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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING HANOI NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION NGUYEN DUC TRUNG MANAGEMENT OF UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION IN THE CURRENT PERIOD OF HIGHER EDUCATION INNOVATION Specialty: Education management Code: SUMMARY OF PhD THESIS IN EDUCATION SCIENCE HANOI - 2020 THE PROJECT IS COMPLETED AT HANOI NATIONAL UNIVERSTITY OF EDUCATION SCIENTIFIC SUPERVISORS: Prof Sc.D Thai Duy Tuyen Assoc Prof Dr Nguyen Thanh Vinh Reviewer 1: Reviewer 2: Reviewer 3: The thesis is defended at the PhD Thesis Examination Council of Hanoi National University of Education At: Date: ……/…… /2020 The thesis can be found at: - National library of Vietnam; - Center of Information and Library of Hanoi National University of Education INTRODUCTION Rationale 1.1 Globalization and international integration in education have become an indispensable trend of countries around the world Facing the requirements for highly qualified human resources to serve the cause of national industrialization and modernization and international integration, the shift of human resources, the national educationhas many significant opportunities and challenges; Education, especially higher education, is requested to be strongly innovated in many aspects, including undergraduate admission.Admission is one of the important factors in the training process, which directly affects the training quality in schools Futhermore,admission is a quite sensitive issue; Always under the attention andobservation of society The quality of undergraduate admission depends on many subjective and objective factors, in which the most direct factor is the management of the State management levelsfor admission of the Ministry of Education and Training, Department of Education and Training, the management of the schools for admission of higher education institutions across the country It can be affirmed that the improvementof undergraduate admission management quality will enhance the quality and ensure the objectivity, honesty, safety and fairness of undergraduate admission 1.2 In recent years, the admissionpractice in our country has been constantly revised and supplemented in accordance with the purpose of admission of universities across the country in order to select the most worthy and suitable candidates However, due to many objective and subjective reasons, the undergraduate admission has not met the expectations of the universities and the whole society, has not solved the problem of streaming, career counseling and orientation for candidates in information supply, selection of suitable schools and majors, etc.Admission practice and management of undergraduate admission of our country raises the issue to which the comprehensive theoretical and practical studies should be implemented as a scientific basis to take solutions for admission management at higher education institutions in the new period towards the improvement ofundergraduate admission quality in Vietnam 1.3 In the field of higher education management, there have been many studies at doctoral thesis level on management of activities at higher education institutions such as training management, teaching management, studymanagement, managment of extracurricular activities for students, management of examination and evaluation of students' academic results, management of university lecturers, etc, however, the studies on the management of undergraduate admission at higher education institutions in a complete and systematic manner, especially in the current period of higher education innovationhave not been conducted.Therefore, the selection of the topic: "Management of undergraduate admission in the current period of higher education innovation" as a doctoral thesis for specialty of education management is the right choice The thesis identifies new points and gaps in the study on the management of higher education and brings practical value with the desire to contribute a small portion to the admission in the form of formal education although the PhD studentgets a clear awareness of the difficulties in the studyon undergraduate admission in the current period- the period of higher education innovationacross the country Purpose of the study Based on theoretical and practical studies on the management of undergraduate admission at higher education institutions, the thesis proposes the solutionsfor admission management in the current period of education innovation in order to improve the quality of undergraduate admission for satisfying the human resources for society Object and subject of the study - Object: Admissionat higher education institutions in the current period of higher education innovation - Subject: Management of undergraduate admission at Vietnam higher education institutions in the current period of higher education innovation Scientific hypothesis In recent years, the management of higher education has been renovated and gradually improved to enhance the admission quality The admission management at higher education institutions still faces the limitations in admission planning, organization of admission activities and especially inspection and evaluation of the admission, etc Where the solutions