perform further research about corporate culture at VPBank accompanied the evaluation of enterprise culture model in a more diversified way, and use models such as family culture Model, Eiffel Tower culture model, homing missiles culture model, incubation culture model There also needs additional researches about banking business culture to complete a more detail view on the characteristic culture at VPBank, from which propose better recommendations for VPBank iv TABLE OF CONTENTS DECLARATION .i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ii SUMMARY iii TABLE OF CONTENTS v LIST OF TABLES viii LIST OF FIGURES AND PICTURE ix INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1: CORPORATE CULTURE THEORY AND CORPORATE CULTURE MODEL IN COMMERCIAL BANKS 1.1 An overview of corporate culture 1.1.1 Basic concepts 1.1.2 Characteristics of corporate culture 10 1.1.3 The necessity of building corporate culture 12 1.2 Factors influencing the corporate culture 13 1.2.1 National culture 13 1.2.2 The leader’s characteristic 13 1.2.3 Other corporate culture 13 1.2.4 The customer 14 1.2.5 The business industry 15 1.3 Components of corporate culture 15 1.3.1 Visible values 15 1.3.2 Statement about corporate culture 17 1.3.3 Invisible values 19 1.4 Components of the bank’s corporate culture 20 1.5 Business culture models 22 1.5.1 Clan oriented culture model 22 1.5.2 Adhocracy oriented cultures 23 1.5.3 Market oriented cultures 24 1.5.4 Hierarchy oriented cultures 25 v CHAPTER ACTUAL STATUS OF CORPORATE CULTURE OF VPBANK 27 2.1 Overview of Vietnam Prosperity Joint Stock Commercial Bank 27 2.1.1 The formation and development process 27 2.1.2 Business mission and function 28 2.1.3 Organizational structure and departments 29 2.1.4 Distribution system 29 2.1.5 Business resutls 30 2.2 VPBank ’s corporate culture contents 31 2.2.1 General concepts 31 2.2.2 The statement of corporate values 33 2.2.3 Visible values 35 2.3 The actual status of corporate culture of VPBank by survey .45 2.3.1 Assessing the levels of VPBank 's corporate culture 45 2.3.2 Identify the VPBank ’s corporate culture model and future oriented 50 2.4 The affecting factors on the VP Bank corporate culture .56 2.4.1 The national culture 56 2.4.2 The leaders 56 2.4.3 The learned cultural values 57 2.4.4 The customer 58 2.4.5 The business industry 59 CHAPTER SOLUTIONS FOR IMPROVING THE CORPORATE CULTURE OF VPBANK 60 3.1 Research summary 60 3.2 The development direction for the VPBank corporate culture 60 3.3 Solutions for improving the corporate culture of VPBank 61 3.3.1 Complete the general concepts 61 3.3.2 Complete the declared values 62 3.3.3 Building the visible values to create the special characteristics in VPBank corporate culture 65 3.3.4 Training and enhancing the understanding of corporate culture 65 3.3.5 Other supplemental solutions 66 vi 3.4 Recommendations 68 3.4.1 Improve the legal framework of the State 68 3.4.2 Administrative reform 69 3.4.3 Enhance the leadership of the Party, and management effectiveness of the Goverment 69 CONCLUSION 70 REFERENCES 71 APPENDIX 73 vii LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 Business results of VPBank 30 Table 2.2 The main ideal in business operation of VPBank 32 Table 2.3 Special architectural features 37 Table 2.4 VPBank 's policy documents 38 Table 2.5 Main ritual and ceremonies of VPBank 41 Table 2.6 Annual charity events 43 Table 2.7 Assessment of corporate culture levels 45 Table 2.8 The VPBank ’s corporate culture model under the evaluation of staffs .50 Figure 2.6 The VPBank ’s corporate culture model under the evaluation of staffs 50 Table 2.9 The VPBank ’s corporate culture model under the evaluation of middle leaders 51 Table 2.10 The VPBank ’s corporate culture model under the evaluation of senior leaders 53 Table 2.11 General assessment on VPBank ’s corporate culture model 54 Table 2.12 Strength and Weaknesses in the direction develop the corporate culture models in VPBank 55 viii On the other hand, in the context of great challenges from international integration, VP Bank needs to consider and perfect the corporate culture to suit the reality Corporate culture not only push the production capacity (of labor) but also important in building the reputation and brand of the business VP Bank needs a long-term vision, adhering to the core values and business philosophy Based on this foundation, the author proposes a solution to perfect the declared values in the following direction: Content of the solution In order to grasp the opportunities and enhance the advantages (strength) in the context of global economic integration, Vietnamese banks, in general and VPBank, in particular need to develop strategies to improve their business culture Improve corporate