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1 INTRODUCTION Reasons for choosing the topic Research topics on the work-family conflict have been paid special attention to researchers in the world for a long time in many different aspects and many scientific results have been published on prestigious specialized journals Studies have shown that work issues affect families, personal life and vice versa Work-family conflict can lead to positive or negative consequences for workers such as job satisfaction, poorly performance-related job roles and job abandonment (According to Rathi and Barath in 2013 Greenhaus and Beutell in 1985) However, up to now, there has not been much research to deeply examine the effects of work-family conflict on the satisfaction of highly qualified workers, especially female teachers in higher education environment Therefore, I decided to implement the thesis “The impact of work-family conflict on job satisfaction of female lecturers in universities in Vietnam” to make useful contributions theoretically and practically Research objectives The thesis aims to study the effect of work-family conflict on job satisfaction of female lecturers at universities in Vietnam Based on the research objectives and research context mentioned above, the research questions are posed as follows: (1) What is the nature of a work-family conflict of female lecturers in public universities in Vietnam? (2) How work-family conflict affect job satisfaction for female university lecturers? (3) How does the support of co-worker and the families impact on the relationship between work-family conflict and job satisfaction? Subjects and scope of the research The main research object of the thesis is the impact of work - family conflict on job satisfaction The thesis focuses on in-depth study of the nature of conflict about the role of female university lecturers (in work and in family); The impact of work-family conflict on job satisfaction (the general emotional response of individuals feeling from work) through direct impact as well as the regulatory role of support social assistance (supports for colleagues and for family) Research Methodology To achieve the objectives of the thesis, I conducted research using a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods On the basis of theory and research overview, I proposed a research model and research hypotheses, conducting surveys and testing research hypotheses New contributions of the thesis - In theory: (a) The thesis has clarified the nature of the conflict about the work roles and family roles of female university lecturers, specifically in terms of time, stain and behavior In particular, the “Time” element for female university lecturers is most evident due to the nature of the work and the role of women in Vietnamese families; (b) The thesis has described the extent and mechanism of the impact of work-family conflict on job satisfaction of female university lecturers in Vietnam through direct impact test as well as the regulatory role of social support (supports to colleagues and family) - In practice: (a) The thesis has provided suggestions for female lecturers, managers and socio-political organizations in universities to take practical measures to reduce impulses betwen the roles of work and family roles, thereby improving the job satisfaction of female lecturers, contributing to the improvement of school performance in the context of higher education innovation in Vietnam (b) The results of the study are also good references to raise the awareness of teachers, management staffs and families on the issue of conflict with the role of female teachers and their roles in the family, thereby increasing social support to help reduce conflicts and increase corresponding job satisfaction The layout of the thesis The thesis consists of seven parts: introduction, research overview, theoretical basis of work-family conflict, research methods, research results, conclusions and recommendations CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE OVERVIEW ON WORK - FAMILY CONFLICT AND WORK SATISFACTION OF FEMALE TEACHERS 1.1 Work-family conflict and influencing factors 1.1.1 Work-family conflict (WFC) Although the work-family conflict (WFC) had been built in role theory since the 1964s (Greenhaus and Beutell, 1985), the conceptualizations of work-family conflict in the middle of 1980 and now have many changes Kahn, Wolfe, Quinn, Snoek and Rosenthal in 1964 defined work-family conflict as a form of inter-role conflict, in which pressures from work roles and family roles were not compatible with each other in some aspects 1.1.2 Work to family conflict Conflicts between work and family fall into one of two structures of work-family conflict (WFC) According to Netemeyer et al (1996), work to family conflict is "a form of conflict among roles, in which general requirements, time requirements and strain in the role the job created will interfere with the fulfillment of responsibilities related to the role in the family" 1.1.3 Family to work Conflict Family to work conflict is “a form of conflict among roles in which the common requirements, the time requirements and the tension in the family roles created obstacles for fulfillment of responsibilities related to role in work” Family to work conflict can be expressed in three forms: conflicts of time, conflicts of strain and behavioral conflicts (Greenhaus and Beutell, 1985) 1.2 The relationship between work-family conflict and job satisfaction 1.2.1 Job Satisfaction Job satisfaction is also a topic that researchers have been interested in recently, especially considering the level of employee job satisfaction under the impact of workfamily conflict Socio-economic changes not only affect