for admission management are implemented, it is necessary to: Organize to raise awareness of the importance of undergraduate admission innovation in the period of higher education innovation, fostering enforcement capacity for managers and lecturers in charge of admission, etc in order to improve the quality of undergraduate admission at higher education institutions in the current period Tasks of the study - Establishing a theoretical basis for undergraduate admission and management of undergraduate admission at Vietnam higher education institutions in the current period of higher education innovation - Surveying and assessing the current situationof undergraduate admission and management of undergraduate admission at Vietnam higher education institutions in the current period of higher education innovation - Proposing solutions for management of undergraduate admission at Vietnam higher education institutions in the current period of higher education innovation - Testing the necessity and feasibility of solutions formanagement of undergraduate admission at Vietnam higher education institutions in the current period of higher education innovation - Testing to affirm the efficiency of the solution "Organizing to foster the admission enforcement capacity for managers and lecturers to meet the admission requirements in the period of higher education innovation" for improvement of the quality of undergraduate admission Limitations of the study - The thesis studies the undergraduate admission management in the complex approach: Management function approach and process approach, in which the management function approach is fundamental and runs throughout the thesis - Management subject: The thesis limits the study on the undergraduate admission management at Vietnam higher education institutions in which the subject identified as the leaders of higher education institutions State management of the Ministry of Education and Training plays a leading role; the management of Departments of Education and Training of provinces plays the role of the coordinators of undergraduate admission management - Higher education institutions in the thesis are limited to the universities, institutes, and academies of science in charge of training at higher education level - Limitations of studied locations: North: Universities in Hanoi City; Central region: Universities in Danang; South: Universities in Ho Chi Minh City - Limited time: Duration of source data collection: from 2002 to present; Survey duration :2018-2019 Approach and study methods 7.1 Approach in the study of thesis topic: systematic approach; process approach; functional approach; practical approach 7.2 Study methods:theoretical study method; practical study methods; Data processing method Defended points Point 1.Undergraduate admission in the current period of education innovation has its own characteristics, affected by the changes of economy, culture, politics, society, education and international integration A good understanding of typical characteristics of undergraduate admission in the current period will be the basis to take the suitable management solutions for improvement of the quality of undergraduate admission in the current period of education innovation Point Facing the requirements for higher education innovation, the management of undergraduate admission at higher education institutions has shortcomings in admission planning, organization of admission activities, admission inspection and evaluation etc, leading to a decrease in the quality of undergraduate admission, specifically, the admission has not been objectively implemented and the right selection of candidates to enter Vietnam universities have not been made Point3.Organizing the implementation of solutions for management of undergraduate admission under a coordinated approach, in accordance with legal basis, requirements of current education innovation and the reality of higher education institutions will improve the quality of undergraduate admission in Vietnam higher education institutions New contributions of the thesis 9.1 In terms of theory: The thesis establishes and completes the theoretical basis for undergraduate admission and management of undergraduate admission in the current period of higher education innovation, makes theoretical contributions to a rarely studied field in management of higher education in Vietnam 9.2 In terms of practical meaning: The thesis discovers and assesses the current situation of undergraduate admission and management of undergraduate admission at Vietnam higher education institutions in the current period of higher education innovation; In addition, the thesis proposes and affirms the urgency, feasibility and efficiency of management solutions to improve the quality of undergraduate admission at Vietnam higher education institutions in the current period of higher education innovation; The thesis can be used as a reference for study and application into the reality of undergraduate admission management in the coming years 10 Structure of the thesis In addition to the introduction, conclusion, recommendations, references and appendices, the thesis includes chapters Chapter 1: Rationale for management of undergraduate admission in the current period of higher education innovation