culture, not only to stimulate the development of production, but also important in building the prestige and brand (trade mark) of the enterprise VPBank needs to complete the mission, vision and long-term development orientation on the basis of respecting the core values and business philosophy that first be built The improvement of the institutional systems, rules and standards should follow these steps: The first: Building the corporate culture that is based on the human development (at the center) Corporate culture needs to be improved so that increase the overall quality of employees, improve their management, and make the core values spill over to policies, regulations, and the gradual development of the bank The basic solutions that can be implemented include: - Promote the sense of responsibility of VPBank 's staffs in order to enhance the initiative and creativity of employees; - Promote the understanding and awareness of the value and spirit of VPBank to develop these values become a common perception of the staffs, increase the motivation at work; - Enhance the training and developing the corporate culture of VPBank in order to create a good environment of corporate culture; - Fairness and democracy in the policy of compensation, reward and punishment for all staff of VPBank to be respected and enjoy the benefits worthy of their capacity and dedication 63 The second: building a market oriented development sense The market oriented development is consistent with the market economy in which the enterprise is required to flexible respond with the quick changes in the market All for the target of enhancing the competitive capacity and gain the market share The third: building a conception of “customer is the top priority” - Bases on the customer’s requirements (and opinions) to produce the new products and services with high quality that maximizes the customer satisfaction In order to that, VPBank has to regularly collect the customer comments, closely relate and connect with customers to update the change in customers’ requirements The customer’ requirement (demand) research is not only the mission of any individual, but also the whole VPBank staffs - Build a customer’s consultant system, try with the best effort to maximize the customer satisfaction, increase the quality of serving, enhance the purchasing power Understanding the customer demand is the prerequisites that ensure the success in the business - Build a conception of “benefit after good serving” This conception must be shown in “the action slogans” such as: “Customer satisfaction is our measure of success" This conception will be resulting the good image of VPBank in the view of customers and society The fourth: Enhance the sense of social welfare Development direction must be the combination of enterprise and society development, stable and and no conflict of interest The fifth: Build a conception of responsibility to society VPBank has to consider that their products (and services) are not only the social products, but also seen their corporate culture be a part of national culture The contributation of VPBank to society is not only in monetary values, but also the help to improve the society demand such as: charity funds, sponsor the education development, culture…and support the scientific and technical progress By these social activities, the image of VPBank (and brand) will became more prestigious, famous and preferred This is a good development oriented to help the VPBank contribute more on the development of the country in order to help “the resident become richer and the society become more civilized” 64 3.3.3 Building the visible values to create the special characteristics in VPBank corporate culture Basis for proposing solutions In addition to building and perfecting intangible values (trust, ethical standards, business philosophy, professional and modern working environment, customer orientation ), VP Bank needs to increase (strengthen) the tangible values - things that are present in the eyes of the consumer and the public The tangible values of VP Bank are quite limited as there are no separate magazines, VP Bank's insignias have been released in comparison with other banks From this situation, the author proposed solutions to improve the tangible elements in corporate culture of VP Bank as follows Content of the solution The BOD of VPBank have to focus on set up the whole things that express the architectural style of VPBank, show the icon (logo and symbol) of the bank It is necessary to synchronize the all visible values from working offices, branches, transaction centers to the equipment, uniforms… that all are similar in appearance (image) 3.3.4 Training and enhancing the understanding of corporate culture