economic sectors but also put great pressure on the higher education system, higher education requirements in which in which directly university lecturers who equip students with new knowledge to work in new, modern fields and pressures in scientific research The socio-economic change also led to a change in the family structure and the role of women in Vietnam, including female university lecturers 1.2.2 Work-family conflict and its impact on job satisfaction The contradictions between the demands of the workers' job roles and organizational responsibilities had consistently shown negative consequences for both individuals and organizations (Aryee, 1992; Frone et al., 1992) Many employees were not willing to work long hours, they desired to reduce working time to perform family roles, anxiety, fatigue and strain stemming from the roles in work that might affect their performance of family roles in workers and vice versa (Frone et al., 1997) On the other hand, in 1987 Wiley pointed out that the greater the conflict of family roles with job roles, the greater effects of effective participation in work roles and organizational commitment would be, while Frone in 2000 argued that work-family conflict was positively associated with anxiety disorders, mood disorders and substance abuse, his results also showed a relationship between work-family conflict and anxiety disorders in men was stronger than women 1.3 The regulatory role of social support in the relationship between work-family conflict and job satisfaction 1.3.1 Social support in the relationship between work-family conflict and job satisfaction With a growing number of employees dissatisfied with their work over the past decades, academics and managers have been interested and seeked out the most effective ways to help organizations assist their employees to be more satisfied with their jobs (Kossek et al, 2011) In work-family studies, social support was defined as social awareness of caring, sharing and supporting each other at work (Taylor, 2011), Social supports from colleagues and family were seen as key elements in organizations to improve their employees' satisfaction with jobs (Adams et al., 1996; Ferguson et al., 2012) 1.3.2 The regulatory role of social support Previous research had also shown that the relationship between work-family conflict and job satisfaction was related to social support Carlson and Perrewe in 1999 suggested that social support could reduce the negative effects of work-family strain and conflict Many researchers have considered social support as influencing factors (Studies of Aryee in 1992; Carlson and Perrewe in 1999; Granrose et al in 1992; Greenhaus and Beutell in 1985; Parasuraman et al in 1996) or as a controlling intermediary (Stdies of Carlson and Perrewe in 1999; Paden and Buehler in 1995; Parasuraman et al in 1992) 1.4 Research gaps and research orientation 1.4.1 Research gaps In the context of globalization and socio-economic development, the role and position of women in society as well as in the family are gradually changing, leading to a conflict between work roles and roles of women in family Despite its importance, most studies on the issue of work-family conflict have been conducted in developed countries in the West and there has not been many researches on this issue in developing countries such as in Vietnam (Joplin et al., 2003; Hassan et al., 2010) and studies on the conflict between the work and family roles of female trainers in context of university's education and training organization in Vietnam has not studied in-depth the field of work-family conflict and the research results are not consistent 1.4.2 Research orientation From the point of view of inheriting and continuing to develop previous studies, the thesis will continue to research on work-family conflict and job satisfaction Howeverm in order to enhance the job satisfaction of female teachers, it is necessary to consider the dimensions of work-family conflict through the components of time, strain and behavior Therefore, the thesis will focus on testing the impact of work to family conflict (WIF) and family to work conflict (FIW) on job satisfaction CHAPTER 2: THEORETICAL BASIS AND RESEARCH MODEL 2.1 Theoretical basis relating to work-family conflict of female lecturers 2.1.1 Work-family conflict Work-family conflict (WFC) is a term that is often used to describe conflict between roles in work and family roles Kahn, Wolfe, Quinn, Snoek and Rosenthal in 1964 defined work-family conflict as a form of interrole conflicts, in which the pressure from work roles and family roles are not compatible in some respects Greenhaus and co-workers said that the conflict of work roles and family roles may manifest in three forms: time, strain and behavior (Greenhaus and Beutell in 1985) Work Domain Illustrative Pressures Hours Worked Flexible Working schedule Shiftwork Time Role conflict Strain Role Ambiguity Boundary-Spanning Activities Expectations for: Secretiveness and Objectivity Behavior Role Pressure Incompatibility Time devoted to one role makes it difficult to fulfill requirements of another role Strain produced by one role makes difficult to fulfill requirements of another role Behavior required in one role male it difficult to fulfill requirements of another role Family Domain Illustrative of Pressures Time Young Children Spouse Employment Large families Strain Family conflict Low Spouse Support Behavior Expectations for Warmth and Openness Hình 2.1 Work - Family Conflict Model Source: Greenhaus, J.H and Beutell, N.J (1985), page 78 2.1.2 Job satisfaction Satisfaction of work has been defined for many different areas of work Imran and associates (2014) defined job satisfaction as the general or overall emotional response