Chapter 2: Practical basis of undergraduate admission management in the period of higher education innovation in Vietnam Chapter 3: Solutions for management of undergraduate admission in the current period of higher education innovation Chapter RATIONALE FOR MANAGEMENT OF UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION IN THE CURRENT PERIOD OF HIGHER EDUCATION INNOVATION 1.1 Overview of the study 1.1.1 Studies on undergraduate admission Undergraduate admission means selecting learners in line with the profession of society in order to create the high-quality human resources for society towards the social development, therefore, there are many admission opinions of feudal kings such as Le Thanh Tong (1434), Le Hien Tong (1499), King Minh Menh (1822), etc and study works of scientists in the world and Vietnam such as: Vannevar Bush - Frank T Rhodes (2006),Dr Jim Black, (2008), Helms, R M (2008), Ngo Kim Khôi (2014),Nguyen Quang Thang (2005),Nguyen Thi Binh (2003), Ngo Bao Chau - Pierre Darriulat, Cao Xuan Thuan - Hoang Tuy (2011), Nguyen Xuan Xanh Pham Xuan Yem, Ngo Viet Trung - Vu Quang Viet (2011), related to the theoretical and practical issues of undergraduate admission in different periods of the country 1.1.2 Studies on the management of undergraduate admission There are studies on management of undergraduate admission in the form of scientific documents, scientific topics, scientific articles, etc of the scientists and groups of scientists such as: James F Gyure, (2003), Dr Jim Black, (2008) Paul M OrehovecBarbara Lauren, PH.D.,J.D, (2008), Bontrager, Bob, (2004), Ho Canh Hanh (2013), Ngo Xuan Binh (2015), Dang Viet Xo (2016), Do Thi Thanh Toan (2019), etc The studies focuses on theoretical issues of undergraduate admission management and specifically detects the current situation, proposes management solutions for improvement of the quality of undergraduate admission in the current higher education innovation 1.1.3 Assessment of previous studies and determination of the thesis’s contents a) Theoretical and practical studies for proposing management solutions to improve the quality of undergraduate admission in the current period of higher education innovation have not been implemented in an adequate and comprehensive manner This is an open-question to be further studied to satisfy the needs for undergraduate admission at higher education institutions in the context of innovation, integration and competition b) Determination of the thesis’s contents: Establishing theoretical and practical bases and proposing solutions for management of undergraduate admission at higher education institutions in the current period of higher education innovation 1.2 Current higher education innovation and the requirements for undergraduate admission and management of undergraduate admission 1.2.1 Higher education innovation a) Higher education: Higher education is a form of educational organization for high school graduates at training levels: college, university, master's degrees or doctorates b) Higher education innovation: In Vietnam, in domestic and international context, Vietnam higher education has a comprehensive fundamental innovation reflected in the direction of higher education innovation up to 2020, the common and specific goals; solutions for higher education innovation in the current period: 1) Connecting higher education innovation with the socio-economic development strategy; 2) Modernizing the higher education system; 3) Creating obvious changes through breakthroughs; 4) Innovating the thinking and mechanisms of management; 5) Higher education innovation is the cause of the whole people under the Party’s leadership 1.2.2 Requirements for innovation and management of undergraduate admission at higher education institutions The undergraduate admission must ensure systematization, long-term vision, consistence with each type of subjects and levels of education; The undergraduate admission is requested to satisfy the objectives, training programs, qualifications, occupational skills, examination and assessment, outcome standards, educational and training quality accreditation standards, standardization of teachers, managers, management mechanisms, facilities and other conditions to ensure practicality, efficiency and uniformity of admission task and admission management, etc 1.3 Theory of undergraduate admission at higher education institutions in higher education innovation 1.3.1 Concept of undergraduate admission: The undergraduate admission at higher education institutions in the current period of higher education innovation means the selection of students to study at university level in a certain filed of study at higher education institutions based on the regulations approved and recognized by the competent authorities in order to satisfy requirements for the current higher education innovation 1.3.2 Subjects of undergraduate admission: Regulations on admission of higher education level (Enclosed with the Circular No 09/2020/TT-BGDDT dated May 7th, 2020 by the Minister of Education and Training) 1.3.3 Methods and forms of undergraduate admission: The undergraduate admission methods include the basic methods and forms: entrance examination, selection and combination of examination and selection 1.3.4 Principles of undergraduate