Basis for proposing solutions At present, the role of human resources is highly appreciated by business groups in the world and in Vietnam In fact, the stable financial and banking groups have focused on the quality of human resources Human is a cultural center because human creates culture, through communication will create corporate culture In addition, VP Bank's corporate culture has shown that the awareness of a limited number of staffs of VP Bank has not met the requirements of sustainable development and association international import The majority of VP Bank's staffs have not paid much attention to VP Bank's culture The main reason is that VP Bank has not focused on training knowledge of VP Bank's culture, information system is limited, lack of cultural exchanges with other banks Based on this situation, the author suggested solutions for raising awareness of VP Bank's culture as follows 65 Content of the solution - Selection of high quality personnel, laying the foundation for the development of human resources and corporate culture The selection process should find qualified personnel who has rich skills, knowledge and ethical values in line with the cultural orientation of VPBank - Training the corporate culture for the new personnel in order to help them understand clearly and integrate with the new cultural environment However, the managers should notice that the integration of new staffs much depends on the role of supervisor - Organize retraining for new personnel on knowledge, professional skills, working environment and regulations and principles of VPBank to help them integrate more conveniently - Staff evaluation, reward mechanisms, and discipline are ways to motivate (and deter) employees to help them comply with corporate principles and culture voluntarily - Build the core values, common concepts The leader must absolutely believe in the cultural values and mission that VPBank has created From there, propaganda and spread these specific cultures to the bank staffs - Celebrate the outstanding individuals, create the image of the individuals who are dedicated to the company, the anecdotes of the success, the willpower of the employees and the leaders 3.3.5 Other supplemental solutions Building the competitive corporate cultural values In order to build the competitive corporate cultural values and extend the market share, VPBank has to build a corporate culture model in which the customers be in the center - Improve the good communication with customers because the customers are the deciders to the future and the income of employees Customers may not accept to use the bank’s products and services due to the way of communication of staffs Therefore, all the staffs have to improve their communication skills, always respect the customers and make them satisfy 66 Respect customer is shown in not only the direct communication with customers but also in the communication behaviors between leaders and staffs and among staffs VPBank needs to define its core target of “maximizing the customers satisfaction" Based on that, set up the criteria for evaluating job performance for each job position, identify the mission of each department or individual in relation to the core target Establish communication standards, working style in the organization Building the corporate culture values in order to increase the capacity of serving customers Publish a career handbook that define which should be (and should not be) done in each working position These behaviors may be listed in regulations, publications or handbook However, in order to assure the effective, these regulations must be resulted from the discussion of the whole bank’s staffs This is the basic principle in issuing the new organization regulations that reflect the democracy in the organization And, by gathering the opinions of employees, these principles being actually applied voluntarily Behaviors of managers strong impact to employees, and then BOD of VPBank should also be publicity established to avoid the status of informal application of the leaders And thus, all the corporate culture values and principles are respected in the bank Build a healthy cultural environment model that respects the creative ideas Employ employees who share and have a friendly attitude to the corporate culture of VPBank Training for the whole staffs of VPBank know and understand the values of culture and have a good sense that the corporate culture is a precious asset of the business Since then, enhance the awareness of maintaining and promoting VPBank 's corporate culture Building the standards of behavior As the communication principles, behaviors should also be defined in formal documents that apply to all employees VPBank should demonstrate