of individuals who are felt from work, job satisfaction is the degree to which a person feels like their job Harter and Stone in 2011 provided a broader definition covering awareness of aspects of job satisfaction Locke in 1969 defined job satisfaction is the level of expectation that an individual in a certain job position is received from the job Job satisfaction has described as an attitude involving the extent to which people feel like or disliked their work (Spector in 1997) 2.1.3 Social Support According to Etzion in 1984, social support can be defined as an informal social network that supports individuals emotionally (e.g care), tangible (e.g financial assistance), information (e.g advice) or friendship, co-workers (e.g sympathetic), and invisible (e.g personal advice) Social support can be divided by source (organization, supervision, colleagues); by field (work, family); in the form or the different type (emotion, tool) (House and Associates in 1985) 2.2 Theoretical schools as the basis for research 2.2.1 Role Theory The concept of "role" is derived from the stage, in which the role of the individual as a role requires the actor to know by heart, learn to play the role and have the behaviors portrayed in accordance with the characters on stage The social role of an individual is that the person must take or adequately express behaviors and obligations on the basis of their positions, the individual role is one or more functions that the individual must take in advance of society In a simple way, the role is to gather everyday human activities (Lattimore and associates in 2004) As defined by Linton (in 1945 and 1995), the role is a set of rights and obligations defined by the organizational position of the individual, the role is the behavior of the position holder which is directed at meeting the expectations of others about the rights and responsibilities associated with the position The expectation of the role is defined as the pressure of an individual who is aware of the increased role responsibilities (Cooke and Rousseau, 1984) The higher the expectations of the work role lead to the higher work conflicts (Greenhaus and Beutell, 1985; Gupta and Jenkins, 1985; Piotrkowski, 1979; Pleck, 1979; Staines and associates, 1978; Voydanoff, 1987) Similarly, highly family role expectations also lead to a high level of family conflict (Bohen and Viveros-Long, 1981; Holahan and Gilbert, 1979; Keith and Schafer, 1980; Pleck and associates, 1980) According to the gender approach, a gender role is defined as a system of standard behavioral norms that have been specifically related to men and women, in a certain group or social system Caroline Moser believes that women often have to take on three roles: reproduction, production and social activities Meanwhile, men only have to take on two roles: production and social activities Males primarily focus on the performance of their production roles, and females often have to take many roles at the same time so that they regularly arrange their own needs and their families in order to be able to perform both production and social activities 2.2.2 Scarcity Theory The theory of scarcity believes that human needs and desires are infinite, while resources are finite Society cannot have enough production resources to satisfy all human needs In other words, the scarcity also makes sense that it is impossible to pursue many social goals at the same time with the same number of resources available, the trade-offs that will occur, causing this goal to conflict with other objectives 2.2.3 Conservation of resources theory-COR The theory of resource conservation describes the motivation for people to maintain the current resource and pursue new resources The fundamental principle of resource conservation theory is that people strive to achieve, preserve, protect and maintain the resources they value, such as: objects, conditions, personal characteristics, and energy Hobfoll (1989) believes that psychological strain occurs when people (a) are being threatened with loss of resources, (b) actually losing resources or (c) not reaching the original resources after investing resources 2.3 Impact of work-family conflict on job satisfaction Review studies involving work-family conflict and job satisfaction, Allen and associates, (2000) Kossek and Ozeki (1998) suggested that a more accurate understanding of the relationship between WFC and job satisfaction may be hampered by the forms that have been used to measure these two structures An issue of concern is the majority of previous studies skipped the multidimensional of WFC Because both family and work areas are required and highly expected from them, it is easy to lead to conflicts between workplace roles and family roles This can also lead to dissatisfaction in work, family role requirements that are expected to interfere with the completion of roles and responsibilities in the work and vice versa Based on this, the author proposed the following research hypothesis: Hypothesis 1: Work-family conflict (WIF) has a negative relationship with the satisfaction of the female lecturer's work; Hypothesis 2: Family-work conflict (FIW) has a negative relationship with the satisfaction of the female lecturer 2.4 The impact of social support on the relationship between work-family conflict and job satisfaction Conflict theory suggested that work-and family-related issues might not be compatible as they are determined by different norms and requirements (Zedeck and Mosier in 1990) Moreover, the theory of work-family conflict believes that when increasing role performance in a field (e.g work) leads to a concern with that role, while reducing role performance in other fields (e.g., family; Greenhaus and Beutell in 1985) Social