admission in the current period of higher education innovation: Ensuring quality; objectivity, seriousness, science; openness, democracy, fairness; autonomy of higher education institutions consistency, uniformity, inheritance and practicality 1.3.5 Process of undergraduate admission: Establishing admission criteria; The autonomous higher education institution shall determine the admission criteria, and be responsible for announcing the admission criteria; The Minister of Education and Training stipulates the determination of admission criteria and promulgates admission regulations; admission preparation, admission organization; admission summary 1.3.6 The conditions to ensure the admission organization: For quality, safety and objectivity of admission organization, there are many conditions related to legal corridors, facilities as well as mental and mental conditions of the forces involved in undergraduate admission and management 1.4 Management of higher education admission in the current period of higher education innovation 1.4.1 Concept of management of higher education admission at higher education institutions Management of higher education admission at higher education institutions is the directional impact of higher education institution leaders on admission activities and joining forces through planning, organization, direction and inspection of implementation of admission plan to achieve the goals of undergraduate admission for selection of good students 1.4.2 Management decentralization in undergraduate admission in the current period of higher education innovation Management of undergraduate admission includes: Ministry of Education and Training plays a role of State guidance on undergraduate admission; The Departments of Education and Training in the localities and higher education institutions play a role of implementing the Ministry's guidance on undergraduate admission at higher education institutions (universities, research institutes, academy of sciences) 1.4.3 Contents of undergraduate admission management at higher education institutions in the current period of higher education innovation admission planning In order to make plans for undergraduate admission in the current period of higher education innovation, the higher education institutions should implement the following tasks: 1) Studying legal documents on admission of Ministry of education and Training approved by the State; 2) Analyzing and assessing the current situation of admission activityover the past time; 3) Determining the objectives of admission, contents of admission process and methods (examination, selection, combination of examination and selection) at higher education institutions, etc Personnel organization for implementation of the plan of undergraduate admission at higher education institutions Personnel organization for undergraduate admission: Establishing a Council of university entrance examination at higher education institutions: Establishing professional department for examination/admission; Implementing the mechanism of close coordination in the admission between higher education institutions and the Ministry of Education and Training and localities; Specific determination of the departments and their participation level in undergraduate admission at higher education institutions; Specific determination of admission functions and tasks of the units inside and outside the higher education institutions, etc Direction and control of admission at higher education institutions Directing admission at higher education institutions in the current period of higher education innovation is expressed by management tasks: Receiving legal documents, admission direction of Ministry of Education and Training; Making admission decisions; Organizing the admission according to the process of higher education admission; Encouraging units, officers and employees inside and outside the schools to implement the admission in an effective and responsible manner, etc Inspection and evaluation of admission implementation at higher education institutions In the process of inspection and supervision of admission plans implementation, the higher education institutions should: Identify criteria to inspect and evaluate the implementation of admission plans; Organize the inspection and evaluation of admission; Detect errors and unsuitable aspects during the implementation of admission plan; Adjust the implementation of 11 the localities, will contribute to the success of undergraduate admission Therefore, the higher education institutions should well establish the abovementioned relationships in order to bring positive impacts on the universities' training in general and undergraduate admission in particular Higher education institution and social needs: In the current innovation period of the country as well as the world, especially in the labor market mechanism of supply - demand, competition, value, etc, the undergraduate admission is greatly affected by social needs and labor markets The undergraduate admission in the current period must satisfy the labor market The influence of social needs and labor market is very obvious in the whole process of training and admission at higher education institutions CONCLUSION OF CHAPTER By analysis of international