these behavioral standards through specific operation tasks: 67 With customers - Welcome customers in a polite, friendly language, always smile and shows the attitude respect the customers Employees must be able to judge the personality and expectations of customers to actively communicate and make them satisfy - Always follow the principle of "Customers are always right" Be attentive and serve customers with high respect, confidentiality and honesty - Say sorry to customers in all cases, happy to thank customers even when they have not agreed to use the service - Demonstrate goodwill, cooperate with customers, enhance the prestige of VPBank, and provide accurate advice on services as the requirement of customers - Actively contribute ideas, creativity in doing the work, dedicating themselves to the development of the bank - Compliant strictly to the rules, cultural norms, communication in the workplace, preserve the image and cultural values of the bank - Voluntary work for the core target of the bank 3.4 Recommendations 3.4.1 Improve the legal framework of the State The Vietnamese government needs to improve the legal system in order to create the appropriate legal framework for banks to operate Soon complete and enforce The Competition and Antitrust laws to create a healthy competitive environment for the development of business and banks Since then, the implementation of the sub-legal documents should soon be issued to guide the management units and enterprises to implement However, the system of legal documents should be consistent with the trend of international integration and practice of Vietnam The State Bank should also soon edit and replace the Banking Law, the Law on Deposit Insurance, the Law on Supervision of Banking Safety, to promote the development of banks At the same time, it is necessary to coordinate the monetary policy and exchange rate management in a more flexible and appropriate manner Continue to 68 implement the exchange rate as an easing mechanism, gradually reducing the administrative intervention Monetary policy needs to react flexibly to the macroeconomic governance and the volatility of the world market The Department of Trade Promotion soon promotes the national branding program, assisting enterprises in building and developing the brand, creating favorable conditions for enterprises to widely advertise their image 3.4.2 Administrative reform Administrative procedures are one of the barriers to development in both business efficiency and corporate culture Building corporate culture requires a strongly reformed administrative environment that is democratic, professional and transparent This is not only an urgent need for business operations but also a government mandate to improve the business environment and attract investment The goal of the administrative reform is to create favorable conditions for enterprises to conduct business activities, reduce time costs and eliminate the pressure on state management of enterprises Reorganize the management apparatus, improve the state administrative policy system, reform staff, implement justice, integrity, honesty and innovation are the main solutions for the administrative reform 3.4.3 Enhance the leadership of the Party, and management effectiveness of the Government Orientation and leadership of the Party and the management of the State are extremely important to the development of the economy in general and business culture in particular The role of the Party is reflected in the direction of politics and business ethic The Government manages in the direction of increasing the initiative of enterprises, supporting the development of business and corporate culture according to the legal system Tightness in state management aims to ensure a fair business environment, respect the law, and operate a market-oriented economy Modernizing the management mechanism to eliminate discrimination between state-owned and private enterprises, eliminating monopolies in the vast majority of industries It is from the incentives and discrimination against SOEs, many businesses in general and banks in particular also affected the construction of corporate culture according to their wishes In other words, maintaining an inequitable market will undermine corporate culture value 69 CONCLUSION In the context of international economic integration increasingly, commercial banks need to build a suitable and effective corporate culture with this trend The joining of international corporations has created both opportunities and challenges with the process of building a corporate culture of enterprise in Vietnam and VPBank, in particular Corporate culture is the harmony of values, ethical standards, business philosophy and core values