assistance in the field of work often refers to the provision of support tools, emotional attention, information of colleagues to increase the satisfaction of the lecturer (House in 1981; Michel and associates in 2011) Social support from the field of work provides support tools and interest in workers’ emotions that alleviate time conflicts, strain and work pressures due to overloading in both job and family roles When employees can be aware of social assistance can minimize work pressure, they will lessen the sense of accountability and create positive attitude towards their work (Buonocore and Russo in 2013) In this opinion, the author analyzes the secretion of social support can reduce the negative relationship between work-family conflict and job satisfaction of the workers (Allen and associates in 2000; Shockley and Singla in 2011; Amstad and associates in 2011) From the above analysis, the author theorized the following: Hypothesis 3: The support of colleagues will reduce the negative impact of work to family conflict (WIF) to job satisfaction; Hypothesis 4: Support of the family will reduce the negative impact of work to family conflict (WIF) to job satisfaction; Hypothesis 5: Support of colleagues will reduce the negative impact of family to work conflict (FIW) to job satisfaction; Hypothesis 6: Support of the family will reduce the negative impact of family to work conflict (FIW) to job satisfaction 2.5 Research Model and Hypothesis Based on the results of the above research overview, the author suggests hypotheses and research models to have a better understanding the effects of both WIF and FIW to the job satisfaction of the female lecturers, especially in the context of university education in Vietnam According to Creswell and Associates in 2003, when studying science in the field of business, there were commonly used research methods: quantitative studies, quantitative and mixed studies (including quantitative and quantitative studies) Hình 1.5: Mơ hình nghiên cứu CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODS 3.1 Research process 3.1.1 Methods of scientific research Figure 3.1 Research process 3.2 Qualitative research 3.2.1 Qualitative research objectives I conducted qualitative research with in-depth interview method The first objective of the qualitative research through in-depth interviews was to explore and examine the perceptions of female lecturers about work-family conflict, overloading of roles in work and roles in the family which influenced on job satisfaction, thereby i could show the appropriateness of the application of role theory in the implementation of research objectives 3.2.2 Qualitative research methods To accomplish the research objectives, the author conducted many interviews with target groups: Experts group, university leadership group and female lecturer group The interviews were conducted independently at home or at the workplace of the interviewees, the interview time for each subject is about 60 minutes Interview technique is observation and hand-to-hand discussion In qualitative research, the author had designed a discussion framework of openended questions with content related to the research model and scale The content of the interviews was recorded in paper or in audio (if the interviewes were allowed by the interviewees) 3.2.3 Qualitative research results 10 The results of qualitative research through in-depth interviews in consultation with experts, department leaders and female lecturers were as follows: Relevance of role theory and scarcity theory in the study of work-family conflict: The results showed that role theory and scarcity theory were assessed as suitable theories in considering the dimensions of work-family conflict, the role of women in the family and their role at work The research model of job-family conflict was considered appropriate and was a new perspective to learn and study its impact on job satisfaction of female teachers in the university education context 3.3 Preliminary quantitative research 3.3.1 Preliminary quantitative research objectives In the preliminary quantitative research, the author conducted a research and discovery at a public university in Hanoi Discovery research at Trade Union University aimed at clarifying the current state of work-family conflict (WFC) issue of female university lecturers and its impact on job satisfaction 3.3.2 Methods of conducting preliminary quantitative research The author conducting preliminary quantitative research based on the survey of 140 managers and lecturers who had been working more than years of teaching in the content related to the research model and research hypotheses to assess the reliability of the adjusted scales and correct in qualitative research steps 3.3.3 Development scale The author based on the theoretical basis and the previously published research results related to job role conflict and family role and job satisfaction In order to develop a suitable scale for testing hypotheses based on the proposed research model, I had developed the scale according to the following steps: • Overview of research related to the research variables in the proposed research model • Conduct qualitative research through interviews and group discussions with female lecturers and experts in the field of research • Preliminary quantitative research through conducting discovery research at a university in Hanoi • Adjusting and completing the scale to serve the large-scale research process Scale for work and family roles conflict In this study, the author used a multi-dimensional scale of Carlson et al (2000) to measure work-family conflict (WFC) Each direction of WFC (WIF - work to family conflict or FIW - family to work conflict) is nested in three forms of