and domestic documents, the thesis identifies the issue to be studied - management of undergraduate admission at Vietnam higher education institutions in the current period of higher education innovation The thesis clarifies the theoretical issues about undergraduate admission, management of undergraduate admission and the factors affecting management of undergraduate admission at Vietnam higher education institutions in the innovation period The theoretical framework is identified as a scientific basis for surveying the practice of undergraduate admission management at Vietnam higher education institutions Chapter PRACTICAL BASIS OF UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION MANAGEMENT IN THE PERIOD OF HIGHER EDUCATION INNOVATION IN VIETNAM 2.1 Overview of the undergraduate admission process in Vietnam Undergraduate admission in Vietnam is a process of passing through different periods in the history of national education: The period after peace resoration (1954 to 1969); The period from 1970 to 1979; The period from 1980 to 1990; The period from 1991 to 2001; The period from 2002 to 2014; The period from 2014 - 2017 There were changes, from basing on the results of academic records of students for admission instead of organizing the separate entrance exams to the innovation for high school graduation examination and university, college admissionsin which the core content is to organize the National High School Exam to get the results for evaluation and recognition of High School qualification, and provide data for higher education institutions to implement university and college admission 12 2.2 Organizing a survey on current situation of undergraduate admission management in the context of Vietnam's higher education innovation 2.2.1 Survey purpose: To establish a practical basis to provide solutions for undergraduate admission managementat higher education institutions in order to improve the quality of admission task and the quality of human resources for the country 2.2.2 Survey contents: Survey and evaluation of current situation of undergraduate admission; management of undergraduate admission at higher education institutions; evaluation of impact level of the factors on the management of undergraduate admission at higher education institutions in Vietnam today; evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of undergraduate admission and management of undergraduate admission in Vietnam’s universities in the current context of higher education innovation 2.2.3 Survey method: The thesis uses a combination of the following basic scientific research methods: Investigation by questionnaires; Interview and study on activities; Data processing methods, etc 2.2.4 Scoring method: Good, profoundly influential (4 points); Fair, greatly influential (3 points); Average, insignificantly influential (2 points); Weak, uninfluential (1 points) Evaluation standard: Level (3.25  4), level (2.50 3.24), level (1.75 2.49), level (< 1.75) 2.2.5 Standards and criteria for evaluation of undergraduate admission management: Based on standards and 26 criteria: planning for undergraduate admission (7 criteria); Personnel organization for undergraduate admission (7 criteria); Guiding undergraduate admission (7 criteria); Inspection of implementation of undergraduate admission plans at higher education institutions (5 criteria) 2.2.6 Sample and location of survey:766 evaluation forms from: 75 managers, specialists of the units in Ministry of Education and Training, the offices of Departments of Education and Training; 528 managers and lecturers of universities; 163 parents, students, and social forces Location of survey: Ministry of Education and Training, Departments of Education and Training, higher education institutions in the North, Central Region and South of the country 2.2.7 Survey durationFrom May 2018 to June 2019 2.3 Current situation of undergraduate admission in Vietnam’s universities in the period of higher education innovation (2015 - 2019) 13 Table Current situation of undergraduate admission in Vietnam’s universities in the period of higher education innovation NO Contents Good Amount % Fair Amount Levels Average % Amount % Preparation for undergraduate 267 34.81 292 38.09 173 22.56 admission Organizing implementation 280 36.56 282 36.79 177 23.09 of undergraduate admission Conditionsto guaranteefor 287 37.51 278 36.34 171 22.28 undergraduate admission Average 278 36.29 284 37.07 173 22.64 Weak Amount ̅ Level % 35 4.52 3.03 Fairly good 27 3.54 3.06 Fairly good 30 3.87 3.07 Fairly good 31 3.97 3.05 Fairly good Managers at all levels and lecturers of higher education institutions evaluate the undergraduate admission at higher education institutions at a fairly good level: ̅ =3.05 (min=1, max=4) Level of implementation of undergraduate admission: 1- Conditions to guarantee for undergraduate admission (3.07); 2-Organizing implementation of undergraduate admission (3.06);3-Preparation for undergraduate admission(3.03) 2.3.4 Current situation of advantages and disadvantages when organizing undergraduate admission at universities Advantages: The level of advantages is very high, ranging from 74.28% to 83.94%, including basic advantages such as: Dissemination and propaganda of guidelines and policies on admission of the Ministry