Professional CoursewareMastercam X³ Mill 4/5 AxisTo order more books:Call 1 800 529 5517 orVisit orContact your Mastercam Dealer Mastercam X4 Training Tutorials – Professional Courseware Mill 4/5 AxisDate: June 15, 2009Copyright © 1984 2009 In House Solutions Inc. All rights reserved.Author: Mariana LendelISBN: 978 1 926566 34 4NoticeIn House Solutions Inc. reserves the right to make improvements to this manual at any time and withoutnotice.Disclaimer of All Warranties and LiabilityIn House Solutions Inc. makes no warranties, either express or implied, with respect to this manual orwith respect to the software described in this manual, its quality, performance, merchantability, or fitnessfor any particular purpose. In House Solutions Inc. manual is sold or licensed "as is." The entire risk as toits quality and performance is with the buyer. Should the manual prove defective following its purchase,the buyer (and not In House Solutions Inc., its distributor, or its retailer) assumes the entire cost of allnecessary servicing, repair, or correction, and any incidental or consequential damages. In no event willIn House Solutions Inc. be liable for direct, indirect, or consequential damages resulting from any defectin the manual, even if In House Solutions Inc. has been advised of the possibility of such damages. Somejurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties or liability for incidental orconsequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.CopyrightsThis manual is protected under the copyright laws of Canada and the United States. All rights arereserved. This document may not, in whole or part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated orreduced to any electronic medium or machine readable form without prior consent, in writing, from InHouse Solutions Inc.TrademarksMicrosoft, the Microsoft logo, MS, and MS DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation;Mastercam Verify is created in conjunction with Sirius Systems Corporation; Windows 95, Windows NT;and Windows XP are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. 4 AXIS TOOLPATH CREATION CONTENT4 AXIS TOOLPATHS 1Axis Substitution Roll the geometry . 2Axis Substitution Unroll the geometry . 10Using Rolldie C hook to machine with the edge of the tool . 15Axis Substitution, Rotary Axis Positioning & Transform Rotate 17Axis Substitution –Creating a Cylindrical Helix . 24Axis Substitution –Creating a Conical Helix 264 Axis Rotary Toolpath 284 Axis Rotary Toolpath –Axial dampening 30Tool Planes – Indexing about A axis . 32Tool Planes – for horizontal machining centers . 38 5 AXIS TOOLPATH CREATION CONTENTGENERIC 5 AXIS TOOLPATHS 495 Axis curve toolpath 505 Axis Drill . 745 Axis Swarf . 885 Axis Flowline 965 Axis Multisurface . 99ADVANCED MULTIAXIS TOOLPATHS . 102Projection (engraving) 102Port Machining tilting through curve 104Impeller Blade Swarf Finishing 1075 Axis Swarf . 110Advanced interface to machine fillet surfaces . 113Advanced interface to create a multi surface finish toolpath 115Advanced interface to finish the ends of the blade . 120Advanced Multiaxis gouge strategies . 125Advanced interface surface roughing . 137Advanced interface semi finish the blade in a swarf cut 139Advanced interface finish the blade in a surface finish manner 142Advanced interface finish the fillet . 147Cleaning the back of the blade– using finish scallop 151Transform – rotate to complete the entire part . 153Impeller floor surface without tilt curve . 158Impeller semi finish blade using Swarf . 162Impeller finish blade using Advanced interface . 164Transform – rotate to complete the entire part . 166GENERAL NOTES A 1 Professional Courseware Mill 4/5 Axis 5 AXIS TOOLPATH CREATIONADVANCED MULTIAXIS TOOLPATHSADVANCED MULTIAXIS TOOLPATHSAdvanced Mutiaxis provides enhanced 5 axis multisurface machining strategies. You can work withthe full interface that gives you access to all the available parameters and options. Or, you canchoose from a number of simplified interfaces that have been customized for specific applicationsand machining strategies.These toolpaths work on surfaces. Solid selection is available for most advanced multiaxis toolpathstrategies, with the following exceptions: Toolpaths that require the selection of a defined edge (solidedge) and toolpaths that require the selection of only a single surface (solid face).16. ADVANCED MULTIAXIS PROJECTION (ENGRAVING)Resources – Download the file from; x4_pc 45axismill.htmlOr C:\Training X4\ 5 axis training x\Advanced Multiaxis\5 ax_Engraving.MCXToolpathAdvanced MultiaxisSelect ProjectionCreate a taper mill 0.1 tipdiameter; angle 3 degDrive surface Select the green (30) surface.Projection curves– Select the red (12) letters (use window selection and enable color red in ColorMask)Cut tolerance = 0.01Axial shift = 0.1mmMaximum angle step = 3Page 101 Professional Courseware Mill 4/5 Axis 5 AXIS TOOLPATH CREATIONSelect the Clearnace area button and set the Plane to Z and enter a Height = 150Distances – Rapid distance = 20;Feed distance = 10Air move safety = 10Backplot the toolpathCreate an STL file and use it as stockwhen Verify.Page 102 Professional Courseware Mill 4/5 Axis 5 AXIS TOOLPATH CREATION17. ADVANCED MULTIAXIS – PORT MACHINING TILTING THROUGH CURVEPort Machining tilting through curve allows you to project the lead curve onto the drive surfaces,keeping the tool aligned so that the tool axis passes through the selected point.Resources – Download the file from; x4_pc 45axismill.htmlOr C:\Training X4\ 5 axis training x\Advanced Multiaxis\ Port 5 axis.MCXToolpathAdvanced MultiaxisSelect PortCreate a lollipop mill with a 0.5diameterPoint Select the red color point.Drive surfaces– Select the green surface.Lead curve– Select the magenta curveClearance area – set to Plane in Z Height = 6Distances – Rapid distance = 0.8;Feed distance = 0.4; Air move safety = 0.4Maximum angle step =3 degreesCut control set to Helical motionCutting area set to Full, avoid cuts at exact edges; and CwiseSurface quality set to: Cut tolerance = 0.0005; Maximum stepover = 0.05Page 103 . (ENGRAVING)Resources – Download the file from; x4 _pc 45axismill.htmlOr C:Training X4 5 axis training xAdvanced Multiaxis5. selected point.Resources – Download the file from; x4 _pc 45axismill.htmlOr C:Training X4 5 axis training xAdvanced Multiaxis Port