WFC (time, strain, and behavior) Each form of 6-dimensional model consists of observed variables forming 18 observed variables in total and using a scale from to 5, from strongly disagree (1) to strongly agree (5) For example, for each form, WIF over time, "I don't have much time take care of family members because of my work" Job satisfaction scale Job satisfaction is an overall measure of how well an individual is satisfied or dissatisfied with his or her job In order to measure job satisfaction, Spector in 1997 divided two common measurement methods for Global job satisfaction and Composite job satisfaction The Hackman and Oldham evaluation questionnaire in 1975 and the Michigan organization (Cammann et al in 1979) were used to assess overall job satisfaction It included observed variables to measure general satisfaction In this study, the author used the Global Job Satisfaction Scale to measure the overall job satisfaction level of female university lecturers Social support scale The Social Assistance Scale of Caplan et al 1980 assessed three aspects: family support, supervisory support, and co-worker support Each aspect consists of observed variables forming 12 observed variables in total and using a scale from to 4, from strongly disagree (0) to strongly agree (4) In this study, the author assesses the aspect of social support that are peer support and family support as variables that regulate the relationship between work-family conflict and job satisfaction of female university lecturers 3.4 Official quantitative research 3.4.1 Designing research samples Overall sample According to statistics of the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam, there were 242 universities in 2017-2018 period The number of non-public universities is 49 (accounting for 20%), the number of public universities is 80%, which is 193 (including financial autonomous public universities) The total number of lecturers at public universities is 59,232 people In particular, female lecturers are: 29,942 people, accounting for 50.6% of the total lecturers of public universities in the country Method of sampling Official quantitative research with samples of the whole country and the purpose of this study is to clarify the conflict of work and family roles of female lecturers in public universities in Vietnam and I want to conduct research in groups of female lecturers in financial autonomous public universities and non-autonomous universities To ensure the reliability of the research data, which is representative of the whole population with the 95% confidence level and the research quality shown by the allowed tolerance level of +/- 5% as well as the requirement of the number of research samples for exploratory factor analysis (CFA) and linear structure model (SEM) Wolf et al (2013) was at least times the size of the total number of indicators in the scales The questionnaire of this study includes 35 indicators used in factor analysis Therefore, the minimum sample size to achieve is: 35 * = 175 observations 3.4.2 Questionnaire design and data collection Process of building a questionnaire The questionnaire was built in the following order: 11 12 (1) Defining the theoretical concept of variables and how to measure variables in the theoretical model based on previous studies (2) Developing a Vietnamese version of the questionnaire by translating the scales from English into Vietnamese (3) Together with native speakers who have deep expertise in the field of research to translate the Vietnamese version into English for comparison, then to edit the Vietnamese version (4) Vietnamese questionnaires are discussed and consulted by lecturers at public and private universities to evaluate and comment in order to ensure there is no misunderstanding about the language and content of questions (5) Adjusting the original questionnaire and sending it to 140 lecturers in an online and direct form to verify the reliability of the scales (6) Final modification to finalize the official questionnaire Data collection The author conducted the survey by sending the questionnaire directly (the questionnaire was sent to universities by sending paper copies by mail to a contact point at each university or distributed and retrieved via direct surveys of the author) and online to 900 lecturers working at autonomous and non-autonomous public universities in Vietnam Each university, the author asked for the opinion of 25 - 40 female lecturers 3.5 Analyzing and processing data 3.5.1 General process Based on preliminary quantitative research results, the author made some adjustments in the questionnaire and conducted official quantitative research The official questionnaire was sent to 900 female university lecturers in Vietnam via direct and online form The questionnaire after being collected would be conducted to clean the data, encoding the necessary information in the questionnaire, entering and analyzing data using SPSS software version 22 3.5.2 Data description Statistics Through the data collected from a total of 624 lecturers of 27 universities across the country, the value of inclination (Skewness) and sharpness (Kurtosis) are within the allowable limits respectively in the range +/- The minimum and maximum values of the scale are from to and the values fluctuate around the equilibrium value of 2.9 3.5.3 Evaluating reliability and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) EFA discovery factor analysis aimed to test the value of variables to assess the convergence of the scales of each factor Observed variables with load factors
Ngày đăng: 02/10/2020, 04:38
Hình 1.5
Mô hình nghiên cứu CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODS 3.1. Research process (Trang 4)
Research Model and Hypothesis (Trang 4)