of Education and Training: 83.94% of ideas; Written instructions and guidance documents of Ministry of Education and Training are sufficient, clear and transparent for higher education institutions to easily implement: 81.07%;Disadvantages: The level of disadvantages through the survey ranges from 71.15% to 83.94% The basic disadvantages include: Expenses for admission implementation have not fully met the job contents: 83.94% of ideas; Propaganda, brand promotion and ineffective admission counseling are ineffective and expensive: 79.50% of ideas 2.4 Current situation of undergraduate admission management at Vietnam higher education institutions in the period of higher education innovation 14 Tablet 2.19.Summary of contents of undergraduate admission management at higher education institutions Level NO Contents Good Amount Planning undergraduate admission Organizing the resources for undergraduate admission Directing undergraduate admission Inspecting implementation of undergraduate admission Average % Fair Amount % Average Amount Weak % Amount ̅ Level % Fairly good 279 36.42 283 36.94 175 22.85 29 3.79 3.06 251 32.79 270 35.25 204 26.69 40 5.28 2.95 Fair 274 35.77 309 40.30 152 19.84 31 4.08 3.08 Fairly good 290 37.91 254 33.21 190 24.75 32 4.13 3.05 Fairly good 274 35.72 279 36.43 180 23.53 33 4.32 3.04 Fairly good The management of undergraduate admissionat higher education institutions is assessed by the participants in the survey at failry good level:̅= 3.04 (min=1, max=4) The level of implementation of the admission management contents is assessed according to the implementation order: 1- Directing undergraduate admission ( ̅ =3.08 – fairly good level); 2- Planning the undergraduate admission (̅=3.06, fairly good level); 3- Inspecting the implementation of undergraduate admissionplan ( ̅ =3.05, fairly good level); 4- Organizing resources for undergraduate admission (̅=2.95, fairly good level), etc X 3.10 3.05 3.00 2.95 2.90 2.85 3.08 3.06 3.05 2.95 Planning- Organizing resources- Directing- Inspecting Chart 2.1 Summary of the contents of undergraduate admission management at higher education institutions 15 2.5 Current situation of impact levels of the factors on the management of undergraduate admission at higher education institutions Table 2.22.Summary of impact levels of the factors on the management of undergraduate admission No Factors Objective factor Subject factor Average Profound influence Level Great Littele influence influence No influence Amount % Amount % Amount % Amount 364 47.49 297 39.0 84 10.92 22 439 57.28 221 29.0 87 11.31 20 402 52.40 259 34.00 86 11.10 21 ̅ Level % Profound Profo2.61 3.41 und Profo2.71 3.36 und 2.80 3.31 Overally, the influence level of the objective and subjective factors on the management of undergraduate admission at higher education institutionsis profound, ̅ = 3.36 (min=1, max=4).The influence level of subjective factors is greater than that of objective factors, with the average points: ̅= 3.41 and 3.31, difference X= 0.10 2.6 International experience on admission and management of undergraduate admission and lessons for Vietnam By analysis of experiences on undergraduate admission and management of undergraduate admission in the United States, Australia, Japan, China, etc, many experiences in management of undergraduate admission at higher education institutions such as management of setting exams, examination organization, evaluation, and calling for successful candidates to the university Lessons from international experience will be a practical basis to propose management solutions for improvement of the quality of undergraduate admission at Vietnam higher education institutions in the current period of higher education innovation 2.7 General evaluation of current situation of undergraduate admission and management of undergraduate admission in the current context of higher education innovation 2.7.1 Strengths:Reducing stress and costs for candidates, family and society; Creating a good effect on the candidates' selection of school or career; Contributing to improving the quality of school selection; Ensuring the priority policy in admission, balancing the social class structure among students; Creating a good effect on teaching and learning in high schools and examination regulations 16 2.7.2 Shortcomings: The direction of undergraduate admissionsometimes has shortcomings in some examination locations, as a result, there are troubles in organizing the admission; the application of regulations is sometimes rigid; The separation between State management and administrative activities in educational and training institutions is unclear The coordination between State agencies, social organizations and families is loose, etc CONCLUSION OF CHAPTER Through the survey results and analysis of 766 ideas of managers at all levels, lecturers and social forces, the thesis discovers the current situation of undergraduate admission, management of undergraduate admissionand the influence level of subjective and objective factors on management of undergraduate admissionin Vietnam higher educationin the current period of higher education innovation Chapter3 SOLUTIONS FOR MANAGEMENT OF UNDERGRADUATE ADMISSION IN THE PERIOD OF VIETNAM HIGHER EDUCATIONINNOVATION 3.1 Principles of proposing solutions for