of the business In the process of development, every business must strive to build core values, thereby developing a corporate culture to build an image and brand value, encourage creativity and efforts of employees Therefore, building corporate culture is considered as an effective solution for sustainable business Recognizing the importance of corporate culture for businesses in general and VPBank in particular, the author conducted in-depth studies of VPBank 's culture with the main results as follows: Systematization of theories of corporate culture, corporate culture models have been studied in the world Research on corporate culture at VPBank, the elements of corporate culture and identity the VPBank’s corporate culture model Suggest solutions and recommendations to improve corporate culture VPBank Due to the limitation in research skills as well as experiences in this complex and new field, the thesis certainly has some restriction The author expects to receive instruction and contribute comments from researchers, teachers, and administrators to improve the quality of the research 70 REFERENCES Anh, Nguyen Hoang (2004), Solutions to build Vietnamese corporate culture in 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APPENDIX Phiếu câu hỏi khảo sát Chào Quý Đồng nghiệp! Tên ……… , tơi cơng tác Phịng… Cơng ty tiến hành nghiên cứu đánh giá văn hóa doanh nghiệp Cơng ty nay, nhằm mục đích phụ vụ công tác quản lý điều hành Công ty giúp tơi có sở liệu để thực luận văn thạc sĩ Khoa Quản trị Kinh doanh (HSB) – Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội Hi vọng rằng, Quý Đồng nghiệp dành thời gian trả lời giúp nội dung ghi phiếu khảo sát này, để thu thập liệu nghiên cứu cần thiết Xin chân thành cảm ơn! Phần 1: Câu hỏi thông tin cá nhân Họ tên: Nơi làm việc: Vị trí cơng tác: Phần 2: Câu hỏi khảo sát văn hóa doanh nghiệp Cơng ty Câu 1: Anh/Chị vui lịng lựa chọn phương án theo thang điểm từ 1-5 theo mức độ từ thấp đến cao cho tiêu chí đưa Nhóm Tiêu mục giá trị Các giá trị văn hóa hữu hình Slogan Logo Bài hát Ấn phẩm Lễ nghi, lễ hội Văn hóa, văn nghệ Hoạt động Hoạt động từ thiện Đồng phục 73 Thẻ nhân viên Kiến trúc nhà máy Các giá trị tuyên bố Câu truyện, giai thoại Ngơn ngữ giao tiếp Tầm nhìn, sứ mệnh Các giá trị cốt lõi Triết lý kinh doanh Bộ quy tắc ứng xử Làm việc tận tâm Chia sẻ thông tin Tự hào cơng việc Câu 2: Anh/Chị vui lịng cân nhắc lựa chọn đánh giá theo thang điểm 100 mơ hình văn hóa liệt kê Loại hình văn hóa Văn hóa gia đình Văn hóa sáng tạo Văn hóa thị trường Văn hóa thứ bậc Tổng ****Ghi chú: Mơ hình văn hóa gia đình (Clan): Đặc điểm trội: thiên cá nhân, giống gia đình Tổ chức lãnh đạo: ủng hộ, tạo điều kiện bồi dưỡng nhân viên, người cố vấn đầy kinh nghiệm nhân viên Quản lý nhân viên: dựa trí tham gia làm việc theo nhóm Chất keo kết dính tổ chức: trung thành tin tưởng lẫn Chiến lược nhấn mạnh: phát triển người, tín nhiệm cao Tiêu chí thành cơng: phát triển nguồn nhân lực, quan tâm lẫn làm việc theo nhóm 74 Mơ hình văn hóa sáng tạo (Adhocracy): Đặc điểm trội: linh hoạt với thị trường, chấp nhận rủi ro Tổ chức lãnh đạo: sáng tạo, mạo hiểm, nhìn xa trơng rộng Quản lý nhân viên: cá nhân chấp nhận rủi ro, đổi mới, tự độc đáo Chất keo kết dính tổ chức: cam kết đổi phát triển Chiến lược nhấn mạnh: tiếp thu nguồn lực, tạo thách thức Tiêu chí thành công: sản phẩm dịch vụ độc đáo mẻ Mơ hình văn hóa thị trường (Market): Đặc điểm trội: cạnh tranh theo hướng thành tích Tổ chức lãnh đạo: tích cực, phong cách quản lý định hướng theo kết Quản lý nhân viên: dựa lực thành công thành tích Chất keo kết dính tổ chức: tập trung vào thành mục tiêu hoàn thành Chiến lược nhấn mạnh: cạnh tranh chiến thắng Tiêu chí thành cơng: chiến thắng thị trường, tăng khoảng cách đối thủ Mơ hình văn hóa cấp bậc (Hierarchy): Đặc điểm trội: cấu trúc kiểm soát Tổ chức lãnh đạo: phối hợp, tổ chức theo định hướng hiệu Quản lý nhân viên: bảo mật, tuân thủ quy định tổ chức quản lý ban lãnh đạo Chất keo kết dính tổ chức: sách quy tắc tổ chức Chiến lược nhấn mạnh: thường xuyên ổn định Tiêu chí thành cơng: tin cậy, hiệu quả, chi phí thấp Xin cảm ơn Anh/Chị dành thời gian cho vấn này! 75 ... TRỊ VÀ KINH DOANH - TRỊNH TRỌNG THỦY IMPROVING CORPORATE CULTURE AT VIETNAM PROSPERTIRY BANK HỒN THIỆN VĂN HĨA DOANH NGHIỆP TẠI NGÂN HÀNG VPBANK Chuyên ngành: Quản trị kinh doanh Mã số:... studies on building corporate culture, quite a few studies on corporate culture in the banking sector, especially in VPBank So, the research on ? ?Corporate culture at Vietnam Prosperity Bank? ?? is practical... Chapter 1: Corporate culture theory and corporate culture model Chapter 2: Actual status of corporate culture of Vietnam Prosperity Bank Chapter 3: Proposed solution to improve the corporate culture

Ngày đăng: 27/10/2020, 20:04