management of undergraduate admission in Vietnam in the current period of higher education innovation: ensuring the legality; systematization; inheritance; practicality 3.2 Solutions for management of undergraduate admission in the period of Vietnam higher education innovation 3.2.1 Organizing to raise awareness for human resources in charge of undergraduate admission to satisfy the quality requirements of higher education The purpose of the solution is to raise awareness for managers, lecturers, etc about the importance, position, and role of innovation of undergraduate admission in the current period so that the managers and lecturers have a basis of theory and awareness to form the right attitude on current undergraduate admission and fully implement contents in compliance with the State’s regulations of undergraduate admission 3.2.2 Organizing to foster enforcement capacity for university managers and lecturers to satisfy the requirements for admission in the period of higher education innovation Managers, lecturers and staff are the forces that directly participate in undergraduate admission at higher education institutions The efficiency and quality of undergraduate admission depends on such human resource 17 Therefore, fostering to improve admission enforcement capacity for managers, lecturers and staff will directly improve the quality of undergraduate admission at higher education institutions and the country in the current period of higher education innovation 3.2.3 Directing undergraduate admission to ensure the admission innovation process in the current period of higher education innovation Undergraduate admission has many innovations in the current period of admission education innovation The purpose of the measure is to direct undergraduate admission at higher education institutions in accordance with the new admission process in consistence with the reality in order to ensure admission quality in the current period of higher education innovation 3.2.4 Directing to strengthen the application of information technology to ensure the quality of undergraduate admission in the current period of higher education innovation Higher education innovation poses many problems for the admission task and will be solved in an effective and quick manner by using information technology in admission and management of admission The purpose of the solution is to promote the use of information technology in the whole process of undergraduate admission to ensure the quality of admission at higher education institutions 3.2.5 Inspection and supervision of the admission process according to the requirements of higher education innovation The purpose of inspection and supervision of undergraduate admission at higher education institutions is to supervise and evaluate the efficiency of admission management contents, the planning, organization and direction of the admission process so that the enforcement of admission achieves the goal of improving the quality of undergraduate admission, satisfying the current higher education innovation 3.3 The relationship between solutions for management of undergraduate admission in the context of Vietnam higher education innovation The thesis proposes solutions for management of undergraduate admission in the period of higher education innovation: a) Each admission management solution has its own purpose in the proposed solutions system, therefore, it is necessary to use the solution for the right purpose; b) The proposed admission management solutions have their own application conditions, therefore, when applying the solutions, it is necessary to take specific considerations and take account of specific circumstances and conditions of each higher education institution in order to achieve the efficiency; c) The solutions for management of undergraduate admission 18 have a mutual and interactive relationship in the system of solutions, therefore, when applying and using the management solutions, it is necessary to consistently implement in order to create aggregate strength towards the quality and efficiency of undergraduate admission at higher education institutions 3.4 Testing the necessity and feasibility of solutions for undergraduate admission management in the period of Vietnam higher education innovation 3.4.1 Purposes The test aims to confirm the necessity and feasibility of the solutions for undergraduate admission management in the period of Vietnam higher education innovation proposed in the thesis 3.4.2 Testing method, scoring method and evaluation standard The testing methods include questionnaires, expert method, interview, mathematics and statistics, etc to test the scientific value of solutions for undergraduate admission management in the context of higher education innovation Evaluation criteria and scoring method: Very necessary, very feasible (4 points); Necessary, feasible (3 points); Slightly necessary, slightly feasible (2 points); Unnecessary, infeasible (1 point) Evaluation standard: Level (3.25  4), level (2.50 3.24), level (1.752.49), level (< 1.75) 3.4.3 Testing location and sample: 389 managers and experts of units under the Ministry of Education and Training, Departments of Education and Training; Managers and lecturers of higher education institutions under the Ministry of Education and Training, Department of Education and Training and universities in Hanoi, Da Nang and Ho Chi Minh Cities 3.4.4 The results of testing solutions for management of undergraduate admission in the period of Vietnam higher education innovation Table 3.5 The relationship between the necessity and feasibility of solutions for management of undergraduate admission in the period of Vietnam higher education innovation Necessity Feasibility NO Management solutions ̅ Level ̅ Level Organizing to raise awareness for human resources in charge of admission about 3.69 3.69 undergraduate admission innovation to satisfy the quality requirements of higher education 19 NO Management solutions Necessity Feasibility ̅ Level ̅ Level Organizing to foster enforcement capacity for university managers and lecturers to meet the 3.66 3.64 requirements for admission in the period of higher education innovation Directing undergraduate admission to ensure the admission innovation process in the current 3.64 3.66 period of higher education innovation Directing to strengthen the application of information technology to ensure the quality of 3.60 3.56 undergraduate admission in the current period of higher education innovation Inspection and supervision of the admission process according to the requirements of higher 3.56 3.60 education innovation Grade point average 3.63 3.53 Managers and lecturers of higher education institutions affirm the high necessity and feasibility of the solutions for management of undergraduate admission proposed in the thesis In order to affirm the relationship between the necessity and feasibility of the solutions for management of undergraduate admission in the current context of higher education innovation, the thesis uses the hierarchical correlation formula: Spiecman r = The result r  +0,8concludes that the above correlation is positive and close, which means that regardless of awareness levels about solutions for undergraduate admission management in the current period of education innovation, such solutions always achieve suitable feasibility 3.5 Testing solutions for management of undergraduate admission in the period of Vietnam higher education innovation Name of tested solution: “Organizing to foster enforcement capacity for university managers and lecturers to meet the requirements for admission in the period of higher education innovation” 3.5.1 Basis for selection of testing solution a) The role of human resources in charge of undergraduate admission (managers, lecturers, students participating in undergraduate admission) in improving the quality of undergraduate admission b) The actual survey 20 results show that: “Organizing to foster enforcement capacity for university managers and lecturers to meet the requirements of admission in the period of higher education innovation” has the necessity = 3.66and feasibility = 3.64 at levels 2/5 and 3/5 3.5.2 Testing purposes The purpose of testing is to verify the efficiency of the solution “Organizing to foster enforcement capacity for university managers and lecturers to meet the requirements of admission in the period of higher education innovation” in improving the qualification of managers and lecturers in charge of admission, thereby, enhancing the quality of undergraduate admission in universities 3.5.3 Testing hypothesis If the management solution “Organizing to foster enforcement capacity for university managers and lecturers to meet the requirements of admission in the period of higher education innovation" is applied, the qualification of managers and lecturers in charge of admission shall be improved, which enhances the quality of undergraduate admission in universities 3.5.4 Testing sample and location Testing in the thesis is conducted by testing one group before and after testing The tested group consists of 110 managers and lecturers from Hanoi University of Industry 3.5.5 Evaluation standards and scale of the test Evaluation standards *Indicator 1: Level of knowledge mastery about admission task: 1) Getting awareness of the importance of undergraduate admission innovation; 2) Getting awareness of basic requirements of undergraduate admission; 3) Getting awareness of responsibilities of cadres and lecturers in the implementation of undergraduate admission task; 4) Getting awareness of responsibilities of candidates and community in the implementation of undergraduate admission; 5) Getting awareness of legal documents on undergraduate admission *Indicator 2: Level of achievements for the skills of admission enforcement1) Skill of independent implementation of undergraduate admission task; 2) Skills of solving problems arising during implementation of undergraduate admission task; 3) Skills of co-operating with members in 21 solving undergraduate admission task; 4) The skill of proposing measures to innovate undergraduate admission in accordance with the requirements of education innovation and reality; 5) Skills of adapting to changes in undergraduate admission innovation Rating scale - Evaluating the levels of knowledge mastery about admission tasks of managers and lecturers through the 20-question test; with points for each correct answer: Good (30-40 points); Fair (20-29 points); Average (1019 points); Weak (

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